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OPUS Columns RSF-10
OPUS® Pre-packed
Regulatory Support File
OPUS Columns RSF
Regulatory Support File
OPUS® Pre-packed Chromatography Columns
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With respect to documentation accompanying Product Repligen makes no warranty, express or implied. Any and all warranties
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the furnishing, performance, or use of this material.
No part of this document may be photocopied, reproduced, or translated to another language without the prior written consent of
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For further information, please contact Repligen Corporation at
©2023 Repligen Corporation. All rights reserved. The trademarks mentioned herein are the property of Repligen Corporation and/or
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Repligen Corporation
41 Seyon Street
Building #1, Suite 100
Waltham, MA 02453
Repligen Europe B.V.
Hoeksteen 13
The Netherlands
OPUS Columns RSF
Regulatory Support File
OPUS® Pre-packed Chromatography Columns
2.12.1 Mechanical strength: Column hardware pressure rating .............................................................................................. 21
2.12.2 Packed bed integrity: packed column pressure rating ................................................................................................... 23
2.1.3 Thermal stability ............................................................................................................................................................... 24
2.13.1 Mechanical stability ....................................................................................................................................................... 25
2.13.2 Chromatographic performance ...................................................................................................................................... 25
2.13.3 Conclusion and Interpretation of OPUS Pre-packed Chromatography Column shelf-life data ..................................... 27
2.16.1 General warranty ........................................................................................................................................................... 29
3.2.1 Manufacturing Controls and SOP ................................................................................................................................... 30
3.2.2 Manufacturing facilities ................................................................................................................................................. 31
OPUS Columns RSF
Regulatory Support File
OPUS® Pre-packed Chromatography Columns
List of tables
Table 1. Column handling features........................................................................................................................................................ 12
Table 2. Product contact materials of construction .............................................................................................................................. 14
Table 3. OPUS H-Tubing Set Connector and sizing options ................................................................................................................... 20
Table 4. OPUS Column 2.5 cm ID pressure integrity testing ................................................................................................................. 21
Table 5. OPUS Column 8 cm ID pressure integrity testing* .................................................................................................................. 21
Table 6. OPUS Column 12.6 cm ID pressure integrity testing* ............................................................................................................. 22
Table 7. OPUS 80R Pre-packed Chromatography Column pressure integrity testing* ......................................................................... 22
Table 8. OPUS Column Hardware pressure ratings .............................................................................................................................. 23
Table 9. Physical specifications summary: OPUS Columns 2.5 30 ...................................................................................................... 23
Table 10. Physical specifications summary: OPUS 36R 80R Pre-packed Chromatography Columns ................................................... 24
Table 11. Column mass (approximate weight of packed columns in kilograms) .................................................................................... 24
Table 12. Column shelf-life summary ...................................................................................................................................................... 25
Table 13. Stability study schedule and acceptance criteria ..................................................................................................................... 26
Table 14. Mechanical stability test results .............................................................................................................................................. 27
Table 15. Performance stability study results ......................................................................................................................................... 27
Table 16. Results of bioburden and endotoxin testing ........................................................................................................................... 29
Table 17. Water specifications compared with ASTM, USP purified water and water for injection ....................................................... 32
Table 18. Parts cleaning specification ..................................................................................................................................................... 35
Table 19. OPUS Pre-GMP and GMP applications .................................................................................................................................... 37
Table 20. ISTA 2A, 2B, and 3B Testing (OPUS 2.5 80R Pre-packed Chromatography Columns) ........................................................... 49
Table 21. OPUS Pre-packed Chromatography Column chromatographic performance data ................................................................. 52
List of figures
Figure 1. OPUS Column part number format ........................................................................................................................................ 10
Figure 2. OPUS Pre-packed Chromatography Column packaging: Tamper evident clamps ................................................................. 11
Figure 3. OPUS 60R Pre-packed Chromatography Column prepared for shipment ............................................................................. 11
Figure 4. Handles and inlet/outlet ports for OPUS 20 - 30 Pre-packed Chromatography Column ....................................................... 12
Figure 5. Caster detail on an OPUS 36R-80R Pre-packed Column ........................................................................................................ 13
Figure 6. OPUS 2.5 Pre-packed Chromatography Column design ........................................................................................................ 15
Figure 7. OPUS 5 and 8 Pre-packed Chromatography Column design .................................................................................................. 15
Figure 8. OPUS 10 30 Pre-packed Chromatography Column design (OPUS 20 shown) ..................................................................... 16
Figure 9. OPUS 45 60 Pre-packed Chromatography Column design (no R port) ............................................................................... 17
Figure 10. OPUS 36R 80R Pre-packed Chromatography Column design (OPUS 80R shown) .............................................................. 18
Figure 11. OPUS R Port design ................................................................................................................................................................ 18
Figure 12. OPUS H-tubing Set Design ...................................................................................................................................................... 19
Figure 13. Example OPUS H-Tubing Set with Aseptic Connectors .......................................................................................................... 20
Figure 14. OPUS Column Specification Sheet example ........................................................................................................................... 33
Figure 15. Pre-GMP OPUS CoA: OPUS 8 80R Pre-packed Chromatography Columns ......................................................................... 38
Figure 16. GMP Run Ready OPUS Column CoA: OPUS Columns 2.5 80R ............................................................................................. 39
Figure 17. OPUS CoA: Testing conditions and chromatograms .............................................................................................................. 40
Figure 18. CoA: Quality Assurance Statements ....................................................................................................................................... 41
Figure 19. OPUS 10 80R cm ID Column label ....................................................................................................................................... 42
Figure 20. OPUS Small Scale (2.5 8 cm) Pre-packed Chromatography Column label .......................................................................... 43
Figure 21. OPUS 2.5 cm Pre-packed Chromatography Column supplementary label ............................................................................ 43
Figure 22. OPUS 2.5 8 cm Pre-packed Chromatography Columns box label ....................................................................................... 44
Figure 23. OPUS Column Resin sample label .......................................................................................................................................... 44
Figure 24. OPUS 8 Pre-packed Chromatography Column shipping container design ............................................................................. 46
Figure 25. OPUS 10, 12.6, 14, 20, 25, 30 Pre-packed Chromatography Column shipping container ..................................................... 46
Figure 26. OPUS 36R 45R Pre-packed Chromatography Column non-wood shipping container........................................................ 47
OPUS Columns RSF
Regulatory Support File
OPUS® Pre-packed Chromatography Columns
Figure 27. OPUS 45R and 60R Pre-packed Chromatography Column shipping container design .......................................................... 47
Figure 28. OPUS 60R Pre-packed Chromatography Column crate tamper evident banded straps ........................................................ 48
Figure 29. OPUS 80R Pre-packed Chromatography Column shipping container design ........................................................................ 48
Figure 30. OPUS 60R Pre-packed Chromatography Column vibrational, incline impact, drop testing ................................................... 50
Figure 31. OPUS 5 Pre-packed Chromatography Column packaging (Box Design) ................................................................................. 53
Figure 32. OPUS 5 Pre-packed Chromatography Column packaging (Packing inserts)........................................................................... 54
Figure 33. OPUS 8 Pre-packed Chromatography Column packaging ...................................................................................................... 54
Figure 34. OPUS 10 14 Pre-packed Chromatography Column packaging ............................................................................................ 55
Figure 35. OPUS 20 30 Pre-packed Chromatography Column packaging ............................................................................................ 56
Figure 36. OPUS 36R and 45R Corrugated Pre-packed Chromatography Column packaging................................................................. 57
Figure 37. OPUS 45 and 45R Pre-packed Chromatography Column packaging ...................................................................................... 58
Figure 38. OPUS 60 and 60R Pre-packed Chromatography Column packaging ...................................................................................... 59
Figure 39. OPUS 80R Pre-packed Chromatography Column packaging .................................................................................................. 60
ABS Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene
AGS Associated Global Systems
As asymmetry
BCMS Business Continuity Management System
BSA bovine serum albumin
C Celsius
CE Conformite Europeenne
CF compression factor
CFD computational fluid dynamics
CFU colony forming units
cm centimeter
centimeter squared
CMC Chemistry, Manufacturing & Controls
CoA Certificate of Analysis
CP Customer Property
CV column volume
EMA European Medicines Agency
EU endotoxin units
FOS factor of safety
cubic feet
FTIR Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy
G acceleration
GMP Good Manufacturing Practice
HCl hydrochloric acid
hr hour
Hz hertz
ID internal diameter
in inches
IPA isopropyl alcohol
IPPC International Plant Protection Committee
ISO International Organization for Standardization
ISPM International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures
OPUS Columns RSF
Regulatory Support File
OPUS® Pre-packed Chromatography Columns
ISTA International Safe Transit Association
kg kilogram
L liter
lb pound
m meter
M molar
cubic meter
min minute
mL milliliter
mm millimeter
mS milliSiemens
N plates
NaCl sodium chloride
nm nanometer
NVP non-viable particulate
OD optical density
OPUS Open Platform User Specified
PD Process Development
PETG polyethylene terephthalate glycol
PP polypropylene
ppm parts per million
PSD power spectral density
psi pounds per square inch
QA Quality Assurance
QC Quality Control
R&D Research and Development
RODI reverse osmosis deionized water
RSF Regulatory Support File
TNTC too numerous to count
TOC total organic carbons
TSA tryptic soy agar
TSE transmissible spongiform encephalopathy
w/v weight/volume
µm micron
µS microSiemens
OPUS Columns RSF
Regulatory Support File
OPUS® Pre-packed Chromatography Columns
1. Introduction
The Regulatory Support File (RSF) for OPUS® (Open Platform User-Specified) Pre-packed Chromatography Columns is intended to be
used as:
A guide for appropriate application use in process development, clinical, and commercial purification processes
A guide to validation in manufacturing processes
A support reference for chemistry, manufacturing, and control (CMC) drug development submissions for regulatory license
A guide for supplier audits
In place of a Drug Master File submission
This Regulatory Support File covers all column sizes including OPUS Pre-packed Chromatography Columns 2.5, 5, 8, 10, 12.6, 14, 20,
25, 30, 36R, 45, 45R, 60, 60R, and 80R. Unless otherwise specified, all information applicable to OPUS Pre-packed Chromatography
Columns 45R and 60R designs is also applicable to OPUS Pre-packed Chromatography Columns 45 and 60 designs.
For more information covering OPUS Gamma Pre-packed Chromatography Columns 2.5, 5, 8, 10, 12.6, 14, 20, 25, and 30, please
refer to the specific Regulatory Support File on this portfolio on
Repligen is committed to providing all relevant technical, manufacturing, and quality information, however, only non-confidential
information is presented in this document. Confidential details may be made available upon request through a formal confidentiality
agreement or as part of a supplier audit.
1.1 Repligen Quality Policy
Copies of the Repligen quality policy, quality manual, and ISO certificate can be found on the following website,
1.2 Safety notices
Follow all local regulations for safe disposal
For laboratory and manufacturing production only
1.3 Responsible official
The individual designated responsible for quality and regulatory affairs for Repligen, and to whom all correspondence or requests for
audits should be addressed.
Senior Director of Quality
Telephone: +1-781.250.0111
OPUS Columns RSF
Regulatory Support File
OPUS® Pre-packed Chromatography Columns
2. Product information
2.1 Product overview
OPUS Pre-packed Chromatography Columns are designed to perform chromatographic purification of biological molecules in either
Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) or non-GMP applications. The OPUS 2.5 80R Pre-packed Chromatography Column platform
offers an easy-to-use alternative to traditional self-packed columns with configurable diameter, bed height, and chromatographic
resin. Additional end-user requirements, such as release criteria for plate count, asymmetry, and storage solution, can be specified.
All OPUS 2.5 80R Pre-packed Chromatography Columns are built-to-order. Repligen does not maintain stock of standard
configurations. Please consult with Repligen for specific lead time information.
2.2 Quality standards
OPUS 2.5 80R Pre-packed Chromatography Columns are manufactured in the Waltham, MA, USA. or Breda, The Netherlands under
the following quality standards for GMP manufacturing:
Repligen maintains an ISO 9001 compliant Quality Management System. A copy of the current ISO certification can be
downloaded from the following web address,
All materials in direct fluid contact path meet USP Class VI, and USP <88> requirements for In Vivo Biological Reactivity.
