A publication of the New College Alumnae/i Association
# 69 - Fall/Winter 2011
The next generation of New College Alums
Meet our cover stars | Page 10
Alum Spotlight:
Artist Mary Cox ‘76 | Page 4
# 69
The art of Mary Cox
New College alumna Mary Cox,
made a dramatic career move from
economic forecaster to professional
artist. Mary shares her inspiration,
process, and reects on her time at
New College.
Cover Story
The New Alumni
Meet some soon-to-be graduates
who embrace and embody New Col-
leges independent spirit.
It’s that time of year... Get all your
reunion information, including
the schedule of events, registration
forms and more.
NCAA Board of Directors
Executive Commiee:
Robert Lincoln Chair
Susan Sapozniko Vice-Chair
William Rosenberg Treasurer
Colin Boyle ‘89 - ‘95
Michael Burton ‘86 - ’90
Carla Eastis ‘88 - ‘90
Cindy Hill ‘89 - ‘93
Robert Hans ‘76 - ‘79
Stuart Levitan ‘72 - ‘75
Robert Lincoln ‘76 - ‘83
William Rosenberg ‘73 - ‘80
Susan Sapozniko ‘83 - ‘87
Maia Hinkle ‘05 - ‘07
David Banks ‘05 - ‘09
Ex Ocio Members
Andrew Walker
President/CEO of the New College
Gordon Michalson
President of New College
Jessica Rogers
VP of Alumnae/i Aairs
Sarah ompson ‘06
Alumnae/i Coordinator
Cover Image: en and now: e changing face of
the New College student.
Photo by Briany White
Story on Page 10
Also Inside this issue
Introducing the Alum Fellows | 6
Chapter Events | 14
Engaging Students in Diversity | 18
New College News | 20
Class Notes | 22
Social Buzz | 25
New College Alumnae/i Association | nimbus
A letter from Vice President of
Alumnae/i Affairs Jessica Rogers
I hope you enjoy this issue of our new and
improved Nimbus! Many thanks to Alumnae/i
Coordinator Sarah Thompson and Graphic Design
Manager Brittany White for their hard work in
taking your ideas and suggestions and incorpo-
rating them into our newsletter’s new look. The
College also recently launched its new website
which includes a facelift for the Association and
Foundation. NCAA’s site can be found at ncf.edu/
alum. There will be more alumnae/i outcome
stories featured on the entire college website as
an answer to the call of those who are interested
in knowing more about what life is like after New
College. Please continue to share with us your up-
dates as you never know when we may call you
for an interview to include online!
In November, the Association experienced a
passing of the torch amongst our leadership.
Cindy Hill has chaired the Association board for
the past three years and through her leadership,
along with the board of directors, the Association
has maintained a strong and steady presence
amongst the
College and
our alumnae/i
base. The past
three years
have not been
easy for any-
one, as our
country has
endured the
recession and
fallout from
state govern-
ment issues
nationwide. I
have to thank
all of our board
members for their dedication and voluntarism to
continue moving forward through the dicult
times as New College charts the course for its
future. Special thanks to Cindy for her spirit of op-
timism through the challenges and determination
in seeing the Association through its many recent
milestones and celebrations.
Thank you to Robert Lincoln who has wel-
comed his new role as board chair and has hit
the ground running in this capacity after 15 years
of service on the association board. Robert co-
chaired the Clambake this fall, on campus, is serv-
ing on the Foundation’s Gala Committee and will
be leading the association through changes in its
board nomination process. See more details on
this in Robert’s letter to alums on page 3.
Susan Sapozniko has been named Vice-Chair
of the Association and Bill Rosenberg accepted
a second term as board Treasurer during the
November Board of Directors meeting. We thank
these board members for their continued service
and leadership.
I hope that you have made the decision to at-
tend the Alumnae/i Reunion Weekend, February
9-12, 2012! We have many fun events planned and
even a few “surprises”, of which you should have
already received information in the mail. We will
have plenty of opportunities for you to reconnect
with each other. You will also have the ability to
make new connections with current students and
faculty that will be participating in mini-classes
and other events throughout the weekend. See
pages 12 and 13 and visit our website for more
All the best to you and yours for a holiday sea-
son lled with joy, peace and special memories. I
look forward to seeing you in February!
- Jessica
News from the NCAA Board of Directors
On November 5, the New Col-
lege Alumnae/i Association
Board of Directors approved
by-law changes to move from an
elected board to an appointed
board of at least twelve and
up to fteen directors. More
details about the appointment
procedures and time lines will be
announced soon on the NCAA
The Board is aware that this
may not be a popular decision. I
want to share some of the back-
ground and logic behind this
change, and communicate the
commitment of the Board to en-
sure that the voice of our alumni
body will be better heard by this
Previously, the Board was
made up of ten elected directors,
who also could appoint up to
eight additional directors. Elec-
tions for three year terms were
held in two cycles (for ve each)
so there would be two years of
elections and then an “o year.”
Self-nominations were solicited
in the winter Nimbus, candidate
proles were published in the
spring Nimbus and elections
were held over the summer. In
recent years, we have had from
seven to eleven candidates, but
the turn out has been dismal.
Just 226 alums voted in 2009 and
only 168 participated in 2010.
Prior to the last elections, the
Board announced that if partici-
pation did not rise, we would
move to an appointed board.
Participation did not rise – in
fact it was lower.
The election process gener-
ated several negative dynamics.
First and foremost, it has been
dicult to get a Board that is
both representative of the de-
mographics of the alumnae/i
body and with the skills/experi-
ence needed on the Board. For
reasons that are not all bad, the
Board is heavy on lawyers, on
graduates from the 80s/90s, and
on people who live in Sarasota.
Second, the elections process
has excluded qualied and
excited alumnae/i. We have
had several candidates with
great potential and energy who
did not get elected and would
not accept appointments be-
cause they felt the “voice” of the
alumnae/i had spoken against
their service. With a growing
base, limited avenues for “cam-
paigning,” and poor participa-
tion, the election process has
proved to be a poor reection of
the will of the alumnae/i body.
The decision to move to an
appointed Board was not unani-
mous. The chief concerns were
a loss of trust and commitment
from the alumnae/i and the
risk that a “bad Board” would
be appointed with no means to
remove them by popular vote.
The entire Board takes these
concerns seriously. In fact, this
change has been discussed for
at least ten years and probably
would have occurred four years
ago except for the Board’s con-
cerns about these issues.
So I want to express to you
the Board’s commitment to
transparent appointment pro-
cess. Nominations will be open.
The application form will be pub-
lished, as will a list of the quali-
cations that are being sought at
any given time. The Governance
Committee recommendations on
candidates will be made avail-
able prior to the Board’s con-
sideration. The votes on can-
didates will be reported. I also
will commit that we will revisit
this issue in two years.
If you are interested in serving,
please submit an application. If
you have questions, please ask.
