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Not every section applies to every applicant. Certain sections apply depending on the registration category or
categories being applied for. e text above these sections explains who must complete the section.
Words that are underlined in this form are dened terms and have the meanings contained in the Denition of
Terms section or links to the text of Commodity Exchange Act provisions, CFTC Regulations or NFA Rules.
Read the Instructions and Questions Carefully
A question that is answered incorrectly because it was misread or misinterpreted can result in severe
consequences, including denial or revocation of registration. Although this applies to all questions in the
application, it is particularly important to the questions in the Disciplinary Information Section.
Rely Only on Advice from NFA Sta
A question that is answered incorrectly because of advice received from a lawyer, employer, a judge or anyone
else (other than a member of NFAs Registration Investigations or Legal (RIL) sta) can result in severe
consequences, including denial or revocation of registration. is also applies to all questions in the form, but
is particularly important regarding the Disciplinary Information Section. If the language of a question in the
Disciplinary Information Section requires disclosure of a matter, a “Yes” answer to the question is required no
matter what other advice has been received from anyone other than NFAs RIL sta. Additionally, the applicant
or registrant remains responsible for failures to disclose even if someone completes the form on the applicants or
registrant’s behalf.
Update the Information on the Application
If information provided on the application changes or a matter that would have required disclosure on the
application occurs aer the application is led, the new information must be promptly led. APs and Principals
should advise their Sponsors of the new information, and the Sponsor must le the update on their behalf. e
failure to promptly update information can result in severe consequences, including denial or revocation of
Instructions for Using the Firm Application Template
Rev. 9/22/2023
Instructions for Using the Firm Application Template (cont.)
Compliance with Disclosure Requirements of Another Regulatory Body is not Su
With some exceptions, which are described below in the Regulatory and Financial Disclosures sections, if any
question requires the provision of information, that information must be provided. In particular, if a question
in the Disciplinary Information Section requires disclosure of a matter, the question must be answered “Yes” and
additional documents must be provided even if the matter has been disclosed to another regulatory body such as
FINRA, an exchange or a state regulator. Similarly, disclosure is required even if another regulatory body does
NOT require disclosure of the same matter.
Call NFA with Questions
If there is any question about whether particular information must be provided, whether a particular matter
must be disclosed or whether a particular question requires a “Yes” answer, call the NFA Information Center
at (800) 621-3570 or (312) 781-1410. Representatives are available from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Central Time,
Monday through Friday. If the advice of NFA sta is sought, a written record containing the date of the
conversation, the name of the NFA sta person giving the advice and a description of the advice should be made
during the conversation and kept in the event an issue concerning disclosure of the matter arises later.
Criminal Disclosures
Some common mistakes in answering the criminal disclosure questions involve expungements, diversion
programs and similar processes. e Commodity Futures Trading Commission requires a “Yes” answer even if
the matter has been expunged or the records sealed, there was no adjudication or nding of guilt, the guilty plea
was vacated or set aside or the matter was dismissed upon completion of the diversion program.
Another common error regarding criminal matters concerns matters that do not involve the derivatives industry.
All criminal matters must be disclosed, even if a matter is unrelated to the derivatives industry, unless the case
was decided in a juvenile court or under a Youth Oender law.
Regulatory Disclosures
Regulatory actions taken by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, NFA or U.S. futures exchanges do
not need to be disclosed since NFA is already aware of them once they are entered into NFAs BASIC system.
Financial Disclosures
It is not necessary to disclose arbitration awards or CFTC reparations matters unless the applicant or registrant
has failed to pay an award related to a CFTC-related product or an order entered in a reparations matter.
Only adversary actions that a U.S. bankruptcy trustee les must be disclosed. Adversary actions that creditors le
are not disclosable. A person named as a party to an adversary action in a bankruptcy proceeding must disclose
the action, even if the person is not the bankrupt person.
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either the futures activity conducted in the non-OSJ that is subject to the Designated Supervisor's
supervision is limited to activity not requiring the Series 3 Examination and both the Designated
Supervisor and the Branch Manager of the Oce of Supervisory Jurisdiction to which the non-OSJ reports
have otherwise satised NFA's Prociency Requirements appropriate to their supervisory activities; or
the activity that is conducted in the non-OSJ that requires the Series 3 Examination is supervised by the
Branch Manager of the Oce of Supervisory Jurisdiction to which the non-OSJ reports and both the
Designated Supervisor and Branch Oce Manager have passed the Series 3 Examination.
Instructions for Using the Firm Application Template (cont.)
