Intensive Pedestrian Survey of
Maverick Creek Greenway Trail System,
San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas
Antonia L. Figueroa
Texas Antiquities Permit No. 8583
Principal Investigator
Paul Shawn Marceaux
Prepared for:
Bain Medina Bain, Inc.
7073 San Pedro Avenue
San Antonio, Texas 78216
Preserving Cultural Resources
Prepared by:
Center for Archaeological Research
The University of Texas at San Antonio
One UTSA Circle
San Antonio, Texas 78249
Archaeological Report, No. 470
© 2019
Intensive Pedestrian Survey of
Maverick Creek Greenway Trail System,
San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas
Antonia L. Figueroa
Texas Antiquities Permit No. 8583
Principal Investigator
Paul Shawn Marceaux
Prepared for:
Bain Medina Bain, Inc.
7073 San Pedro Avenue
San Antonio, Texas 78216
Prepared by:
Center for Archaeological Research
The University of Texas at San Antonio
One UTSA Circle
San Antonio, Texas 78249
Archaeological Report, No. 470
Intensive Pedestrian Survey of Maverick Creek Greenway Trail System, San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas
The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) Center for Archaeological Research (CAR), in response to a request from
Bain Medina Bain, Inc., conducted an intensive pedestrian survey of the proposed Maverick Creek Greenway Trail System, in
northwest San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas. The work was completed on October 4, 12, and December 21, 2018. The Area of
Potential Effect (APE) consisted of a 1-km (0.6-mile) proposed trail that ran parallel to Babcock Road along Maverick Creek
and Huesta Creek. The proposed trail begins at Bamberger Park and Huesta Creek (off old Babcock Road) and continues north
to the intersection of UTSA Boulevard and Babcock Road. The Maverick Creek trail segment is on City of San Antonio-owned
property and the project includes public funding. Therefore, the project falls under the review authority of the City of San
under the Texas Antiquities Code with Texas Antiquities Permit No. 8583. Paul Shawn Marceaux served as the Principal
Investigator, and Antonia L. Figueroa served as Project Archaeologist.
During the archaeological investigations, 23 shovel tests were excavated, and one site (41BX2263) was documented. Site
of a light scatter of late nineteenth- to early twentieth-century material found in two shovel tests. CAR recommends site
41BX2263 is not eligible for State Antiquities Landmark designation or listing on the National Register of Historic Places.
CAR recommends no further archaeological work and that construction of this section of the Maverick Creek Greenway Trail
proceed as it will not impact any previous or new archaeological sites or features. However, in the event that construction
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Intensive Pedestrian Survey of Maverick Creek Greenway Trail System, San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas
Table of Contents:
Abstract ........................................................................................................................................................................................iii
List of Figures.............................................................................................................................................................................vii
List of Tables................................................................................................................................................................................ ix
Acknowledgements...................................................................................................................................................................... xi
: Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................. 1 Chapter 1
Area of Potential Effect .............................................................................................................................................................. 1
Report Organization ................................................................................................................................................................... 1
Chapter 2: Project Setting ............................................................................................................................................................. 5
Environmental Setting ................................................................................................................................................................ 5
Culture History ........................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Protohistoric (ca. 1528-1700)................................................................................................................................................... 6
Spanish Colonial Period in San Antonio (ca. 1700-1800) ....................................................................................................... 7
Early Texas (1800-1836) ......................................................................................................................................................... 7
Republic of Texas (1836-1845) ................................................................................................................................................ 7
State of Texas (1845-1900) ...................................................................................................................................................... 7
Previously Recorded Sites.......................................................................................................................................................... 8
Chapter 3: Field and Laboratory Methods .................................................................................................................................. 11
Field Methods........................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Laboratory Methods ................................................................................................................................................................. 11
Chapter 4: Results of the Field Investigations ............................................................................................................................ 13
Pedestrian Survey and Shovel Testing...................................................................................................................................... 15
Site 41BX2263 ......................................................................................................................................................................... 16
