Maryland Insurance Administration • 800-492-6116 • www.insurance.maryland.gov
Introduction ....................................................1
Why You Need Homeowners Insurance ...............................1
Types of Homeowners Policies ......................................2
Basic Coverages Included in Homeowners Policies .......................9
Factors in the Cost of Homeowners Insurance..........................14
Lenders Can “Force-Place” Property Insurance .........................16
Options if You Have Problems Obtaining a Policy ......................17
Tips for Buying a Policy ..........................................18
Actions to Protect Your Property ....................................23
Obligations After a Loss ..........................................25
Frequently Asked Questions .......................................27
• Claims ......................................................27
• Cancellations and Renewals ......................................29
• Coverage.....................................................33
Solving Problems With Your Insurer .................................34
Glossary ......................................................37
Maryland Insurance Administration • 800-492-6116 • www.insurance.maryland.gov
e Maryland Insurance Administration (MIA) is an independent state agency that
regulates Maryland’s insurance marketplace and protects consumers by ensuring
that insurers and insurance producers (also known as agents or brokers) act in
accordance with insurance laws. We produced this guide to help educate Maryland
residents about homeowners insurance.
e Insurance Administration is also responsible for investigating and resolving
complaints and questions concerning insurers that do business in Maryland.
Most people do not think about homeowners insurance until they have reason to
use it. Although we know that res, thefts and accidents occur, we tend to think,
“Odds are, that will never happen to me.”
Well, odds are more likely that, at some point, you will experience a re, theft,
accident or other loss that may be covered by homeowners insurance. Purchasing
homeowners insurance will not prevent res, thefts or some other types of loss, but it
can help you recover from the nancial eects of a loss that is covered by your policy.
A homeowners policy also can protect you if someone is hurt or has their property
damaged because of something you do or if something that you own hurts someone
else or damages their property.
Maryland Insurance Administration • 800-492-6116 • www.insurance.maryland.gov
You also will need insurance to protect your lender if you have borrowed money
to purchase your home. Most mortgage holders require you to have homeowners
insurance and that the policy name the mortgage holder as an additional insured
under the policy in order to protect their nancial interest in your home. However,
even if you do not have a mortgage on your home, you may still want to purchase a
homeowners insurance policy to protect you from nancial harm in the event of a
covered loss.
Whether you live on a farm, or own or rent an apartment, condominium, home
or mobile home, your home and its contents are probably your largest and
most important investment. A homeowners policy will help you protect your
investment. ere are dierent types of homeowners policies available to t your
housing situation.
Homeowners insurance policies vary according to the types of property they are
designed to cover and the number of perils (causes of loss) that they cover. Policies
may be of the named peril type (re, windstorm, hail, vandalism, theft, etc.) or
of the open perils type (coverage for all causes of loss unless the cause of loss is
specically excluded), or a combination of both. While a number of insurers (or
insurance companies) oer the same type of coverages, many sell a policy that
provides extra or broader coverages.
Policies have various names depending on the insurer that sells them. However,
standard homeowners insurance policies are often referred to as:
HO-2 Broad Form (Named Peril)
HO-3 Special Form
HO-4 Renters Insurance (Contents Broad Form)
Maryland Insurance Administration • 800-492-6116 • www.insurance.maryland.gov
HO-6 Condominium Unit Owners
Market Value or Older Homes Forms (Modied Coverage Form)
e type of policy you choose should depend on:
Your type of housing;
How much you are willing or able to pay;
How much coverage you believe is necessary for your situation.
e property damage section of named peril policies contains a promise to pay for
losses to your home and/or its contents when caused by the perils specically named
in the policy. If your property is damaged due to a peril not listed in the policy,
your insurer will not pay for the damage. e named peril policy covers most, but
not all, of the common causes of damage to a persons home or belongings. If you
are considering purchasing this type of policy, be sure that you understand the type
of coverage it provides.
An open perils policy, or all-risk policy, provides coverage for all causes of loss unless
the specic cause of loss is excluded from coverage under the policy. e open perils
policy typically provides broader protection than a named peril policy, as it tends
to cover more causes of loss . Often, the extra premium for this type of policy is
relatively small. When shopping for insurance, ask for a price quotation on both an
all-risk policy and a named peril policy. If the dierence in price is aordable, you
may want to buy the open perils or all-risk policy for broader insurance coverage.
Most insurers also sell a homeowners policy that combines the features of the
all-risk policy and the named peril policy. is policy is called the Special Form
(HO-3). e property damage section of this policy provides open peril coverage on
the building and other structures by promising to pay for all losses to your property
except when the loss was caused by a peril that is specically excluded by the policy.
It provides named-peril coverage for the contents of your home. e named perils
are usually those listed in the Broad Form (HO-2). (See list on the next page.)
Maryland Insurance Administration • 800-492-6116 • www.insurance.maryland.gov
A. e HO-2 (Broad Form) is a named peril policy, which generally covers the
following perils:
1. Fire and lightning
2. Removal of property endangered by any insured peril
3. Windstorm
4. Hail
5. Explosion
6. Riot and civil commotion
7. Vehicle or aircraft damage to your property
8. Smoke
9. Vandalism and malicious mischief
10. Breakage of glass
11. eft
12. Falling objects
13. Weight of ice, snow, or sleet damage
14. Collapse of building and any part thereof
15. Sudden and accidental damage, cracking, burning or bulging from steam
or hot water heating system or appliances for heating water
16. Accidental discharge or overow of water or steam from plumbing or
heating systems
17. Freezing of plumbing, heating or air conditioning systems and domestic
18. Sudden and accidental injury from articially generated electrical currents
19. Limited coverage for trees, shrubs or plants
20. Additional living expenses
21. Personal liability insurance protection
22. Medical payments coverage
Maryland Insurance Administration • 800-492-6116 • www.insurance.maryland.gov
B. e HO-3 (Special Form) generally provides the following coverage:
1. Covers a building against all perils unless specically excluded. Common
exclusions are: ood, earthquake, neglect, wear and tear and deterioration,
war, nuclear accident, damage resulting from freezing of an unoccupied
building, enforcement of an ordinance, damage to fences, patios, swimming
pools, etc., caused by freezing, thawing or pressure or weight of ice or water,
whether driven by wind or not.
2 . Covers personal property against damage or loss caused by perils listed in
Form HO-2.
Read your policy to nd out what is covered and what is excluded.
C. The HO-4 (Renters Insurance). This policy insures your household contents
or personal possessions, provides for additional living expenses in the event of a
covered loss that makes your home, apartment or condominium uninhabitable,
provides you with liability coverage, and provides for medical payments to others. It
covers all perils listed in the HO-2 Form.
D. The HO-6 (Condominium Unit Owners). This policy protects condominium
unit owners of multi-family and attached units against loss or damage to their
personal property and may include coverage for any additions or alterations to the
interior of the condominium unit not insured by the condominium association
(these are known as “improvements
and betterments”). The policy covers all perils
listed in the HO-2 Form. You also can purchase an endorsement to your HO-6
policy that would provide you with coverage for loss assessments in certain
situations, a fee charged by your condominium association. Your insurance producer
will be able to explain the limits to the alterations and additions coverage, and help
you determine whether you need to increase your policy limits.
