This article is the second in a series to celebrate the 70th anniver-
sary of the ILR Review. The series features articles that analyze the
state of research and future directions for important themes this
journal has featured over many years of publication.
In this article, the authors assess the credibility of research that has
tested the theoretical contests between the monopoly and the col-
lective voice model of unions developed by Freeman and Medoff in
What Do Unions Do? The authors go beyond prior analyses by exam-
ining more than 2,000 estimates that consider the effects of unions
on a broad range of organizational and individual outcomes, includ-
ing productivity, productivity growth, capital investment, profits, and
job satisfaction. They advance our understanding of the current
empirical findings and credibility of this research by using meta-
statistical analysis to evaluate research quality, publication selection
bias, statistical power, and heterogeneity. The authors conclude that
compared to other areas of economics, research on union effects
has lower bias but larger problems of statistical power. They argue
that Freeman and Medoff’s monopoly–collective voice model helped
produce more credible results, and they suggest ways to reduce the
power and heterogeneity problems in existing research.
n What Do Unions Do?, Freeman and Medoff (1984) contested the traditional
economics view of labor unions as monopolies that adversely affect work-
place performance. In addition, Freeman and Medoff argued in support
of a collective voice and institutional response dimension to unions. The
*HRISTOS DOUCOULIAGOS is Alfred Deakin Professor and Chair in Economics at Deakin University.
ICHARD B. FREEMAN is the Herbert Ascherman Professor of Economics at Harvard University. PATRICE
LAROCHE is a Professor of Human Resource Studies and Labor Relations at ESCP Europe, Paris. T. D.
TANLEY is Professor of Meta-Analysis at Deakin University.
In Doucouliagos, Freeman, and Laroche (2017), we offer a comprehensive meta-regression analysis of
the impact of unions on various outcomes: productivity, productivity growth, physical and intangible cap-
ital investment, turnover, job satisfaction, and profitability. This article further expands the analysis in
the 2017 book to consider the credibility of the exit-voice/union monopoly trade-off research agenda.
For information, please address correspondence to the authors at
EYWORDs: monopoly–collective voice model, unions, meta-statistical analysis
ILR Review, 71(2), March 2018, pp. 287–305
DOI: 10.1177/0019793917751144. Ó The Author(s) 2017
Journal website:
Reprints and permissions:
collective voice face can reduce pay inequality, i mprove communication
channels, retain more productive employees, and otherwise increase pro-
Consequently, unions can have a net positive effect on work-
place performance and economic efficiency.
More than three decades have passed since the publication of What Do
Unions Do? and a considerable body of research has emerged that chal-
lenges Freeman and Medoff’s ideas and re-examines the monopoly–voice
trade-off. The scope of trade union research has expanded in many ways
from an initial focus on wage effects to productivity and profitability, to
non-wage effects and various indirect channels through which unions affect
employee and investment behavior. The research base has also broadened
from a historic basis of data from the United States to Europe and more
recently to emerging countries, and from manufacturing to services indus-
tries. Furthermore, the sophistication of the data analytic techniques has
evolved from cross-sectional OLS studies to panel data studies that allow
researchers to remove person or workplace fixed effects and to quasi-
experimental design.
Studies of trade unions, labor–management relations, and related topics
constitute millions of Google Scholar entries.
The impressive growth in trade
union research has created a challenge: How can scholars draw any generaliz-
able conclusions from such a heterogeneous empirical evidence base?
Fortunately, the mode of summarizing the findings of diverse studies into a
statistically valid assessment of the evidence has also advanced considerably.
Research synthesis methods and the meta-analysis of research now enable
researchers to combine and analyze the results from diverse empirical studies
(Doucouliagos and Laroche 2003; Stanley and Doucouliagos 2012).
Although a part of the union literature is descriptive or prescriptive and
thus cannot be easily quantified, a substantial part consists of econometric
estimates of the effects of trade unions on worker well-being, most often
measured by wages or on enterprise productivity. We integrate the findings
of the quantitative research using meta-statistical analysis to understand its
main lessons and to assess the quality of trade union research.
Are the estimated union effects sufficiently similar across studies to deter-
mine a credible central tendency of union effects? To what extent are the
differences among studies explicable in terms of statistical design or
the economic situation facing the union and the employer? What does the
research say about Freeman and Medoff’s What Do Unions Do? claim that
unions operate as an institution of collective voice representing workers’
interests and knowledge in firm decision making as well as a monopoly
agent raising workers’ earnings? More broadly, are empirical studies of
The collective voice and institutional response research agenda commenced with Freeman (1976).
What Do Unions Do? summarizes trade union research by Richard Freeman and James Medoff.
In October 2017, Google Scholar listed 1.7 million results on trade unions, 2.4 million on labor–
management relations, 3.0 million on labor relations, 4.0 million on industrial relations, 1.1 million on
collective bargaining, and 0.9 million on labor disputes.
trade union effects sufficiently credible to give policymakers confidence in
using reported findings to formulate policies and to give researchers confi-
dence in building new theories and analyses based on the shoulders of exist-
ing findings?