All columns are packed in a controlled, classified clean room that meets ISO Class 7 Non-Viable Particulate (NVP) standards.
All fluid contact components are free from materials of animal origin or compliant with EMA 410/01 Rev 3.
2.3 OPUS Pre-packed Chromatography Column features overview
Obtaining User Specified Column Inputs
All OPUS Columns are produced based on user specifications, captured from the Repligen internal quote configuration tool.
All specifications are summarized on the OPUS Column Specification Sheet for each column or part number. Available user specified
inputs are summarized below:
Column details (4 parameters): internal diameter, bed height, resin type, and GMP level
Resin supply (two options): Repligen-supplied or customer supplied
Acceptance criteria (two options):
Repligen recommended:
o Specifications derived based on resin manufacturer recommendations, statistical process control (SPC) OPUS
Columns packing data, and inputs from applications development or historical packing experience.
Customer specified:
o Chromatographic release criteria: plate count (N/m), asymmetry range, injection volume, injection solution,
Mobile phase solution, and linear velocity (cm/hr)
Application specific (if required):
Pressure vs. flow requirements
Maximum working flow rate
Maximum working pressure to inform maximum packing pressure
Chromatography resin sanitization method (post packing)
Storage solution
Some column packing parameters cannot be configured as they are unique to the Repligen OPUS Column hardware, customized
packing techniques, and Standard Operating Procedures (SOP). Examples include:
Chromatography resin compression or consolidation factor
Packing solution
Packing methods
Repligen will make an effort to understand and accommodate all requests. For example, request for packing with a specific flow rate
will initiate a conversation towards understanding the importance of that parameters to the overall process followed by adjustment
of the OPUS Column packing method as appropriate. The OPUS Specification Sheet documents all packing adjustments for each
column or part number.
OPUS Column hardware components, which includes inlet and outlet connection size, are not adjustable. See Figure 6
Figure 12 for more information on the OPUS Column hardware design.
OPUS Columns RSF
Regulatory Support File
OPUS® Pre-packed Chromatography Columns
The final OPUS Column configuration, generated by either quote request form or internal configuration tool, is submitted for review
by the Repligen Process Engineering and Manufacturing teams. Approval triggers issue of a quotation and an OPUS Column
Specification Sheet (QA-FM-04-10015), which documents user specified requirements. The Specification Sheet is provided to the
end-user for review and approval with the quotation package. Production of an OPUS Column requires receipt of both a Purchase
Order and an approved OPUS Column Specification Sheet from the end-user.
2.4 Resin supply
Resin used to pack an OPUS Pre-packed Chromatography Column may be procured by the end-user from the manufacturer followed
by drop shipment to Repligen or procured by Repligen directly from the manufacturer. Repligen maintains the following policy on
resin expirations dates for Repligen procured resin:
1. Repligen guarantees ≥12 months remaining resin shelf-life at the time of shipment.
2. For resins with less than 2 years of total shelf-life as stated from the supplier, Repligen will guarantee 50% of the shelf-life
upon column shipment.
3. Packing of resin with shelf-life expiry less than described above to availability requires customer notification and approval
prior to column packing.
End-user procured resin requires completion of the Customer Property Declaration Form (QA-FM-02-10035), which confirms health
and safety as well as customer procured resin tracking information. The unique Customer Property (CP) number assigned to each
OPUS Column Specification Sheet provides traceability of customer procured resin throughout the Repligen facility.
It is the responsibility of our customers to ensure resin delivered to Repligen has the necessary remaining shelf life based on your
project requirements. The Customer Property Declaration Form prompts our customers to agreeing for Repligen to release any resin
delivered to Repligen for column packing. Opting out of this statement on the form may lead to extended lead time of your OPUS
Column(s) based on extended resin lead times for additional resin volumes.
It is Repligen policy to pack no more than three (3) resin vendor lot numbers within a single OPUS Column. Should a customer send
greater than 3 resin vendor lot numbers for a column pack, Repligen requires written approval on official letterhead from the end
user customer to pack the resin.
2.5 OPUS Pre-packed Chromatography Column part numbers
OPUS Pre-packed Chromatography Column part numbers are structured as smart, embedded with select column configuration
information. Figure 1
describes the part number format for OPUS Column larger than 2.5 cm inner diameter.
Field one (two characters) describes procurement mechanism.
o CC indicates end-user procured resin.
o BC indicates Repligen procured resin.
o CX indicates end-user procured resin and gamma irradiated column.
o BX indicates Repligen procured resin and gamma irradiated column.
Field two (three characters) describes nominal column diameter in millimeters.
Field three (four characters) describes the unique resin code (CPRI).
Field four (three characters) describes the target/nominal bed height in millimeters.
Field five (up to two characters) describe GMP level (Pre-GMP or GMP Run Ready) as well as if the column configuration
includes an OPUS Resin Recovery port (PR or GR).
Field six (five characters) describes the optional tubing set for attachment to the OPUS Column prior to release (TSXXX).
OPUS Columns RSF
Regulatory Support File
OPUS® Pre-packed Chromatography Columns
Figure 1. OPUS Column part number format
The OPUS Column part number system, governed by QA-FM-10107, does not generate a unique output for all column specifications.
The OPUS Column Specification Sheet (Figure 14
), generated upon initiation of column production serves as a unique identifier, even
if the same column/part number is re-ordered.
For example, an OPUS 45R Pre-packed Chromatography Column with a 15 cm bed height and packed with Repligen-procured
CaptivA® Resin, would be assigned the part number BC-450-CPRI-150-GR. In some cases, customer specific part numbers can be
created upon request to reflect specific end-user requirements.
2.6 Summary of OPUS Pre-packed Chromatography Column production processes
Column components: Incoming raw materials and components prioritized by risk assessment are subject to an inspection
procedure. Parts that comply with the criteria described in the Raw Materials and Component Specifications documents are released
for column assembly and packing.
Resins: Consistent with good documentation practices, Repligen maintains material control of all resins, including assignment of
internal lot numbers, to enable full traceability within batch records. The SOP that govern these procedures include SOP-1094
(Control of Incoming Materials), SOP-10042 (Control of Incoming Components) and SOP-10035 (Customer Property).
Manufacturing qualification: Column assembly processes are qualified and documented with SOP and batch records as specified in
the Repligen ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems.
Preparation of Column Components: Column parts are washed and cleaned, according to qualified and validated protocols, prior to
Column packing: All OPUS GMP Run Ready and Pre-GMP Pre-packed Chromatography Column are packed in controlled and
classified clean rooms that meet ISO Class 7 standards.
Note: See Section 3
for more detailed information on the OPUS Column production process.
Quality control and Release: Individual OPUS Columns are individually tested according to the corresponding OPUS Column
Specification Sheet. The specifications and the results of the release tests are documented on the Certificate of Analysis (CoA).
Packaging: Packed columns are secured in qualified shipping containers using foam protective packaging material. All OPUS Columns
ship with tamper evident packaging and all inlets and outlets are secured with tamper evident SaniSure® clamps (Figure 2
OPUS Columns RSF
Regulatory Support File
OPUS® Pre-packed Chromatography Columns
Figure 2. OPUS Pre-packed Chromatography Column packaging: Tamper evident clamps
OPUS 60R Pre-packed Chromatography Column shipped with tamper evident SaniSurClamps on inlet and outlet ports.
Figure 3. OPUS 60R Pre-packed Chromatography Column prepared for shipment
See Section 5
for more information on packaging and shipping qualification.
2.7 Performance
OPUS Pre-packed Chromatography Columns provide chromatographic performance equivalent to or better than traditional self-
packed columns. Performance is attained through a semi-automated packing process and a flow distribution system design.
Optimal flow distribution is achieved through a flow distributor designed with minimal dead volume. Rigorous
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model, which was validated through experimental testing, supports the design
elements that meet or exceed traditional column flow distribution uniformity.
Multi-cycle performance tests document robust and reproducible chromatographic results.
OPUS Columns RSF
Regulatory Support File
OPUS® Pre-packed Chromatography Columns
Note: More information on column performance can be found at
OPUS Pre-packed Chromatography Columns incorporate ease of use features such as lifting handles, casters and industry standard
sanitary tri-clamp flow port connections (Table 1).
Inlet/Outlet port locations
OPUS Pre-packed Chromatography Columns sized 10 80R cm ID: Inlet and outlet ports both are located on the top of the
column. Connection to the column inlet and outlet ports is secured with a tri-clamp fitting, designed by SaniSure to be both
leak-proof and tamper-evident.
OPUS Pre-packed Chromatography Columns sized 5 and 8 cm ID: Inlet and outlet ports are located at both ends of the
column tube, typical for lab scale self-pack column design.
Table 1. Column handling features
OPUS Columns
Handles No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No
Casters No No No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Manually lift Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No
Lifting handles
Figure 4. Handles and inlet/outlet ports for OPUS 20 - 30 Pre-packed Chromatography Column
OPUS Pre-packed Columns sized 1430 cm ID: Handles are located on adjacent sides on the top of the column (Figure 4).
Please follow all local or regional safety guidelines when lifting columns. See Table 11 for approximate column mass.
1. Inlet
2. Outlet
3. Lifting Handle
OPUS Columns RSF
Regulatory Support File
OPUS® Pre-packed Chromatography Columns
Four twin wheel swivel castors allow movement through a facility. (Figure 5
). Each castor is rated to hold ≥100 kg of weight. A
manually engaged wheel lock can restrict castor movement. The bottom column of the cap is designed with channels to allow lifting
of the column with straps. Please contact Repligen Customer Service for more information on how to utilize straps to lift an OPUS
Figure 5. Caster detail on an OPUS 36R-80R Pre-packed Column
2.8 Reference documentation
The following documents can be found at
Quality Documentation: The Repligen ISO 9001 ISO certificate indicating that Repligen follows industry standards for document
Technical specifications: External column dimensions are provided in this Regulatory Support File. All other column packing
specifications and end user specified criteria are documented on the OPUS Columns Specification Sheet.
User Guide: User guides for all OPUS Columns
Unpackaging Guide: Unpackaging guides are available for all OPUS Columns.
Technical Documents: A variety of supporting technical documents, presentations, and videos.
CE-Certificate: EG directive 97/23/EG is not applicable to OPUS Pre-packed Chromatography Columns and therefore columns are not
2.9 Materials of construction:
OPUS Pre-packed Chromatography Columns from 2.5 to 80 cm ID are designed using plastics best suited for downstream processing
of biologic molecules. These plastics were chosen for performance characteristics including:
Suitability for pharmaceutical use with process fluid contact
USP Class VI compatibility
Low levels of extractables
Free from materials of animal origin and/or compliant with EMA 410/01
OPUS Columns RSF
Regulatory Support File
OPUS® Pre-packed Chromatography Columns
Table 2. Product contact materials of construction
OPUS Column component Material USP <88> Class CFR 21 177 Animal origin
Column Tube (2.530 cm ID) Polypropylene (PP) Class VI 177.1520 Animal Free
Column Tube (36R – 80R)
70% w/w E-Glass/PP
engineered composite structure
Class VI 177.1520 Animal Free
Flow Distributors Polypropylene Class VI 177.1520 Animal Free
Inlet and Outlet Ports Polypropylene Class VI 177.1520 Animal Free
Bed Support Screens Polypropylene Class VI 177.1520 EMA 410/01
Flow Distributor O-Rings Platinum-cured medical grade silicone Class VI 177.2600 Animal Free
Return Lines
Platinum-cured medical grade silicone,
reinforced with strong polyester fiber
Class VI 177.2600 Animal Free
R Plug and Inside Port Polypropylene Class VI 177.1520 Animal Free
R Inner/Outer Gaskets and Plug O-ring Platinum-cured medical grade silicone Class VI 177.2600 Animal Free
Note: The 12 μm polypropylene bed support screen is ultrasonically welded to the flow distributor.