The Maryland Condominium Act requires the condominium association to
purchase a master insurance policy that provides primary coverage for casualty
losses to the common areas, the actual structure, and the individual multi-
family or attached units, exclusive of the improvements and betterments
made to the unit after the unit was transferred from the developer to the first
owner. Thus, the condominium association is primarily responsible for
Maryland Insurance Administration • 800-492-6116 • www.insurance.maryland.gov
making repairs in the event of a casualty loss, and the bulk of insurance protection
is provided by a master policy purchased by the condominium association. But,
individual unit owners can be held personally liable for injuries incurred by a
visitor to their unit. The master policy does not provide any protection for the
individual unit owner’s personal property (contents), improvements or betterments
made by the unit owner, or the loss of use of the unit following a loss. Buying an
HO-6 policy can help protect the individual unit owner in the event of such
damages. The owners association can require all unit owners to purchase an HO-6
The condominium association is not required to maintain coverage for residential
detached units. Owners of detached units may obtain coverage under an HO3
homeowners policy.
E. e Market Value Form. is policy is designed for older homes usually
constructed in a manner that makes it very expensive to repair the home following a
loss in the same manner as the original construction
. e Market Value Form allows
owners of older homes to carry lower limits of insurance, rather than the 80% to
100% of replacement cost typically required by an HO-2 or HO-3 policy. is
policy generally provides for returning the property to livable condition with the
use of commonly used building materials, as opposed to materials of the same kind
and quality used in the original construction.
F. Deductibles. Homeowners insurers oer policyholders dierent deductible
. For example, if you select a $250 deductible, this means that you agree
to pay $250 out of your own pocket to repair damage to your home or personal
property for each damage claim before you are entitled to collect any money from
your insurer
. is deductible does not apply to claims under the liability or medical
payments coverages.
You may purchase a homeowners policy with a larger deductible amount such as
$500 or $1,000 or more. e advantage of choosing a higher deductible is that your
annual premium should be less. e disadvantage of a larger deductible is that you
will have to pay more out of your own pocket each time a claim or loss occurs before
your insurer would be obligated to make any payment. You should ask your insurer
or insurance producer how much your premium will be reduced by increasing the
amount of your deductible to determine whether this cost savings is worthwhile.
Maryland Insurance Administration • 800-492-6116 • www.insurance.maryland.gov
Some homeowners policies contain special deductibles for losses caused by wind,
hurricanes or other storms. ese deductibles are applied instead of the “all peril”
or general policy deductible if the damage is caused by wind, hurricanes or other
storms. Some insurers automatically include a deductible for wind, hurricanes
or other storms, while other insurers make these deductibles available at the
option of the policyholder. Some deductibles for wind, hurricanes or other
storms are written as a at amount, such as $1,000, while others are applied to
the loss as a percentage of the insurance coverage on the dwelling. For example,
assume a wind storm causes $3,000 damage to your house and your dwelling is
insured for $100,000. If you had a $1,000 deductible for wind storms on your
policy, your insurer would pay $2,000 towards the damage. Using that same
example, but changing the cause of loss to a hurricane, if your policy has a 2%
hurricane deductible, the deductible would be $2,000 (2% of your $100,000
limit) and the insurer would pay $1,000 towards the damage. By law, if the policy
requires that a deductible in the case of a hurricane or other storm be expressed
as a percentage, it cannot exceed 5% of the coverage limit unless the Insurance
Commissioner has granted written approval to the insurer. However, you can
purchase a wind, hurricanes or other storms deductible in an amount greater than
5% if you so choose. When the insurer requires a deductible equal to a percentage
of the dwelling coverage limit, it is also required to provide the policyholder with an
annual statement explaining the manner in which the deductible is applied. Please
ask about this deductible when shopping for insurance to become aware of how it
may aect you.
Also, some insurers may charge a dierent deductible for certain claims. For
example, you may have an “all peril” deductible of $1,000 for all claims except
for water/sewer backup, which might have a $5,000 deductible. If you do not
understand your deductible(s), contact your insurer or insurance producer.
G. Mobile Home Policies. ere are some special considerations for those
purchasing mobile homeowners insurance. Some insurers require notice before
your mobile home is moved or all protection under the policy may be suspended.
In addition, the typical mobile homeowners policy usually does not cover collision
damage to your mobile home while it is in-transit. You can usually buy trip
collision coverage from your insurer to cover a certain number of days while you
Maryland Insurance Administration • 800-492-6116 • www.insurance.maryland.gov
move your mobile home. If you are planning to move your mobile home, you
should contact your insurer or insurance producer to be sure that you have the
appropriate insurance coverage.
H. Flood Insurance. Most standard policies for homeowners, farm and ranch
owners, renters and condominiums do NOT cover damage caused by rising waters;
however, mobile home policies may cover this. Flood insurance is an optional
coverage oered through the federal government, some private insurers and other
sources. Many homeowners insurers and their insurance producers sell National
Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) policies for the federal government.
e Standard Flood Insurance Policy denes “ood” as:
A general and temporary condition of partial or complete inundation of two or
more acres of normally dry land area or of two or more properties (at least one of
which is your property) from:
Overow of inland or tidal waters;
Unusual and rapid accumulation or runo of surface waters from any
Mudow*; or
Collapse or subsidence of land along the shore of a lake or similar body
of water as a result of erosion or undermining caused by waves or
currents of water exceeding anticipated cyclical levels that result in a ood
as dened above.
*Mudow is dened as: “A river of liquid and owing mud on the surfaces of
normally dry land areas, as when earth is carried by a current of water…”
Even if you do not live in a oodplain area, you may still purchase ood insurance
through the federal government as long as the building is located in a community
qualifying for the NFIP. You should also know that ood insurance policies do not
automatically provide coverage for your contents or personal property. You need to
purchase this coverage separately and in addition to the coverage for your home.
Maryland Insurance Administration • 800-492-6116 • www.insurance.maryland.gov
You may contact a local insurance producer to apply to the NFIP. e insurance
producer will then submit your application and premium to the NFIP or to
an insurer that issues policies on behalf of the NFIP. If you need additional
information about the types of properties that are insurable under the NFIP or the
limits on amounts of insurance, you should contact your insurance producer or the
NFIP. For a more detailed explanation of the ood insurance program, refer to our
brochure entitled An Insurance Preparedness Guide for Natural Disasters.
It is available on our website at www.insurance.maryland.gov. You may also visit
www.oodsmart.gov or call 800-621-FEMA (3362) for ood insurance information.
A homeowners insurance policy is a package policy that combines more than
one type of insurance coverage into a single policy. e cost of the package policy is
usually cheaper than if all of the coverages were to be purchased separately.
ere are four types of coverages contained within the standard homeowners
insurance policy:
Property damage coverage protects your home, other structures and
belongings if they are damaged or destroyed by certain covered causes of loss.
Liability coverage will pay if you unintentionally cause an injury to
another person or cause damage to another persons property that you are
legally liable for.
Medical payments coverage will pay up to a specied amount for medical
expenses incurred by people injured in an accident in your home and
certain situations away from your home, regardless of whether you were at
fault. is coverage does not apply to you or a member of your household.
Maryland Insurance Administration • 800-492-6116 • www.insurance.maryland.gov
Additional living expenses coverage will pay for the additional expenses
you incur when you cannot live in your home because of damage or loss
that is covered by your policy. For example, if you are required to move
into a motel or apartment while your home is being repaired following
a covered loss, your insurer will pay the cost of this temporary housing
subject to the policys terms, conditions and limits.
A. Property Damage Coverage
Many years ago, most people bought insurance that would protect against damage
to their home only if it was damaged as a result of re. Over the years, insurers
began to oer protection for property damage or loss resulting from other causes
such as windstorm, hail, vandalism and theft.
Today, named peril policies provide coverage for damage to property that arises from
multiple causes, as set forth earlier in this guide, that are specically identied in the
policy. Open peril or all-risk policies provide coverage for all causes of damage to
property unless the cause of loss is specically excluded by the policy language.
