Milton Keynes
Universi ty Hospital
Travel Plan
2016 - 2019
Milton Keynes University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Hospital Travel Plan 2016-19 Milton Keynes University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Travel Plan 2016-19 [Draft: v3 - Wednesday, 10 February 2016] Page 1
MKC Milton Keynes Council
BUG Bicycle User Group
MSCP multi-storey car park
RATC Richard Armitage Transport Consultancy Ltd.
Trust Milton Keynes University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
TWG Transport Working Group
VED Vehicle Excise Duty
This Travel Plan has been prepared for:
John Brierley (Capital Projects)
Milton Keynes University Hospital NHS Foundation
Facilities Directorate
Standing Way, Eaglestone,
T: 01908 996 094
This Travel Plan has been prepared by:
Kath Tierney and Richard Armitage
Richard Armitage Transport Consultancy Ltd.
Oxford House, Smithy Fold Road, HYDE, SK14 5QY
T: 0161 368 6603
M: 07973 538 556
Hospital Travel Plan 2016-19 Milton Keynes University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Travel Plan 2016-19 [Draft: v3 - Wednesday, 10 February 2016] Page 2
1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ......................................................................... 3
MILTON KEYNES HOSPITAL TRAVEL PLAN .............................................. 4
2 ABOUT THE HOSPITAL ......................................................................... 4
3 ABOUT TRAVEL PLANNING AT THE TRUST ...................................... 4
4 AIMS ........................................................................................................ 4
5 STAFF TRAVEL: 2002, 2007, 2013 AND 2016 ...................................... 5
6 IMPLEMENTATION OF THE TRAVEL PLAN ........................................ 6
7 MONITORING AND EVALUATION ........................................................ 6
ACTION PLAN 2016-19 .................................................................................. 8
8 TRAVEL PLAN IMPLEMENTATION ...................................................... 8
9 PARKING ................................................................................................ 8
10 CYCLING .............................................................................................. 9
11 WALKING ........................................................................................... 10
12 TRAVEL BY BUS AND TRAIN .......................................................... 11
13 TRAVEL INFORMATION PROVISION .............................................. 12
14 CAR SHARING ................................................................................... 13
15 REDUCING THE NEED FOR BUSINESS TRAVEL .......................... 13
16 TRANSPORT CARBON REDUCTION ............................................... 14
APPENDIX A: TRAVEL PLAN IMPLEMENTATION .................................... 15
17 ACTION PLAN TASK LIST ................................................................ 15
APPENDIX B: DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH GUIDANCE ............................ 16
18 HTM 07-03 - PARKING PRINCIPLES ................................................ 16
19 MAP OF NEW CYCLE AND MOTORBIKE PARKING ...................... 17
APPENDIX D: STAFF TRAVEL TO WORK BY BUS .................................. 18
Hospital Travel Plan 2016-19 Milton Keynes University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Travel Plan 2016-19 [Draft: v3 - Wednesday, 10 February 2016] Page 3
Milton Keynes University Hospital
Travel Plan 2016-19
1.1 Since 2002, Milton Keynes University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust has
encouraged staff, patients and visitors to reduce over-dependence on the car
as the means of getting to and from Milton Keynes University Hospital .
1.2 Currently, the proportion of staff travelling to work by car - nearly 82% - is
higher than the national average. This is putting car parking provision under
pressure. The aim is to reduce the number of staff coming to work by car.
1.3 Looking ahead, the Trust needs to develop the Hospital site further, in order
to deliver excellent healthcare services to a rapidly-expanding population.
The Trust will need to continue to manage the site effectively, through its
Estates Strategy. The Travel Plan is therefore an essential tool for the job.
1.4 The Travel Plan is the responsibility of the Trust’s Estates team, which
reports directly to the Deputy Chief Executive.
1.5 The Trust has set the following targets for the next three years to 2019:
Staff Travel targets
2013 survey
2019 Target
Number of staff
to switch
Car, alone
Car share
1.6 An Action Plan will be implemented, concentrating on eight areas:
n Car parking management
n Cycling promotion
n Walking promotion
n Bus and train promotion
n Travel information provision
n Car sharing promotion
n Business travel reduction
n Transport carbon reduction.
Hospital Travel Plan 2016-19 Milton Keynes University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Travel Plan 2016-19 [Draft: v3 - Wednesday, 10 February 2016] Page 4
Milton Keynes Hospital Travel Plan
2.1 Milton Keynes University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust provides hospital
based services for approximately 252,400 people from Milton Keynes and its
surrounding area (July 2012). Current forecasts predict that the population
will reach 302,100 by 2026, with the population aged 65 years or older
projected to increase by 82% between 2012 and 2026. The total natural
catchment area of the Trust is considered to be about 15% wider than the
MKC boundary, consisting of patients from the market towns of Buckingham
and Leighton Buzzard and the surrounding villages.
2.2 The Trust is developing and expanding its services in order to be able to
continue to meet the healthcare needs of the rapidly-expanding population in
its catchment area.
2.3 The Trust employs about 3,300 staff. The Trust’s services are provided from
a single 60-hectare site south of the centre of the city. This site is shared with
other Trusts offering specialist healthcare services from the same site, but
the Trust is the largest employer on site.
2.4 In 2016, the Trust plans to reduce the number of non-clinical staff on site by
about 150, by relocating them to offices in Milton Keynes. These staff will still
be covered by the principles outlined in this Travel Plan, but there may need
to be site specific travel planning measures taken at the new premises.