Non-product contact materials summary
Top and bottom caps: acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) co-polymer or high-density polyethylene (HDPE)
Side guard: ABS (blue)
Inlet and outlet port grommets: silicone (blue)
Handles: polyurethane (blue)
Castors: Polyamide casing with non-marking grey polyurethane tires
OPUS R outer nut and washer: ABS
OPUS R Bio Clamp: glass filled nylon
For a signed copy of the OPUS Pre-packed Chromatography Columns BSE/TSE Free Statement, contact Customer Support at or
OPUS Columns RSF
Regulatory Support File
OPUS® Pre-packed Chromatography Columns
2.10 Column design
Figure 6. OPUS 2.5 Pre-packed Chromatography Column design
External View Cutaway View
Figure 7. OPUS 5 and 8 Pre-packed Chromatography Column design
External View Cutaway View
1. Inlet port
2. Top cap
3. Column tube
4. Bottom cap
5. Outlet port
6. Flow distributor and
bed support mesh
7. O-rings
1. Inlet port
2. Top cap
3. Column tube
4. Bottom cap
5. Outlet port
6. Flow distributor and
bed support mesh
7. O-rings
OPUS Columns RSF
Regulatory Support File
OPUS® Pre-packed Chromatography Columns
Figure 8. OPUS 10 30 Pre-packed Chromatography Column design (OPUS 20 shown)
1. Top cap
2. Outlet
3. Side-guard
4. O-rings
5. Bottom cap
6. Inlet
7. Tube
8. Flow distributor and
support mesh
9. Return line
Flow Distributor
(12 µm mesh size)
OPUS Columns RSF
Regulatory Support File
OPUS® Pre-packed Chromatography Columns
Figure 9. OPUS 45 – 60 Pre-packed Chromatography Column design (no R port)
1. Top cap
2. Outlet
3. Side-guard
4. O-rings
5. Bottom cap
6. Casters
7. Inlet
8. Tube
9. Flow distributor and 12 µm mesh
10. Return line
Flow Distributor
(12 µm mesh size)
OPUS Columns RSF
Regulatory Support File
OPUS® Pre-packed Chromatography Columns
Figure 10. OPUS 36R – 80R Pre-packed Chromatography Column design (OPUS 80R shown)
Figure 11. OPUS R Port design
1. Inside port (Polypropylene)
2. Inner gasket (Silicone)
3 Outer gasket (Silicone)
4 Plug O-ring (Silicone)
5 OPUS® R Plug (Polypropylene)
6 1 inch TC sanitary clamp (Glass Filled Nylon)
1. Outlet
2. Top cap
3. Side-guard
4. Tube
5. R port
6. Return line
7. Casters
8. Inlet
9. O-rings
10. Flow distributor and 12 µm mesh
11. Bottom cap
Flow Distributor
(12 µm mesh size)
OPUS Columns RSF
Regulatory Support File
OPUS® Pre-packed Chromatography Columns
2.11 OPUS H-Tubing Sets
The H-tubing set utilizes a column bypass mechanism that enables a flush and sanitization of the flow path, eliminates the need for
bulky stainless steel 3- or 4-way valves, and reduces the likelihood of air entering the packed bed.
Figure 12. OPUS H-tubing Set Design
Use Instructions:
Column is delivered with the tubing filled with storage solution and attached to the inlet and outlet of the column.
Note: All four pinch clamps will be engaged.
To prime the tubing, connect the inlet line from the pump to the top of the inlet side of the tubing set (above pinch valve 1).
Open pinch valves 2 and 3 for bypass mode of the tubing set
Connect the outlet line to the top of the outlet side of the tubing set (pinch valve 4).
Flush buffer through the tubing set in bypass mode for removal of air and cleaning. Ensure constant flow is exiting the
tubing set and there are no visual bubbles in the tubing
Close pinch valves 2 and 3
Open pinch valve 1 and 4 to direct flow through the column.
Note: If removing storage solution, start the operation using a linear velocity of 50 cm/hour. Flow rate can be increased slowly as
long as backpressure does not exceed 80% of the maximum pressure achieved during column packing.
Materials of construction:
Braided platinum cured silicone tubing
Polypropylene T-adapters and end-fittings
OPUS Columns RSF
Regulatory Support File
OPUS® Pre-packed Chromatography Columns
Tubing sets are also available with aseptic connectors for the OPUS 2.5 30 cm ID columns. See below for available tubing sets
based on flow path ID and connector types (Table 3).
Table 3. OPUS H-Tubing Set Connector and sizing options
ID Range Tri-Clamp ReadyMate AseptiQuik® KleenpakPresto
OPUS 2.5 ⅛" ID Flow Path (TS024) N/A " ID Flow Path AQS (TS025) N/A
OPUS 5 – 8
⅛" ID Flow Path (TS033) ⅛" ID Flow Path (TS019) ⅛" ID Flow Path AQS (TS023) ⅛" ID Flow Path (TS020)
OPUS 10 – 12.6 ¼" ID Flow Path (TS006) ¼" ID Flow Path (TS018) ¼" ID Flow Path AQG (TS007) ¼" ID Flow Path (TS010)
OPUS 14 – 20 ¼" ID Flow Path (TS001) ¼" ID Flow Path (TS009) ¼" ID Flow Path AQG (TS012) ¼" ID Flow Path (TS011)
OPUS 25 – 30 ⅜" ID Flow Path (TS002) ⅜" ID Flow Path (TS016) ⅜" ID Flow Path AQG (TS015) ⅜" ID Flow Path (TS017)
OPUS 36R ½" ID Flow Path (TS031) N/A N/A N/A
OPUS 45R ½" ID Flow Path (TS003) N/A N/A N/A
OPUS 60R ¾" ID Flow Path (TS004) N/A N/A N/A
OPUS 80R ¾" ID Flow Path (TS013) N/A N/A N/A
¼" ID flow path (TS032) with AseptiQuik G also available.
For OPUS H-tubing sets with aseptic connectors, two additional pinch valves are engaged on both the inlet and outlet tubing below
the aseptic connectors. Operation of the tubing set in bypass or flow-through mode be performed with both pinch clamps
Figure 13. Example OPUS H-Tubing Set with Aseptic Connectors
1. Base H-Tubing Set
2. Braided Silicone Tubing
3. Tri-clamp Barb Fitting
4. Aseptic Connector
5. Tri-clamp
6. Oetiker clamp
7. Biovalve pinch clamp
OPUS Columns RSF
Regulatory Support File
OPUS® Pre-packed Chromatography Columns
2.12 OPUS Pre-packed Chromatography Column physical specifications
2.12.1 Mechanical strength: Column hardware pressure rating
All columns were designed and qualified with a factor of safety (FOS) of >2X the maximum operating pressure. Pressure integrity was
established with pressure hold studies on empty columns filled with water. To pass a pressure hold integrity test a column must hold
a designated pressure with minimum decay (e.g., ≤5 psi) over a defined period of time. Ambient, 4°C, and 40°C have been evaluated
with passing results. See below for representative tests and results.
Table 4. OPUS Column 2.5 cm ID pressure integrity testing
Pressure Test Verification Method Acceptance Criteria Results
Temperature: Ambient
Pressure hold test at >1.5x the
recommended operating pressure
(4 bar).
≥6 bar (87 psi) pressure hold for 2 hours in
water. After 30 minutes stabilization column
must have ≤5 psi decay over 90 min, with no
visible water leaking.
Temperature: 4°C
Incubate water-filled column (no
resin) overnight in 4°C chamber, and
test column integrity at maximum
recommended operating pressure.
Pressure test at ≥6 bar, must be less than 5
psi decay over 90 min after 30 min
Temperature: 40°C
Incubate water-filled column (no
resin) overnight in 40°C chamber, and
test column integrity at maximum
recommended operating pressure.
Pressure test at ≥6 bar, must be less than 5
psi decay over 90 min after 30 min
Burst pressure
Destructive test on assembled
Record burst pressure for assembled
(no resin)
Failure at >200 psi (>13 bar).
Table 5. OPUS Column 8 cm ID pressure integrity testing*
Pressure Test Verification Method Acceptance Criteria Results
Temperature: Ambient
Pressure hold test at >1.5x the
recommended operating pressure
(4 bar).
100 psi pressure hold for 2 hours in water.
After 60 minutes stabilization column must
have ≤5 psi decay over 60 min, with no
visible water leaking.
Temperature: 4°C
Run cooled water through system
(no resin) until equilibrium, and test
column integrity at maximum
recommended operating pressure.
Pressure test at 4 bar, must be less than 5
psi decay over 30 min after 30 min
Temperature: 40°C
Run heated water through system
(no resin) until equilibrium, and test
column integrity at maximum
recommended operating pressure.
Pressure test at 4 bar, must be less than 5
psi decay over 30 min after 30 min
Burst pressure
Destructive test on assembled
Record burst pressure for assembled
column(no resin)
Failure at >500 psi (>34 bar).
*Representative of 5 and 8 cm ID columns.
OPUS Columns RSF
Regulatory Support File
OPUS® Pre-packed Chromatography Columns
Table 6. OPUS Column 12.6 cm ID pressure integrity testing*
Pressure Test Verification Method Acceptance Criteria Results
Temperature: Ambient
Pressure hold test at >1.5x the
recommended operating pressure
(4 bar).
100 psi pressure hold for 2 hours in water.
After 60 minutes stabilization column must
have ≤5 psi decay over 60 min, with no
visible water leaking.
Temperature: 4°C
Run cooled water through system
(no resin) until equilibrium, and test
column integrity at maximum
recommended operating pressure
Pressure test at 4 bar must be less than 5 psi
decay over 30 min after 30 min stabilization.
Temperature: 40°C
Run heated water through system
(no resin) until equilibrium, and test
column integrity at maximum
recommended operating pressure.
Pressure test at 4 bar must be less than 5 psi
decay over 30 min after 30 min stabilization.
Burst pressure
Destructive test on assembled
Record burst pressure for assembled
column (no resin).
Failure at >400 psi (>27 bar).
*Representative of 10 30 cm ID columns.
Table 7. OPUS 80R Pre-packed Chromatography Column pressure integrity testing*
Pressure Test Method Acceptance Criteria Results
Temperature: Ambient
Pressure hold test at 2x the
recommended operating pressure
(3 bar).
Pressurize column assembly to 6 bar for 2
hours with water at 22°C ± 3°C. 30 minutes
pressure stabilization, 1.5 hr hold ≤5 psi
decay, no visible water leaking w/ 3
Temperature: 4°C
Fill column with water; Store column
in 28°C overnight (to equilibrate).
Pressurize assembly to maximum
recommended operating pressure.
Pressurize column assembly to 3 bar for 2
hours with water. 30 minutes pressure
stabilization, 1.5 hr hold ≤5 psi decay, no
visible water leaking.
Temperature: 40°C
Circulate 40 ±3°C water through
system for 1 hour @ 100 cm/hr.
Pressurize assembly maximum
recommended operating pressure for
2 hours with water.
Pressurize column assembly to 3 bar for 2
hours with water. 30 minutes pressure
stabilization, 1.5 hr hold ≤5 psi decay, no
visible water leaking.
Burst pressure Due to large size of the column, a suitably safe environment was not available to evaluate for burst pressure.
*Representative of 36R 80R Columns.
Note: Exceeding the maximum column hardware pressure rating will void the Repligen warranty statement (Section 2.16
OPUS Columns RSF
Regulatory Support File
OPUS® Pre-packed Chromatography Columns
Table 8. OPUS Column Hardware pressure ratings
Rating (bar)
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3
Note: The pressures reported above are the pressure limits of the hardware to prevent leaks, cracks, breaks, and damage to
components. The suggested operating pressure will be based on the packing pressure of the resin, and will be less than the
above pressure limits. Refer to column label and CoA for the column-specific packing pressure.
