2022 JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCEVol. 68, Nr. 6, 2003 © 2003 Institute of Food Technologists
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Food Engineering and Physical Properties
JFS:Food Engineering and Physical Properties
Changes in the Physicochemical Properties of
Wheat- and Soy-containing Breads During
Storage as Studied by Thermal Analyses
ABSTRACT: Adding soy ingredients to baked products influences textural and sensorial properties. The changes in
physical properties of bread modified with soy flour during 7-d storage at ambient temperature were investigated
using thermoanalytical techniques (differential scanning calorimetry and dynamic mechanical analysis). An in-
crease in loaf density, moisture content, and FW content, and a decrease in amylopectin recrystallization were
observed with increased addition of soy flour. Addition of soy shifted the main thermal transition (0 °C, mainly due
to ice melting) to slightly lower temperatures (both in differential scanning calorimetry and dynamic mechanical
analysis analysis) and decreased its temperature range (increased homogeneity). These observations suggest a role
for soy in modulating bread staling.
Keywords: bread staling, soy bread, DSC, DMA, freezable water
recently has found increasing acceptance in Western diets due
to the Food and Drug Administration claim of linking the con-
sumption of soy protein with a lower risk of heart disease (FDA 1999).
Additionally, soy products are being recognized as having potential
roles in the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases, most
notably cancer (Fukutake and others 1996; Appelt and Reicks
1999), osteoporosis, and kidney disease (Omi and others 1994;
Draper and others 1997), and reduction of blood cholesterol levels
(FDA 1999).
Soy has been successfully incorporated in various products in-
cluding chicken-meat analogs, cereals, pasta, and imitation bacon
bites, but its use in bakery products (especially bread) has been
limited because of unacceptable sensory and textural properties.
The effects of adding soy ingredients to bread have been charac-
terized by sensory analysis (Buck and others 1987; Dhingra and
Jood 2001), nutritional parameters (Dhingra and Jood 2001), loaf
volume, density measurements (Erdman and others 1977; Fleming
and Sosulski 1977; Buck and others 1987; Brewer and others 1992),
and texture analysis (Buck and others 1987; Brewer and others
1992). Notably, a significant decrease in loaf volume was observed
with the addition of soy (Erdman and others 1977; Fleming and
Sosulski 1977; Buck and others 1987; Brewer and others 1992),
which was correlated to a change in the water absorption of the soy
ingredients (Chen and Rasper 1982; Doxastakis and others 2002)
and/or dilution of the gluten fraction (Knorr and Betschart 1978).
The changes (especially firming) occurring in breads during stor-
age have been attributed to several factors including recrystalliza-
tion of amylopectin (Maga 1975; Kulp and others 1981), moisture
redistribution (Leung and others 1983; Baik and Chinachoti 2001),
changes in gluten functionality (Maga 1975; Kulp and others 1981),
and the state of the amorphous phase (Slade and Levine 1991; Hall-
berg and Chinachoti 1992). Hallberg and Chinachoti (2002) have
shown that starch recrystallization may contribute to staling but
that other indicators such as moisture migration and changes in the
amorphous phase are more likely to be the cause of bread firming.
Additionally, the role of gluten in staling has come into question
because breads made with alternative proteins (soy and milk) in-
creased in firmness during storage at the same rate (Gerrard and
others 2001) as traditional breads containing gluten proteins.
When changing a processing and/or preservation method, it is
critical to understand the resulting changes to the physicochemi-
cal and molecular properties of the food material to ensure an ac-
ceptable product. These properties are the tangible manifestation
of changes that take place in the product at both structural and
molecular levels. Thermal analysis techniques such as differential
scanning calorimetry (DSC) and dynamic mechanical analysis
(DMA) have been shown to be particularly well suited for such
Differential scanning calorimetry monitors changes in physical
or chemical properties of a material as a function of temperature by
detecting the heat changes associated with such processes. Phase
transitions such as starch gelatinization, amylopectin recrystalliza-
tion, amylose-lipid complex formation, and FW have all been quan-
tified in various carbohydrate systems (Russell 1983; Levine and
Slade 1988; Vodovotz and Chinachoti 1998). Such phase transitions
proved important in wheat bread storage studies, identifying an
increase in crystalline amylopectin and decrease in FW with increas-
ing storage time (Vodovotz and others 1996).
