2023 Nebraska State Fair GENERAL
LIVESTOCK Information & Regulations
WELCOME: The Nebraska State Fair Board welcomes you to the 154
Nebraska State Fair, held at
the Nebraska State Fairgrounds on Fonner Park. We encourage your participation in the 2023
competitions. The State Fair Management Team is pleased to host you and your exhibits at the Fair
while you enjoy your stay in Grand Island.
delegated the authority to Nebraska State Fair Show Management (Agriculture Director, Executive
Director, Chair of the Ag Committee, FFA Superintendent, and 4-H Program Leader) for the final
and absolute right to interpret, amend or add to these Rules & Regulations as its judgment may
determine, and to settle all disputes and determine all matters, questions and differences in regard
hereto or otherwise arising out of, connected with, or incident to the Fair.
GENERAL INFORMATION: The following General Rules & Regulations apply to all
departments including Open Class, 4-H and FFA. Please refer to each department for specific rules
and requirements. Exhibitors are required to read ALL rules and regulations which pertain to the
division they are entering. In the event of conflict of general and specific rules, the latter will govern.
It is the responsibility of each exhibitor to be familiar with all applicable Rules & Regulations.
FAIR LIABILITY: The Nebraska State Fair Board, the Nebraska State Fair Show Management, and
their agents and employees shall not, under any circumstances, be responsible for personal injury, and
assume no liability for loss or damage of any nature to any property of concessionaires, exhibitors or
patrons while on the grounds or at any time or place due to theft, fire, tornado, weather conditions,
or other causes, nor be liable for or make any payment for the value thereof.
EXHIBITOR LIABILITY: Exhibitors of livestock must exercise due discretion in regard to the
animals they are exhibiting, whether in the ring, stall or pen and exhibitor must assume responsibility
for any damages caused by or to their animals. The exhibitor will be solely responsible for any
consequential or other loss, injury or damage done to, or occasioned by, or arising from any animal
or article exhibited by him/her and for its description as given in the Premium Book. Exhibitor shall
indemnify the Nebraska State Fair Board, its agents and employees against all legal or other
proceedings in regard thereto, as well as any damage or injury to any other person or property, caused
by the exhibitor or any of the animals exhibited with the Fair.
AGREEMENT OF RESPONSIBILITY: At no time will the Nebraska State Fair Board assume
care, custody, or control of any animals and/or personal property of any exhibitor, except following
the selection of the Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion 4-H and FFA Market animals
Furthermore, the official Nebraska State Fair Veterinarian, in agreement with show management,
reserves the right to treat any animal, if in the opinion of the Nebraska State Fair Veterinarian, it is in
the best interest of the animal’s health and well-being to be treated. The Nebraska State Fair Board
will assume control of these animals using security guards once they are placed in the designated pens.
Otherwise, exhibitors will have full custody and control, and will care for, feed and keep safe their
animals, livestock and personal property, all in accordance with the rules and regulations of the
Nebraska State Fair as implemented by Nebraska State Fair Show Management.
NEBRASKA STATE FAIR COURTESY STATEMENT: In any barn where different species are
present at the same time, the Nebraska State Fair expects that all exhibitors will extend courtesy to
other exhibitors and their animal exhibits. This includes respect for designated areas, informational
signage, and division barriers. Any questions regarding this should be referred to the Superintendent
of your show.
EQUAL OPPORTUNITY: Subject to the limitations set forth in these Rules and
Regulations, the Nebraska State Fair provides to all persons the opportunity to exhibit at the
Fair without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability or other factors
protected by applicable law.
SCHEDULE OF EVENTS: The Nebraska State Fair reserves the right to cancel events or change
scheduling should Nebraska State Fair Show Management deem such necessary in its sole discretion.
NATIONAL CODE OF SHOW RING ETHICS: As a member of the International Association
of Fairs and Expositions (IAFE), the Nebraska State Fair follows the National Code of Show Ring
Ethics and uses that code as a governing philosophy for all shows hosted during the Nebraska State
Fair. For more information, please refer to the IAFE Code of Show Ring Ethics document on the
Nebraska State Fair website, which are incorporated into these Rules and Regulations by reference.
NALS&RMA: The Nebraska State Fair is a member of the North American Livestock Show and
Rodeo Managers’ Association, whose membership has approved the adoption of The IAFE National
Show Ring Code of Ethics. Exhibitors are bound to abide by this Code.
ATTENTION!! USE OF DRUGS: The use by non-veterinarians of animal drugs or substances in
any manner other than in accord with the label approved by the FDA is a violation of federal law.
Exhibitor and exhibitor’s parents/guardians agree (1) they are absolutely and completely responsible
persons for the care and custody of their animals, (2) the Nebraska State Fair shall be entitled to
disqualify an exhibitor whose animal tests positive for any drug, even if the exhibitor and the
exhibitor’s parents or guardians are innocent of any wrongdoing and did not administer the drug, (3)
the drug test results of the testing laboratory are final and binding upon the exhibitor and exhibitor’s
parents and/or guardians. Even if the source of the drug is unknown, the Nebraska State Fair shall be
entitled to disqualify the exhibitor. Abuse of extra-label privilege by veterinarians is unethical
and subject to serious consequences, such as license revocation.
Rules & Regulations
1. EXHIBITOR COMPLIANCE: Exhibitors and their associates must cooperate with all
Nebraska State Fair officials including office clerks, grounds, admission, security and parking
personnel and volunteers in all matters of policy. The Nebraska State Fair General Livestock
Information, Rules & Regulations, Health Requirements, Additional 4-H/FFA General Rules
& Regulations, the IAFE National Show Ring Code of Ethics, and the North American
Livestock Show & Rodeo Managers Association (NALSRMA) Rule Infraction Database
(RID) will govern. By submitting an application for entry, exhibitors agree to comply with all
Rules & Regulations governing the Nebraska State Fair as referenced in these Rules and
available on the State Fair website.