2.12.2 Packed bed integrity: packed column pressure rating
OPUS Pre-packed Chromatography Columns are packed according to Repligen SOP and end-user specifications. Maximum pressure
achieved during packing is noted on either the column label and/or Certificate of Analysis. Exceeding the maximum packing pressure
stated on the Certificate of Analysis and column label will likely compromise the packed bed integrity and void the Repligen warranty
statement (Section 2.16
). Therefore, Repligen recommends establishing an appropriate margin of safety to the maximum packing
pressure achieved when assigning a maximum operating pressure.
Table 9. Physical specifications summary: OPUS Columns 2.5 – 30
Physical Attributes OPUS 5 OPUS 8 OPUS 10 OPUS 12.6 OPUS 14 OPUS 20 OPUS 25 OPUS 30
Diameter 5.1 cm 8.1 cm 10 cm 12.6 cm 14 cm 20 cm 25 cm 30 cm
Internal cross section 20.4 cm
51.5 cm
78.5 cm
125 cm
154 cm
314 cm
491 cm
707 cm
Column body pressure rating 4 bar 4 bar 4 bar 4 bar 4 bar 4 bar 4 bar 4 bar
Bed height range 5 – 30 cm 5 – 30 cm 5 – 30 cm 5 – 30 cm 5 – 30 cm 5 – 30 cm 5 – 30 cm 5 – 30 cm
10 cm
bed height
0.2 L 0.5 L 0.8 L 1.3 L 1.5 L 3.1 L 4.9 L 7.1 L
20 cm
bed height
0.4 L 1 L 1.6 L 2.5 L 3.1 L 6.3 L 9.8 L 14.1 L
30 cm
bed height
0.6 L 1.5 L 2.4 L 3.8 L 4.6 L 9.4 L 14.7 L 21.2 L
Assembled column height
(plus column bed height)
~20 cm ~20 cm ~20 cm ~28 cm ~30 cm ~30 cm ~33 cm ~35 cm
Outer diameter
(cm, including caps)
7 cm 10 cm 16 cm 20 cm 21 cm 27 cm 33 cm 38 cm
Inlet/outlet flow path
internal diameter
3.45 mm
(5/32 in)
4.57 mm
(3/16 in)
6.35 mm
(1/4 in)
6.35 mm
(1/4 in)
6.35 mm
(1/4 in)
6.35 mm
(1/4 in)
9.53 mm
(3/8 in)
9.53 mm
(3/8 in)
Inlet/outlet port connectors
3/4 in mini
3/4 in mini
3/4 in mini
3/4 in mini
3/4 in
3/4 in
3/4 in
3/4 in
OPUS Columns RSF
Regulatory Support File
OPUS® Pre-packed Chromatography Columns
Table 10. Physical specifications summary: OPUS 36R – 80R Pre-packed Chromatography Columns
Physical Attributes OPUS 36R OPUS 45R OPUS 60R OPUS 80R
Diameter 36 cm 45.7 cm 59.9 cm 79.9 cm
Internal cross-section 1020 cm
1640 cm
2818 cm
5014 cm
Column body pressure rating 3 bar 3 bar 3 bar 3 bar
Bed height range
10 – 30 cm 10 – 30 cm 10 – 30 cm 10 – 30 cm
Column volumes
10 cm bed height 10 L 16 L 28 L 50 L
20 cm bed height 20 L 33 L 56 L 100 L
30 cm bed height 31 L 49 L 84 L 150 L
Assembled column height
≤22 cm bed height ~87 cm ~90 cm ~93 cm ~97 cm
>22 cm bed height ~113 cm ~116 cm ~120 cm ~123 cm
Outer diameter
(including caps)
10 cm bed height 45 cm 54 cm 68 cm 91 cm
Inlet/outlet flow path internal diameter 12.7 mm (1/2 in) 12.7 mm (1/2 in) 19.1 mm (3/4 in) 19.1 mm (3/4 in)
Inlet/outlet port connectors ¾" mini tri-clamps ¾" mini tri-clamps 1" tri-clamps 1" tri-clamps
Estimates based on the target bed height.
Note: OPUS 36R 80R Pre-packed Chromatography Columns have a minimum bed height of 10 cm, OPUS 45 and 60 Pre-packed
Chromatography Columns without an R port have a minimum bed height of 5 cm.
Table 11. Column mass (approximate weight of packed columns in kilograms)
5 cm 0.5 1.0 2.0 4.0 4.0 6.0 10 14 43 69 117 235
10 cm 0.5 1.5 2.5 4.5 5.0 8.0 13 18 48 77 131 260
15 cm 1.0 1.5 3.0 5.5 6.0 10 16 22 54 86 145 285
20 cm 1.0 2.0 3.5 6.0 7.0 12 19 26 59 94 159 310
30 cm 1.5 2.5 4.0 8.0 9.0 16 24 34 69 110 187 335
2.1.3 Thermal stability
Column construction can support a working temperature range of 2°C to 40°C based on the general properties of polypropylene as
well as OPUS Pre-packed Chromatography Column ISTA shipping tests (Section 5.3
2.13 Column shelf-life
Repligen conducted four studies to assess shelf-life stability for OPUS Pre-packed Chromatography Columns when stored according
to instructions in the user guide. The rationale for the multi-study approach was to group columns based on their cylindrical tube
design and minimize potential variables during evaluation. The first study evaluated OPUS 10 30 Pre-packed Chromatography
Columns over an 18 month period. The second study evaluated OPUS 36R 80R Pre-packed Chromatography Columns family over a
longer period in response to end-user requests for time points up to 5 years. In this study, the OPUS 80R Pre-packed
Chromatography Column was deemed the worst-case condition for column stability given the high volume of resin and lack of
column wall support for the packed resin beads. The third study qualifies the shelf life of OPUS 5-30 Pre-packed Chromatography
OPUS Columns RSF
Regulatory Support File
OPUS® Pre-packed Chromatography Columns
Columns for at least 24 months based on mechanical stability testing within an on-going study. The fourth study qualifies the shelf
life of OPUS 5 8 Pre-packed Chromatography Columns for 5 years based on single point retrospective data.
Table 12. Column shelf-life summary
Study Number Column Family Column IDs Tested Tube Materials Time Period Status
1 OPUS 10 –30 Columns OPUS 10, 20, 30 Polypropylene 18 months Complete
OPUS 36R – 80R
70% w/w E-Glass/Polypropylene
engineered composite structure
60 months Complete
3 OPUS 5 - 30 OPUS 5, 30 Polypropylene 24 months On-going
4 OPUS 5- 8 OPUS 5, 8 Polypropylene 60 months Complete
For column performance testing, Study 1 3 used agarose resin type for the packed column aspect of the study. Study 4 used
styrene based resin type for the packed colum aspect of the study. Therefore, this study can serve as general guidance for the >250
types of resins which can be packed into OPUS Columns. All columns were stored cold at 2 8°C, which represents most challenging
temperature for the integrity of plastic components, and then allowed to equilibrate to room temperature (25°C) before
experiments were performed.
Note: An additional study has been completed for gamma irradiated OPUS 2.530 Columns. Details of this study are found within
the OPUS Gamma Regulatory Support File.
2.13.1 Mechanical stability
The mechanical stability assessment looked at column structural integrity at pre-determined time points post-assembly. Columns
were filled with 18.5% ethanol (Study 1) or RODI water (Study 2, 3, and 4) and then were pressurized. Pressure decay was monitored
over a set period. During this pressure hold period, the column was visually inspected for gross failure such as leakage from ports
and/or threads, and general structural integrity. See Table 13
for the mechanical stability test schedule and acceptance criteria and
Table 14 for results.
Note: The OPUS 80R Pre-packed Column exhibited increased pressure drop in the initial 30 minutes of the hold because of the higher
surface area subject to plastic stretching. To confirm the column was not leaking, the OPUS 80R Pre-Packed Chromatography
Column hold time was increased to 120 minutes. Based on the reported pressure trend data for the OPUS 80R Pre-Packed
Chromatography Column, the same conclusion of an integral column design and assembly could be achieved at the 60 minute
data point.
2.13.2 Chromatographic performance
Chromatographic performance was assessed over multiple time points by demonstrating that no significant performance
degradation occurs during time in storage. For Study 1, one column was re-tested at each of the time intervals and compared to the
performance of that specific column at time zero. For Study 2, a single OPUS 80 Pre-Packed Chromatography Column was retested at
each of the time intervals and compared to the performance at time zero. For Study 4, only one testing of columns at 5 year
timepoint is used for comparison against performance at time zero. See Table 13 for acceptance criteria and Table 15
for results.
Note: Study 1 is the only study to sample bioburden and endotoxin data because only a single column was tested at each time point;
the potential for artifact bioburden and endotoxin results due to reuse was probable based on experimental design for Study 2,
3, and 4.
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Regulatory Support File
OPUS® Pre-packed Chromatography Columns
Table 13. Stability study schedule and acceptance criteria
Time Interval
Mechanical Stability Criteria
(Empty Columns)
Performance Stability Criteria
(Packed Columns)
Study 1 T = 0
Time at Pressure: 60 minutes
Pressure: 4 bar
Pressure decay: ≤5 psi
Visual: No gross defects or leaks
Asymmetry: 0.8 1.6
Plate count: >1500 N/m (100 cm/hr)
Endotoxin: ≤1.0 EU/mL
Bioburden: ≤100 CFU/mL
Study 1 T = X months
Pressure decay: ≤5 psi
Visual: No gross defects or leaks
Endotoxin: ≤1.0 EU/mL
Bioburden: ≤100 CFU/mL
Comparison to T = 0 time point:
N/m Δ = <15%
Δ = <15%
Study 2 T = 0
Time at Pressure: 120 minutes
Pressure: 3 bar
Pressure decay: ≤5 psi
Visual: No gross defects or leaks
Asymmetry: 0.8 1.8
Plate count: >2000 N/m (100 cm/hr)
Study 2 T = X months
Pressure decay: ≤5 psi
Visual: No gross defects or leaks
Comparison to T = 0 time point:
N/m Δ = <20%
Δ = <20%
Study 3 T = 0
Time at Pressure: 60 minutes
Pressure: 4 bar
Pressure decay: ≤5 psi
Visual: No gross defects or leaks
Study 3 T = X months
Pressure decay: ≤5 psi
Visual: No gross defects or leaks
Study 4 T = 0
Time at Pressure: 60 minutes
Pressure: 4 bar
Pressure decay: ≤5 psi
Visual: No gross defects or leaks
Asymmetry: 0.8 1.8
Plate count: >4000 N/m (100 cm/hr)
Study 4 T = X months
Pressure decay: ≤5 psi
Visual: No gross defects or leaks
Comparison to T = 0 time point:
N/m Δ = <20%
Δ = <20%
All columns passed acceptance criteria at each interim time point, as well as at the final time point.
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Regulatory Support File
OPUS® Pre-packed Chromatography Columns
Note: At the completion of Study 1 (18 months), bioburden and endotoxin for all columns (serial numbers 0001 0004) was
0 CFU/mL and <0.1 EU/mL, respectively.
Table 14. Mechanical stability test results
Column Size
5 x 20 cm Pass Pass
Pass Pass N/A
10 x 20 cm Pass Pass N/A Pass Pass N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
20 x 20 cm Pass Pass N/A Pass Pass N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
30 x 20 cm Pass Pass
Pass Pass N/A
80 x 20 cm Pass
Table 15. Performance stability study results
Column Info
5 x 20 cm
8 x 20 cm
N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Pass
20 x 15 cm
Serial number 0001
Pass N/A N/A N/A Pass N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
20 x 15 cm
Serial number 0002
N/A Pass N/A N/A Pass N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
20 x 15 cm
Serial number 0003
N/A N/A N/A Pass Pass N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
20 x 15 cm
Serial number 0004
N/A N/A N/A N/A Pass N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
80 x 20 cm Pass
80 cm column Serial number 0001 N/m increased by 23% from t = 0 to t = 3 month testing. Results were deemed satisfactory
because 1) no degradation in column performance was observed relative to t = 0, and 2) the column performance was stable
throughout all subsequent tests after the t = 3 month result.
