VanHeuvelen, Tom; Brady, David
Article — Published Version
Labor Unions and American Poverty
ILR Review
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WZB Berlin Social Science Center
Suggested Citation: VanHeuvelen, Tom; Brady, David (2022) : Labor Unions and American Poverty, ILR
Review, ISSN 2162-271X, Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA, Vol. 75, Iss. 4, pp. 891-917,
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American poverty research largely neglects labor unions. The
authors use individual-level panel data, incorporate both household
union membership and state-level union density, and analyze both
working poverty and working-aged poverty (among households led
by 18- to 64-year-olds). They estimate three-way fixed effects (person,
year, and state) and fixed-effects individual slopes models on the
Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID), 1976–2015. They exploit
the higher quality income data in the Cross-National Equivalent
File—an extension of the PSID—to measure relative (\50% of
median in current year) and anchored (\50% of median in 1976)
poverty. Both union membership and state union density have statis-
tically and substantively significant negative relationships with relative
and anchored working and working-aged poverty. Household union
membership and state union density significantly negatively interact,
augmenting the poverty-reducing effects of each. Higher state union
density spills over to reduc e poverty among non-union households,
and there is no evidence that higher state union density worsens pov-
erty for non-union households or undermines employment.
y and large, American poverty research neglects labor unions.
Prominent public intellectual books on poverty fail to discuss unions
(e.g., Wilson 1996). High-profile edited volumes on poverty (e.g., Jencks
and Peterson 1991; Danziger and Haveman 2001) and O’Connor’s (2001)
influential history of American poverty scholarship do not mention unions.
Other prominent volumes contain only token mentions (e.g., Cancian and
Danziger 2009). For instance, Blank, Danziger, and Schoeni (2006: 374)
mention unions only in regards to unemployment insurance. To the best of
our knowledge, there have been no studies of how unions influence
*TOM VANHEUVELEN ( is an Assistant Professor at the
University of Minnesota. D
AVID BRADY is a Professor in the School of Public Policy at the University of
California, Riverside, and is a Fellow at the WZB Berlin Social Science Center.
For helpful comments, we thank Michaela Curran, Matthew Mahutga, UCR’s Political Economy
Working Paper Group, and the faculty and students at University of Illinois School of Labor and
Employment Relations. Data and replication files are available through the OpenICPSR PSID Repository
(workspace number: openicpsr-137301). The authors are listed reverse alphabetically, each contributed
equally. An Online Appendix is available at
211014855. For additional information, please address correspondence to or
EYWORDs: unionization, poverty, labor union, longitudinal, working poverty
ILR Review, 75(4), August 2022, pp. 891–917
DOI: 10.1177/00197939211014855. Ó The Author(s) 2021
Journal website:
Article reuse guidelines:
American poverty in Journal of Labor Economics, Journal of Human Resources,
Industrial and Labor Relations Review, Industrial Relations, or the ‘top five’
Economics journals. Most Annual Review essays on American poverty in
anthropology (Morgen and Maskovsky 2003) and sociology (Small and
Newman 2001; Desmond and Western 2018) have zero mentions of unions.
The neglect of labor unions in American poverty research is surprising,
perhaps, because extensive literatures demonstrate the critical role they play
for outcomes closely related to poverty, such as wages, working conditions,
and equality. Scholars have long studied how labor unions are a key power
resource that provides workers influence in the workplace, mobilizes voters,
and allies with Leftist political parties to institutionalize egalitarianism
(Korpi 1983; Huber and Stephens 2001). Indeed, a few recent studies pro-
vide evidence that unionization is associated with lower poverty (Plasman
and Rycx 2001; Zuberi 2006; Lohmann 2009; Brady, Baker, and Finnigan
2013; Crettaz 2013; Rosenfeld and Laird 2016; Lohmann and Marx 2018).
Still, a striking disconnect remains between the American poverty literature
and research investigating union effects.
The present study explicitly builds on the few recent and relevant studies
while addressing their limitations. To the best of our knowledge, this is the
first study on unions and poverty to use individual-level panel data. Unlike
prior research, we examine both household union membership and state-
level union density (henceforth ‘state union density’’), and both working
poverty and working-aged poverty (among households led by 18- to 64-year-
olds). With the Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID) for 1976–2015, we
estimate three-way fixed effects (person, year, and state) and fixed-effects
individual slopes models (Wooldridge 2010). We exploit the Cross-National
Equivalent File’s—an extension of the PSID—higher quality income data to
measure relative (\50% of median in current year) and anchored (\50%
of median in 1976, adjusted for inflation) working and working-aged poverty.
We investigate three primary research questions: 1) Does household union
membership influence working and working-aged poverty? 2) Net of house-
hold union membership, does state union density influence working and
working-aged poverty? 3) By testing the interaction between union member-
ship and state union density, do the effects augment each other and do the
benefits of state union density spill over to non-union households?
The Case for Labor Unions
At the household and state levels as well as through their interactions, it is
plausible that unions reduce poverty. Extensive literatures link union
No essay on poverty in the United States has appeared in the Annual Review of Economics, and we are
not aware of any piece in the Journal of Economic Literature on unions and poverty. On balance, Lichter
(1997), Newman and Massengill (2006), and O’Connor (2000) have a few brief mentions of unioniza-
tion. But, none of these devote substantial attention to unionization as a principal cause of poverty.
Brady (2019) is the exception and identifies unions as a key measure of power resources.
membership to higher wages and greater equality (Kalleberg, Wallace, and
Althauser 1981; Freeman and Medoff 1984; Card 1996; Rosenfeld and
Kleykamp 2012; Rosenfeld 2014; Rosenfeld, Denice, and Laird 2016; Kristal
and Cohen 2017). Many studies have demonstrated that union members
receive a wage premium compared to nearly identical non-members. Union
wage premia even exist for less-skilled workers (Eren 2009), those without a
high school education (Maxwell 2007), and those in precarious employ-
ment (Gomez and Lamb 2019). Union membership benefits also exist for a
wide variety of low-wage workers (Waddoups 2001; Appelbaum, Berg, Frost,
and Preuss 2003; Batt, Hunter, and Wilk 2003; Erickcek, Houseman, and
Kalleberg 2003; Firpo, Fortin, and Lemieux 2009). Because wages are the
dominant source of income for most working-aged households, union wage
premia suggest household union membership will reduce poverty.