Chapter 5: Summary and Recommendations.............................................................................................................................. 21
References Cited ......................................................................................................................................................................... 23
Table of Contents
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Intensive Pedestrian Survey of Maverick Creek Greenway Trail System, San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas
List of Figures:
Figure 1-1. Location of the APE with satellite imagery and proposed amenities: A) amphitheater; B) playground;
C) trail connections; and D) parking lot .................................................................................................................................. 2
Figure 1-2. The APE depicted on an ESRI topographic map ....................................................................................................... 3
Figure 2-1. Maverick Creek near the intersection of Hausman Road and Babcock Road, facing north...................................... 5
Figure 2-2. Huesta Creek crossing the southern portion of the APE, facing east ......................................................................... 6
Figure 2-3. Previously recorded archaeological sites within 1 km (0.6 mile) of the APE............................................................ 9
Figure 4-1. Aerial map of APE with shovel tests ........................................................................................................................ 13
Figure 4-2. Existing trail that crosses west under Babcock Road............................................................................................... 14
Figure 4-3. The northern end of the APE at UTSA Boulevard and Babcock Road, facing south .............................................. 14
Figure 4-4. Shovel Test 8, terminated at 18 cmbs (7.08 in.) due to asphalt................................................................................ 16
Figure 4-5. Site 41BX2263 on an ESRI topographic map.......................................................................................................... 17
Figure 4-6. Shovel Test 3, facing north....................................................................................................................................... 18
Figure 4-7. Maverick Creek and culvert west of ST 3, facing west ........................................................................................... 19
Figure 4-8. CAR crewmember excavating ST 17, facing south ................................................................................................. 19
List of Figures
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Intensive Pedestrian Survey of Maverick Creek Greenway Trail System, San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas
List of Tables:
Table 2-1. Previously Recorded Sites within 1 km (0.6 mile) of the APE.................................................................................... 8
Table 4-1. Shovel Test Results .................................................................................................................................................... 15
Table 4-2. Artifacts Recovered from 41BX2263 ........................................................................................................................ 18
List of Tables
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Intensive Pedestrian Survey of Maverick Creek Greenway Trail System, San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas
This project would not have been completed if not for the support of several individuals and agencies. Thank you to Casey
Thank you to Bain Medina Bain, Inc., the client, for providing us the opportunity to work on this project. Also, thank you to
Jason Perez. Dr. Jessica Nowlin provided mapping and imaging support. Dr. Kelly Harris edited this report, and Dr. Paul Shawn
Marceaux served as Principal Investigator. Finally, a special thanks to Dr. Raymond Mauldin for his comments and suggestions
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Intensive Pedestrian Survey of Maverick Creek Greenway Trail System, San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas
Chapter 1: Introduction
An intensive pedestrian survey and shovel testing along the
proposed trail alignment for the Maverick Creek Greenway
Trail System was performed on October 4, 12, and December
21, 2018, by The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA)
Center for Archaeological Research (CAR). The Maverick
Creek Greenway Trail System is located in northwest San
Antonio, Bexar County, Texas (Figure 1-1). The work was
in response to a request from Bain Medina Bain, Inc. The
project was completed under the guidance of the City of
 
The project fell under the Texas Antiquities Code and was
performed under Texas Antiquities Permit No. 8583. The
Principal Investigator was Paul Shawn Marceaux, and
Antonia L. Figueroa served as the Project Archaeologist.
The goal of the survey and shovel testing was to identify and
document all prehistoric and/or historic archaeological sites
that may be impacted by the proposed trail. To accomplish
the goal, CAR completed a combination of background
research, pedestrian survey, and shovel testing across the Area
of Potential Effect (APE). CAR staff excavated 23 shovel
tests, and one site (41BX2263) was documented. However,
further work was not recommended, and CAR recommends
the proposed trail can be completed as planned.
Area of Potential Effect
The APE consisted of approximately 1 kilometer (km; 0.6
mile) of proposed trails along Maverick Creek and proposed
amenities that include an amphitheater, playground, trail
connections, and parking lot (Figure 1-1). The trail will run
north to south along Maverick Creek from the UTSA campus
(near the intersection of Babcock Road and UTSA Boulevard)
to Bamberger Park. The easement of the proposed trail and
amenities is 9-meters (m; 30-ft.) wide and is depicted on the
ESRI topographic map in Figure 1-2.
Report Organization
The remainder of the report consists of four additional
chapters. Following this introduction, Chapter 2 reviews
the project setting, which includes the physical environs of
the APE and previous archaeology conducted within 1 km
        
the project are presented in Chapter 3. Chapter 4 documents
the results of the pedestrian survey and shovel tests, while
Chapter 5 provides a summary and recommendation based
Chapter 1: Introduction
Figure 1-1. Location of the APE with satellite imagery and proposed amenities: A) amphitheater; B) playground; C) trail
connections; and D) parking lot.
