July, 2014
Exploring Spatial Analysis Capabilities In Google Maps Mashup Using Google Fusion
Tables: A Case Study in Land Lease Data Retrieval
Michael Wen
Northwest Missouri State University
Thesis Advisor, Dr. Yanfen Le Date
Dr. Patricia Drews Date
Dr. Naijun Zhou Date
Dean of Graduate School Date
Exploring Spatial Analysis Capabilities in Google Maps Mashup Using Google Fusion
Tables: A Case Study in Land Lease Data Retrieval
This study examines whether a map mashup application created with Google
Maps API and Google Fusion Tables API can be used to supplement traditional desktop
GIS applications in certain geographical studies. Historically, researchers have used
online mapping tools like Google Maps to aid in their geographical research but these
online tools have typically played a supporting role; most of the spatial analysis is still
done using desktop GIS software. In order to determine whether online tools can handle
some of the analytical tasks, a map mashup application that can be used to aid in oil and
gas lease management is developed. The application can be used to perform a number of
tasks that were traditionally associated with desktop GIS, such as performing attribute
and spatial analysis, drawing buffers and polygons, and retrieving data from an external
data source.
This study uses Google Maps API and Google Fusion Tables API programmed
with JavaScript, a popular interpreted computer programming language that is an integral
part of most web browsers, to develop a map mashup application. The application has the
ability to display polygons as a feature layer, to draw polygons to delineate the
boundaries of study areas, to store the location and attributes of sample points selected
from a map, to draw buffers around point features, and to perform spatial and attribute
queries from a table of spatial records. An accuracy assessment performed on the external
data retrieving capability shows an accuracy of 100 percent. The application met all of
the functional requirements and successfully demonstrated the utility of map mashup
applications in GIScience research. Among some of the major impediments for more
widespread adoption of map mashup applications are legal restrictions Google placed on
commercial use and several technical limitations enforced by Google to reduce server
Table of Contents
Abstract ............................................................................................................................. i
Table of Contents ........................................................................................................... iii
List of Figures ................................................................................................................ iv
Chapter 1: Introduction ....................................................................................................1
1.1 Research Objective ..................................................................................................4
1.2 Study Area ...............................................................................................................5
Chapter 2: Literature Review ............................................................................................7
2.1 Google Maps and Google Maps API ......................................................................8
2.2 Google Fusion Tables API ....................................................................................10
2.3 JavaScript and APIs ..............................................................................................11
2.4 Web Services ........................................................................................................12
Chapter 3: Conceptual Framework and Methodology ...................................................14
3.1 Description of Data ...............................................................................................14
3.2 Methodology .........................................................................................................15
3.2.1. Display Feature Layer ...........................................................................................16
3.2.2. Identify Feature Function......................................................................................17
3.2.3. Drawing Polygons.................................................................................................18
3.2.4. Attribute/Spatial Queries and Buffers...................................................................21
3.2.5. Using External Data Sources and Data Validation ...............................................25
3.2.6. Deploying the Application ...................................................................................29
Chapter 4: Analysis Results and Discussion ..................................................................32
4.1 Displaying the PLSS Survey Polygon Layer ........................................................33
4.2 Drawing Areas of Interest .....................................................................................34
4.3 Attribute and Spatial Queries ................................................................................34
4.4 Drawing Buffers ...................................................................................................36
4.5 Accuracy Assessment ...........................................................................................37
Chapter 5: Conclusion ....................................................................................................39
5.1 Research Summary ................................................................................................39
5.2 Limitations of Results ............................................................................................40
5.3 Suggested Further Research...................................................................................43
References .......................................................................................................................45
List of Figures
Figure 1 - Study area ........................................................................................................... 8
Figure 2 - JavaScript code in HTML ................................................................................ 14
Figure 3 - Legal description overlay ................................................................................. 14
Figure 4 - “Identify” feature popup window..................................................................... 14
Figure 5 - Drawing polygons in ArcMap .......................................................................... 14
Figure 6 - Showing uploaded polygons in Google map ................................................... 14
Figure 7 - Drawing polygon on the map mashup ............................................................. 20
Figure 8 Existing leases ................................................................................................. 22
Figure 9 - Map mashup application buttons ..................................................................... 23
Figure 10 - Spatial and attribute query results .................................................................. 24
Figure 11 - Inserting sample points .................................................................................. 25
Figure 12 - Sample points selected for accuracy assessment ........................................... 31
Figure 13 Logging into the application .......................................................................... 32
Figure 14 Viewing the application on browser .............................................................. 33
Figure 15 - Markers used to indicate recently added sample points ................................. 38
Figure 16 - Comparison between web service retrieved legal descriptions and those
obtained by spatial query using ArcMap .......................................................................... 40
Chapter 1: Introduction
The Internet and mobile devices that connect to it have become ubiquitous
features of contemporary life. It is therefore widely recognized that future developments
in Geographical Information Systems (GIS) will center on Internet-centered GIS
technology that uses the Internet as the primary means to access data, conduct spatial
analysis, and provide location-based services (Peng and Zhang, 2004; Zhang and Tsou,
2009). This trend is driven in part by map mashups which were made possible by two
developments. First, a number of popular online map providers like Google Maps,
Yahoo! Maps, Microsoft Bing Maps, ESRI ArcGIS Online and MapQuest made an
enormous amount of online maps and other spatial data available to the public at little or
no cost. Second, the Application Programmable Interface (API) offered by these map
service providers and other organizations online allows developers to retrieve and
manipulate data over the web (Li and Gong, 2008).
On the web the term mashup means taking information published from multiple
sources and integrating it into a new information stream (Gong, 2007). Mashups can be
created by developers, professional programmers or amateurs using different
technologies like eXtensible Markup Language (XML), web services, Real Simple
Syndication (RSS), screen scrapping and Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (Ajax) (Li
and Gong, 2008). Map mashups are a special type of mashup that combines at least one
map data source with information from another source to create a new map (Gong, 2007).
A typical map mashup uses a three level architecture: the first level contains data sources,
the second level handles the business logic and the last level implements the user
interface (Gong, 2007). At the time of writing, ProgrammableWeb, a premier reference
site for mashups, lists over 7,000 known mashup sites (ProgrammableWeb, 2013).