B. Liability Coverage
When you or a member of your family are legally responsible for injury to others
or damage to the property of others, the liability coverage under your homeowners
policy requires your insurer to pay, on your behalf, for the damage you caused
(up to the policy limits) and for a lawyer to defend you in the event that a lawsuit
is led against you. Liability coverage in a homeowners policy is not limited to
accidents that occur at your home. It may provide protection to you and your
family wherever an accident may occur.
However, the liability coverage is subject to limitations. Liability coverage will
not protect you if you are sued for something you did as part of your job or
for something you did intentionally to harm someone else. In addition, your
homeowners policy will not pay for your liability arising out of the use of an
aircraft, an automobile or most motorized land vehicles, including mopeds, while
in use away from the insured property. You will require a dierent kind of insurance
policy for those types of liability coverages.
Maryland Insurance Administration • 800-492-6116 • www.insurance.maryland.gov
C. Medical Payments Coverage
Medical payments coverage is usually contained in the liability section of your
homeowners policy. Unlike liability coverage, which provides protection only if you
are at fault (see paragraph B on the previous page), medical payments coverage pays
if someone is injured in your home regardless of fault. For example, if a neighbor’s
child chips a tooth while playing in your home, the medical payments portion
of your homeowners policy will pay for necessary dental work up to the amount
specied in the policy.
At a minimum, this part of your policy will pay, up to a specied limit, for
reasonable and necessary medical expenses incurred within three years from the
date of injury or accident in your home. is coverage does not apply to you and
members of your household.
Medical payments coverage limits generally are applicable to each person, as
opposed to each accident. Your insurer may oer higher limits for your medical
payments coverage, but this typically will result in a higher premium.
D. Additional Living Expenses
If it is necessary for you to move into a temporary residence (such as a motel or
apartment) as a result of damage caused by a peril covered by your policy, your
insurer will pay reasonable and necessary additional living expenses you incur.
However, your insurer may not pay for all the living expenses that you incur. It
typically pays only for those expenses that are beyond your normal and customary
expenses, not any expenses you would pay regardless of whether you are living in
your home. While Maryland law requires that your policy provide up to 12 months
of coverage for additional living expenses, your insurer will only be responsible
for paying for the reasonable period of time needed to complete the repairs. In
addition, this coverage is usually subject to a monetary limit, so be sure that you
are aware of this limit before incurring any such expenses. Talk to your insurer or
insurance producer to nd out the details of what your policy covers.
An example of normal and customary expenses is food costs. If you are in a hotel,
eating out for meals would not be a usual expense for you and would be reimbursed
for the reasonable amount above what you normally would spend for food prior to
Maryland Insurance Administration • 800-492-6116 • www.insurance.maryland.gov
the loss. However, if you are placed in housing with kitchen facilities, then eating
out would not be covered as an additional expense, as you would have to buy food
and eat regardless of the damage or loss to your home.
E. Other Coverages
e homeowners insurance policy also provides limited coverage for other
structures on your property, your personal property if it is away from your home,
trees and shrubbery, and debris removal.
Out-Buildings on Your Property – In this part of your homeowners policy,
your insurer promises to pay if a structure not attached to your home, such as
a detached garage, tool shed, swimming pool, fence or other building on your
property, is damaged by a peril covered by your policy. More coverage is available
for an additional premium. is coverage may not be included in certain types of
homeowners policies such as a renters insurance policy.
Personal Property – e amount of insurance protection for the contents of your
home is usually reected on the Declarations Page of the policy. Your homeowners
policy also provides more limited coverage for personal property if it is stolen
or damaged away from your home, such as when you are on vacation and your
suitcase is stolen with your personal property in it.
Coverage is limited to very small amounts for certain types of property that are
particularly susceptible to loss such as cash, securities, jewelry, furs, manuscripts,
and stamp or coin collections. You may receive a total of only $1,500 for all furs
or jewelry stolen in a single theft. A $500 limit usually applies to all securities,
receivables, travel tickets, and stamp collections. A coverage limit of only $100
is typical for all money, coins, or bank notes regardless of the actual amount lost.
Additional amounts of insurance can be purchased separately. You should ask your
insurer or insurance producer for information about scheduling valuable items
separately and the cost of such additional coverage.
Trees, Shrubs, and Plants – is part of your policy provides protection against
damage to greenery on your property. e coverage on trees, shrubs, and plants is
provided only against certain perils. For example, damage to greenery caused by
Maryland Insurance Administration • 800-492-6116 • www.insurance.maryland.gov
windstorm or ice is not usually covered, even if you buy an open perils policy. e
total amount your policy will cover for damage to trees, shrubs, and plants usually
is limited to 5% of the policy limit on your dwelling with a $500 maximum per
loss. You should check your policy to see what your limit is for this coverage.
Debris Removal – is part of your policy traditionally pays to remove debris from
damaged property if the damage that caused the debris is covered by your policy.
Your policy also may pay to remove fallen trees that cause damage to your covered
property. is coverage is subject to a dollar limitation, which may be indicated on
the Declarations Page of your policy or within the policy itself.
Mold Coverage – Not all insurance policies provide coverage for mold damage,
but some do. Some policies exclude coverage for any type of mold damage, some
insurers provide coverage to the insured if the mold arises out of a covered cause
of loss (such as a broken pipe), and some insurers exclude coverage for any liability
claims arising out of mold. As coverage for mold and mold-related claims vary by
insurer, you should read your policy and ask your insurer or insurance producer
if you have coverage for mold claims, and if so, under what circumstances and in
what amount you would have coverage.
Annual Summary of Coverages and Exclusions: When you rst purchase a
homeowners insurance policy and at each renewal, you will receive an Annual
Statement that summarizes the coverage and exclusions under your policy.
is Annual Statement may help you understand your policy, but it is not a
substitute for your policy, as all rights, duties and obligations are controlled by
your insurance policy and contract of insurance.
Notice Regarding Flood Insurance and Statement of Additional Optional
Coverages: Remember, most standard homeowners insurance policies do NOT
cover losses resulting from oods. When you rst purchase your homeowners
insurance policy, you will receive a written notice advising you that the standard
homeowners insurance policy does not cover ood, and it will advise you how
to purchase ood insurance.
Maryland Insurance Administration • 800-492-6116 • www.insurance.maryland.gov
In addition, at the time you apply for homeowners insurance, you will receive
a list of optional additional coverages that your insurer sells, which you may
choose to purchase to supplement your homeowners insurance policy. If you have
any questions about optional coverages or their cost, you can ask the insurer or
insurance producer when you purchase the insurance policy.
When you apply for homeowners insurance, insurers evaluate your risk and the
likelihood you will le a claim. Once your level of risk has been determined, the
insurer will group you with policyholders that have similar risk characteristics.
en, the insurer will assign a rate based on the claims history for your risk group.
Some of the factors that may be considered are:
prior claims. Whether you or your property have had any prior claims
under a homeowners insurance policy (even if at the time of the prior loss
you were not the owner of the property) or, if it is a new policy, under your
automobile insurance policy, the date(s) of any prior claims, the nature of
the claim(s) and the amounts paid by insurance for each claim. An insurer
may not classify or maintain an insured for a period longer than three years
in a classication that entails a higher premium because of a specic claim.
the type of construction. Frame houses usually cost more to insure than
brick houses.
the age of the house. Newer homes are usually less expensive to insure
than older homes.
access to and quality of local re protection. e distance between your
home and a re hydrant, as well as the capability of your local re department,
determines your “re protection class.” Protection classes generally are used by
insurers to either increase or decrease someone’s premium.