Intensive Pedestrian Survey of Maverick Creek Greenway Trail System, San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas
Figure 1-2. The APE depicted on an ESRI topographic map.
Chapter 1: Introduction
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Intensive Pedestrian Survey of Maverick Creek Greenway Trail System, San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas
Chapter 2: Project Setting
This chapter presents a brief description of the project
area’s physical environment, including soils, climate,
and vegetation. It provides a brief description of previous
archaeological investigations conducted within 1 km (0.6
mile) of the APE.
Environmental Setting
The San Antonio region is described as a moderate,
subtropical, humid climate with generally cool winters and
hot summers (Norwine 1995; Taylor et al. 1991). The average
high temperature reported for San Antonio in 2017 was 69.6°
F, and the average low was 45.5° F (U.S. Climate Data 2018).
The soil types that are present in the APE consist of Sunev
loam (VaB), Anhalt clay (Ca), Tinn and Frio soils (Tf),
and Lewisville silty clay (LvB). Terrain setting, slope, and
       
Sunev soils are characterized by deep, well-drained soils that
occur in alluvium settings. The Anhlat soils are described as
moderately deep and well drained. This soil series occurs
on hillslopes, toe slopes, and base slope landforms. Tinn
and Frio soils are moderately well-drained soils that occur
series are silty clay soils that are deep and well drained
(NRCS 2018).
There are two waterways within the APE. Maverick Creek
runs parallel to the proposed trail, while Huesta Creek
crosses the southern portion of the APE (Figures 2-1 and
2-2). Both creeks are part of the Leon Creek watershed. Leon
Creek runs north to south through the west-central portion of
the county, ultimately draining into the Medina River south
of San Antonio. Huesta Creek, a secondary branch of Leon
Creek, runs close to where the proposed trail intersects with
the existing Bamberger Park Hike and Bike Trail.
Three plant communities are represented in the 1-km (0.6-
mile) stretch of the APE and include dense woodlands,
tallgrass savannah, and short grass/tree community (NRCS
2018). The dense woodland community has a closed
canopy and is dominated by hardwoods like pecan (Carya
illinoinensis) and oak (Quercus) species. The lack of grasses
in the dense woodland plant community is due to the shade
provided by the canopy. The tallgrass savannah plant
community has a 10 percent canopy cover and is dominated
Figure 2-1. Maverick Creek near the intersection of Hausman Road and Babcock Road, facing north.
Chapter 2: Project Setting
Figure 2-2. Huesta Creek crossing the southern portion of the APE, facing east.
by little bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium), big bluestem
(Andropogon gerardii) and Indian grasses (Sorghastrum
nutans). The shortgrass/tree community has a hardwood
over story of 15-30 percent that is predominantly mesquite
(Prosopis). The typical grasses in the shortgrass/tree
community include sideoats grama (Bouteloua curtipendula)
and plains lovegrass (Eragrostis intermedia; NRCS 2018).
Culture History
This section summarizes the culture history for the region.
The one site recorded during the project dated to the historic
period, while no prehistoric resources were recorded or
observed. Therefore, a detailed discussion of the prehistory
of the region will not be provided. The discussion begins with
the Protohistoric period and concludes with the twentieth
century. The reader may consult Collins (2004) for a detailed
summary of the prehistory of Central Texas that begins
during the Paleo-Indian period (11,500-8800 BP) and ends
with the Late Prehistoric (1200-350 BP). Furthermore, the
culture history periods that are discussed below were adapted
from previous CAR reports (Figueroa and Mauldin 2005;
Fox et. al 1997; Thompson and Figueroa 2005).
Protohistoric (ca. 1528-1700)
It has been stated by some scholars (Wade 2003) that the
Protohistoric Period may coincide with the end of the Late
Prehistoric period (Collins 2004). The Protohistoric period
begins with the Early Spanish explorations in Texas (ca.