Despite their popularity among web developers relatively little was written to
document the contribution or the potential role of map APIs and mashups in the
development of Internet GIS applications (Chow, 2008). Most of the existing map
mashups were created by using map APIs. A map API is a source code interface
published by map service providers that grants web developers access to a program
library and to request services in generating maps over the Internet (Chow, 2008). In a
typical but relatively simple map mashup the map API is used to modify the content
displayed on the map while data from other sources are retrieved from sites like Craigslist
by using their APIs, by custom applications that extract pertinent information from web
pages or with other technology (Miller, 2005). In addition to map APIs other types of
APIs provide functions like querying, returning and updating data at an external source,
geocoding based on addresses, and authenticating users (Chow, 2008; GeoCommunicator,
2013; Li and Gong, 2008).
Despite their versatility online maps and most existing map mashups do not really
provide the same level of support of spatial analysis that we enjoy from a desktop GIS
(Peng and Zhang, 2004; Chow, 2008; Batty, 2010). However Google Fusion Tables, a
new tool released by Google in 2009, has the potential to overcome these deficiencies. It
is an experimental application that lets users store, share, query, and display data tables.
It offers the ability to manage data rows online and query the table for all rows that match
spatial or data conditions through an API (Getting Started, 2013). It is a tool that has
great potential to provide many online spatial analysis capabilities because it is designed
to work in conjunction with Google Maps. There is no comparable product on the market
that is as widely available and free to use. This tool is relatively new, having been around
for only four years and so there have not been many formal studies done to apply its
capabilities to GIScience. It is unique because in addition to offering database and
spreadsheet like capabilities online, it also provides a number of spatial functions. With
code written to manipulate these capabilities through the Google Maps API and Google
Fusion Tables API, it should be possible to replicate in a Google Maps mashup some of
the functions currently found only in desktop GIS applications.
The Public Land Survey System (PLSS) is a survey system used in most of the
United States. Most of the lands in the public domain in the U. S. are subject to
subdivision by this rectangular system of surveys, which is regulated by the U.S.
Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management. It is used in the continental
U.S. except for areas covered by the original 13 colonies and Texas (National Atlas of the
United States, 2013b). The PLSS typically divides land into 6-mile-square townships,
and townships are then subdivided into 36 one-mile- square sections. Sections can be
further subdivided into quarter sections, quarter-quarter sections, or irregular government
lots. A legal description of a section includes the State, Principal Meridian name,
Township and Range designations with directions, and the section number. Courthouses
in states that use PLSS use it to record land leases, and it is the survey system by which
oil and gas companies manage their lease holdings (National Atlas of the United States,
This study proposes a method of taking advantage of some of the newer
capabilities of Google Fusion Tables to perform spatial and attribute queries through the
use of the API for Google Maps and Google Fusion Tables. These capabilities are
exclusive to Google Fusion Tables as of now. For example, none of the other online map
service providers including Yahoo or MapQuest offer data manipulation functionality
common to spreadsheet applications like search and sort that is easily accomplished in
Google Fusion Tables. The goal of this study is to demonstrate that many of the spatial
and attribute query capabilities that are previously available only in desktop GIS software
can now be made available online for free through the use of these technologies. It is not
the goal of this study to develop a commercially viable application, but to demonstrate
the potential of these capabilities, so some of the real life concerns in software
development like licensing and legal issues are not addressed. A study like this one can
also expose limitations of these tools and associated technology in their current state.
1.1 Research Objective
The objective of this study is to determine whether a map mashup created with
Google Maps API and Google Fusion Tables API can be used to produce accurate legal
descriptions for land leases in PLSS. In particular, it seeks to find if Google Fusion
Tables used in conjunction with Google Maps API can be used to perform some of the
commonly used attribute and spatial queries and analysis on the web that currently
require the data to be downloaded to desktop GIS. Additionally, this study also explores
other common GIS capabilities, including the ability to draw buffers around point
features, opening popup windows displaying attributes of clicked geographical location,
retrieving data from external sources based on selected locations, and making attribute
and distance queries on selected features.
1.2 Study Area
The Uinta Basin and Mountains are located in the northeast corner of the state of
Utah (Figure 1) and are part of a larger physiographic area known as the Colorado
Plateau Province. The Uinta Basin lies south of the Uinta Mountains. It is about a two-
and-a-half hour drive east of Salt Lake City. The southern rim of the basin is formed by
the Tavaputs Plateau of the Book Cliffs, and the western rim is formed by the Wasatch
Mountains. The central portion of the basin has an elevation of 5,000 to 5,500 feet. Two
major rivers intersect this area; the Green River flows southward out of the Uinta
Mountains to the north, crossing the Uintah Basin while the Colorado River crosses the
eastern portion of this section, cutting off an area of some 40 miles in diameter. This area
was selected because it has seen a great deal of oil and gas related activities in recent
years (Fuller, 2013).
Figure 1 - Study Area
Chapter 2: Literature Review
Since the advent of map mashup applications in 2004, this technology was
recognized as having the potential of playing a pivotal role in supporting new
developments in geography such as Public Participation GIS (PPGIS) and locational
aware applications (Batty et al., 2010; Newman et al., 2010). It was quickly recognized
that applications built with this technology allow users with limited mapping knowledge
to use GIS-like functions for a wide range of applications (Polczynski and Polczynski,
2013). However online maps and most existing map mashup applications do not yet
contain the ability to perform common spatial operations like buffering, spatial querying,
geoprocessing or performing map algebra. These features are not currently supported in
the map APIs offered by many of the free major map service providers like Yahoo Maps
and Google Maps. This deficiency has hampered the adoption of online maps in
GIScience studies. For example, existing online maps lack the ability to produce random
statistical samples, and currently such samples can only be created by first downloading
the entire dataset to the desktop first (Wampler et al., 2013). Studies have been done that
use various workarounds to take advantage of the open and freely available spatial
content provided by map mashups while utilizing the advanced spatial analysis
capabilities of traditional desktop GIS software. Many of the techniques focused on
finding ways to export data from map mashups to local hard drives in order to perform
spatial and attribute analysis with desktop GIS and spreadsheet applications. The most
common approaches involved exporting data to files in Keyhole Markup Language
(KML) or Comma-Separated Values (CSV) formats (Chow, 2008; Wampler et al., 2013).
