ParadoxLabs | 8 N Queen St | 9th Floor | Lancaster, PA 17603 | 717-431-3330 1
ParadoxLabs CyberSource Payments: User Manual
Version 1.5 For Magento® 2.3+ Updated 2024-06-28
Table of Contents
Installation ..................................................................................................................................................................... 3
If you purchased from Magento Marketplace ...................................................................................................... 3
If you purchased from ..................................................................................................... 4
Updating the Extension ................................................................................................................................................. 5
If you purchased from Magento Marketplace ...................................................................................................... 5
If you purchased from ..................................................................................................... 5
Connecting A New CyberSource Account ...................................................................................................................... 6
Step 1. Finding the Magento configuration .......................................................................................................... 6
Step 2. Simple Order API Setup............................................................................................................................. 7
Step 3. Secure Acceptance Checkout Setup ....................................................................................................... 10
Step 4. REST API Setup ........................................................................................................................................ 20
Step 5. Payer Authentication (3D Secure) Setup ................................................................................................ 23
Configuration ............................................................................................................................................................... 25
General................................................................................................................................................................ 25
Simple Order API Setup ....................................................................................................................................... 25
Secure Acceptance Checkout Setup ................................................................................................................... 26
REST API Setup .................................................................................................................................................... 26
Checkout Settings ............................................................................................................................................... 28
Advanced Settings ............................................................................................................................................... 29
Behavior Notes ............................................................................................................................................................ 31
User Experience .................................................................................................................................................. 31
Security ............................................................................................................................................................... 34
3D Secure / Payer Authentication....................................................................................................................... 34
Card Storage ....................................................................................................................................................... 34
Account Updater ................................................................................................................................................. 34
Usage ........................................................................................................................................................................... 35
Checkout Payment Form..................................................................................................................................... 35
Order status page ............................................................................................................................................... 36
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Customer ‘My Payment Data’ account area ....................................................................................................... 37
Admin order form ............................................................................................................................................... 37
Admin order status page..................................................................................................................................... 38
Admin customer ‘Payment Data’ account area .................................................................................................. 39
Admin transaction info ....................................................................................................................................... 39
Frequently Asked Questions & Troubleshooting ......................................................................................................... 41
Is ParadoxLabs CyberSource Payments PCI Compliance? ................................................................................... 41
How do I do an online refund from Magento? ................................................................................................... 41
How does this payment method handle currency? ............................................................................................ 41
Technical / Integration Details ..................................................................................................................................... 42
Architecture ........................................................................................................................................................ 42
Custom database schema ................................................................................................................................... 42
Events .................................................................................................................................................................. 42
Magento API: REST and SOAP ............................................................................................................................. 43
Magento API: GraphQL ....................................................................................................................................... 53
How-To: API Checkout Flow ................................................................................................................................ 63
How-To: API 3D Secure Flow ............................................................................................................................... 67
Support ........................................................................................................................................................................ 70
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The installation process differs based on where you purchased our extension.
If you purchased from Magento Marketplace
NOTE: You will not be able to install by downloading the extension files from Marketplace.
The Marketplace download does not include all of the necessary files. You must install using either the Web Setup
Wizard or Composer, with the following directions.
Step 1: Install
We strongly recommend installing, configuring, and testing all extensions on a development website before
installing and using them in production.
If you encounter any problems during this process, please contact Magento Marketplace Support.
Note, installing this extension requires familiarity with your server’s command line. Ensure your server has
composer set up and linked to your Magento Marketplace account (including repository Then in SSH, from your site root, run the following commands:
composer require paradoxlabs/cybersource:*
php bin/magento module:enable -c ParadoxLabs_TokenBase ParadoxLabs_CyberSource
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
If your site is in production mode, you will also need to run these commands to recompile sources:
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
These commands should load and install the extension packages from the Marketplace repository.
Composer installation is only available for Marketplace purchases.
Step 2: Configure
See the configuration section below.
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If you purchased from
NOTE: This file upload installation applies only to purchases from the ParadoxLabs Store. Marketplace purchases
must follow the Marketplace installation directions above.
Step 1: Upload files
Upload all files within the upload folder into the root directory of Magento.
Folder in Download
Folder on Server
Step 2: Run Installation
In SSH, from your site root, run the following commands:
php bin/magento module:enable -c ParadoxLabs_TokenBase ParadoxLabs_CyberSource
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
These will enable the module, and then run the installation process.
If your site is in production mode, you will also need to run these commands to recompile sources:
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
Step 3: Configure
See the configuration section below.
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Updating the Extension
All extension updates are free. Just follow these directions to update to the latest version.
If you purchased from Magento Marketplace
Note, installing/upgrading this extension requires familiarity with your server’s command line.
If you installed with composer, you can update using the following commands, in SSH at your site root:
composer update paradoxlabs/*
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
This will download and update to the latest extension version compatible with your system.
If your site is in production mode, you will also need to run these commands to recompile sources:
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
If you purchased from
Step 1: Upload files
Log into your account at and download the latest version.
Open the extension archive and extract it onto your composer.
Upload all files within the upload folder into the root directory of Magento.
Folder in Download
Folder on Server
Step 2: Run Update
In SSH, from your site root, run the following commands:
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
If your site is in production mode, you will also need to run these commands to recompile sources:
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
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Connecting A New CyberSource Account
Before proceeding: Contact CyberSource to sign up for merchant account if you don’t have one already. You will
need to go through the account setup and activation process before you can accept real payments.
Configuring the CyberSource payment method is a bit of a process: There are four separate APIs involved that you
need to generate or share the API credentials for. We’re going to walk you through the whole process though. Click
the right options and it’ll be done in no time. We’ll go through each section one at a time.
Note, the configuration steps should be the same for a sandbox account or production, but sandbox accounts and
production accounts are entirely separate. If you want to test, you must have a dedicated sandbox account. You
can create one at:
Also note, many CyberSource features require CyberSource configuration and enablement. If you don’t see
something, please contact CyberSource.
This integration requires payment processing AND Token Management Service to be activated. It can also make
use of Decision Manager (or Fraud Management Essentials), Payer Authentication, and Account Updater if they are
enabled on your account.
Without further ado:
Step 1. Finding the Magento configuration
Open your Admin Panel and go to Admin > Stores > Settings > Configuration > Sales > Payment Methods. Toward
the bottom of the page, you’ll find a ‘CyberSource’ settings section like this:
When you see this, you’re at the right place. This is where you’ll enter all of the API credentials, and set additional
payment method configuration options. For the top section:
1. Leave ‘Enabled’ set to No until we’re done.
2. Set ‘Is Sandbox Account’ to Yes if you’re setting up a test account, or No if this is for live payment
3. If you’d like, change the Title while you’re here.
Let’s move on to API setup.
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Step 2. Simple Order API Setup
Go to your CyberSource Enterprise Business Center (EBC) login form. Before you log in, take note of your
Organization ID: Enter the same value you use to log in as your Organization ID in Magento.
Now log in to EBC. At the top, you’ll see a Merchant ID. Enter that same value as your Merchant ID in Magento.
Finally, in EBC, open the menu, then Payment Configuration, then go to Key Management:
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Once you’ve loaded the Key Management page, click Generate Key at the top right:
You’ll be taken to an API Key creation form. Select Transaction Processing on the first step, and click ‘Next Step’:
Then select SOAP, and click ‘Submit’:
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You’ll be shown a generated key. Copy this entire key into the SOAP API Transaction Key setting back on the
Magento settings page.
Now save your Magento configuration. If you’ve done everything correctly, you should see a green message:
Simple Order API connected successfully. If you get a red error message instead, fix any problems it mentions, and
recheck the values you entered.
One down, three to go.
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Step 3. Secure Acceptance Checkout Setup
This step is the most involved: You need to create a Secure Acceptance Checkout profile for the checkout credit
card form. This determines the credit card types you accept, fields that are displayed and required, form colors,
and more.
Go back to CyberSource EBC, and click Secure Acceptance Settings on the sidebar menu:
When the Secure Acceptance Settings page has loaded, click New Profile at the top right:
A form will pop up. At the top, enter a profile name and description, then your company name, and make sure
Hosted Checkout is selected.
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Enter contact info if you choose, then at the bottom, under Added Value Services, ensure Payment Tokenization is
selected. Once you’ve completed this form, Submit.
You’ll be taken to a new page with a number of tabs, and the info you just entered shown under the default tab,
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On this tab, you need to configure each card type you want to accept. Click Add Card Types, and select those
Then click outside the dropdown to close it and apply the changes. You should see all of the selected types now.
For each one you selected, you need to click the gear to configure it:
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On each type, select CVN display and required (unless you do not intend to require card CVN entry), and select
your currency(s). NOTE: If you have multiple currencies configured in Magento, you MUST enable each one for
each type. Once you’ve configured a type, hit SUBMIT, then do the next one.
You can ignore the ‘Payer Authentication’ setting on the popup, and the ‘Payer Authentication’, ‘Automatic
Authorization Reversal’, and ‘PayPal Express Checkout’ settings back on the Payment Settings tab. We only use
Secure Acceptance for card storage (not for placing actual payment transactions), so none of those settings are
applicable. Once you’ve added and configured all of your card types, click SAVE back on the Payment Settings tab.
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Now switch to the PAYMENT FORM tab (we’ll skip Security for now).
For Payment Form Flow, select Single Page Form. This is required for embedding the form in checkout.
For Payment Information, select Mask sensitive fields. This will hide the CC#/CVN after they’re typed in.
For Order Review, select Edit for Payment Information. This allows cards to be updated from the
customer account.
Do not select Billing or Shipping under checkout steps or order review. Those are entered on your
standard Magento checkout, and including them on the payment form would make it substantially longer.
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Once you’ve set the PAYMENT FORM options to match the above screenshot, hit SAVE to apply the changes.
Now switch to the CUSTOMER RESPONSE tab:
For the Transaction Response Page, select Hosted By CyberSource.
For the Custom Cancel Response Page, select Hosted By CyberSource.
For the Web Address* (URL) field at the bottom, enter your website domain.
These fields will all be overwritten to the necessary values and URLs by our extension at runtime, but they still
need to be configured to activate the Secure Acceptance profile.
Once you’ve set the CUSTOMER RESPONSE options to match the above screenshot, hit SAVE to apply the changes.
Now switch to the BRANDING tab:
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This tab changes how the form looks. You want to change the colors and font to match your site as much as
possible. If nothing else, we suggest changing the Main Body Background Color to white (#FFFFFF). Assuming your
checkout has a white background, this will display the payment form like it’s a seamless part of your checkout
form. Otherwise you may be able to see a colored box surrounding the form.