Intensive Pedestrian Survey of Maverick Creek Greenway Trail System, San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas
1528) and terminates with the establishment of a strong
Spanish presence in the region during the late 1600s and early
1700s. During this period, there is sporadic contact between
the native groups in the region and European explorers. The
Spanish arrived in present-day San Antonio during the late
1600s when General Alfonso de Leon visited the area. There
are few Protohistoric period sites that have been documented
in South Texas (e.g., Hall et al. 1986; Inman et al. 1998;
Mauldin et al. 2004).
Spanish Colonial Period in San Antonio
(ca. 1700-1800)
The establishment of Spanish presidios in the region
was prompted by threats from the French in the region
(Moorhead 1991:27). In 1690, the Spanish founded Mission
San Francisco de los Tejas, near present day Nacogdoches,
along with Santismo Nombre de Maria, on the banks of the
Neches River. The missions did not survive very long, and
         
Rio Grande River, with the founding of Mission San Juan
Bautista (Weddle 1968).
In 1718, the the Presidio San Antonio de Béxar and Mission
San Antonio de Valero were established near the headwaters
of San Pedro Creek, by Don Martín del Alarcón, the governor
of Coahuila and the San Antonio region (Chipman 1992:14;
Hoffman, translator 1937). The goal of the San Antonio de
Bexar presidio and the occupying soldiers was to protect the
surrounding lands and inhabitants. Moreover, San Antonio
served as a way station, along the Spanish Camino Real,
that was located between present day Mexico and East Texas
(McGraw et al. 1991). Marqués de San Miguel de Aguayo
replaced Alarcón as the governor and captain general of
Coahuila and Texas (Buerkle 1976:52) in 1719. In his new
position, Aguayo led an expedition into Texas with the aim
of re-establishing a Spanish presence to the region that began
with eight month stay in East Texas. (Buerkle 1976:52).
By 1720, Mission San José y San Miguel de Aguayo,
Nuestra Señora de la Purisima Concepción de los Hasinai,
San Francisco de Espada and San Juan Capistrano were
established along the San Antonio River. The establishment
occurred in 1731, and it became home to Canary Islanders
(Habig 1968).
There was a major shift between colonial powers in the
region with the on-set of the Seven Year War (1756-1763). It
was at this time East Texas missions and settlements began
to dissolve, as populations began to relocate to San Antonio
(Habig 1968). By 1790, the San Antonio missions began to
decline and Manuel Silva, under the College of Zacatecas,
recommended that Mission San Antonio de Valero be
secularized. There was a shortage of clergy to service the
missions, as well as there was a lack of indigenous workers
to maintain their associated farmlands (Cox 2005). After
        
1794, the associated lands were transferred to the remaining
Mission Indians and other individuals who lived in the area
(Habig 1968).
Early Texas (1800-1836)
Dangers to the inhabitants of the San Antonio region, in the
form of Indian raids and cattle smuggling became concern as
the area continued to be under Spanish control. This problem
prompted the arrival of the Compania Volante de San Carlos
del Alamo de Parras from Coahuila, in 1803 (Tarin 2010).
The soldiers occupied the abandoned Mission San Antonio
de Valero, giving the landmark its current designation as the
Alamo (see Cox 2005). Disgruntlement with the Spanish
         
independence began with the Hidalgo revolt of 1810. After
Mexico gained its independence from Spain in 1821, a new
constitution was created with Texas and Coahuila merging
as one state. However, San Antonio de Béxar remained a
separate department (Fox et al. 1997).
Spain struggled to regain control of Mexico and Texas. In
1833, Stephen F. Austin asked San Antonio to provide
February of 1836, the Mexican army arrived in San Antonio.
Texan troops taking position in the Alamo were assaulted
defeated and caught at the Battle of San Jacinto later that year
Republic of Texas (1836-1845)
  
Sam Houston, was inaugurated in 1836. The Texas Congress
set the boundaries for the newly formed republic as the Rio
Grande in the south and Louisiana eastern boundary (Nance
2004). At this time San Antonio’s population increased due to
was elected in 1837. However, Mexico refused to recognize
Texas as independent and political tensions continued up
Mexico. (Fox et al. 1997).