Some studies even adopted the approach of constructing maps by writing new KML from
scratch which while low in cost is understandably a training intensive approach
(Polczynski and Polczynski, 2013).
Other studies were done that sought to find ways to perform spatial analysis on
web applications without using desktop GIS. Peng and Zhang (2004) proposed a strategy
to use Geographic Markup Language (GML) as a coding and data transporting
mechanism to achieve data interoperability, Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) to display
GML data on the web, and Web Feature Service (WFS) as a data query mechanism to
access and retrieve data at the feature level in real time on the web. While these
technologies are not strictly speaking used for spatial analysis, they can be used for
representational storage and transfer. This approach essentially uses these standards to
duplicate the standard geoprocessing functionality of a desktop GIS. Chow (2008) took
the GML-centric approach further by proposing a conceptual model that consists of three
major steps: (1) convert the GIS database into GML or any web-compatible raster
imagery; (2) query the spatial data by parsing the GML data or loading the web-
compatible raster imagery; and (3) overlay the spatial data into corresponding map API
classes for visualization. These approaches will no doubt play a much bigger role in
Internet GIS a decade from now compared to the modest techniques used in this study but
the amount of programming involved in developing these applications is much greater.
2.1 Google Maps and Google Maps API
Originally a C++ program designed by two Danish brothers Lars and Jens
Rasmussen at the Sydney-based company Where 2 Technologies, Google Maps was
acquired by Google, Inc. in 2004 and transformed into a web application (LeMay, 2005).
The application is based on a close variant of the Mercator projection, but the coordinates
of the features on Google Maps are GPS coordinates based on the WGS 84 datum (Map
Types, 2014). It suffers from limitations of the Mercator projection, such as not being
able to show the poles. Instead it cuts off coverage at 85.051125° north and south which
is atan(sinh(π))×180/π, a requirement that the map is a square (Map Types, 2014).
Google launched Google Maps API in 2005 in order to allow web developers to
integrate Google Maps into their websites (Taylor, 2005). It has since become the most
heavily used web application development API on the Internet, used in the development
of over 1,000,000 web sites (ProgrammableWeb, 2013). At the time of writing it is a free
service and does not require advertisements, but the terms of use state that Google
reserves the right to display ads in the future. It is also free for some commercial usage,
provided that the site on which it is being used is publicly accessible, does not charge for
access, and is not generating more than 25,000 map requests a day (Google Maps/Google
Earth APIs Terms of Service, 2014). Sites that do not meet these requirements can
purchase the Google Maps API for Business, which allows up to 100,000 map requests a
day and also comes with technical support, a higher maximum resolution and an
advanced analytics tool that enables you to see how visitors interact with your maps
(Google Maps for Business, 2014).
The workflow involved in embedding Google Maps inside a web page involves
the following six steps (Getting Started with JavaScript, 2014):
1. Declare the application as HTML5 using the <!DOCTYPE html> declaration.
2. Include the Maps API JavaScript using a script tag.
3. Create a div element named "map-canvas" to hold the Map.
4. Create a JavaScript object literal to hold a number of map properties.
5. Create a JavaScript "map" object, passing it the div element and the map
6. Use an event listener to load the map after the page has loaded.
None of these steps require the use of any professional software development
applications. A simple text editor like Microsoft Notepad is more than adequate for this
2.2 Google Fusion Tables API
The Google Fusion Tables API 1.0 is an API published by Google that allows
developers to create and manage Fusion Tables resources such as tables, columns, rows,
templates, and styles. It uses the Representational state transfer (REST) architectural style
that uses the four HTTP methods GET, POST, PUT and DELETE to execute different
operations. Unlike Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) based web services which try
to model the exchange between client and server as calls to objects, REST tries to be
faithful to the web domain by keeping the calls in the Uniform Resource Locator (URL)
format, the one that is also used for web addresses (Getting Started, 2013).
Through the Google Fusion Tables API developers can use SQL statements to
query and manipulate rows and work with tables, columns, styles, and templates (Getting
Started, 2013). Security for the data in Fusion Tables is provided by an authentication
scheme that requires requests sent to the Fusion Tables API to be accompanied by a
unique identifier which can be either an API key string or an access token. The API
allows the response for a successful call to be either JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)
typed data, which is the default, or an untyped CSV or JSON (typed or untyped) data if
using SQL to query rows. A typed data field returns its value in a specific predefined
format depending on the content of the field. For example, latitudes and longitudes are
returned as two numeric values with eight decimal places while KML data are returned in
the format specified by the GeoJSon specification (Butler et al., 2008). Like the Google
Maps API the bulk of the programming tasks involves parsing and sending the API
requests, followed by the waiting for, receipt and then the processing of the response.
Visualizing the content of resources in Google Fusion Tables as a feature layer on
a Google Map involves the use of the FusionTablesLayer object. A FusionTablesLayer
object can be created in JavaScript by using the table's encrypted ID in a line of code
(Fusion Table Layers ( Experimental), 2014). The code segment below is used to create a
FusionTablesLayer on a Google Map application based on the content of an entire Fusion
Table. In this example '1mZ53Z70NsChnBMm-qEYmSDOvLXgrreLTkQUvvg' is the Fusion
Table’s encrypted ID.
var layer = new google.maps.FusionTablesLayer({
query: {
select: 'Geocodable address',
from: '1mZ53Z70NsChnBMm-qEYmSDOvLXgrreLTkQUvvg'
2.3 JavaScript and APIs
Both Google Maps and Google Fusion Tables have an API based on JavaScript,
an interpreted computer programming language that come as a part of most web
browsers, the implementation of which allows client-side scripts to interact with the user,
control the browser, communicate asynchronously, and alter the document content that is
displayed (JavaScript Introduction, 2014). This language offers some flexibility in where
the program code can reside, and the simplest approach is to place the code directly on
the web page itself. This approach has the additional benefit of allowing everyone with
access to the web page the ability to view the source code through the use of the “View
Source” function of the browser. As shown in Figure 2 the JavaScript code was entered
directly into the body of the HTML page. No specialized software development
environment was needed for this study.
