Mapping the
Framework to
API Security
Salt I Mapping the MITRE ATT&CK Framework to API Security I 1
The MITRE ATT&CK framework has been used for years by security
professionals. This comprehensive matrix identifies, categorizes, and
describes tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) used by
attackers. While no specific ATT&CK matrix for API security exists
today, bad actors apply many of the tactics and techniques
identified in the ATT&CK framework during the lifecycle of their API
attack campaigns.
Understanding how these tactics and techniques relate to API security and
how to apply that understanding can help organizations advance in their API
security maturity.
What is the MITRE ATT&CK Framework
The MITRE ATT&CK Framework provides a knowledge base of information on
cyber adversaries, their tactics, and how to defend against them. Organized by
attack phases, or tactics, the framework lists the specific techniques that
adversaries may use throughout an attack lifecycle within each tactic. While
MITRE has developed different ATT&CK matrices focused on specific platforms
and environments, no matrix for API security exists today. This content focuses
on the Enterprise Matrix, version 12 (April 2022), which is a superset of all of
the matrices. The tactics included in the Enterprise Matrix include:
1. Reconnaissance: Techniques attackers use to gather information about the
target organization and its systems
2. Resource Development: Techniques attackers use to prepare an attack,
such as creating payloads and scripts or weaponizing vulnerabilities
3. Initial Access: The techniques attackers use to gain their initial foothold in
the target environment
4. Execution: The techniques attackers use to run their malicious code on the
target systems
5. Persistence: The techniques attackers use to maintain their presence on
the target systems
6. Privilege Escalation: The techniques attackers use to gain higher levels of
access to the target systems
7. Defense Evasion: The techniques attackers use to evade detection and
8. Credential Access: The techniques attackers use to gain access to valid
Salt I Mapping the MITRE ATT&CK Framework to API Security I 2
9. Discovery: The techniques attackers use to gather information about the
target environment
10. Lateral Movement: The techniques attackers use to move through the
target environment and access additional systems
11. Collection: The techniques attackers use to gather sensitive data from the
target environment
12. Command and Control: The techniques attackers use to communicate with
and control their malware or malicious code on the target systems
13. Exfiltration: The techniques attackers use to remove data from the target
14. Impact: The techniques attackers use to disrupt or destroy the target
First developed in 2013 by the cybersecurity experts at MITRE Corporation, the
MITRE ATT&CK Framework originally focused on threats used against Windows
enterprise networks. The goal of the comprehensive database was to allow
those working within information security to better keep up with changing
tactics employed by malicious actors and stay ahead of cyber threats.
The framework has grown exponentially in terms of use and recognition since
its release. However, it would not be where it is today without the efforts of its
many contributors. Presently, hundreds of contributors actively work on
maintaining and regularly updating this open source knowledge base.
Today, cybersecurity professionals use this framework to identify potential
threats posed by malicious actors targeting their networks or systems. By
understanding the various TTPs identified in the MITRE ATT&CK Framework
related to their specific environment, organizations can take steps to protect
themselves from them.
For more detailed information on MITRE ATT&CK, its history, usage, and details on
each of the TTPs associated with it, please visit
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Figure 1. MITRE ATT&CK Enterprise Matrix v12
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The Relationship between MITRE ATT&CK and API Security
The MITRE ATT&CK framework draws on real-world observations to provide a
comprehensive understanding of the different tactics and techniques that
adversaries may use in cyber attacks. Such a broad knowledge base cannot neatly
map to a specific cyber area such as API security. Despite not having an API
security-specific matrix today, many of the TTPs identified in the MITRE framework
are also used by API attackers as techniques used in the different phases of their
attack campaigns.
For example, an attacker may use reconnaissance techniques such as scanning
public APIs or enumerating endpoints to identify potential targets. They might also
attempt privilege escalation or abuse API tokens to gain access to sensitive
information or resources. All of these behaviors fit within various techniques of the
MITRE ATT&CK framework under the Reconnaissance, Discovery and Privilege
Escalation tactics.
Benefits of Understanding the MITRE ATT&CK/API Security
With API security top of mind for CISOs and cybersecurity professionals worldwide,
it’s not surprising that they want solutions that can map attacker behavior directly
back to the MITRE ATT&CK Framework. By understanding how attackers target
APIs, organizations can quickly identify threats and take action accordingly. In
addition, they can develop more effective defense strategies that align with their
existing processes, procedures, policies, and technologies.
More specifically, understanding the relationship between the MITRE ATT&CK
framework and API security can provide several benefits to security organizations,
1. Improved threat detection: By understanding the specific TTPs used by
attackers against APIs, organizations can better detect and respond to
threats targeting their APIs.