State of Texas (1845-1900)
The Texas State Constitution was approved by the U.S
Congress in 1845, and Texas was admitted as a state. This act,
Chapter 2: Project Setting
along with the lack of agreement on boundary lines, prompted
the war between the U.S. and Mexico. As a result, General
Zachary Taylor and his troops advanced to the Rio Grande in
May of 1846, an area of land that the Mexican government
viewed as its own, and war was declared. After a series of
battles, the U.S. military occupied Mexico City in August of
1848 established the Rio Grande as a boundary, and it gave
the United States additional territories in return for monetary
compensation. The U.S. troops retreated Mexico in June of
that same year (Bauer 1974; Wallace 1965).
Not soon after this war between Mexico and the United
States, Texas, a new state to the Union, had to grapple with its
position on slavery. During the Civil War, Texas did not suffer
as much economically as the rest of the Union, but there was
a shortage of commodities in San Antonio. More importantly,
Texans fought on both sides of the war contributing to the
civil strife that effected the rest of the Union. Finally, in June
of 1865, Confederate generals serving in the Texas region
surrendered signaling the end of the Civil War (Campbell
2010; Fox et al. 1997).
During the late nineteenth century, an economic boom
occurred in San Antonio with the arrival of the Galveston,
Harrisburg, and San Antonio Railroad. The railroad helped
introduce new to the area that gave support to new merchant
and saloon businesses (Fox et al. 1997). At the beginning
of the twentieth century, the population of San Antonio was
just over 53,000 (Fox et al. 1997). While San Antonio proper
continued to grow during the nineteenth and early twentieth
centuries, most farmsteads and ranches were established on
the outskirts of Bexar County (Fox et al. 1997; Thompson
and Figueroa 2005). Germans began to migrate to the Texas
region between 1844 and 1847, and it was at this time that
Castroville became the heart of the Alsatian colony. Many
German settlers choose the San Antonio area due to better
consisted of German immigrants (Jordan 1977).
There has been archaeological evidence of a historic
farmsteads and ranching complexes in the area surrounding
the APE. For instance, a German farmstead (41BX1600)
dating to the nineteenth century was recorded adjacent
to French Creek, which is 1.6 km (1 mile) from the APE
(Thompson and Figueroa 2005). Evidence of a twentieth-
century ranching complex has also been documented off
Huesta Creek that is only 0.5 km (0.3 mile) from the APE
(Galindo 2000).
Previously Recorded Sites
There are six previously recorded sites within 1 km (0.6
mile) of the APE (Table 2-1; Figure 2-3). Two of the sites
(41BX41 and 41BX1811) are open camp sites. Four of the
sites are lithic scatters, while only one of the previously
recorded sites is historic and was documented by Galindo
(2000) as part of the Hausman Road Improvements project.
This information was obtained from the Texas Site Atlas
(THC 2018) and cultural resource management reports.
Geo-Marine conducted investigations along Leon Creek in
2007, which included a revisit of the open campsite 41BX41
2018). Texas A&M documented two of the sites (41BX1419
and 41BX1420) during investigations conducted on UTSA
property (Clabuagh 2000). SWCA (Houk and Skoglund
2002) conducted work again on the UTSA campus in 2002
and revisited three of the sites (41BX440, 41BX1420,
and 41BX1419) documented by Texas A&M. None of
the previously recorded sites are eligible for listing in the
National Register of Historic Places nor are any of the sites
designated as State Archaeological Landmarks.
Table 2-1. Previously Recorded Sites within 1 km (0.6 mile) of the APE
Site Site Type/Time Period Reference
41BX41 open camp site Osburn 2008; THC 2018
41BX440 lithic scatter/unknown prehistoric Houk and Skoglund 2002; THC 2018
41BX1419 lithic scatter/unknown prehistoric Clabaugh 2000; Houk and Skoglund 2002
41BX1420 lithic scatter/unknown prehistoric Clabaugh 2000; Houk and Skoglund 2002
41BX1811 open camp site THC 2018
41BX1810 unknown prehistoric Dowling et al. 2010
41BX1858 ranching complex/historic Galindo 2000
Intensive Pedestrian Survey of Maverick Creek Greenway Trail System, San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas
Redacted Image
Figure 2-3. Previously recorded archaeological sites within 1 km (0.6 mile) of the APE.