You can ignore the Header Content, Total Amount, Progress Bar, and Footer Content sections. Those don’t apply to
our extension.
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At the bottom of this tab are the Pay / Finish Button, and Button Custom Text. You can change the button
Background Color to match your site branding. By default, the button is green like below.
Finally, select Change Button Custom Text.
Set the Pay Button label to Pay.
Set the Finish Button label to Continue.
Once you’ve completed these settings, click SAVE to apply the changes.
Now switch to the SECURITY tab. Click the plus icon on the right side to Create Key. This will bring up a form.
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Type in a Key Name (any name you’d like), then click CREATE.
You’ll be shown two fields below the form with your Access Key and Secret Key. Quickly download or copy these
two values. The form will auto-close after 30 seconds, but you can reopen it if you need to so don’t stress out if
you don’t get everything.
After the popup has closed, you can find the third API key you need, the Profile ID, above the form tabs.
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Back on your Magento Payment Methods Settings page, go to the Secure Acceptance Checkout Setup section.
Fill in the Secure Acceptance Profile ID (#1), Access Key (#2), and Secret Key (#3) settings with the values
highlighted on the previous screenshots.
If you didn’t get the Access Key or Secret Key, you can select the key and click ‘View Key’ to see them again:
Once you’ve entered all three values into Magento, click Save Config. Once the page reloads, you should have a
green message: Keys entered successfully. Note that we can’t test these keys, so you will have to actually go to
checkout once everything is configured and enabled, to make sure the form loads properly. If you get a red
message, verify that you entered the three values correctly and didn’t miss any part of them.
FINALLY, back in CyberSource EBC, click the checkmark icon at the top right to activate the profile. The checkout
form will not work until you’ve done so.
Make sure you activate (‘promote’) the profile, or your checkout form will not work.
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That was the hard part. Almost done.
Step 4. REST API Setup
In CyberSource EBC, go back to the Key Management section:
Click Generate Key:
Click API Cert / Secret, then Next Step:
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Click Shared Secret, then Submit:
Select the Shared Secret Key (#2), and copy it into the REST API Secret Key field in Magento:
Click the Key Management button to go back to the Key Management list.
Click the Key Type: Transaction Processing filter to change the type of keys displayed. Select API Keys.
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The list should show the key you just added now (if there’s more than one, find the one with the latest creation
date). Click into it:
On the key view page, you can view and select the full key ID:
This highlighted value (#1) is your REST API Secret Key ID. Copy this into the REST API Secret Key field in Magento
configuration. You should have both REST API fields completed now in Magento. Save Config to save the changes
and test.
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If you did everything in this step correctly, after saving you should see a green message in the REST API Test
Results: REST API connected successfully. If you get a red message, fix the described error (if any) or verify that
you entered the two values correctly and in their entirety.
Step 5. Payer Authentication (3D Secure) Setup
This one is easy. Go to Menu, then Payment Configuration, then Payer Authentication Configuration.
If you’ve set your account up for Payer Authentication with CyberSource, you should see three credentials on this
Copy these values into Magento as your Cardinal Cruise Org Unit ID (#1), Cardinal Cruise API ID (#2) and Cardinal
Cruise API Key (#3).
If your account does not have any Cardinal Cruise API credentials yet, please contact your CyberSource
representative to receive the values.
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Once you’ve entered the values into Magento, click Save Config to save and verify the settings. If it’s green then
the values are in the expected format. Note that we can’t test to verify they are actually correct and valid, so be
careful to ensure they match the Cardinal Cruise Credentials you were given. If the values are not correct,
customers may be unable to place orders on checkout.
Congratulations! You’ve completed connecting your new Magento extension to your CyberSource account. Please
see the next section for information on the rest of the configuration options in Magento.
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Open your Admin Panel and go to Admin > Stores > Settings > Configuration > Sales > Payment Methods. Toward
the bottom of the page, you’ll find a CyberSource’ settings section like the below.
Version Installed: This tells you the version of our extension currently installed on your website. Please
include this in any support requests.
Enable: Yes to enable the payment method. If disabled, you will still be able to invoice/refund existing
orders, but it will not show up as a payment option during checkout.
Is Sandbox Account: If Yes, all requests will be made to CyberSource’s test APIs, and no actual payments
will be processed. If you want to test, you must have a sandbox account (separate from your production
CyberSource account). You can create one at:
Title: This controls the payment option label on checkout and order status pages.
Simple Order API Setup
The “Simple Order” SOAP API connects your store to CyberSource for primary payment processor: Authorizations,
captures, refunds, etc. You won’t be able to process payments without it.
Please see Connecting A New CyberSource Account: Step 2. Simple Order API Setup for details on finding and
configuring these API credentials.
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API Test Results: Once you’ve completed and saved these settings, we will connect to CyberSource to
verify that the connection works successfully. If we cannot connect to CyberSource, or your credentials
are incorrect, this will tell you with a red message. Correct the error, then reload the page and it should
show Simple Order API connected successfully.
Secure Acceptance Checkout Setup
Secure Acceptance Hosted Checkout is used for all payment forms that are part of the extension. The forms load
an inline page (iframe) from CyberSource containing the actual payment fields, and when they enter and submit
their credit card details, that info gets sent directly to CyberSource for storage. At no point will a credit card
number touch your website as part of this extension.
Secure Acceptance requires extensive configuration within CyberSource to set the particular form fields and styles.
If your credit card forms don’t load correctly, verify these credentials are correct.
If your credit card forms don’t look right, verify that your Secure Acceptance profile settings in CyberSource match
the settings we recommend, or update the Branding settings as needed.
Please see Connecting A New CyberSource Account: Step 3. Secure Acceptance Checkout Setup for details on
finding and configuring these API credentials.
API Test Results: Once you’ve completed and saved these settings, we verify that they are in the correct
format. If they are not as expected, this will tell you with a red message. Correct the error, then reload the
page and it should show Keys entered successfully. Note that we cannot test to ensure the Secure
Acceptance API keys are actually valid. Please open the credit card form on your checkout to confirm it
works as expected after changing these values.
The CyberSource REST API is used for card and transaction updates. If your CyberSource account has Account
Updater or Decision Manager, this will sync updates from those into Magento. It may also be used for additional
functionality over time.
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Please see Connecting A New CyberSource Account: Step 4. REST API Setup for details on finding and configuring
these API credentials.
API Test Results: Once you’ve completed and saved these settings, we will connect to CyberSource to
verify that the connection works successfully. If we cannot connect to CyberSource, or your credentials
are incorrect, this will tell you with a red message. Correct the error, then reload the page and it should
show REST API connected successfully.
Payer Authentication (3D Secure) Setup
The Payer Authentication API credentials are used for implementing 3D Secure via Cardinal Commerce’s Cardinal
Cruise API. If enabled, customers enrolled in 3D Secure programs may be asked to authenticate with their card
processor when placing an order. This is mandatory for businesses in Europe to comply with Payment Services
Directive 2 (PSD2).
Please see Connecting A New CyberSource Account: Step 5. Payer Authentication (3D Secure) Setup for details on
finding and configuring these API credentials.
Enable Payer Authentication: If yes, each transaction on frontend checkout will check whether the user’s
bank requires them to complete the 3D Secure authentication process (in which case they will be shown a
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popup from their credit card bank with directions). If set to ‘No’, no 3D Secure enrollment or verification
will be performed.
API Test Results: Once you’ve completed and saved these settings, we verify that they are in the correct
format. If they are not as expected, this will tell you with a red message. Correct the error, then reload the
page and it should show Keys entered successfully. Note that we cannot test to ensure the Payer
Authentication API keys are actually valid.
Checkout Settings
Payment Action: Choose from the following options.
o Save info (do not authorize): This will require customers to enter a credit card on checkout, and
store that credit card in CyberSource. The credit card will be validated in the process. No funds
will be captured or held from the credit card upon checkout. Invoicing the order will perform a
standalone authorize+capture transaction, but is not guaranteed to go through (funds may not
be available). Note, this is not compatible with Payer Authentication, which requires a
transaction be run immediately.
o Authorize: This will authorize the order amount upon checkout, allowing for manual invoicing
and capture of the funds later. The authorized funds will be held (reserved) for about a week
depending on your processor. If you do not invoice within that time, the authorization will expire,
and invoicing will perform a standalone authorize+capture transaction instead (which is not
guaranteed to go through).
o Authorize and Capture: This will capture all funds immediately when an order is placed.
Payment processors strongly recommend not capturing funds unless/until you are within three days of
fulfilling/shipping the order
New Order Status: Set this to your desired initial status for orders paid via CyberSource. Default Magento
behavior is ‘Pending’ for Authorize Only, and ‘Processing’ for Authorize and Capture.
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Show CyberSource logo: If yes, checkout will display a CyberSourcelogo above the payment form.
Allowed for Countries: This setting allows you to limit which countries are allowed to use this payment
Minimum Order Total: This setting allows you to set a minimum order value for the payment option. For
instance, set to 5 to only allow credit card checkout for orders of $5 or more.
Maximum Order Total: This setting allows you to set a maximum order value for the payment option. For
instance, set to 1000 to only allow credit card checkout for orders of $1000 or less.
Sort Order: This setting allows you to change the order of payment options on checkout. Enter a number
for this and all other payment methods according to the order you want them to display in.
Advanced Settings
Allow cards to not be stored: If yes, customers will have a ‘Save for next time’ checkbox on checkout. If
no, logged in customers will see a message instead: “For your convenience, this data will be stored
securely by our payment processor.” Guests will never be given the option to store a credit card.
Note that all cards are always stored in CyberSource, regardless of this setting or the customer’s choice.
This is necessary for payment processing. If the order is placed as a guest, or the customer chooses to not
save their card, it will be automatically purged from all systems 120 days after its last use. This ensures
the info is available for edits, captures, and refunds, but respects the customer’ wishes.
If a card is ‘not saved’, it will not display under the customer’s saved credit cards (Account > My Payment
Data), nor will it be selectable during checkout. Note that as an admin, order ‘edit’ or ‘reorder’ will bypass
this, always allowing reuse of the original payment info (unless it was since purged).
Auto-select 'save for next time': If yes, the ‘save this card for next time’ checkbox will be checked by
default. If no, customers will have to explicitly select it to store and reuse their card.