Maryland Insurance Administration • 800-492-6116 • www.insurance.maryland.gov
the amount of coverage. e dollar limits (the amount of coverage) of
your policy will aect the amount of the premium. e higher the limits,
generally, the higher the premium.
the amount of coverage required by a lender. Your lender may not
require you to insure any real property in an amount exceeding the
replacement cost of the dwelling. Remember that your mortgage includes
the value of your land; your homeowners insurance only insures the
buildings on your property and the contents of those buildings, not your
land. e lender cannot require you to obtain insurance in the amount of
the loan if the loan amount exceeds the replacement cost of your home. If
any lender is requiring you to purchase an insurance policy in excess of the
amount it will cost to replace your home, please report that information
and the lender. You may le a complaint with the Commissioner of
Financial Regulation at 410-230-6077 or with the Maryland Insurance
Administration, who will forward such a complaint to the appropriate
enforcement agency.
the amount of the deductible. e deductible is the amount you will pay
in the event that you have a claim and the insurer issues payment for the
claim; the insurers payment to you will be reduced by the amount of the
deductible. Since the deductible reduces the amount of money that an
insurer pays on a claim, generally the higher the deductible, the lower the
discounts. Some insurers oer discounts on policy premiums for things
such as purchasing multiple policies (e.g. home and car) with them, and/or
installing deadbolt locks or alarm systems in your home.
e following factors cannot be considered:
claims inquiries. Insurers are not allowed to increase your premium,
cancel or nonrenew your policy, or refuse to issue a policy if you or your
insurance producer, on your behalf, inquires about coverage for a loss if the
inquiry does not result in payment of a claim.
death of a spouse. Insurers cannot increase your premiums if the only
reason is that your spouse passed away.
Maryland Insurance Administration • 800-492-6116 • www.insurance.maryland.gov
credit history. Insurers are not allowed to review an individual’s credit
history when pricing a homeowners insurance policy or when making a
decision as to whether to cancel, nonrenew or refuse to issue a policy.
victims of crimes of violence. Insurers are prohibited from using an
individual’s status as a victim of a crime of violence as the sole basis to
cancel, nonrenew, refuse to issue a policy, refuse to pay a homeowners
insurance claim, or for taking any adverse underwriting action, including,
increasing a premium, adding a surcharge and removing a discount.
Compare the premium you are paying to what another insurer might charge you.
Refer to our Homeowners Insurance: A Comparison Guide to Insurance Rates at
www.insurance.maryland.gov or call 800-492-6116 or 410-468-2000 to obtain a
copy. Make sure you compare policies that have the same coverage.
If you have a mortgage on your home, your lender may require you to carry
insurance on that property. If you do not purchase insurance, the lender may force-
place coverage for you. A lender force-places coverage by obtaining insurance on
the property and then requiring you to provide reimbursement to the lender for
the cost of the premiums paid. Force-placed property insurance coverage generally
protects only the interest of the lender and not you, the property owner.
Maryland Insurance Administration • 800-492-6116 • www.insurance.maryland.gov
If you have been turned down by one insurer for homeowners insurance, try
obtaining coverage through another insurer or other insurers. Do not assume that
you will be turned down by all insurers. Just as insurers have dierent premiums,
they also have dierent underwriting requirements. So call around and keep trying
to obtain an insurance policy.
If you are unable to obtain insurance for your home from a private insurer, limited
insurance protection may be available through the Maryland Property Insurance
Availability Program, known as the Joint Insurance Association (JIA). You can reach
them at:
Joint Insurance Association
3290 North Ridge Road, Suite 210
Ellicott City, MD 21043
Maryland Insurance Administration • 800-492-6116 • www.insurance.maryland.gov
It is most important for you to:
Read the Declarations Page of your insurance policy to make sure you have
received the coverages you requested in the amounts you requested;
Read your insurance policy carefully to make sure you understand exactly
what is and is not covered;
Consider purchasing additional coverages or policies, and scheduling
valuable personal property such as jewelry, furs, collectibles and antiques,
which may not be covered at all or not covered up to a sucient amount
under your policy; and,
Consider purchasing a separate ood insurance policy.
In addition, you should read and keep all materials that your insurer sends you each
year at renewal so you will be aware of any changes to your policy. If you have any
questions about changes to your policy coverage or limits, you should contact your
insurer or insurance producer immediately.
Answer all the questions on the insurance application completely and
honestly. Your insurer may lawfully nonrenew or cancel your policy if you
commit fraud or misrepresent material information when applying for
insurance (such as, in some cases, your claims history), or if you commit
fraud or misrepresent material information when ling a claim (such as, in
some cases, how the loss occurred, what the damage consisted of or who
was responsible for the damage).
Additionally, by law, all applications for insurance and all claim forms must
contain the following statement, or a substantially similar one:
Maryland Insurance Administration • 800-492-6116 • www.insurance.maryland.gov
Any person who knowingly or willfully presents a false or fraudulent claim
for payment of a loss or benet or who knowingly or willfully presents false
information in an application for insurance is guilty of a crime and may be
subject to nes and connement in prison.
Do not sign a blank application.
If your insurance application is declined, ask for a written explanation of
the specic reason(s) your application was rejected.
Under Maryland law, insurers have an initial 45-day underwriting period.
If they nd you are not eligible within that period of time, your policy
may be cancelled with a 15-day notice to the named insured’s last known
address. e insurer must be able to prove that it mailed the notice to you
at least 15 days in advance of the policys cancellation; however, proof that
you actually received the notice is not required. If during the initial 45-day
underwriting period an insurer discovers that you are eligible under its
underwriting guides but that there is a “material risk factor” that will cause
the premium to change, the insurer must send you a notice advising you
of the amount of the premium change (increase or decrease), the reason
for the change, and your right to request cancellation of the policy. e
law denes a “material risk factor” as a risk factor that, while existing at
the time of application, was incorrectly recorded or not disclosed by the
insured in the application, and which modies the premium.
Loss History Report: Some insurers review not only your loss history,
but the loss history of the property, when making a decision on whether
to insure you. If you want to verify the accuracy of any loss or claim
information, you may obtain a copy of the loss history reports for free on
any property you own from the following companies:
Lexis Nexis Risk Solutions – C.L.U.E.: 1-800-869-0751 or at
ISO: 1-800-627-3487 or at http://www.verisk.com/underwriting/a-plus-
If you are refused coverage based on information contained in one of these
reports, you are entitled to be provided access to the information which
led to the adverse decision.
Maryland Insurance Administration • 800-492-6116 • www.insurance.maryland.gov
If paying the premium for the policy in cash, ask for a receipt. Make your
check payable to the insurer and make a notation on the check as to the
type of policy that you are paying for (automobile or homeowners, etc.)
and the policy number.
Besides the price of an insurance policy, also consider coverage and service.
Select an insurer and/or insurance producer you feel you can trust and
with whom you are comfortable.
Ask about discounts for safety and security devices (for example: burglar
alarms, re alarms, and dead bolts) or other available discounts.
See if the insurer gives a new-home discount or multi-policy discount. (For
example: if you insure your car along with your home).
Check the dierence in price between a named peril policy and an open
perils policy.
Ask how the dierence in your deductible aects the price of your policy.
Ask about separate deductibles for wind, hurricanes or other storms losses,
and if so, how they are calculated and applied.
Check if you have any coverage for mold claims under your policy.