And, as always, thank you for
your continued support for New
Rob Lincoln ‘76
NCAA Board Chair
[from the desk of]
New College Alumnae/i Association | nimbus
[alum highlight]
facturers Hanover, Banque Indosuez, Chase,
Swiss Bank. I burned out on that job and nal-
ly, when I was pregnant with my rst child, I
convinced my husband, who is Greek, to try liv-
ing in Greece, as an adventure.
What do you feel are some of the advantages and
pitfalls to living abroad?
I have lived in Brazil, Puerto Rico, and France,
so Greece was not my rst experience living
abroad. It’s fun to see how other parts of the
world work--but it can get tiring when the place
is as dysfunctional as Greece. Every place has
its pluses and minuses. I do wish I wasn’t quite
so far from family and friends in San Francisco.
How did you become interested in painting and
what led you to make such a radical career change?
The career change came after moving here.
I started painting while pregnant with my sec-
ond child, and became addicted. I had started
painting in high school, and took a few classes
at New College, and even some Saturday-morn-
ing classes in New York, but I didn’t think of
painting as a career possibility until the late
90s. I studied with Open College of the Arts in
the UK, and nally decided to go for a Master’s
in 2005. (Completed in 2009.)
Talk to me about your style of mixed media. What
appeals to you about art in this medium?
Back in the 70s and 80s, artists were still try-
ing to have a “signature style”, a uniform prod-
uct, as it were. It was frowned upon to go from
abstract to gurative and vice versa. I nd that
too constricting. I like to do narrative work, but
often there is more than one story, or there are
multiple points of view, and combining dier-
ent media helps relay that idea. I guess the ap-
pealing thing about mixed media is it’s ability
to convey layers of meaning in the work.
Describe your process. What inspires you?
My work is very much photography based,
and I try to have a camera with me (or at least
a cellphone camera) so that I can catch some-
thing when
I see it. The
ing of the
in Athens
was kind of
exciting be-
cause it happened so fast. Downtown Athens
went from being extremely homogeneous to
multicultural in the space of ve years. Follow-
ing these changes got me interested in immi-
gration issues such as political asylum and ref-
ugees. Usually I start with photographs, which
get attened as I do a sort of collaging of vari-
ous elements, while combining other elements
such as repetitive motifs. I usually paint gures
in oil, in as much of a photo-real style as I can
muster. Generally the subject that inspires
me is change. The bicycle series is also about
change, about
the need to move
away from pe-
troleum and the
need to slow
down generally.
For Americans
and Europeans,
the bikes might
seem like a no
brainer, but we
here in Athens
still have no bike
lanes, and only
recently achieved
access for bikes
on the metro.
“I like to do narrative work,
but often there is more than
one story, or there are mul-
tiple points of view, and
combining different media
helps relay that idea.”
Top left: Mary’s piece entitled “Thesseion”. Bottom
right: “Peristeri.
The Art of Being Mary Cox
Mary Cox ‘76 talks about making the dra-
matic career switch from economic fore-
caster to artist and oers advice to others
looking to break into the art scene.
Interview by: Sarah Thompson ‘06
Tell me a little bit about yourself. Where are you
from? How did you nd out about New College?
My family moved around so much that it’s
hard to say where I’m “from.” I attended elemen-
tary and high school (but not middle school) in
Bethesda, Maryland. My family has lived in the
San Francisco Bay Area since the late 1970s. I
found out about New College doing research
on colleges.
What interested you about New College? Did you-
have any faculty that you particularly enjoyed
working with during your time here?
I was very interested in NC’s non-traditional
program: the contract system, the independent
study and the evaluations instead of grades.
Also, I was looking for a school with no frater-
nities, sororities or swimming team. (I needed
to make a break from a ten-year swimming ca-
What was your post graduation career path like?
After graduation I took a year o and lived
in the Bay Area. I then went to Columbia Uni-
versity’s School of International and Public Af-
fairs, where I concentrated in International Fi-
nance. My rst job was with a small company
called Business International, doing economic
forecasting. Obama worked there right after I
left! For the next ten years I worked in foreign
exchange trading for a series of banks: Manu-
Continued on page 15
New College Alumnae/i Association | nimbus
Alum ID Card
Over the past year, the cam-
pus community has led dis-
cussions about a guest and
alumnae/i visitation policy.
The NCAA board was invited
to provide input in these dis-
cussions and additional input
was sought from students,
faculty, and sta. What has
evolved from these thoughtful
meetings is the alumnae/i visi-
tation and access guidelines,
which will soon be found on
our website.
In addition, the NCAA will
be oering an alumnae/i ID
card. Our student body has
grown in size over the years
and with the addition of new
students it has become more
and more dicult to recog-
nize alums when they are on
campus. The ID card is one
way to combat this issue. The
card also oers alums benets
such as use of the library, ac-
cess to the tness center, a
10% discount at the bookstore
and more. We’re working with
local business now to secure
discounts at local restaurants,
hotels, and retail establish-
ments for alums who show
their ID card.
The card will cost $10 with
a $5 replacement fee. This
is to ensure we do not lose
money from printing, mailing,
and laminating costs. You may
contact Alum Coordinator
Sarah Thompson at sthomp-
[email protected] or 941-487-4676
in order to purchase a card.
Randall Moon ‘73 and Susan Mailheau
The Legacy Club
Be among the many alums like Randall Moon ‘73 and wife Susan Mailheau who are including
New College in their future plans. Make a legacy gift today for the future of New College’s best
and brightest students of tomorrow.
Randall had this to say about his gift: “I’ve made provisions in my estate planning for a gift to
New College for several reasons. First and foremost New College provided the unique and non-
traditional educational opportunities and lessons that, in hindsight, have greatly enhanced my
career. Second, it’s a modest attempt to thank the faculty who poured their hearts and souls into
the early days of New College, and who helped me personally. Last but not least, I’m making
the gift because alumnae/i who wish New College to continue cannot count on corporations or
sports teams for support--it’s up to us.
If you are interested in making a planned gift please contact VP of Philanthropy Dennis Sto-
ver at dstov[email protected] or 941-487-4674.
Nicholas Tampio ‘91 tought an
ISP course on Deleuze’s Political
Vision. Nicholas teaches clas-
sical, modern, contemporary,
American, and comparative
political theory at Fordham Uni-
versity. His forthcoming book,
Advancing the Enlightenment,
considers how Anglo-Ameri-
can, Continental, and Islamic
political thinkers take up Kant’s
legacy for contemporary politi-
cal life. Tampio has published in
Political Theory, Contemporary
Political Theory, the European
Journal of Political Theory, Pol-
ity, and PS: Political Science and
Politics. He earned his doctorate
from Johns Hopkins University
and has served as the assis-
tant editor of Political Theory.
Previously, Tampio taught at the
University of Virginia, George
Mason University, and Hamilton
Kristin Vekasi ‘98 will be teach-
ing an ISP course entitled: US En-
counters in East Asia: Geopolitics,
Economy, and Identity. The ISP will
address the roles the United States
has played in East Asia, what
signicance that has in East Asian
politics, and what signicance it
has for the US domestically.