Figure 2 - JavaScript code in HTML
2.4 Web Services
One of the many ways to provide communications between data providers and
data consumers is through the use of web services. The World Wide Web Consortium
(W3C) defines a web service as “a software system designed to support interoperable
machine-to-machine interaction over a network. It has an interface described in a
machine-processable format (specifically the Web Service Definition Language (WSDL).
Other systems interact with the web service in a manner prescribed by its description
using SOAP messages, typically conveyed using HTTP with an XML serialization in
conjunction with other web-related standards.” (Booth, 2004, #1.4). Aside from returning
data web services can also be used for other tasks, such as conducting backend business
transactions, performing analytical function, and authenticating users and IP addresses.
Basically, many of functions currently done by desktop software can be performed by
web services. One of the potential concerns involved in using web services is security.
Because of the potential risks posed by malicious code, many of the top web browsers on
the market do not permit JavaScript calls to be made to web services that reside on a
network domain other than the one the JavaScript originates from. This security feature
must be dealt with by the use of Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) mechanisms
which allows developers to define ways to allow or disallow such the cross-origin
requests (Geller, 2013).
The web service used by this study, the TownshipGeocoder service, is a JSON
web service (TownshipGeocoder, 2014). It is provided for free by the Department of the
Interior Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and uses the government’s PLSS data in
NAD83 as the source. The application developed for this study sends a lat/long pair to
this web service to retrieve a township/range/section value, but the web service is also
capable of returning lat/longs of a specified township/range/section.
Chapter 3: Conceptual Framework and Methodology
The Google Fusion Tables API allows developers to use HTTP requests to
programmatically perform common tasks available in the Google Fusion Tables
application (Getting Started, 2013). Through this API a program can perform routine
tasks like updating a table's data and the visualization of the data, adding and populating
new columns for a table, reading a public table's metadata, or querying a table’s content.
It also provides the ability to perform spatial queries to find features located within a
certain distance or inside a bounding box, and this study explores this capability. The
mashup application developed for this study uses the Google Fusion Tables API to
perform data manipulation tasks like attribute and spatial queries, while at the same time
it uses the Google Maps API to customize the visualization of resulting records in Google
3.1 Description of Data
The township/range/section legal description polygons used for overlay and for
accuracy assessment are obtained from the GeoCommunicator website operated by the
Bureau of Land Management (GeoCommunicator, 2013). They are downloaded as
shapefiles and loaded into ArcMap for data validation. The data is first trimmed to
remove records outside of the study area and then exported to KMZ using ArcMap. The
KMZ file is converted to KML format and uploaded to a Fusion Table, which is then
used to create the feature layer on the map mashup by creating a FusionTablesLayer on
that table.
The list of existing oil gas leases in the study area used in the spatial and attribute
section of the study was downloaded from the Bureau of Land Management’s Land &
Mineral Legacy Rehost 2000 System (BLM, 2014). It is downloaded in shapefile format.
To load the data into the map mashup, the shapefile is converted to KMZ format in
ArcMap and then converted to KML. The KML is then uploaded to a new Fusion Table.
Since this dataset does not contain an expiration date column, one is created in Google
Fusion Table and test values are then entered randomly into the table to enable searches
by expiration date. The reason this is done is to allow the application to perform a search
on the expiration date value because that is one of the most common attribute searches in
land lease management based on the author’s experience in the oil and gas industry.
The web service used by the application to retrieve the township/range/section
legal description is the TownshipGeocoder service hosted by the Geocommunicator
website (TownshipGeocoder, 2014). This web service returns data in XML format, and
the desired township/range/section information was parsed out of the XML by a specially
written JavaScript function. All of the other spatial data and services needed for this
study are hosted by Google, including the base map that appears on the application’s
background and both of Google Fusion Tables and Google Maps and their associated
3.2 Methodology
This study seeks to demonstrate that a map mashup application made with Google
Maps API and Google Fusion Tables API can be used to perform some of the tasks and
operations that are more commonly done today with desktop GIS and spreadsheet
applications. To that end a Google Maps mashup application was developed in JavaScript
using Google Maps API and Google Fusion Tables API that satisfies the requirements
specified in the following sections.
3.2.1. Display Feature Layer
Since one of the most basic and commonly used functions of desktop GIS is to
display a feature layer on top of a base map the first requirement of the mashup
application developed for this study is that it should have the ability to display a layer of
PLSS township polygons as a feature layer over a base map. This is accomplished by
downloading a shapefile containing township/range/section legal description polygons
from BLM’s website, remove data from outside of the area of interest, convert the
shapefile to KML and then load the KML to a Fusion Table. Once the data is loaded into
a Fusion Table it can be displayed on the map mashup application through JavaScript by
creating a FusionTablesLayer object. After adjusting the opacity of the
FusionTablesLayer, the desired effect of imposing the township/range/section polygons
on top of the base Google maps is achieved as seen in Figure 3. Users can bring up the
PLSS layer by clicking on the “Show PLSS” button at the top.
Figure 3 - Legal description overlay
3.2.2. Identify Feature Function
It is relatively simple to display a polygon layer on a Google Maps mashup by
creating a FusionTablesLayer, but unfortunately, it is not quite as easy to show labels on
each of the polygon features (Issue 97, 2010). Steps like creating another layer just for
labels based on an attributes in the Fusion Table may be necessary to produce the desired
labeling effect, but this may require too much time to complete. Fortunately, features
displayed by using FusionTableslayer contain limited inherent interactivity where the
user can bring up a display window showing the values of all attribute columns in the
Fusion Table of a selected record simply by clicking on it as shown in Figure 4. This
feature works in the same way as the “Identify” function in ArcMap and is a convenient
way for users to find all attributes associated with features on a map.