Make sure your dwelling policy limits are at least 80% of the replacement
cost of your home or whatever percentage is required by the insurer. Ask
your insurer or insurance producer to explain to you the implications of
failure to maintain policy limits at that level. Some vendors have developed
reconstruction-cost estimator programs to assist you in determining the
cost to rebuild your property. While you must pay a fee for these vendor
services, the information provided can help you make informed decisions
regarding the value of your home, as well as the appropriate coverage limit.
Additional information regarding insuring your home to value, as well as
Maryland Insurance Administration • 800-492-6116 • www.insurance.maryland.gov
links to these estimators – XactValue and Bluebook International – can be
found on the MIAs website.
Question whether the insurer oers an ination-guard endorsement.
Ask whether the insurer provides replacement-cost coverage for your
dwelling. If so, up to what amount?
Does the insurer oer full replacement-cost coverage on your personal
Discuss with your insurance producer whether you should list and
separately insure your valuable items of personal property on a personal
property schedule.
Ask about the dierence in price for basic liability limits of $100,000 and
higher limits such as $300,000 or $500,000.
Insurers are required by law to oer you the option of purchasing
coverage for water that backs up through sewers or drains in writing
at the time of initial application and at each renewal. However, you
may have to pay extra for this coverage. Also, this coverage may have a
deductible that is dierent than the deductible for the other coverages. Ask
your insurer or insurance producer how much this coverage costs so you
can decide whether you wish to purchase it or not.
Insurers may oer building ordinance or law coverage. is provides
protection when a building damaged by a covered peril must be repaired or
rebuilt in a more costly manner because the original construction does not
comply with current building codes. is coverage may cost extra, but you
should nd out what the cost is in order to determine whether or not to
purchase it.
Insurers are required by law to oer licensed family day-care providers
liability coverage of at least $300,000 for liability that results from
bodily injury, property damage, or personal injury arising out of an
insured’s activities as a family daycare provider. You should decide if
you need this coverage.
Your homeowners policy has some provisions that may prevent you from
receiving payment for a claim even if you have paid the premium. If your
Maryland Insurance Administration • 800-492-6116 • www.insurance.maryland.gov
home or apartment is left vacant or unoccupied, you may lose all or a
portion of your coverage. When you plan a long vacation, or when you are
moving into or out of your home, or if your home will remain vacant for
any other reason, you should ask your insurer or insurance producer which
coverages will be suspended and what you can do to obtain coverage.
Insurers must notify you if your policy does not cover losses that are either
partially or predominately caused by an excluded peril. Many homeowners
policies contain a clause which states that a loss caused by a combination
of covered and noncovered causes (perils) will not be covered. ese
provisions are called “anti-concurrent causation” clauses. If your policy
has an anti-concurrent causation clause and you incur damages caused
by a combination of covered and noncovered perils, your loss will not be
Annual Summary of Coverages and Exclusions: You are entitled to receive
a statement that summarizes the coverages and exclusions under your
homeowners insurance policy at the time you initially receive the policy
and at each renewal.
Insurers must notify you if your policy does not provide coverage for losses
caused by specic breeds or specic mixed breeds of dogs.
Notice Regarding Flood Insurance and Statement of Additional Optional
Coverages: You are entitled to receive these notices from your insurer when
you purchase a new policy.
If the policy contains an anti-concurrent causation provision, an insurer
must provide the insured with a notice explaining that losses caused by a
combination of covered and noncovered perils will not be covered, telling
the insured to read the policy for complete information on the policys
exclusions and to contact the insurer or insurance producer for more
information about the exclusions.
e Maryland Insurance Administration does
NOT recommend or rate insurers.
Maryland Insurance Administration • 800-492-6116 • www.insurance.maryland.gov
Documentation, maintenance and safety are key.
Prepare an inventory of your household personal property before a loss.
Whenever possible, include the make, model, and serial number of each
item. Your insurer or insurance producer may be able to provide you with
a booklet, form, or mobile app that you can use to record your inventory.
You can also download a sample inventory form on the Maryland Insurance
Administrations website, www.insurance.maryland.gov. You may want to
video record or take photos for an inventory of your home and your personal
belongings. Keep your inventory in a safe place, such as a safe deposit box,
where it cannot be lost or damaged. e National Association of Insurance
Commissioners (NAIC) also has forms and mobile apps available at www.
If you make an addition or improvement to your home, remember to
advise your insurer or insurance producer so your insurance coverage is
increased as needed.
Make improvements or repairs to the property that may mitigate loss or
damage from a hurricane or storm. Some examples of mitigation eorts
include the installation of: hurricane shutters, secondary water barriers,
reinforced roof coverings, braced gable ends, reinforced roof-to-wall
connections, tie downs, and reinforced opening protections. Other eorts
include the repair or replacement of: exterior doors (including garage
doors), hurricane resistant trusses, studs and other structural components
and manufactured home piers, anchors and tie-down straps. By law,
these improvements and repairs are recognized as “qualied mitigation
actions.” Insurers are required by law to oer a discount to policyholders
who submit proof to the insurer that they made qualied mitigation
actions or other repairs or improvements that materially mitigate loss
from a hurricane or other storm otherwise covered under the policy. All
improvements must be inspected by a licensed contractor and are subject
to inspection and verication by the insurer.
Maryland Insurance Administration • 800-492-6116 • www.insurance.maryland.gov
Do not hide your keys in a special place outside your home. Burglars
usually know where to look for keys.
Add window locks and peepholes.
Make sure the exterior of your house has adequate lighting.
Keep your home free of oily rags and trash buildup, and do not store
gasoline inside your home. Do not store combustible items in the attic,
basement or any place where heat builds up.
Buy at least one re extinguisher for your home and keep it in a handy
location. Always have a re extinguisher in the kitchen and be familiar with
how to use it.
Install smoke detectors and deadbolt locks and consider installing an
approved re and burglar alarm system.
Practice home re drills so everyone knows what to do if there is a re.
Consider purchasing emergency ladders for 2nd and 3rd oors.
Check lamps, electrical cords, and light switches for faulty wiring.
Teach your children not to play with matches.
Never smoke in bed.
Place decals on the windows of the rooms of children or the elderly so
emergency personnel will know to evacuate them in an emergency.
If you purchase a wood stove, have a professional install it and be sure to
maintain it on a regular basis.
When you are away from home, ask a neighbor to check your house. Use a
timer to turn your lights on and o, lock all windows and doors, stop your
paper and mail delivery and consider notifying the police if you will be
away for an extended period of time.
Keep your sidewalks clear of debris and in good condition.
Maryland Insurance Administration • 800-492-6116 • www.insurance.maryland.gov
When you are the victim of a theft, re, or any other type of accident or loss
involving your home, you should notify the authorities immediately and then
contact your insurer or insurance producer as soon as possible. e sooner you le
your claim, the sooner you can expect to receive payment. Your policy documents
will tell you how to le a claim, but typically, you must telephone rst, or if the
insurer permits, send an email. But if you do not get an immediate response, you
may write a letter. In most cases, you will be given complete instructions on how to
proceed when you call in the loss immediately.
Remember that your insurance policy sets time limits for getting certain things
done. If your insurer requests a proof of loss or other claim form to be completed,
it is a good idea to ll out the forms promptly and to ask if there is a deadline for
completing the form. If you delay ling the claim, or fail to protect your property
from further damage or otherwise fail to cooperate with your insurer after a loss,
your claim may not be settled to your satisfaction and your coverage may be
jeopardized. erefore, it is important to respond promptly to all your insurers
If you have questions or concerns about the way your claim is being handled, you
should contact your insurer or insurance producer directly. If you continue to have
unresolved concerns, you should contact the Maryland Insurance Administration
for assistance.