2. VOLUNTARY WAIVER: The exhibitor agrees that the interpretation and enforcement of
the Rules & Regulations by the Nebraska State Fair and Nebraska State Fair Show
Management shall be final, without further complaint, appeal, claim, lawsuit or other recourse
against the Nebraska State Fair Board. By submitting application for entry, all exhibitors waive
any right to challenge the Nebraska State Fair’s determinations in that regard.
a. Competition: Unless otherwise stipulated, entries and competition are open to the
public. No animal or article will be considered unless provided for in the Entry
Premium Book
b. Certificate Of Registry: Original registration papers or a certificate of ownership
must be available for inspection at check-in time. In case of inability to get animals
recorded before the time limit, a certified copy of the animal’s pedigree on a regular
breed application blank must also be available for inspection at check-in time. This
certificate of application is to be signed by both parties of the transaction and must
agree with breed association records. No papers need to be faxed in. In case of dispute
as to age of an animal exhibited, its certificate of registry shall be required for evidence
of its age, and its owner shall be required to file an affidavit that it is the identical
animal therein described. Tattoos, ear tags or other identification marks must match
registration certificates.
c. Possession Of Livestock: All animals shown in Open Class shall have been the
property of the exhibitor at least thirty (30) days prior to the opening of the Fair and
must show on the records of the breed association in which they are recorded. For
specific 4-H/FFA ownership deadlines, please refer to the 4-H/FFA General
Rules & Regulations section.
d. Firms & Partnerships: Animals owned in partnership may be entered in all classes
of the Fair in one owner’s name. The entry shall carry a footnote showing the actual
ownership of the animal as it appears in the herd book records.
a. Entry Submission: All applications for entry, except llama/alpaca, must be made
online at www.statefair.org utilizing the State Fair fair management software. Entries
must be accompanied by all fees and other sums due the State Fair or entry will not
be accepted.
b. Group Classes: Entries for group classes must be shown in their respective single
classes. Group Class entries must be made by the appropriate entry deadline and must
include the appropriate entry fees.
c. Multiple Entries of Same Animal: If an exhibitor chooses to enter their 4-H or FFA
animal in Open Class separate entries and fees are required. This also applies for
entering animals from Open Class Junior Breeding Heifers into Open Class Beef, the
Regional Youth Dairy Show into Open Class Dairy Cattle, and Open Class Junior
Poultry into Open Class Poultry
d. Acceptance Of Entry: Show Management reserves the right to reject, accept, or
accept conditionally an application for entry.
5. PLACEMENT: No animal or article will be entitled to a place on the grounds until proper
entry has been made. All Llama/Alpaca and Cattle Dog Trials entries must be made on
regulation forms, properly filled out and accompanied by all fees. Entry blanks are available
on-line. The Nebraska State Fair shall reserve the right to vacate or order the removal of
any entry which has been found to be entered in violation of the entry requirements.
6. SUBSTITUTION: Open Class Breeding substitutions within the same age, same class and
same owner will be accepted at check-in. Only one substitution for the original animal will
be allowed. There will be no substitutions allowed for different age classifications or
owners. NO EXCEPTIONS. See 4-H/FFA Rule Section for Substitution Rules regarding
4-H and FFA exhibitors.
7. ERRONEOUS ENTRY: Participants are responsible for their own entries, and those of
their representatives, in preparation of entries. Animals that have been erroneously entered
may be transferred, at the discretion of the Superintendent of the department, to their proper
class, prior to judging, upon application to the Nebraska State Fair, who will determine the
matter upon its merits. If such classes have been judged, they shall not be reopened.
8. ENTRY DEADLINE: All Open Class Livestock entries must be made electronically
through the State Fair website by 11:59 p.m. Central Time on August 10
. All 4-H and FFA
livestock entries are due electronically by 8:00 p.m. Central Time on August 10
9. LATE ENTRIES: Open Class Livestock may enter after August 10
up until August 15
midnight for double the entry fee. Absolutely no late entries for 4-H or FFA Livestock.
10. ENTRY FEES: Correct entry and miscellaneous fees must accompany entries. Stall requests
made upon entry will be considered by the respective superintendent, but not guaranteed.
a. 4-H & FFA
i. Beef - $50/entry
ii. Goat - $25/entry
iii. Sheep - $25/entry
iv. Swine - $25/entry
v. Rabbit - $5/entry
vi. Poultry - $5/entry
b. Open Class
i. Beef Cattle - $50/entry
ii. Boer Goat - $20/entry
iii. Dairy Cattle - $50/entry for Open & Regional Youth Dairy
iv. Dairy Goat - $9/entry
v. Poultry - $2.50/entry and $.50/entry for Junior Show
vi. Sheep - $10/entry
vii. Swine - $20/entry
a. 4-H & FFA
i. Beef Blocking Chute Permit - $25/chute
ii. Sheep & Goat Stand Permit - $10/stand
iii. Extra Cattle Stall - $35/stall
iv. Extra Sheep, Goat & Swine Pens - $25/pen
b. Open Class
i. Beef Exhibitor Extra Stalls (up to 3 per exhibitor) - $50/stall
ii. Beef Blocking Chute Permit - $25/chute
iii. Boer Goat, Dairy Goat and Sheep Pens - $15/pen
iv. Boer Goat, Dairy Goat and Sheep Tack Pens - $10/pen
12. LIVESTOCK EXHIBITOR PASSES: A wristband or daily ticket will be required for entry
onto the grounds. Livestock exhibitor wristbands allow entrance onto the grounds for the
duration of the fair. 4-H and FFA Livestock Exhibitors will receive one free wristband.
Open class exhibitors can purchase a wristband for $25 with entries or at the check-in trailer.