2.13.3 Conclusion and Interpretation of OPUS Pre-packed Chromatography Column shelf-life data
OPUS Pre-packed Chromatography Columns are designed to enable multi-campaign use over a period of months or years. The data
presented for Study 2 demonstrates OPUS 36R, 45R, 60R, and 80R Pre-packed Chromatography Columns maintain mechanical and
chromatographic performance characteristics over a 61-month period. Therefore, this study confirms a 61-month shelf life for OPUS
36R, 45R, 60R, and 80R Pre-Packed Chromatography Columns, but does not consider the potential impact of process design (e.g.,
flow rates, pressure) or process fluids.
In conjunction with the data from the shelf-life studies, we provide guidance below for the justification of column operation over-
time in a downstream chromatography process: An end user may can justify extending OPUS Column hardware and packed bed
shelf-life by assessing plate count and asymmetry data combined with pressure flow tests (e.g., pressure flow curve). Trending
asymmetry, plate count, and pressure flow data over time allows an end user to confirm the integrity of the column hardware as
well as the integrity of the packed bed. This data can then be used to justify the extension of pre-packed column shelf life. In
addition, resin expiration dates and process qualification data (i.e. cycle stability of the resin), should also be considered when
assessing pre-packed column shelf-life.
OPUS Columns RSF
Regulatory Support File
OPUS® Pre-packed Chromatography Columns
Data trending over time of asymmetry, plate count, and pressure flow for pre-packed columns should be similar to how self-packed
column lifetime and hardware integrity is assessed. For example, self-packed columns are tested against specifications prior to use in
purification processes to assess hardware integrity as well as packed bed integrity. A similar approach can be used for OPUS
2.14 Solvent compatibility
The solvents listed had no detected effect on the integrity of the plastic. This is equivalent to an A = Excellent rating for chemical
20% Acetic acid
10% Acetone
Benzyl alcohol
Citric acid
2% (w/v) Detergents
20% Ethanol
6 M guanidine HCl
HCl (< 20%)
Isopropyl alcohol (IPA)
Phosphoric acid
Potassium hydroxide
2 M sodium hydroxide
Sulfuric acid (< 50%)
8 M Urea
2.15 Cleaning
OPUS Pre-packed Chromatography Columns are used for purification of biological products which have specific regulatory
requirements for bioburden and endotoxin levels. Therefore, a quantitative cleaning investigation was performed to demonstrate
the effectiveness of sanitization using sodium hydroxide as a cleaning agent.
Several different OPUS Columns were packed with agarose resin in 20 cm bed heights. Each column was loaded with 1 column
volume of E. coli bacteria at a concentration of 0.1 OD (optical density) at 600 nm. The columns were left to incubate at ambient
temperature overnight, and then flushed with reverse osmosis deionized (RODI) water for 2 3 column volumes in downflow.
Samples were collected to measure bioburden and endotoxin.
A sanitization procedure was subsequently used as followed:
Flush with 1 M sodium hydroxide in upflow at 100 cm/hr for 30 minutes
Flush with 1 M sodium hydroxide in downflow at 100 cm/hr for 30 minutes
Recirculation of 1 M sodium hydroxide for 2 hours in upflow at 100 cm/hr
Incubation of the column in 1 M sodium hydroxide for 1 5 hours (static sanitization for compete removal of endotoxins)
Flush with RODI water at 100 cm/hr until neutral pH is achieved
Each column was then left to incubate at ambient temperature overnight prior to pulling samples for bioburden and endotoxin
Results for bioburden and endotoxin levels from the microbial challenge are outlined in the table below, which shows the
sanitization procedure completely removed bioburden from millions of CFU to zero CFU in the post-sanitization water rinse. In
addition, endotoxin levels were brought below the limit of detection (0.25 EU/mL) for the assay.
OPUS Columns RSF
Regulatory Support File
OPUS® Pre-packed Chromatography Columns
Table 16. Results of bioburden and endotoxin testing
Cleaning Method
Column Diameter
2.5 8 12.6 20 30 36R 45R 60R 80R
0.1 M NaCl effluent after overnight
E. coli incubation
>0.25 EU/mL
0.1 M NaCl post sanitization effluent
0 CFU/mL
<0.25 EU/mL
Too numerous to count.
In order to test effectiveness of sanitization on an OPUS Column, a worst-case scenario was devised where the column was loaded
with an excess of E. coli culture (a gram-negative, endotoxin producing bacteria). The results of the sanitization protocol
demonstrate the effective removal of bioburden and endotoxin contamination.
2.16 Warranty
2.16.1 General warranty
Repligen aspires to complete customer satisfaction and has implemented the following warranty policy for OPUS Pre-packed
Chromatography Columns.
If the column arrives at the customer site in damaged condition, Repligen will accept the damage risk and issue a
replacement at no charge
If the column fails passing specifications as agreed to on the OPUS Column Specification Sheet, Repligen will conduct
troubleshooting efforts and if unsuccessful, will ask for the column to be returned for further evaluation. If the root cause
of the failed test is determined to be a compromised packed bed, Repligen will pack a replacement at no charge
If the packed bed is compromised (e.g., a channel develops) and the root cause is packing, then Repligen will replace the
column at no charge
Note: If an end-user exceeds the maximum packed bed pressure and/or the maximum hardware pressure as stated on the column
label and/or Certificate of Analysis, warranty is void.
2.17 Use of TempTale® Multi-alarm Temperature Monitors
The addition of a TempTale Multi-Alarm Temperature Monitor is an add-on service Repligen offers at the request of our customers.
Temperature monitoring data extracted from the monitor is for customer informational purposes only
Customer cannot reject a shipment based on temperature monitoring data extracted from the monitor
Customer cannot submit a warranty claim based on temperature monitoring data extracted from the monitor. Repligen will
require column qualification results post-delivery in order to compare a column performance post-delivery with the
chromatographic performance results indicated on the Certificate of Analysis
Repligen accepts no liability for any claims that losses or damages are based on temperature monitoring data extracted
from the monitor
If customer requires guaranteed temperature control during transit from the Repligen manufacturing location to the delivery
destination, customer shall be invoiced for such service separately.
OPUS Columns RSF
Regulatory Support File
OPUS® Pre-packed Chromatography Columns
2.18 OPUS Gamma Pre-packed Chromatography Column Service Liability Statement
Repligen offers OPUS Pre-packed Columns that are gamma irradiated at the request of the customer. This customer-requested
service is subcontracted by Repligen to a third-party vendor for gamma processing.
Note: Repligen will not guarantee resin chromatographic performance post-gamma irradiation (e.g., capacity, selectivity). It is the
burden of the customer to investigate gamma irradiated resin compatibility and chromatographic performance for the
customer process. OPUS MiniChrom Columns are available to evaluate the impact of gamma irradiation on resin functionality.
This service is only offered for the OPUS 2.5 30 column ID size range. Customers must choose this option at the quoting stage. The
option is not available for previously packed OPUS Columns. For more information, please refer to the OPUS Gamma Regulatory
Support File on
2.19 Safety Data Sheet (SDS)
OPUS Pre-packed Chromatography Columns are made from plastic components only and therefore no Safety Data Sheet (SDS) is
needed. An SDS for the chromatography resin packed into an OPUS Column may be obtained from the resin manufacturer.
3. Manufacturing information
3.1 Introduction
All OPUS 2.5 80R Pre-packed Chromatography Columns are manufactured in both the Repligen corporate headquarters, located at
41 Seyon Street, Waltham, Massachusetts 02453, USA and Repligen Europe B.V., Hoeksteen 13, 4815 PR BREDA, The Netherlands.
The Quality Assurance (QA) and Quality Control (QC) operations are also based in the same locations. Neither the facility nor
products manufactured require registration or market approval. Therefore, the Repligen column packing facility and products
manufactured herein are not subject to regulatory review or audit by organizations such as the US Food and Drug Administration or
European Medicines Agency.
3.2 Manufacturing Quality Assurance Standards and Policy
Repligen recognizes the need for high quality standards and has therefore established an ISO 9001 Quality Management System.
Refer to Section 1.1
for the Repligen Quality Policy.
3.2.1 Manufacturing Controls and SOP
Training [SOP-1498]: Manufacturing is performed by qualified and trained operators. Training documentation is maintained by
Quality Assurance.
Process documentation [SOP-1302, SOP-1098]: Repligen manufacturing processes are governed by an ISO 9001 compliant Quality
Management System. All manufacturing work instructions are contained in controlled documents, issued in advance of each
manufacturing batch. Batches and process intermediates are fully traceable through an internal lot numbering system. All
manufacturing data are recorded by operators at the time of manufacturing. Batch records are archived for 3 years on site, and
then stored off site for a minimum of 10 years.
Raw materials [SOP-1094]: Raw materials are controlled with pre-approved specifications. Receipt of material is verified and
released by QA prior to use in manufacturing.
Customer property [SOP-10035]: All customer property, including user supplied resin, is documented, tracked, and released prior to
the start of packing. Customer property is stored in segregated areas within the Repligen warehouse.
Supplier management [SOP-1496]: Repligen assesses critical suppliers of raw materials and components based on the impact to the
quality of the product they are used to manufacture. Critical suppliers are subject to a qualification process, monitored and
routinely audited according to a pre-determined schedule. The supplier audit schedule is established based on a critical supplier
audit cycle, supplier performance, past audit results, and business requirements.
OPUS Columns RSF
Regulatory Support File
OPUS® Pre-packed Chromatography Columns
Components [SOP-10042]: Components are controlled with pre-approved specifications. Receipt of material is verified and released
by QA prior to use in manufacturing. In addition, each OPUS Column component has a pre-approved engineering drawing, and is
subject to incoming QC inspection, which includes review of materials certificates, and verification of critical dimensions.
Process change management [SOP-1447]: Manufacturing process changes are governed by change management procedures that
include provisions for customer notification of major changes.
Product storage control [SOP-1263]: Product is stored either at ambient temperature, or in temperature-controlled units as dictated
by the packed resin. All temperature-controlled storage units have backup power supplies, 24/7 electronic monitoring, and alarms
that are monitored.
Preventive maintenance [SOP-1501] and calibration [SOP-1181]: Equipment and monitoring devices are controlled through the
Repligen Equipment Control process [SOP-1171]. Individual equipment components are uniquely identified and have a preventive
maintenance and/or calibration schedule as necessary.
High purity water [SOP-MFG-1209]: Purified water is supplied to all manufacturing areas from a Reverse Osmosis/Deionization
(RODI) system. The RODI system is fully automated and provides high quality water in a continuously circulating loop. The water
system design performance specifications are ASTM Type I Reagent Grade Water, with the addition of low endotoxin and bioburden
specifications (Table 15, Table16
Water quality is monitored continuously using an on-line total organic carbon (TOC) device and is routinely sampled and tested by
Repligen Quality Control.
Business continuity policy [CAP-1006]: The Repligen Corporation Business Continuity Management System (BCMS) is designed to
maintain the continuity of critical business activities in the case of an emergency situation and/or an event that severely impacts
business operations and ultimately the ability to supply product. Such events may include operational incidents, un-forecasted
product demand, man-made or environmental incidents or threats, and natural disasters. Proper maintenance and application of
BCMS processes will allow for the control and restoration of business practices in an acceptable amount of time to maintain product
reliability and mitigate the possibility of a product shortage. For OPUS 2.5 - 80R Pre-packed Chromatography Columns, recovery of
production is assumed to be 24 weeks within the United States.
3.2.2 Manufacturing facilities
An OPUS Pre-packed Chromatography Column packing suite consists of multiple ISO Class 7 column packing rooms and a central ISO
Class 8 prep area. Two airlock entry ways are maintained, one for people and one for materials and equipment. In general, product
contact column parts enter the suite through a validated parts washer and are cleaned with sodium hydroxide-based solutions
followed by a rinse with reverse osmosis deionized (RODI) water. The OPUS Column suite is completely segregated from all other
product manufacturing at Repligen and is a restricted-access area.