For each matter that caused a “Yes” answer, a Disclosure Matter Page (DMP), which is accessible using NFAs
DMP Filing System, must be led. In addition to the required DMP, other documents about the matter must be
provided to NFA. If court documents are unavailable, a certied letter from the court verifying that must be sent
to NFA. If documents other than court documents are unavailable, a written explanation for their unavailability
must be provided. Electronic copies of the documents can be uploaded using NFAs DMP Filing System or
documents may be sent to NFA by email to [email protected], fax to (312) 559-3411 or mail to NFA
Registration Department, 320 South Canal, Suite 2400, Chicago, IL 60606.
Providing all documents to NFA is important. Failure to do so will delay the registration process and may result
in a denial of the application.
(e following terms are dened solely for the purpose of using NFAs Online Registration System.)
10% OR MORE INTEREST: direct or indirect ownership of 10% or more of an entitys stock; entitlement to
vote or empowered to sell 10% or more of an entitys voting securities; contribution of 10% or more of an entitys
capital; or entitlement to 10% or more of an entitys net prots.
ADJUDICATION: in a criminal case, a determination by the court that the defendant is guilty or not guilty.
ADVERSARY ACTION: a lawsuit arising in or related to a bankruptcy case commenced by a bankruptcy
trustee by ling a complaint with a bankruptcy court or a district court.
ALIAS: another name utilized by an individual or previously used by an entity.
CHARGE: a formal complaint, information, indictment or equivalent instrument containing an accusation of a
DBA: abbreviation for Doing Business As. e rm is doing its futures, retail o-exchange forex or swaps
business by this name.
DESIGNATED SUPERVISOR: solely for the purpose of determining whether the Branch Manager Examination
(Series 30) is required, Designated Supervisor means a person who is registered with FINRA (formerly known as
NASD) as a General Securities Representative and has been designated to act as the supervisor of an oce that is
not an Oce of Supervisory Jurisdiction ("non-OSJ"), provided that:
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ENJOINED: subject to an injunction.
ENTITY: any person other than an individual.
ENTITY FLOOR TRADER: an applicant that les or registrant that led a Form 7-R to apply for registration as
a oor trader.
FELONY: any crime classied as a felony and for states and countries that do not dierentiate between a felony
or misdemeanor, an oense that could result in imprisonment for any period of more than one year. e term
also includes a general court martial.
FINANCIAL SERVICES INDUSTRY: the commodities, securities, accounting, banking, nance, insurance, law
or real estate industries.
FLOOR TRADER ORDER ENTERER: an individual responsible for entry of orders from an Entity Floor
Trader's own account.
FOUND: subject to a determination that conduct or a rule violation has occurred. e term applies to
dispositions of any type, including but not limited to consent decrees or settlements in which the ndings are
neither admitted nor denied or in which the ndings are for settlement or record purposes only.
INDIRECT OWNER: an individual who through agreement, holding companies, nominees, trusts or otherwise:
is the owner of 10% or more of the outstanding shares of any class of an entity's equity securities, other
than non-voting securities;
is entitled to vote 10% or more of the outstanding shares of any class of an entity's equity securities, other
than non-voting securities;
has the power to sell or direct the sale of 10% or more of the outstanding shares of any class of an entity's
equity securites, other than non-voting securities;
is entitled to receive 10% or more of an entity's net prots; or
has the power to exercise a controlling inuence over an entity's activities that are subject to regulation by
the Commission.
Section 7203: Willful Failure to File Return, Supply Information or Pay Tax
Section 7204: Fraudulent Statement or Failure to Make Statement
Section 7205: Fraudulent Withholding Exemption Certicate or Failure to Supply Information
Section 7207: Fraudulent Returns, Statements or Other Documents
e Commodity Exchange Act
e Securities Act of 1933
e Securities Exchange Act of 1934
e Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935
e Trust Indenture Act of 1939
e Investment Advisers Act of 1940
e Investment Company Act of 1940
e Securities Investors Protection Act of 1970
e Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977
Instructions for Using the Firm Application Template (cont.)
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Chapter 96 of Title 18 of the United States Code
Any similar statute of a State or foreign jurisdiction
Any rule, regulation or order under any such statutes; and
e rules of the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board
MISDEMEANOR: any crime classied as a misdemeanor and for states and countries that do not dierentiate
between a felony or misdemeanor, an oense that could result in imprisonment for any period of at least six days
but not more than one year. By way of example, an oense for which the maximum period of imprisonment is 60
days would be considered a misdemeanor. e term also includes a special court martial.