We analyze these questions in steps, moving from what data comprise
our analyses to which tools determine and define credibility of empirical
union research, and concluding with suggestions on future meta-analyses—
all of which build on our knowledge base of what unions do.
The Studies under Study
Statistical analysis of union effects has a long history in empirical economics
because unions have traditionally been the key labor institution in capitalist
economies and because their effects on the economy have generated wide-
spread controversy. On one side is an institutional tradition that stresses the
ways in which unions affect outcomes in labor markets that deviate substan-
tially from the competitive ideal. On the other side is a pure competition
tradition that stresses the inefficiencies that unions can create in labor mar-
kets that fit the competitive ideal.
The growth of unions in the midst of the Great Depression through
World War II generated studies on wage determination in unionized set-
tings, most notably by John Dunlop (1944). In the 1950s and 1960s, H.
Gregg Lewis (1963) and his students at Chicago used area and industry data
to contrast earnings between industries or areas differing in union density.
As data sets with individuals became widely available, researchers made
more refined analyses of differences in hourly or weekly earnings between
union and nonunion workers with comparable demographic characteristics.
Lewis (1986) reviewed a large part of this literature. Freeman and Medoff’s
(1984) research program widened the analysis from earnings to diverse
other outcomes on the grounds that unions affected workers and firms in
ways beyond simply changing the price of labor. Bennett and Kaufman
(2007) reviewed the ensuing two decades of work using traditional expert
reviews as opposed to the meta-statistical approach that we use in this
Our analysis covers microeconomic studies of the relationship between
unions and seven outcome variables—productivity in manufacturing, pro-
ductivity in non-manufacturing, productivity growth, investment in physical
capital, investment in intangible capital, job satisfaction, and profits—
holding other factors that affect the outcome variable constant. We investi-
gate 2,242 comparable estimates of trade union effects from 301 studies
compiled by Doucouliagos, Freeman, and Laroche for their 2017 publica-
They transformed estimates of the relationship between unionism
Estimates of more than one outcome from a single study (e.g., productivity and profitability) are
treated as separate ‘studies.’
and the outcome variables reported in various studies—which often fol-
lowed different disciplinary norms about reporting statistics—into partial
correlations comparable across studies. Although almost certainly incom-
this compilation is the largest population of comparable estimates of
the microeconomic effects of trade unions as of 2016. Most estimates come
from samples of hundreds or thousands of workers or firms but some are
from more aggregated data.
The majority of estimates come from the United States, in part because
empirical economic analysis developed rapidly there and in part because
the lack of centralized bargaining in the United States makes union–
nonunion comparisons a more natural way to analyze what unions do (as
compared to countries in which unions and management sign national or
sectoral bargaining agreements that cover all or nearly all workers, as is
common in Europe). With collective bargaining regulating both union and
nonunion worker pay, union–nonunion comparisons are difficult to inter-
pret and likely miss the effect of unions on outcomes.
Translating union effects reported in different ways across studies into
partial correlations allows us to directly compare the magnitudes and stan-
dard deviations of the largest possible number of estimates. In some cases,
we would have preferred to report estimated elasticities of effects, but many
statistical studies do not report elasticities nor do they provide their statistics
in ways that allow us to confidently calculate elasticities.
The wide diversity
of measures of trade union effects dictates our focus on partial correlations
to assess broadly the credibility of trade union research.
Table 1 presents the number of studies (column (1)) and the number of
estimates (column (2)) for six key outcomes: productivity, productivity
Table 1. Trade Union Studies, Estimates, and Average Effect Size
Number of studies
Number of estimates
Meta-average effect, US
Direct effects
Productivity, manufacturing 52 324 20.02
Productivity, construction 63 386 0.20*
Productivity growth 42 268 0.01
Profits 44 478 20.13*
Physical capital 20 343 20.23*
Intangible capital 25 208 20.34*
Job satisfaction 59 235 20.03
Source: Doucouliagos et al. (2017).
*Denotes statistical significance at the 1% level.
This database does not include foreign language papers, privately distributed working papers, student
papers or theses, and relatively obscure journals.
Elasticity is preferable for identifying the economic significance of union effects. However, by provid-
ing a larger pool of data, partial correlations better enable assessment of credibility.
growth, physical capital investment, intangible capital investment, job satis-
faction, and profits. We divide the productivity estimates into manufactur-
ing, the focus of a disproportionate number of studies, and other
industries. Column (3) reports the meta-average effect for the United
States, expressed as a partial correlation.
Doucouliagos et al. (2017) con-
cluded that unions have no effect on productivity in manufacturing but
have a positive effect in some other industries, most notably construction
and education. Unions depress investment in both physical and intangible
capital and reduce profits because union wage increases exceed the smaller
productivity effect. At the same time, unions reduce worker turnover, which
partially offsets adverse investment effects.