Daily admission tickets at a discounted price ($5) may be purchased with entries. General State
Fair admission tickets are available in the check-in trailer. Absolutely no refunds will be given
on admission tickets or wristbands.
13. EXHIBITOR PARKING: Parking will be distributed as follows:
a. Lot 1 This is for llama and alpaca exhibitors ONLY and is only good for the duration
of the llama and alpaca show.
b. Lot 3A/3B This is the livestock exhibitor parking lot, with overflow in Brunks Lot.
c. Lot 9 This is parking for Texas Longhorn exhibitors only and is only good for the
duration of the Texas Longhorn Show
d. Purchasing exhibitor parking is optional, however exhibitors wishing to park in
designated livestock parking areas will require a permit to enter. This permit may be
purchased at time of entry ($25 for exhibitors) or at the Livestock Check-In Trailer
and is for the sole use of the exhibitor. PARKING PERMITS MUST BE
e. A parking space is not guaranteed.
f. It is recommended that livestock exhibitor vehicles park in places designated by the
Fair Management. The Fair Management assumes no obligation and no liability for
any theft or damage that may occur to the vehicle or its contents. No vehicles will be
allowed to park for the sole purpose of advertising. All trucks ½ ton or larger and
livestock trailers will be required, immediately after unloading, to park in designated
areas. Trailers will be parked in the Brunks Lot, which is located south of the
Fairgrounds or in the Luebbe East Lot, which is located on Stuhr Road east of the
14. CANCELLATIONS/REFUNDS: All cancellations for Open Class must be submitted in
writing (email or mail) no later than August 15. Entry fee refunds may be allowed in the case
of a personal emergency, at the discretion of the Agriculture Director or Executive Director.
Only the Entry Fees will be refunded. No refunds will be given on tickets, wristbands or
parking passes. Any refunds are at the discretion of the Nebraska State Fair Show
Management and will be processed after the Fair. No refunds will be made on accounts of
less than $5.00. Requests for refunds of any kind will not be considered if received after
September 30. All 4-H and FFA entry fees are non-refundable.
a. Selection of Judges: Nebraska State Fair Show Management is solely responsible
for selecting judges and determining judging systems. Judges will be familiar with all
rules, regulations and procedures of the Nebraska State Fair. No person shall be
permitted to judge a class in which he/she may be competing for an award or have
ownership of any animal or article entered in such class.
b. Judges’ Decision: The judges’ decisions are final. If fraud, misrepresentation, error
or collusion is discovered after awards have been given, the Agriculture Committee of
the Nebraska State Fair Board will make a decision regarding final placement. Such
decisions may be appealed to the full Nebraska State Fair Board following the
procedure found in rule #17. Protests alleging that the judges overlooked exhibits will
not be considered.
c. Interfering with Judges: An exhibitor or their representative who interferes with or
displays disrespect to a judge or the show could forfeit any monies earned or be subject
to other penalties assessed by the Nebraska State Fair. They shall also be excused from
competition and exhibition for such period of time as Nebraska State Fair Show
Management may determine Any person, not an exhibitor, who interferes with the
judges in any manner during the performance of their duties, shall be asked to leave
the judging arena.
16. SECURITY PERSONNEL: Exhibitors not cooperating with security personnel or
Nebraska State Fair personnel in all matters of policy, including parking, will have their entries
canceled and will be ordered to remove themselves and their exhibit from the grounds
immediately for the duration of the Nebraska State Fair.
17. PROTESTS: The Nebraska State Fair will retain exclusive jurisdiction over ALL protests.
Verbal protests will be directed to the proper specie superintendent and if necessary, brought
to the Nebraska State Fair Livestock Manager. All formal protests must be submitted in
writing to the Nebraska State Livestock Manager. All forms must be signed and be
accompanied by a monetary fee of $300.00, cash or certified check. Such written protests
must state plainly the cause of complaint or appeal and must be filed with the Nebraska State
Fair Livestock Manager immediately upon the occasion of the protest. No complaint or appeal
based solely upon the statement that a judge is incompetent will be considered. This complaint,
along with supporting documents, will be submitted to the Nebraska State Fair Ag Director
and Nebraska State Fair Executive Director. The report of wrongdoing will then be presented
to the Nebraska State Fair Agriculture Committee for review. The panel shall review the form,
the allegations, and the supporting documents or evidence and report its findings and
proposed decision to the Nebraska State Fair Ag Director and the Nebraska State Fair
Executive Director. At no time will any exhibition, judging event, or any other ongoing event
be delayed, stopped, or interrupted as a result of any allegation of wrongdoing. Any decision
rendered by the Ag Director and Executive Director based upon the review and proposed
decision of the Agriculture Committee shall be the final decision. Protests must be filed within
30 days of the conclusion of the Nebraska State Fair.
18. PHOTOGRAPHS: The Nebraska State Fair will hire a photographer who will take the
official livestock photographs for the Fair. Exhibitors wishing to purchase photographs must
contact the Official Livestock Photographer. As a Nebraska State Fair exhibitor, you
acknowledge that your photograph may be taken by the official Nebraska State Fair
Photographer for use by the Nebraska State Fair and agree to release and hold harmless the
Nebraska State Fair Board, their officers, employees and agents and any and all parties to
whom this or any photograph may be released and may be used in any manner for any purpose
whatsoever without compensation.