NON-U.S. NATURAL PERSON: an individual who has not resided in the U.S. since reaching the age of 18
OTHER NAME: For rms, including sole proprietors, any other name that the rm uses or has used in the
past but not the name of any other legal entity that the rm has an aliation or association with (see DBA). For
individuals, this is any name the person is or has been known by. For example, a maiden name, an alias name
that you use or are known by, or a previous name if you have changed your legal name.
OUTSIDE DIRECTOR: an individual who is director of an applicant or registrant and who
is not an ocer or employee of the applicant or registrant;
is not engaged in or have direct supervisory responsibility over persons engaged in the solicitation of
or acceptance of customers' orders or retail forex customers' orders;
funds, securities or property for participation in a commodity pool;
a client's or prospective client's discretionary account;
leverage customers' orders for leverage transactions;
or acceptance of a swap agreement; or
does not regularly have access to the keeping, handling or processing of:
transactions involving "commodity interests", as that term is dened in CFTC Regulation 1.3;
customer funds, retail forex customer funds, leverage customer funds, foreign futures or foreign
options secured amount, or adjusted net capital.
PERSON: an individual, association, partnership, corporation, limited liability company, limited liability
partnership, trust, or other form of business organization.
PRINCIPAL: means, with respect to an applicant, a registrant, or a person required to be registered under the
(1) an individual who is:
a sole proprietor of a sole proprietorship;
a general partner of a partnership;
a director, president, chief executive ocer, chief operating ocer, chief nancial ocer, or a person in
charge of a business unit, division or function subject to regulation by the Commission of a corporation,
limited liability company or limited liability partnership;
a manager, managing member or a member vested with the management authority for a limited liability
company or limited liability partnership; or
a chief compliance ocer; or
Instructions for Using the Firm Application Template (cont.)
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(2) an individual who directly or indirectly, through agreement, holding companies, nominees, trusts or
is the owner of 10% or more of the outstanding shares of any class of an applicant or registrants equity
securities, other than non-voting securities;
is entitled to vote 10% or more of the outstanding shares of any class of an applicant or registrants equity
securities, other than non-voting securities;
has the power to sell or direct the sale of 10% or more of the outstanding shares of any class of an applicant
or registrants equity securities, other than non-voting securities;
is entitled to receive 10% or more of an applicant or registrants net prots; or
has the power to exercise a controlling inuence over an applicant or registrants activities that are subject
to regulation by the Commission; or
(3) an entity that:
is a general partner of a partnership; or
is the direct owner of 10% or more of the outstanding shares of any class of an applicant or registrants
equity securities, other than non-voting securities; or
(4) an individual who or an entity that:
has contributed 10% or more of an applicant or registrants capital unless such capital contribution consists
of subordinated debt contributed by:
an unaliated bank insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation;
an unaliated ‘foreign bank,’ as dened in 12 CFR 211.21(n) that currently operates an ‘oce of a
foreign bank,’ as dened in 12 CFR 211.21(t), which is licensed under 12 CFR 211.24(a);
such oce of an unaliated, licensed foreign bank; or
an insurance company subject to regulation by any State, provided such debt is not guaranteed by an
individual who or entity that is not a principal of the applicant or registrant.
SELF-REGULATORY ORGANIZATION (SRO): a private, non-governmental organization authorized to set
and enforce standards of conduct for an industry. NFA, FINRA (formerly known as NASD) and the securities
and futures exchanges in the U.S. are examples of domestic SROs.
Section 152: Concealment of assets, making false claims or bribery in connection with a bankruptcy
Section 1341, 1342 or 1343: Mail fraud
Chapter 25: Counterfeiting and forgery
Chapter 47: Fraud or false statements in a matter within the jurisdiction of a United States department or
Chapter 95 or 96: Racketeering and Racketeering Inuence
Instructions for Using the Firm Application Template (cont.)
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Firms must le electronic applications for each individual who is a principal of the rm, including the sole
proprietor of a sole proprietorship. A rm must have at least one individual principal aliated with it in order
to obtain registration. NFA Members that are registered or applying for registration as an FCM, RFED, IB, CPO
and/or CTA must have at least one individual principal who is also registered as an AP of the rm or a oor
Additional Assistance
Additional information regarding registration requirements and specic topics can be found on the Registration
page of NFAs website at NFAs Information Center, (800-621-3570 or 312-781-1410), is
also available to provide assistance. Its normal hours are Monday through Friday, from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM CT.
Instructions for Using the Firm Application Template (cont.)
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*Required to le application
Indicate the full legal name that appears on the rms corporate lings or if Sole Proprietor, indicate the full legal
name of the individual who is the Sole Proprietor. e name should not be a “doing business as” name the Firm
or Sole Proprietor may be doing business under. Do not use nicknames or abbreviations. For example, if the
individuals rst name is Charles, enter Charles, not Chuck.