Nearly all of trade union effect studies come from observational data on
workplaces. Such data are gathered by government or other survey organi-
zations, and thus they suffer from the well-known problems of interpreting
causality from non-experimental evidence. They leave open a potential
omitted-variable problem in the form of unmeasured attributes of work-
places correlated with unionism. Depending on the data set, they cover
some outcome variables but not others. Given that neither firms nor work-
ers are likely to accept random assignment of union conditions, as an ideal
experiment might demand, researchers are left with exogenous changes in
laws or other variation to identify causality. Responses to legal or other
changes may differ among workers and firms, however, producing results
that may not generalize from one setting to another, which can produce
heterogeneity among estimates and raise further questions about why the
same exogenous change produces variation in outcomes among persons or
Evaluating Credibility
Credibility is critical for assessing the validity and reliability of inferences
drawn from evidence (Ioannidis and Doucouliagos 2013; Ioannidis, Stanley,
and Doucouliagos 2017). In social psychology, for example, credibility has
been called a ‘crisis because of the inability to exactly duplicate highly
regarded research results (Pashler and Wagenmakers 2012; Stroebe and
Strack 2014; Stroebe 2016). Such variation may be attributable to poor pro-
tocol descriptions, questionable research practices, or failure to report all
the results. Interest in the credibility of economic research (Camerer et al.
2016; Ioannidis et al. 2017; Christensen and Miguel 2017) is also increasing.
For example, failure to replicate key economic findings raises the possibility
that economic results may be fragile to precise specification, deletion of out-
liers, and potential confounders (Leamer 2010; Christensen and Miguel
2017). But given that much economic analysis is based on observational
Column (3) meta-averages are weighted averages of all comparable effect estimates using inverse var-
iance weights, adjusted for publication selection and model misspecification biases (Doucouliagos et al.
data, for which differences over time presumably reflect genuine changes in
the economy and differences among economic units can produce heteroge-
neity in union effects, the credibility problem has not become a major con-
cern. Still, analysis of observational data has its own credibility problems
that researchers and policymakers must address along with their findings.
One way in which researchers have traditionally assessed credibility is based
on the quality of the journal that published the work: Higher quality journals
have stricter peer review, which makes findings in accepted papers more likely
to be valid. Ratings of journal quality can be subjective, however, depending
on disciplinary focus, refereeing policies, editorial board, or place of publica-
tion, as can be seen in the differences of ‘top quality journals’ lists that some
departments use in assessing researchers. The most widely used objective
metric of a journal is its impact factor, which often depends on its having one
or two highly cited papers. Citations, however, may be manipulated by journal
publication policies and practices. The citations to an article provide an alter-
native to determining quality by the journal of publication: more citations sug-
gest higher quality, ceteris paribus. But citations are imperfect because they
depend on the network of researchers to whom the authors of a paper are
connected as well as their ‘ ‘intrinsic’ value.
Another indicator of quality is the reputation of the researchers or of the
institutions where they work. If X is known as a very careful analyst whereas
Y is known as someone prone to oversell results, it makes sense to trust X’s
findings over Y’s findings. If X works for a world-class research institution
whereas Y is employed at a community college, most researchers will trust
X’s claims more than Y’s. Relying on reputation, however, risks downplaying
the findings by younger or less-known researchers compared to those of
senior researchers as well as confusing popularity with research quality.
Meta-analysis uses the actual statistics reported in each study, most often the
precision (inverse standard error or variance) of an estimate to assign qual-
ity to each individual estimate, rather than using the impact factor, citations,
or reputation of researchers in judging the credibility of research. An esti-
mate that is more precise (has lower variance) is given greater weight in a
synthesis of the evidence base, regardless of whether it appears in a journal
of high or low impact, in a paper with many or few citations, or by research-
ers with dissimilar reputations.
To assess the credibility of an entire literature, as we do, requires addi-
tional consideration of the extent to which results in one study either repli-
cate previously reported findings or are replicated in ensuing work.
Replication takes several forms, from using the same data and methods to
reproduce previously reported findings to analyzing new data or using new
methods to estimate the same parameters as in earlier findings, with due
allowance for the uncertainty of estimates as indicated by their confidence
intervals. In this article, we do not attempt to replicate primary studies using
the same data and models nor do we provide new primary data estimates.
Instead, we use the tools of meta-regression analysis to assess whether the
results from numerous studies converge to a central tendency and whether
credible inferences can be drawn from the accumulated evidence base.
We do not expect exact replication in our meta-analysis given that obser-
vational studies will reflect genuine heterogeneity and researchers will often
make different choices about the inclusion or exclusion of particular con-
trol variables, about the exact model specification, about missing data, and
about outliers. Rather, for credibility, we expect results to have the approxi-
mate magnitude as prior studies and the same sign. A finding that is cred-
ible should hold for moderately different specifications across data sets,
with variation that is sufficiently balanced around the mean value. The key
replicability issue is robustness of findings.
Another dimension of credibility relates to publication selection bias, which
is often signaled by a distribution of reported outcomes around a mean
value that is notably imbalanced. The suspicion is that authors, journal edi-
tors, or reviewers of journals selectively publish papers that report some par-
ticular empirical result, perhaps a statistically significant one, and omit
others. For example, some researchers may have a preference to report only
statistically significant negative (or positive) union effects. Researchers in
psychology report that having a paper published in some journals requires
significant results around a clear story, which leads them to hold back
ambiguous or insignificant specifications of their analysis (Stroebe 2016).