Chapter 2: Project Setting
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Intensive Pedestrian Survey of Maverick Creek Greenway Trail System, San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas
Chapter 3: Field and Laboratory Methods
Field Methods
To identify and document prehistoric and historic sites CAR
archaeologists completed a 100 percent pedestrian survey of
the approximately 1-km (0.6-mile) proposed trail corridor and
its associated amenities. In addition to the pedestrian survey,
23 shovel tests were excavated in order to locate and document
subsurface cultural deposits. Shovel tests were approximately
30 cm (11.8 in.) in diameter and excavated to depths of 60
cm (23.6 in.) below the ground surface. Shovel tests were
excavated in arbitrary 10-cm (3.9-in.) levels, and all soil
matrixes were screened through one-quarter inch hardware
cloth. The excavator recorded the results of the shovel tests
on a standardized form. For each 10-cm (3.9-in.) level, a
description of the soils and documentation of any recovered
cultural material was recorded. At the conclusion of shovel
test location was plotted with a GPS Trimble Unit. The CAR
staff collected all artifacts recovered from shovel tests.
For the purposes of this survey, an archaeological site was
 
15-m (49 ft.) radius (ca. 706.9 m
); or (2) a single cultural
feature, such as a hearth, observed on the surface or exposed
in a shovel test; or (3) a positive shovel test containing at least
three artifacts within a given 10-cm (3.9-in.) level; or (4) a
(5) two positive shovel tests located within 30 m (98.4 ft.) of
each other.
Laboratory Methods
All cultural materials and records obtained and/or generated
during the project were prepared in accordance with federal
regulation 36 CFR part 79 and THC requirements for State
Held-in-Trust collections. Artifacts processed in the CAR
laboratory were washed, air-dried, and stored in 4-mm,
zip-locking, archival-quality bags. Acid-free labels were
placed in all artifact bags. Each laser-printed label contains
provenience information and a corresponding lot number.
Field forms were printed on acid-free paper and completed
were placed in labeled archival folders. Digital photographs
were printed on acid-free paper and placed in archival-quality
page protectors. All records generated during the project were
prepared in accordance with federal regulations 36 CFR Part
79 and THC requirements for State Held-in-Trust collections.
be permanently stored at the CAR curation facility.
Chapter 3: Field and Laboratory Methods
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Intensive Pedestrian Survey of Maverick Creek Greenway Trail System, San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas
Chapter 4: Results of the Field Investigations
On October 4, 12, and December 21, 2018, the CAR trail. Figure 4-2 shows the existing trail that runs east to
conducted a pedestrian survey of the APE that included the west under Babcock Road. Shovel tests were placed every
excavation of 23 shovel tests (STs; Figure 4-1). CAR staff 100 m (328 ft.) until the northern extent of the APE was
began the shovel testing and pedestrian survey at the south reached at the corner of UTSA Boulevard and Babcock
end of the APE, where the proposed trail meets an existing Road (Figure 4-3).
Redacted Image
Figure 4-1. Aerial map of APE with shovel tests.
Chapter 4: Results of the Field Investigations
Figure 4-2. Existing trail that crosses west
under Babcock Road.
Figure 4-3. The northern end of the APE at UTSA
Boulevard and Babcock Road, facing south.
Intensive Pedestrian Survey of Maverick Creek Greenway Trail System, San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas
Pedestrian Survey and Shovel Testing
excavated along a portion of the proposed trail that would
Table 4-1 displays the results of each shovel test. The northern
connect to an existing trail. Shovel Test 12 terminated prior
extent of the APE and the various utilities at the corner of
to reaching 60 cmbs (23 in.) due to creek gravels, as this part
UTSA Boulevard and Babcock Road are shown in Figure 4-3.
of the APE crossed Maverick Creek (Figure 4-5). Soils in the
Due to the disturbance in the northern portion of the APE, a
APE ranged from a brown (10YR 4/3) clay loam (with high
shovel test was not placed in this area. Only 15 of the shovel
gravel content of 70 percent or more) that was associated with
tests terminated at 60 cm below the surface (cmbs; 23 in.).
shallow soils and found near the creek to a dark grayish brown
The remaining STs were terminated at a more shallow depth
(10YR 3/2) clay associated with deeper soils. Only two (STs
3 and 18) of the 23 shovel tests were positive, and the two
4-4 shows ST 8, which was terminated at 18 cmbs (7.08 in.)
