Please PRINT all information clearly.
Name: _______________________________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________________
City: ________________________________________________ Zip: ____________________
Home Phone: __________________________ Cell Phone: ___________________________
E-mail Address: ________________________________________________________________
School Name: _________________________________________________________________
Age:_______________ Grade: _________________ T-Shirt Size: _______________
Demographics: Please check all that apply: (optional, for federal reporting purposes)
____ Male ____ Female ____ Hispanic ____Non-Hispanic
____ Caucasian ____African/American ____ American Indian
____ Asian (Filipino, Japanese, Korean, Asian Indian, Thai) ____ Asian (all others)
____ Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander
____ Handicapped (Classified ADA)
Class Schedule:
What is your career interest? ____________________________________________________
Your teacher/chapter advisor will inform you of what your affiliation dues will be and when they must be paid.
For teacher use:
___ Information entered in HOSA affiliation system _____Fees paid $__________ Cash/Check # _______