Omission from the public record of statistically insignificant findings or
findings at odds with researchers’ priors can negatively affect the synthesis
of the evidence base, producing parameter estimates that can be biased and
often inflate the magnitudes and significance of effects.
Statistical power is another criterion for credibility. It refers to the probabil-
ity that a study can detect the underlying effect. By definition, low-powered
studies will produce high rates of false negatives, but they can also cause
high rates of false positives, producing evidence for nonexistent effects
(Ioannidis 2005). Statistical power is a function of the desired level of statis-
tical significance, sample size, and the size of the underlying ‘true’ effect
of unions on an outcome. Studies with small samples testing weak associa-
tions will be under-powered. This can lead to failures to replicate and may also
lead to greater use of specification searching and questionable research
practices, leading to publication selection bias. By examining a large body
of studies, meta-analyses can reduce bias by averaging across estimates with
potentially different biases while increasing power by pooling under-
powered studies together.
Finally, empirical studies report a wide range of estimates of a single
union effect. This variation stems from four sources:
1) sampling error due in part to the number of observations in a study;
2) research design methods, for example, specification of econometric model;
3) measurement error of outcome and unionization variables; and
4) inherent heterogeneity due to different union effects across sectors, coun-
tries, or time.
Sources (1) to (3) are features of the underlying data or research process,
which can produce dissimilar estimated effects due to low power and high
bias. By contrast, source (4) reflects actual differences in union effects in var-
ious economic or institutional settings. In this case, the effects are truly dif-
ferent and do not constitute a failure to replicate. For example, unions will
likely have different effects on wages or productivity in manufacturing than
they would in education, or in boom times rather than in recessions.
Credibility of Union Research
We begin our analysis of the credibility of studies of trade union effects by
examining the quality of the research record. What proportion of studies
appear in leading field journals compared to journals of less prestige? What
are the impact factors of the journals that publish studies of trade union
effects? Do the studies receive many or few citations?
Table 2 presents data on the journal of publication and citations to the
relevant articles. Column (1) records the proportion of the estimates pub-
lished in what are widely regarded as the leading field journals in econom-
ics, industrial relations, and management.
By considering only estimates
Table 2. Quality of Trade Union Effects Studies
Percentage published
in leading journals
Percentage published
in ILR Review
Mean (median)
Mean (median)
journal impact factor
Productivity, manufacturing 48 8 349 (79) 2.31 (1.49)
Productivity, other 42 17 291 (34) 1.73 (0.81)
Productivity growth 53 4 239 (52) 1.39 (0.81)
Physical capital 70 5 97 (57) 1.97 (1.77)
Intangible capital 81 17 258 (45) 1.73 (1.54)
Job satisfaction 43 14 176 (96) 1.36 (1.33)
Profits 60 11 343 (68) 1.96 (1.37)
Notes: See footnote 7 for list of leading journals. Unit of analysis is estimates in columns (1) and (2) and
studies in columns (3) and (4). Column (3) presents Google Scholar citations as of November 12, 2017.
Column (4) presents 2016 SSCI 5-year impact factors.
We classify the following as leading field journals: Academy of Management Journal, American Economic
Review, Bell Journal of Economics, British Journal of Industrial Relations, Brookings Papers: Microeconomics,
Canadian Journal of Economics, Economic Journal, Economica, Economics Letters, European Economic Review,
Human Relations, Industrial and Labor Relations Review (ILR Review), Industrial Relations, Journal of Banking
and Finance, Journal of Business, Journal of Human Resources, Journal of Industrial Economics, Journal of
International Economics, Journal of Labor Economics, Journal of Law and Economics, Journal of Political Economy,
Management Science, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Oxford Economic Papers, Quarterly Journal of
Economics, Review of Economics and Statistics,andStrategic Management Journal. For articles on job satisfac-
tion, we also include American Sociological Review and Human Resource Management.
from these sources, we are taking a conservative view of studies published in
books and other journals, in contrast to Doucouliagos et al.’s (2017) assess-
ment that deems estimates published in any peer-reviewed journal or in a
book to be of sufficient quality for analysts to take seriously.
Our narrow measure of research quality finds that a fairly large propor-
tion of the union effect estimates are published in leading field journals. In
two areas of this research, union effects on physical capital investment and
intangible capital investment, 70% and 81% of the estimates, respectively,
are published in leading field journals listed in footnote 7. A likely reason
for that finding is that data on intangible and physical capital are harder to
access, so those analyses are more novel and thus more attractive to leading
journals. Direct estimates of productivity and productivity growth, for which
data are easier to access, are published in a wider set of places, with 42 to
53% appearing in the leading journals. For analyses of profits, 60% are in
leading journals. The percentage of publications in leading journals is 43%
for studies of job satisfaction. Some of these data are based on particular
occupations or professions, which are of interest to persons in those fields
and are thereby published in an array of narrower publication outlets.
Column (2) reports the percentage published in the Industrial and Labor
Relations Review (ILR Review), where the percentage of productivity studies
outside manufacturing is particularly high.