After graduating from New College
with a concentration in political
science in 2003, Kristin spent a
year as a Fulbright Fellow at To-
hoku University in Japan studying
regional labor movements. She is
currently a doctoral candidate in
the political science department
at the University of Wisconsin-
Madison. Kristin was a visiting
fellow at the Institute of Social
Science at the University of Tokyo
in 2010-2011, and has traveled and
conducted research extensively
throughout East Asia. Kristin’s
current research interests include
East Asian political economy and
geopolitics, the interaction of eco-
nomic globalization and domestic
identity politics, and radicalism in
post-Fukushima Japan.
Renee Price ‘04 will teach a
course on Paleolimnology. Re-
nee is an Environmental Science
and Policy graduate student at
University of South Florida St.
Petersburg. She is completing a
project with the Florida Depart-
ment of Environmental Protec-
tion to determine the extent of
contamination in a local estuary.
In addition, she is exploring
ecological consequences of
minimum ow levels in Gum
Springs for Southwest Florida
Water Management District.
Her goal is to establish base-
line conditions for State water
quality standards for the Florida
Department of Environmental
While at New College, Renee
was in the Environmental Stud-
ies program under the direction
of Dr. Sandra Gilchrist.
Katherine Chandler ‘96
plans to teach a course on
technology. Katherine is a PhD
Candidate in the Rhetoric De-
partment at the University of
California, Berkeley with a Des-
ignated Emphasis in New Me-
dia from the Berkeley Center
for New Media. Her research
draws on Science and Technol-
ogy Studies, Political Theory,
and Geography to develop an
interdisciplinary framework
to study techno-environments.
By considering the multiple
process form, both materially
and rhetorically, she re-thinks
the concept of feedback and
its political implications.
This project draws on her M.A.
research, completed at the
Un versiteit van Amsterdam
in 2008 through the HSP-
Huygens Scholarship Program.
She followed how injustice and
inequality become a part of
landscapes, which are simulta-
neously political terrains and
physical locations. Her dis-
sertation analyzes the techno-
environments envisioned
through UAS, exploring the
relationship between military,
industry, science, and politics
established through these
Alumnae/i Fellows 2012
New College Alumnae/i Association | nimbus
Alums Give Back: New College
Alumnae/i Panel at Parents’ Weekend
Cathy Cuthbertson
Director of Career Services
“I’ve been to several alum panels
during the past few years and the
thing always grabs my attention
is the innovation and insight that
alums bring to the session when
they talk about guring out what
you want to do in life. One of my
favorite remarks this year was
when Charlie Lenger shared one
of the best career tips ever: ‘My
grandpa gave me one piece of
great advice. He said nd a job
you love and you’ll never have to
work a day in your life.
Jennifer Maglio ‘89
“It was interesting and inspiring
to see how the skills developed at
New College can bring success in
dierent careers. Most of all, I en-
joyed the parents’ enthusiasm for
New College. It was obvious the
parents were excited to be on a
learning journey along with their
Tristan Zucker ‘09
At the alum panel my rst year,
I connected with panelist John
Cranor who has become a won-
derful personal mentor. His
words and those of all the par-
ticipants every year have shown
me how a New College alum
can and will succeed in the real
world (and what to do while at
New College to make sure that
From left: Tristan Zucker ‘09, John Cranor ‘64, Charlie Lenger ‘78, and Jennifer Maglio ‘89
A note from NCSA Archivist Harrison Sherwin
Hey alums,
I was asked to write an article from the NCSA
for the Nimbus. As such, I did what any Archi-
vist does: I dove in to old documents to see for
whom exactly I was writing. First, you all are
some crazy folks. Second, we are all very simi-
I read some old issues of the Organ, Catalyst,
Oracle, and Tangent for research and read ar-
ticles knocking the Cold War and the student
government entities from the time and chuck-
led as I was reminded of the current students
speaking against student government. I read
about the Trustee Chairman Dort signing the
College over to the State University System in
order to protect the continuity of the school
and the split from University of South Florida
ten years ago, but more importantly I read
about your reactions to these events.
I read about the protests, the debates, the
forums, and the action taken. I read about cuts
in nancial aid from the 80s and immediately
thought about the cuts in my own student aid.
I looked at Fact Books about the college from
its inception and gawked that students then
were paying less than half of what I am now
as an in-state student. I gawked even more
realizing that then New College was a private
institution and now we’re supposedly getting
state funds to subsidize our education. I read
about your protests against the Sarasota Air-
port Authority building a road through a grove
of trees on the North end of the Pei Campus
and 43 students getting arrested for these
demonstrations. I read about your ghting
for extended library hours during nals and
then I thought about our current Vice-Presi-
dent of Academic Aairs implementing that
this calendar year. More importantly, I read
about a planned party to celebrate your vic-
tory against the library, canceled because you
needed to spend more time studying. I read
about the twenty second graduating class be-
ing told to choose paths you love rather than
what will make you the most money.
I read and I realized while situations and the
people involved may have changed over the
years, as New College students we still ag-
gressively reach for our goals and protect
what we value. I shudder at the thought of
this awe-inspiring institution no longer exist-
ing. I cringe at the thought of willing students
not being able come to this place and learning
how to think out-of-the-box and be indepen-
dent in the world. I love this college because
we don’t just learn biochemistry, public pol-
icy, or art history, but we learn how to learn
and we learn how to think. I love that the
alumnae/i from this college support the cur-
rent students so much and have inspired me
and my peers to do the same.
Thank you.
Harrison C.
NCSA Archivist
[NCSA Stories]
Want to help your alma mater? Consider participating in
Alumnae/i Coee Talks. You will speak to students about your
career path and oer tips and advice. Careers of particular
interest include: Education, Psychology, Medicine, Law, Inter-
national Relations, and Technology, but any alum is welcome.
Contact the NCAA at [email protected] today!
New College Alumnae/i Association | nimbus
Soon to be New College gradu-
ates Ilene Gillispie, Joseph “Winn”
Hasalom, Jakilah Mason and Emile
Mausner share a little about them-
Ilene Gillispie is a fourth-year student at New
College, where she has spent most of her time study-
ing the world’s religions. Her focus is Indian reli-
gions, particularly Hinduism and Sikhism. Ilene is
currently writing her thesis about the role of women
in the Sikh religion, and plans to travel to India in
January (with the help of a Student Research and
Travel Grant funded by the Alumni Association) to
nish up some thesis research at an interfaith ash-
ram in New Delhi. She studied abroad in Spring 2011
at Madras University in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, where
she wore saris every day, ate rice for every meal,
and traveled to see some of India’s most historic and
beautiful Hindu sights.
In her free time, she volunteers at an acupunc-
ture clinic in Sarasota, facilitates spiritual groups
on and o campus, and leads group trips to a local
Sikh temple. She also plays kirtan (Indian devotional
music). Ilene plans to attend seminary after gradu-
ating from New College, with the goals of leading
Unitarian Universalist congregations as a minister
and serving others through hospital chaplaincy and
prison ministry.