Figure 4 “Identify” feature popup window
3.2.3. Drawing Polygons
It is fairly simple to import and export spatial data from desktop GIS to a Google
Maps mashup application, and some of the past studies have taken advantage of this
technique to move polygons drawn in ArcMap into an online map mashup application.
Wampler et al. (2013) took this approach to display the boundaries of their areas of
interest in Google Earth. They loaded polygons of the areas of interest drawn in ArcMap
and moved them to Google Earth in order to take advantage of the latter’s recent high
resolution imagery so as to help them identify clusters of dwellings in their study, but we
can easily imagine other reasons where areas of interest need to be uploaded to an online
map. For example, an oil company land management team can use this tool to delineate
areas where potential new leases can be acquired.
The current approach of creating newly drawn polygons in desktop GIS to
indicate areas of interest and then exporting these polygons to an online map are
numerous and time consuming. The steps involved are as follows:
1. Create a new feature class in ArcCatalog to store the new polygons by creating a
polygon shapefile.
2. Create a new map in ArcMap and load the necessary base map that shows the
study area, and then load the shapefile created in step 1.
3. Draw the polygons in ArcMap by starting an edit session and then use the
“Construction Tools” tool. Figure 5 shows the polygons as drawn in ArcMap.
4. Export the new polygons to KML format by using the “Layer to KML” tool.
5. Unzip the KMZ file produced in step 4 to extract the KML file with an unzipping
6. Load the KML file to the online map. This can be done by simply uploading the
KML file to Google Drives, or by loading it to a Google Fusion Table and then
use JavaScript to create a new FusionTablesLayer. It was decided that the first
approach is more suitable for the purpose of this study. Figure 6 shows what the
polygons look like once uploaded onto Google Maps.
Figure 5 - Drawing polygons in ArcMap
Figure 6 - Showing uploaded polygons in Google map
To demonstrate that the tasks described above can also be done by functions
developed in Google Maps API, a drawing feature was developed that also provides the
capability to draw areas of interest polygons. Users would be able to turn this drawing
feature on by clicking on the “Draw” button and then draw the polygons by clicking on
the map. The current version of the application allows the users to draw one polygon,
which can be deleted by clicking on the “Delete Existing Polygon” button. The locations
of the polygons’ vertices are stored in a Fusion Table where each record represents a
vertex so that the polygon can be saved and re-displayed at a later time by other users
with access to this map mashup application. To better display the area enclosed by the
polygons, a fill color of salmon pink was drawn with some degree of transparency as seen
in Figure 7. In order to compare and contrast the ease and speed of this approach to the
ArcMap and upload approach, the amount of time and number of steps needed to
accomplish this task using each method were measured.
Figure 7 - Drawing polygon on the map mashup
Creating new polygons by using the drawing tool developed for this study is much
simpler once the code was written. The new workflow contains only three steps:
1. Create a new Fusion Table or clear the content of an existing one to be used for
storing the vertices of the polygons drawn.
2. Click on the “Draw” button to start the drawing process.
3. Draw the polygons.
3.2.4. Attribute/Spatial Queries and Buffers
The next step is to showcase the attribute and spatial querying capabilities of
Google Fusion Tables. Currently, if a user wants to perform spatial and/or attribute
queries on features residing on an online map, he or she would have to first download the
queries into a format that can be loaded into either a desktop GIS or a spreadsheet
application, and then perform the queries there. To replace this rather cumbersome
approach, a function that provides the ability to select leases based on their location and
expiration date was developed. The requirement of the attribute search function is that
users would be allowed first to enter a date and then, with the click of the “Query by
Expiration Date” button, have the application display all of the leases with expiration date
values that are before the entered date. As explained before in section 3.1, expiration date
is the most commonly searched field, and that is why it is used as an example in this
application. The user also has the option to incorporate location into the search by
clicking on the “Spatial Query On” button, select a search point, and then enter a number
that restricts the search results to those leases that are within a circle centered on the start
point with the entered number of meters as its radius. The spatial search can be turned off
by clicking on the “Spatial Query Off” button. If successfully implemented, the ability to
perform attribute and spatial queries directly online without first downloading the data to
desktop GIS as is currently done can greatly enhance the utility of online maps in
GIScience studies.
The drawing of buffer polygons on maps is a commonly used function of desktop
GIS and is essential to any online application that supports some GIS functions. Another
feature of the application that supplements the two querying functions is that a buffer
with the same radius is drawn around the selected point to display the search area. The
buffer circle displays the search area on the map and can help the user display the
locations of the search results.
In order to build this function, it is necessary to load existing lease data on which
to perform the spatial and attribute queries. To that end the current lease information
hosted by the Bureau of Land Management’s Land & Mineral Legacy Rehost 2000
System was downloaded and then loaded to a Fusion Table via KML. As shown in Figure
8, the feature layer of the existing leases are more irregular in shape than the PLSS layer.
Users can view existing leases by clicking on the “Show Current Leases” button.
Figure 8 Existing leases
One of the requirements for the application is to provide the ability to search for
leases by expiration dates, but since the downloaded data does not contain an expiration
date field, a new empty column named “expiration date” was added to the Fusion Table
and then populated with sample expiration date values. In order to allow users the ability
to specify search criteria such as expiration date and search radius, a dropdown box and a
text box were added to the lower left corner of the application. The user also has the
ability to switch on both query modes by clicking on buttons in the top right of the
application. Figure 9 shows that most of the buttons are lined up in a row at the top of the
screen, but some are stacked along the right side as there is no more room at the top.
Figure 9 - Map mashup application buttons
As described above, the spatial query function displays the search area by
drawing a circular buffer around the selected search point. The size of the buffer depends
on the radius selected by the user in the dropdown box in the lowest left corner. All leases
that are within the specified distance from the search point are highlighted on the map. If
the attribute query functionality is also switched on, then only those leases that satisfy
both attribute and spatial criteria are returned as seen in Figure 10.
Figure 10 - Spatial and attribute query results
Through cursory examination of the application the two search functions appear
to meet the requirements. The spatial search returns leases that contain multiple plots of
land and returns polygons outside of the area defined in the buffer zone when part of the
lease is inside the buffer, as shown in Figure 10. This can be confusing to some of the
new users who are not very familiar with land lease management in oil and gas, but that
can be overcome by labeling the leases better. Unfortunately, that is not one of Fusion
Table API’s strengths.