2. More effective incident response: The ATT&CK framework can help
incident responders quickly identify the stage of an attack, the TTPs used,
and take appropriate action.
3. Better resource allocation: By understanding the most likely attack
methods and the resources required to defend against them, organizations
can make more informed decisions about where to allocate security
Salt I Mapping the MITRE ATT&CK Framework to API Security I 5
4. Improved communication: The ATT&CK framework provides a common
language for discussing threats, making it easier for different teams within
an organization to communicate about security issues.
5. Increased ability to measure and improve security: By basing security
efforts on the ATT&CK framework, organizations can measure their
progress against specific attack methods and continually improve their
6. Better understanding of the scope of an attack: The ATT&CK framework
provides a comprehensive view of the different TTPs that can be used in an
attack and the different stages of the attack, which can help organizations
to better understand the scope of the attack and the potential impact.
7. Help identify security gaps: By identifying the TTPs relevant for specific
APIs, organizations can identify the gaps in their security approach and take
the necessary measures to mitigate the risks.
The Relationship Between MITRE ATT&CK and the OWASP API
Security Top 10
When organizations discuss API security, they commonly reference API security
threats in terms of the OWASP API Security Top 10. The OWASP API Security Top
10 list outlines the most critical security risks for web APIs, published by the Open
Web Application Security Project (OWASP). Originally published in 2019, a new
updated top 10 list for APIs is expected in 2023. To learn about the OWASP API
Security Top 10 in greater detail, click here.
The OWASP API Security Top 10 focuses on the security risks specific to web APIs,
while the MITRE ATT&CK framework provides a more general understanding of the
TTPs used by adversaries in cyber attacks, including attacks on APIs. While the two
frameworks address different aspects of security, they share a direct relationship.
Consider an API attack where the attacker is looking to exfiltrate data out of an API
through a BOLA (Broken Object Level Authorization) vulnerability (the top threat on
the OWASP API Top 10 list). The attacker would typically go through a series of
phases, each with specific behaviors and exercises, to construct and carry out that
attack campaign. Many of those behaviors map directly to MITRE ATT&CK tactics
and techniques (TTPs). Think of TTPs as the ingredients an attacker would use
when they are cooking up their BOLA API attack recipe.
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Moreover, organizations should know that a single OWASP API Security Top 10
threat does not map to a single set of MITRE ATT&CK TTPs. Remember, TTPs
describe the phases, tactics and techniques of an attacker. When attacking a BOLA
vulnerability (OWASP API 1), an attack can take many execution paths, leveraging
various MITRE ATT&CK tactics and techniques. Actual attack sequences may differ
and use different techniques depending on the specific situation and the
capabilities of the attacker, as well as the specifics of the vulnerability and the
implementation of the API. In that regard, organizations must remember that the
relationship between an OWASP API Security Top 10 threat and MITRE ATTACK
TTPs is a one-to-many relationship.
Mapping API Attack Scenarios to MITRE ATT&CK TTPs
Because each API is different in its purpose, function, and method of deployment,
and because each attacker is different in terms of capabilities, no one can map
every single API attack scenario permutation to MITRE ATT&CK. In this discussion,
we aim to illustrate how organizations can better relate the behaviors of API
attackers back to the TTPs documented in MITRE ATT&CK. Below, we outline a few
different and common API attack scenarios that echo recent API breaches drawn
from the headlines and show how the behaviors of the attacker map to MITRE
API Attack Scenario 1: BOLA
Attacker uses his/her own legitimate API credentials to exfiltrate other
customer data through a BOLA vulnerability in the API discovered by the attacker.
Examples of breaches in the headlines related to this scenario include Facebook,
Experian, Expedia, Coinbase.
Figure 2: BOLA API Attack Lifecycle mapped to MITRE ATT&CK Framework
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Mapping (Tactic/Technique):
1. Reconnaissance / Search Open Websites: Adversary researches
information about a particular company service or application.
2. Resource Development / Establish Accounts: Adversary creates
temporary email and mobile accounts to use in attack.
3. Initial Access / Valid Accounts: Adversary obtains valid application
credentials on the target application through legitimate means, such as
registering for a new account with the targeted service.
4. Discovery / Network Sniffing: Adversary examines the traffic passed from
browser to the API to determine the available API functionality and data.
5. Initial Access / Exploit Public-Facing Application: Adversary takes
learnings from the Discovery / Network Sniffing exercise and actively
attempts to find logic flaws or vulnerabilities in the API that can be
exploited. Adversary finds an API endpoint that is susceptible to a
BOLA attack.