Dynamic mechanical analysis has been introduced to study
thermomechanical changes in food (MacInnes and Roulet 1988;
Roulet and others 1988; Kalichevsky and others 1992; Vodovotz and
others 1996; Vodovotz and Chinachoti 1998). Dynamic mechanical
analysis is a thermoanalytical technique that applies a dynamic
stress at a given frequency to a sample of known geometry. The
resulting strain has 2 components: in phase (elastic, E9) and out of
phase (viscous, E0; Wendlandt and Gallagher 1981). Food polymers
are mostly viscoelastic with stress and strain being out of phase with
respect to each other by a phase angle (d). Tan d is defined as the
ratio of E0/E9. E0 is the loss modulus that reflects the energy dissi-
pated as the material is deformed, and E9 is the storage modulus
that indicates the storage of energy (Murayama 1978; Hamann and
others 1990). Dynamic mechanical analysis has proven to be a pow-
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Food Engineering and Physical Properties
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Soy bread staling by thermal analyses . . .
erful tool for distinguishing between the effects of drying and ag-
ing on the thermomechanical properties of bread (Hallberg and
Chinachoti 1992; Chinachoti 1994; Vodovotz and others 1996). The
tan d (T) curves for aged and fresh bread of similar moisture con-
tents were very different in the transition temperature range, that
is, the curve for aged bread was found to be broader (Vodovotz and
others 1996). The storage modulus (E9) transition region for various
bakery products was fitted using a model equation (based on Fer-
mi’s distribution function; Peleg 1993; Vodovotz and others 2000).
Differences in the firmness among the samples were quantified
using this method (Vodovotz and others 2000). More detailed dis-
cussion on application of this technique to bread staling analysis
can be found in Hallberg and Chinachoti (1992).
The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of soy
flour on the physicochemical properties of soy bread as compared
with a wheat control by using DSC and DMA techniques.
Materials and Methods
Bread production
Formulations shown in Table 1 were used to produce 0.9-kg
bread loaves. Breads loaves were produced with an automated
bread machine (Zojirushi America Corp., Commerce, Calif., U.S.A.)
and allowed to cool on racks at room temperature for 1 h before anal-
ysis or packaged into polyethylene bags for storage at room tem-
perature. Bagged breads loaves were kept at 25 °C for up to 7 d.
Bread loaves were analyzed at predetermined time intervals (0, 1,
2, 4, and 7 d postproduction). Two to five breads loaves were pro-
duced for each bread formulation.
Water-holding capacity
Water-holding capacity for the different flour mixtures (0%, 20%,
30%, and 40% substitution of soy flour for the wheat flour) was ob-
tained according to the method of Quin and Paton (1983). Five
grams of the flour mixtures were weighed into a 50-mL centrifuge
tube to which 30 mL water was added. The slurry was stirred for 5
min and then allowed to stand for 30 min at ambient conditions.
The flour mixture was then centrifuged at 4500 rpm for 25 min and
the weight of free liquid measured. The retained weight was ex-
pressed as the amount of water absorbed per gram of sample on dry
Moisture content determination
Moisture content of bread was determined by vacuum oven dry-
ing (AOAC 2002, Method 925.09). Duplicates of preweighed samples
were placed over silica gel overnight and then vacuum oven–dried at
60 °C for 24 h. The final weight of each sample was determined and
moisture content calculated from weight loss (Eq. 1):
Loaf volume
Loaf volume was determined by rapeseed replacement (AACC
2000, Method 10-05).