Winn Hasalom is set to graduate from New Col-
lege in May 2012 with a BA in Psychology. His thesis,
centralized around sarcasm, is reexive of his spirit,
as an individual who never forgets that sometimes,
you just have to have fun. An artist, iconoclast, and
dreamer, Winn is inspired by the shining light of the
soul in everyone; his passion fueled by the sacred-
ness of his love for friends and family.
When not working on his academics, Winn can
typically be found dancing about in (and especially
outside) of the studio. He believes that there is al-
[cover story]
Meet the next generation
of New College alums
ways a good reason to dance, at any
given time (even when there isn’t
one!) and advocates the healing
power of dance movement therapy.
A performer since the day he
was born, Winn is most at home in
the spotlight. Driven by the discrete,
intimate experience shared with an
audience, he is known for his signa-
ture style of performance that has
evolved over his time at New Col-
Knowing that this chapter of his
journey is soon to close, he leaves
with a smile saying, “If I have in-
spired just one person here, then it
was a success. I am blessed to have
this experience, and forever grateful
to the spirit of New College, and its
community, for accepting and sup-
porting me on my journey.”
Jakilah Mason is fourth year
student with a joint disciplinary
area of concentration in Music and
English. In the summer of 2011,
Jakilah worked as a Fund Develop-
ment intern for CORE, a contem-
porary dance company in Atlanta,
Georgia, where she got rst hand
experience working in the non-prot
world. She intends to go to graduate
school to study ethnomusicology or
musicology, with particular inter-
ests in popular music, feminist and
queer theory, and twentieth century
literature and music. Among her fa-
vorite things are hip-hop, feminism,
punk music, and cheese. Among her
favorite things to hate are soap op-
eras, math, and oatmeal.
Emile Mausner is a fourth-year
Humanities AOC currently writing
an interdisciplinary thesis on issues
of border ambiguity in various post-
modernist texts. Additionally, Emile
has worked two years for New Col-
lege’s Writing Resource Center as
a Student Writing Assistant, an
active listener for whom impartial
friendliness and intellectual respect
towards others are crucial. Thus ex-
posed to the necessity of negotia-
tion in interpersonal spaces, Emile-
likewise strives in academics to nd
meaning in between, in exchange,
in conversation; they nd that the
most expressive or most novel real-
izations are produced by exploration
among sets of terminologies and
perspectives otherwise conceived
as autonomous. Emile intends to
continue their education in some
form of graduate study and eventu-
ally enjoy a teaching position.
*Emile uses non-gendered pro-
New Website!
It’s out with the old and in with the [new] public face of New
College! In November, the College launched a completely re-
designed website, which integrates both the Foundation and
the Alumnae/i Association’s own sites through the giving
and alumnae/i links. The website will better help showcase
New College’s achievements and independent spirit to pro-
spective students and members of the community.
Visit http://ncf.edu/alum today for all of your
alumnae/i needs!
The following class years will be celebrating anniversaries this year
‘67 - 45 years ‘82 - 30 years ‘97 - 15 years
‘72 - 40 years ‘87 - 25 years ‘02 - 10 years
‘77 - 35 years ‘92 - 20 years ‘07 - 5 years
Put on your dancing shoes for our New College Gala honoring retiring New College
President, Dr. Mike Michalson, who will be stepping down in June after eleven years
as President. Please join us February 11, 2012 at The Fete Ballroom at Polo Grill in
Lakewood Ranch.
During his tenure, New College became an independent member of the State Univer-
sity System and one of the most highly ranked public undergraduate schools in the
nation. The “Dr. Mike years” have been marked by substantial growth of the student
body and a major investment in new academic facilities, including two state-of-the-
art science buildings, ve “green” dormitories, a Public Archaeology Lab, Black Box
Theatre, and most recently, the new, as yet unnamed Academic Center.
We thank Dr. Mike for the outstanding educational legacy he has created, keeping
New College at the forefront of higher education. For more information and sponsor-
ship levels, please contact Johnette Cappadona, Director of Special Initiatives, at
[email protected] or 941-487-4600.
New College Gala
New College Alumnae/i Association | nimbus
[alum events]
Alumnae/i Reunion Weekend
February 9-12, 2012
Schedule of Events
Thursday, February 9th
12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Registration/Welcome Keating Center ($5)
5:00 p.m. until… Students Welcome Alums Back Ham Center/Four Winds Café
Friday, February 10th
9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Registration/Welcome Keating Center
11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Emeriti Faculty/Retiree’s Brunch TBD ($20)
2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Campus Tours
3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Mini classes TBD
6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Alumnae/i Reception-Beer Garden Academic Center Koski Plaza
Saturday, February 11th
9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Registration/Welcome Keating Center
9:30 a.m – 11:00 a.m. Anity Group Breakfast for Hyatt Place Sun Room ($10)
Business/Finance & Lawyers Guild
10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Campus Tours
10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Mini Classes Academic Center
12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. Class Anniversary Lunches TBD ($20)
& Pictures
1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Alum networking receptions Music Room
3: 00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Mini Classes TBD
6:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. Foundation Gala Polo Grill at Lakewood Ranch
10:00 p.m. until… Valentine’s PCP Palm Court
Sunday, February 12th
11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. State of the College Address TBD ($20)
& Farewell Brunch
*for details on childcare, hotel discounts, and transportation see our website at: ncf.edu/web.ncorida/
New College Alumnae/i Association | nimbus
On October 29th, amidst an unseasonable snowstorm,
42 alums and emeriti faculty braved the weather and
joined us in Washington DC for an alumnae/i chapter
event. The event was hosted by David Lipsey ‘72 and
his wife Dianne Lipsey at the historic Sewall-Belmont
house, a corner stone of the suragette movement. The
event featured a panel discussion on gender and diver-
sity. Panelists included: New College Gender Studies
Program Director and Professor of French Amy Reid,
White House Correspondent Alexis Simendinger ‘76,
and New College Associate Provost Ray Burgman ‘92.
All three of these successful women discussed their
tips and strategies on how to combat the occasionally
male-dominated workplace. They also highlighted New
College’s eorts to expose students to issues of gender
and diversity. Below, please read one portion of Alexis
Simendinger’s speech from DC where she discusses
her networking tips. This is a skill she believes many
women fall behind in compared to their male peers.
1. Build your rolodex early and keep it up in good
times. Remember that there are only 6 degrees of
separation. Don’t be afraid to call on family, friends,
colleagues, professors, New College alums, and anyone
else you may meet at work, in graduate school, or at
2. Social networking is okay, but you need to go be-
yond an occasional facebook wall post. Drop names
and solicit information through one-on-one meetings or
phone calls with the contact. Treat the contact as an
expert. Be charming but assertive in your interactions.
3. Do your homework and ask for help. You absolutely
must do some research on those with whom you net-
work to better achieve your goal.
4. Anticipate openings in the conversation and steer
towards them. Consider where you want to be and
with whom you want to work and aim to make it hap-
5. Pick a mentor. Don’t wait for a mentor to pick you.
Figure out what it is you want from your mentor. Is it
advice? Greater expertise? A sounding board? Con-
tacts? A tug up the ladder? If you know what you want
out of the relationship you can better tailor it to your
specic needs.