Most homeowners insurance policies require you to do the following when a
loss occurs:
Give immediate notice of a possible claim to your insurer or insurance
producer. If the loss involves theft or vandalism, you should also notify the
police and le a report. If you have lost your checkbook or credit cards,
you should notify your bank or credit card company.
Maryland Insurance Administration • 800-492-6116 • www.insurance.maryland.gov
Protect your property from further loss or damage. If you make temporary
repairs, keep a record of what you do and save all receipts for expenses you
incur in undertaking the repairs. For example, this could include buying
plywood and nails to board up broken windows.
Give your insurer, adjuster and/or insurance producer a list of all damaged,
destroyed or stolen property. Be sure to keep a copy of this list. In case of
theft, be sure to give a copy to the police.
Show the damaged property to your insurer, adjuster and/or insurance
producer. Do not dispose of any damaged property until your insurer,
adjuster and/or insurance producer inspects it or tells you that you can
dispose of it.
If you feel that the amount of money oered by your insurer to pay for a
loss is not fair, there are several alternative courses of action that you may
You can demand an appraisal as per the terms of your insurance
You may le a complaint with the Maryland Insurance
Administration; or
You may hire a lawyer to represent your interests.
Maryland Insurance Administration • 800-492-6116 • www.insurance.maryland.gov
1. I submitted a claim for damage to my dwelling. I have replacement cost
coverage, but my insurer only paid part of the cost of repairs. Can they do that?
A homeowners policy may provide for replacement-cost coverage for covered
buildings without deduction for depreciation. Under these types of policies, the
insurer may pay the replacement cost in dierent ways. e most usual way is for
the insurer to make a partial payment (known as the actual cash value) until the
property has been fully repaired or replaced. en, once the property has been fully
repaired or replaced, the insurer will pay the dierence (referred to as “recoverable
depreciation”), up to the policy limits, between the amount already paid and the
actual cost you incurred to repair the building with similar materials and methods
of construction less the amount of your deductible. By law, an insured has at least
two years from the date of loss to submit a claim for the recoverable depreciation;
the policy will indicate the specic time period applicable to your policy. However,
an insurer may require an insured seeking additional payments (those who intend
to claim the recoverable depreciation) to notify the insurer within 180 days after the
date of loss of their intent to repair or replace the dwelling.
Depending on the specics of the claim, an insurer may pay the full replacement
cost up front, less your policy deductible. is type of settlement generally occurs
when there is very minor damage to the dwelling, so administrative costs to issue
multiple checks are saved.
If you elect not to repair the building, you can submit a claim for the actual cash
value of the damaged building. Payment of the actual cash value claim would then
conclude the claim process since the building is not being repaired.
Maryland Insurance Administration • 800-492-6116 • www.insurance.maryland.gov
2. I submitted a claim for several items stolen from my home. e insurer
indicated it would not pay my claim unless I submit bills, receipts, or related
documents that will prove I owned these items and justify the values that I am
claiming. Do they have the right not to pay unless I give this information?
Yes. e insurer has the contractual right to request any information it feels is
necessary to conrm ownership and value of the items claimed. e ultimate
responsibility of proving the loss is yours. Having photographs or a video of your
property taken before the loss may help you document your claim.
3. I submitted a claim for damage to my personal property. I have
replacement-cost coverage, but my insurer only paid a part of the amount
needed to replace my belongings. Can they do that?
Yes. Replacement-cost homeowners insurance policies cover the cost to repair the
damaged contents or the cost to replace them with like kind and quality items.
e insurer will ask that you produce an inventory or list of all damaged contents,
along with the date of purchase, amount paid and the amount to replace. Once the
list has been completed and provided to the insurer, the insurer will review all the
items, request proof of purchase or ownership (for some or all) and then prepare
an actual cash value settlement. e actual cash value is the replacement cost less
depreciation. Once you have replaced the items, copies of the receipts are submitted
to the insurer and the amount of depreciation held back by the insurer will be paid
to you. For example: your sofa was destroyed by a covered cause of loss, such as re.
e sofa was purchased 10 years ago for $1,500 and would be fully depreciated in
20 years. Since the sofa is 10 years old, it has depreciated 50%, or $750. e insurer
will pay you $750 initially, or the actual cash value of the 10-year-old, used sofa.
e cost to replace the sofa with a similar one of like quality today is $2000. Once
you purchase a new sofa, the receipt is sent to the insurer and the balance of the
cost to replace, or $1,250, will be paid. If you choose not to replace the sofa or fail
to notify the insurer within the time period specied in the policy of your intent
to repair or replace it, the insurer will pay no further monies to you and you will
receive only the actual cash value of the item.
Under state law, an insured has at least two years from the date of loss to request
the dierence between the actual cash value and the replacement cost of personal
property. However, an insurer may require an insured seeking additional payments
Maryland Insurance Administration • 800-492-6116 • www.insurance.maryland.gov
to notify the insurer within 180 days after the date of loss of their intent to replace
the personal property and to make a claim for additional monies beyond the actual
cash value.
For policies issued or renewed prior to January 1, 2011, the terms of the policy
will dictate the timeframes for providing notice and ling the claim for recoverable
depreciation. It is critical to read your insurance policy carefully to determine the
length of time allowed to notify the insurer of your intentions and to le a claim for
the recoverable depreciation.
4. Can the insurer issue a check payable to both my mortgage lender and me in
settlement of a claim for damage to my home?
Your homeowners insurer may issue a check payable to both you and your mortgage
lender in settlement of a claim for damage to your home so long as the lender is
listed as an “additional insured” on your policy. is information should be listed
on the declarations page of your policy but you also can call your insurer to conrm
this information.
Typically, a lender will require you to have the insurer list the lender as “mortgagee”
or “additional insured” on your homeowners policy as a condition of giving the
loan. When a claim is made, the insurer must protect the rights of insureds,
including the named insured (you) and any additional insureds [lender(s)]. To do
this, the insurer may make claim settlement checks payable to both you and the
lender. If the check is made payable to both you and the lender, you must then
present the check to the lender, who will advise you how the proceeds should be
5. Is there a grace period for late premium payments?
Your insurer may cancel your insurance policy for nonpayment of a premium
even if the payment is just one day late. e insurer must mail a notice that the
policy will be cancelled for nonpayment of premium 10 days in advance to the
named insured’s last known address, or, if the insured elected to receive notices
Maryland Insurance Administration • 800-492-6116 • www.insurance.maryland.gov
electronically from the insurer, the insurer must provide electronic notication 10
days in advance to the electronic mail address where the insured has consented to
receive notications from the insurer. Proof that you actually received notice is not
6. What is the dierence between a nonrenewal and a cancellation?
Insurance policies are issued for a specic period of time or “term.” Homeowners
insurance policies are usually issued for a term of 12 months. A nonrenewal occurs
when an insurer decides it will not oer to renew your insurance coverage at the
end of the current policys term. A cancellation occurs when an insurer decides to
stop your coverage during the eective period of the policy or before the policy
term ends. Maryland law limits when an insurer can nonrenew a policy or cancel a
policy mid-term.
