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Strategic Insights: Learning from the Military’s Weinstein Moment Strategic Insights: Learning from the Military’s Weinstein Moment
Leonard Wong
Strategic Studies Institute
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Strategic Insights: Learning from the Military’s Weinstein Moment
July 31, 2018 | Dr. Leonard Wong
In early October 2017, The New York Times reported multiple allegations of sexual harassment
against powerful Hollywood producer, Harvey Weinstein.
A few days later, The New Yorker
revealed more allegations against the movie executive to include accusations of sexual assault and
After more than 80 women stepped forward to accuse Weinstein of sexual abuse, Weinstein
was fired from his production company, ostracized by the film industry, and arrested and charged
with rape and other offenses.
The allegations against Weinstein triggered an unexpected groundswell of women from across
the country who came forward to accuse famous or powerful men of sexual misconduct. The viral
reach of the subsequent #MeToo campaign resulted in the removal of scores of men in positions
of power in Hollywood, journalism, politics, the judiciary, sports, and business. The flurry of
activity led many commentators to conclude that it was a tipping point and a watershed moment
in the nation’s fight against sexual harassment.
It was a national day of reckoning—a time when,
at long last, “sexual misconduct became a fireable offense.”
It was the Weinstein Moment.
Over a quarter century ago, another incident occurred that was also called a tipping point and
watershed moment in the battle against sexual abuse.
The location was a convention center in Las
Vegas, and the event was the 35th Annual Tailhook Association Symposium. The 1991 Tailhook
scandal resulted in 83 women and 7 men being sexually assaulted or molested. Ultimately, the
scandal damaged the careers of 14 U.S. Navy admirals and almost 300 naval aviators. Secretary
of the Navy, H. Lawrence Garrett III, and Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral Frank Kelso, were
both present at the convention and respectively resigned and retired early.
By many accounts, Tailhook was the military’s day of reckoning concerning sexual
It was the military’s Harvey Weinstein Moment as the voices of sexual abuse victims,
rather than their more powerful perpetrators, were finally heard. A Weinstein Moment seeks justice
in punishing those who, through rank or privilege, have avoided punishment in the past. A
Weinstein Moment brings attention to the lack of accountability for those in power who use their
position or office to condone sexual misconduct. However, viewing Tailhook as a Weinstein
Moment also highlights that it is just the beginning of a long and arduous process of turning the
tide on sexual assault.
The Tailhook scandal revealed that sexual misconduct is often an institutional issue resulting
from a toxic organizational culture rather than merely errant individual misbehavior. Tailhook
showed that institutions must move beyond Weinstein Moments and shift the focus from a few
bad apples to developing the necessary reforms to prevent sexual abuse from occurring in the
future. For the military, Tailhook—and a subsequent chastening by Congress—eventually
succeeded in forcing significant reforms such as opening positions to women, establishing
comprehensive sexual assault and harassment training, and creating a viable process to report
sexual assault.
While the media attention that a Weinstein Moment brings certainly raises awareness of the
abuse of power, it can also distract from preventing the more prevalent sexual harassment that
occurs in everyday workplaces that are void of celebrities or powerful people. It is in the mundane
routine of ordinary people where the risk of sexual harassment is often the greatest. A recent U.S.
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission report on harassment in the workplace delineated
the risk factors that increase the probability of harassment.
The risk factors include a mostly
homogenous workforce, environments with significant power disparities, decentralized work
locations, and a significant amount of young adult employees—a reasonably accurate description
of the military’s rank and file workplace. The persistent existence of sexual harassment and assault
in the military in the decades since Tailhook suggests that the main battle against sexual abuse
takes place not in the rarified air of executive suites, but in the trenches of the lower levels on the
organizational chart.
Finally, in the 27 years since Tailhook became the military’s Weinstein Moment, it has become
obvious that sexual harassment policies and directives are of limited value if they are perceived as
reluctant concessions to external political pressure. Weinstein Moments become true tipping points
when actual attitudes, not just observed behaviors, change. Moreover, attitudes are best changed,
not through commemorative months or the latest human resources initiative, but from the actions
and reactions of leaders.
Tailhook was a humiliating, organizational failure. Nevertheless, Tailhook galvanized the
military into viewing sexual misconduct as an institutional problem, rather than an isolated
occurrence, a human resources concern, a public relations crisis, or just a women’s issue. As a
result, the military learned that sexual assault had to be addressed in a straightforward manner
while relying on leadership—not bureaucracy—as the critical asset in combating sexual
misconduct. To be sure, the military will most likely never declare victory in the war against sexual
abuse. But Tailhook provided the military with its Weinstein Moment and the impetus to begin its
long—still unfinished—journey in changing a culture. Perhaps as the country works through its
Weinstein Moment, the military’s steps and missteps in the aftermath of Tailhook can bring insight
and discernment to the process.
1. Jodi Kantor and Megan Twohey, “Harvey Weinstein Paid Off Sexual Harassment Accusers for
Decades,” The New York Times, October 5, 2017, available from, accessed July 25, 2018.
2. Ronan Farrow, “From Aggressive Overtures to Sexual Assault: Harvey Weinstein’s Accusers Tell
Their Stories,” The New Yorker, October 23, 2017, available from
desk/from-aggressive-overtures-to-sexual-assault-harvey-weinsteins-accusers-tell-their-stories, accessed July 25,
3. Noel King, host, “Why ‘The Weinstein Effect’ Seems Like A Tipping Point,” All Things Considered,
National Public Radio (NPR), aired November 4, 2017, 5:43 p.m., ET, available from, accessed July 25,
2018; “Interview with Oprah Winfrey,” CBS This Morning, CBS News, aired October 18, 2017, 10:39 a.m.,
available from
moment/, accessed July 25, 2018.
4. Nellie Bowles, “A Reckoning on Sexual Misconduct? Absolutely. But How Harsh, Women Ask.” The
New York Times, December 5, 2017, available from
harassment-debates.html/, accessed July 25, 2018; Jessica Guynn and Marco della Cava, “Harvey Weinstein
effect: Men are getting outed and some are getting fired as women speak up. And it’s spreading.” USA
Today, October 25, 2017, updated October 26, 2017, available from
over-sexual-misconduct-charges-bu/796007001/, accessed July 25, 2018.
5. Robert L. Beck, “Tailhook scandal set stage for gender equality fight,” The San Diego Union-Tribune,
September 1, 2016, available from
tailhook-navy-women-2016sep01-story.html, accessed July 25, 2018; Art Pine, “Tailhook Helped Steer Navy to
New Course on Sex Abuse,” Los Angeles Times, March 16, 1994, available from, accessed July 25, 2018.
6. “Navy Has to Keep Working to Drop Tailhook Attitude Report Shows it Passing Part of the Test,
The Buffalo News, April 24, 1993, available from
to-drop-tailhook-attitude-report-shows-it-passing-part-of-the-test/, accessed July 25, 2018.
7. “Chart of Risk Factors for Harassment and Responsive Strategies,” U.S. Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission, n.d., available from
factors.cfm, accessed July 25, 2018.
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