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Require CVV for stored cards: If yes, customers and admins will be required to enter the credit card CVV
every time a card is used at checkout. Note enabling this will require the CVV to be entered twice when
adding a new cardonce when storing the card with CyberSource, and again when placing the actual
Reauthorize on Partial Invoice: If yes, and you invoice part of an order, a new authorization will be
created for the outstanding order balance (if any). This helps guarantee funds. Any failure during
reauthorization is ignored.
Enable Device Fingerprinting: Enable if you use Decision Manager or Fraud Management Essentials in
CyberSource. This includes a script that records details about the user’s browser for identification
purposes, for fraud prevention. By default this script is loaded from “”.
Enabling this may result in third-party cookies being included during your checkout process. Please view
the Decision Manager Device Fingerprinting Guide, Appending C: Device Fingerprinting Cookie FAQ, if you
need more information. This guide is available through CyberSource EBC > Menu > Fraud Management >
Enhanced Profiling Domain: If you use Device Fingerprinting, you can use this to set a custom ‘Enhanced
Profiling’ domain for the script to load it from your domain rather than “”. This requires
special setup in coordination with CyberSource. Please see the Decision Manager Device Fingerprinting
Guide, chapter 1, section “Enhanced Profiling”, for more information. This guide is available through
CyberSource EBC > Menu > Fraud Management > Guides.
Enable fraud check when storing cards: If yes, cards will be validated and processed through your fraud
rules at the time of storage on checkout. Otherwise, fraud rules will not be applied until time of the actual
order transaction when placing an order. Enabling this setting may increase your payment fees by running
an additional transaction; this behavior is disabled by default.
This concludes the payment method’s configuration options.
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Behavior Notes
For the most part this is a standard Magento payment method, with the addition of the advanced Stored Card
functionality and everything related to that. However, there are some things worth note:
User Experience
One difference from typical Magento payment methods is that we use CyberSource’s secure iframe solution,
Secure Accept Hosted Checkout. This allows customers to enter all of their CC info directly to CyberSource. It does
make for a slightly different payment flow from a typical payment method, though:
Customers must always enter and confirm their billing address first. This may default to “My billing and shipping
address are the same”, in which case the payment form will auto-load, but if not they’ll need to enter and ‘Update’
their address first.
After confirming billing address, the payment form will load:
Complete the form and hit ‘Continue’ to store the information, and the entered card will be shown preselected in a
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If you require CVN for stored cards, the customer will need to re-enter the code before they can place the order.
Then hit Place Order, and that’s it!
If you have Payer Authentication (3D Secure) enabled, when the user hits place order they may be required to
authenticate. If so, they will be shown a popup on top of your checkout page. The exact display and requirements
of the popup may vary by credit card and enrollment type. Once the user completes the process, checkout will
automatically resubmit.
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Card management within a customer’s account (on frontend or admin) follows a similar flow, requiring address
confirmation before entering or updating payment information. When editing a stored card, the expiration date
can be updated without re-entering the full credit card numberbut CVN will always be required.
Note that when editing an existing stored card, the form will show a “Review your Order” header above the
payment details summary this is unfortunately an unavoidable part of the Secure Acceptance forms.
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Secure Acceptance Hosted Checkout will always be active. There is no option to turn it off and revert to ‘normal’
credit card input. All credit card details (CC number, expiration date, CCV) are entered into an iframe hosted by
CyberSource, and transmitted directly to CyberSource’s servers. At no time will credit card numbers ever touch
your server for this payment method. This allows for the best possible mix of user experience and PCI compliance.
Some data about credit cards is kept in your database. This includes the card type, last 4 digits, expiration date,
and identifiers, among other data. All of this data is available via the CyberSource API, and no part of it is
considered ‘Confidential Cardholder Data’ in the context of PCI compliance.
If you intend to collect payments from other sources using the Magento API, you will need to use a CyberSource
API to tokenize the credit card, then store that card and token in Magento as a TokenBase Card, via the REST or
GraphQL API. See the Technical / Integration Details section at the end for more information. This payment
method is incapable of processing a transaction or storing a card using raw credit card details; it will not accept
them under any circumstances.
3D Secure / Payer Authentication
3D Secure applies to standard frontend checkout only. It is not currently compatible with multishipping checkout --
if you enable 3D Secure, the CyberSource payment method will be unavailable for multishipping checkout. It also
does not apply to any admin or internal transactions, as 3D Secure requires the user’s direct involvement (and
their authentication password must not be shared with any other persons under any circumstances). Admin
transactions will be run with a ‘Mail or Telephone Order’ commerce indicator instead.
3D Secure is implemented via Cardinal Commerce’s Cardinal Cruise Hybrid JavaScript API, which works hand in
hand with the CyberSource Simple Order API. This provides complete 3D Secure 2 support, and should
automatically support new 3D Secure 2 requirements over time.
Card Storage
Credit cards will always be stored in CyberSource Token Management Service to allow advanced functionality,
even if the customer chooses not to save upon checkout. If the customer chooses not to save, or is a guest, the
card will not show up for reuse within Magento. In this case, the card will be automatically purged from all systems
after 120 days past its last use. This ensures the info is available for edits, captures, and refunds, but respects the
customer’ wishes.
There is no automatic card duplicate prevention: If a customer enters the same credit card as a new card 3 times, it
will be stored within CyberSource 3 times. There is no limit to the number of cards/tokens on a CyberSource
Account Updater
Account Updater is supported, and automatically active if you configure REST API credentials and have Account
Updater enabled on your CyberSource account itself. There is a charge associated with using CyberSource’s
Account Updater service. When enabled with CyberSource, your stored cards within Magento will automatically
update to reflect changes in expiration dates, card numbers, and closed accounts.
ParadoxLabs | 8 N Queen St | 9th Floor | Lancaster, PA 17603 | 717-431-3330 35
There isn’t much to using this extension in practice: It’s a standard Magento payment method, and all interfaces
should be self-explanatory. Here’s a rundown of what you get:
Checkout Payment Form
The frontend payment form lets you choose/enter billing address and credit card. You can choose an existing card
(if any) from the dropdown, or to add a new one.
Credit card type is detected automatically, and any format errors are immediately displayed below the input field.
If the customer has stored cards, their most recent one will be selected by default:
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Order status page
ParadoxLabs | 8 N Queen St | 9th Floor | Lancaster, PA 17603 | 717-431-3330 37
Customer ‘My Payment Data’ account area
The My Payment Data section allows customers to see their stored cards, add, edit, and delete.
Like on checkout, the address must be entered and confirmed before payment info can be entered. This means all
card adding/editing is a two step process. You can go back and edit the address after confirming it, but that will
clear out any changes that may have been made to payment data.
When editing a card, you can edit the address without changing the card details, or the card details without
changing the address, or update the expiration date without reentering the card number. Any change to the card
details will require the CVN to be reentered, if CVN is enabled.
Note that cards associated with an open (uncaptured) order cannot be edited or deleted. They will display a ‘Card
In Use’ message in place of the buttons. As soon as all orders paid by the card are completed, the ‘Edit’ and
‘Delete’ buttons will appear.
To prevent abuse, the Payment Data section will only be available to customers after they have placed a successful
order. If a customer attempts to access the page before then, they’ll be redirected to the Account Dashboard with
the message, “My Payment Data will be available after you've placed an order.” Also to prevent abuse, if a
customer receives errors trying to save a card five times, they will be blocked from access for 24 hours with the
message, “My Payment Data is currently unavailable. Please try again later.” Both of these behaviors can be
adjusted or disabled if necessary; please contact us if you have a problem.
Admin order form
The admin form has the same options and behavior as frontend checkout.
ParadoxLabs | 8 N Queen St | 9th Floor | Lancaster, PA 17603 | 717-431-3330 38
Admin order status page
The admin panel shows extended payment info after placing an order, including transaction ID, validation
responses, and fraud score (if using Decision Manager). These details are not visible to the customer at any time.
ParadoxLabs | 8 N Queen St | 9th Floor | Lancaster, PA 17603 | 717-431-3330 39
Admin customer ‘Payment Data’ account area
Viewing a customer, you will see an added ‘Payment Data’ tab. This shows all of the same information with all of
the same functionality as the equivalent frontend section. You can use this to view, add, edit, and delete your
customers’ stored CyberSource payment data.
Admin transaction info
Viewing an order, you can also see full transaction info from the ‘Transactions’ tab.
Click into a transaction, and you’ll see all of the raw transaction data returned by the CyberSource Simple Order
API. This same data is accessible from the transaction record in code.
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ParadoxLabs | 8 N Queen St | 9th Floor | Lancaster, PA 17603 | 717-431-3330 41
Frequently Asked Questions & Troubleshooting
Please search our solution directory for the latest answers to common questions and issues:
If your question is not answered there, open a support ticket and we’ll help you out.
Is ParadoxLabs CyberSource Payments PCI Compliance?
PCI compliance is a complex and multifaceted issue, covering every aspect of your business. We can't guarantee
that your business is PCI-compliant. That depends on your server, passwords, business processes, regular security
scans, any other payment methods, and a lot more. What we can tell you is that this extension will not prevent you
from being PCI compliant. We don't log confidential cardholder data or do anything else that would bring you
under scrutiny.
This extension implements Secure Acceptance Hosted Checkout iframes for all credit card forms, and does not
support collecting credit card data by any other means. That makes the ParadoxLabs CyberSource payment
method eligible for PCI v3.2 Self-Assessment Questionnaire A (SAQ A), the simplest possible SAQ form.
Note that you must have SSL (TLS) enabled on all checkout and login forms, and that this eligibility only applies to
this specific payment method. Any other payment methods or credit card handling your business may perform will
have its own SAQ eligibility, and may require you to complete a more stringent SAQ form (A-EP or D).
For details on the SAQ types and what eligibility means, see “Self-Assessment Questionnaire Instructions and
Guidelines (3.2)” (PDF, by PCI Standards Security Council).
How do I do an online refund from Magento?
In order to process an 'online' refund through CyberSource, you have to go to the invoice you want to refund, and
click the 'Credit Memo' button from there.
If you’ve done that correctly, at the bottom of the page you should see a button that says 'Refund'.
If you only have one button that says ‘Refund Offline’, it’s because you clicked ‘Credit Memo’ from the order
instead of from the invoice.
The reason for this is that the refund needs to be associated with a particular capture transaction. An order can
contain any number of capture transactions, but every capture has an invoice that’s directly related. You refund an
invoice, not an order.
How does this payment method handle currency?
Transactions are processed in the base currency for the website customers are purchasing from. Any alternate
currencies selected on the frontend are converted to the website’s base currency by Magento’s built-in currency
handling, based on conversion rates provided by a web service configured in your Magento Admin Panel.