Regarding state union density, evidence suggests a contextual effect of
firm- and industry-level unionization on poverty. Many studies have shown
that highly unionized contexts benefit both union members and non-
members (Kahn and Curme 1987; Leicht, Wallace, and Grant 1993;
Neumark and Wachter 1995; VanHeuvelen 2018). Such contextual effects
are attributable to a combination of threat and moral economy processes,
resulting in spillover effects onto non-union workers within a firm and
industry and into nearby non-union firms and industries.
Beyond the firm and industry, country-level union density similarly
reduces poverty. Power resources theory describes unions as key class-based
collective political actors shaping the distribution of economic resources
(Korpi 1983; Huber and Stephens 2001; Brady 2019). Unions bond the
working class and poor together, politically mobilize workers in elections,
exert pressure in workplaces and on governments, and ultimately result in a
more egalitarian income distribution. Accordingly, studies have demon-
strated that countries with higher unionization have significantly lower
working poverty (Zuberi 2006; Lohmann 2009; Crettaz 2013; Rosenfeld and
Laird 2016; Lohmann and Marx 2018). Although largely neglected by
American poverty research, this comparative literature shows that labor
unions are a key collective political actor driving lower poverty across rich
democracies (Plasman and Rycx 2001).
Similar to comparative analyses of rich democracies, US states can be
compared as polities where struggles and settlements occur over redistribu-
tion and inequality (Jacobs and Dirlam 2016; Bucci 2018). Indeed, in an era
of decentralized federalism, state polities could be increasingly important in
shaping poverty (DiGrazia and Dixon 2019; Hertel-Fernandez 2019).
Consistent with this account, Rosenfeld and Laird (2016) provided descrip-
tive correlations showing that states with higher density have lower working
and overall poverty. Brady and colleagues (2013) examined the relationship
between state union density and working poverty from 1991 to 2010. Using
In our PSID sample, 89% of ‘pre-fisc’ total household income comes from labor income.
multilevel models of individuals nested in states in 2010 and two-way fixed-
effects models of individuals nested in state-years (1991–2010), they found
that state union density reduces working poverty. They also found that
state union density has larger effects than states’ economic performance
and social policies, with effects comparable to standard individual-level
predictors of working poverty such as education and single motherhood.
Beyond the distinct effects of household union membership and state
union density, these two aspects should interact to augment the poverty-
reducing effects of each. Unions are a key component of a broader and
integrated complex of labor market institutions that govern and equalize
wages, constrain employers from paying very low wages, and protect
workers’ job security and physical safety (Blau and Kahn 2002; Koeniger,
Leonardi, and Nunziata 2007; Doellgast, Holtgrewe, and Deery 2009; Gautie´
and Schmidt 2009; Giesselmann 2014; Bucci 2018). In the United States,
which lacks centralized wage bargaining and corporatist governance, unions
are one of the few and most crucial labor market institutions (Rosenfeld
2014; Jacobs and Dirlam 2016; Bucci 2018). To the extent that unions are
an essential part of a broader institutional complex shaping equality, the
presence of both household union membership and state union density
should provide a particularly favorable situation for working families.
Moreover, as state union density reflects and amplifies an egalitarian institu-
tional context, it should spill over to reduce the poverty of non-union and
non-working households.
The Case for Skepticism
Despite the arguments above, at least four reasons suggest why unions
might fail to reduce poverty. First, union density is so low that unions may
have become ineffective, even irrelevant (DiGrazia and Dixon 2019; Hertel-
Fernandez 2019). As Rosenfeld (2014: 30) explained, ‘The private sector in
this country is now nearly union-free, to a degree not seen in a century.’
The United States—and especially some states—exhibits cross-nationally
and historically exceptionally low union density (Rosenfeld 2014). Union
density has declined more rapidly among the less skilled, who are most vul-
nerable to poverty (Blank 2009). For such reasons, Autor (2011: 14) argued:
‘It appears unlikely their [unions’] role is paramount. . . . [Unions’] impact
is largely confined to manufacturing and public sector employment, neither
of which comprises a sufficiently large share of the aggregate economy.
Low union density also results in less variation across states than exists
across rich democracies (Hirsch and Macpherson 2003; Visser 2011). In
turn, there could be insufficient interstate heterogeneity in union density to
explain variation in poverty. Moreover, low and relatively invariant state
union density suggests that, although unions could theoretically affect US
poverty, other factors, such as economic performance and individual
characteristics, are likely to have far greater influence (Blank et al. 2006;
Autor 2011). In total, analyses of recent data might reveal little to no rela-
tionship between labor unions and poverty.
Second, large underlying differences exist between those selecting into
unions and those not selecting into unions. Selection likely reflects unob-
served advantageous characteristics of union members, such as ambition and
social skills (Card, Lemieux, and Riddell 2004; Borjas 2015; VanHeuvelen
2018). Such unobserved characteristics are likely associated with poverty
for reasons independent of union membership. This unobserved hetero-
geneity and related selection bias are p lausibly even more notable among
the less skilled and those below or near the poverty line. Previous studies
on un ions and poverty have relied on cross-sectional data (e.g., Lohmann
2009; Brady et al. 2013), however. Therefore, panel data with techniques
to net out unobserved i ndividual characteristics might reveal no robust
union effect.
Third, even if unions benefit union households, there might be no bene-
ficial spillover effects for non-union households. Many studies argue that
unions only benefit workers in select industries or sectors where unions are
strong (Autor 2011). Those at the bottom of the income distribution are
unlikely to be unionized and may not benefit from state spillover effects.
While Brady and colleagues (2013) showed state union density reduces
household-level working poverty, they mostly could not control for house-
hold union membership and therefore could not establish such spillover
effects for non-union households.