6. Don’t assume others know what you’re doing or
accomplishing. Tell them your qualications and suc-
DC--Je Lundy ‘00, Jessi-
ca Rogers, and Bob Watts
DC--Dr. Mike Michal-
son, Alexis Simendinger
‘75, host Dianne Lipsey,
Courtney Smith ‘08, An-
drew Walker
DC--David Belew ‘07,
Courtney Smith ‘08, and
David Lipsey ‘72
DC--Katie Shore, Will Pot-
terveld and Dr. Michalson
Miami--- Tricia Hopkins
‘89, Jonathan Kroner ‘73
and Oscar Lopez ‘99
Tampa-- Matthew Medina
‘04 and Jessica Rogers
Tampa-- John Martin,
Dr. Michalson and pro-
spective student parents
Agne and Larry Weldon
New York--- Andrew
Walker, David Cohen ‘80,
Candyce Cohen ‘79, and
Pat Hennigan.
Miami---Becky Katz Sil-
verman, Giev Askari ‘98,
Mitch Silverman ‘91, and
Rudy Hernandez ‘90.
DC--- Jessica Rogers,
Sarah Thompson ‘06,
and Ray Burgman ‘92
New College Alumnae/i Association | nimbus
New York
"I felt star-struck walking up to alum Ruth Drees-
sen’s (72) elegant home in the Tanglewood neigh-
borhood. In between delectable bites of rare tuna
and miniature cups of gazpacho, we chatted about
New College’s recent 50th anniversary celebrations
and successful alums who’ve “made it” in spite of
the troubling economic times.
After our appetites were sated, we settled in to a
more formal discussion about the future of New
College. News of further budget cuts was disheart-
ening, but we rallied around the cause of encour-
aging more Texas students to apply to our alma
mater. If our strategies take o as planned there
will be lots of fresh faces at future Houston alum
-Mary Barnes ‘06
Did you
“The event was a wonderful occasion
to see familiar faces and meet the
recent graduates. Our host, Pat
Hennigan opened his beautiful home
and created an exquisite event that
made everyone feel special and proud
to be a graduate of New College.
- Miriam Green ‘81
“I was very pleased to see so many pro-
spective students and parents at the
event. I think it’s important for NCF al-
ums to reassure parents that their sons
and daughters are making a good choice
in New College, and that they will get a
good job when they graduate!”
-David Bryant ‘92
The top 5 countries outside the US
alums ock to after graduation
1. UK - 33 alums
2. Canada - 25 alums
3. Australia/Japan - 8 alums
4. France - 7 alums
5. China - 6 alums
Fast Fact
Las Vegas
August saw a small but scintillating
gathering of NC alumni attending
the annual meeting of sociologists in
Las Vegas, Nevada. Hosted by Foun-
dation Vice-President, Dennis Stover
and myself, the intimate gathering
included alumnae/i from as far back
as the early 70’s. The venue, the lat-
est incarnation of the famous New
York bar, PJ Clark’s, provided tasty
eats and drinks and atmosphere to
match. To be sure, a good time was
had by all.
-Chris LoFrisco ‘79
New College has alums in all
50 states with 13 chapters
that meet yearly. Here are the
states with the highest con-
centration of alums: Florida,
California, New York, Virgin-
ia, Massachusetts, Maryland,
Pennsylvania, Texas, Wash-
ington, and New Jersey.
Washington, DC
“The true gift of New College to their alums is ca-
maraderie. Part of the quintessential New College
experience is knowing that you can always nd like-
minded individuals who enrich your path to success
or oer support in moments of defeat. Spending
time with alumni in DC and having the opportunity
to converse with them about our mutual love of New
College is more refreshing than any other experience
I’ve had this year. To know that interests in New Col-
lege extend beyond campus living conrms my belief
that education is not limited to the time you spend in
the classroom. Rather, it is part of a daily routine to
remain informed and maintain a continued apprecia-
tion for knowledge. I made many friends that night,
several of which being alumni who will help me with
my thesis studies in Marine Ecology. The endless love
of New College that I felt that night in DC still reso-
nates with me, and I use that feeling as encourage-
ment to continue my thesis work o-campus.
-Courtney Smith ‘08
“So many years after graduation and
I’m still amazed at how well I connect
with New College alums of all genera-
tions. They lead fascinating lives and
careers. My memes are still resonating,
and I can hardly wait until we get to-
gether again.
-Jonathan Kroner ‘73
New College Alumnae/i Association | nimbus
Engaging Students in Diversity
This year, the New College community has engaged in talks focused on improving
campus diversity. As one part of these efforts, the Southern Poverty Law Center out-
reach director Lecia Brooks was invited to speak to students about racial issues and
the importance of tolerance.
Written by: Sarah Thompson
On November 2, 2011, Lecia Brooks, the
outreach director of the Southern Poverty Law
Center (SLPC), came to New College to give a
lecture on campus racial issues. The SLPC is a
nonprot civil rights organization which is inter-
nationally known for tracking and exposing the
activities of hate groups. The SLPC’s innovative
Teaching Tolerance program produces and dis-
tributes documentary lms, books, lesson plans
and other materials that promote tolerance and
respect in our nation’s schools.
Brooks began her rst lecture at New College
by discussing some of what the SLPC does. She
showcased a hate map, illustrating the number
of active hate groups around the country. Florida
is home to 49. It ranks third among the states
with most active hate groups after California, 68,
and Texas, 59. Brooks also discussed individual
court cases on which the SLPC has oered their
services. This included an impending case in
which immigrant
workers were
hired to repair
apartments in
New Orleans.
Allegedly, these
workers were
routinely cheat-
ed out of wages
and endured
forced labor
while living in
crowded and di-
lapidated em-
housing. Brooks also discussed a case the SLPC
supported in the 1980s in which a man was
lynched by a white supremacist hate group.
Brooks’ SLPC tales provided a national con-
text to what would become a discussion of indi-
vidual and campus-wide racial issues.
After the presentation, Brooks lead a group
exercise in which she read a statement and
members of the group were required to stand
if the question correctly corresponded to their
experience. Her queries included: “My race or
ethnicity is an integral part of my identity” and “I
have experienced racial discrimination or intoler-
ance.” The group was then split into pairs and
asked to discuss what patterns emerged among
those who stood or sat for various questions and
to describe a personal story of their rst memory
of race.
After this pairs exercise, a larger discussion
was led about racial issues among the more than
50 students that attended. Brooks excelled at
getting the often hyper-intellectual New College
students to discuss the emotional and personal
aect of race on their lives.
Third-year New College student Claire
Cominskey commented that the talk was eec-
tive at “creating a safe space for students while
still being constructive.” Claire hopes this talk
will lead to more frequent discussions about
diversity that engage the whole campus com-
munity. New College may be on its way with a
follow up discussion hosted one week later by
the pluralism committee that was, by all reports,
very well-attended.
[special feature]
I have been active in bicycle ad-
vocacy for the last ve years, and
the movement has really grown,
so I am hoping that change will
What shows have you partici-
pated in?