Magento allows for a separate base currency per website, if configured to do so. In order to define explicit prices in
multiple currencies, each currency must have its own website where it is set as the base currency. All currency
setup is configured outside of our payment extension settings.
Your CyberSource account must allow transactions to be processed in your website’s base currency(s).
ParadoxLabs | 8 N Queen St | 9th Floor | Lancaster, PA 17603 | 717-431-3330 42
Technical / Integration Details
The payment method code for this method is paradoxlabs_cybersource.
ParadoxLabs_CyberSource is the payment method module, built heavily on the ParadoxLabs_TokenBase module.
TokenBase defines a variety of interfaces and architecture for handling tokenization and stored cards cleanly.
The payment method class is \ParadoxLabs\CyberSource\Model\Method. This talks to CyberSource primarily through
\ParadoxLabs\CyberSource\Model\Gateway (via PHP’s SoapClient and classes in \ParadoxLabs\CyberSource\Gateway\Api),
and stores card metadata in instances of \ParadoxLabs\CyberSource\Model\Card. Each of these extends an equivalent
abstract class in TokenBase, and implements only the details specific to the CyberSource API.
Card instances are stored in table paradoxlabs_stored_card, and referenced by quotes and orders via a tokenbase_id
column on tables quote_payment and sales_order_payment.
In all cases, we strongly discourage any customization by editing our code directly. We cannot support
customizations. Use Magento’s preferences or plugins to modify behavior if necessary. If your use case isn’t
covered, let us know.
Custom database schema
Added table: paradoxlabs_stored_card
Added column: quote_payment.tokenbase_id
Added column: sales_order_payment.tokenbase_id
tokenbase_before_load_payment_info (method, customer, transport, info): Fires before preparing method-
specific information for the order payment info blocks (frontend, admin, and emails). Use this to add
additional information to the payment info block.
tokenbase_after_load_payment_info (method, customer, transport, info): Fires before preparing method-
specific information for the order payment info blocks (frontend, admin, and emails). Use this to add
additional information to the payment info block, or modify what’s there by default.
tokenbase_before_load_active_cards (method, customer): Fires before loading a customer’s available stored
tokenbase_after_load_active_cards (method, customer, cards): Fires after loading a customer’s available
stored cards. Use this to modify cards available to the customer or admin.
ParadoxLabs | 8 N Queen St | 9th Floor | Lancaster, PA 17603 | 717-431-3330 43
Magento API: REST and SOAP
This module supports the Magento API via standard interfaces. You can use it to create, read, update, and delete
stored cards.
If you have a specific use case in mind that is not covered, please let us know.
You can generate new cards by creating a new TokenBase Card with a valid CyberSource credit card token (and
associated card and address data). To place an order with a stored card, pass that card’s hash in as additional_data
-> card_id, along with cc_cid for the CCV (if any), save (true or false) for whether it should be saved or not, and
response_jwt if 3D Secure is involved.
Note that raw credit card numbers (cc_number) will not be accepted. You must store the card in CyberSource TMS
via one of CyberSource’s various APIs, then store the resulting TMS token as a card, prior to using it for an order.
See CyberSource documentation on how to tokenize a credit card in various circumstances. We describe the
process below for doing so with the CyberSource Secure Acceptance iframe integration method: ‘How-To: API
Checkout Flow’.
To support Payer Authentication outside Magento, you must use the cardinal fields in checkoutConfig to implement
the Cardinal Cruise API JS Hybrid integration, then pass the resulting JSON Web Token (JWT) with the rest of the
order payment data as response_jwt. The process is rather involved, but detailed below in ‘How-To: API 3D Secure
The extension’s custom REST API requests are detailed below. Some response data has been omitted for brevity.
Create and update (POST, PUT) requests take three objects: card with primary card data, address with address
information, and additional for card metadata. In responses, address and additional will be nested within card as
address_object and additional_object. This is done for technical reasons. The data formats differ, and not all fields
that are returned can be set via API (EG in_use, label). This means you cannot take a card record and directly post
it back to the API to update.
Integration / Admin-Authenticated API Endpoints
These API requests allow solutions acting with an admin user login, OAUTH authentication, or token-based
authentication to take action on any card in the system. Data and behavior are not limited.
GET /V1/tokenbase/:cardId (get one card by ID)
Example request:
GET /rest/V1/tokenbase/1 HTTP/1.1
Host: {host}
Authorization: Bearer {api_key}
Example response:
"id": 1,
"in_use": true,
"additional_object": {
"cc_type": "VI",
"cc_last4": "0027",
"cc_exp_year": "2022",
"cc_exp_month": "12",
"cc_bin": "400700",
"fingerprint": "7010000000008030027"
ParadoxLabs | 8 N Queen St | 9th Floor | Lancaster, PA 17603 | 717-431-3330 44
"address_object": {
"region": {
"region_code": "PA",
"region": "Pennsylvania",
"region_id": 51
"region_id": 51,
"country_id": "US",
"street": [
"123 Test Ln."
"company": "",
"telephone": "111-111-1111",
"postcode": "17603",
"city": "Lancaster",
"firstname": "John",
"lastname": "Doe"
"customer_email": "[email protected]om",
"customer_id": 1,
"customer_ip": "",
"profile_id": null,
"payment_id": "9F6B429B2C2A64D5E05341588E0A3F70",
"method": "paradoxlabs_cybersource",
"hash": "f7d085165acdfa0ea6a0b...770111",
"active": "1",
"created_at": "2017-08-03 16:31:54",
"updated_at": "2017-09-20 14:24:14",
"last_use": "2017-08-03 16:31:54",
"expires": "2019-06-30 23:59:59",
"label": "Visa XXXX-0027"
GET /V1/tokenbase/search (get multiple cards, with searchCriteria)
Example request:
GET /rest/V1/tokenbase/search?searchCriteria[pageSize]=1 HTTP/1.1
Host: {host}
Authorization: Bearer {api_key}
Example response:
"items": [
"id": 1,
// ... other card info
"search_criteria": {
"filter_groups": [],
"page_size": 1
"total_count": 51
See also: Search using REST APIs (Magento DevDocs)
POST /V1/tokenbase (create card)
Example request:
POST /rest/V1/tokenbase HTTP/1.1
Host: {host}
Authorization: Bearer {api_key}
Content-Type: application/json
"card": {
"customer_email": "",
"customer_id": 1,
"customer_ip": "",
"profile_id": null,
"payment_id": "9F6B429B2C2A64D5E05341588E0A3F70",
ParadoxLabs | 8 N Queen St | 9th Floor | Lancaster, PA 17603 | 717-431-3330 45
"method": "paradoxlabs_cybersource",
"active": "1",
"created_at": "2017-08-03 16:31:54",
"last_use": "2017-08-03 16:31:54",
"expires": "2019-06-30 23:59:59"
"address": {
"region": {
"region_code": "PA",
"region": "Pennsylvania",
"region_id": 51
"region_id": 51,
"country_id": "US",
"street": [
"123 Test Ln."
"company": "",
"telephone": "111-111-1111",
"postcode": "17603",
"city": "Lancaster",
"firstname": "John",
"lastname": "Doe",
"vat_id": ""
"additional": {
"cc_exp_month": "01",
"cc_exp_year": "2023",
"cc_last4": "0027",
"cc_type": "VI",
“cc_bin”: “400700”,
"fingerprint": "7010000000008030027"
Example response:
"id": 95,
"in_use": false,
"additional_object": {
"cc_type": "VI",
"cc_last4": “0027”,
"cc_exp_year": "2023",
"cc_exp_month": "01",
"cc_country": "US",
“cc_bin”: “400700”,
"fingerprint": "7010000000008030027"
"address_object": {
"region": {
"region_code": "PA",
"region": "Pennsylvania",
"region_id": 51
"region_id": 51,
"country_id": "US",
"street": [
"123 Test Ln."
"company": "",
"telephone": "111-111-1111",
"postcode": "17603",
"city": "Lancaster",
"firstname": "John",
"lastname": "Doe",
"customer_email": "[email protected]om",
"customer_id": 1,
"customer_ip": "",
"profile_id": null,
"payment_id": "9F6B429B2C2A64D5E05341588E0A3F70",
"method": "paradoxlabs_cybersource",
"hash": "9b83d4683f3d3...2309ccd65b",
"active": "1",
"created_at": "2017-09-25 17:41:21",
"updated_at": "2017-09-25 17:41:21",
"last_use": "2017-08-03 16:31:54",
ParadoxLabs | 8 N Queen St | 9th Floor | Lancaster, PA 17603 | 717-431-3330 46
"expires": "2023-01-31 23:59:59",
"label": "Visa XXXX-0027"
PUT /V1/tokenbase/:cardId (update card)
Example request:
PUT /rest/V1/tokenbase/1 HTTP/1.1
Host: {host}
Authorization: Bearer {api_key}
Content-Type: application/json
"card": {
"id": 1,
"customer_email": "",
"customer_id": 1,
"customer_ip": "",
"profile_id": null,
"payment_id": "9F6B429B2C2A64D5E05341588E0A3F70",
"method": "paradoxlabs_cybersource",
"hash": "f7d085165acdfa0ea6a0b...770111",
"active": "1",
"created_at": "2017-08-03 16:31:54",
"last_use": "2017-08-03 16:31:54",
"expires": "2019-06-30 23:59:59"
"address": {
"region": {
"region_code": "PA",
"region": "Pennsylvania",
"region_id": 51
"region_id": 51,
"country_id": "US",
"street": [
"123 Test Ln."
"company": "",
"telephone": "111-111-1111",
"postcode": "17603",
"city": "Lancaster",
"firstname": "John",
"lastname": "Doe",
"vat_id": ""
"additional": {
"cc_exp_month": "01",
"cc_exp_year": "2023",
"cc_last4": “0027”,
"cc_type": “VI”,
"cc_bin": "400700",
"fingerprint": "7010000000008030027"
Example response:
"id": 1,
"in_use": false,
"additional_object": {
"cc_type": “VI”,
"cc_last4": “0027”,
"cc_exp_year": “2023”,
"cc_exp_month": “01”,
"cc_bin": "400700",
"fingerprint": "7010000000008030027"
"address_object": {
"region": {
"region_code": "PA",
"region": "Pennsylvania",
ParadoxLabs | 8 N Queen St | 9th Floor | Lancaster, PA 17603 | 717-431-3330 47
"region_id": 51
"region_id": 51,
"country_id": "US",
"street": [
"123 Test Ln."