19. PREMIUMS: Premium monies will be distributed by the Nebraska State Fair. They will be
paid as outlined by each department. Payment of awards will be made as soon as possible after
the last day of the Fair and within sixty (60) days. NO AWARD CHECK WILL BE
State Fair Board must be notified of any discrepancies in the amounts of premium checks
before November 1
in the calendar year of the Nebraska State Fair at issue.
a. Special premiums or prizes may be listed in the Premium Book. The Nebraska State
Fair will not be held liable for any award or premium offered by an individual or
company, separate from the Nebraska State Fair, should that individual or company
fail to provide the offered award or premium. Not all departments will award all
ribbon places.
b. No 4-H or FFA award money or premiums will be sent to the exhibitor for
market animals until they have cleared drug testing protocol, DNA verification
or until harvested animal carcasses have been cleared.
c. Any rule violations may result in forfeiture of all livestock premiums for that
d. It is the intention of Nebraska State Fair Management that no premium or
distinction of any kind be given to any exhibit deemed unworthy by the judge,
or any exhibitor who has conducted herself or himself in a manner inconsistent
with the goals and values of the Fair. Such conduct may include, but not be
limited to, theft of fair property, crude or crass behavior toward fair personnel,
exhibitors, judges or spectators, or other actions amounting to moral turpitude
on the part of the exhibitor or otherwise inconsistent with the spirit of fair
competition as determined by Nebraska State Fair Management in its sole
e. The Nebraska State Fair is required to report payments of $600 or more to the
Internal Revenue Service. Any exhibitor receiving $600 or more will be required
to provide the Nebraska State Fair with a completed IRS Form W-9 providing
a taxpayer identification number. NO CHECK WILL BE ISSUED UNTIL A
20. SHOW BACK NUMBERS: Exhibitors at the Nebraska State Fair must be wearing an
official back number in the show ring, except for Open Class Poultry and Cattle Dog Trials.
These numbers will be in the exhibitor packet. 4-H and FFA back numbers correspond to the
exhibitor. Open Class back numbers correspond to each individual entry. It is the exhibitor’s
responsibility to have the correct back number displayed on their back or in a holder attached
to the waist before entering the show ring. If the back number does not correspond with the
original entry on the official judge’s sheet, the result may be disqualification of that animal.
21. CLASSIFICATIONS: No new livestock breed classifications shall be considered for Open
Class Livestock competition until such livestock classification has had a bona fide national
association in existence for at least five (5) years, a bona fide state association for at least three
(3) years, and a guarantee of five (5) or more exhibitors with at least twenty (20) head to show
in the proposed classification for two years. Livestock classifications that have less than five
(5) exhibitors and twenty (20) head exhibited for two (2) consecutive years will be placed on
probation at the discretion of the show management, and the state breed association will be
informed in writing. If there are less than five (5) exhibitors and/or twenty (20) head are
exhibited the following year, that breed will lose its classification at the Nebraska State Fair.
22. STALLS, TACK STALLS AND TIE OUTS: All “stall with” requests must be submitted
online with the entry. There is no guarantee the request can or will be honored. The
Nebraska State Fair Superintendents will assign stall space, as well as tack spaces, within the
barns at the time entry fees are paid in full. Any tampering with other exhibitors’ stalls or tie-
out stalls will not be tolerated.
23. CHECK IN PROCEDURES: All Livestock will be vet checked, and health certificates
examined at the Check-In Trailer prior to any animals entering the Nebraska State
Fairgrounds. All necessary paperwork must be in order to complete the check-in process.
Prior to showing, all animals must be checked in by an authorized State Fair representative.
Tattoos, ear notches and/or ear tags will be read and registration papers checked.
24. HEALTH REQUIREMENTS: All exhibitors must comply with the respective Livestock
Health Requirements (see Livestock Health Requirements Section). All livestock are subject
to examination, upon arrival, for evidence of infectious or contagious diseases and if such is
found, they will not be allowed entrance onto the grounds. They will be held in quarantine
and treated at owner’s expense or sent home. Diseased or injured animals may be removed
from the grounds upon recommendation of attending veterinarian and release signed by the
Department Superintendent and the Ag Director. Additionally, all market lambs and goats
must be shorn sufficiently short to allow inspection for club lamb fungus at any time
of the fair. Any decision by the State Fair inspectors is final.
25. REMOVAL OF ANIMALS: The Nebraska State Fair can remove any exhibit, animal or
display that they deem unsuitable or objectional, without furnishing reasons for the action.
The decision of the show management is final and exhibitor has no recourse.
26. ANIMAL WELFARE: The Nebraska State Fair is committed to the humane treatment of
all animals exhibited at the Fair. Every possible precaution is taken to ensure the animals’
safety and well-being. The production practices in the livestock industry are based on good
principles of animal husbandry. It is the responsibility of all exhibitors to provide proper care
and treatment to animals. Abuse of animals in any form will not be tolerated. No electric prods
will be allowed to be used on any animal at any time. Muzzles may be allowed for sheep or
goats only for the safety and well-being of the animal. No spiked collars and or show halters
with spikes in 4-H or FFA. Nebraska State Fair Management reserves the right to disqualify
and remove any exhibitor deemed in violation of the basic principles of animal husbandry,
with no recourse. Animal care procedures are outlined in our “Animal Welfare Policy”.
27. ANIMAL/EXHIBITOR DISQUALIFICATION: To foster fair competition, to provide
a level playing field and to protect the safety of food, the following will be prohibited: the
showing of unethically fitted animals, animals in violation of rules on prohibited substances,
and/or falsification of records. Additionally, any animal that has been administered a drug that
is FDA approved for its species is subject to disqualification if that animal tests positive for
that drug upon arrival at the Nebraska State Fair. All animals must remain free and clear of all
drug and chemical residues while on the grounds.
a. Unethical Fitting:
i. Description: Unethical fitting means any attempt to alter the natural
appearance, conformation, musculature or weight of an animal by any
unnatural means, as well as changing the normal conformation of any part of
an animal’s body or using drugs, medications, chemicals, or other substances
(including over the counter and extra-label substances and uses), or mechanical
devices to alter the physical makeup or performance of the animal. Unethical
fitting includes, but is not limited to the following:
1. Treating or massaging any part of the animal’s body, internally or
externally, with an irritant, counterirritant or other substance to
temporarily improve conformation. This includes the application of
any substance per rectum.