Table 4-1. Shovel Test Results
ST Depth (cmbs) Results Reason for Termination
1 10 negative heavy gravels/bedrock
2 39 negative 
3 30 positive bedrock
4 60 negative N/A
5 9 negative 
6 40 negative bedrock
7 60 negative N/A
8 18 negative 
9 60 negative N/A
10 60 negative N/A
11 60 negative N/A
12 40 negative gravels/bedrock
13 60 negative N/A
14 60 negative N/A
15 60 negative N/A
16 60 negative N/A
17 60 negative N/A
18 60 positive N/A
19 60 negative N/A
20 15 negative gravels/bedrock
21 60 negative N/A
22 60 negative N/A
23 60 negative N/A
Chapter 4: Results of the Field Investigations
Figure 4-4. Shovel Test 8, terminated at 18 cmbs (7.08 in.) due to asphalt.
Site 41BX2263
Two shovel tests (STs 3 and 18) were positive for cultural
material and designated as site 41BX2263 (Figure 4-5).
Shovel Test 3 contained ceramic (n=2) and glass (n=3), and
all three items were recovered in Level 1 (Figure 4-6). The
ceramics consisted of two undecorated white earthenware
window glass (Table 4-2). Three additional shovel tests (STs
17, 18, and 19) were excavated to delineate the horizontal
extent of the cultural material. Excavating a shovel test
west of ST 3 was not feasible as there was a drop off into
a culvert off that connect to Huesta Creek (Figure 4-7).
Shovel Test 18 was excavated east of ST 3 and was positive
with one piece of undecorated porcelain in Level 4. Shovel
Test 17 was excavated on a slope, south of the ST 3, and
was negative for cultural material (Figure 4-8). Shovel Test
19, accidently dug slightly outside the APE, was excavated
northeast of ST 17 and was also negative for cultural material
(Figure 4-7). All of the material dated to the early 1900s
(Miller 1991; White 1978). A 1953 USGS topographic map
(Helotes, Texas, N2930-W9837.5/7.5) of the project area
did not indicate any structures in the area where the cultural
material was recorded. Due to the low number of artifacts
and lack of structural evidence in the area it was determined
that the cultural material was possibly refuse deposited in
         
recommended for the site.
Intensive Pedestrian Survey of Maverick Creek Greenway Trail System, San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas
Redacted Image
Figure 4-5. Site 41BX2263 on an ESRI topographic map.
Chapter 4: Results of the Field Investigations
Figure 4-6. Shovel Test 3, facing north.
Table 4-2. Artifacts Recovered from 41BX2263
ST Level Depth (cmbs) Cultural Material Description Count
3 1 0-10 ceramic undecorated white earthenware rim 2
3 1 0-10 glass aqua 1
3 1 0-10 glass clear 2
18 4 30-40 ceramic undecorated porcelain 1
Intensive Pedestrian Survey of Maverick Creek Greenway Trail System, San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas
Figure 4-7. Maverick Creek and culvert west of
ST 3, facing west.
Figure 4-8. CAR crewmember excavating ST 17, facing south.
Chapter 4: Results of the Field Investigations
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Intensive Pedestrian Survey of Maverick Creek Greenway Trail System, San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas
Chapter 5: Summary and Recommendations
On October 4, 12, and December 21, 2018, CAR
archaeologists performed an intensive pedestrian survey and
shovel testing in advance of the proposed Maverick Creek
Greenway Trail System located in northwest San Antonio,
Bexar County, Texas. The proposed trail alignment began at
Babcock Road and UTSA Boulevard, just west of Maverick
Creek, and headed south to an existing trail just north of
Bamberger Park and Huesta Creek. A total of 23 shovel tests
were excavated along the 1-km (0.6-mile) long proposed trail
alignment, and one new site (41BX2263) was documented.
Twenty-one shovel tests were negative for cultural material. A
newly documented site 41BX2263 consisted of two positive
shovel tests (STs 3 and 18) containing historic material
(ceramics and glass). Due to the low number of artifacts and
lack of structural evidence in the area, it was determined
the cultural material was possibly refuse deposited in the
        
of the APE was revealed, between the documented site and
         
material. CAR recommends site 41BX2263 is not eligible
for State Antiquities Landmark designation or listing on
the National Register of Historic Places. Further work was
not recommended for the site, and CAR recommends the
proposed Maverick Creek Greenway Trail System proceed
as planned.
Chapter 5: Summary and Recommendations
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Intensive Pedestrian Survey of Maverick Creek Greenway Trail System, San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas
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