"company": "",
"telephone": "111-111-1111",
"postcode": "17603",
"city": "Lancaster",
"firstname": "John",
"lastname": "Doe",
"customer_email": "[email protected]om",
"customer_id": 1,
"customer_ip": "",
"profile_id": null,
"payment_id": "9F6B429B2C2A64D5E05341588E0A3F70",
"method": "paradoxlabs_cybersource",
"hash": " f7d085165acdfa0ea6a0b...770111",
"active": "1",
"created_at": "2017-09-25 17:41:21",
"updated_at": "2017-09-25 17:41:21",
"last_use": "2017-08-03 16:31:54",
"expires": "2023-01-31 23:59:59",
"label": "Visa XXXX-0027"
DELETE /V1/tokenbase/:cardId (delete card by ID)
Example request:
DELETE /rest/V1/tokenbase/95 HTTP/1.1
Host: {host}
Authorization: Bearer {api_key}
Example response:
Customer Authenticated API Endpoints
These API requests allow authenticated frontend customers to manage their stored cards. This is intended for
headless implementations or app integration where card management needs to be exposed outside of Magento’s
standard frontend.
Customers will only be able to access and manipulate active cards assigned to their specific customer ID.
Note: These requests are disabled by default. You can enable them at Admin > Stores > Configuration > Sales >
Checkout > ParadoxLabs Payment Module Settings > Enable public API. Only enable this if you use them.
GET /V1/tokenbase/mine/:cardHash (get one card by hash)
Example request:
GET /rest/V1/tokenbase/mine/50b8e326b012e793957215c0361afc4b52434b26 HTTP/1.1
Host: {host}
Authorization: Bearer {api_key}
Example response:
"id": 1,
"in_use": true,
"additional_object": {
"cc_type": “VI”,
"cc_last4": “0027”,
ParadoxLabs | 8 N Queen St | 9th Floor | Lancaster, PA 17603 | 717-431-3330 48
"cc_exp_year": “2023”,
"cc_exp_month": "01",
“cc_bin”: “400700”,
"fingerprint": "7010000000008030027"
"address_object": {
"region": {
"region_code": "PA",
"region": "Pennsylvania",
"region_id": 51
"region_id": 51,
"country_id": "US",
"street": [
"123 Test Ln."
"company": "",
"telephone": "111-111-1111",
"postcode": "17603",
"city": "Lancaster",
"firstname": "John",
"lastname": "Doe"
"customer_email": "[email protected]om",
"customer_id": 1,
"customer_ip": "",
"profile_id": null,
"payment_id": "9F6B429B2C2A64D5E05341588E0A3F70",
"method": "paradoxlabs_cybersource",
"hash": "50b8e326b012e793957215c0361afc4b52434b26",
"active": "1",
"created_at": "2017-08-03 16:31:54",
"updated_at": "2017-09-20 14:24:14",
"last_use": "2017-08-03 16:31:54",
"expires": "2023-01-31 23:59:59",
"label": "Visa XXXX-0027"
GET /V1/tokenbase/mine/search (get multiple cards, with searchCriteria)
Example request:
GET /rest/V1/tokenbase/mine/search?searchCriteria[pageSize]=3 HTTP/1.1
Host: {host}
Authorization: Bearer {api_key}
Example response:
"items": [
"id": 1,
// ... other card info
"search_criteria": {
"filter_groups": [],
"page_size": 3
"total_count": 5
See also: Search using REST APIs (Magento DevDocs)
POST /V1/tokenbase/mine (create card)
Example request:
POST /rest/V1/tokenbase/mine HTTP/1.1
Host: {host}
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {api_key}
"card": {
ParadoxLabs | 8 N Queen St | 9th Floor | Lancaster, PA 17603 | 717-431-3330 49
"customer_email": "",
"customer_id": 1,
"customer_ip": "",
"profile_id": null,
"payment_id": "9F6B429B2C2A64D5E05341588E0A3F70",
"method": "paradoxlabs_cybersource",
"active": "1"
"address": {
"region": {
"region_code": "PA",
"region": "Pennsylvania",
"region_id": 51
"region_id": 51,
"country_id": "US",
"street": [
"123 Test Ln."
"company": "",
"telephone": "111-111-1111",
"postcode": "17603",
"city": "Lancaster",
"firstname": "John",
"lastname": "Doe",
"vat_id": ""
"additional": {
"cc_type": “VI”,
"cc_last4": “0027”,
"cc_exp_year": “2023”,
"cc_exp_month": "01",
“cc_bin”: “400700”,
"fingerprint": "7010000000008030027"
Example response:
"id": 95,
"in_use": false,
"additional_object": {
"cc_type": “VI”,
"cc_last4": “0027”,
"cc_exp_year": “2023”,
"cc_exp_month": "01",
“cc_bin”: “400700”,
"fingerprint": "7010000000008030027"
"address_object": {
"region": {
"region_code": "PA",
"region": "Pennsylvania",
"region_id": 51
"region_id": 51,
"country_id": "US",
"street": [
"123 Test Ln."
"company": "",
"telephone": "111-111-1111",
"postcode": "17603",
"city": "Lancaster",
"firstname": "John",
"lastname": "Doe",
"customer_email": "[email protected]om",
"customer_id": 1,
"customer_ip": "",
"profile_id": null,
"payment_id": "9F6B429B2C2A64D5E05341588E0A3F70",
"method": "paradoxlabs_cybersource",
"hash": "9b83d4683f3d3...2309ccd65b",
"active": "1",
"created_at": "2017-09-25 17:41:21",
"updated_at": "2017-09-25 17:41:21",
ParadoxLabs | 8 N Queen St | 9th Floor | Lancaster, PA 17603 | 717-431-3330 50
"last_use": "2017-08-03 16:31:54",
"expires": "2023-01-31 23:59:59",
"label": "Visa XXXX-0027"
PUT /V1/tokenbase/mine/:cardHash (update card by hash)
Example request:
PUT /rest/V1/tokenbase/mine/50b8e326b012e793957215c0361afc4b52434b26 HTTP/1.1
Host: {host}
Authorization: Bearer {api_key}
Content-Type: application/json
"card": {
"id": 1,
"customer_email": "",
"customer_id": 1,
"customer_ip": "",
"profile_id": null,
"payment_id": "9F6B429B2C2A64D5E05341588E0A3F70",
"method": "paradoxlabs_cybersource",
"hash": "50b8e326b012e793957215c0361afc4b52434b26",
"active": "1",
"expires": "2023-01-31 23:59:59"
"address": {
"region": {
"region_code": "PA",
"region": "Pennsylvania",
"region_id": 51
"region_id": 51,
"country_id": "US",
"street": [
"123 Test Ln."
"company": "",
"telephone": "111-111-1111",
"postcode": "17603",
"city": "Lancaster",
"firstname": "John",
"lastname": "Doe",
"vat_id": ""
"additional": {
"cc_type": “VI”,
"cc_last4": “0027”,
"cc_exp_year": “2023”,
"cc_exp_month": "01",
“cc_bin”: “400700”,
"fingerprint": "7010000000008030027"
Example response:
"id": 1,
"in_use": false,
"additional_object": {
"cc_type": “VI”,
"cc_last4": “0027”,
"cc_exp_year": “2023”,
"cc_exp_month": "01",
“cc_bin”: “400700”,
"fingerprint": "7010000000008030027"
"address_object": {
"region": {
"region_code": "PA",
"region": "Pennsylvania",
"region_id": 51
"region_id": 51,
"country_id": "US",
ParadoxLabs | 8 N Queen St | 9th Floor | Lancaster, PA 17603 | 717-431-3330 51
"street": [
"123 Test Ln."
"company": "",
"telephone": "111-111-1111",
"postcode": "17603",
"city": "Lancaster",
"firstname": "John",
"lastname": "Doe",
"customer_email": "[email protected]om",
"customer_id": 1,
"customer_ip": "",
"profile_id": null,
"payment_id": "9F6B429B2C2A64D5E05341588E0A3F70",
"method": "paradoxlabs_cybersource",
"hash": "50b8e326b012e793957215c0361afc4b52434b26",
"active": "1",
"created_at": "2017-09-25 17:41:21",
"updated_at": "2017-09-25 17:41:21",
"last_use": "2017-08-03 16:31:54",
"expires": "2023-01-31 23:59:59",
"label": "Visa XXXX-0027"
DELETE /V1/tokenbase/mine/:cardHash (delete card by hash)
Example request:
DELETE /rest/V1/tokenbase/mine/50b8e326b012e793957215c0361afc4b52434b26 HTTP/1.1
Host: {host}
Authorization: Bearer {api_key}
Example response:
Guest API Endpoints
These API requests allow unauthenticated frontend guest users to add and fetch an individual stored card. This is
intended for headless implementations or app integration where card management needs to be exposed outside
of Magento’s standard frontend. Guests are not able to list, edit, delete, or reuse stored cards, so no API requests
are exposed for those actions.
Guests will only be able to access and manipulate active cards, by hash, not assigned to any customer ID.
Note: These requests are disabled by default. You can enable them at Admin > Stores > Configuration > Sales >
Checkout > ParadoxLabs Payment Module Settings > Enable public API. Only enable this if you use them.
GET /V1/tokenbase/guest/:cardHash (get one card by hash)
Example request:
GET /rest/V1/tokenbase/guest/50b8e326b012e793957215c0361afc4b52434b26 HTTP/1.1
Host: {host}
Example response:
"id": 1,
"in_use": true,
"additional_object": {
"cc_type": “VI”,
"cc_last4": “0027”,
"cc_exp_year": “2023”,
"cc_exp_month": "01",
“cc_bin”: “400700”,
"fingerprint": "7010000000008030027"
ParadoxLabs | 8 N Queen St | 9th Floor | Lancaster, PA 17603 | 717-431-3330 52
"address_object": {
"region": {
"region_code": "PA",
"region": "Pennsylvania",
"region_id": 51
"region_id": 51,
"country_id": "US",
"street": [
"123 Test Ln."