Firm Name*________________________________________________________________________________
First & Middle Name* _____________________Last Name* (Surname)________________________Sux____
NFA ID#__________________________________________________________________________________
Check category(ies).*
NFA Member
Commodity Trading Advisor
Swap Dealer
Futures Commission Merchant
Commodity Pool Operator
Major Swap Participant
Introducing Broker
Retail Foreign Exchange Dealer
Floor Trader Firm
Business Information
Sole Proprietorship (Individual)
Limited Liability Company
U.S. Federally Chartered Bank
Limited Liability Partnership
Where is the entity incorporated, organized or established? (Sole proprietors and U.S. Federally Chartered Banks
do not answer this question.)*
Federal EIN__________________________________________
Form of Organization*
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Business Address
Enter information. A sole proprietor may use a P.O. Box address if the business is located in the sole proprietor's
residence and a complete residential address is provided on the individual application.
For all others, a P.O. Box address is not acceptable.
Street Address 1*___________________________________________________________________________
Street Address 2____________________________________________________________________________
Street Address 3____________________________________________________________________________
City**_____________________________________ State* (U.S. Only)________________________________
Province__________________________________ Zip/Postal Code**_________________________________
Phone Number*_____________________________________________________________________________
Fax Number _______________________________________________________________________________
CRD/IARD ID_____________________________________________________________________________
Other Names
Enter any other name the rm uses or has used in the past. e name should not be the name of any other legal
entity. For example, the name should not be the name of an aliate, subsidiary or any other legal entity the rm
may have an aliation/association with.
In Use
Not In Use
In Use
Not In Use
In Use
Not In Use
In Use
Not In Use
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Enter the location of the rms business records and those records required to be kept by regulation under the
Commodity Exchange Act. A P.O. Box address is not acceptable. If the rm is a CTA, this address must be the
same as the business address, unless the CFTC has granted an exemption to the rm. If the rm is a CPO, the
rm can maintain its books and records at a location other than the business address, as long as the rm les a
notice of exemption pursuant to CFTC Regulation 4.23(c).
Street Address 1*___________________________________________________________________________
Street Address 2____________________________________________________________________________
Street Address 3____________________________________________________________________________
City**_____________________________________ State* (U.S. Only)________________________________
Province__________________________________ Zip/Postal Code**_________________________________
Only non-U.S. applicants complete this section.
Enter the location in the U.S. where the rms books and records will be produced for inspection by the CFTC
and NFA.
Select one.
e oce of NFA located in New York, NY
e oce of NFA located in Chicago, IL
e following address (P.O. Box address is not acceptable):
Oce of*_________________________________________________________________________________
Street Address 1*___________________________________________________________________________
Street Address 2____________________________________________________________________________
Street Address 3____________________________________________________________________________
City*_____________________________________ State*__________________________________________
Zip/Postal Code*______________________________________
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Enter the full legal name, Federal EIN and location where incorporated, organized or established for any entity
that is a principal of the rm. It is important that the full legal name of the entity is entered. NFA will assign an
NFA ID number to the entity if one has not already been assigned. An incorrect name could cause a delay in the
application process. If more space is needed, please add in another document and attach it to this document. If
none, continue to the next section.
Full Name________________________________________________________ 10% or More Interest:
Federal EIN____________________________________ State___________________Country______________
Full Name__________________________________________________________ 10% or More Interest:
Federal EIN____________________________________ State___________________Country______________
Swap Dealers, Major Swap Participants and Floor Trader Firms do not complete this section.
If the rm has more than one branch oce, please add in another document and attach it to this document. If
none, continue to the next section.
Branch ID________________________________________________________________________________
Street Address 1*___________________________________________________________________________
Street Address 2____________________________________________________________________________
Street Address 3____________________________________________________________________________
City**_____________________________________ State* (U.S. Only)_________________________________
Province__________________________________ Zip/Postal Code**_________________________________
Phone Number_____________________________________________________________________________
Fax Number _______________________________________________________________________________
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Disciplinary Information – Criminal Disclosures
For additional assistance and information on completing this page, refer to the Instructions and Denition of
Terms at the beginning of this document.
For each matter that requires a “Yes” answer to Questions A, B or C below, a Criminal Disclosure Matter Page
(DMP) must be led using NFAs DMP Filing System that requests:
who was involved;
when it occurred;
what the allegations were;
what the nal determination was, if any; and
the date of the determination.