Rather than a contextual spillover effect,
it is unclear if poverty-reducing effects of state union density are simply due
to compositional differences across states. Further, Brady and colleagues
(2013) found that the effects of state union density are much stronger for
working households closer to the median and insignificant for those in
deep poverty. Therefore, any benefits of unions may be narrowly restricted
to employed and less-poor union households. To accurately assess potential
spillover effects for non-union households, panel data with both household
and state union information, for working and non-working households, is
Fourth, unions could even have adverse spillover effects, thereby worsen-
ing poverty of non-members and disadvantaged groups. Directly, unions
and the policies they advocate for might only create rents for protected
insiders, and may even worsen the labor market for the truly disadvantaged
(for a discussion, see Rosenfeld and Kleykamp 2012). Some researchers the-
orize that unions have a crowding effect, in which union wage gains lead to
cuts in the quantity of union jobs (Kahn 1978; Neumark and Wachter
1995). Crowding then increases the supply of non-member workers,
depressing wages of non-members. While Brady and colleagues (2013)
They use Luxembourg Income Study (LIS) data from the March Current Population Survey (CPS),
but the LIS removes union membership data. Although Brady and colleagues (2013) conducted sensitiv-
ity analyses with the underlying CPS data from the smaller outgoing rotation group including union
information, they can only approximate the higher quality LIS income measures.
analyzed working households only, a comprehensive test for direct adverse
spillover effects must include non-working households.
Indirectly, by raising wages among the employed, unions could increase
labor costs, cause labor market rigidity, and discourage hiring (Blau and
Kahn 2002; Magnani and Prentice 2010). Similar to well-known arguments
about adverse effects of minimum wages, higher wages and labor costs
could force firms to reduce employment (Kahn and Morimune 1977;
Walsworth 2010). Such reduced employment would worsen poverty because
employment is the most salient individual-level predictor of poverty
(Rainwater and Smeeding 2004; Brady, Finnigan, and Hu
bgen 2017; Brady
2019). Therefore, it is essential to include non-working households in the
sample and to test for state union density effects on employment as well.
To recapitulate, previous research on unions suggests that the beneficial
impacts on workers in the middle and bottom of the distribution should
also apply for poverty. Direct mechanisms of union household residence and
contextual effects of state union density might each have distinct negative
associations with poverty, and these effects might even interact. However,
there are several reasons to remain skeptical. Any poverty differences may be
attributable to variation in observed or unobserved characteristics across
individuals or across states. Meanwhile, restricting focus to employed workers
might miss negative spillover effects in which individuals are crowded out of
gainful employment.
Data and Methods
We use individual-level data from the PSID and the Cross-National
Equivalent File (CNEF), which we merge with state-level data (described
below). This data set has critical advantages over the LIS-CPS data used by
Brady and colleagues (2013). Primarily, the CPS is cross-sectional,
they could not control for the unobserved characteristics that select
individuals into unions. Furthermore, they only examined from 1990 to
2010. By contrast, our study using the PSID spans a longer and more varying
time period.
The CNEF, which is a supplement to the PSID, provides higher quality
standardized measures of income incorporating taxes, tax credits, and
transfers (Frick et al. 2007). The PSID is the longest-running panel survey
in the United States, with the initial survey wave administered in 1968. With
weights, the economic characteristics of the PSID—including wages and
inequality, and all but the most extreme high and low family incomes—are
similar to the data used to construct official poverty statistics, the CPS
(Gouskova and Schoeni 2007; Heathcote, Perri, and Violante 2010;
VanHeuvelen 2018).
Although the CPS outgoing rotation group can be treated as longitudinal, respondents are in the
panel for only one year, an insufficient time span for our purposes.
We use the PSID-CNEF waves 1976 and 1979 to 2015 because 1976 and
1979 were the first PSID waves with information on spouse’s union member-
ship. The analyses end with 2015 as it is the final year of available CNEF
data, which we need for the income measures. Our data use three PSID
samples: the Survey Research Center, the Survey of Economic Opportunity,
and the 1997 Immigrant samples. We drop the 1990 Latino sample
(VanHeuvelen 2018).
Individuals, the unit of analysis, are nested in households, which are
nested in states and years. We construct two samples corresponding to work-
ing households and working-aged households: 1) individuals in households
with at least one employed working-aged adult (18–64 years) and 2)
individuals in households with a working-aged adult household head. We
include the 50 US states and the District of Columbia, which is treated as a
Dependent Variable
Following the overwhelming majority of international poverty research
(Rainwater and Smeeding 2004; Brady et al. 2013; Smeeding 2016; Brady
et al. 2017), we operationalize poverty as those residing in households with
less than 50% of the median equivalized disposable household income (ref-
erence = not poor). Thus, poverty is a household-level variable. A house-
hold pools its expenses and resources, so if the household is poor, all
members are poor. We measure household income with the CNEF house-
hold ‘post-fisc’ income variable. Unlike the official US poverty measure
(OPM), our measure of income comprehensively incorporates taxes and
tax credits (e.g., the Earned Income Tax Credit) and cash and near-cash
(e.g., the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program) transfers.
we intentionally avoid the OPM because of its well-documented and serious
validity and reliability problems (Rainwater and Smeeding 2004; Brady et al.
2013; Smeeding 2016). Following prevailing international standards on
income measurement (Duncan and Petersen 2001; Rainwater and
Smeeding 2004; Brady et al. 2013; Brady et al. 2017), we equivalize income
for household size by dividing by the square root of household members.
The poverty threshold is calculated yearly using all individuals regardless of
the household head’s age or the employment status of any household mem-
ber. The sample is reduced to employed or working-aged households only
after calculating the threshold.
Using the current year’s median, we analyze this standard relative poverty
measure described above. This measure is the most widely accepted defini-
tion in the international poverty literature. We supplement that measure
with anchored poverty. Anchored poverty sets the threshold for poverty in the
first year of analysis (1976) and uses that threshold across years, adjusting
The CNEF employs the National Bureau of Economic Research’s TAXSIM model.
only for inflation (Chen and Corak 2008; Brady et al. 2013; Smeeding
2016). Anchored poverty is a well-established approximation of ‘absolute
poverty as it applies the same threshold over time, even when medians rise
and fall. Whereas relative poverty is less responsive to the business cycle and
economic development, anchored poverty should mechanically decline as
the typical household experiences rising affluence since 1976.
Household and State Union Measures
We measure labor unions at the household and state levels. First, union
household membership is a binary measure of living in a union household or
not, where either or both the household head and spouse are union
Second, we measure state-level union density among non-
agricultural workers age 16 and older, collected from the CPS by Hirsch
and Macpherson (2003).