2. Balancing the udder by any other means than natural milk left in any
or all quarters.
3. Blocking the nerves to prevent limping or switching of the tail.
4. Bruising or blemishes to the animal, especially those that negatively
impact food safety or marketability of an animal’s carcass.
5. Surgery or other practices performed to change the natural contour or
appearance of an animal’s body, hide, hair or feet (this includes
materials added to the feet of an animal) except the removal of warts
or horns and the permitted clipping of hair and trimming of hooves.
6. Insertion of foreign material under the skin, whether gas, solid or
7. Changing the color of hair, spot or area on the animal’s body.
8. The act of artificially filling animals internally, which would include
stomach pumping, drench tubes or any other method per esophagus.
9. The use of diuretics.
10. Administration of an illegal, unapproved or performance enhancing
drug internally or externally.
ii. Verification: All 4-H and FFA livestock exhibitors must submit a signed
ethics affidavit and statement of disclosure to the show superintendent for
each species they are exhibiting at the time of check in. This form shall serve
as an acknowledgement of having read the fair/premium book and a
willingness to abide by it. By submitting and signing the Nebraska State Fair
4-H/FFA Livestock Ethics Form and Statement of Disclosure, the exhibitor
and parent/guardian certify that the entry has not been administered or that
the exhibitor and/or parent/guardian do not have knowledge that this entry
has received any substance not approved by the Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) and/or the U. S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
for food animals. Furthermore, by signing these forms, the exhibitor and
parent/guardian certify that this entry is free and clear of drug and chemical
residue that exceeds allowable limits set by the Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) and/or the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
for class and species of animals. If an exhibitor discloses use of a substance
that does not meet the withdrawal time per the determination of the State
Fair Veterinarian, then that animal is subject to disqualification.
iii. Approved Medication Prior to the Show: In instances where an animal has
been administered a drug that is FDA-approved for its species, the exhibitor
must be aware that the time it takes for all drug residue to completely clear the
system is generally longer than labeled withdrawal time for most drugs
and varies from animal to animal. Adequate time must have passed so that an
exhibitor’s animal is outside the withdrawal time of the medication. Once the
animals arrive on grounds, they must remain free and clear of all residues of
mediations, drugs, chemicals and other substances. It will be considered a
violation if a test result indicates the presence of an approved drug, additive or
contaminant that exceeds a residue limit (tolerance) set by the FDA and
applied by the FSIS.
iv. Unapproved Medication: Those animals that have consumed or been given,
even under the care of a licensed veterinarian, any type of unapproved drug,
chemical or medication are prohibited from showing. Such drugs include, but
are not limited to any diuretic, unapproved growth stimulant, steroids, caffeine,
and other unapproved medication. Unapproved means not approved by the
Food and Drug Administration and/or US Department of Agriculture for
animals. It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to be aware that federal law
prohibits the use of certain drugs, families of drugs, and substances for extra
label use. It will be an increased penalty if a market animal tests positive for
any of these prohibited drugs or drug families.
v. Medication during the Show: The Nebraska State Fair Veterinarian Office
is located on the east side of the Sheep Barn. For the convenience of our
exhibitors, the Nebraska State Fair arranges to have veterinarians available;
however, they do not donate their services or medications. Fees should be
discussed before treatment. Additionally, it is the responsibility of the exhibitor
to communicate if the animal is eligible for further competition. All
medication and treatment administered during the livestock show must
be administered by the official Nebraska State Fair Veterinarian and a
written medication record filed. Animals which are administered treatments
with a withdrawal period beyond the time of show will be disqualified from 4-
H or FFA competition. Furthermore, the official Nebraska State Fair
Veterinarian, in agreement with show management, reserves the right to treat
any animal, if in the opinion of the Nebraska State Fair Veterinarian, it is in
the best interest of the animal’s health and well-being to be treated.
vi. Beta-Agonists: The Nebraska State Fair will not tolerate the presence of
ractopamine hydrochloride (re Optaflexx, Paylean) in market entries other
than market beef or market swine, respectively. The Nebraska State Fair will
not tolerate the presence of any other beta-agonist.
vii. Inspection/Testing:
1. Each exhibitor, by entering or exhibiting an animal at the Nebraska
State Fair, agrees that any animal entered by him or her may be
subjected to inspection or examination by any veterinarian appointed
by the Nebraska State Fair. The Nebraska State Fair may subject any
animal to tests, sample-takings, or inspections the at the Nebraska
State Fair deems necessary and appropriate, including but not limited
to testing for drugs or other substances at any time. The Nebraska
State Fair reserves the right to conduct or have conducted for all its
tests, inspections, or analyses it deems appropriate, including blood,
urine, hair, fiber, tissue, milk, saliva and/or fecal. Any samples taken
for testing become property of the Nebraska State Fair. Positive test
results may be made public. The Nebraska State Fair may impound any
animal for testing. Refusing such tests shall be cause for
a. All 4-H and FFA Grand and Reserve Grand Champion Market
Beef, Market Lamb, Market Swine & Market Swine animals
will be tested under the terms of the Nebraska State Fair
Market Animal Drug Testing Policies and Procedures
immediately following the final selection of that species.
During the collection procedure, the exhibitor and a
designated responsible adult must be always present, unless a
substitute exhibitor is approved by the Superintendent.
Following the collection, the exhibitor and a parent/guardian
MUST complete and sign the Nebraska State Fair Drug Use
Notification and Test Sample Collection form.
b. All other market animals will be subject to random testing.
Random tested animals will not be harvested but will be subject
to all sanctions including but not limited to disqualification,
forfeiture of monies, and may be banned from future
participation at the Nebraska State Fair.