2.5 The Trust understands the benefits of travel planning. The Travel Plan will
help the Trust to manage the site, to improve access for patients, visitors and
staff, and to meet its responsibility to reduce carbon emissions and reduce
health inequalities in Milton Keynes. The Travel Plan forms part of the Trust's
Estates Strategy.
3.1 The Milton Keynes University Hospital Travel Plan was first introduced in
2003 and last updated in February 2014. Following a review, this is the fourth
edition which will be further amended following completion of the 2016 staff
travel survey (March 2016).
3.2 Department of Health guidance, contained in Health Technical Memorandum
07-03 NHS car parking management: environment and sustainability (HTM
07-03, 2015 edition), has informed the preparation of this Travel Plan.
4.1 The aims of the Travel Plan are to:
n Ensure the site is sustainable, over time, so the Trust can continue to
develop and serve the local community well.
n Provide a mechanism for the Trust to manage transport, staff travel,
goods and services deliveries, parking and site as a whole.
Hospital Travel Plan 2016-19 Milton Keynes University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Travel Plan 2016-19 [Draft: v3 - Wednesday, 10 February 2016] Page 5
n Reduce carbon from transport, leading to energy savings, less traffic
pollution, and less congestion.
n Improve health by increasing active travel (i.e. walking and cycling) by
staff, patients and the general public.
n Reduce health inequalities by improving patient access to healthcare.
n Reduce parking pressure.
n Slow down, and then halt, the growth in car use, especially drivers
travelling alone to the Hospital site.
n Improve control over the Trust’s transport and travel expenditure.
n Ensure that travel planning measures introduced at the Trust are
successful by being delivered in a timely and cost-effective manner.
n Provide the framework that will allow the Trust to participate effectively
and consistently in area-wide transport decision-making forums,
working closely with Milton Keynes Council (MKC).
n Enhance public perceptions of the Hospital and all who work here.
5 STAFF TRAVEL: 2002, 2007, 2013 AND 2016
5.1 The third staff travel survey was conducted in November 2013. The table
below shows staff travel to work patterns for the Trust in 2002, 2007 and
2013. The key indicator used to measure the impact of the Travel Plan is the
proportion of staff travelling to work by car driver alone. Table 1 shows that
there has been little change in the overall percentage of staff travelling to the
site by car since 2007. Nearly 82% of staff travel by car driver alone and by
car share. There has been a decline in car sharing of around 4% over the
same period.
5.2 The survey results were published by the Trust in February 2013:
n It was reported that the car is used for work purposes every day by
14% of staff, with a further 13% using their car at least once a week.
Experience at other hospitals suggests this is over-stated. In practice,
when questioned in more detail, a high proportion of this group of staff
said they used the car for travel to work only. So the percentage of
staff using the car for work at least once a week has been revised to.
22% As 76.5% of all staff drive a car to work, this means over 54% of
staff cars are likely to remain parked all day, every working day.
n The majority of respondents (73%) have a Trust Parking Permit.
n Staff were asked which alternative forms of travel they occasionally
use to travel to work. Concentrating on those staff who usually drive to
work alone, 12% walk, 6% cycle, 16% use public transport and 18%
car share. Some will use more than one of these alternative forms of
5.3 The Trust's fourth staff travel survey will be conducted in February 2016. The
results will be used to revise the Travel Plan modal share targets (see below)
Hospital Travel Plan 2016-19 Milton Keynes University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Travel Plan 2016-19 [Draft: v3 - Wednesday, 10 February 2016] Page 6
and other relevant aspects of this Travel Plan, and the revised edition will be
completed by the end of March 2016.
Table 1 Staff travel to work 2002, 2007 and 2013
Staff travel to work
Usual Travel Mode
Car driver alone
Car share as
passenger colleague
Car share as driver
6.1 The Travel Plan is the responsibility of the Trust’s Estates department, which
reports directly to the Deputy Chief Executive on these mattters.
6.2 The Travel Plan lead is John Brierley (Capital Projects), who will oversee its
implementation. The Travel Plan Co-ordinator will be appointed in April 2016
and details will be forwarded to MKC.
6.3 The Action Plan, which is attached to this document, will be regularly
updated to ensure travel planning measures continue to support ongoing
development at the Trust.
7.1 On a regular basis, the Trust will use sampling and checks, such as:
n Site audits (e.g. number of cycles on site)
n People using carsharing database
n Discounted public transport tickets sold
n Applications for the Cycle to Work scheme
n Face-to-face meetings replaced by teleconferences.
Hospital Travel Plan 2016-19 Milton Keynes University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Travel Plan 2016-19 [Draft: v3 - Wednesday, 10 February 2016] Page 7
7.2 The Trust has agreed the following targets for the proportion of journeys by a
particular form of transport (known as modal share).
Table 2: Modal shift targets
Staff Travel targets
2013 survey
2019 Target
Number of staff
to switch
Car, alone
Car share
7.3 These targets will be monitored by conducting a snapshot staff travel habits
survey in November 2017 and November 2018, followed by a full survey in
November 2019.
7.4 The Estates department will prepare an annual review of the Travel Plan.
Once approved by the Trust senior management team, a summary will be
made widely available. The next review will be completed and published by
the end of March 2017.
Hospital Travel Plan 2016-19 Milton Keynes University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Travel Plan 2016-19 [Draft: v3 - Wednesday, 10 February 2016] Page 8
Action Plan 2016-19
8.1 The Travel Plan will be implemented through a series of complementary
actions overseen by the Estates department, focused on eight topics:
n Car parking management
n Cycling promotion
n Walking promotion
n Bus and train promotion
n Travel information provision
n Car sharing promotion
n Business travel reduction
n Transport carbon reduction.