Union membership for household heads is avail-
able from 1970 onward; however, spouses were asked about union member-
ship only in 1976 and from 1979 onward. Fortunately, union membership
in the PSID tracks closely to union membership in the CPS (VanHeuvelen
2018). Online Appendix Figure A.1 displays the variation in state union
density over time.
Other Independent Variables
We adjust for a standard set of variables that may confound the association
between unions and poverty (Rainwater and Smeeding 2004; Blank et al.
2006; Lohmann 2009; Brady et al. 2013; Brady et al. 2017). We include two
sets of controls, based on our samples of working households and working-
aged households. For working households, we identify the household lead
earner, defined as the highest earner, with ties broken by age (i.e., not nec-
essarily the head). Household age distribution includes lead’s age (under
25, 25–34, 35–54, and 55 or older), the number of household members under 18,
the number of household members over 64, and a binary measure of whether the
household contains a child under age 5. With a couple as the reference, we
include binary measures for single mother, single father, female-head no child,
and male-head no child households. With white as the reference, we include
indicators for Black and other lead earners.
With less than high school
degree as the reference, we include binary measures for whether the lead
Union information for other household members is not available. Heads and spouses make up more
than 90% of employed individuals in our sample. Although our measure probably slightly
underestimates union households, we are skeptical that our main results are significantly biased by this
An alternative measure, state union coverage, produces similar results. This outcome is expected
because of the similar levels and trends of membership and coverage over this period.
While race and education are usually time-invariant among employed adults, lead earners can vary
across surveys, and individuals can transition across households. Thus, race and education as household
properties have some time variation for individuals. For the working-aged sample, heads also vary over
earner has a high school degree, some college, college degree,andgraduate education.
Following VanHeuvelen’s (2018) harmonization of Census industry codes
in the PSID, we include dummies for 18 industries of the lead earner.
Further, we include indicators for 13 occupations of the lead earner.
For working-aged households, we assign household characteristics based
on the head rather than the lead earner because approximately 8% of sam-
ple households have no one employed. This approach applies to age, race,
and education. We omit the industry and occupation indicators and instead
include indicators of whether no one is employed in the household and multi-
ple earners in the household (reference = one earner) (Brady et al. 2017).
The working-aged poverty models retain the controls for age distribution
and family structure.
For both samples, we adjust for several state characteristics: 1) GDP per
capita, in thousands of real 2000 dollars,2)employment rate of the population,3)
GDP growth, and 4) the natural log of population. Data are collected from the
US Bureau of Economic Analysis (2020). Descriptive statistics are included
in Online Appendix Tables A.1 and A.2.
Estimation Techniques
We begin by estimating three-way fixed-effects linear probability regression
= UnionHH
b + UnionSt
b + x
b + year
g + state
p + a
Individuals, i, are nested in states, s, which are nested in years, t. The out-
come y indicates whether an individual is poor in survey wave t.
fixed effects, a
, remove time-invariant unobserved person-level heteroge-
neity, while year contrasts, g, remove shared period-specific shocks, and
state fixed effects, p, remove time-invariant state-level characteristics and
transform state-level variables to within-state deviations. The variable x is the
set of observed household- and state-level characteristics included beyond
household union membership (UnionHH
b) and state union density
Compared to previous research, these models provide a more rigorous
test of the association between unions and poverty. Most critically, individ-
ual fixed effects remove time-invariant individual unobserved heterogeneity,
which addresses concerns of selection into unions discussed above. Thus,
our main results indicate the association between change in union member-
ship, at both the household and state levels, and the change in the probabil-
ity of an individuals’ poverty status.
Because we are primarily interested in average marginal effects, we use linear probability models,
which provide similar results to average marginal effects from logistic regression models. We also esti-
mated conditional logistic regression models and found similar results.
We use robust standard errors clustered at the individual level.
State fixed effects allow us to better identify the influence of state union den-
sity on poverty by measuring within-state deviations. There are many reasons
why states with high union density, such as California, differ from states with
low union density, such as Mississippi. We can more directly test the influence
of union density by measuring its change within states after net ting out stable
unobserved between-state characteristics. Moreover, including both household
and state union measures more rigorously assesses whether previous findings
relied on compositional differences in states’ union membership.
We next estimate linear probability regression models interacting with
household union membership and state union density, which allows us to
formally assess whether state union density effects are concentrated among
union households, whether state union density effects spill over to non-
union households, and whether household union membership and state
union density augment each other’s effects.
Although three-way fixed-effects models improve upon previous research
and address many of the reasons for skepticism discussed above, they neverthe-
less have limitations. Such models rely on certain strong assumptions that might
be unreasonable when applied to the study of unions and poverty. Thus, to
scrutinize the robustness of our main results, we consider an extension of a
fixed-effects method that allows for the relaxation of these assumptions.
We estimate fixed-effects individual slopes (FEIS) linear probability
regression models. These models, popularized and detailed by Wooldridge
(2010: 377–81), can be written as:
= a
+ x
b + state
p + period
u + a
The difference between Equations (1) and (2) is the treatment of time.
Year contrasts are replaced with an individual-specific linear year coeffi-
FEIS models adjust not only for time-invariant individual-level het-
erogeneity in the probability of working poverty but also individual-specific
time trajectories in the probability of working poverty (Ludwig and Bru
2018). To partially account for broadly shared poverty trends, we include a
categorical variable, period
, which measures period contrasts in the business
Additional details of the FEIS are included in the Online Appendix.
Descriptive Patterns
We present descriptive statistics of key variables in Table 1. Across the entire
sample, approximately 10.1% of person-years fall into anchored poverty,
and 16.1% fall into relative working poverty. As expected, we observe
For coefficients of interest, FEIS is equivalent to including time-by-individual interactions in the
regression model.