An insurer may nonrenew your policy:
if you led three or more weather-related claims within the preceding
three-year period;
if you made a material misrepresentation in connection with the
application, policy, or presentation of a claim;
if there is a change in the physical condition or contents of the premises or
dwelling that results in an increase in a hazard insured against and which,
if present and known to the insurer prior to the issuance of the policy, the
insurer would not have issued the policy;
if an insured has been convicted within the preceding ve-year period of
arson, or within the preceding three-year period of a crime that directly
increases the hazard insured against; or
if an insured has otherwise violated or exceeded the insurer’s underwriting
An insurer may not cancel a policy mid-term except under the following conditions:
if you commit fraud or make a material misrepresentation in connection
with the application, policy or presentation of a claim;
Maryland Insurance Administration • 800-492-6116 • www.insurance.maryland.gov
if a matter or issue related to your risk constitutes a threat to public safety;
if a change in the condition of the risk results in an increase in the hazard
insured against;
if you fail to pay your premium when due; or
if you are convicted of arson.
By law, an insurer is generally required to give the insured notice of the proposed
cancellation or nonrenewal. All required notices must be given at least 45 days in
advance unless the cancellation is for nonpayment of premiums, in which case the
notice must be given at least 10 days in advance.
7. Does the law require the insurer to tell me how many claims I can le before
I will be cancelled?
Maryland law requires insurers to provide written notice at the time of application
or at the time the policy is issued and at each renewal that states that the insurer may
cancel or refuse to renew a policy based on the number of claims you had within the
three prior years. is notice must state that the cancellation or nonrenewal may be
based on: (1) three or more weather-related claims within the preceding three-year
period; (2) one or more weather-related claim(s) made within the preceding three-
year period if the insurer has provided written notice to the insured for reasonable
or customary repairs or replacement specic to the insured property that the insured
failed to make and that, if made, would have prevented the loss; and (3) a change in
the physical condition or contents of the property that increases the hazard insured
against and that, if present and known to the insurer before issuance of the policy,
would have caused the insurer to refuse to issue the policy.
8. My insurer cancelled or nonrenewed my homeowners insurance policy;
however, I did not receive prior notication. Is this legal?
Maryland law requires your insurer to give you at least 45 days notice prior to
cancelling or nonrenewing your homeowners insurance policy for any reason(s) other
than nonpayment of premium (the law requires only 10 days notice of cancellation
for nonpayment of premium). Your insurer must be able to prove that it mailed the
notice to the named insured’s last known address 45 days in advance of the date
Maryland Insurance Administration • 800-492-6116 • www.insurance.maryland.gov
of the policys cancellation or nonrenewal, or, if the insured has elected to receive
notices electronically from the insurer, the insurer must be able to prove that it
provided electronic notication at least 45 days in advance to the electronic mail
address where the insured has consented to receive notications from the insurer.
Proof that you received the notice is not required.
9. Can an insurer transfer my homeowners policy to a dierent insurer at
An insurer may transfer your policy to an aliate (owned by the same parent
company) as long as: (1) the aliated insurer is admitted as an insurer in Maryland;
(2) your premium does not increase; and (3) there is no reduction in coverage under
the policy as a result of the transfer. e policy issued by the new insurer will still be
considered a renewal of the expiring policy. e insurer must send a notice of your
renewal policy premium at least 45 days in advance and that notice must contain a
disclosure of the transfer to the new insurer.
10. I just received a nonrenewal notice because of claims I made over the past
couple of years. Why has the insurer nonrenewed my policy when these claims
were not even my fault?
Insurers develop standards (known as underwriting guidelines that help them
determine if you still qualify for their policies. Each insurer develops their own
standards. Although insurers are concerned whether a loss is the result of your fault,
they also review and consider the size of any loss(es) and the frequency of losses
regardless of fault. In Maryland, insurers can choose to nonrenew a homeowners
policy for weather-related claims only after you have had three or more weather-
related claims within the prior three years. e standards for non-weather-related
claims vary by insurer.
11. Can my insurer cancel or refuse to renew my homeowners insurance policy
solely because of where the property is located?
An insurer may not refuse to issue or renew a homeowners policy solely because the
risk or applicant’s or insured’s address is located in a certain geographic area of the
state unless:
Maryland Insurance Administration • 800-492-6116 • www.insurance.maryland.gov
at least 60 days before the refusal, the insurer has led with the Insurance
Commissioner a written statement designating the geographic area; and
the designation has an objective basis and is not arbitrary or unreasonable.
Additionally, if the insurer has led a “plan of material reduction” with the
Insurance Commissioner in the past 60 days, the insurer may cancel or nonrenew
3% or more of its policies on a state-wide basis solely because the risk is located in a
certain geographic area of the state.
12. Can my homeowners insurer require me to insure my car with them?
No. Maryland law prohibits a homeowners insurer from denying, refusing to renew,
or canceling a policy solely because the consumer does not have an automobile
insurance policy with the same insurer. Insurers are permitted to oer discounts
to consumers that choose to have their homeowners or renters policy with their
automobile insurer though.
13. My policy has a limit for other buildings and structures, but I do not have
a garage or a shed. Am I paying for coverage I do not need?
A homeowners policy is a package policy designed to meet the needs of most
homeowners. Although it may provide some coverage that you do not need, it
is less expensive for the insurer to issue a policy this way than to tailor it to each
policyholder’s needs. e result is a policy that provides broader coverage at a lower
14. My insurance premiums are paid by my mortgage company. Can I shop for
a better rate and change insurers?
Yes, you have all the rights and privileges of a consumer who pays a premium
directly to the insurer. However, some mortgage companies require advance notice
of a change in insurers. Check with your mortgage companys insurance monitoring
department for their requirements.
Maryland Insurance Administration • 800-492-6116 • www.insurance.maryland.gov
15. Do I need additional coverage under my homeowners policy if I have a
business in my home?
Liability and property coverage associated with a business is often excluded under a
standard homeowners insurance policy. erefore, you should contact your insurer
or insurance producer to determine if you are adequately protected. You may have
to purchase additional coverage or another policy to protect the property that you
use in your business or to protect you against any liability that may arise from your
business operations.
16. Will my homeowners policy pay for damage to my home caused by an
No. A homeowners insurance policy generally does not provide any type of coverage
against damage caused by earthquake or any type of earth movement, including
mudslides. You should contact your insurer or insurance producer to see if they
oer an earthquake or other earth-movement coverage endorsement.
1. Contact Your Insurer or Insurance Producer
If you believe your insurer has denied you homeowners insurance for an improper
reason or has refused to pay all or part of a valid claim, you have a right to ask
questions and to complain.
Your rst step should be to contact your insurer or insurance producer directly to
address your concern(s) with them. Sometimes, a mistake has been made and it will
be corrected if an inquiry is made and the error is brought to light. When making
an inquiry, supply your name, address, telephone number, policy number, type of
policy, and the nature of your complaint. It may be helpful to ask the insurer to
send you a letter explaining the basis for their action; that is why they would not
insure you or why they are denying your claim or any part of your claim.
A written complaint letter is best. Keep a copy of your letter. If you complain by
telephone, keep a written record of:
Maryland Insurance Administration • 800-492-6116 • www.insurance.maryland.gov
e date and time of your call.
e name of the person you talked to.
What was said during the call.
Make a request for a written conrmation of what you discussed and were
told by the insurer.
You should keep copies of all correspondence exchanged between you and the insurer.
2. Help from the Maryland Insurance Administration
e Maryland Insurance Administrations primary role is to protect consumers from
illegal insurance practices by making certain that insurers and insurance producers
doing business in Maryland act in accordance with state insurance laws. You may
contact the Insurance Administration to le a complaint against an insurer or
insurance producer whom you believe is not acting in accordance with Maryland law.
Maryland’s insurance laws not only govern insurers’ conduct – they also protect
Maryland consumers. In addition to the requirements discussed elsewhere in this
guide, state law bars insurers from settling claims in a manner that is arbitrary and
capricious or discriminatory. is means that insurers’ claim settlement practices
must be fair, nondiscriminatory and adhere to Maryland insurance laws.