8.2 Where practical, the Trust will encourage the appointment of champions or
co-ordinators for each topic. They will be chosen because of their
enthusiasm for the subject, rather than the role being thrust upon them, and
will be drawn from staff or from volunteers who work at the Hospital.
8.3 A summary of the Action Plan is contained in Appendix A.
9.1 Department of Health guidance, contained in Health Technical Memorandum
07-03 NHS car parking management: environment and sustainability (HTM
07-03, 2015 edition), sets the standards the Trust wishes to meet through its
Car Parking Policy. This includes HTM 07-03's car parking principles for
patient, visitors and staff (see Appendix B).
9.2 The Trust will maintain a database of staff and other parking permit holders
containing the following information:
n Name
n Home address (including postcode)
n Telephone numbers (home, work and mobile)
n Department
n Line manager
n Job title
n Vehicle model(s)
n Vehicle registration(s)
n Permit type.
Hospital Travel Plan 2016-19 Milton Keynes University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Travel Plan 2016-19 [Draft: v3 - Wednesday, 10 February 2016] Page 9
9.3 Where staff use their car on Trust business, the database will also contain
details in relation to driving at work health and safety requirements (e.g. car
insurance, current driving licence and so on).
9.4 During 2016, the Trust will complete a review of its Car Parking Policy. The
current annual permit system ties staff into paying for parking whether or not
they travel to work by other means or work from home on some days.
9.5 In particular, the parking permit system will be examined to ascertain the
potential for moving away from annual or monthly parking permits to a “Pay
As You Go” system (PAYG) - so staff only pay for the days on which they
9.6 As well as being fairer for people who travel to work less frequently, PAYG
would provide an immediate financial incentive to ridesharing or leaving the
car at home and travelling to work by bus, on foot or by bicycle. The aim
would be to encourage staff to make occasional or regular use of other
10.1 The Trust will implement measures to increase the proportion of staff
travelling to work by bicycle from 2.6% to 5% by 2019.
10.2 There are currently 90 cycle parking spaces at the site.
10.3 Cycle parking has recently been reviewed across the site. A budget of
£25,000 has been provided for 84 additional cycling and 10 additional
motorbike parking spaces to be installed by April 2016 (for the location of
these new cycle parking spaces, see the map in Appendix C).
10.4 The number of cycle parking areas and spaces will be logged and where the
cycle parking provision is of poor quality or damaged it will be removed and
replaced. Cycle parking standards will be set to ensure that all future cycle
parking is well located, near to main entrances, of good design which allows
cycles to be secured through the frame and both wheels to the cycle stand
(e.g. Sheffield stands). The Trust will increase the quantity of undercover,
secure cycle parking for staff and this will be monitored to meet demand.
Showers and lockers will be found for staff who cycle to work.
10.5 The business case for further investment in cycling provision for staff will be
made for consideration by the Trust. The 2013 staff survey showed that 6%
of staff who currently drive to work alone also cycle to work ocassionally. The
comments made by staff about the problems they have with the current
provision for cyclists on site give a clear indication that there is an
opportunity to convert a number of these occasional cyclists into regular
cyclists if the right provision is put in place. Getting more staff to cycle to
work will relieve car parking pressure. This Action Plan envisages a
reduction of 3% in demand for car parking through improvments in on-site
support for cyclists. In nearby Bedford Hospital, where improvements have
been made to cycling infrastructure, cycling to work is at 8%.
10.6 The Trust is in discussion with a company that provides changing facilities,
showers and lockers in a 'shipping container' unit. It is estimated that a
Hospital Travel Plan 2016-19 Milton Keynes University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
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modest annual fee of £25.00 could be levied for use of a secure cycle space,
as long as the staff member gets a locker, with access to a changing area
with clothes drying facilities, a shower, and the facility is generally high
quality, secure and well-managed.
10.7 The locker provision will be expanded to meet demand and staff will be made
aware of the Trust’s cycle storage, shower, changing and locker facilities.
10.8 Staff will be made aware of the Trust’s cycling policy. In particular, a bespoke
email and leaflet to promote the Cycle to Work scheme to all staff will be
distributed. This will be aimed primarily at car users who live within 15
minutes ride of the main hospital site.
10.9 The Trust’s travel information for staff, patients and visitors will include
cycling maps and promotional materials on cycling.
10.10 A Bicycle User Group (BUG) will be set up. It will arrange “Dr Bike” bicycle
maintenance sessions and other cycling promotional activities and
participate in events such as National Bike Week. The BUG will organise
lunchtime rides using the Redways to accompany less confident cyclists and
help them find their way around Milton Keynes without having to negotiate
main roads. Working with MKC, the BUG will arrange for cycle training to
national 'Bikeability' standards to be offered to all staff.
10.11 Staff travelling on Trust business will be encouraged through a 20 pence per
mile reimbursement rate to cycle on journeys of 5 miles or less.
10.12 The Trust will work with MKC's cycling and walking development officer to
ensure that the Hospital is comprehensively sign-posted along the Redways
around the town and provide feedback on how MKC can improve cycling
infrastructure in Milton Keynes. Funding for work to improve the highways
and Redways has been allocated by MKC and the Trust will ask the Council
to ensure that the Hospital is recognised as a key destination with priority
given to signage and improvements on routes to the hospital.