Next, we consider citations. We use citations from Google Scholar, as
Scopus does not cover many of the earlier studies in our sample. Column
(3) presents the mean and median number of citations received. Union
effects studies draw a relatively large number of citations, with the median
productivity study receiving nearly 60 citations, which exceeds typical cita-
tions in economics.
Column (4) reports the mean and median journal
impact factor of the journal in which estimates are published. These are
alternative measures of research quality. In most cases, the median impact
factor exceeds 1, suggesting a literature that finds a place in well-regarded
In Table 3 we turn to the quality of estimates themselves. Here we treat
all estimates and their estimated precision equally, regardless of where the
article was published. In column (1) we compare the mean and median
degrees of freedom. Studies with larger degrees of freedom potentially con-
vey more information. The median degree of freedom is relatively small for
most dimensions that deal with firm- or industry-level data. The literature
on job satisfaction is an exception, as this deals with individual workers, for
whom data sets can be quite large. In column (2) we compare statistical pre-
cision as an objective measure of quality. Statistical precision is defined here
as the inverse of the estimated standard error of the estimated union effect.
In meta-analysis, more precise estimates are deemed to be of higher quality,
ceteris paribus, and are used to weight estimates. The job satisfaction data
As citations take time to accumulate, older papers usually draw more citations.
have higher precision, on average, reflecting the larger sample sizes associ-
ated with individual worker data sets.
Econometric studies of workers and firms from panel data are often pre-
ferable to those from cross-section data as the longitudinal information
enables researchers to control for unobserved factors that might influence
performance and thus produce biased results. A typical panel study of pro-
ductivity adds establishment, firm, or industry fixed effects whereas a typical
panel study of job satisfaction adds individual worker effects. In most cases,
this approach reduces the sample size for estimating the union effect as the
estimate is based exclusively on the firms or persons who change union sta-
tus, with the fixed effects absorbing the outcomes of firms or persons who
do not change status. Column (3) shows that the proportion of panel data
studies differs across outcomes. The proportion is highest in studies of pro-
ductivity in manufacturing, productivity growth, and investment in physical
capital and lowest for job satisfaction, suggesting that the former studies
have used stronger econometric methods and thus are more credible than
the typical job satisfaction study that does not use panel methods.
Another critical aspect of the quality of an estimate is the information it
provides about the extent to which estimates can be interpreted in a causal
manner. Causality is almost always difficult to establish in observational
research. Unions may choose to unionize more productive firms or firms
with market power, and unionized firms with greater productivity or market
power may have longer life spans than do unionized firms with lower pro-
ductivity or market power. This tendency leads to biased estimates in favor
of positive union productivity effects. Alternatively, workers in struggling
and unprofitable firms may seek union protection, in which case failing to
correct for reverse causality will give downward-biased estimates and inflate
adverse union effects.
Table 3. Quality of Trade Union Effects Estimates
Mean (median)
degrees of freedom
Mean (median)
Percentage using
panel data
Percentage treating
Productivity, manufacturing 2,296
73 12
Productivity, other 1,346
35 5
Productivity growth 732
100 9
Physical capital 2,266
76 11
Intangible capital 774
62 24
Job satisfaction 11,556
23 19
Profits 1,028
55 11
Some studies attempt to control for unobservable factors using firm fixed
effects estimated with panel data. Others try to establish causality using
event study and regression discontinuity methods (e.g., DiNardo and Lee
2004). Good instruments are often hard to come by, however, and studies
with access to short panels restrict the use of lags as a way to probe causality.
Column (4) reports the percentage of estimates from studies that treat for
endogeneity in some way in an attempt to establish causality between union-
ization and an outcome variable. Most studies do not tackle this issue and
consequently causality remains a challenge to this literature.
Publication Selection Bias
To deal with potential publication bias, we use the Funnel Asymmetry Test-
Precision Effect Test (FAT-PET), meta-regression analysis (MRA) (Stanley
2005, 2008; Stanley and Doucouliagos 2012). The overall, unconditional ver-
sion of these tests involves regressing union effects upon a constant and the
standard error of the partial correlations: r
= b
+ b
+ e
, where r
denotes the union effect, SE is the standard error of the union effect, b
the measure of the genuine empirical effect corrected for publication selec-
tion bias, and b
SE approximates publication bias. Testing for publication
bias takes the form of testing H
: b
What might appear as bias, however, might alternatively be heterogene-
ity. Hence, we also estimate the conditional multiple MRA version of the
FAT-PET that considers heterogeneity in trade union effects along with
potential reporting bias. This more complex approach expands FAT-PET to
include a vector of moderator variables that reflect heterogeneity, mis-
specification, and research design choices. For these more complex MRAs,
we do not provide new estimates here, but rather rely on the findings from
Doucouliagos et al. (2017).
Table 4 presents the funnel asymmetry test (FAT) for publication selec-
tion bias. Columns (1), (2), and (3) report the estimated unconditional
FAT coefficient from the FAT-PET for all estimates, and separately for the
US and non-US estimates, respectively. Column (4) reports the conditional
FAT coefficient, which controls for heterogeneity in data and methods.