3.2.5. Using External Data Sources and Data Validation
Finally, to test the accuracy of using an external web service as a data source, a
function was built into the mashup application that allows the user to click anywhere
within the map to add a new sample point, and the application first displays the
township/section/range number in a popup box and then stores it for accuracy assessment
later. These sample points will be used for accuracy analysis. A button at the top called
“Insert Samples” is built to let the user start the sample collection process as shown in
Figure 11. Unfortunately, this function is affected by the cross-domain restriction
described in section 4.3, and since no CORS mechanism is implemented here, this feature
is available only if the application is run locally. The user can click on the “Show Sample
Points” button to view all of the sample points entered so far.
Figure 11 - Inserting sample points
To validate the returned values, the location and legal description of the sample
points were downloaded in KML format from Fusion Tables and then loaded into
ArcMap where they were matched to respective township range section polygons using
“Join by Location” spatial queries. The table was then downloaded to an Excel
spreadsheet where the two columns were compared by using the Excel “Exact()” function,
which returns a True/False answer that can be converted to an integer, in this case a 0 for
false and 1 for true, by the formula IF(EXACT(A2,B2),1,0). The average of that column
can be calculated by the “Average()” function and can be used as the accuracy of the data
as it has the same value as the number of correct values divided by the sample size. Since
the data in question is not categorical, an error matrix is not suitable for evaluating the
data accuracy in this study and was not used. Thirty sample points were collected in the
entire study area. Efforts were made to select sample points near the borders and corners
of survey polygons, as these are areas most likely to produce errors. Figure 12 shows
some of the sample points selected for accuracy analysis.
Figure 3 - Sample points selected for accuracy assessment
3.2.6. Deploying the Application
The map mashup application developed for this study was placed online and made
accessible to others for study. After considering a number of options, it was decided that
Google Drives would be used to host the application because it is free and easy to use. To
deploy a web page using Google Drives, one simply needed to create a folder and then
share it to the public. Anyone with an Internet connection can access the application by
clicking on the link below:
d5TwA_JeutZzhmdjFmZFZETXM/GMapFTableMashupApp.html. In order to provide
authentication to access the content of the Fusion Tables, the application requires the
users to login (Figure 13). A test account was created in Google for this purpose. The
login for the account is [email protected] and the password is “nwmissouri”.
The user has to log out of all other Google account in order for the authorization process
to work.
Figure 13 Logging into the application
The first time a user logs into the application a window will popup to prompt the
user for the login information provided above. Make sure to allow popup windows when
the application is opened; these popup windows are an integral part of the authentication
process. Because of this and the CORS issue discussed previously, this application is
currently supported on Internet Explorer only.
The application opens a map centered in the study area as can be seen in Figure
14. If the user has previously drawn a polygon with the Draw tool, then that polygon will
show automatically as the page is opened. If the screen gets too cluttered with features,
the user can clear all feature layers and draw polygons by clicking on the “Clear All
Layers” button. As mentioned before, all functions except for those called by “Insert
Samples” should work at this link. The source code of the application can be viewed by
clicking on https://drive.google.com/?tab=wo&authuser=0#folders/0B-
Figure 14 Viewing the application on browser
Chapter 4: Analysis Results and Discussion
Contrary to initial expectations, it was possible to fit all of the code for the entire
map mashup application into one single html page. The application was written entirely
in JavaScript without the use of external libraries except the one for Google Maps API
v3. The whole application contains about 1100 lines of code, including the HTML. The
level of programming skills required to complete this application could be described as
intermediate level, because in addition to HTML and JavaScript some knowledge of
XML and object oriented programming concepts were used.
The map mashup application developed for this study satisfied all of the
requirements listed in Chapter 3. It provides functions to display feature layers, to draw
new polygons, to identify feature layers, to perform attribute and spatial queries, to draw
buffers covering the search area, and to use external data sources to obtain
township/range/section information based on location.
However, for the most part it would be fair to say that the functions provided by
the application were either not as convenient or as powerful as those available in desktop
GIS. The literature suggests that there are ways of overcoming some of the limitations
discovered over the course of the application’s development but they invariably involve
more advanced programming techniques. For example, both of the Google Maps API and
the Fusion Tables API offer programmatic access to advanced styling features which this
application for the most part does not use.
Since JavaScript is a client-side scripting language, the logic of the code was
executed by the web browser. This feature facilitated the development process because
the code can be run from a basic web server environment without requiring additional
modules or add-ons to be installed. The entire development for this study was done from
a personal desktop computer running the Windows 7 operating system without using any
additional programming development tool. The barrier to entry for developing this type
of program is pretty low from a software standpoint.
For this study it is beneficial to release as much of the code as possible to users
for review, and so contrary to common programming practices, all of the styling
information was placed inside the html page instead of being stored in an external
Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) file, and all JavaScript code was entered into the html page
instead of using an external JavaScript (.js) file on the server.
4.1 Displaying the PLSS Survey Polygon Layer
The steps involved in displaying the PLSS township polygon as a feature layer are
relatively straightforward. While all of the steps involved, from downloading the
shapefile from the BLM’s website, converting the file to KML, to loading the KML file
to Fusion Tables, can be automated in a script, this snapshot approach is not ideal.
However, for this study it is not an unreasonable solution because of the relatively static
nature of PLSS survey data. It may not be as useful an approach if the spatial layer
contains dynamic data, like temperature or rainfall. A more dynamic solution, like using
the Web Map Service, would be better for these types of data. However, an effort to use
the Web Map Service technology for this study was not successful as WMS is not easily
combined with Google Maps (Jackson, 2011).
Another major drawback of the current approach is the difficulty in properly
labeling the polygon features. While the detailed display window that pops up when the
user clicks on a polygon is a good way for the user to identify a specific polygon’s
township/range/section legal description, it is not as convenient as showing the legal
description directly on the polygons as labels. This is a popular feature request to Google,
and it is hoped that an easier approach to labeling features will become a available in the
near future (Issue 97, 2010).