10.13 The Trust will consider purchasing a pool of bicycles for staff to use when
attending local meetings. They may also be used by new or returning cyclists
to practice cycling, for example by participating in lunchtime rides.
10.14 The Trust welcomes the new nextbike public bike hire scheme and will look
at the feasibility of extending the scheme to the hospital.
10.15 The Trust has recently been introduced to a new form of Cycle to Work
scheme that involves staff acquiring electrically assisted pedal cycles (known
as e-bikes). The Trust will sponsor an event promoting this scheme to see if
any staff are interested. The Trust will also look at suitable arrangements for
charging e-bike batteries.
11.1 The Trust will implement the measures to increase the proportion of staff
walking to work from 3.9% to 7% by 2019.
11.2 The Trust will run a marketing campaign promoting walking to work with an
active health message. This will include posters, events and possibly
Hospital Travel Plan 2016-19 Milton Keynes University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Travel Plan 2016-19 [Draft: v3 - Wednesday, 10 February 2016] Page 11
incentives such as free pedometers or umbrellas for staff who walk to work.
Staff who live within fifteen minutes walking distance from the hospital will
receive targetted email messages outlining the health benefits of walking to
11.3 The Trust will join in National Walk to Work week (usually held in May:, preferably working with other Milton Keynes employers
and MKC.
11.4 The walking routes to and from the Hospital will be audited with the MKC
officer responsible and improvements or repairs will be negotiated. Walking
routes and lighting on the Hospital site will be audited and improvements or
repairs will be introduced if required, as resources permit.
11.5 The Trust will make lockers and a secure clothes drying area for staff
available, possibly shared with cyclists, and make staff aware of this. This
will be of particular value to the Run To Work Group that has been
established by staff who work for the Trust.
11.6 The Trust will provide umbrellas at reception / other staff areas for staff to
borrow for short local journeys.
12.1 The Trust will implement the measures to increase the proportion of staff
travelling to work by bus from 7.7% to 9% by 2019.
12.2 In 2014, the Trust introduced and promoted discounted ticketing initiatives to
staff through Arriva’s Milton Keynes Employers Travel Club corporate
scheme. Arriva is able to offer a 10% discount on their 4 weekly and annual
tickets, purchased using a monthly direct debit scheme. This ticket also
allows staff to take up to 2 children on the bus for free at weekends and on
Bank Holidays.
12.3 The Trust has promoted Arriva’s Mobile ticketing scheme to staff, which
offers a 10% discount on 4 weekly tickets which are stored on the individual's
moble phone.
12.4 The Trust will refresh its bus discount offer to staff and promote it more
strongly. Targetted marketing will be concentrated on staff who live on a
direct frequent bus route to the hospital site, as shown in the map in
Appendix D. It shows that 1,005 Trust staff live within 400m of a bus route
that is 10 minutes' ride from the hospital and runs at least 3 times an hour on
12.5 The Trust will assess the impact of current bus promotion and review with
bus operators and MKC whether there is a need for more buses to serve the
hospital site directly, including passing directly through the hospital site.
12.6 The Trust will explore whether discount options are available from other local
bus operators, such as Red Rose, Redline, Vale Travel and Centrebus.
12.7 The Trust’s Communications staff will work with local bus operators to
improve the bus travel information being made available on the Trust’s
Hospital Travel Plan 2016-19 Milton Keynes University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
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12.8 Taking the train is not a significant option for many staff, as it involves a bus,
taxi, or cycle ride from Milton Keynes Central railway station. Nonetheless,
the Trust will examine whether it is worthwhile promoting the train to certain
groups of staff, with an additional question on the topic being added to the
2016 staff travel survey (see above).
12.9 A full list of buses currently serving the hospital site is contained in the
Academic Centre Transport Statement (February 2016) together with
13.1 The Trust will ensure that all staff, visitors and patients travelling to the
hospital are able to access travel information (using digital media and in
paper format) that promotes sustainable travel choices.
13.2 The Trust will introduce a site-specific travel information leaflet containing a
local travel map, bus and park & ride information, parking information, cycle
parking, details of the Healthcare Travel Costs Scheme, patient transport
eligibility criteria and community transport.
13.3 The Trust will introduce Travel Plan intranet web pages to enable staff to
obtain travel information and Trust policies on travel with a clear statement of
the advantages of sustainable travel to the individual staff members
(healthier, cheaper, and greener) and separate pages for each mode of
travel (public transport, walking, cycling, car sharing, car parking). The
intranet should contain all relevant information on:
n Car Parking Policy and staff and other parking permits
n Travel plan initiatives (such as the Cycle To Work scheme)
n Ways to access the hospital to by public transport, cycling and walking
n Journey planner widgets for public transport and cycling journeys
n Promotion of car sharing
n Travel on Trust business and meetings arrangements.
13.4 Suitable locations for hospital travel information points will be identified (e.g.
staff room/ canteen) for leaflet stands and posters for travel events. If these
exist already, they will be reviewed, refreshed and re-branded. Information
points should contain up-to-date travel information, such as:
n The Milton Keynes cycle map
n Local bus timetables
n Site-specific How to Get Here leaflet with local travel map
n Non-emergency patient transport services and Healthcare Travel
Costs Scheme
n Walking for health leaflets.
13.5 Working with with MKC and local bus operators, the Trust will seek to
introduce real-time bus information onto public facing screens throughout the
Hospital, in addition to the screen currently in the main reception area.