The results presented in column (4) suggest preferential reporting bias in
favor of positive productivity effects for manufacturing, in favor of adverse
productivity growth effects, and for positive intangible capital effects.
Doucouliagos and Stanley (2013) offered suggestions for the interpreta-
tion of the size of publication bias, in which FAT coefficients less than 1
indicate a small degree of bias. From this perspective, the Table 4 estimates
that the FAT coefficient is always a little over or less than 1 suggest modest
selection bias, per the column (5) conclusions for each variable. Although
there may be some pockets of residual publication selection bias in trade
Doucouliagos et al. (2017) provided the details of the variables and methods used.
union research, in general, we find little overall bias in this research relative
to other areas of economics (Doucouliagos and Stanley 2013; Ioannidis
et al. 2017).
The Effect of Contestability on Credibility
Doucouliagos, Laroche, and Stanley (2005) and Doucouliagos and Stanley
(2013) argued that when a research field is contested, publication bias is
less likely. In the union literature, the Freeman and Medoff (1984) two-faces
view of trade unions stated that unions can have either a positive or a nega-
tive effect, or no effect at all, on the various dimensions of performance,
depending on the specifics of union activities and the response of manage-
ment. This finding is analogous to studies of the effect of wages on hours
worked, in which income and substitution effects work in opposite direc-
tions to affect the leisure–work choice. The monopoly side of unions may
dominate, or the collective voice may offset monopoly effects. This circum-
stance paves the way for researchers to report all of their estimates, which,
in turn, creates a research literature that should be relatively free of bias. By
challenging the traditional monopoly view of trade unions, the two-faces
view of unions reduces publication bias in this field of research.
One dimension of contestability is the concentration of studies. A field
dominated by a small group of scholars might be less competitive than one
Table 4. Publication Selection Bias, Trade Union Effects
Unconditional Conditional
FAT, all
FAT, all
of bias
Productivity, manufacturing 0.453
Small to moderate
Productivity, other 0.243
Productivity growth 21.170**
Physical capital 20.430
Intangible capital 0.031
Job satisfaction 20.431
Profits 21.329***
Source: Doucouliagos et al. (2017).
Notes: Columns (1) to (3) present unconditional FAT coefficients from the FAT-PET regressions.
Column (4) presents conditional FAT coefficients from the FAT-PET regressions controlling for other
covariates. FAT-PET, funnel asymmetry test-precision effect test.
***and ** denote statistically significant at the 1% and 5% level, respectively.
with a large number of ‘competitor’ authors. Table 5 reports several mea-
sures of research concentration. Column (1) reports the number of authors
and coauthors who published in each research dimension. Column (2)
reports the largest share of estimates by a single author or group of coau-
thors. Column (3) reports the proportion of estimates reported by the top
four authors or groups of coauthors (C4). Column (4) reports the
Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI) as a measure of the share of estimates
or dominance of a field.
Concentration is greatest in studies of physical and intangible capital and
profits, in which one group of scholars contributes between 36% and 42%
of the estimates. C4 and HHI confirm that union impact on physical and
intangible capital and profits are the most concentrated areas, with the top
four authors or groups of coauthors producing between 63% and 82% of
the estimates. At one level, having different groups competing may be
important to the market for ideas, although we note that Ioannidis (2005)
argued that having numerous groups competing can increase the chance of
false positives by increasing the incentives to exaggerate findings.
Virtually all the studies included in our data cite Freeman and Medoff’s
What Do Unions Do? or similar texts relating to the two-faces view of unions.
Hence, most authors are aware that theory allows a range of conflicting
results. Consequently, we expect a relatively high degree of competition
between authors and little bias. This premise is confirmed by comparing
Tables 4 and 5, which shows no obvious correlation between bias and
Statistical Power
We assess statistical power by using meta-averages from our feasible popula-
tion of estimates on a union effect to assess power. Following Ioannidis
et al. (2017), Stanley and Doucouliagos (2015), and Stanley, Doucouliagos,
and Ioannidis (2017), we use the simple unrestricted weighted least
squares weighted average (WLS) as the estimate of ‘true’ effect and the
Table 5. Research Contestability, Trade Union Effects Research
Number of authors
Largest share (%)
C4 (%)
Productivity, manufacturing 84 (1.6) 12 36 540
Productivity, other 92 (1.5) 11 33 457
Productivity growth 62 (1.5) 13 41 615
Physical capital 33 (1.7) 40 82 2301
Intangible capital 35 (1.4) 36 75 1929
Job satisfaction 90 (1.5) 7 25 330
Profits 68 (1.5) 42 63 2023
Notes: Parentheses report average number of authors per paper. C4, top four authors or groups of
coauthors; HHI, Herfindahl-Hirschman Index.
conventional 80% as threshold for adequate power.
Ioannidis et al.
(2017) demonstrated how an econometric estimate will have adequate
power when its standard error is smaller than the absolute value of the
unrestricted WLS weighted average divided by 2.8.
If selective reporting
bias occurs in either direction, then WLS will also be biased in the same
direction and hence overestimate the true effect. In this case, power will
also be overestimated, identifying more studies as being adequately powered
and hence giving a conservative estimate of power (Stanley et al. 2017).