The clean-room environment is controlled and monitored as follows:
Air quality is maintained by 100% HEPA filtered air
Environmental monitoring is performed to check for viable contamination
Preparation room air quality is tested to ISO Class 8 standards for non-viable particulates
Column packing room air quality is tested to ISO Class 7 standards for non-viable particulates
Room pressure differentials are maintained and monitored according to SOP
All rooms are on a routine cleaning and disinfection schedule
Access is restricted to authorized personnel only
Gowning is required for entry into controlled areas including a secondary gowning procedure for entry into the ISO Class 7
packing rooms
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OPUS® Pre-packed Chromatography Columns
4. OPUS Pre-packed Chromatography Column packing and manufacturing
4.1 Packing environment and environmental controls
All OPUS 2.5 - 80R Pre-packed Chromatography Columns are packed in ISO Class 7 classified clean rooms and buffers prepared in an
ISO 8 classified clean room. The rooms are monitored on a weekly basis for viable contaminants using TSA settle plates. Microbial
contaminants (bacteria) are counted and reported. Counts which exceed an alert or action limit are investigated according to SOP-
Viable contamination limits have been set for the ISO 8 rooms as follows:
Alert Limit: > 20 CFU/plate
Action Limit: > 35 CFU/plate
Viable contamination limits have been set for the ISO 7 rooms as follows:
Alert Limit: > 10 CFU/plate
Action Limit: > 25 CFU/plate
The OPUS manufacturing suite is monitored on a weekly basis for Non-Viable Particles (≥ 0.5 µm). Each room is monitored in
predetermined locations, measuring 1 cubic foot of air over the course of 1 minute. NVP limits have been set for the ISO Class 8
clean room spaces as follows:
Alert Limit: ≥25,000 particles per ft
(880,000 particles per m
Action Limit: ≥50,000 particles per ft
(1,760,000 particles per m
ISO 8 Specification: ≤100,000 particles per ft
(3,520,000 particles per m
NVP limits have been set for the ISO Class 7 clean room spaces as follows:
Alert Limit: ≥2,500 particles per ft
(88,000 particles per m
Action Limit: ≥5,000 particles per ft
(176,000 particles per m
ISO 7 Specification: ≤10,000 particles per ft
(352,000 particles per m
Table 17. Water specifications compared with ASTM, USP purified water and water for injection
Parameter ASTM Type I USP Purified Water WFI Repligen Specification
Conductivity 0.05 µS/cm 1.3 µS/cm 1.3 µS/cm <0.01 mS/cm
Endotoxin N/A N/A <0.25 EU/mL <0.5 EU/mL
Bioburden N/A 100 CFU/mL 0.1 CFU/mL ≤10 CFU/mL
pH N/A N/A 5 – 7 5 – 7
0.1 ppm 0.5 ppm 0.5 ppm 0.1 ppm
4.2 OPUS Column Specification Sheet and User Specified Inputs
The OPUS Column Specification Sheet compiles column information from the proposal package such as pricing and configuration
details, as well as user specified inputs.
Note: OPUS 5 PD Columns are packed in an uncontrolled lab environment. The OPUS 2.5 and OPUS 5 GMP Run Ready and all OPUS
8 – 80R Pre-GMP and GMP Run Ready Columns are packed in the clean room environment as stated above.
Note: All OPUS Columns are built to order and each configuration ordered must have a unique Specification Sheet which outlines
critical user specified inputs. In addition, each OPUS Specification Sheet is assigned a unique Specification Sheet Detail Number
which corresponds to a Repligen Quote Number.
The OPUS Specification Sheet captures a variety of information, including, but not limited to, the following:
Quote number and column part number
Column size, type, and resin
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OPUS® Pre-packed Chromatography Columns
GMP level (Pre-GMP or GMP Run Ready)
Solutions used and storage conditions
Column performance release method and specifications (i.e., asymmetry and plate count)
Repligen sends the OPUS Column Specification Sheet to the appropriate customer contact for review as part of the formal quote
proposal package. If all the details in the document are satisfactory, the customer signs with current date and returns the form to
Repligen. Once a purchase order has been placed and the signed Specification Sheet has been received, Repligen schedules the
column(s) for production.
Note: Column packing cannot begin without a customer approved Specification Sheet (Figure 14
Figure 14. OPUS Column Specification Sheet example
4.3 Chromatography resin control
The SOP governing chromatography resin control procedures are SOP-1094 (Control of Incoming Materials), SOP-10042 (Control of
Incoming Components) and SOP-10035 (Customer Property).
It is Repligen policy to pack no more than three (3) resin vendor lot numbers within a single OPUS Column. Should a customer send
greater than 3 resin vendor lot numbers for a column pack, Repligen requires written approval on official letterhead from the end
user customer to pack the resin.
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OPUS® Pre-packed Chromatography Columns
Repligen procured resins
Resins procured by Repligen for column packing are controlled as a raw material according to SOP-1094 (Control of Incoming
Materials). Upon arrival, each resin is placed into quarantine pending disposition by Repligen Quality Assurance. Upon release, each
batch of resin is given a unique internal lot number and expiration date to ensure full traceability throughout the manufacturing
Customer procured resins
The Repligen customer property procedures (SOP-10035) are designed to end user financial and intellectual property interests as
well as to prevent unauthorized use, disclosure, or disposal. Resins shipped to Repligen for column packing must be unused. User
procured resin is assigned a unique customer property number which is typically linked to a specific Specification Sheet, purchase
order and part number.
The user property number is noted on the form entitled, Customer Property Declaration Form (QA-FM-02-10035), which must be
filled out by an end user prior to shipping resin to Repligen. Upon arrival, the resin is managed according to SOP-10035, which
dictates the resin must be labeled, segregated, and then stored according to the resin vendor’s recommendation. Unused resin is
either returned or discarded according to the customer’s instructions.
Repligen understands in some instances customers may have a requirement to sample and test a small aliquot of the resin for
identity (ex. FTIR). Unused resin in containers, which have been sampled for QC testing, is compatible with the Repligen quality
requirements; therefore, they can be accepted for column packing.
Resin preparation
Once the appropriate resin has been released, parts cleaned, and column packing batch record documentation has been issued, the
following steps occur:
1. Manufacturing operators move sealed resin containers into one of the OPUS ISO 7 clean rooms.
Note: Only the released resin is allowed in the packing room, and only one resin type at a time can be present.
2. Manufacturing operators verify the appropriate resin by checking against the OPUS Column Specification Sheet.
3. After verifying the resin, containers are opened for resin preparation (decantation of storage solution, fines removal, etc.).
4. For OPUS GMP Run Ready Columns only, prior to beginning resin prep an operator removes ~30 mL of resin per resin lot
from the original container. This operation is performed using a sterile pipette and the operator dispenses the resin aliquot
into a 60 mL gamma irradiated, tamper evident PETG (polyethylene terephthalate) bottle. The bottle is then sealed and
labeled with resin name, lot number, part number, date, and operator initials. In the event multiple resin lots are packed
into a single column, a single side sample of each resin lot will be taken. Therefore, multiple side samples will be delivered
with a GMP Run Ready Column if multiple resin lots are packed.
Note: in some cases, the volume and/or number of resin sides samples can be changed. Please contact Repligen for more
5. Slurry preparation and percent solids determination:
a. Decant off storage solution.
b. Perform de-fining of resin as necessary or as specified by resin supplier.
c. Suspend resin in packing buffer to target the desired percent solids.
d. Combine resin from multiple resin supplier bottles in a holding tank (if required).
e. Pipette two 9 11 mL samples of the complete resin slurry .
f. Record mass and volume added for density calculations.
g. Spin samples in a centrifuge.
h. Read spin down solids volume of resin.
i. Determine average percent solids (solids vol./total vol.).
j. Use target compression factor (CF = target column vol./uncompressed resin vol.) as derived by Resin manufacturer
recommendations, historical manufacturing empirical data, and Repligen R&D recommendations.
k. Calculate the required target solids volume to add (target bed volume/CF).
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OPUS® Pre-packed Chromatography Columns
l. Apply percent solids (Step i) and density (Step f) to target solids calculations to determine mass of slurry required:
  =
% 
× 
Assembly, packing, and performance testing
OPUS Pre-packed Chromatography Columns are assembled from qualified and controlled components. Inspected and released
component parts are taken from inventory and brought into the ISO 8 classified cleanroom through an automated parts washer.
Parts that do not enter through the parts washer are chemically cleaned with sodium hydroxide, followed by RODI water rinse to
depyrogenate and reduce bioburden. Both processes have been qualified and validated (Table 18
Table 18. Parts cleaning specification
Parts Cleaning Specifications
Method Bioburden Endotoxin Total Organic Carbon Conductivity pH
Parts washer <10 CFU/mL <0.5 EU/mL <10 ppm <10 μS/cm 5.0 – 7.0
Sodium hydroxide soak <10 CFU/mL <0.25 EU/mL N/A <50 μS/cm 5.0 – 7.0
The following points summarize the major steps which occur during OPUS Column packing:
1. Prepare solutions and buffers in the ISO 8 area of the OPUS clean rooms. All buffers and solutions are filtered with a 0.2 µm
2. Bring packing solutions/buffers and allocated parts, which have been cleaned, into the designated ISO 7 packing room. All
subsequent steps are performed in the designated ISO 7 clean room.
3. Insert bottom flow distributor with the ultrasonically welded mesh into the bottom end of the tube to form a water-tight
4. Secure flow distributor assembly in place with a polypropylene weld or epoxy adhesive bond. Both the polypropylene weld
and the epoxy adhesive are only applied to non-product contact areas.
5. Add chromatography resin to the open-ended column by dosing directly into the column or using a peristaltic pump.
6. Insert top flow distributor into the column tube and initiate packing to establish a uniform bed.
Note: OPUS Columns utilize flow packing, axial compression, and/or a combination of both methods to achieve a well packed bed. In
general, packing protocols are developed in the Repligen R&D department and subsequently transferred to the production
7. Position the top flow distributor, following the prescribed packing procedure, to create the correct resin compression.
8. Test bed performance according to the procedure and specifications as documented on the OPUS Column Specification
Note: A column may be tested, and flow distributor adjusted during the packing process to ensure optimal performance.
9. The packing process concludes when the final top flow distributor position is set, and the column has met the performance
specifications (theoretical plate count/efficiency and asymmetry) as documented on the OPUS Column Specification Sheet.
10. Sanitize the column using a procedure recommended by the resin manufacturer and/or as documented on the OPUS
Column Specification Sheet
11. Neutralize column (typically with RODI water or low conductivity solution).
12. Take bioburden and Endotoxin samples and deliver Repligen QC laboratory for testing. (OPUS GMP Run Ready Columns
13. Exchange buffer into a final storage solution as documented on the OPUS Column Specification Sheet.
14. Secure the top flow distributors in place using a polypropylene weld or epoxy adhesive bond.
15. Secure the top cap, bottom cap, and side-guard in place.
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OPUS® Pre-packed Chromatography Columns
Note: The top cap, bottom cap, and side guard serve cosmetic and ergonomic functions, and therefore do not impact the
performance of the column.
16. Cap and seal inlet and outlet ports using a tamper evident SaniSure clamp.
17. Seal column (sizes 2.5 30 cm) column in a polyethylene bag before being removed from the OPUS cleanroom suite.
Note: OPUS 36R, 45R, 60R, 80R Pre-packed Chromatography Columns are not bagged since they are on wheels.
18. Store column according to storage conditions (ambient or 28 degrees Celsius) as noted on the OPUS Column Specification
Sheet. Resin retain sample/s are stored with the finished OPUS GMP Run Ready Column for shipment.
Resin verification upon arrival
A copy of the OPUS Column Certificate of Analysis (CoA), which documents the resin description, resin supplier part number, and
resin supplier lot number, is shipped with every column. In addition, OPUS GMP Run Ready Columns are delivered with a resin retain
sample (one per resin lot packed into the column) intended for incoming quality control identity testing. If Repligen has procured the
resin for packing, the resin supplier CoA will also be included. Finally, the OPUS Column label can also be referenced by OPUS part
number, lot number, and serial number to match with the applicable CoA.