Hospital Travel Plan 2016-19 Milton Keynes University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
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13.6 The Trust will ensure reception staff and volunteers at the Hospital are aware
of the availability of travel information and how to use it.
14.1 The Trust will review its Car Sharing Policy to include:
n Assistance for staff in finding a car sharing partner.
n Get-you-home guarantee in case of emergencies.
n Car sharing information leaflet, especially dealing with people's
concerns - mostly unfounded - about insurance.
14.2 The Trust will offer assistance to staff to find car sharing partners by
identifying matching journeys from a simple spreadsheet attached to the
parking permit database. The Trust will promote the financial advantages of
car sharing and promote green permits and car sharing bays.
14.3 Each car sharer will be provided with a car sharer’s code of conduct that
contains the arrangements for the sharing agreement which will be provided
to the sharer’s line manager so that management are aware of the need for
the car sharer to finish on time.
14.4 The Trust will target staff living in the MK surrounding villages, especially LU,
PE SG and NN postcode areas.
15.1 The Trust will seek to reduce the need for staff to travel on Trust business
and establish a travel hierarchy that helps staff choose the most economic
and sustainable mode of travel for each journey. A draft travel hierarchy is to
be found in Appendix E.
15.2 The Trust commissioned a Transport Emissions Carbon Footprint report in
May 2014. The report's Executive Summary and Recommendations are
provided in Appendix F. This report covers in detail the Trust's duty of care
towards staff driving whilst at work, by taking action to avoid or mitigate the
risks associated with business travel.
15.3 The Human Resources department will develop a policy on Staff Using Cars
on Trust Business and Arranging Meetings containing the following
n Assessment of whether meetings are necessary
n Prioritisation of audio/video calls over face-to-face meetings
n Circulation of contact details for all attendees to encourage car
sharing to meetings and training courses
n Prioritisation of venues accessible by public transport
n Travel information, including a map and public transport access,
provided for each meeting or training course venue.
15.4 The Trust will provide staff with access to audio conferencing facilities that
can be used from any telephone or mobile and do not have to be booked in
advance. Induction sessions will be provided to staff on how to make best
Hospital Travel Plan 2016-19 Milton Keynes University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
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use of audio conferencing, together with a short written guide, downloadable
from the staff intranet.
15.5 The Trust will make available webcams and headsets to enable staff to use
Skype (or similar) video conferencing where this will be beneficial.
15.6 Written instructions on how to use the equipment and related software will be
published on the staff intranet, accompanied by a familiarisation programme
on using the kit to be delivered by the IT team.
15.7 An awareness-raising campaign will be rolled out to promote audio and video
15.8 Separate guidance will be provided on how to set up, prepare for, and chair
audio and video conference calls effectively.
15.9 To reduce the need for certain staff members to always bring the car to work,
the Trust will examine the feasibility of making pool cars available to staff
who have to travel on Trust business. The Trust will establish whether there
is potential to share pool cars with MKC or other employers in Milton Keynes.
15.10 The Trust's Working At Home Policy will be reviewed to ensure that,
wherever practical, audio and video conferencing services are available for
staff who are working at home or away from the hospital.
16.1 The Trust commissioned a Transport Emissions Carbon Footprint report in
May 2014. The report's Executive Summary and Recommendations are
provided in Appendix F.
16.2 It gives a detailed analysis of Trust-related fleets and suggested ways of
reducing Trust travel on business carbon emissions, and therefore
expenditure, including staff travel on business in privately-owned cars (grey
16.3 The implementation of this report's recommendations will form part of this
Action Plan. The Trust will prepare an update of the Carbon Footprint report
in April 2016.
16.4 The Trust will work with MKC and other partners to provide electric vehicle
charging points on the hospital site.
Hospital Travel Plan 2016-19 Milton Keynes University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Travel Plan 2016-19 [Draft: v2 - Tuesday, 9 February 2016] Page 15
Appendix A:
Travel Plan implementation
17.1 The following tables summarise the Action Plan for the implementation of the
Travel Plan over the next period. The show the area of activity, who is
responsible for implementation and, where practical, there is an indication of
Action Costs
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Totals: £75,000
Time$(Days) Costs
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Actions Who$with?
Travel survey and travel information
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Hospital Travel Plan 2016-19 Milton Keynes University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Travel Plan 2016-19 [Draft: v2 - Tuesday, 9 February 2016] Page 16
Appendix B:
Department of Health guidance
18.1 Department of Health guidance, contained in Health Technical Memorandum
07-03 NHS car parking management: environment and sustainability (HTM
07-03, 2015 edition), sets the standards the Trust wishes to meet through its
Car Parking Policy.
18.2 Here we reproduce the parking principles from this guidance.
Health Technical Memorandum
NHS car-parking management:
environment and sustainability
2015 edition
November 2015
1. Policy and regulatory overview
1.0 Policy and regulatory overview: car-parking
and the healthcare estate
1.1 Car-parking has a large bearing on peoples
experience of the NHS and influences
perceptions of local healthcare facilities.
1.2 DH (2014) published its car-parking
principles, which provide clear and consistent
ground rules that will help manage car-parking
provision in the NHS and help to improve the
patient experience across the NHS (see below).
1.3 HTM 07-03 provides guidance that will help
NHS organisations to comply with these
NHS patient, visitor and staff
car parking principles
• NHS organisations should work with their
patients and staff, local authorities and public
transport providers to make sure that users can
get to the site (and park if necessary) as safely,
conveniently and economically as possible.
• Charges should be reasonable for the area.