Because of fewer observations in earlier years, we combine 1976–1992 (1), 1993–1999 (2), 2000–
2007 (3), and 2008–2015 (4).
substantively and statistically significant differences in poverty rates across
union and non-union households, as well as between states with high and
low union density rates, defined as those in the top or bottom third of the
entire sample’s state union density rates. Across working and working-aged
relative and anchored poverty, we observe that union households have pov-
erty rates between 9 (anchored working-aged) and 15 (relative working-
aged) percentage points lower than non-union households, with unionized
households consistently having poverty rates of only 3 to 4%. Similarly,
highly unionized state-years have poverty rates between 3 (anchored-all)
and 7 (relative-all) percentage points lower than state-years with lower
union density.
Figure 1 shows trends in poverty. Figure 2 shows trends separately by
household union membership and state union density. Figure 3 visualizes
the differences across groups from Figure 2. Although many patterns in
these figures are notable, we highlight three.
First, we observe consistent differences in poverty rates, of 5 to 10 percent-
age points, between union and non-union households over time. Poverty
rates among union households remain at low values across time, meaning
that non-union households largely drive changes in poverty over time.
Second, we observe consistently lower working-aged poverty rates among
states with high union density. Anchored and relative working-aged poverty
are consistently about 5 percentage points lower in highly unionized states.
Third, we observe convergence across states of working relative and
anchored poverty rates in recent years, driven primarily by working poverty
rates in low union density states converging with the low poverty rates in
high union density states. This result partly reflects convergence in union
density across states between 1976 and 2015 and the modest decline in
working poverty in the United States since the 1990s (Brady et al. 2013).
For relative working poverty, the difference between states shrinks from
approximately 15 percentage points in 1980 to approximately 3 percentage
Table 1. Descriptive Statistics
Household State union density
Mean Non-union Union Difference Low High Difference
Relative poverty, all 0.164 0.189 0.051 –0.138* 0.200 0.129 –0.071*
Relative poverty, working 0.130 0.149 0.049 –0.100* 0.158 0.099 –0.059*
Anchored poverty, all 0.131 0.152 0.036 –0.116* 0.155 0.111 –0.043*
Anchored poverty, working 0.098 0.113 0.034 –0.079* 0.114 0.082 –0.031*
Union membership 0.160
State union density 16.00
Source: Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID), 1976–2015.
Notes: ‘Low’ and ‘High’ state union density are defined as state-years in the bottom and top third of
the distribution of state union density among the whole sample.
*p \ 0.001, two-tailed test.
points in the most recent waves. For anchored working poverty, we see no
significant difference in the last year of data, 2015. However, this last point
is an exception to the otherwise consistent set of findings. At least descrip-
tively, unionized households and states have lower rates of each dimension
of poverty.
Of course, differences in poverty could result from compositional
differences of states and households, as well as unobserved characteristics of
individuals resulting in unequal sorting across union dimensions. We there-
fore turn to fixed-effects regression models to assess the robustness of the
association between labor unions and poverty.
Regression Analyses
Table 2 presents results from three-way fixed-effects regression models. For
both relative and anchored poverty and both working and working-aged
households, we present three models. The first includes only our two union
measures and individual, state, and year fixed effects. The second adds
individual-, household-, and state-level controls. The third includes an inter-
action between household and state union density.
Across Table 2, several conclusions can be drawn. First, residence in a
union household clearly and significantly reduces all poverty outcomes.
These coefficients are robust across all eight of the first two models. While
adding controls in the second models lowers the magnitude of coefficients,
we find that union household membership reduces the probability of pov-
erty by between 0.04 and 0.06 compared to non-union households (p \
0.001 in all models with controls, two-tailed tests). Critically, all models
include individual fixed effects. Results thus do not reflect differences in
Figure 1. Poverty over Time
Data source: Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID), 1976–2015.
Notes: Dotted lines are 95% confidence intervals.
Figure 2. Poverty over Time, by Household and State Union Density
Data source: Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID), 1976–2015.
Notes: Dotted lines are 95% confidence intervals. ‘Low’ and ‘High’ state union density are defined as state-years in the bottom and top third of the distribution of state
union density among the whole sample.
Figure 3. Difference in Poverty across Household and State Union Density
Data source: Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID), 1976–2015.
Notes: Dotted lines are 95% confidence intervals. ‘Low’ and ‘High’ state union density are defined as state-years in the bottom and top third of the distribution of state
union density among the whole sample.
the probability of poverty across union and non-union households, but
rather change in the probability of poverty for an individual when a
household changes its union membership. A ssociations are thus net of
time-invariant characteristics that differ between union and non-union
Second, we find significant and negative associations between state union
density and all four poverty outcomes. For three of four outcomes, state
union density becomes statistically significant only when control variables
are included. Nevertheless, declines in state union density, or the inverse of
presented coefficients, correspond with an increase in the probability of all
four poverty outcomes (p \ 0.01). Because the models include state fixed
effects, coefficients represent the association between working poverty and
change in state union density within states over time. Notably, results are
net of household union membership. Thus, these state-level results do not
simply reflect individual compositional differences in the PSID across times
Table 2. Fixed-Effects Linear Probability Models, Poverty on Unions and Controls
Relative poverty Anchored poverty
Working-aged households
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Union household –0.100*** –0.059*** –0.051*** –0.087*** –0.049*** –0.024***
(0.003) (0.003) (0.007) (0.003) (0.003) (0.006)
State union density –0.001 –0.002*** –0.002*** –0.001 –0.002** –0.001*
(0.001) (0.001) (0.001) (0.001) (0.001) (0.001)
3 State union density –0.001 –0.001***
(0.001) (0.001)
Working poverty households
(7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
Union household –0.066*** –0.041*** –0.028*** –0.052*** –0.031*** –0.009
(0.003) (0.003) (0.007) (0.003) (0.002) (0.006)
State union density –0.002** –0.002*** –0.002*** –0.001
–0.002*** –0.002**
(0.001) (0.001) (0.001) (0.001) (0.001) (0.001)
3 State union density –0.001* –0.001***
(0.001) (0.001)
Controls? No Yes Yes No Yes Yes
Notes: Robust clustered standard errors in parentheses. All models include individual, year, and state
fixed effects. Standard errors clustered at individual level. Working-aged sample controls include
household head age, number of household members under age 18, number of household members
over age 64, whether the household contains a child under age 5, household composition, household
head race, household head education, whether none, one, or two or more household members are
employed. Working poverty sample controls include lead earner age, number of household members
under age 18, number of household members over age 64, whether the household contains a child
under age 5, household composition, lead earner race, lead earner education, lead earner industry,
lead earner occupation. All models include state controls: GDP per capita, employment rate per
population, GDP growth, and natural log of population.