"company": "",
"telephone": "111-111-1111",
"postcode": "17603",
"city": "Lancaster",
"firstname": "John",
"lastname": "Doe"
"customer_email": "[email protected]om",
"customer_id": 0,
"customer_ip": "",
"profile_id": null,
"payment_id": "9F6B429B2C2A64D5E05341588E0A3F70",
"method": "paradoxlabs_cybersource",
"hash": "50b8e326b012e793957215c0361afc4b52434b26",
"active": "1",
"created_at": "2017-08-03 16:31:54",
"updated_at": "2017-09-20 14:24:14",
"last_use": "2017-08-03 16:31:54",
"expires": "2023-01-31 23:59:59",
"label": "Visa XXXX-0027"
POST /V1/tokenbase/guest (create card)
Example request:
POST /rest/V1/tokenbase/guest HTTP/1.1
Host: {host}
Content-Type: application/json
"card": {
"customer_email": "",
"customer_id": 0,
"customer_ip": "",
"profile_id": null,
"payment_id": "9F6B429B2C2A64D5E05341588E0A3F70",
"method": "paradoxlabs_cybersource",
"active": "1"
"address": {
"region": {
"region_code": "PA",
"region": "Pennsylvania",
"region_id": 51
"region_id": 51,
"country_id": "US",
"street": [
"123 Test Ln."
"company": "",
"telephone": "111-111-1111",
"postcode": "17603",
"city": "Lancaster",
"firstname": "John",
"lastname": "Doe",
"vat_id": ""
"additional": {
"cc_type": “VI”,
"cc_last4": “0027”,
"cc_exp_year": “2023”,
"cc_exp_month": "01",
“cc_bin”: “400700”,
"fingerprint": "7010000000008030027"
ParadoxLabs | 8 N Queen St | 9th Floor | Lancaster, PA 17603 | 717-431-3330 53
Example response:
"id": 95,
"in_use": false,
"additional_object": {
"cc_type": “VI”,
"cc_last4": “0027”,
"cc_exp_year": “2023”,
"cc_exp_month": "01",
“cc_bin”: “400700”,
"fingerprint": "7010000000008030027"
"address_object": {
"region": {
"region_code": "PA",
"region": "Pennsylvania",
"region_id": 51
"region_id": 51,
"country_id": "US",
"street": [
"123 Test Ln."
"company": "",
"telephone": "111-111-1111",
"postcode": "17603",
"city": "Lancaster",
"firstname": "John",
"lastname": "Doe",
"customer_email": "[email protected]om",
"customer_id": 0,
"customer_ip": "",
"profile_id": null,
"payment_id": "9F6B429B2C2A64D5E05341588E0A3F70",
"method": "paradoxlabs_cybersource",
"hash": "9b83d4683f3d3...2309ccd65b",
"active": "1",
"created_at": "2017-09-25 17:41:21",
"updated_at": "2017-09-25 17:41:21",
"last_use": "2017-08-03 16:31:54",
"expires": "2023-01-31 23:59:59",
"label": "Visa XXXX-0027"
Magento API: GraphQL
For Magento 2.3.1+, this extension supports the GraphQL API for all customer card management. This is intended
for PWA and headless implementations where card management needs to be exposed outside of Magento’s
standard frontend.
Customers will only be able to access and manipulate active cards assigned to their specific customer ID.
Guests will only be able to access and manipulate active cards, by hash, not assigned to any customer ID.
Note: These requests are disabled by default. You can enable them at Admin > Stores > Configuration > Sales >
Checkout > ParadoxLabs Payment Module Settings > Enable public API. Only enable this if you use them.
We recommend using the Chrome Altair GraphQL Client browser extension for browsing your store’s GraphQL
schema and testing API requests.
Note that raw credit card numbers (cc_number) will not be accepted. You must store the card in CyberSource TMS
via one of CyberSource’s various APIs, then store the resulting TMS token as a card, prior to using it for an order.
See CyberSource documentation on how to tokenize a credit card in various circumstances. We describe the
ParadoxLabs | 8 N Queen St | 9th Floor | Lancaster, PA 17603 | 717-431-3330 54
process below for doing so with the CyberSource Secure Acceptance iframe integration method: ‘How-To: API
Checkout Flow’.
To support Payer Authentication outside Magento, you must use the cardinal fields in checkoutConfig to implement
the Cardinal Cruise API JS Hybrid integration, then pass the resulting JSON Web Token (JWT) with the rest of the
order payment data as response_jwt. The process is rather involved, but detailed below in ‘How-To: API 3D Secure
tokenBaseCards(hash: String): [TokenBaseCard]
Get the current customer's stored card(s), if any. Takes a card hash (optional); returns one or more TokenBaseCard
records. If no hash is given, will return all active cards belonging to the customer.
tokenBaseCheckoutConfig(method: String!): TokenBaseCheckoutConfig
Get checkout configuration for the given TokenBase payment method. Takes a TokenBase payment method code,
such as paradoxlabs_cybersource; returns a TokenBaseCheckoutConfig. This returns all data necessary to render and
handle the client-side checkout form. Values mirror what is passed to Magento’s standard frontend checkout.
cyberSourceSecureAcceptParams(input: TokenBaseCyberSourceSecureAcceptInput!):
Get the CyberSource Secure Acceptance form URL and parameters for collecting payment data. Takes a source key
(checkout or paymentinfo), and a cart ID (for checkout) or card ID (for card updates), as well as guestEmail and
billingAddress. Information will be pulled from the checkout quote when possible. Response data is in the form of
a URL (for the iframe src), and parameters to be posted to that iframe, in order to load the Secure Acceptance
payment form.
cyberSourceCardinalCruiseAuthPayload(input: TokenBaseCyberSourceCardinalCruiseAuthInput!):
Get the CyberSource Cardinal Cruise parameters for completing payer authentication. If the customer experiences
a 3D Secure error at checkout (‘payer authentication required’, response code 475), query the Cardinal Cruise
params using the cart ID. This will give you the encoded data necessary to process the authentication with the
Cardinal Cruise Hybrid JS API. See the ‘how-to’ guide on 3D Secure flow later.
createTokenBaseCard(input: TokenBaseCardCreateInput!): TokenBaseCard
Create a new stored card. Takes TokenBaseCardCreateInput, returns the new stored TokenBaseCard if successful.
deleteTokenBaseCard(hash: String!): Boolean
Delete a stored card. Takes a card hash; returns true if successful.
updateTokenBaseCard(input: TokenBaseCardUpdateInput!): TokenBaseCard
Update an existing stored card. Takes TokenBaseCardUpdateInput; returns the updated TokenBaseCard if successful.
Data Types
A stored payment account/credit card.
type TokenBaseCard {
hash: String Card identifier hash
address: CustomerAddress Card billing address
ParadoxLabs | 8 N Queen St | 9th Floor | Lancaster, PA 17603 | 717-431-3330 55
customer_email: String Customer email
customer_id: Int Customer ID
customer_ip: String Created-by IP
profile_id: String Card gateway profile ID
payment_id: String Card gateway payment ID
method: String Payment method code
active: Boolean Is card active
created_at: String Created-at date
updated_at: String Last updated date
last_use: String Last used date
expires: String Expiration date
label: String Card label
additional: TokenBaseCardAdditional Card payment data
Details and metadata for a stored CC/ACH.
type TokenBaseCardAdditional {
cc_type: String CC Type
cc_owner: String CC Owner
cc_bin: String CC Bin (CC First-6)
cc_last4: String CC Last-4
cc_exp_year: String CC Expiration Year
cc_exp_month: String CC Expiration Month
echeck_account_name: String ACH Account Name
echeck_bank_name: String ACH Bank Name
echeck_account_type: TokenBaseEcheckAccountType ACH Account type
echeck_routing_number_last4: String ACH Routing Number Last-4
echeck_account_number_last4: String ACH Account Number Last-4
Checkout configuration for a TokenBase payment method.
type TokenBaseCheckoutConfig {
method: String Payment method code
useVault: Boolean Are stored cards enabled?
canSaveCard: Boolean Can cards be saved?
forceSaveCard: Boolean Is card saving forced?
defaultSaveCard: Boolean Hash of the default card to select
isCcDetectionEnabled: Boolean Is CC type detection enabled?
logoImage: String Payment logo image URL (if enabled)
requireCcv: Boolean Is CVV required for stored cards?
sandbox: Boolean Is the payment gateway in sandbox mode?
canStoreBin: Boolean Is CC BIN (CC first6) storage enabled?
availableTypes: [TokenBaseKeyValue] Available CC types
months: [TokenBaseKeyValue] Available CC Exp Months
years: [TokenBaseKeyValue] Available CC Exp Years
hasVerification: Boolean Is CVV enabled?
cvvImageUrl: String CVV helper image URL
paramUrl: String URL for retrieving Secure Acceptance request params
fingerprintUrl: String Script URL for fingerprinting, if enabled
cardinalScript: String Script URL for Cardinal Cruise Songbird.js
cardinalAuthUrl: String URL for retrieving Cardinal Cruise enroll params
cardinalJWT: String JWT payload for initializing Cardinal Cruise API
Container for generic key/value data.
type TokenBaseKeyValue {
key: String Generic key
value: String Generic value
Input for updating a stored card.
input TokenBaseCardUpdateInput {
hash: String! Card identifier hash to update (required)
ParadoxLabs | 8 N Queen St | 9th Floor | Lancaster, PA 17603 | 717-431-3330 56
address: CustomerAddressInput Card billing address
customer_email: String Customer email
customer_ip: String Created-by IP
method: String Payment method code
active: Boolean Is card active
expires: String Card expiration date (YYYY-MM-DD 23:59:59)
additional: TokenBaseCardPaymentInput Card payment data
Input for creating a stored card.
input TokenBaseCardCreateInput {
address: CustomerAddressInput Card billing address
customer_email: String! Customer email (required)
customer_ip: String Created-by IP
method: String! Payment method code (required)
active: Boolean Is card active
expires: String Card expiration date (YYYY-MM-DD 23:59:59)
additional: TokenBaseCardPaymentInput Card payment data
Payment data for a stored card. Note, the specific fields that are relevant depend on the payment method. This
data structure is also used for adding payment data to the cart during checkout.
input TokenBaseCardPaymentInput {
cc_type: String CC Type
cc_owner: String CC Owner
cc_bin: String CC Bin (CC First-6)
cc_last4: String CC Last-4
cc_number: String CC Number
cc_cid: String CC CVV
cc_exp_year: String CC Expiration Year
cc_exp_month: String CC Expiration Month
echeck_account_name: String ACH Account Name
echeck_bank_name: String ACH Bank Name
echeck_account_type: TokenBaseEcheckAccountType ACH Account Type
echeck_routing_number: String ACH Routing Number
echeck_account_number: String ACH Account Number
token: String Stripe Elements card token
save: Boolean Save the card for later use? (checkout only)
card_id: String Card identifier hash to use (checkout only)
response_jwt: String Payer Authentication response JWT (checkout only)
Input for obtaining the Cardinal Cruise (3D Secure/Payer Authentication) parameters after a 3DS rejected checkout
attempt. These are necessary for completing the payer authentication process.
input TokenBaseCyberSourceCardinalCruiseAuthInput {
cartId: String! Cart/quote ID hash
cardId: String Card ID hash
guestEmail: String User email address
Output payloads for the Cardinal Cruise Hybrid process. Each value corresponds to a continue parameter in the
Cardinal Cruise JS API. The authPayload and orderPayload parameters are JSON-encoded and must be decoded
before use.
type TokenBaseCyberSourceCardinalCruiseParams {
authPayload: String continue() param 2 (JSON)
orderPayload: String continue() param 3 (JSON)
JWT: String continue() param 4
ParadoxLabs | 8 N Queen St | 9th Floor | Lancaster, PA 17603 | 717-431-3330 57
Input for fetching a Secure Acceptance form URL and parameters. The form location affects whether the form is
tied to the cart session data (billing address, etc.) or not.
input TokenBaseCyberSourceSecureAcceptInput {
cartId: String Cart/quote ID hash (checkout only)
cardId: String Card ID hash (paymentinfo only)
source: TokenBaseCyberSourceSecureAcceptSource! Form location (checkout or paymentinfo)
guestEmail: String User email address
billingAddress: CustomerAddressInput User billing address
Data necessary to load a Secure Acceptance payment form. This consists of a URL, and JSON-encoded parameters.