The Lulea Art Biennial that
I participated in this past sum-
mer was the most important ex-
hibition I’ve been in so far. I felt
honored to be included in that
group of artists from all over the
world. Previously I participated
in the Athens Fringe Festival and
the Athens Fringe Festival and
the Athens Bicycle Film Festival.
Earlier gallery shows were most-
ly landscapes.
What advice would you give to
emerging artists or those who
have an interest in a career in
the art world?
Be prepared to be poor and
plan on having something which
will pay the bills. I tutor IB and
A-Level students in art as well as
running seminars in mixed me-
dia techniques.
Also be prepared to spend
a lot of time promoting yourself,
which I nd a necessary evil to
get exposure. Many artists say
half the job is networking and
promoting. As part of my net-
working eort I am currently
volunteering in the Athens Bi-
ennale, which is operating on a
shoestring budget, and learning
to give guided tours in English.
(I’m not quite sure yet how this
will pay o, but you never know
where life may lead!)
“In the Air” A piece from Mary’s Bicycles series
Mary Cox: Continued from page 4
A web comic on being a trans-gendered male from Morgan Boecher ‘06
What’s Normal Any
[college news]
New College Alumnae/i Association | nimbus
[college news]
Honored by
The Sarasota
County Branch of the NAACP
honored President Gordon
E. “Mike” Michalson with
the 2011 Freedom Award at
the 26th Annual Freedom
Awards Banquet in Sarasota
on October 6. The Freedom
Awards are presented to
individuals, organizations
and businesses that have
signicantly contributed
to furthering the local and
national goals of the NAACP.
This year’s event featured
keynote speaker Leon Russell
under the theme, “Arming
America’s Promise: Looking
Back, Moving Forward,
Changing the Future.”
Russell is vice-chairman of
the NAACP national board of
directors and director of the
Oce of Human Rights for
Pinellas County.
Founded in 1909, the
NAACP is the nation’s oldest
and largest civil rights
organization. Its members
throughout the United
States and the world are the
premier advocates for civil
rights in their communities,
conducting voter
mobilization and monitoring
equal opportunity in the
public and private sectors.
New Academic Center
Earns LEED Certication
The U.S. Green Building
Council (USGBC) has
awarded New College of
Florida’s new Academic
Center with Gold LEED
certication for a number
of environmentally-friendly
The USGBC awards point
values based on sustainable
sites, water eciency,
energy and atmosphere,
materials and resources,
indoor environmental quality,
and innovation in design. At
the New College Academic
Toilets ush using
residual rainwater
from the roof and A/C
Specially designed
tanks built-in under the
adjoining Koski Plaza
collect storm water.
Special CO2 room
sensors measure air
quality and adjust
the A/C system
windows let in natural
Pavers and high
reective roong
materials reect
More than 85 percent
of construction site
debris was recycled.
LEED, or Leadership in
Energy and Environmental
Design, is an internationally-
recognized green building
certication system that was
developed by the U.S. Green
Building Council (USGBC).
LEED promotes sustainable
building and development
practices through a suite
of rating systems that
recognize projects that
implement strategies for
better environmental and
health performance.
New College Student
Receives LeRoy Collins
Distinguished Alumni
Rising Star Award
New College of Florida
student Jodi Johnson
received the LeRoy Collins
Distinguished Alumni
Rising Star Award during
the Association of Florida
Colleges Presidential Gala
Dinner in Naples, Fla., on
October 27. An anthropology
major at New College,
Johnson achieved her dream
of a rst college degree when
she graduated last spring
from State College of Florida,
Manatee-Sarasota (SCF).
After being a stay-at-home
mom, she was inspired
to continue her higher
education as a role model for
her teenage son.
At SCF, Johnson developed
her leadership skills as
president of Phi Theta
Kappa, organizing
scholarship workshops and
participating in service
projects. She also co-
founded the Awareness
Initiative Program at SCF
Venice, designed to raise
awareness about drug
and alcohol dependence.
Johnson was one of only 50
college students nationwide
to be named a Coca-Cola
Academic Team Gold
Scholar, and her name
appeared in the April 11
special edition of USA Today.
After nishing her second
bachelor’s degree at New
College, Johnson plans to
attend graduate school
and work in a museum,
historical society or nonprot
organization focused on
humanitarian aid.
The LeRoy Collins
Distinguished Alumni
Awards were created to
honor distinguished alumni
from Florida community
colleges for the substantial
contributions they have
made to their college,
community, state or nation.
The award was named in
honor of LeRoy Collins,
former governor of Florida,
whose leadership was
instrumental in establishing
a community college system
for the state.
New College dedicates the
newly-named Koski Plaza
New College dedicated the
plaza adjacent to its new
Academic Center. The Koski
Plaza recognizes a generous
gift of $1 million from Beverly
Koski and her late husband,
Robert, co-founder of Sun
Hydraulics. The gift will
be used to construct a bell
tower in the section of the
plaza adjacent to the Jane
Bancroft Cook Library on Bay
Shore Road. The rest of the
gift will be used to fund a
variety of academic priorities
at New College.
“In Beverly Koski’s gift, we
celebrate the tradition of
giving by generous donors,
which runs in the DNA of
our institution, back to its
private days” President
Mike Michalson stated in his
opening remarks.
Beverly Koski, one
of Sarasota’s leading
philanthropists and
community leaders, has been
active at New College for
much of its fty-year history,
serving for many years as a
leader of the New College
Library Association (NCLA).
“New College is a special
place,” said Koski. “It’s a
place where students can
come and design their own
program under a mentor and
the leadership of a fabulous
sta. I am very proud to be
a part of the New College
tradition. It pleases me to
think of the faculty, and
students gathering in this
plaza to discuss the topics of
the day and the challenges
before them.”
In the College’s early years,
the Koski’s made one of
the rst large gifts to the
library, and the Koski Core
Collection Fund continues
to help acquire new books
and resources, helping make
the Cook Library one of
Southwest Florida’s most
important public-accessible
research libraries.
[class notes]
New College Alumnae/i Association | nimbus
[class notes]
Lance Newman ‘82
Lance Newman recently
published his book The Grand
Canyon Reader. This superb
anthology brings together
some of the most powerful and
compelling writing about the
Grand Canyon--stories, essays,
and poems written across ve
centuries by people inhabiting,
surviving, and attempting to
understand what one explorer
called the “Great Unknown.
The Grand Canyon Reader
includes traditional stories from
native tribes, reports by explor-
ers, journals by early tourists,
and contemporary essays and
stories by such beloved writers
as John McPhee, Ann Zwinger,
Edward Abbey, Terry Tempest
Williams, Barry Lopez, Linda
Hogan, and Craig Childs. Lively
tales written by unschooled
river runners, unabashedly
popular ction, and memoirs
stand alongside nely crafted
literary works to represent full
range of human experience in
this wild, daunting, and inspir-
ing landscape. Find his book
Justin Bloom ‘87
Justin Bloom recently moved
back to NYC to take a job with
Waterkeeper Alliance, an envi-
ronmental advocacy organiza-
tion and is living on his sailboat
on the Hudson River and riding
his bike to work. Justin plans
to be in Sarasota with the boat
for much of the winter.