If you feel that your insurer has acted improperly, you have the right to take action
by ling a complaint with the Maryland Insurance Administration. However, some
disputes may be governed by your policy’s terms and may not be a problem the
Insurance Administration can resolve for you.
Complaints must be received in writing. Please provide as much detail as possible,
including copies of pertinent documents. A trained, professional investigator will
handle your complaint. e investigator will contact the insurer/insurance producer
to try to resolve the issue. Meanwhile, you will be advised of the steps taken on your
behalf. Complaint les are not closed until the Insurance Administration has made
a determination regarding the complaint.
e MIA has established a Rapid Response Program designed to help certain
consumers resolve property and casualty claims (such as auto and homeowners
claims including those made under commercial lines policies) quickly and without
having to le a formal written complaint. For more information about this
program, please call us at 410-468-2340 or 800-492-6116 ext. 2340. Participation
in the Rapid Response Program is voluntary and does not aect your rights to le a
formal complaint.
Maryland Insurance Administration • 800-492-6116 • www.insurance.maryland.gov
To request additional information or to file a complaint, please contact the
Maryland Insurance Administration
s Property & Casualty Complaint Division at
410-468-2340 or 800-492-6116 ext. 2340. Consumers also may file their written
complaint in person, by mail or on-line at www.insurance.maryland.gov. Under “For
Consumers”, click on “File a Complaint.”
A Maryland consumer who has a property and casualty insurance policy (property
and casualty insurance includes automobile, homeowners, re and/or dwelling,
inland marine, commercial liability policies) or an individual disability policy (a
policy that provides for lost income, revenue, or proceeds in the event that an
illness, accident, or injury results in a disability that impairs an insured’s ability
to work or otherwise generate income, revenue, or proceeds that the insurance is
intendeds to replace) that was issued, sold or delivered in Maryland and believes
that his/her property and casualty insurer or his/her individual disability insurer
failed to act in good faith in making a decision regarding his/her rst-party
insurance claim may seek special damages against the insurer by ling a civil
complaint, in addition to or in place of ling an administrative consumer complaint
with the Maryland Insurance Administration (MIA).
e Insurance Article denes good faith as making a judgment based on honesty
and diligence supported by evidence the insurer knew or should have known at
the time the insurer made a decision on the claim. If the Maryland consumer
les a civil complaint and the insurer is found to have failed to act in good faith,
the insured may be entitled to an award with enhanced damages. Such enhanced
damages may include, in addition to the actual contract damages, litigation
expenses, including reasonable attorneys’ fees not to exceed one third of the actual
damages payable to the insured, and interest at the post-judgment rate.
An explanation of when a consumer can seek these special damages, when a lawsuit
has to be led with the MIA, and how to make that ling are explained in a separate
MIA publication: “A Guide for Consumers Filing a 27-1001 Civil Complaint.
Maryland Insurance Administration • 800-492-6116 • www.insurance.maryland.gov
Actual cash value (ACV) – e value of the property is determined by what it
would cost to replace the property (see replacement cost coverage) and is then
adjusted by subtracting an amount that reects depreciation with the dierence
being the actual cash value (ACV=RCV minus depreciation).
Additional living expense – is coverage provides you with reimbursement for
additional temporary expenses for hotel/apartment living and other additional
costs while you are unable to live in your home as a result of damage to your home
caused by a peril covered by your homeowners policy. is does not cover all your
expenses, but only those reasonable costs and amounts that are beyond your normal
living expenses. If you stay with family or friends and do not incur additional
expenses, no payment for the cost of living quarters will be made.
Adjuster – e individual(s) assigned by your insurer to deal directly with you
about your claim.
Assessments – A fee charged to each unit owner by the condominium association
as a result of a loss to covered property owned by all members of the association
caused by a peril insured against.
Declarations Sheet/Page – e front page of your insurance policy that names you
as the insured, identies the insured property and sets forth all the coverages and the
maximum limits of each such coverage available to you under the insurance policy.
Deductible – An amount of money that you pay in a property claim before the
insurer payment applies. You can generally choose your deductible amount, starting
at $250.
Liability coverage – is coverage provides you with protection against claims of
injury to another person or damage to another persons belongings when the loss is
your fault.
Master Policy – This policy provides coverage to multi-family and attached
condominium buildings including the common areas.
Medical payments coverage – is coverage provides for the payment of
reasonable and necessary medical expenses of a person who is injured in an accident
at your home even if you are not at fault (medical payments coverage is not
available to you or a member of your household).
Maryland Insurance Administration • 800-492-6116 • www.insurance.maryland.gov
Named peril policy – is type of homeowners insurance policy covers any loss
that is caused by one of the specically listed perils included in the policy.
Open perils or All-risk policy – is type of homeowners insurance policy covers
damage or loss from all causes except those causes specically excluded by the policy.
Out-building – (also referred to as other structures or appurtenant structures)
is coverage provides protection for damage or loss to detached buildings on your
property such as a tool shed or garage.
Peril – A cause or event that contributes to a loss such as re, lightning, theft, etc.
Personal property or contents – is includes everything in your home that is
not built into or axed to the structure of your home such as clothes, furniture,
appliances, etc. However, it may not provide coverage up to the full value of
collectibles, antiques, furs, jewelry, etc.
Property damage coverage – is coverage protects your home, other structures,
personal property and loss of use of your home resulting from a covered peril.
Replacement cost coverage – is type of coverage provides you with payment for
the actual cost of rebuilding or repairing your home or building, or replacing your
personal property, less the amount of your deductible, using materials of the same
kind and quality to return it to the pre-loss condition. e replacement cost of a
house does not include the value of the land.
Note: is publication was produced to help consumers better understand
homeowners insurance. It should not be considered a substitute for your reading
and familiarizing yourself with your homeowners insurance policy.
Homeowners insurance policies are contracts with many dierent parts and terms. As
each consumer’s needs are dierent and few homeowners insurance policies are alike,
many consumers benet from the advice of a knowledgeable insurance producer.
Other consumers, however, are comfortable dealing directly with an insurers
customer service representative, who can answer questions and provide advice.
MIA-HO-1 (10/23)
is consumer guide should be used for educational purposes only. It is not
intended to provide legal advice or opinions regarding coverage under a specic
policy or contract; nor should it be construed as an endorsement of any
product, service, person, or organization mentioned in this guide. Please note
that policy terms vary based on the particular insurer and you should contact
your insurer or insurance producer (agent or broker) for more information.
is publication has been produced by the Maryland Insurance Administration
(MIA) to provide consumers with general information about insurance-related
issues and/or state programs and services. is publication may contain
copyrighted material which was used with permission of the copyright owner.
Publication herein does not authorize any use or appropriation of such
copyrighted material without consent of the owner.
All publications issued by the MIA are available free of charge on the MIAs
website or by request. e publication may be reproduced in its entirety
without further permission of the MIA provided the text and format are not
altered or amended in any way, and no fee is assessed for the publication
or duplication thereof. e MIAs name and contact information must
remain clearly visible, and no other name, including that of the insurer or
insurance producer reproducing the publication, may appear anywhere in the
reproduction. Partial reproductions are not permitted without the prior written
consent of the MIA.
People with disabilities may request this document in an
alternative format. Requests should be submitted in writing to
the Chief, Communications and Public Engagement at the
address listed below.
200 St. Paul Place, Suite 2700
Baltimore, MD 21202
800-735-2258 TTY