2. The animal owner, exhibitor, fitter and associated participants bear
absolute responsibility for an animal’s condition, whether he or she
was actually instrumental or had actual knowledge of the
administration of drugs or medication or treatment of the animals.
viii. Wholesome Meat Act: The United States Department of Agriculture
Wholesome Meat Act applies to ALL market livestock exhibited at the
Nebraska State Fair.
1. Animals must be in good health and carcasses free of drug or chemical
2. Antibiotics and sulfonamides have required withdrawal periods.
3. Drug label directions for use and withdrawal periods must be followed.
Please note that elimination time (the time it takes for no drug residue
to be found in the system) is generally longer than the labeled
withdrawal period for most approved drugs.
4. If drug or other chemical residues are found in tissue of carcasses, the
entire carcass may be condemned.
5. The Nebraska State Fair Board shall not be liable or responsible
for the condition of the carcass or the sale price of the animal.
6. Wholesome Assurance Statement:
a. The use by non-veterinarians* of any animal drugs or other
substances in any manner other than in accord with labeling
approved by FDA is a violation of federal law. * Note: Abuse
of the extra label privilege by veterinarians is unethical and is
subject to serious consequences such as license revocation.
b. Any food animal must not exceed FDA/EPA/USDA
established tolerances for any foreign substance including
drugs, pesticides, feed additives, or other chemicals.
c. Violative results of residue testing are subject to investigation
by USDA and FDA for prosecution.
d. Any misrepresentation of a food animal that can potentially
affect the acceptability of the carcass or milk will be considered
b. DNA: The Nebraska State Fair may test any 4-H or FFA market animal DNA sample
collected at the Nebraska State Fair against the DNA submitted by the exhibitor as
part of the 4-H/FFA state fair animal nomination process. It is a violation if a DNA
sample collected at the Nebraska State Fair does not match the DNA sample
submitted by the exhibitor as part of the animal nomination process.
c. Falsification of Records: It is a violation to falsify or alter official entries, records or
registration on animals, including age.
d. Unmanageable Animals: The Nebraska State Fair may disqualify an animal deemed
e. Unsportsmanlike Conduct: It is a violation for an owner, exhibitor, fitter, and
associated participant to act in any way that is outright discourteous or disrespectful
to other exhibitors, judges, fair personnel or fair visitors, or to deliberately place or
cause to be placed any animals or other person in a potentially harmful or
disadvantageous position.
f. Non-adherence to the Rules: Any person found guilty of misrepresentation or not
abiding by the Nebraska State Fair rules will be disqualified and denied the privilege
of showing at the Nebraska State Fair.
g. Consequences: Exhibitor compliance with all applicable rules and regulations is
essential to the integrity of the State Fair and its shows, programs and exhibitions.
Violation of any applicable rule or regulation may result in exhibitor sanctions.
Sanctions may include, but not be limited to disqualification of animal, withholding of
premium money, withholding of payment for animal carcass, required payment of
carcass disposal fees, return of all trophies and non-monetary awards, forfeiture of all
titles, and potential exclusion from future participation in the Nebraska State Fair.
These sanctions will be determined by the Nebraska State Fair Board Agriculture
Committee. The conclusions reached by the laboratory shall be final and binding
without recourse against the Nebraska State Fair. Rule violations may be reported to
law enforcement agencies when appropriate. The Nebraska State Fair reserves the
right to report any exhibitor found in violation of the show rules to the Rule Infraction
Database (RID) administered by the NALSRMA.
h. The Process of Sanctioning: The Nebraska State Fair, in its sole discretion and
judgement, shall evaluate and assess appropriate sanctions for any such violations on
a case-by-case basis. The following process will be used to determine sanctioning:
i. The Nebraska State Fair Board Agriculture Committee will be notified of
violations of rules and regulations.
ii. Exhibitor will be notified by certified letter within 60 days of the end of the
Nebraska State Fair. Letter will contain potential sanctions.
iii. Exhibitor will have ten days from day of signing for certified letter to submit
a response via mail.
iv. After ten days a special meeting of the Nebraska State Fair Board Agriculture
Committee will be convened and will determine sanctions.
v. Exhibitor will receive official notice of sanctions. At that time, they may
choose to appeal the decision of the committee.
vi. If an appeal is requested a hearing will be convened by the Nebraska State Fair
Board Agriculture Committee prior to the next scheduled Nebraska State Fair
Board Meeting with the committee presenting final recommendations
afterwards to the Nebraska State Fair Board.
28. CARE OF PROPERTY: Owners and those in charge of property or livestock shall care for,
guard, protect and preserve the same. The Nebraska State Fair will not be responsible for any
loss or damage.
29. STATE FIRE MARSHAL: Any and all lighting used by exhibitors must be securely
fastened. The electrical boxes in the barns MUST be kept clear at all times. Also, the aisles
must be maintained at all times in the Cattle Barn. Yellow lines are painted on the floor
designating these boundaries. ALL show equipment, blocking chutes, chairs, etc., MUST be
kept within these boundaries at all times. In addition, any use of refrigerators, freezers,
microwaves, ovens, grills, open flame cookers, turkey fryers and electric roasters is strictly
prohibited inside barns, under pavilions, building overhangs and arenas.
30. SMOKING/VAPING: To safeguard exhibitors and livestock, smoking and vaping is
prohibited in all barns. Smoking/vaping is only allowed outside the buildings and barns. All
exhibitors and guests are asked to cooperate with us in enforcing this rule.
31. ALCOHOL USE: To safeguard exhibitors, livestock and the public, the Nebraska State
Liquor Control Commission Laws will be enforced. ONLY alcohol procured at a Nebraska
State Fair licensed location is permitted. NO outside alcohol is allowed to be brought onto
the Fairgrounds. No one under the age of 21 is permitted to consume or possess alcoholic
beverages. Excessive use of alcohol will not be tolerated. State Fair Authority including Staff,
Security, and the Nebraska State Patrol may be called if necessary.