The parameters must be decoded and then POSTed to the iframeAction URL in order to load the form successfully.
type TokenBaseCyberSourceSecureAcceptParams {
iframeAction: String URL for the Secure Acceptance payment form iframe
iframeParams: String Parameters for the Secure Acceptance form (JSON)
GraphQL Query Examples
Some response data has been omitted for brevity.
Fetch card by ID
Example request:
tokenBaseCards(hash:"ec431a3e1f9904a35dc083a257cf2585de7b7b6c") {
address {
region {
additional {
Example response:
ParadoxLabs | 8 N Queen St | 9th Floor | Lancaster, PA 17603 | 717-431-3330 58
"data": {
"tokenBaseCards": [
"label": "Visa XXXX-0027",
"expires": "2022-12-31 23:59:59",
"hash": "ec431a3e1f9904a35dc083a257cf2585de7b7b6c",
"customer_email": "",
"customer_id": 1,
"profile_id": null,
"payment_id": "9F6B429B2C2A64D5E05341588E0A3F70",
"method": "paradoxlabs_cybersource",
"active": true,
"created_at": "2020-02-25 18:05:12",
"updated_at": "2020-02-25 18:05:12",
"last_use": null,
"address": {
"region": {
"region_code": "PA",
"region": "Pennsylvania",
"region_id": 51
"region_id": 51,
"country_id": "US",
"street": [
"123 Test Lane",
"company": "",
"telephone": "1111111111",
"postcode": "17603",
"city": "Test City",
"firstname": "John",
"lastname": "Doe"
"additional": {
"cc_type": "VI",
"cc_bin": "400700",
"cc_last4": "0027",
"cc_exp_year": "2022",
"cc_exp_month": "12"
Fetch checkout config
Example request:
tokenBaseCheckoutConfig(method:"paradoxlabs_cybersource") {
availableTypes {key, value},
months {key, value},
years {key, value},
Example response:
ParadoxLabs | 8 N Queen St | 9th Floor | Lancaster, PA 17603 | 717-431-3330 59
"data": {
"tokenBaseCheckoutConfig": {
"method": "paradoxlabs_cybersource",
"useVault": true,
"canSaveCard": true,
"forceSaveCard": false,
"defaultSaveCard": true,
"logoImage": "false",
"requireCcv": false,
"canStoreBin": null,
"availableTypes": [
"key": "AE",
"value": "American Express"
"months": [
"key": "1",
"value": "01 - January"
"years": [
"key": "2020",
"value": "2020"
"hasVerification": true,
"cardinalAuthUrl": "",
"cardinalJWT": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5...y2q8",
"cardinalScript": "",
"fingerprintUrl": "",
"paramUrl": ""
Create card
Example request:
mutation {
input: {
expires: "2022-12-31 23:59:59",
customer_ip: "",
customer_email: "",
payment_id: "9F6B429B2C2A64D5E05341588E0A3F70",
method: "paradoxlabs_cybersource",
active: true,
address: {
region: {
region_code: "PA",
region: "Pennsylvania",
region_id: 51
country_id: US,
street: [
"123 Test St.",
"Apt 9"
company: "",
telephone: "111-111-1111",
postcode: "12345",
city: "Testcity",
firstname: "John",
lastname: "Doe"
additional: {
cc_type: "VI",
cc_last4: "0027",
cc_exp_year: "2022",
ParadoxLabs | 8 N Queen St | 9th Floor | Lancaster, PA 17603 | 717-431-3330 60
cc_exp_month: "12",
cc_bin: "400700"
) {
address {
region {
additional {
Example response:
"data": {
"createTokenBaseCard": {
"label": "Visa XXXX-0027",
"expires": "2022-12-31 23:59:59",
"hash": "a5412c321a5de0c1f3964492e0bfba2b48e5984b",
"customer_email": "",
"customer_id": 1,
"customer_ip": "",
"payment_id": "qqqqqq",
"method": "paradoxlabs_cybersource",
"active": true,
"created_at": null,
"updated_at": null,
"last_use": null,
"address": {
"region": {
"region_code": "PA",
"region": "Pennsylvania",
"region_id": 51
"region_id": 51,
"country_id": "US",
"street": [
"123 Test St.",
"Apt 9"
"company": "",
"telephone": "111-111-1111",
"postcode": "12345",
"city": "Testcity",
"firstname": "John",
"lastname": "Doe"
ParadoxLabs | 8 N Queen St | 9th Floor | Lancaster, PA 17603 | 717-431-3330 61
"additional": {
"cc_type": "VI",
"cc_bin": "400700",
"cc_last4": "0027",
"cc_exp_year": "2022",
"cc_exp_month": "12"
Delete card
Example request:
mutation {
Example response:
"data": {
"deleteTokenBaseCard": true
Get Secure Acceptance form
Example request:
query {
cyberSourceSecureAcceptParams(input: {
cartId: "kDy0EKkJmIOxa6H3ceus6MjMaSF9lao1"
source: checkout
}) {
Example response:
"data": {
"cyberSourceSecureAcceptParams": {
"iframeAction": "",
"iframeParams": "{\"access_key\":\"c0083be4a1d631699612345285072a96\",\"locale\":\"en-
\"[email protected]\",\"bill_to_company_name\":\"company\",\"bill_to_address_country\":\"US\",\"bill_to_addres
s_city\":\"Lancaster\",\"bill_to_address_state\":\"PA\",\"bill_to_address_line1\":\"8 N Queen
Get Cardinal Cruise/Payer Authentication params
Example request:
ParadoxLabs | 8 N Queen St | 9th Floor | Lancaster, PA 17603 | 717-431-3330 62
query {
cyberSourceCardinalCruiseAuthPayload(input: {
cartId: "kDy0EKkJmIOxa6H3ceus6MjMaSF9lao1"
}) {
Example response:
"data": {
"cyberSourceCardinalCruiseAuthPayload": {
Place an order
Example request:
mutation {
input: {
cart_id: "kDy0EKkJmIOxa6H3ceus6MjMaSF9lao1"
payment_method: {
code: "paradoxlabs_cybersource",
tokenbase_data: {
card_id: "ec431a3e1f9904a35dc083a257cf2585de7b7b6c",
cc_cid: "123",
save: true,
response_jwt: ""
) {
cart {
selected_payment_method {
tokenbase_data {
input: {
cart_id: "kDy0EKkJmIOxa6H3ceus6MjMaSF9lao1"
) {
order {
Example response:
"data": {
"setPaymentMethodOnCart": {
ParadoxLabs | 8 N Queen St | 9th Floor | Lancaster, PA 17603 | 717-431-3330 63
"cart": {
"selected_payment_method": {
"code": "paradoxlabs_cybersource",
"tokenbase_card_id": "ec431a3e1f9904a35dc083a257cf2585de7b7b6c",
"tokenbase_data": {
"cc_type": "VI",
"cc_last4": "0027",
"cc_exp_year": "2022",
"cc_exp_month": "12"
"placeOrder": {
"order": {
"order_number": "000000676"
How-To: API Checkout Flow
The checkout flow for this extension is a little complex, due to the security mechanisms involved. There are
essentially two isolated pieces: Initializing and using Secure Acceptance to display the credit card form and store a
new credit card; then loading stored credit cards, selecting one, and submitting it with the order. If 3D Secure
support is required, card authentication will also have to be implemented around the order submission, by means
of the Cardinal Commerce Songbird library and API.
Step 1: Fetch checkout payment parameters
For GraphQL, see the ‘Fetch checkout config’ example. For standard checkout’s REST requests, these parameters
are provided to JS by Magento’s frontend layout system.
There are several parameters that are critical to the CyberSource checkout flow. Most important is the Secure
Acceptance params URL:
"paramUrl": ""
If you intend to implement 3D Secure, you will also require the fingerprint script URL and cardinal parameters:
"cardinalAuthUrl": "",
"cardinalJWT": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5...y2q8",
"cardinalScript": "",
"fingerprintUrl": "",
The other parameters communicate Magento payment settings and state, and can be used or disregarded as you
Step 2: Fetch Secure Acceptance Payload
When the time comes to initiate the credit card form, you will need to query cyberSourceSecureAcceptParams. We do
this any time the ‘new card’ option is selected on our payment method, or payment method visibility changes, or
the Secure Acceptance form is completed or reset.
For GraphQL, see the ‘Get Secure Acceptance form’ example. The query takes many of the same inputs, but the
keys differ. The response has iframeParams JSON-encoded. See the example and GraphQL schema for specifics.
For REST, your POST request must include the following request parameters as payload:
ParadoxLabs | 8 N Queen St | 9th Floor | Lancaster, PA 17603 | 717-431-3330 64
If there is not an active logged-in session with Magento, you should include guest_email with the user’s email
address (otherwise, email will be pulled from the logged-in customer). You may also include card_id (for updating
an existing stored card) and billing (for providing an address separate from the quote).
Billing address must not be modified after initializing the Secure Acceptance form.