4.2 Drawing Areas of Interest
The steps used to create and then export newly drawn polygons used to indicate
areas of interest are numerous and time consuming when ArcGIS was involved. They are
described in 3.2.3. and the entire process takes about fifteen minutes to complete,
including the time spent waiting for applications to load, if step six took the faster route
of loading the KML file to Google Drives. If the longer route of using JavaScript is used
to create a new FusionTablesLayer, then the process takes as many as twenty two
The new workflow for drawing new polygons by using the drawing tool
developed for the mashup application as described in 3.2.3. contains only three steps and
takes only seconds to complete all of the tasks. It would also be possible to enhance the
application by developing additional functions such as the ability to draw multiple
polygons. Users can use the “Delete Existing Polygon” button to remove a previously
drawn polygon and start over. Sometimes users will see the old polygon when they
refresh the page due to cache refresh delay (Issue 396, 2011).
4.3 Attribute and Spatial Queries
Most of the functions specified in the requirements listed in 3.2 were developed
without encountering any significant issues. The only significant issues were encountered
during the development of the function that returns the township/range/section legal
description by using a web service, and then saves the location and the legal description
to a Fusion Table. The security features of most of the common web browsers restrict the
access of data sources from outside of the current network domain. In order to bypass this
restriction, it was necessary to temporarily disable that security feature for the duration of
that feature’s use. Obviously, that does not present a sustainable solution for a
commercial application, but fortunately there are other programming languages or tools
that allow the use of cross-domain web services in map mashup applications without
compromising security, such as the use of signed digital certificates, Asynchronous
JavaScript and XML (Ajax), and JQuery (Geller, 2013). It was decided that
implementing one of these CORS solutions to the application would take too much time
and, in the opinion of the author, would not significantly enhance the core value of this
study. Implementing a CORS solution was added to the list of topics for further research.
Another setback encountered during the development of the application was
caused by Google’s policy of setting a default two minute cache for its maps, which
impacted the process of sample point collection because the map would not show the
newly entered sample points (Issue 396, 2011). The function would be doing its job of
inserting the location and the township/range/section legal descriptions returned by the
web service of the selected sample points to the Fusion Table used to store them, but
these newly added points would not show on the online map until minutes later. This
behavior makes it hard to keep track of which areas needed more sample points.
Unfortunately, Google has not yet provided an easy way to refresh the map cache through
code. As a compromise code was added that adds bubble-like marker symbols that are
used as place holders to let the user know the location of the previously added sample
points as shown in Figure 15. These marker symbols are not stored and disappear once
the browser closes, but they would have done their job before then.
Figure 4 - Markers used to indicate recently added sample points
4.4 Drawing Buffers
One of the functional requirements of the application developed for this study is a
function for drawing circular buffers around spatial search starting points. That task was
fairly easy using Google Maps API. The following lines of code are all that was required
for drawing a translucent circle centered on a point located at latitude y and longitude x
with a radius of x meters.
circle = new google.maps.Circle({
center: new google.maps.LatLng(y, x),
radius: x,
map: map,
fillOpacity: 0,
strokeOpacity: 0.5,
strokeWeight: 1
These lines of code create a “circle” object and then proceed to assign various
properties to it. These properties can be reset in response to user generated events like
mouse clicks to provide interactivity to the user. While drawing circles around points was
easy, unfortunately there are no comparable built-in functions in Google Maps API
version 3.0 for drawing buffers around polyline or polygon features, but there are third-
party libraries like the JSTS Topology Suite that can be easily imported into the
application for these purposes (JSTS Topology Suite, 2014).
4.5 Accuracy Assessment
For this study an accuracy assessment was performed for the function that returns
the township/range/section legal description of clicked areas from a web service. Sample
points were selected from the entire study area, instead of within a small subsection, since
an online application such as this one would not likely be used for tasks that require high
spatial accuracy like determining survey boundaries. After the function was written,
sample points and their legal descriptions were collected from the study area,
downloaded from Fusion Table as a KML file, and imported to ArcMap. The point
features were then spatially joined to a township/range/section polygons feature layer that
was downloaded earlier from BLM, and the legal descriptions of the matched BLM
survey polygons were compared to the legal descriptions of the downloaded layer. The
downloaded BLM layer functioned as the ground truth data in this case. For this study the
only statistic suitable for accuracy assessment is accuracy, calculated by dividing the
number of correctly matched points by the number of total sample points.
The result of the accuracy assessment is very encouraging. All of the
township/range/section legal descriptions returned by the map mashup application were
identical to those returned by spatial query using ArcMap despite efforts by the author to
select sample points close to the edge of PLSS polygons where errors are more likely to
occur. Figure 16 shows the result of the Excel spreadsheet used to compare the two sets
of values. Values of “True” represent identical township/range/section legal descriptions.
Such a high level of accuracy is unexpected. An accuracy of 100% indicates that at least
an application that uses the TownshipGeocoder web service in conjunction with Google
Maps can be ready for prime time for the purpose of land lease management.
Figure 5 - Comparison between web service retrieved legal descriptions and those
obtained by spatial query using ArcMap
Chapter 5: Conclusion
5.1 Research Summary
This study shows that a map mashup application developed using Google Maps
API and Google Fusion Tables API can perform some of the geographical analytical
tasks that are now more commonly done in desktop GIS, such as the ability to display
polygons as a feature layer, to draw polygons to delineate the boundaries of study areas,
to store the location and attributes of sample points selected from a map, to draw buffers
around point features, and to perform spatial and attribute queries from a table of spatial
records. In addition, such an application can take advantage of functions and data made
available by other online service providers through the use of web services to retrieve and
process information from external sources. This study also conducted an accuracy
assessment on the web service function used to retrieve the township/range/section legal
description, and the result showed that the data returned was 100 percent accurate. The
application also contains functions that are inherent to Google Map, such as Street View
and the ability to switch to satellite imagery and back.