Samples: 381,112.
Samples: 324,391.
p \ 0.10; *p \ 0.05; **p \ 0.01; ***p \ 0.001, two-tailed test.
and places. Rather, this is a state-level effect of union density net of house-
hold membership.
Third, the interaction effects between household and state union density
are statistically significant for three of four outcomes (relative working-aged
is the exception). Results mostly suggest that state union density and house-
hold membership augment the effects of each other. Moreover, the main
effect of state union density is significantly negative in all four models.
Overall, results suggest that state union density reduces poverty for non-
union households. In addition, there is no evidence that state union density
has adverse spillover effects, as negative associations are found for both
working and working-aged poverty.
Although the models in Table 2 improve on previous studies of unioniza-
tion and poverty, they nevertheless rely on potentially strict assumptions for
fixed effects. We relax these assumptions by fitting FEIS models, as
presented in Table 3. Model sequencing remains the same as in Table 2.
Our first two conclusions, that household membership and state union
density independently reduce poverty, are clearly replicated in FEIS models.
Losing household union membership increases the probability of poverty
for all four outcomes, and the decline of state union density increases the
risk of all as well. Thus, both state and household union effects are
Table 3. Fixed-Effects Individual Slopes Linear Probability Models, Poverty
on Unions and Controls
Relative poverty Anchored poverty
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Union household –0.093*** –0.056*** –0.035*** –0.080*** –0.045*** –0.014*
(0.004) (0.003) (0.008) (0.003) (0.003) (0.007)
State union density –0.002** –0.002*** –0.002** –0.001
–0.002*** –0.002**
(0.001) (0.001) (0.001) (0.001) (0.001) (0.001)
3 State union density –0.001* –0.001***
(0.001) (0.001)
Working poverty
(7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
Union household –0.063*** –0.037*** –0.024*** –0.048*** –0.027*** –0.011
(0.003) (0.003) (0.007) (0.003) (0.003) (0.006)
State union density –0.001** –0.002** –0.002* –0.001 –0.001* –0.001*
(0.001) (0.001) (0.001) (0.001) (0.000) (0.000)
3 State union density –0.001* –0.001**
(0.001) (0.000)
Controls? No Yes Yes No Yes Yes
Notes: Robust clustered standard errors in parentheses. See Table 2 for discussion of controls.
Samples: 379,076.
Samples: 321,654.
p \ 0.10; *p \ 0.05; **p \ 0.01; ***p \ 0.001, two-tailed test.
detectable net of not only stable individual characteristics but also idiosyn-
cratic individual poverty trajectories over time.
When we include individual slopes, we detect even more clearly consis-
tent, significant interactions between household and state union density.
Across all poverty outcomes, state union density has a significant and nega-
tive association for non-union households with a steeper impact for union
households. As shown in Figures 2 and 3, union and non-union households
have substantially dissimilar trajectories in poverty over time, as have states
with different union densities. It is uncertain whether assuming uniform
time trajectories is appropriate. Partly for this reason, we can more clearly
detect variation of union effects across states and household membership
when we relax this assumption.
Figure 4 plots the predicted probabilities of our four poverty dimensions
across union and non-union households, and across state union density
(based on Table 3). The dashed line for union households clearly shows
that living in a union household has its most protective benefits when one
Figure 4. Predicted Poverty Levels by State and Household Union Density
Data source: Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID), 1976–2015.
Notes: Predictions from models 3, 6, 9, and 12 in Table 3. Dotted lines are 95% confidence intervals.
also lives in a state with high union density, with the probability of poverty
ranging between 0.03 and 0.07 among high union density state-years.
Similarly, non-union households benefit from higher state union density.
We observe lower predicted probabilities of poverty among non-union
households among high union density states across all poverty outcomes.
Figure 5 displays the marginal effects of household union membership
across levels of state unionization. The marginal effects of poverty decline
between 2 and 5 percentage points from low to high state unionization. For
example, union households have approximately 0.02 lower probability of
being in anchored poverty compared to non-union households among low
unionized states, and have approximately 0.06 lower probability among the
highest unionized states. The interaction reveals that there is more similar-
ity in the risk of poverty between union and non-union households among
less unionized states. This between-group equality comes at the cost of an
overall higher risk of poverty, however. Although there is a greater between-
group difference between union and non-union households in highly
Figure 5. Household and Standardized State-Level Associations with Poverty, Fixed-Effects
Individual Slopes Models
Notes: Bars indicate 95% confidence intervals. Coefficients based on models 2, 5, 8, and 11 in Table 3.
We show household marginal effects in Online Appendix Figure A.2.
unionized contexts, this inequality occurs within a context of an overall
lower risk of experiencing poverty in the first place.
Before proceeding, it is important to clarify how the magnitude of state
union density and household union membership compares to our other
predictors of poverty. Figure 5 presents x-standardized coefficients of all
state-level variables in our second models of Table 3: union density, GDP
per capita, employment, GDP growth, and logged population.
It also
compares household union membership against the individual-level
coefficients for the ‘big four’ risk factors of poverty (Brady et al. 2017): sin-
gle motherhood, low education (i.e., less than high school), unemployment,
and young household head/lead earner (age 25 or younger).
Focusing first on state-level effects, Figure 5 shows that state union density
has a comparable magnitude to GDP per capita. GDP per capita tracks rising
economic development and affluence, and hence gauges long-term economic
growth. Both state-level characteristics have significant and negative effects:
The decline of union membership associates with higher poverty, whereas ris-
ing GDP per capita associates with lower poverty. The absolute magnitudes of
the two variables are similar. A standard deviation increase in state union den-
sity decreases poverty by between 0.01 and 0.018, whereas a standard deviation
increase in GDP per capita decreases poverty by between 0.011 and 0.016. Put
differently, state union density has about the same influence on poverty
change as does long-term state economic growth. Further, state union density
has larger and more robust standardized coefficients than employment rates,
GDP growth (i.e., short-term economic growth), and logged population.