Differential scanning calorimetry
Differential scanning calorimetry curves were obtained with a
DSC 2920 cell of TA Instruments (New Castle, Del., U.S.A.) purged
with nitrogen gas. Bread samples (10 to 15 mg) were placed in her-
metically sealed aluminum pans (PerkinElmer Instruments LLC,
Shelton, Conn., U.S.A.) quench cooled inside the DSC furnace
equipped with a refrigerated cooling system and then heated at 5 °C/
min from –50 °C to 110 °C. At least triplicate samples were analyzed
for each bread loaf at a given time. The following parameters were
obtained from the DSC thermogram (Vodovotz and others 1996):
“Freezable” water (FW). Presence of an endothermic melting
peak around 0 °C corresponded to ice melting (Reid and others
1993), and the enthalpy of this transition was used to calculate FW
using Eq. 2.
Unfreezable” water (UFW ). Calculated from the difference
between % moisture content and % FW.
Recrystallized amylopectin. The melting peak at around 60 °C
was assumed to correspond to recrystallized amylopectin (Russell
1983). The enthalpy of this peak was measured (W/g) using Ad-
vantage Software (TA Instruments).
Dynamic mechanical analysis
Bread crumb (approximately 1-cm thick) was compressed with a
Carver press at room temperature to approximately 3-mm thick-
ness and cut with a die into the appropriate sample shape
(3 × 10 × 18 mm). A sample was then inserted into a dual cantilever
attachment of a DMA instrument (DMA 2980, TA Instruments) in
the float mode and locked down with thumbscrews. The sample was
cooled to –80 °C in the oven of the DMA using liquid nitrogen be-
fore heating at 2 °C/min up to 120 °C in the bending mode. Stor-
age modulus (E9), loss modulus (E0), and tan d (E9/E0) were record-
ed (Vodovotz and others 1996). The storage modulus was further
characterized by fitting the curve with a modified Fermi equation,
(Peleg 1993), Eq. 3:
where E
is the normalized E9, a is the slope of the line, b is a con-
stant, T is the temperature, and Tc is the temperature at the inflec-
tion point of the curve.
Results and Discussion
Bread macroscopic properties
Cooked and cooled control wheat bread was found to weigh
about 800 g and to have a loaf volume of 2820 cm
. The density of
the bread loaves was calculated for each product to account for the
differences in formulation (Table 1) and are presented in Figure 1.
Table 1—Breadsformulation expressed as % total
Wheat Soy 20% Soy 30% Soy 40%
Wheat flour 55.8% 43.4% 38.0% 31.7%
Defatted soy flour 0% 10.9% 16.3% 21.7%
Water 34.9% 37.7% 37.7% 37.7%
Sugar 4.6% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0%
Shortenings 2.6% 2.1% 2.1% 2.1%
Dry yeast 1.1% 0.9% 0.9% 0.9%
Salt 1.0% 1.0% 1.0% 1.0%
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Food Engineering and Physical Properties
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Soy bread staling by thermal analyses . . .
Density of the bread loaves increased with an increase in soy flour
addition. These findings are consistent with prior work comparing
the loaf volume of soy and wheat breads (Sosulski and Fleming
1979; Klein and others 1980; Buck and others 1987). The density
increase was speculated to be caused by greater water absorption
of the soy ingredients (Doxastakis and others 2002) and lower glu-
ten content of soy added breads (Gerard and others 2001) with
consequent reduction of gluten network formation resulting in lower
loaf volume (Knorr and Betschart 1978). Higher bread density (de-
creased specific loaf volume) has been correlated to a more pro-
nounced firmness during storage (Axford and others1968).
Moisture content and FW
Moisture content of the wheat (control) bread crumb during stor-
age at room temperature was measured and decreased as expected
(Baik and Chinachoti 2001), from 38.5% to 34.2% during 7 d of stor-
age (Figure 2). The changes in moisture content were confirmed by
thermogravimetry on the same samples (data not shown).