6. Resource Development / Develop Capabilities: Adversary develops a
script to assist in automating the attack and exfiltrating user data
through the vulnerable API endpoint.
7. Execution / Command and Scripting Interpreter: Adversary runs attack
script on local or remote systems to actively exploit BOLA vulnerability.
8. Defense Evasion / Masquerading: Adversary manipulates data payloads
and rate of API requests to evade rate limits and other security detection
techniques provided by devices such as a WAF.
9. Collection / Automated Collection: Adversary uses the script written
specifically to access the API and extract sensitive data, such as user
information or financial data.
10. Command and Control / Web Service: Adversary maintains a command
and control channel through the API to maintain access to it, exercise it,
and continue to exfiltrate data through it over time.
11. Exfiltration / Exfiltration Over Web Service: Adversary uses the API to
exfiltrate the stolen data out of the targeted organization’s network.Overall,
understanding the relationship between the MITRE ATT&CK framework and
API security can help organizations to better protect their APIs, accelerate
their response to attacks, and improve their overall API security posture.
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API Attack Scenario 2: Stolen Credentials
Attacker obtains API credentials through nefarious means we’ll use
spear phishing as the example here and leverages those credentials to exercise a
privileged API in a malicious manner and compromise the integrity of the service it
provides. This scenario shows how two attacks can be chained together as part of
a whole API attack lifecycle. In this scenario, the attacker first gains access to the
target company’s online source code repository through social engineering to
obtain privileged API credentials, then abuses the API to compromise service
integrity. Examples of breaches in the headlines related to this scenario include
CircleCI, Dropbox, and Slack.
Figure 3: Stolen Credentials API Attack Lifecycle mapped to MITRE ATT&CK Framework
Mapping (Tactic/Technique):
Spear Phishing Campaign
1. Reconnaissance / Gather Victim Identity Information: Adversary
researches information about an individual who holds a particular technical
job function, that would have access to the source control service the
adversary is interested in attacking.
2. Resource Development / Stage Capabilities: Adversary stages malicious
web application in a cloud service to mimic a popular source code
repository service.
3. Initial Access / Phishing (Spear Phishing Link): Adversary sends spear
phishing email with a security notice, masquerading as the source control
service, informing the target that his/her account may have been
compromised and provides a malicious link asking the individual to confirm
the service password and set a new password.
4. Execution / User Execution: User clicks link and enters existing password
into staged web application.
5. Privilege Escalation / Valid Accounts: Cloud Accounts: Adversary
leverages the stolen, valid source code repository to gain access to the
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6. Collection / Automated Collection: Adversary leverages the stolen, valid
source code repository to pull down copies of source code repositories.
7. Credential Access / Unsecured Credentials: Credentials in Files: Adversary
scans source code repository for unencrypted/unsecured privileged API
keys. Various keys and API addresses are captured.
API Misuse Campaign
1. Initial Access / Phishing: Adversary obtains valid API credentials through
spear phishing attack as outlined above.
2. Initial Access / Valid Accounts: Adversary leverages the stolen, valid API
credentials to access the API.
3. Initial Access / Exploit Public-Facing Application: Through trial and error,
the adversary actively attempts to understand functions and capabilities of
the API.
4. Defense Evasion / Masquerading: Adversary manipulates data payloads
and rate of API requests to evade rate limits and other security detection
techniques provided by devices such as a WAF.
5. Command and Control / Web Service: Adversary maintains a command
and control channel through the API to maintain access to it, exercise it, and
abuse the API.
6. Impact / Data Manipulation: Adversary manipulates data and service
API Attack Scenario 3: Leaky Public API
Attacker identifies a publicly exposed API with a weak security posture
(no authentication) that the attacker can leverage to exfiltrate customer data.
Examples of breaches in the headlines related to this scenario include Twitter,
LinkedIn, Peloton, T-Mobile, and Optus.
Figure 4: Leaky Public API Attack Lifecycle mapped to MITRE ATT&CK Framework
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1. Reconnaissance / Search Open Technical Databases: Adversary
researches domains owned by the targeted organization in various web and
DNS registries and online databases.
2. Reconnaissance / Active Scanning: Adversary scans the discovered
domains and IP ranges of the target company, specifically looking for any
exposed APIs with weak security postures that can easily be taken
advantage of, such as unauthenticated API endpoints.
3. Initial Access / Exploit Public-Facing Application: Upon finding an
unauthenticated, publicly exposed API, the adversary begins to actively
learn the function, purpose, and capabilities of the API and quickly learns
the API is capable of returning sensitive customer data.