In addition, documents must be provided for each matter requiring a “Yes” answer that show:
the charges;
Enter the name and location of each non-U.S. nancial services industry regulatory authority or self-regulatory
organization that has regulated the rm during the past ve (5) years. Do not enter NFA, FINRA or the name of
any U.S. exchange.
List of Non-U.S. Regulators:
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*Required to le application
Disciplinary Information – Criminal Disclosures (cont.)
the classication of the oense, i.e., felony or misdemeanor;
the plea, sentencing and probation information, as applicable;
the nal disposition; and
a summary of the circumstances surrounding the criminal matter.
e documents may be provided electronically using the upload function in the DMP Filing System or by
sending them to NFA (See Instructions).
Answer the following questions.
Question A.*
Has the rm ever pled guilty or nolo contendere (“no contest”) to or been convicted or found guilty of any felony
in any U.S., non-U.S. or military court?
Question B.*
Has the rm ever pled guilty to or been convicted or found guilty of any misdemeanor in any U.S., non-U.S. or
military court which involves:
embezzlement, the, extortion, fraud, fraudulent conversion, forgery, counterfeiting, false pretenses,
bribery, gambling, racketeering or misappropriation of funds, securities or property; or
violation of sections 7203, 7204, 7205 or 7207 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986; or
violation of sections 152, 1341, 1342, or 1343 or chapters 25, 47, 95 or 96 of the U.S. Criminal Code; or
any transaction in or advice concerning futures, options, leverage transactions or securities?
Question C.*
Is there a charge pending, the resolution of which could result in a “Yes” answer to the above questions?
Applicants with all “No” answers above answer this question.
Even though you answered “No” to all of the above questions, would you like to provide a Criminal DMP?*
Applicants with “Yes” answers above answer this question.
Will you be ling a Criminal DMP with respect to a new matter?*
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*Required to le application
Disciplinary Information – Regulatory Disclosures
For additional assistance and information on completing this page refer to the Instructions and Denition of
Terms at the beginning of this document.
For each matter that requires a “Yes” answer to Questions D, E, F, G, H or I below, a Regulatory DMP must be
led using NFAs DMP Filing System that requests:
who was involved;
when it occurred;
what the allegations were;
what the nal determination was, if any;
the date of the determination; and
a summary of the circumstances surrounding the regulatory matter.
In addition, documents must be provided for each matter requiring a “Yes” answer that show:
the allegations; and
the nal disposition.
e documents may be provided electronically using the upload function in the DMP Filing System or by
sending them to NFA (See Instructions).
Answer the following questions.
Question D.*
In any case brought by a U.S. or non-U.S. governmental body (other than the CFTC), has a court ever
permanently or temporarily enjoined the rm aer a hearing or default or as the result of a settlement, consent
decree or other agreement, from engaging in or continuing any activity involving:
any transaction in or advice concerning futures, options, leverage transactions or securities; or
embezzlement, the, extortion, fraud, fraudulent conversion, forgery, counterfeiting, false pretenses,
bribery, gambling, racketeering or misappropriation of funds, securities or property?
Question E.*
In any case brought by a U.S. or non-U.S. governmental body (other than the CFTC), has the rm ever been
found, aer a hearing or default or as the result of a settlement, consent decree or other agreement, to:
have violated any provision of any investment-related statute or regulation thereunder; or
have violated any statute, rule, regulation or order which involves embezzlement, the, extortion,
fraud, fraudulent conversion, forgery, counterfeiting, false pretenses, bribery, gambling, racketeering or
misappropriation of funds, securities or property; or
have willfully aided, abetted, counseled, commanded, induced or procured such violation by any other
person; or
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*Required to le application
Disciplinary Information – Regulatory Disclosures (cont.)
have failed to supervise another persons activities under any investment-related statute or regulation
Question F.*
Has the rm ever been debarred by any agency of the U.S. from contracting with the U.S.?
Question G.*
Has the rm ever been the subject of any order issued by or a party to any agreement with a U.S. or non-U.S.
regulatory authority (other than the CFTC), including but not limited to a licensing authority, or self-regulatory
organization (other than NFA or a U.S. futures exchange) that prevented or restricted the rms ability to engage
in any business in the nancial services industry?
Question H.*
Are any of the orders or other agreements described in Question G currently in eect against the rm?
Question I.*
Is the rm a party to any action, the resolution of which could result in a “Yes” answer to the above questions?
Applicants with all “No” answers above answer this question.
Even though you answered “No” to all of the above questions, would you like to provide a Regulatory DMP?*
Applicants with “Yes” answers above answer this question.