Table 6 reports our findings for statistical power. Column (1) reports
results for all studies combined. Columns (2) and (3) give the results for
the US and for all non-US studies, taken as a group. Columns (4) and (5)
report the percentage adequately powered using the conditional mean for
the United States and for the United Kingdom, the two countries for which
we have enough studies to treat separately. In these two columns we use the
estimated multiple meta-regressions to derive a best estimate for the under-
lying effect and treat this as the estimated true effect. The conditional
The unrestricted WLS weighted average must give the exact same point estimate as the conventional
meta-analysis fixed-effect weighted average. They differ only in that WLS has a different variance (and
confidence interval) that accommodates heterogeneity should there be any evidence of it in the research
record. Because only the point estimate is used to calculate power, our power calculations will be exactly
the same if one uses the point-estimate equivalent, the fixed-effect weighted average.
This 2.8 value is derived from conventional standards for statistical significance and power. The 2.8
is the sum of the number of standard deviations (1.96) from the null hypothesis required for statistical
significance and the fact that it takes 0.84 standard deviations for the cumulative normal distribution to
have a 20/80% split required for 80% power (Cohen 1988).
Absent selective reporting bias, any weighted average (including WLS) is an unbiased estimate of the
true effect.
Table 6. Statistical Power, US and Non-US Estimates
Unconditional Conditional
% with
power, all
% with
power, US
% with
power, non-US
% with
power, US
% with
power, UK
Productivity, manufacturing 0 0 0 7 54
Productivity, other
5 1 16 33 0
Productivity growth 0 0 0 0 0
Physical capital
4 6 0 85 (24)
Intangible capital
17 36 0 97 (78)
Job satisfaction 4 0 23 10 12
Profits 15 9 8 27
Notes: Columns (1), (2), and (3) report the percentage of estimates that are adequately powered, using
the unconditional WLS mean to estimate the ‘true’ effect. Columns (4) and (5) use the conditional
WLS mean as the estimate of the true effect. WLS, weighted least squares.
Columns (4) and (5) assessed for the construction industry.
Column (4) US estimates at industry level with firm-level estimates reported in parentheses.
means are larger and hence provide the best-case scenario for statistical
power in this literature.
In the case of productivity growth, not a single estimate is adequately
powered. The percentage adequately powered increases when conditional
means are used, but the percentages are still small. For the branch of litera-
ture that has received most of the attention—estimates of productivity effect
of unions in the United States—only 7% of the estimates for manufacturing
are adequately powered. The percentage is highest in US construction, but
even here only one-third of the estimates are adequately powered. The two
exceptions are US studies of the impact of unions on physical and intangi-
ble capital at the industry level, for which most of the estimates are ade-
quately powered, with lower power when analysis turns to capital investment
at the firm level.
To what extent is power improving over time? Table 7, columns (1) and
(2) report the results of regressing the sample size and standard error,
respectively, on the year the study was published. The positive coefficient
on sample size and the negative coefficient on standard errors suggest that
statistical power is rising over time. Power has risen in all areas, except for
studies of productivity growth and physical capital.
Heterogeneity occurs when there is no single union effect but rather a dis-
tribution of true union effects. That is, the union effect might vary over
time, among industries, or among nations. A widely used estimate of hetero-
geneity is I
, which measures the proportion of observed variation among
Table 7. Time Trends in Power
Sample size
Standard error
Productivity, manufacturing 255
Productivity, other 158
Productivity growth 7
Physical capital 154
Intangible capital 14
Job satisfaction 836
Profits 196
Notes: Figures in parentheses are t-statistics using standard errors adjusted for clustering of estimates
within studies. Cells report the coefficient on the year the study was published.
***, **, and * denote statistically significant at the 1%, 5%, and 10% level, respectively.
reported union effects not due to sampling error (Higgins and Thompson
2002). Another popular indicator of heterogeneity is t
, a measure of
between-study variance (Ru
cker, Schwarzer, Carpenter, and Schumacher
Table 8 registers these estimates of heterogeneity with column (1) report-
ing I
and column (2) reporting the estimated t (between-study standard
deviation). I
indicates a very large degree of heterogeneity. The value of t
suggests large variation relative to the estimated effect sizes; recall Table 1,
column (3). With such a large heterogeneity among the true effects, the
true effect will frequently be in the opposite direction as the reported mean
union effects reported in Table 1, column (3). For example, the job satisfac-
tion average effect is the exact same size as t (20.03 compared to 0.03),
implying, for example, that job satisfaction will actually be positively related
to unionization 16% of the time even if this 20.03 were the true mean
effect. Only the average negative effects on physical capital and intangible
capital are reliable (probability of opposite true effect \ .05), relative to
these high levels of heterogeneity.
Figure 1 illustrates heterogeneity in parts of this literature in the form of
funnel plots. Panels (a) and (b) illustrate the effect of unions on productiv-
ity in construction and in developing countries, respectively. Panels (c) and
(d) illustrate the effect of unions on profit in the United States and the
impact on job satisfaction, respectively. Reported estimates vary widely
across these dimensions.