The amount of coding needed to obtain the results was not very extensive, and the
development process did not involve the use of any proprietary software development
kits or platforms. This study also shows that Google Maps API and Google Fusion Tables
API programmed with JavaScript are adequate for the purpose of developing an
application meeting the requirements of this study. It seems that the barrier to entry for
developing such applications is not very high since no proprietary software development
tools were needed, and any GIScience professional with some programming proficiency
should be able to take on this challenge.
The technology landscape of online services made available by different providers
changes at a very fast pace, and some of the functions developed for this research may
either have already been, or will soon be, replicated in services offered by Esri or other
GIS vendors. For example, Esri offers the ArcGIS Online service which provides a
cloud-based solution that allows users to create, use and share spatial content as
published web layers. While using services like ArcGIS Online has its advantages, like
the ability to integrate features from other ArcGIS products like ArcGIS for Desktop,
ArcGIS for Server, ArcGIS Web APIs, and ArcGIS Runtime SDKs, such benefits only
extend to those already invested in ArcGIS software, while Google Fusion Tables is free
for personal use. Even though ArcGIS Online contains an option to create a free public
account for users, such accounts lack many of the features available to paid subscribers,
such as the ability to conduct spatial searches (ArcGISOnline, 2014).
5.2 Limitations of Results
This study also uncovered a number of limitations on these technologies that may
need to be overcome before they can become widely adopted. First, although both the
Google Maps and Google Fusion Tables API provide an extensive list of functions, for
the most part they are not as rich or convenient as traditional desktop GIS. For example,
it is fairly difficult to label individual features in a feature layer using Google Maps API
while that can be done fairly easily in ArcMap. Customizing the symbology of features
requires programming using both APIs unlike in ArcMap where it is a built-in function. It
is also fairly difficult to perform common data manipulation tasks like inserting, updating
or deleting large numbers of records in Fusion Tables unlike in spreadsheet or relational
database management software. The types of spatial queries provided by the current
version of Fusion Tables API is also limited; the only type of spatial query that is
available now is to retrieve a list of features that are located within the boundary of a
geometric shape. ArcMap 10.1, on the other hand, offers fifteen types of spatial selection
methods. The current version of Fusion Tables API also lacks the ability to allow
multiple tables to be joined on a spatial column (Issue 88, 2010). Another deficiency is
that both APIs currently lack intrinsic and easy to use functions to provide for the storage
of new features drawn on the map, requiring code to be written for such basic functions.
Other types of limitations encountered in the course of this study involve the
development tools used. JavaScript was selected as the programming language of choice
for this study because of its relative simplicity and wide availability, not because it is the
most powerful programming language in terms of capabilities. As a result of this choice
some of the issues encountered during the development of the mashup application would
not be an issue if another tool was selected. For example, problems were encountered
while writing the function for returning the township/range/section legal description
because it used a web service hosted on another server due to the restrictions most web
browsers placed on cross-domain requests, since allowing such access opens the door for
malwares to do harm. For the purpose of this study that security feature was briefly
disabled on the browser, but that clearly is not a suitable approach for a commercial
application. The literature, however, suggests that this limitation can be overcome by the
use more advanced programming languages and techniques (Geller, 2013).
Another major limitation identified by this study is the significant delay in
updating the content of a Fusion Table which was uncovered while developing the
“Delete Existing Polygon” function. Such a delay would limit Fusion Tables to storing
information that does not need to be updated quickly or in real time.
Google also sets a number of restrictions on both Google Maps and Fusion Tables
to manage their server load. For example, Google Maps are on a two minute cache
refresh schedule, and so it was difficult to display recent changes to the data (Issue 396,
2011). Fusion Tables also restrict the number of updates it allows each day to 100 for
non-commercial users. Finally, since both technologies are provided by Google they are
subject to its terms of usage which may be changed at a whim. It may also not be possible
to develop certain commercial applications with these tools until Google moves Fusion
Tables past the experimental phase (Geographic design constraints, 2014) are as follows.
Google has in place the following technical restrictions for Fusion Tables as
stated in the Google Fusion Tables APIs Terms of Service (Using the API, 2014):
Only the first 100,000 rows of data in a table are mapped or included in
query results.
Queries with spatial predicates only return data from within this first 100,000
rows. Therefore, if you apply a filter to a very large table and the filter
matches data in rows after the first 100K, these rows are not displayed.
When importing or inserting data, the total size of the data sent in one API call
cannot exceed 1MB.
A cell of data in Fusion Tables supports a maximum of 1 million characters; it
may sometimes be necessary to reduce the precision of coordinates or
simplify polygon or line descriptions.
The maximum number of vertices supported per table is 5 million.
When looking at the map, you may notice: ◦The ten largest-area components
of a multi-geometry are shown.
When zoomed farther out, tables with more than 500 features will show dots
(not lines or polygons).
5.3 Suggested Further Research
Another study that performs an accuracy assessment on the attribute and spatial
querying capabilities of the Fusion Tables API is definitely needed before it can be fully
established that the web API technology is ready for prime time. While the map mashup
application developed for this study returned results that are consistent with expectations,
it would better demonstrate the efficacy of this technology if a statistically significant
accuracy analysis is conducted that compares the results of spatial queries done using a
map mashup application to those done using conventional desktop GIS software.
Another promising avenue of future research would be to adopt some of the
techniques described in the literature to circumvent the technical challenges encountered
during the development of this application, such as by using Ajax or JQuery (Geller,
2013). For example, as mentioned before, JQuery can be used to provide access to data
provided by web services hosted by a server outside of the current domain without
compromising browser security. In addition, the styling features available in both Google
Maps API and Fusion Tables API can be explored further as this study did not make
extensive use of them. It would also be very useful to find another approach to publish
the feature layers besides loading them into Fusion Tables and creating
FusionTablesLayer. Techniques such as using WMS should be tried to make this process
more automatic and the mapped data layer more dynamic.
Another area worth investigating is to see whether any of the other online
mapping tools can offer similar functions with comparable programming effort.
Alternative platforms like Yahoo! Maps API, Bing Maps Platform, MapQuest
Development Platform, and OpenLayers may provide more functionality or be easier to
use. Google Maps was chosen for this study not because it is necessarily the best online
mapping tool but because it is the most popular.
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