4. Discovery / Cloud Service Discovery: Adversary looks to learn about and
discover other API services and endpoints that are accessible. (While there
is currently no API discovery technique in the ATT&CK framework, in this
scenario, the Cloud service discovery seems appropriate.)
5. Resource Development / Develop Capabilities: Adversary develops a
script to assist in automating the attack and exfiltrating customer data
through the vulnerable API endpoint.
6. Execution / Command and Scripting Interpreter: Adversary runs attack
script on local or remote systems to actively exploit the API.
7. Defense Evasion / Masquerading: Adversary manipulates data payloads
and rate of API requests to evade rate limits and other security detection
techniques provided by devices such as a WAF.
8. Collection / Automated Collection: Adversary uses the script written
specifically to access the API and extract sensitive data, such as user
information or financial data.
9. Command and Control / Web Service: Adversary maintains a command
and control channel through the API to maintain access to it, exercise it, and
continue to exfiltrate data through it over time.
10. Exfiltration / Exfiltration Over Web Service: Adversary uses the API to
exfiltrate the stolen data out of the targeted organization’s network.
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Shortcomings of Relating the MITRE ATT&CK Framework to API
Security Threats
As discussed earlier, no ATT&CK matrix specifically geared toward API threats
exists today. As a result, the broader framework has shortcomings when it comes
to detailing all the potential aspects of an API attack.
For example, relying on the current framework for in-depth insight into defending
against API attacks would be a mistake since it would miss many of the threats at
play. We hope the MITRE ATT&CK framework will evolve to include a new matrix or
list the techniques specifically pertinent to API attacks, as has happened with cloud
and SaaS environments. Such an update would provide organizations with a more
comprehensive understanding of API security threats and help them better protect
their systems and data.
However, despite these shortcomings, organizations can gain tremendous value in
mapping the relationship of these TTPs to the behaviors of adversaries during API
attacks. This mapping can provide organizations with a deeper understanding of
the specific tactics and techniques that are being used by attackers in API-based
attacks, helping to predict and prepare for the types of attacks that are most likely
to occur. Also, by understanding the relationships between different TTPs and the
behaviors of API adversaries, organizations can better respond to attacks by
leveraging systems and controls they already have in place based on the MITRE
ATT&CK framework.
How Salt Security Leverages The MITRE ATT&CK Framework
The Salt Security API Protection Platform provides real-time protection against API-
based attacks and uses the most advanced AI and machine learning techniques to
continuously monitor API traffic and identify malicious behavior, even in the most
complex and dynamic environments. The Salt platform not only maps real-time API
threats to the OWASP API Security Top 10 but also supports the option to apply the
MITRE ATT&CK framework to help identify and mitigate API-related threats.
Where applicable, the Salt platform maps identified threats to the relevant TTPs in
the MITRE ATT&CK framework, providing organizations with a comprehensive view
of the attack vectors and techniques being used by attackers. This information
allows organizations to better understand the risks they face and prioritize their
security efforts accordingly, as well as respond to live security threats using the
language, processes, and procedures already in place for various MITRE ATT&CK
threats. Salt is committed to continuing to expand its support for the MITRE
Salt I Mapping the MITRE ATT&CK Framework to API Security I 12
ATT&CK framework over time as well as to work with the ATT&CK community to
extend the framework’s inclusion of API security-related threats.
Figure 5: Salt Security Platform’s Expanding TTP Detection
In Summary
By understanding how attacks against APIs relate to the MITRE ATT&CK
framework, API-conscious security professionals can gain valuable insights into
potential threat vectors that could be targeting their systems. They can also
understand how best to defend against them and they can do so in a security
framework they are already accustomed to. This knowledge helps security teams
more easily identify vulnerable areas of their API infrastructure, as well as develop
more effective incident response plans should they experience a breach due to an
attack on their APIs. In the future, the evolution of the MITRE ATT&CK framework to
include more specific API security threats, behavior, and terminology will further
extend and enhance its value.
Salt Security Securing your innovation
Salt Security protects the APIs that form the core of every modern application. Its patented API Protection Platform is
the only API security solution that combines the power of cloud-scale big data and time-tested ML/AI to detect and
prevent API attacks. By correlating activities across millions of APIs and users over time, Salt delivers deep context with
real-time analysis and continuous insights for API discovery, attack prevention, and shift-left practices. Deployed in
minutes and seamlessly integrated within existing systems, the Salt platform gives customers immediate value and
protection, so they can innovate with confidence and accelerate their digital transformation initiatives.
Request a Demo today!
Securing your