• Concessions, including free or reduced
charges or caps, should be available for the
following groups:
disabled people
frequent outpatient attenders
visitors with relatives who are gravely ill, or
carers of such people
visitors to relatives who have an extended
stay in hospital, or carers of such people
carers of people in the above groups
where appropriate
staff working shifts that mean public
transport cannot be used.
• Other concessions, e.g. for volunteers or staff
who car-share, should be considered locally.
• Priority for staff parking should be based on
need, e.g. staff whose daily duties require them
to travel by car.
• Trusts should consider installing ‘pay on exit’ or
similar schemes so that drivers pay only for the
time that they have used. Additional charges
should only be imposed where reasonable and
should be waived when overstaying is beyond
the driver’s control (e.g. when treatment takes
longer than planned, or when staff are required
to work beyond their scheduled shift).
• Details of charges, concessions and additional
charges should be well publicised including at
car park entrances, wherever payment is made
and inside the hospital. They should also be
included on the hospital website and on patient
letters and forms, where appropriate.
• NHS trusts should publish:
their parking policy
their implementation of the NHS car
parking principles
financial information relating to their car
summarised complaint information on car
parking and actions taken in response.
Contracted-out car parking
• NHS organisations are responsible for the
actions of private contractors who run car
parks on their behalf.
• NHS organisations should act against rogue
contractors in line with the relevant codes of
practice where applicable.
• Contracts should not be let on any basis that
incentivises additional charges e.g. ‘income
from parking charge notices only’.
Hospital Travel Plan 2016-19 Milton Keynes University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Travel Plan 2016-19 [Draft: v2 - Tuesday, 9 February 2016] Page 17
Appendix C:
Cycle and motorcycle parking investment 2016
19.1 Cycle parking has recently been reviewed across the site. A budget of
£25,000 has been provided for 84 additional cycling and 10 additional
motorbike parking spaces to be installed by April 2016. The map below
shows the location of the new parking facilities.
Area 'A' - Secure
Covered Cycle Parking;
12 spaces. Estimated
Cost: £ 3,420
Area 'B' - Covered Motor
Cycle Parking; 3 spaces.
Estimated Cost: £ 1,842
Area 'C' - Visitors
Covered Cycle Parking.
Estimated Cost. 10
Spaces: £ 2220; 20
spaces: £ 5520.
Area 'D' - Covered
Motor Cycle Parking;
3 spaces. Estimated
Cost: £ 1,842
Area 'E' - Visitor/Staff
Cycle Parking; 20 spaces.
Estimated Cost: £ 1,020
Area 'F' - Visitor/Staff
Covered Cycle
Parking; 10 spaces,
Estimated Cost: £ 2220
Area 'G' - Motor
Cycle Parking; 4
spaces. Estimated
Cost: £ 1,092
Area 'H' - Visitor/Staff
Cycle Parking; 20
spaces. Estimated
Cost: £ 1,020
Area 'I' - Visitor/Staff
Covered Cycle Parking;
12 spaces. Estimated
Cost: £ 3,288
Upgrade and replacement of cycle storage facilities across the Trust.
Locations & Estimated costs.
A. Car Park B - £3,420
B. Car Park B - £1,842
C. Car Park B - £2220 - 5520
D. Rear Entrance - £1,842
E. Rear Entrance - £1,020
F. Treatment Centre (affects parking space) - £ 2220
G. MSCP - £1,092
H. Eaglestone Health Centre - £1,020
I. A&E - £3,288
Sub-total: £21,264 incl. VAT
CCTV/Lighting £ 1,440
Contingency: (10%) £2,270
Total: £24,975 incl. VAT.
Hospital Travel Plan 2016-19 Milton Keynes University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Travel Plan 2016-19 [Draft: v2 - Tuesday, 9 February 2016] Page 18
Appendix D:
Staff travel to work by bus
20.1 The map below plots the 1,005 Trust staff who live within 400m of a bus
route that is 10 minutes' ride from the hospital and runs at least 3 times an
hour on weekdays.
Hospital Travel Plan 2016-19 Milton Keynes University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Travel Plan 2016-19 [Draft: v2 - Tuesday, 9 February 2016] Page 19
Appendix E:
Travel hierarchy for staff business travel
21.1 The Trust will seek to reduce the need for staff to travel on Trust business
and establish a travel hierarchy that helps staff choose the most economic
and sustainable mode of travel for each journey.
Travel to the
meeting in a
shared hire or pool
Book an audio or video conference
facility. Make sure you
understand how to use the
Can you use
Train or Bus?
Is the journey over
the Hire Car
Book a Hire Car
Example Travel Hierarchy
©2014 Gfleet Services
Can You
Book a train well in advance if
possible. Remember you can
work on the train so your travel
time has a value to the business.
Is a hire or pool car
booked with space for
you to travel?
Book a Car Club Car
Is a Car Club car
Book a Pool Car
Get Permission to
Use Your Own Car
Book a Hire, Pool or Car Club Car
(choose lowest cost).
Or Seek Further Advice
Is a Pool Car
Could you use your
own car?
Meeting Organiser?
Is it a New Team? If so a
meeting is best.
Can you fit in with train
Which venue will minimise
total travel?
Can you use a mix of tele-
conferencing technologies?
Hire Car Threshold
This varies depending on the
mileage rate paid but is typically 55
miles/day when the HMRC AMR
(£0.45/mile) scheme is in use.
Own Car Use (Grey Fleet)
Your car must be approved for
business use. You must provide
evidence to show it:
Is Insured for Business Use.