32. AUXILIARY VEHICLES: Auxiliary vehicles, including but not limited to, golf carts, service
carts, utility vehicles, Cushmans, and other four-wheeled vehicles are included within the scope
of the Auxiliary Vehicle Rules & Regulations Agreement available from the Nebraska State
Fair. AVs without a permit will not be allowed on Nebraska State Fair grounds at any time.
33. FEED AND BEDDING: All Feed and Bedding needs will be handled by Aurora
Cooperative. Hay, bedding and feed will be available. The first bedding will be provided for
exhibitors in the Sheep Barn and Swine Barn. Bulk bedding will be provided in the cattle barn
and tie-out area. Exhibitors will be permitted to bring onto the grounds a limited amount of
feed, hay or straw. You can pre-order feed and additional bedding by contacting Aurora
Cooperative at 308-750-6653. You can also visit their feed store during the State Fair.
34. WATER: A water container, with water, must be visible and available for watering on a regular
basis in each penned/stalled area at all times. Nebraska State Fair Management Team reserves
the right, at its sole discretion, to contact a Nebraska State Fair veterinarian to determine if
water should be given.
35. DOGS: Due to requirements of the liability insurance carrier and policy of all major livestock
shows, NO dogs are allowed on the Nebraska State Fairgrounds, in parking lots or in buildings
other than those for direct competition or service animals. There shall be no loose or
unattended dogs on the fairgrounds. No dogs will be permitted in the animal barns, in tie outs
or on the Midway, except during authorized events and sanctioned dog shows. Dogs entered
in Nebraska State Fair special performances or competitive events will be allowed on grounds
or in buildings during performance or competition only. 4-H competition dogs will be allowed
on the grounds during and following their competition. They must stay in the presence of the
owner and will be issued a permit for that day only to be allowed on the grounds.
a. Generators, Blocking Chutes, Trim Chutes, Trim Tables, Portable Scales: No
generators will be allowed in the barns at any time. Generators will be allowed only
outside the barns and in the tie out area. All Open Class blocking chutes will require
a Blocking Chute permit, which can be purchased for $25.00 on the Entry Form and
must be affixed to the Chute. Trim tables and blocking/trimming chutes for
Open Class exhibitors will be restricted to each individual exhibitor’s assigned
stalling and tack area, not to interfere with other exhibitor’s stalling areas or
aisle ways. 4-H/FFA blocking chutes and trimming stands are required to
have a permit. Permits should be purchased at the time or pre-entry but may
also be purchased at the Livestock Check-In Trailer. No outside portable scales
will be allowed in any of the livestock barns. All portable scales in the Beef, Sheep or
Swine Barns will be provided by the Nebraska State Fair.
extension cords and electrical appliances used in the livestock barns must have a
ground, must have safe wiring and must be in safe working condition. All fans used
in the barns must have a protective screen (front and back). Free standing fans (butt
fans) or portacools will not be allowed. Hanging fans will only be allowed when
attached to the tie rails or to supports attached to the tie rails. Only 1 fan per animal!
The superintendent has the express authority to determine if any fan, extension cord
or other electrical device is allowed.
37. AEROSOLS, PRESSURIZED CANS: No aerosol cans any sort will be allowed inside
the Five Points Arena under any circumstances.
38. FUNDRAISER: No lottery or raffle shall be conducted at the Nebraska State Fair without
the written authority of the Nebraska State Fair Executive Director, as coordinated by the
Sales Department.
39. SELLING: The selling and advertising of any service or good within the Fairgrounds is
strictly prohibited unless a contract has been issued by the Nebraska State Fair Sales
Department. Please call the Sales Director at 308-382-1606 for more information. No roving
solicitation is allowed on the Nebraska State Fairgrounds. All exhibitors are bound by the most
current editions of Nebraska State Fair’s Space Rental Rules & Regulations. Any violation of
these Rules & Regulations will subject exhibitor to any penalties as Nebraska State Fair may
order and/or penalties prescribed by law.
40. CONCESSIONS AND ADVERTISING PRIVILEGES: All exhibits, concessions and/or
commercial privileges are at the sole discretion of Fair Management. Under no circumstances
will any advertising material be allowed to be placed upon buildings, trees or other places on
the grounds or otherwise distributed without Management permission.
41. CAMPGROUND: Campground reservations are handled by the Nebraska State Fair Sales
Department. For more information call 308-385-3925.
a. INTERPRETATION OF RULES: The FFA and 4-H divisions will refer the Nebraska
State Fair Management Team (Ag Director, Executive Director, Chair of the Ag
Committee, FFA Livestock Superintendent, and 4-H Program Leader) for the final and
absolute right to interpret, determine and settle all matters, questions and differences in
regard to or otherwise arising out of, connected with or incident to the fair.
i. 4-H Exhibitor must be a 4-H member enrolled in the project they are
exhibiting in the county which he/she represents. Youth must be enrolled in
4-H by June 15 of the current year. In classes where presence of the 4-H'er is
required for judging purposes, such as animal exhibits and judging contests, a
4-H member must be 9 years of age before January 1 of the current year. The
last year of eligibility is the calendar year in which the member becomes 19
years of age.
ii. FFAOnly bona fide Nebraska FFA members that have paid dues shall be
eligible for FFA Division entries. The age eligibility requirements set by the
Nebraska FFA Association will be followed. Those can be found at
https://neaged.org/ffa_events/ffa-state-fair/. There will be no discrimination
because of race, color, sex, religion, or national origin.
i. Qualified animals for a 4-H or FFA class at the State Fair must be registered
purebred or non-registered commercial breeding animals, market beef, feeder
calves, market lambs, market goats, market swine and those exotic breeds of
breeding beef where the respective associations issue certified papers.