John J. Collins, MD ‘88
Jack was selected as Sarasota
Memorial’s new chief of sta.
He will serve as the top repre-
sentative of Sarasota Memo-
rial’s 800+ physicians through
Oct. 31, 2012. Among other
responsibilities, Jack will work
with hospital administrators
on quality initiatives and help
manage matters of mutual con-
cern involving care of patients
in the hospital.
In an unusual coincidence,
he also was named Sarasota
Memorial’s 2011 Physician of
the Year. Jack has served as
chairman elect and chairman of
Sarasota Memorial’s Medicine
Department from 2009 to 2011.
His practice was one of the ear-
liest adopters of an electronic
medical records system, and he
has been instrumental in help-
ing Sarasota Memorial develop
an electronic health information
exchange between physicians
in the community and the
hospital. He also has served the
past two years on the hospital’s
Health Care Reform Task Force.
Sue Stolis ‘88
Sue recently published her rst
children’s book entitled “Noth-
ing Like a Pun”. According
to Sue “Writing this book was
a great exercise in logic. Plus I
loved thinking about puns,
with their bright beaks and neat
dives. Someday, I hope to see
one y!” Sue Soltis lives in Cha-
pel Hill, North Carolina.
completed her MFA in Creative
Writing with an emphasis on
poetry at Antioch University,
Culver City, CA this Decem-
ber. Currently, she is revising
her manuscript and has had
poems published in Tidal Basin
Review, The Citron Review, Ar-
tillery Magazine, The Splinter
Generation, Poets for Living
Waters, and The Provo Orem
Gary Kirk ‘91
Gary is the new director of the
Center for Student Engagement
and Community Partnerships
at Virginia Tech. He comes
to Blacksburg from James
Madison University, where he
is a faculty member and recent
director of the university’s pro-
grams in public policy and ad-
ministration. Kirk earned both
his master’s and Ph.D. degrees
from Virginia Tech.
Tenea D. Johnson’s ‘94
Tenea Johnson’s debut specula-
tive ction novel Smoketown
was published in July. Pub-
lisher’s Weekly says, “All of
Johnson’s characters come
nicely slantways at their un-
intended roles and the under-
stated, lyrical prose makes even
small moments, such as the
appearance of a ock of birds
within the city’s force eld, feel
triumphant.” Also out this year
is R/evolution, a SpecFic novel-
in-stories available in ebook
and paper format. For more info
check out www.teneadjohnson.
Matthew Grieco ‘94
In September 2011 Matthew
W. Grieco joined the Oce of
the New York State Attorney
General as an Assistant So-
licitor General in the Division of
Appeals & Opinions. Matthew
joined the AG’s oce after com-
pleting clerkships with Judges
Peter W. Hall and Raymond J.
Lohier, Jr., of the United States
Court of Appeals for the Second
Circuit. He is also in the process
of moving from Hoboken, New
Jersey, to Brooklyn, New York.
Jill Lany ‘94
Jill works as an Assistant Profes-
sor at University of Notre Dame
where is she is currenlty doing
ground breaking research on
early cognitive development.
Jill has discovered that babies
are tuned in to language clues
far earlier than was previ-
ously known. According to her
research, babies as young
as 12-months-old are able to
discern word patterns as clues
to the meaning of new vocabu-
lary words. An article about
Jill’s ndings can be found here
Kate Parr ‘97 and Pinray
Huang ‘00 welcomed their rst
child, Quinn Parr Huang, on
October 16, 2011. The family
currently lives in Madison, WI
enjoying farmer’s markets, hik-
ing, and playing games. Pinray
works as a chemist and plays
racquetball and soccer. Kate
works in software testing, but
recently earned her doctorate
degree in Educational Psychol-
ogy from University of Florida.
Quinn blows bubbles and is
learning to be social. Arrow
hunts chipmunks and moles.
Rivet runs the fence line and
chases balls.
Annie E. Nelson ‘98
Annie has joined Moore & Van
Allen’s Charlotte oce Financial
Services practice group as an
associate. Nelson represents
banks, nancial institutions and
corporate clients in secured
and unsecured lending transac-
tions, including single-lender
and syndicated loans. She is a
member of the North Carolina
and American Bar Associations.
Nelson received her Juris Doctor
from the University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill School
of Law. Moore & Van Allen is
the only Charlotte-based law
rm identied in the prestigious
AmLaw 200 list, and again has
been named by Incisive Media
as a “Go-To Law Firm” for the na-
tion’s Fortune 500® companies.
Jennifer Glass Elected Vice President of the American Sociological Association
Jennifer Glass is the Barbara Bush Professor of Liberal
Arts in the Department of Sociology and Research Associate
in the Population Research Center at the University of Tex-
as, Austin. She has published over 50 articles and books on
gender stratication in the labor force, mother’s employment
and mental health, and religious conservatism and women’s
economic attainment, with funding from the National Sci-
ence Foundation, the National Institutes of Health, and the
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. She has received the Reuben Hill
Award from the National Council on Family Relations, and
thrice been nominated for the Rosabeth Moss Kanter Award
for Excellence in Work-Family Research. She has chaired the
Sex and Gender Section, the Family Section, the Organiza-
tions and Work Section, and has recently been elected Vice-
President of the American Sociological Association. Her most
recent projects explore the wage eects of exible work prac-
tices among parents, how telecommuting facilitates longer
work hours, and whether governmental work-family policies
improve or undermine parents’ mental and physical health,
all as part of a larger project to understand the roots of moth-
ers’ disadvantage in the labor market.
How do you feel about being awarded this new posi-
It always feels good to be recognized by your peers. I
have served the ASA in other ways, so I’m familiar with the
organization and its functions. Its time consuming on top of
everything else I do, but also a great way to meet other schol-
ars and nd out what is happening around the country.
What are you looking forward to doing as the Vice Presi-
dent of the ASA?
I get to hang out with very smart and engaging sociolo-
gists four times a year in places like New York and Washing-
ton, while I help plan the 2013 annual convention and chair
the nominating committee for all of our major commitees gov-
erning 45 sections, 6 major awards, and 7 peer-reviewed pub-
lications. I am
most looking
forward to help-
ing decide the
special guest
speakers - in the
past we have
gotten such
luminaries as
Gloria Steinem,
Paul Krugman,
Arundhati Roy,
and others
How, if at all, did your New College experience serve you
in your professional career?
New College really changed the trajectory of my life. I
never would have gone to graduate school had it not been for
my fantastic mentor, Penny Rosel, who encouraged me and
pushed me through my thesis project (which, when I looked
back on it a few years ago, was better than most of the M.A.
theses my students are writing today!). I remember asking
her “What’s graduate school?” when she mentioned perhaps
I should think about continuing my studies. I came from a
working class neighborhood in Dallas, so there weren’t a
lot of people around me who had much higher education.