Will you be ling a Regulatory DMP with respect to a new matter?*
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*Required to le application
Disciplinary Information – Financial Disclosures
For additional assistance and information on completing this page refer to the Instructions and Denition of
Terms at the beginning of this document.
For each matter that requires a “Yes” answer to Question J below, a Financial DMP must be led using NFAs
DMP Filing System that requests:
who was involved;
when it occurred;
what the allegations were;
what the nal determination was, if any;
the date of the determination; and
a summary of the circumstances surrounding the nancial matter.
In addition, documents must be provided for each matter requiring a “Yes” answer that show:
the allegations; and
the nal disposition.
e documents may be provided electronically using the upload function in the DMP Filing System or by
sending them to NFA (See Instructions).
Answer the following question.
Question J.*
Has the rm ever been the subject of an adversary action brought by a U.S. bankruptcy trustee?
Applicants with a “No” answer above answer this question.
Even though you answered “No” to the above question, would you like to provide a Financial DMP?*
Applicants with a “Yes” answer above answer this question.
Will you be ling a Financial DMP with respect to a new matter?*
Contact Information
Enter the individual to whom all registration inquiries are to be directed.
First Name*________________________________________________________________________________
Last Name*________________________________________________________________________________
Street Address 1*___________________________________________________________________________
Street Address 2____________________________________________________________________________
Street Address 3____________________________________________________________________________
State* (U.S. Only)_________________________________
Province__________________________________ Zip/Postal Code**_________________________________
Phone Number*_____________________________________________________________________________
Fax Number _______________________________________________________________________________
*Required to file application | **Required to file application for United States address
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Enter the individual(s) to whom all enforcement and compliance communications and inquiries from the CFTC
are to be directed. NFA may also send communications to this individual. Firms may list multiple enforcement/
compliance contacts. If the rm would like to list more than one individual, please add in another document
and attach it to this document.
First Name*________________________________________________________________________________
Last Name*________________________________________________________________________________
Street Address 1*___________________________________________________________________________
Street Address 2____________________________________________________________________________
Street Address 3____________________________________________________________________________
City**_____________________________________ State* (U.S. Only)_________________________________
Province__________________________________ Zip/Postal Code**_________________________________
Phone Number*_____________________________________________________________________________
Fax Number _______________________________________________________________________________
Email *___________________________________________________________________________________
Conrm Email* ____________________________________________________________________________
Paperwork Reduction Act Notice
  IB   
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Privacy Act Notice
 
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Privacy Act Notice (cont.)
e information requested in Form 8-R and on the ngerprint card will be used by the CFTC or NFA, as
appropriate, as a basis for conducting an inquiry into the individuals tness to be an associated person,
oor broker or oor trader or to be a principal of a futures commission merchant, swap dealer
, major swap
participant, retail foreign exchange dealer, introducing broker, commodity trading advisor, commodity pool
operator, leverage transaction merchant or non-natural person oor trader.
Portions of the information requested in Form 8-R will be used by the CFTC and, in appropriate cases, by
NFA, to conrm the registration of certain associated persons. e information requested in Form 8-T will be
used by the CFTC, and, in appropriate cases, by NFA, to record the registration status of the individual and, in
appropriate cases, as a basis for further inquiry into the individuals tness to remain in business subject to the
CFTCs jurisdiction.
With the exception of the social security number and Federal employer identication number, all information
in Forms 8-R and 8-T must be furnished. Disclosure of the social security number and Federal employer
identication number is voluntary. e social security number and the Federal employer identication number
are sought pursuant to the Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996, which allows the CFTC to use the social
security number or taxpayer identifying number furnished to the CFTC as part of the registration process
for purposes of collecting and reporting on any debt owed to the U.S. Government, including civil monetary
penalties. Although voluntary, the furnishing of a social security number or Federal employer identication
number assists the CFTC and NFA in identifying individuals and rms, and therefore expedites the processing of
those forms.
e failure by an applicant, registrant or principal to timely le a properly completed Form 7-R and all other
related required lings may result in the denial of an application for registration or withdrawal thereof or, in the
case of an annual records maintenance fee, treating the registrant as having petitioned for withdrawal. Failure by
an applicant, registrant or principal to timely le or cause to be led a properly completed Form 8-R or 8-T, any
other required related lings, or a ngerprint card may result in the lapse, denial, suspension or revocation of
registration, withdrawal of the application or other enforcement or disciplinary action by the CFTC or NFA.