ii. A breeding animal to be eligible for show in a registered (purebred) class must
be owned by the exhibitor by June 15 of the current year and be registered by
the official breed association. The registration paper or certificate must
indicate one of the following (1) the name of the exhibitor (2) the name of the
exhibitor and/or a co-owner who is an immediate member of the exhibitor's
family (members of a household, including parents, brothers and sisters, and
youth in care of the head of the household) or FFA Only (3) the family or
ranch name or parent's name. Copies of the registration paper or certificate
must be submitted with State Fair entries; original registration papers or
certificates must be presented at check-in. REGISTRATION MUST BE
COMPLETED BY FAIR DATE. Any animal that is disqualified from the
State Fair for any reason is not eligible to be used in showmanship or any other
4-H or FFA contest while at the State Fair.
iii. Any FFA or 4-H project animal that has been offered for auction, where the
intent of the auction is change of ownership, is ineligible for the 4-H and FFA
livestock classes at the Nebraska State Fair. This includes animals offered for
sale in other events at the Nebraska State Fair, when the event is prior to the
FFA and 4-H event the animal is entered in. A project animal that has been
through a “premium only” auction is eligible to be exhibited at the Nebraska
State Fair, provided it and its exhibitor meet all other ownership and eligibility
requirements. A “premium only” auction is defined as an event in which
change of ownership is never the intent; but the intent is only to provide a
monetary premium to accompany the ribbon earned by the exhibit.
d. 4-H/FFA EXHIBITS: Exhibitors must submit proper nomination material by June 15
For purposes of exhibition, an animal can be nominated for the state fair in both
organizations but only shown in one organization or the other, not both at the State Fair.
Refer to the Nebraska 4-H website and Nebraska FFA website for additional information
regarding identification requirements.
e. OWNERSHIP OF ANIMALS, RABBITS & POULTRY: All animals, rabbits and
poultry in the FFA and 4-H Shows must be owned by the exhibitor. Ownership of animals
must be certified where required on the appropriate DNA and online nomination
submission in the Show Stock Manager website. Extension offices and FFA advisors will
subsequently send DNA samples to the Aksarben Stock Show office. All market AND
breeding animals (beef, sheep, swine & meat goats) must have a hair sample for DNA
testing on file at the Aksarben Stock Show by June 15 in order to be exhibited at the State
Fair. All animals must be nominated online in Show Stock Manager by June 15.
f. SHOWMAN SUBSTITUTIONS: An animal must be shown by the FFA or 4-H owner
who entered it unless the exhibitor is excused by the Division Superintendent because of
serious illness, disability due to an injury (e.g., broken arm or leg) or conflict with other
livestock classes in a 4-H or FFA show. An exhibitor who has more than one animal in a
class need not secure approval for another FFA or 4-H member, eligible to exhibit
livestock, to show the additional animal in the class. A substitute exhibitor for an FFA
animal can only be another FFA exhibitor at the current State Fair, and a substitute
exhibitor for a 4-H animal can only be another 4-H exhibitor at the current State Fair. All
substitute showmen should wear an exhibitor number identifying him/her as a substitute
showman (available in the Livestock Office and/or from species superintendent).
g. NO WITHDRAWLS: Animals selected as division champions and reserve champions
cannot be withdrawn from the grand champion drive. Violation of this rule may result in
disqualification and exhibitor may be barred from future participation at the Nebraska
State Fair.
h. YOUTH FOR THE QUALITY CARE OF ANIMALS: All youth enrolled in livestock
projects must complete annual quality assurance training through Youth for the Quality
Care of Animals (YQCA) or testing through a Nebraska Extension program or high school
agriculture education program prior to the fair. Program attendance or completion of a
test in the county extension office is required. Completion of training will be certified by
an FFA advisor or county extension staff.
i. GROOMING OF LIVESTOCK: Preparation and grooming of an animal should be the
primary responsibility of the State Fair exhibitor; however, assistance may be provided by
other State Fair 4-H or FFA exhibitors, immediate family members or another person
acting in a mentoring and teaching capacity. The intent of this policy is to promote and
foster positive youth development and a high-quality learning experience which are core
values of 4-H and FFA.
i. All 4-H livestock shows will be Blow and Go; animals may be clipped, blown and
brushed or combed to enhance their appearance. All animals will be shown free of any
adhesive, glue, paint, or powder products. Any compounds that have adhesive qualities
that when applied cannot be combed or brushed through or alter the color of the
animal are forbidden. Alcohol, water, oil, foam or any water or alcohol-based products
with no adhesives or glue qualities, or artificial colorings are permitted. Any animal
found to have prohibited products applied (adhesive, glue, paint, or powder products)
will be disqualified from competition. Any premiums (physical or monetary) will be
forfeited, and no refunds will be made.
All animals will be subject to visual inspection and/or toweling for the presence of
adhesive, glue, paint, or powder products. A toweling inspection will be incorporated
for all 1
and 2
place class winners (showmanship, breeding, market). The 3
class winner may be requested back if the 1
or 2
place class winner does not pass
inspection. All animals entering the Final Drive will be subject to a toweling inspection
before entering the show ring. Toweling of the animal may include but is not limited
to the topline, legs, chest, belly, flank, and cod/udder areas. If, after inspection, the
animal is found to have adhesive, glue, paint, or powder products applied it will be
disqualified from competition. Any premiums (physical or monetary) will be forfeited,
and no refunds will be made.
ii. All FFA livestock shows will allow fitting of animals with adhesives, glues, paints
and powdered products. However, any fitting practices that would violate the unethical
fitting clause as defined in Rule 27 are strictly prohibited.
j. DRESS CODE: When showing animals, exhibitors must wear the official Nebraska State
Fair FFA or 4-H T-shirt. Blue jeans are appropriate. Hats shall not be worn in the show
k. RIGHT TO EXCUSE: The superintendent of the area and/or the show management
has the right to excuse any exhibit from the Nebraska State Fair if the exhibit is not a
quality exhibit.