Is Fit for Purpose.
Is Roadworthy & Maintained.
Meets the NCAP 4 Star Standard.
Has CO
emissions < 150 g/km.
Meets the Euro 4 standard.
Management Approval is required
before you use your own car.
Car Club Economics
Car club cars are charged by the
hour and by the mile. You need to
know the duration (hours) of your
hire and the distance (miles) you will
travel. Then calculate the total
charge and if it averages less than
£0.45/mile take the car club car.
your office be
Hospital Travel Plan 2016-19 Milton Keynes University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Travel Plan 2016-19 [Draft: v2 - Tuesday, 9 February 2016] Page 20
Appendix F:
Transport Carbon Footprint (May 2014)
2013/14 Carbon Footprint | Milton Keynes Hospital NHS Trust Gfleet Services / RATC
Transport Emissions 2014
Milton Keynes Hospital
NHS Trust
July 2014
by Gfleet Services Ltd
2013/14 Carbon Footprint | Milton Keynes Hospital NHS Trust Gfleet Services
1 Executive Summary
In 2013/14 Milton Keynes Hospital (MKH) NHS Trust transport carbon dioxide emissions
totalled 182 tonnes from 576,000 miles.
Business travel in private cars (the Grey Fleet) accounted for 38% of emissions (68 tonnes)
and cost the Trust an estimated £135,000. Staff were reimbursed for 234,000 miles at a
cost of £1,750/tonne. In 2013/14 the scheme was funded under the generous Agenda for
Change mileage rates. Had HMRC approved mileage rates been used the Trust would have
achieved a £30,000 saving. Because of a lack of historic data it is not possible to determine
if Grey Fleet mileage at MKH is increasing or decreasing year on year experience
elsewhere in the NHS (including Bedford Hospital) would suggest it is likely to be increasing.
This is the first year of the Milton Keynes Hospital (MKH) NHS Trust transport Carbon
Footprint assessment. The aim of the assessment is to consider the emissions arising from
all the directly operated or directly funded transport fleets in use at MKH. The fleets in the
NHS Sustainable Development Unit (SDU) Greenhouse Gas (GHG) reporting protocol
include: Pool Cars, Lease Cars, Vans, Grey Fleet (privately owned cars paid a mileage
allowance), Non-Emergency Patient Transport and finally the Commuter Fleet.
The emissions from these fleets can cover all three GHG reporting Scopes: Scope 1 – fuel
for pool cars, vans and patient transport. Scope 2 – electricity for charging electric vehicles
and Scope 3 – indirect emissions in the Grey Fleet and staff commute mileage.
The data required for the annual SDU report is itself based on the HM Treasury GHG
reporting standard. That standard is compatible with international reporting as defined and
required by the GHG Protocol.
In this first year some difficulty was experienced obtaining the data needed for the
assessment. In particular, accurate mileage data about the lease and pool fleets was not
available and no fuel purchase data for the pool fleet was forthcoming. The car park permit
data was not accessible and the permit data lacked home postcode information so even if
available it would not be possible to calculate the distance of the permit holder’s commute.
However accurate data regarding Grey Fleet mileage claims was made available and this
was supported by vehicle registration marks (VRM) although over 40% of those were not
recognised by the DVLA. This is a concern as the Trust has a duty of care in relation to
business use cars and should have accurate records of the vehicles in use, their insurance
status and some assessment of the vehicle’s roadworthiness and suitability for the task.
Carbon emission reporting can be perceived as a burden but it is an effective measure of
how efficiently staff transport is being managed. Costs measured in £/tonne CO
and £/mile
as well as total mileage are all indicators of efficient time management and cost effective
travel choice as well as showing where improvements can be made.
The focus of a carbon footprint report is to reduce carbon emissions but with each tonne of
transport carbon representing up to £500/tonne in fuel costs and as much as £1,750/tonne
in mileage payments there are strong financial incentives - for the Trust and its staff - to
reduce transport carbon emissions.
The main recommendations of this report are:
Provide a viable lower cost alternative to the use of the Grey Fleet.
Establish accurate monitoring of pool fleet mileage and fuel consumption.
Capture all car park permit holder home postcodes and car park usage data.
Improve reporting on Non-Emergency Patient Transport mileage and emissions.
Appoint a Transport & Travel Manager, shared between Bedford and Milton Keynes
2013/14 Carbon Footprint | Milton Keynes Hospital NHS Trust Gfleet Services
4 Summary of Recommendations 2014
Make the use of the Grey Fleet car the “Option of Last Resort”
Introduce a clear “Travel Hierarchywhich puts video/audio conferencing, public transport
and walking cycling before all other options. The preferred car options should then include
hire cars, pool cars and car club cars. Only if none of these are available should the use of
a private car be permitted and funded.
Provide Ready Access to Hire Cars and make use Mandatory
At the Agenda for Change 2014/15 full rate (£0.54/mile) a hire car at £18/day costs less than
paying Grey Fleet mileage for any journey over 45 miles/day. Use of a hire car for journeys
over this threshold should be mandatory hire cars are insured, roadworthy, low
carbon and meet high safety standards.
Provide alternatives to the Grey Fleet (Cost & Carbon Saving)
Pool Cars or a dedicated Car Club or a hybrid of the two (Trust owned Pool Cars operated
using Car Club technology) can significantly reduce mileage by eliminating inflated mileage
claims and removing the financial incentive to make a journey (the cost difference between
the fuel cost and the mileage rate paid).