The New College learning environment was extraordinary
-- when I got to the University of Wisconsin for my Ph.D. pro-
gram, they didn’t know what to do with me. I had already
read all the books and done all the work at New College they
typically asked rst year students to do. So they put me in
advanced seminars right away! The freedom to delve into the
subjects that interested me, the encouragement to ask novel
questions and work with original data -- all that came from
New College, but proved to be essential in succeeding as an
academic researcher.
Erica Lindegren ‘07 Honored by FCSW
The Florida Com-
mission on the Status
of Women (FCSW) hon-
ored New College of
Florida alumna Erica
Lindegren with their
annual Achievement
Award for her work in
improving the lives of
women and families in their communi-
ties. Lindegren and the other recipients
from throughout Florida were honored
at a special luncheon in Ft. Lauderdale.
Lindegren, a Sarasota resident
originally from Fort Walton Beach, Fla.,
graduated from New College of Florida
in May 2011 with a bachelor’s degree in
anthropology, gender studies, and inter-
national and area studies.
While a New College student, Linde-
gren was involved in human rights ac-
tivism, both locally and nationally. She
participated in groups such as Students
Against Genocide and Greenpeace. In
January 2010, she participated in a pro-
gram that combined Spanish-language
immersion with experimental learning
focused on women and social change in
Cuernavaca, Mexico. In 2009 and 2010,
she interned with MADRE, an inter-
national women’s rights organization
in New York. Her New College senior
thesis was an ethnographic explora-
tion of how MADRE inuences social
change on a global scale. Recently, she
was named to the board of the Sarasota
Manatee Dance Alliance and is serving
currently as the organizer of their Com-
munity Outreach and Dance For Com-
munity Day.
The Florida Commission on the Sta-
tus of Women is a nonpartisan board in
Tallahassee, Fla., dedicated to empow-
ering women in achieving their fullest
potential, eliminating barriers to that
achievement and recognizing women’s
accomplishments. Statutorily created in
1991 and administratively housed in the
Oce of the Attorney General, the com-
mission’s mandate is to study and make
recommendations to the governor, cabi-
net and legislature on issues aecting
[social buzz]
New College Alumnae/i Association | nimbus
Matt Mazzuckelli: Awesome
weekend at High Cove. Many
thanks to all involved.In response
to the second annual New College re-
union at High Cove on Sat, Oct 15th.
Michael Webb: “I would like to
hear some of the stories the Wall
could tell... In response to the post-
ing of an archived photo of Palm
Ann Moss Joyner: “I am considering
hosting an alum event at my place
near Chapel Hill, if there folks nearby
who are interested. Anyone?” A wall
post on the NC Alum facebook.
D Ross Ohlandt: “Late walks to the
bayfont. In response to the question:
“What is your favorite New College
tradition” posed by NC Alum.
from facebook:
Join New College’s social
media network on LinkedIn,
Facebook, and Twitter. Each
day we inform and engage
alumnae/i about a variety of
topics and events.
Currently, we are hoping to
build our Facebook chapter
pages and LinkedIn groups. Be
sure to inquire to ncalum@ncf.
edu about joining your local
chapter group on Facebook or
one of our professional groups
on LinkedIn. Click the icons be-
low to visit our pages.
Campaign Update
We are happy to report that in its rst eighteen months,
the Foundation’s $60 million multi-year comprehensive
campaign has raised $15 million from alums & friends,
like you, who are committed to helping us continue to
attract the best and the brightest students and faculty.
A few highlights of the campaign to date:
• The Harry Sudako Foundation has awarded New
College the nal installment of a multi-year commit-
ment totaling $500,000 for the design and construc-
tion of an academic facility to house International
Studies. The grant is eligible for $500,000 in state
matching funds.
• Paul Mattison of Mattison’s Restaurant and Cater-
ing is graciously donating the hors d’oeuvres and
wine for this season’s New Topics New College
lecture series.
• New College received a $300,000 gift from Gregory
Dubois-Felsmann ‘77 for a scientic computing lab-
oratory in the recently completed Academic Center.
The state will match this gift one-to-one bringing
the total gift to $600,000.
• Keith and Linda Monda have made a $600,000 gift
for New College scholarships. It will be used to en-
dow out-of-state, need-based students. The Mon-
da’s gift will be matched 70% by the state of Florida
bringing its total value to $1,020,000. Keith Monda
is a member of the New College Board of Trustees
and is the former president and chief operating of-
cer of Coach, Inc. in New York.
[class notes]
New College alums win more accolades: 3 admitted to Teach for
America this year
In addition to our stellar track record with Fulbright, New College alums
are also excelling at admittance to other prestigious programs like Teach
for America. This year three alums were awarded. Nausherwan Hafeez
from Apollo Beach, FL has been assigned to Baltimore , MD. Dayna Firth
from Gainesville, FL will be teaching classes in New York. NY and Agne
Milukaite, originally from Southington, CT is a teacher in Seattle, WA.
Previous winners have included Nina Barraclough ‘06 who was awarded
in 2010 and Vanessa Botero-Lowry who was awarded the grant in 2005.
Teach for America is a highly competitive non-prot organization that
recruits recent college graduates to teach for two years in America’s low-
income communities.
Michelle Josette Krasowski
Michelle (also known as
Crashette) is currently working
as a Services Librarian at the
Brisbane Library in San Mateo
County, California. Applying
the skills she has learned in her
time at this tiny branch, she will
be presenting a ConverStations
session at the Public Library
Association Conference in Phila-
delphia in March of 2012 titled
“Shrink Ray Your PLA: How
Small Libraries Can Make the
Most of the PLA Conference.
Ryan Stanley ‘01
Ryan Stanley has been ap-
proved for programming on
Sarasota’s community radio sta-
tion, WSLR 96.5 LPFM. She and
three friends co-host a weekly
radio show that began on Oct
4th. The program is called
Maternally Yours: Sarasota’s
Conversation about Pregnancy,
Childbirth and Early Mother-
hood. It can be heard live on
the radio online at wslr.org
every Tuesday night at 6:30pm
or via podcasts made available
after every program.
Adwoa Gyimah-Brempong
Adwoa has recently returned
(like a sea turtle) to the beaches
of her birth. in Sarasota, FL
The Florida native has traveled
widely, living most recently in
New England, Portugal and Ita-
ly. A dedicated communications
maven, Adwoa is a veteran
of Gilt City, TimeOut Boston,
and MIT. Her interests range
from food to fashion, music to
policy – all underscored by the
certainty that it’s possible to
live a rich, fullling life while
treading lightly on the earth.
Adwoa currently works as the
managing editor of Modern Hip-
pie Magazine.
Mary Barnes ‘06
Fresh from her recent travels in
Indonesia on a Fulbright grant,
Mary is making her way in the
world with a new position as
the education and outreach
director at the Houston Texas
Maritime museum. Mary is
currently involved in organiz-
ing the museum’s rst lecture
series and organizing an oral
history project of World War II
Merchant Marines to go into
the collections database. An
article about Mary’s work with
the museum appeared in the
Houston Chronicle The article
can be found online. Click here
to view this article.
New College Alumnae/i Association
The Keating Center
5800 Bay Shore Road
Sarasota, FL 34243