If successful, this request will return a JSON payload like:
"iframeAction": "https:\/\/\/embedded\/token\/create",
"iframeParams": {
"access_key": "a89abf0...9150b",
"locale": "en-us",
"payment_method": "card",
"profile_id": "8F003709-1111-1111-1111-B1F81111E8B2",
"reference_number": "5fed057c11b2f8.98581327",
"signed_date_time": "2020-12-30T22:55:56Z",
"skip_decision_manager": "true",
"transaction_uuid": "5fed057c11b2f8.98581327",
"consumer_id": "1",
"merchant_defined_data99": "j5nfpi3f8aiema9od709qsnsdo",
"merchant_defined_data100": "checkout",
"override_custom_receipt_page": "https:\/\/\/pdl_cybs\/secureAccept\/complete\/",
"partner_solution_id": "DEQXVEEG",
"signed_field_names": "access_key,...,bill_to_phone",
"customer_ip_address": "",
"transaction_type": "create_payment_token",
"amount": 0,
"currency": "USD",
"bill_to_forename": "Veronica",
"bill_to_surname": "Costello",
"bill_to_email": "",
"bill_to_company_name": "",
"bill_to_address_country": "US",
"bill_to_address_city": "Calder",
"bill_to_address_state": "MI",
"bill_to_address_line1": "6146 Honey Bluff Parkway",
"bill_to_address_line2": "",
"bill_to_address_postal_code": "49628-7978",
"bill_to_phone": "(555) 229-3326",
"signature": "LPsi8yHK+uPOSkRA0Xu\/IrnuOTlmHbAWwj7mw9xKr48="
If an error occurs, it will return a 400 response code, and may provide a JSON response including error message
such as:
“message”: “Invalid email address.
Step 3: Initialize Secure Acceptance
Once you have the Secure Acceptance payload (iframeAction and iframeParams), you need to initialize Secure
Acceptance itself. This requires creating an iframe on the page to contain the Secure Acceptance form; creating a
ParadoxLabs | 8 N Queen St | 9th Floor | Lancaster, PA 17603 | 717-431-3330 65
form that targets that iframe; setting the form action to iframeAction; filling that form with the iframeParams; then
submitting it, to initiate a browser POST to Secure Acceptance.
Our checkout process hardcodes the iframe, but generates the form on the fly. It does this as such:
var form = document.createElement('form'); = 'paradoxlabs_cybersource_iframe';
form.method = 'post';
form.action = data.iframeAction;
for (var key in data.iframeParams) {
var input = document.createElement('input');
input.type = 'hidden'; = key;
input.value = data.iframeParams[key];
You will also need the page to contain an input#paradoxlabs_cybersource-communicator element, to receive updates
on the Secure Acceptance process. Secure Acceptance will redirect to a page on the Magento installation
(override_custom_receipt_page:; that page will store the
card, and output JavaScript which writes the card data to input#paradoxlabs_cybersource-communicator. This allows
the checkout JS to observe that to discover (1) when the user has completed the Secure Acceptance process; and
(2) what the new stored card data is (including its card ID, type, last4, etc.).
Your page must be manipulable by JS executed on that target page, or you will not be able to receive event
updates. If the communicator page and the parent frame have different domains or subdomains, this will require
setting appropriate CORS (cross-origin resource sharing) headers on responses from your Magento installation.
Step 4: Receive Secure Acceptance success
If successful, your input#paradoxlabs_cybersource-communicator element will be updated with a JSON payload value:
“success”: true,
“canceled”: false,
“error”: “”,
“card”: {
“id”: “ec431a3e1f9904a35dc083a257cf2585de7b7b6c”,
“label”: “VI XXXX-0027”,
“selected”: false,
“new”: true,
“type”: “VI”,
“cc_bin”: “400000”,
“cc_last_4”: “0027”
If unsuccessful, you’ll receive a communication payload like:
“success”: false,
“canceled”: false,
“error”: “An error occurred.”,
“card”: []
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You should take this new-card info and add it to whatever interface you have for presenting existing stored cards,
with the newly stored card selected, and hide all Secure Acceptance-related interfaces. In our interfaces, we use a
dropdown of stored cards (plus a ‘Add New Card’ option that triggers Secure Acceptance step 1 above), and inject
the newly stored card at the bottom.
At this time the user’s credit card is stored and usable for placing an order, but will not be visible on their account
unless submitted through checkout (with save=1) or otherwise marked active by API.
At this time, the customer should confirm their payment details (select a credit card to pay by), then hit ‘Place
Step 5: Submit checkout
When the customer places their order, you must transmit their selected stored card hash card_id to Magento, plus
the CVV if necessary. If CVV is enabled, the card ID and CVV must be sent to Magento in exactly the same request
as the final place-order command. CVV values are not stored under any circumstancessending it on a previous
request would be equivalent to not sending the CVV at all.
For GraphQL, see the Get Secure Acceptance form
Example request:
query {
cyberSourceSecureAcceptParams(input: {
cartId: "kDy0EKkJmIOxa6H3ceus6MjMaSF9lao1"
source: checkout
}) {
Example response:
"data": {
"cyberSourceSecureAcceptParams": {
"iframeAction": "",
"iframeParams": "{\"access_key\":\"c0083be4a1d631699612345285072a96\",\"locale\":\"en-
\"[email protected]\",\"bill_to_company_name\":\"company\",\"bill_to_address_country\":\"US\",\"bill_to_addres
s_city\":\"Lancaster\",\"bill_to_address_state\":\"PA\",\"bill_to_address_line1\":\"8 N Queen
Get Cardinal Cruise/Payer Authentication params
Example request:
query {
cyberSourceCardinalCruiseAuthPayload(input: {
ParadoxLabs | 8 N Queen St | 9th Floor | Lancaster, PA 17603 | 717-431-3330 67
cartId: "kDy0EKkJmIOxa6H3ceus6MjMaSF9lao1"
}) {
Example response:
"data": {
"cyberSourceCardinalCruiseAuthPayload": {
Place an order example request and response. Note that the selected card hash is sent as
payment_method.tokenbase_data.card_id, and the CVV is sent as payment_method.tokenbase_data.cc_cid. If the card
should be saved and visible for reuse, also send true. All other information is
already on file with the stored card, thanks to the Secure Acceptance flow completed in steps 1-4.
For REST, see Magento documentation for the /carts/mine/payment-information endpoint, or view the API
request sent for the same endpoint when going through actual Magento checkout (which uses the REST API). Note
that paymentMethod.additional_data should contain the same payload data described above:
"paymentMethod": {
"method": "paradoxlabs_cybersource",
"additional_data": {
"card_id": "ec431a3e1f9904a35dc083a257cf2585de7b7b6c",
"cc_cid": "123",
"save": true
Also note, if you intend to support 3D Secure, that requires additional work as detailed below.
How-To: API 3D Secure Flow
Implementing 3D Secure follows exactly the same flow as noted above for standard Secure Acceptance checkout,
plus some additional work. We implement the ‘Cardinal Cruise Hybrid’ flow, integrating Cardinal Commerce’s
Songbird.js validation library with CyberSource’s built-in backend processing of the results. See:
Initialize Cardinal Cruise JS
After Step 1 of the standard flow, you should have checkout config parameters including the following four:
"cardinalAuthUrl": "",
"cardinalJWT": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5...y2q8",
"cardinalScript": "",
"fingerprintUrl": "",
ParadoxLabs | 8 N Queen St | 9th Floor | Lancaster, PA 17603 | 717-431-3330 68
The fingerprintUrl should be loaded on the page as a JS script. No further attention to it is needed, provided the
script loads and executes successfully.
The cardinalScript should be loaded on the page, with a callback to initialize the Cardinal JS once it has loaded.
The callback should register a validation callback, then initialize setup, passing along the cardinalJWT payload from
config. We do this all as such on checkout:
loadPayerAuth: function() {
if (config.cardinalScript.length > 0 && config.cardinalJWT.length > 0) {
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.type = 'text/javascript';
script.src = config.cardinalScript;
script.addEventListener('load', this.initPayerAuth.bind(this));
initPayerAuth: function() {
payment: {
displayLoading: true
Cardinal.on('payments.validated', this.handlePayerAuthCompletion.bind(this));
Cardinal.setup('init', {jwt: config.cardinalJWT});
The handlePayerAuthCompletion callback should check for an error and then either alert the user or proceed to
submit checkout.
Register the card BIN
Songbird.js requires the card ‘BIN’ (first 6 digits) to check eligibility for 3D Secure. We do this when the customer
clicks ‘place order’, using data for the stored card (see Step 4: Receive Secure Acceptance success and Fetch card by
ID). Once you have the BIN, registering it with Songbird.js is simply:
Cardinal.trigger('bin.process', cc_bin);
Place the order
Once everything is initialized, the next step is to actually place the order. We use an iterative process, attempting
the transaction and only initializing the 3D Secure interface if that attempt indicates payer authentication is
If this is true, your order placement (see Step 5: Submit checkout) will fail with an error message: “The entered card
is enrolled in Payer Authentication. Please authenticate before continuing.”
When you encounter this message, do not display it. Instead:
Request the authorization payload
For GraphQL, query cyberSourceCardinalCruiseAuthPayload to obtain the Cardinal Cruise payloads. See example
‘Get Cardinal Cruise/Payer Authentication params’. You will need to JSON decode the authPayload and
orderPayload responses.
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For REST, initiate a POST request to the cardinalAuthUrl obtained earlier from config. This should include all of the
same request data as sent in Step 2: Fetch Secure Acceptance Payload as its payload. If successful, this will return
JSON with values authPayload, orderPayload, and JWT.
Initiate Payer Authentication
Once you have the authorization payload, all you must do is initiate the Payer Authentication interface with those
exact three values given:
This will initiate the 3D Secure verification process in a modal window, all controlled by Songbird.js. Once
complete, Songbird.js will call the handlePayerAuthCompletion callback registered earlier during the initialization.
This will either provide an error number and message, or if successful a ‘responseJWT’ payload. All that is necessary
is to add that to the payment data tokenbase_data (GraphQL) or additional_data (REST) as response_jwt, then
reattempt the order submission.
handlePayerAuthCompletion: function(responseData, responseJWT) {
if (responseData.ErrorNumber > 0) {
// If Payer Auth CCA failed, throw the error message and let the user deal with it.
title: $.mage.__('Error'),
content: $.mage.__(responseData.ErrorDescription)
} else {
// If Payer Auth CCA succeeded, store the JWT and retry the order.
Congratulations: You’ve placed a 3D Secure-authenticated order.
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If you have any questions not covered by this document, or something isn’t working right, please open a ticket in
our support system:
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