NFA makes available to the public on NFA website(s), including the Background Aliation Status Information
Center (BASIC), rm directories, business addresses, telephone numbers, registration categories, eective dates
of registration, registration status, and disciplinary action taken concerning futures commission merchants,
introducing brokers, commodity pool operators, commodity trading advisors, swap dealers, major swap
participants and retail foreign exchange dealers and their associated persons and principals; non-natural person
oor traders and their principals; and oor trader order enterers.
Additional information on Forms 7-R, 7-W, 8-R and 8-T is publicly available, and may be accessed by
contacting the National Futures Association, Registration Department, Suite 2400, 320 South Canal, Chicago, IL
60606, except for the following information, which is generally not available for public release unless required
under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA):
the ngerprint card, including its demographic information;
social security number;
date of birth;
location of birth;
current residential address; and
Privacy Act Notice (cont.)
any supplementary information led in response to the Form 8-R “Personal Information,” “Disciplinary
Information,” “Matter Information,” or “Disclosure Matter” sections, Form 8-T “Withdrawal Reasons,
“Disciplinary Information,” or “Matter Information” sections, and Form 7-W, “Additional Customer
Information” sections.
e CFTC, or NFA acting in accordance with rules approved by the CFTC, may disclose to third parties any
information provided on Forms 7-R, 7-W, 8-R and 8-T pursuant to the Commodity Exchange Act, 7 U
.S.C. §
1 et. seq., Privacy Act of 1974, 5 U.S.C. § 552a (Privacy Act), and the Commissions Privacy Act routine uses
published in the Federal Register, which may include, but is not limited to, disclosure to Federal, state, local, or
foreign law enforcement or regulatory authorities acting within the scope of their jurisdiction or for their use
in meeting responsibilities assigned to them by law. e information will be maintained and disclosures will be
made in accordance with CFTC Privacy Act System of Records Notice CFTC-12, National Futures Association
(NFA) Applications Suite System (Exempted), CFTC-10, Investigatory Records (Exempted), or another relevant
System of Records Notice, available from the CFTC “Privacy Program” page, http://www.c
If an individual believes that information on the forms is condential, the individual may petition the CFTC,
pursuant to 17 CFR 145.9, to treat such information as condential in response to requests under FOIA. 5 U.S.C.
§552. e ling of a petition for condential treatment, however, does not guarantee that the information will be
treated condentially in response to a FOIA request. e CFTC will make no determination as to condential
treatment of information submitted unless and until the information is the subject of an FOIA request.
is notice is provided in accordance with the requirements of the Privacy Act, 5 U.S.C. §552a(e)(3), and
summarizes some of an individuals rights under the Privacy Act, 5 U.S.C. §552a. Individuals desiring further
information should consult the CFTCs regulations under the Privacy Act, 17 CFR Part 146, and under the
Freedom of Information Act, 17 CFR Part 145, and the CFTCs published System of Records Notices, which
describe the existence and character of each system of records maintained by the CFTC, available at the CFTC
“Privacy Program” page.
Forms which have not been prepared and executed in compliance with applicable requirements may not be
acceptable for ling. Acceptance of this form shall not constitute any nding that the information is true, current
or complete. Misstatements or omissions of fact may constitute federal criminal violations [7 U.S.C. §13 and 18
U.S.C. §1001] or grounds for disqualification from registration.
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Applicant Agreement
e applicant certies that:
the answers and the information provided in the Form 7-R are true, complete and accurate and that in light of
the circumstances under which the applicant has given them, the answers and statements in the Form 7-R are
not misleading in any material respect;
the person who electronically les the Form 7-R on behalf of the applicant is authorized by the applicant to
le the Form 7-R and to make the certications, requests, acknowledgements, authorizations and agreements
contained in this agreement;
if the applicant is an applicant for registration as an SD or MSP, the applicant undertakes that, no later than
ninety (90) days following the date this Form 7-R is led, it will be and shall remain in compliance with
the requirement of Section 4s(b)(6) of the Commodity Exchange Act, 7 U.S.C. §6s(b)(6), that, except to the
extent otherwise specically provided by rule, regulation or order, the applicant may not permit any person
associated with it who is subject to a statutory disqualication to eect or be involved in eecting swaps on
behalf of the applicant, if the applicant knows, or in the exercise of reasonable care should know, of the statutory
disqualication. For the purpose of this certication, “statutory disqualication” refers to the matters addressed
in Sections 8a(2) and 8a(3) of the Act and “person” means an associated person of a swap dealer or major swap
participant” as dened in Section 1a(4) of the Act and CFTC regulations thereunder; and
if the applicant is an applicant for exemption from registration as an IB, CPO or CTA pursuant to CFTC
Regulation 30.5:
the applicant does not act as an IB, CPO or CTA, respectively, in connection with trading on or subject to the
rules of a designated contract market in the United States by, for or on behalf of any U.S. customer, client or pool;
the applicant irrevocably agrees to the jurisdiction of the Commission and state and federal courts located in the
U.S. with respect to activities and transactions subject to Part 30 of the CFTCs regulations; and
the applicant would not be statutorily disqualied from registration under §8a(2) or §8a(3) of the Act and is not
disqualied from registration pursuant to the laws or regulations of its home country.