Equipment used in the manufacturing of OPUS Columns
Wherever possible, supplies used to pack OPUS Columns are disposable and dedicated to the production lot:
Slurry tanks and carboys
Single-use liners for buffer tanks
Single-use platinum cured tubing
Where reusable components are used in the manufacturing process which might come into contact with the resin or the inside of
the column, Repligen employs validated cleaning protocols to ensure the risk of cross resin contamination is mitigated.
Note: A copy of the resin vendor CoA will be included with the OPUS CoA for all columns with Repligen-supplied resin. If the resin is
customer-supplied, a copy of the resin CoA can be obtained on most resin vendor websites.
Columns are tested according to the specifications detailed in the OPUS Column Specification Sheet. Bioburden and endotoxin
testing are performed on OPUS GMP Run Ready Columns. Retain sample are taken in RODI water post sanitization and just prior to
introducing the storage solution. Release specifications are as follows:
Bioburden: < 10 CFU/mL
Endotoxin: < 0.25 EU/mL
Repligen performs endotoxin and bioburden testing in-house using the following two methods:
Bioburden assay method
Bioburden is analyzed by a vacuum filtration method.
1. The sample is applied to a sterile filter under vacuum and then rinsed with peptone water.
2. The filter is collected aseptically and placed onto TSA media.
3. The plate is placed into an incubator at 32°C +/- 2°C for 5 days.
4. An analyst reads the plates at day 3 and day 5 and documents the results.
5. A negative control of the peptone water is also plated and incubated to demonstrate the reagents used during the analysis
were not contaminated.
Endotoxin assay method
Endotoxin levels are analyzed using a validated Charles River Endosafe® MCSsystem.
1. 25 μL of the column effluent is loaded onto a 0.5 EU/mL cartridge (purchased from Charles River Lab) and inserted into the
Endosafe instrument for analysis. Each cartridge has 4 wells: sample, spike, sample, spike.
2. Once the test is complete, a report will be generated, and all results are documented as part of the OPUS Column batch
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OPUS® Pre-packed Chromatography Columns
Bioburden and endotoxin test results are documented on the Certificate of Analysis as a pass/fail result for each GMP Run Ready
column. See the next section (Section 4.4
) for sample CoA documents.
Note: OPUS Pre-GMP Columns are not tested for bioburden or endotoxin.
4.4 OPUS Pre-packed Chromatography Columns Certificate of Analysis (CoA)
Each OPUS Pre-packed Chromatography Column is delivered with a Certificate of Analysis with the content noted in Table 19
Note: Please visit for the most up-to-date information on OPUS Column Certificate of Analysis details, including
Table 19. OPUS Pre-GMP and GMP applications
Certificate of Analysis Component
8 80R cm ID
GMP Run Ready
2.5 80R cm ID
GMP level X X
Catalog number X X
Lot number X X
Serial number X X
Column diameter X X
Final/Achieved bed height X X
Chromatography resin type X X
Chromatography resin lot number X X
Shipping/Storage solution X X
Date of manufacture X X
Customer property number (if applicable) X X
Asymmetry specification and result X X
Theoretical plate count (N/m) specification and result X X
Chromatography release test chromatogram X X
ISO 9001 Compliance Statement X X
Product Contact Materials Compliance Statement (animal free, EMA
410/01, USP Class VI)
Packing Environment Statement X X
Copy of resin Certificate of Analysis
(applies to Repligen supplied resins)
Chromatography Resin Control Statement X X
Endotoxin specification and test result (pass/fail)
Bioburden specification test result (pass/fail)
Note: OPUS 5 Columns are available in a process development (PD) format which comes with a CoQ. Please contact Repligen or visit
for more information.
Note: The OPUS 2.5 Pre-packed Chromatography Column configuration is not available in the Pre-GMP format.
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OPUS® Pre-packed Chromatography Columns
4.5 OPUS Columns Certificate of Analysis examples
Figure 15. Pre-GMP OPUS CoA: OPUS 8 – 80R Pre-packed Chromatography Columns
Each Pre-GMP Column produced is issued a Certificates of Analysis. Content is derived from the template information as well as
customer required specifications as detailed on the OPUS Column Specification Sheet. For columns containing Repligen procured
resin, a copy of the resin supplier CoA is also included.
Note: Please visit
for the most up-to-date information on OPUS Column Certificate of Analysis details, including
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OPUS® Pre-packed Chromatography Columns
Figure 16. GMP Run Ready OPUS Column CoA: OPUS Columns 2.5 – 80R
Each OPUS GMP Run Ready Column is issued a Certificate of Analysis.Content is derived from the template information as well as
user required specifications detailed on the OPUS Column Specification Sheet. For columns containing Repligen procured resin, a
copy of the resin supplier CoA is also included.
Note: Please visit
for the most up-to-date information on OPUS Column Certificate of Analysis details, including
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OPUS® Pre-packed Chromatography Columns
Figure 17. OPUS CoA: Testing conditions and chromatograms
For both OPUS Pre-GMP, and GMP Run Ready Columns, the Certificate of Analysis comes with a second page detailing the testing
conditions and chromatogram. See Figure 16 and Figure 17
for the OPUS GMP Run Ready CoA.
Note: Please visit
for the most up-to-date information on OPUS Column Certificate of Analysis details, including
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OPUS® Pre-packed Chromatography Columns
Figure 18. CoA: Quality Assurance Statements
For both OPUS Pre-GMP, and GMP Run Ready Columns, the Certificate of Analysis comes with a third page detailing the applicable
quality standards and statements. See Figure 18
for an example of the third page of the OPUS GMP Run Ready CoA.
Note: Please visit
for the most up-to-date information on OPUS Column Certificate of Analysis details, including
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OPUS® Pre-packed Chromatography Columns
4.6 OPUS Column labeling
Figure 19. OPUS 10 – 80R cm ID Column label
Each individual OPUS 10 80R cm ID Pre-packed Chromatography Column is labeled with the following information:
1. Catalog number
2. Lot number
3. Serial number
4. Column Internal Diameter
5. Column Bed Height
6. Date of Manufacture
7. Storage Temperature (Ambient or 2 8°C)
8. Resin type
9. Pressure rating
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OPUS® Pre-packed Chromatography Columns
Figure 20. OPUS Small Scale (2.5 8 cm) Pre-packed Chromatography Column label
Each individual OPUS 2.5 – 8 cm Pre-packed Chromatography Column is labeled with the following information:
1. Catalog number
2. Lot number
3. Serial number
4. Column Internal Diameter
5. Column Bed Height
6. Date of Manufacture
7. Storage Temperature (Ambient or 2 - 8 °C)
8. Resin type
Figure 21. OPUS 2.5 cm Pre-packed Chromatography Column supplementary label
Each individual OPUS 2.5 cm Pre-packed Chromatography Column has a supplementary label with the following information:
1. Serial number
2. Pressure rating
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OPUS® Pre-packed Chromatography Columns
Figure 22. OPUS 2.5 – 8 cm Pre-packed Chromatography Columns box label
OPUS 2.5 – 8 cm Pre-packed Chromatography Columns are packaged in a box. Each box is labeled as follows:
1. Catalog number
2. Lot number
3. Column Internal Diameter
4. Column Bed Height
5. Date of Manufacture
6. Storage Temperature (Ambient or 2 - 8 °C)
7. Resin type
Figure 23. OPUS Column Resin sample label
OPUS Column Resin side sample is labeled with the following:
1. Catalog number
2. Product lot number
3. Resin lot number
4. Resin type
5. Shipping packaging qualification
5.1 Introduction
To certify packaging, column components, and column performance remain within quality parameters after shipping, International
Safe Transit Association (ISTA) transport simulation performance test protocols were conducted on a variety of OPUS Column sizes.
Third-party ISTA-certified laboratories performed the simulations to represent typical damage-inducing motions, forces, conditions,
and sequences of transport environments. Repligen tested chromatographic performance pre- and post-simulation. Results from the
studies show the packaging withstands the expected stressors typical of commercial shipping, and chromatographic performance is
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OPUS® Pre-packed Chromatography Columns
The objective of the simulated shipping performance studies is to demonstrate the custom-made packaging (Figure 24 through
Figure 30) and pre-packed columns of multiple diameters arrive intact after rigorous transport simulations. See Section 6 for
engineering drawings of packaging used for various internal diameter columns.
OPUS Pre-packed Chromatography Columns employ custom packaging based on size and weight. To cover the range of different
column dimensions and packaging methods/materials the following column sizes were evaluated.
OPUS 2.5 Pre-packed Chromatography Column (uses similar design as the OPUS 5 Pre-packed Chromatography Column)
OPUS 5 Pre-packed Chromatography Column (uses similar design as the OPUS 8 Pre-packed Chromatography Column)
OPUS 8 Pre-packed Chromatography Column (uses similar design as the OPUS 5 Pre-packed Chromatography Column)
OPUS 10 Pre-packed Chromatography Column (uses identical packaging as the OPUS 12.6 and 14 Pre-packed
Chromatography Column)
OPUS 12.6 Pre-packed Chromatography Column (uses identical packaging as the OPUS 10 and 14 Pre-packed
Chromatography Column
OPUS 20 Pre-packed Chromatography Column (uses identical packaging as the OPUS 25 and 30 Pre-packed
Chromatography Column)
OPUS 36R Pre-packed Chromatography Column (uses similar packaging as the OPUS 45R Pre-packed Chromatography
o Both heat-treated wood and corrugated fiberboard packaging
OPUS 45 Pre-packed Chromatography Column (uses identical packaging as the OPUS 45R Pre-packed Chromatography
o Both heat-treated wood and corrugated fiberboard packaging
OPUS 60R Pre-packed Chromatography Column (uses identical packaging as the OPUS 60 Pre-packed Chromatography
OPUS 80R Pre-packed Chromatography Column (uses unique packaging, but similar to the 45/R and 60/R Pre-packed
Chromatography Column design)
5.2 Materials of packaging construction
The largest OPUS Columns, 36, 45, 60, and 80 cm sizes, are packed in traditional heat-treated wooden crate structures with interior
foam cushioning, an integrated ramp for column loading and unloading, and metal fasteners for stability. Wood construction
materials all comply with International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPM-15) and carry the International Plant Protection
Committee (IPPC) stamp to verify conformance.
The OPUS 36 and 45 cm Pre-packed Chromatography Column is also packed in a non-wood crate design constructed primarily of
multi-wall corrugated fiberboard. It, too, carries an integrated non-wood ramp for column unloading. These materials are
manufactured with glue, heat, and pressure. Thus, they are exempt from the provisions of the ISPM standard and do not require the
IPPC stamp. Metal and plastic fasteners are used for stability where required.
OPUS 2.5 30 Pre-packed Chromatography Columns packaging utilizes corrugated fiberboard as the main material of construction
with internal foam cushioning as required for added protection. Repligen non-wood OPUS Column packaging designs can be easily
disassembled into their different base materials of construction for recycling.
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OPUS® Pre-packed Chromatography Columns
Figure 24. OPUS 8 Pre-packed Chromatography Column shipping container design
Figure 25. OPUS 10, 12.6, 14, 20, 25, 30 Pre-packed Chromatography Column shipping container
Note: Tamper evident straps around the shipping boxes.
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OPUS® Pre-packed Chromatography Columns
Figure 26. OPUS 36R 45R Pre-packed Chromatography Column non-wood shipping container
Figure 27. OPUS 45R and 60R Pre-packed Chromatography Column shipping container design
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OPUS® Pre-packed Chromatography Columns
Figure 28. OPUS 60R Pre-packed Chromatography Column crate tamper evident banded straps
Figure 29. OPUS 80R Pre-packed Chromatography Column shipping container design
5.3 Method: ISTA Protocols 2A, 2B and 3A
ISTA Protocol 2A is a transport simulation performance test for individual packaged products weighing 150 lb (68 kg) or less.
o Applicable column sizes: 2.5 8
o In some cases, Repligen applied a modified version of the standard protocol
ISTA Protocol 2B is a transport simulation performance test for individual packaged products weighing more than 150 lb
(68 kg). It can also be used for individual packaged products on a visible skid or pallet and that weigh more than 100 lb
(45 kg).
o Applicable column sizes: 10 – 80R
o In some cases, Repligen applied a modified version of the standard protocol
ISTA Protocol 3A is a transport simulation performance test for packaged products weighing 150 lb (68 kg) or less and
intended for shipments made through a parcel delivery system.
o Applicable column sizes: 2.5 8
o In some cases, Repligen applied a modified version of the standard protocol
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OPUS® Pre-packed Chromatography Columns
These tests are used to evaluate the performance of individually packaged products and compare relative performance of package
design and product design alternatives.