Next, focusing on household-level effects, union membership consistently
has effects smaller than the big four risks. For working poverty, household
union membership effects are between 25% and 50% the magnitude of
other household variables; for working-aged poverty, union effects are
between 15% and 75% the magnitude of other key household explanations.
It is reasonable that household changes in employment or single mother-
hood status have substantively larger effects on poverty than household
union membership. It is notable, however, that the magnitudes of house-
hold union membership effects are almost as large as the contrast of lacking
a high school degree, compared to having a college degree, or having a
young household lead earner or young household head. Altogether, the
results in Figure 5 suggest that while unions alone are insufficient to explain
poverty trajectories, the decline of unions is a substantively significant con-
tributor to American poverty trajectories.
Supplementary Analyses
Thus far, we have presented evidence that both household union member-
ship and state union density reduce poverty. Recall, however, that
We present a table of standardized coefficients in Online Appendix Table A.4.
employment is consistently found to be the most important predictor of
working (Brady et al. 2013) and working-aged poverty (Rainwater and
Smeeding 2004; Brady et al. 2017). Being an employed household or having
multiple earners (e.g., note effects of unemployment in Figure 5) have
much larger effects on poverty than do unions, raising concerns that unions
might have adverse spillover effects for those outside, or marginally
attached to, the labor market. As we explained, researchers have long been
concerned that higher state union density leads to fewer employment
opportunities or lower wages for non-members. It is therefore valuable to
assess whether state union density undermines employment.
First, if state union density did more harm than good at the bottom of
the labor market, we would find a positive effect on the poverty of non-
members among higher union density states. However, Figure 4 shows state
union density reduces all four poverty outcomes among non-union
households. Thus, there is no evidence of adverse spillover effects from
state union density for the poverty of non-union households. Second, per-
haps controlling for employment attenuates (or is a post-treatment control
for) the coefficient of state union density and conceals the adverse spillover
effects. Models 1, 4, 7, and 10 of Tables 2 and 3, however, show the effects
of state union density before controlling for employment. Although the
coefficients for state union density are less robustly significant before
controls are added, no ‘reduced form’ model shows a positive coefficient
for poverty. Third, that the coefficients for state union density are consis-
tently negative among both working and working-aged households
undermines claims of adverse spillover effects. Even if state union density
worsens the employment of some households, the net effect across the sam-
ple is to reduce poverty.
Going further, we test if state union density undermines being employed
among working-aged households or having multiple earners among employed
households. These models mimic the fixed-effectsmodelsinTable2.Results
(included in the Online Appendix) show that across model specifications,
state union density is not significantly associated with whet her a household is
employed among the sample of working-aged households. In fact, state union
density’s coefficient is positively signed when controls are included. Similarly,
state union density is not significantly associated with whether a household
has multiple earners among the sample of working households. In total, we
find no evidence of adverse spillover effects on non-union households or
those marginally attached to the labor market.
Beyond spillover effects, we considered several potential concerns regard-
ing modeling decisions. First, we consider how our results were sensitive to
various clustering strategies. Although clustering at the incorrect level could
deflate standard errors, each approach has strengths and weaknesses. While
some researchers suggest clustering at the highest level possible, others
argue that it is better to cluster at the level of data collection or treatment
(Abadie, Athey, Imbens, and Wooldridge 2017). We replicated our main
results while clustering at the household and state levels. State-level cluster-
ing reveals slightly weaker and modestly less robust coefficients for state
union density in the fixed-effects models. However, even when clustering at
the state level, state union density FEIS coefficients remain largely
unchanged. Thus, overall, our decision to cluster at the individual level does
not appear to change our conclusions.
Second, cross-level interactions with state-level within-unit deviations
might be biased without special consideration. Giesselmann and Schmidt-
Catran (2019) showed that such interactions in standard fixed-effects
models can be problematic, as they still retain a partial mix of between-unit
and within-unit effects. Thus, our interaction results may not appropriately
identify the more robust results stemming from within-state union density
changes. Following their advice, we interacted household union member-
ship with state and year fixed effects. We also replicated our interaction
models after including an additional interaction between household union
membership and individual fixed effects. These specifications did not alter
our main results, which we interpret as evidence that the results are not
unduly rooted in misspecification of within-unit deviations.
This study investigates the relationship between labor unions and poverty.
We measure unions as household union membership, state union density,
and their interaction. Distinctively, we assess the spillover effects of state
union density on non-union households. We analyze individual-level panel
data from the PSID between 1976 and 2015 using three-way fixed effects
and FEIS models. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study of the
consequences for labor unions on poverty that uses individual-level panel
data. Because we use the CNEF’s ‘post-fisc’ income measures, our study
also has more valid and reliable measures of poverty than studies based on
the OPM. Relatedly, we verify our results across both working and working-
aged poverty, and both relative and anchored measures.
We ask three research questions. First, does household union member-
ship influence working and working-aged poverty? The descriptive evidence
shows that all four dimensions of poverty are significantly lower in union
versus non-union households. These results are not wholly based in
characteristics that vary between union and non-union households. We find
robust evidence that entering a union household has a consistent negative
effect on the probability of all forms of poverty. Although the magnitudes
are smaller than those of the big four risk factors of poverty (Brady et al.
2017), household union membership has substantively meaningful effects.
Second, net of household characteristics, does state union density influ-
ence working and working-aged poverty? We show poverty is significantly
lower in states with high union density. Although not quite as robust as
household union membership, we find significant associations in 21 of 24
reported models. Furthermore, state union density has a significant negative
coefficient in all eight fixed-effects and FEIS models for the four dimensions
of poverty when including individual- and state-level controls. These results
demonstrate that state union density has a poverty-reducing contextual
effect net of the compositional effects of states’ union membership. The
coefficients for state union density are also substantively meaningful com-
pared to standard predictors of poverty. State union density has coefficients
comparable to those of GDP per capita (i.e., affluence and long-term eco-
nomic development), and only state union density and GDP per capita have
consistent associations across poverty dimensions.
Perhaps more salient is that state union density reduces poverty for both
union and non-union households. Hence, state union density has a poverty-
reducing contextual spillover effect for non-union households specifically.