e applicant acknowledges that:
the applicant is subject to the imposition of criminal penalties under Section 9(a) of the Commodity Exchange
Act, 7 U.S.C. §13(a), and 18 U.S.C. §1001 for any false statements or omissions made in the Form 7-R;
the applicant is responsible at all times for maintaining the information in the Form 7-R in a complete, accurate
and current manner by electronically ling updates to the information contained therein; and
the applicant may not act:
in the case of an FCM, RFED, CPO, CTA or FT until registration has been granted,
in the case of an IB, until registration or a temporary license has been granted; or
in the case of an SD or MSP, until registration has been granted; or
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Applicant Agreement (cont.)
until con
rmation of exemption from registration as an IB, CPO or CTA pursuant to CFTC Regulation 30.5 is
e applicant authorizes that:
NFA may conduct an investigation to determine the applicants tness for registration or for conrmation of
exemption from registration as an IB, CPO and CTA pursuant to CFTC Regulation 30.5; and
request that any person, including but not limited to contract markets, or non-U.S. regulatory or law enforcement
agencies, furnish upon request to NFA or any agent acting on behalf of NFA any information requested by NFA
in connection with any investigation conducted by NFA to determine the applicants tness for registration or for
conrmation of exemption from registration as an IB, CPO and CTA pursuant to CFTC Regulation 30.5;
e applicant agrees that:
the applicant will cooperate promptly and fully, consistent with applicable Federal law, in any investigation to
determine the applicants tness for registration or for conrmation of exemption from registration as an IB, CPO
and CTA pursuant to CFTC Regulation 30.5, which investigation may include contacting non-U.S. regulatory
and law enforcement authorities, including the submission of documents and information to NFA that NFA,
in its discretion, may require in connection with the applicants application for registration or conrmation of
exemption from registration as an IB, CPO and CTA pursuant to CFTC Regulation 30.5;
any person furnishing information to NFA or any agent acting on behalf of NFA in connection with the
investigation so authorized is released from any and all liability of whatever nature by reason of furnishing such
information to NFA or any agent acting on behalf of NFA; and
if the applicant is a non-U.S. applicant:
subject to any applicable blocking, privacy or secrecy laws, the applicants books and records will be available
for inspection by the CFTC, the U.S. Department of Justice (“DOJ”) and NFA for purposes of determining
compliance with the Act, CFTC Regulations and NFA Requirements;
subject to any applicable blocking, privacy or secrecy laws, such books and records will be produced on 72-hours
notice at the location in the United States stated in the Form 7-R or, in the case of an IB, CPO or CTA conrmed
as exempt from registration pursuant to CFTC Regulation 30.5, at the location specied by the CFTC or DOJ,
provided, however, if the applicant is applying for registration as an FCM, SD, MSP or RFED, upon specic
request, such books and records will be produced on 24-hours notice except for good cause shown; the applicant
will immediately notify NFA of any changes to the location in the United States where such books and records will
be produced;
except as the applicant has otherwise informed NFA or the CFTC in writing, the applicant is not subject to
any blocking, privacy or secrecy laws which would interfere with or create an obstacle to full inspection of the
applicants books and records by the CFTC, DOJ and NFA;
subject to any applicable blocking, privacy or secrecy laws, the failure to provide the CFTC, DOJ or NFA
with access to its books and records in accordance with this agreement may be grounds for enforcement and
disciplinary sanctions, denial, suspension or revocation of registration, withdrawal of confirmation of exemption
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from registration as an IB, CPO or CTA pursuant to CFTC Regulation 30.5; and
subject to any applicable blocking, privacy or secrecy laws, the applicant for registration shall provide to
NFA copies of any audit or disciplinary report related to the applicant for registration issued by any non-
U.S. regulatory authority or non-U.S. self-regulatory organization and any required notice that the applicant
for registration provides to any non-U.S. regulatory authority or non-U.S. self-regulatory organization and
shall provide these copies both as part of this application and thereaer immediately upon the applicant for
registrations receipt of any such report or provision of any such notice.
Applicant Agreement (cont.)