The funnel plots also inform the ease by which trade union research can
be replicated. For example, in the case of construction, the majority of esti-
mates are in the same direction. That is, while they differ in their estimates
of the magnitude of the union effect, studies have essentially been able to
replicate the directional effect of trade unions on productivity in construc-
tion. By contrast, less directional consistency occurs in terms of productivity
in developing countries. Point estimates, however, can be a misleading indi-
cator of replication. Confidence intervals provide a better indicator of the
degree of replication, and this is what meta-analysis considers when pooling
estimates from different studies.
Table 8. Heterogeneity
Productivity, manufacturing 87 0.12
Productivity, other 86 0.16
Productivity growth 84 0.16
Physical capital 80 0.09
Intangible capital 89 0.11
Satisfaction 82 0.03
Profits 84 0.11
Notes: I
estimates the proportion of observed variation among reported union effects not due to
sampling error. t estimates between-study standard deviation.
Conclusion and Suggestions
Our review of the credibility of the trade union effects literature finds that
it has relatively low publication selection bias, which makes the literature
reasonably credible. However, trade union research suffers from low statisti-
cal power and high heterogeneity of estimated effects. Researchers can
improve credibility by conducting studies with greater statistical power (with
more observations and better statistical methods, when possible) and by
explicitly analyzing the high heterogeneity of estimated union effects (for a
better understanding of why effects vary in magnitude across units).
Are the trade union research studies more or less credible than other
quantitative economics? Although assessment of the credibility of econom-
ics research is still a new area of analysis, available surveys suggest that trade
union research is more credible than other areas of economics in terms of
publication selection bias, but it has problems in terms of power.
Doucouliagos and Stanley (2013) surveyed publication selection in 87 areas
of economics. They found an average degree of selection bias of 1.64 (mea-
sured as the average estimate of b
, with a median value of 1.54.
By con-
trast, trade union research has a significantly lower degree of selection bias,
Figure 1. Heterogeneity in Trade Union Effects
6 8 10 12
-.2 0 .2 .4 .6
Partial correlation
(a) Union Productivity Effect, Construction
0 50 100 150
-.4 -.2 0 .2
Partial correlation
(b) Union Productivity Effect, Developing Countries
0 20 40 60 80
Precision Precision
Precision Precision
-.6 -.4 -.2 0 .2 .4
Partial correlation
(c) Union Profit Effect, USA
0 100 200 400300
-.2 -.1 0 .1 .2
Partial correlation
(d) Union Job Satisfaction Effect
Source: Authors’ construction using data from Doucouliagos et al. (2017).
Doucouliagos and Stanley (2013) included five union meta-analyses in their survey. We remove these
to determine estimates of selection bias in empirical economics excluding trade union research.
Selection bias terms are converted into absolute values to enable comparison.
with a mean estimated b
= 0.58 and a median of 0.43. The difference
between these means is statistically significant (p value = 0.0001).
To compare the power in union studies with that in other parts of eco-
nomics, we rely on Ioannidis et al.’s (2017) survey of statistical power in eco-
nomics across 159 research areas. They reported a median proportion that
is adequately powered across economics is 10.5% or less. Nonetheless,
Table 6, column (1) reports that trade union research typically has even
fewer studies adequately powered, 4%.
Last, few studies control for endogeneity even though almost all trade
union effects may be subject to reverse causation. Systemic low power and
the frequent failure to adequately control for potential endogeneity ques-
tion the credibility of trade union research.
On the basis of this analysis, we offer four suggestions for primary
research on quantitative union effects. First, we recommend increasing the
sample size and power of estimated union effects, particularly at the estab-
lishment level. One way to determine the likely union status of an establish-
ment from existing data would be to exploit links between the Current
Population Survey (CPS), the Longitudinal Employment and Household
Data, and Censuses and Surveys of establishments to match workers at an
establishment to the reports of those workers on CPS about union status.
Given that union membership in the US private sector is virtually cotermi-
nous with collective bargaining, even a small number of CPS-establishment
matched workers could identify the union status of an establishment.
Second, we recommend estimating union effects outside of manufactur-
ing, a dimension for which the share of employment continually falls. The
few studies of union impacts on the growing education and health sectors
find positive union effects, but the number of such studies needs to expand
to provide reliable research synthesis and to deepen our understanding of
how a collective voice institution affects performance in service sectors more
Third, trade union research needs to embrace experimental and quasi-
experimental designs (e.g., regression discontinuity, natural experiments,
fixed-effect panel models) that control for potential reverse causation.
Greater effort to find good instruments for unionization (admittedly easier
said than done) might also go a long way toward ensuring that estimated
effects are not the artifact of ignored endogeneity.
Fourth, we recommend greater uniformity in modes of presenting esti-
mates of union effects. The Doucouliagos et al. (2017) database that we use
required a massive effort to pull the partial correlation coefficients out of
empirical results given in different ways in different disciplines. If research-
ers and journals in the labor relations field could come to some agreement
for uniformity of reporting results (in technical appendices if not in the
main body of papers), it would greatly facilitate meta-analysis of the next
decade’s research.
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