Higher state union density reduces poverty even for those who are not
members and for the working-aged population as a whole. Because we ana-
lyze the working-aged and not just working households, these results are
particularly relevant for the argument that state union density has a contex-
tual spillover anti-poverty effect.
Third, do any poverty-reducing effects of household union membership
and state union density significantly interact to offset or augment one
another? The interactions discussed above show not only that state union
density has effects for both union and non-union households but also that
household union membership is particularly beneficial in a context of high
state union density. There are distinct, non-redundant effects to both house-
hold union memberships and state union density. Although high state
union density benefits non-union households, union households are partic-
ularly unlikely to be poor in states with high union density.
This study also provides evidence that undermines each major reason for
skepticism about labor unions. Even though unions are exceptionally weak
in the contemporary United States, we continue to find significant effects.
This is the case even though our analyses includes three recent time points
(2011, 2013, 2015) of very low union density—all after the last time point
(i.e., 2010) observed by Brady and colleagues (2013). Further, this study
exploits panel data to remove the stable unobserved characteristics that
select people into union membership. Along with a rich set of time-varying
controls, the use of fixed effects and FEIS models should reduce concerns
about unobserved heterogeneity and selection. Further, we find beneficial
spillover effects for non-union households and the broader working-aged
population. Finally, analyses yield no evidence of adverse spillover effects
for the bottom of the income distribution, especially those marginally
attached to the labor market. Higher state union densities do not appear to
marginalize people into unemployment, fewer workers per household, or
poverty. Beyond these points, we underline that the present study advances
beyond past research’s focus on state union density and working poverty. By
examining both household union membership and working-aged poverty,
this study substantially deepens and expands the evidentiary base for argu-
ing that unions reduce poverty.
Initially, it may seem counterintuitive that household and state union
measures have such robust associations with poverty, given the relative sta-
bility of poverty rates during the period of our study compared to steep
union decline. This seeming contradiction is best understood through a
cross-national comparison, in which the United States has an unusually high
poverty rate compared to other high-income countries (Brady et al. 2017).
The decline of labor unions and their protective social, political, and eco-
nomic consequences has allowed for US poverty rates to remain stable at a
high level despite four decades of economic growth, rising educational
attainment, female labor force participation and multi-earner households,
declining rates of young heads of households, and several other poverty-
reducing trends (Brady et al. 2017). A counterfactual world in which US
labor union membership caught up to Western Europe, rather than the
experienced inverse, would potentially have pushed American relative pov-
erty much nearer to Western European levels.
Our study has limitations that can motivate future research. Although we
demonstrate that state union density has broad effects on poverty reduction,
meaningful heterogeneity may be present across subgroups. Given that
labor union membership tends to stabilize marital patterns (Schneider and
Reich 2014), does union density have similar effects across single- and two-
parent households? Our focus on individual trajectories may not fully
account for the substantial geographical reorganization of industrial loca-
tion over the time period of study. Manufacturing employment shifted from
the Northeast to the South over the period of our study. To what extent do
the poverty-reducing effects of union density track with state-level shifts in
industrial composition (i.e., net of household-level industry and occupation
of employment, which we control for)? Further, how does union density
affect poverty among senior and child populations specifically, two groups
at especially high risks of poverty? While all these questions are beyond the
scope of the current article, they would help further establish when, and
how, union density reduces poverty.
Future research should also interrogate the causal ordering. For exam-
ple, we cannot fully disentangle whether labor unions themselves reduce
poverty or whether labor unions are associated with good jobs available to
those in the middle and bottom of the income distribution. Also, unions
might reduce employment churn and downward pressures on wages in
years spent unemployed, or union membership might follow after attain-
ment of high-wage employment when one can pay union dues. Labor
unions could be closely associated with establishing the social conditions
necessary for quality employment in spaces other than the top of the labor
market, but more research should test if unions have the direct effect on
poverty that our results suggest. Although these mechanisms are critical for
developing a precise theoretical understanding of how labor unions
alleviate poverty, our study still demonstrates that declining labor unions in
the US have clear practical implications for poverty.
Although Brady and colleagues (2013) provided evidence that part of
union density’s effect on poverty works through the mechanism of social
policy, we are forced to leave that question to future research. In contrast to
Brady and colleagues’ time period of 1991 to 2010, it is more difficult to
compare social policy generosity across state-years in our longer and more
recent time period (1976 to 2015). While their analysis of Aid to Families
with Dependent Children/Temporary Assistance for Needy Families plus
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (AFDC/TANF+SNAP) and
unemployment insurance (UI) maximum benefit levels is informative,
updated analyses would require greater consideration of coverage, eligibil-
ity, and access. Future research could ideally examine the decline of welfare
programs that were previously more prominent, such as General Assistance,
as well as the emergence of higher state minimum wages, earned income
tax credits, and the expansion of Medicaid through the Affordable Care
Act (as well as the shift from programs such as TANF to SNAP and
Supplemental Security Income (SSI)).
We conclude by encouraging American poverty researchers to incorpo-
rate labor unions into the study of poverty. As shown in the introduction,
the neglect of labor unions in American poverty research is pervasive. This
situation is unfortunate because the omission of unions from analyses of
poverty could arguably be a substantial omitted variable bias. Even if the
focus of an analysis is far from unions, we conjecture that unions should still
be accounted for in models of poverty. To the extent studies are interested
in causes of poverty that are in any way related to labor unions (e.g.,
employment), it is essential for American poverty scholars to incorporate
labor unions into their analyses. The omission is even more unfortunate
given growing interest in political theories of poverty generally (Brady
2019), and given the extensive related literatures on unions and wages, jobs,
and social equality. Scholars are increasingly recognizing that poverty is the
result of politics, and that power resources and institutions exert tremen-
dous influence on poverty. Unions are one of the most important power
resources and institutions and are pivotal to the politics of social policies.
Moreover, it is well understood that declining unionization is substantially
shaped by politics at the federal, state, and local levels (Rosenfeld 2014;
DiGrazia and Dixon 2019; Hertel-Fernandez 2019). Therefore, to under-
stand poverty, we must understand unionization as a key aspect of the poli-
tics of poverty and as a key aspect of the broader political processes that
ultimately shape the distribution of economic resources in society.
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