During the simulation performance tests, the package and product are analyzed together as one bundle; therefore, results refer to
packaged product.
Transport simulation tests and conditions
ISTA-certified testing laboratories performed the transport simulation performance tests. The specific test conditions applied are
described further in Table 20
. All OPUS Pre-packed Chromatography Columns are manufactured by Repligen, packaged into their
respective shipping containers, delivered to the ISTA-certified test facility, and tested according to the applicable simulation
protocol. ISTA-tested shipping containers were returned to Repligen for post-testing analysis.
Repligen acceptance criteria
The shipping simulation performance tests documented in this Regulatory Support File have two different acceptance criteria
categories as detailed below.
Visual appearance and structural integrity pass/fail assessments are made by Repligen and are based on a visual inspection of the
packaged product. Results are documented in a separate summary report.
Functional chromatographic performance: Repligen assesses chromatographic performance by measuring plate count and
asymmetry to compare pre-shipment simulation performance with post-shipment simulation performance. To pass the
chromatographic portion of the assessment, asymmetry must be between 0.8 1.8 and theoretical plate count measurements must
be within ±25% of pre-shipping results
Table 20. ISTA 2A, 2B, and 3B Testing (OPUS 2.5 – 80R Pre-packed Chromatography Columns)
Test Name Test Details
Atmospheric conditioning Ambient Conditions for 36 hours
Controlled temperature and humidity conditioning
38°C ±2°C; Relative Humidity 85% ±5% for 36 hours
4°C ±2°C; Relative Humidity uncontrolled for 36 hours
Random vibration testing
60 minutes of random vibration
Frequency (Hz) PSD Level, G
1.0 0.0001
4.0 0.01
100.0 0.01
200.0 0.001
Incline impact (2B and 3B only)
Slide crate down ramp and into a wall (4X – once on each face) with 1.7 meter per
second velocity change
Drop testing
Crate dropped 8 inches to the ground (2B and 3B)
Crate bottom edges dropped 8 inches to the ground (2B and 3B)
Box dropped 38 inches to the ground (2A)
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OPUS® Pre-packed Chromatography Columns
Figure 30. OPUS 60R Pre-packed Chromatography Column vibrational, incline impact, drop testing
5.4 Column efficiency test methods
Overview: Column efficiency testing was designed to assess and uncover any discernible differences in chromatographic
performance pre-shipping simulation and post-shipping simulation. Repligen conducted all chromatographic performance tests on
OPUS Columns packed with agarose based resin with nominal particle size of 90 µm. The one exception is the 20 30 Study
supported by an OPUS 20 Pre-packed Chromatography Column packed with silica based resin.
2.5 Study:
o 2.5 cm x 5.2 cm column
o 2.5 cm x 29.5 cm column
5 and 8 cm Study:
o 8 cm x 4.8 cm column
o 8 cm x 30 cm column
10 14 cm Studies:
o 10 cm x 15.3 cm column
o 12.6 cm x 4.7 cm column
o 12.6 cm x 30 cm column
20 - 30 cm Study:
o 20 cm x 19 cm column
o Packed with a silica based resin (~60 µm particle size)
36R Study:
o 36 cm x 21 cm column
45R Study:
o 45 cm x 21 cm column
60R Study:
o 60 cm x 20.5 cm column
80R Study:
o 80 cm x 19 cm column
Each column was tested at 100 cm/hr with pulse injection of 1% column volume (CV) using either salt or acetone as the injection
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OPUS® Pre-packed Chromatography Columns
5.5 Results: Package performance and column efficiency tests
Results: Visual inspection
ISTA test facility:
After shipping simulation performance tests were completed, Repligen visually inspected the packaged product for signs of
damage. Results are documented in test reports issued by the ISTA-certified testing laboratory to Repligen. For all tests, the
custom designed OPUS Column packaging passed the visual inspection without any significant signs of damage.
Upon receipt from the ISTA-certified testing laboratory, all packaged-product shipments were inspected and found to be
undamaged and intact.
5.6 Chromatographic performance test results
The data show that the efficiency of all OPUS Pre-packed Chromatography Columns remain stable following the applicable shipping
simulation (Table 21
). Stability is exhibited by a negligible change in asymmetry (A
) and efficiency, while meeting the acceptance
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OPUS® Pre-packed Chromatography Columns
Table 21. OPUS Pre-packed Chromatography Column chromatographic performance data
Packaged Product
Transport Simulation
Performance Testing
OPUS 2.5 Pre-packed Chromatography Column (5.2 cm Bed Height)
Pre-shipment simulation 3114 1.4
Post-shipment simulation 3223 1.4
OPUS 2.5 Pre-packed Chromatography Column (29.5 cm Bed Height)
Pre-shipment simulation 2849 1.2
Post-shipment simulation 2734 1.3
OPUS 8 Pre-packed Chromatography Column (4.8 cm Bed Height)
Pre-shipment simulation 3570 1.4
Post-shipment simulation 3767 1.3
OPUS 8 Pre-packed Chromatography Column (30 cm Bed Height)
Pre-shipment simulation 3583 1.2
Post-shipment simulation 3463 1.4
OPUS 10 Pre-packed Chromatography Column
Pre-shipment simulation 2936 1.2
Post-shipment simulation 2889 1.2
OPUS 12.6 Pre-packed Chromatography Column (4.7 cm Bed Height)
Pre-shipment simulation 3068 1.3
Post-shipment simulation 3033 1.3
OPUS 12.6 Pre-packed Chromatography Column (30 cm Bed Height)
Pre-shipment simulation 3184 1.3
Post-shipment simulation 3279 1.2
OPUS 20 Pre-packed Chromatography Column
Pre-shipment simulation 4121 1.1
Post-shipment simulation 5526 1.1
OPUS 36R Pre-packed Chromatography Column
Pre-shipment simulation 3175 1.0
Post-shipment simulation 2870 1.0
OPUS 45 Pre-packed Chromatography Column
Pre-shipment simulation 2886 1.2
Post-shipment simulation 2800 1.1
OPUS 60R Pre-packed Chromatography Column
Pre-shipment simulation 3367 1.0
Post-shipment simulation 3373 1.0
OPUS 80R Pre-packed Chromatography Column
Pre-shipment simulation 3570 1.2
Post-shipment simulation 3266 1.2
Result for OPUS 20 Pre-packed Chromatography Column post-shipment simulation shows an increase of >25% on efficiency. This
result is deemed acceptable for the study given an increase in efficiency denotes improvement to the packed column performance.
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OPUS® Pre-packed Chromatography Columns
5.7 Conclusion
In summary, the following was observed post-shipping simulation performance testing:
No significant damage to the packaged product
No damage to the hardware integrity
No discernable damage to the packed resin beds
No significant differences in chromatographic performance
Therefore, OPUS Columns designed and tested by Repligen for chromatographic performance, and the shipping containers designed
and tested in accordance with ISTA guidelines,, demonstrate suitable robustness for surviving the harsh environments of commercial
6. OPUS Pre-packed Chromatography Column packaging design
Figure 31. OPUS 5 Pre-packed Chromatography Column packaging (Box Design)
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OPUS® Pre-packed Chromatography Columns
Figure 32. OPUS 5 Pre-packed Chromatography Column packaging (Packing inserts)
Figure 33. OPUS 8 Pre-packed Chromatography Column packaging
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OPUS® Pre-packed Chromatography Columns
Figure 34. OPUS 10 – 14 Pre-packed Chromatography Column packaging
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OPUS® Pre-packed Chromatography Columns
Figure 35. OPUS 20 – 30 Pre-packed Chromatography Column packaging
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OPUS® Pre-packed Chromatography Columns
Figure 36. OPUS 36R and 45R Corrugated Pre-packed Chromatography Column packaging
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OPUS® Pre-packed Chromatography Columns
Figure 37. OPUS 45 and 45R Pre-packed Chromatography Column packaging
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OPUS® Pre-packed Chromatography Columns
Figure 38. OPUS 60 and 60R Pre-packed Chromatography Column packaging
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OPUS® Pre-packed Chromatography Columns
Figure 39. OPUS 80R Pre-packed Chromatography Column packaging
7. List of significant changes contained in this document revision (10.0)
Revision 10.0
Update for new OPUS 36R size (updates throughout document)
o Physical Attributes
o Shipping studies
o Images
o Packaging design
Reference to OPUS Gamma RSF
Removal of Compression Testing from ISTA table as ISTA 3B does not include this test.
Adjustment to FTIR policy for customers to opt into testing before column packing
Addition of tubing set options as attached accessories to OPUS Columns
Revised template for OPUS Specification Sheet (Figure 14)
Revision 9.0
Update for new OPUS 2.5 size (updates throughout document)
Detail on materials of construction and applicable certifications
Physical attributes
Shipping studies
Addition of Gamma Irradiation Section (Section 2.18
Addition of Temperature Monitoring Section (Section 2.17)
Removal of Extractables and Leachables as a supplemental document
Removal of OPUS Column Engineering drawings as a supplemental document
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OPUS® Pre-packed Chromatography Columns
Consolidated CoA sample designs
o OPUS 8 aligned to OPUS 2.5 80R for GMP Run Ready CoA design
o OPUS 8 aligned to OPUS 8 80R for Pre-GMP CoA design
Revision 8.0
Improvement to column renderings
Addition of references to Breda, NL as an OPUS Column Manufacturing site
Revision 7.0
Updated for new sizes, OPUS 8, 12.6 and 80R Pre-packed Chromatography Columns (updates throughout document)
Detail on materials of construction and applicable certifications
Physical attributes
Labels, CoAs
Cleaning data
Shipping studies
Engineering drawings (column and shipping crate)
Added column hardware pressure integrity test summaries for representative column sizes (Section 2.12.1
Added packed bed pressure rating - different from column hardware pressure rating. (2.12.1)
Added detail on OPUS column chromatography resin.(Section 2.4)
Added detail on automated quoting process (Section 2.3 and Section 3)
o Change from the OPUS Work Order to the OPUS Column Specification Sheet
Updated for use of tamper evident packaging (Section 2.6 and Section 5.2
Updated endotoxin testing method. As of July 2018, change from previous gel clot method to the Charles River Endosafe
MCS system (Table 16
Updated the OPUS business continuity policy (Section 3.2)
Added acid and base extractables data added for all column hardware product contact surfaces (Section 4)
OPUS Columns RSF-10
© 2023 Repligen Corporation. All rights reserved. The trademarks mentioned herein
are the property of Repligen Corporation and/or its affiliate(s) or their respective owners.
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OPUS® Pre-packed Chromatography Columns
Customer Service
Repligen Corporation
41 Seyon Street
Waltham, MA, USA 02453
(781) 250-0111
8. Index
Bioburden ......................... 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, 35, 36, 37
Certificate of Analysis .............10, 23, 29, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41
Column efficiency .................................................................. 50
Connect .................................................................................. 19
Endotoxin .................... 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, 35, 36, 37, 61
GMP Run Ready ............ 9, 10, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 39, 40, 41
Materials of Construction .................................... 14, 45, 60, 61
Note ... 12, 14, 25, 27, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40,
41, 46
Performance Testing .................................................. 35, 52, 53
Pre-GMP ......................................... 9, 10, 32, 33, 37, 38, 40, 41
Pressure Test ................................................................... 21, 22
Quality policy ..................................................................... 7, 30
Shipping ... 10, 11, 24, 34, 37, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 53,
Solvent compatibility ............................................................. 28
Specifications ... 8, 10, 13, 21, 23, 24, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 35,
36, 38, 39
Storage ................................................. 8, 25, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36
Warranty ................................................................... 22, 23, 29