The Zipcar car club at Croydon Council delivered a:
Cut in car travel costs of 42%, from £1.3m to £756,000.
Reduction in Croydon Council employee car users by 52%.
Drop in employee business miles by 42%.
Reduction in employee CO
emissions by 36%.
For a scheme to be successful staff must be robustly directed towards using the pool or car
club cars which will be low carbon, low emission (air quality) and safe (5 Star NCAP rating).
At Norfolk Community Health Care NHS Trust (NCHC) staff who use their own car instead
of the car club vehicles are paid £0.24/mile.
Switch to HMRC Approve Mileage Rates (Cost & Carbon Saving)
The HMRC rates are £0.45/mile for 10,000 miles and then £0.25/mile. Both rates are tax
and national insurance exempt and would have saved £30,000 in 2013/14. This rate would
apply to those journeys that could not be made using a hire car, pool car or car club vehicle.
The obligation would be on the employee to prove the use of their own car was the only
viable option.
Improve the accuracy of the Grey Fleet Data Set (Duty of Care)
It is important that the Trust has an accurate record of the vehicles being used on its behalf.
With 40% of Grey Fleet registration marks not recognised by the DVLA it is clear that the
Trust’s systems are not robust and the organisation does not fulfil its duty of care. A rate of
under 10% is more typical of public sector bodies.
Implement Electronic Mileage Claims (Cost & Carbon Saving, Duty of Care)
Consideration should be given to a number of Grey Fleet data collection improvements
1. Introduction of electronic expense claims with dedicated Grey Fleet system. This can
include automatic mileage calculation from postcode data.
2. Use of in-car USB trip logger; e.g. Peak Miles:
3. Participation in trials of automated data collection systems e.g. AutoTrip.
2013/14 Carbon Footprint | Milton Keynes Hospital NHS Trust Gfleet Services
Systems that improve the accuracy of mileage capture can result in mileage “reductions” in
excess of 12% and sometimes as high as 20% due to the removal of mileage claims inflation.
Establish Clear Responsibility for Fleet Management (Duty of Care)
It is not at all clear who in MK Trust is responsible for the day to day management of the pool
or van fleets. In the event of an serious injury accident involving an employee in a car “on
business” who is responsible for assuring the employee has a valid licence, the vehicle is
insured and the vehicle is fit for purpose and roadworthy? This requirement applies
regardless of the ownership of the vehicle. In the absence of adequate fleet management
the responsibility lies with the Chief Executive.
Policies should be in place to ensure the Trust fleet is operated safely and within the law.
These would include a robust programme of driver licence checks (ideally with the DVLA), a
driver handbook for all business use drivers (including Grey Fleet), regular documentation
checks and monthly “walk-around” checks of all Trust vehicles. Reporting of all at-work road
accidents and incidents (including those in Grey Fleet cars) should form part of the Health &
Safety management process and this should be linked to system identifying high risk drivers
and offering training.
Consideration should be given to the appointment of a Travel & Transport Manager on a
fixed term contract with overall responsibility for all modes of travel and as well as
responsibility for linked issues such as managing car park demand. This role could be
shared with Bedford Hospital which has a similar requirement. A two year appointment may
be adequate to establish new systems and introduce change.
Record Fuel Use and Mileage of the Pool and Van Fleets (Cost and Carbon Saving)
It is recommended that the Trust establishes a database (Microsoft Excel would suffice) of
the fleet of vans and pool cars it is operating. Systems should be in place to record and
report on fuel purchase and mileage data at least monthly and fuel consumption (mpg)
should be regularly determined and reported to line managers and drivers.
This is good practise and provides auditable proof that fuel purchased on behalf of the Trust
has been used in Trust vehicles for the business of the Trust. Where accurate monitoring of
fuel use is introduced savings in excess of 10% have been observed.
Enhance Car Park Permit Data
It is recommended that the staff home postcode together with an estimate of frequency of
use as well as time of use (daytime versus shift) is collected in the future as this would permit
a more accurate assessment of the commute mileage of employees and the demand on the
car park facilities. It is also recommended that the staff assignment number should be
collected to allow the car park permit data set to be matched up with the Grey Fleet data.
Carbon reporting should be built into any future car park management system and potential
suppliers should be asked to offer car park utilization and home to hospital commute mileage
and carbon reporting solutions.
Salary Sacrifice Scheme Set Minimum Standards
MKH has a Salary Sacrifice Scheme in place for lease cars. Staff “sacrifice” the full cost of
leasing and insuring the vehicle and in return have access to cars at a lower cost than
through traditional personal lease schemes. However it is understood there are no carbon
limits imposed on the scheme. The lack of these limits can result in a significant cost to the
Trust because the National Insurance payable on the “company car” Benefit in Kind (BIK)
more than off-sets the saving made on the salary sacrificed (see Appendix C). It is strongly
recommended that the scheme is reviewed and that maximum carbon emission thresholds
of 120 g/km for petrol cars and 105 g/km for diesel cars are set. It is also suggested that all
Salary Sacrifice Scheme cars should meet the NCAP 5 Star safety standard.
Milton Keynes University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Introducing BENS, the benefits of travelling well
Work out your BENS by totalling your score: time, cost and carbon savings, plus health benefits..
Increase your weekly
savings by switching or
mixing your travel choices
Most staff live less than
5 miles from the Hospital.
In this example, the person
lives 2 miles away.
If you live 5 miles from the
Hospital, and 1 day per
week go to work on foot
or by bike, you will save
140kg of CO
Personal =