Nebraska Special Events Information Guide, September 20, 2011, Page 1
InformatIon GuIde
A special event is a gathering of sellers where merchandise, items, or services are sold or traded to
the public from a temporary venue. Nebraska sales tax is due on all retail sales of taxable new and
used items at special events. Promoters and sellers at special events are required to have a Nebraska
sales tax permit.
SaleS at SpecIal eventS
September 2011
Promoter or Operator. A promoter or operator is a person or entity that arranges, promotes, or sponsors a
special event.
Retail Sale. Retail sale means any sale, lease, or rental of taxable property or services for any purpose other
than resale. Transactions involving barter or trade are also considered retail sales.
Seller. A seller includes every person engaged in the business of selling, leasing, or renting tangible personal
property or taxable services. Any seller is considered a retailer. Sellers who only sell tax exempt items (vegetables or
fruits) are not required to have a sales tax permit.
Special Events. Special events are any events of a temporary nature which are held primarily for selling
merchandise, items, or services. Special events include, but are not limited to:
v Antique shows; v Farmers markets;
v Art shows; v Flea markets;
v Carnivals; v
Garage sales, held at a location other than an individual’s home;
v Circuses; v Gun shows;
v Conventions; v Swap meets; and
v Craft shows; v Trade shows (auto, boat, home, and garden shows).
v Fairs;
A religious organization may have one annual sale that is not taxed. See the Nebraska Taxation of Nonprot
Organizations Information Guide for more detailed information.
This guidance document is advisory in nature but is binding on the Nebraska Department of
Revenue (Department) until amended. A guidance document does not include internal procedural
documents that only affect the internal operations of the Department and does not impose
additional requirements or penalties on regulated parties or include condential information or
rules and regulations made in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act. If you believe
that this guidance document imposes additional requirements or penalties on regulated parties, you
may request a review of the document.
This guidance document may change with updated information or added examples. The
Department recommends you do not print this document. Instead, sign up for the
subscription service at to get updates on your topics of interest.
Nebraska Special Events Information Guide, September 20, 2011, Page 2
An educational institution may make certain sales without collecting tax to the general public or to the members
of the institution. See the Nebraska Taxation of Nonprot Organizations Information Guide for more
detailed information.
Special events do not include garage or yard sales which may qualify as occasional sales (see Reg-01-022 for more
detailed information on occasional sales).
The promoter or operator of a special event must provide the Department with special event information and a list of
all participating sellers.
The special event information must include:
v The dates of the special event;
v The name of the contact person for the promoter or operator; and
v The address and telephone number for the contact person.
The list of participating sellers must include:
v Name;
v Address;
v Phone number; and
v Nebraska Sales Tax ID Number, if available.
The list can be sent to the Department by faxing the information to 402-471-5929 Attn: Special Events, or by
emailing the list to rev[email protected].
Let sellers know that a Department representative may attend the special event to ensure that they comply with all
applicable sales tax laws.
Promoters or operators must do the following:
v Distribute all materials furnished by the Department to participating sellers;
vProvide sellers with the state, and any applicable local, sales tax rate for the event location on the dates
of the event; and
v Collect sales tax on any admission fees charged to the public to enter the special event.
All promoters, operators, and resident sellers must have a Nebraska sales tax permit or obtain one by ling a
Nebraska Tax Application, Form 20. The ling frequency depends on the sellers sales volume and will be assigned
by the Department based on the information provided on the Form 20.
The Nebraska sales tax permit may take two weeks to receive and will be mailed to the mailing address provided on
the Form 20. This permit, or a copy of it, must be in the seller’s possession at the special event.
Nonresident sellers should have an active Nebraska sales tax permit, or obtain one, by ling a Form 20. In certain
situations, a one-time special event reporting form may be obtained from the Department. For information on the
type of situations when this is allowed, contact the Department rev[email protected].
Nebraska Special Events Information Guide, September 20, 2011, Page 3
Independent Consultants/Representatives Selling for a Direct Sales Company. Direct sales companies that have
a signed Distributors Agreement with the Department are allowed to collect sales tax on behalf of their independent
consultants/representatives (consultants). The direct sales company will obtain a sales tax permit, relieving each
consultant from the need for their own sales tax permit and having to le sales tax returns. Direct sales companies
will collect sales tax on purchases made through their consultants. The consultant should collect the Nebraska and
any applicable local sales tax as a reimbursement for the tax they paid to the direct sales company.
The Department’s website provides a list of companies that have signed Distributors’ Agreements. Any questions
related to a consultant selling products for a direct sales company that is not found on this list should be directed to
Every seller at a special event must collect the state, and any applicable local, sales tax on all retail sales, unless the
seller receives a properly completed Nebraska Resale or Exempt Sale Certicate, Form 13, from the purchaser.
Sellers must remit the tax collected on a Nebraska and Local Sales and Use Tax Return, Form 10. The Department
encourages sellers to e-le and e-pay sales tax using the Department’s NebFile system.
If the special event includes concessions, the concessionaire must have or obtain a Nebraska sales tax permit, and
collect and remit the appropriate amount of sales tax (see Nebraska Sales and Use Tax Guide for Prepared Foods
Information Guide).
If a seller fails to obtain a Nebraska sales tax permit, or fails to le and remit the appropriate amount of sales tax, the
Department representative may ask the seller to leave the premises. The Department may also prevent the seller from
participating in future special events for not complying with Nebraska licensing and sales tax laws.
Any person who engages in business as a seller without the proper Nebraska sales tax permit (or following the
revocation or suspension of a permit) may be found guilty of a Class IV misdemeanor upon conviction. Each day of
operation without a permit represents a separate offense and subjects the seller to a ne of up to $500 per day.
Any person who willfully fails to collect, report, or remit sales tax, or who in any manner evades taxes imposed
under Nebraska’s sales tax laws, may be found guilty of a Class IV felony upon conviction. This person may receive
a maximum imprisonment of up to ve years, or a ne of up to $10,000, or both.
Information Guides
v Nebraska Sales and Use Tax Guide on Delivery Charges
v Nebraska Sales and Use Tax Guide for Food, Food Ingredients, and Dietary Supplements
v Nebraska and Local Sales Tax
v Nebraska Taxation of Nonprot Organizations
v Nebraska Sales and Use Tax Guide for Prepared Food
v Statutory Responsibilites for Collecting, Reporting, and Remitting Sales and Withholding Taxes
Nebraska Special Events Information Guide, September 20, 2011, Page 4
800-742-7474 (NE and IA), or 402-471-5729
Nebraska Department of Revenue, PO Box 94818, Lincoln, NE 68509-4818
Nebraska Sales and Use Tax Regulations
v Reg-1-005 Retailers and Sellers
v Reg-1-006 Retail Sale or Sale at Retail
v Reg-1-013 Sale for Resale - Resale Certicate
v Reg-1-022 Occasional Sales
v Reg-1-033 Transient and Itinerant Sellers
v Reg-1-091 Religious Organizations
Nebraska Statutes
v Neb. Rev. Stat. § 77-2701.31, Retail sale or sale at retail, dened.
v Neb. Rev. Stat. § 77-2701.32, Retailer, dened.
v Neb. Rev. Stat. § 77-2701.36, Seller, dened.
v Neb. Rev. Stat. § 77-2705, Sales and use tax; retailer; registration; permit; form; revocation; restoration;
appeal; exempt sale certicate; violations; penalty; wrongful disclosure; online registration system.
v Neb. Rev. Stat. § 77-2713, Sales and use tax; failure to collect; false return; violations; penalty; statute
of limitations.