The reduction of moisture content in the bread crumb has been
attributed to moisture migration from the wetter bread crumb to
the drier bread crust (Baik and Chinachoti 2001). The crumb of
fresh soy-containing bread had similar moisture content as the
wheat control (Table 2). The moisture content of soy-containing
bread was also found to decrease during storage but to a lesser
degree than the wheat control (Figure 2). The reduction in % mois-
ture content was proportional to the amount of soy added to the
formulation (that is, 4.2%, 3.1%, 2.5%, and 1.7% moisture decrease
in 0%, 20%, 30%, and 40% soy bread, respectively, over 7 d of stor-
age; Figure 2). It can be speculated that a larger amount of water
held in the bread matrix in the presence of soy (increased water-
holding capacity, Table 2) is strongly associated with the bread com-
ponents and therefore not easily removed by vacuum oven–dry-
ing. Similarly, in previous studies, addition of soy increased the
water-holding capacity of standard bread formulations (Fleming
and Sosulski 1977; Porter and Skarra 1999; Doxastakis and others
Differential scanning calorimetry curves indicated the presence
of a major endothermic transition about 0 °C that was attributed
mainly to ice melting (Li and others 1996; Vodovotz and others 1996;
Baik and Chinachoti 2001). Typical curves for the ice-melting tran-
sition in fresh wheat bread and 40% soy bread are shown in Figure
3, insert A, and indicate that the transition developed over a similar
Table 2—Effect of soy addition on water absorption of flour,
moisture content, and % unfreezable water in fresh
Moisture Unfreezable
Water-holding content water
capacity of flour of fresh bread of fresh bread
% Soy (%) (%) (%)
0 77.0 6 0.5 38.4 6 0.2 15.2 6 0.3
20 88.6 6 1.0 38.9 6 0.5 15.4 6 0.5
30 98.8 6 0.7 36.9 6 0.4 12.6 6 0.5
40 112.8 6 1.2 37.6 6 0.5 12.6 6 0.3
Figure 1—Density of bread loaves as function of soy flour
Figure 2—Percent moisture content change in bread crumb
containing different amounts of soy flour during storage
at room temperature for 7 d
Figure 3—“Freezablewater (differential scanning calorim-
etry [DSC] analysis) of bread crumb containing different
amounts of soy flour during storage at room temperature.
Typical DSC thermograms emphasizing the endothermic
transition approximately 0 °C for wheat bread (solid line)
and 40% soy bread (dotted line) at day 0 are shown in in-
sert A.
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Vol. 68, Nr. 6, 2003
Food Engineering and Physical Properties
is available in searchable form at
Soy bread staling by thermal analyses . . .
temperature range. Temperature onset of the transition was slightly
lower in the soy-containing breads (Table 3). The overall transition
was more skewed to lower temperatures in the soy-containing
breads (Figure 3, insert A), suggesting the existence of a possible
second transition in these samples. As reported earlier, such tran-
sition may be tentatively attributed to a glass transition (Tg) occur-
ring at temperatures slightly lower than the ice-melting transition
or to the melting of ice crystals in freeze-concentrated domains
(Zeleznak and Hoseney 1987; Levine and Slade 1988; Roos and
Karel 1991; Li and others 1996; Vodovotz and others 1996; Baik and
others 1997a, 1997b; Baik and Chinachoti 2001).
“Freezable” water (as analyzed by DSC analysis) of bread crumb
during storage at room temperature is shown in Figure 3. Fresh
wheat control bread was found to have slightly lower FW content
(23.2% 6 0.2%) than soy-containing bread. Addition of soy flour to
the bread formulation caused a slight increase in FW content in the
bread in proportion to the amount of soy substitution (that is,
23.5 6 0.5%, 24.3% 6 0.6%, and 25.0% 6 0.1% in the 20%, 30%, and
40% soy, respectively). The higher moisture content in the soy-con-
taining products may account for the slightly greater amount of FW.
FW decreased with increasing storage time in all samples as pre-
viously reported for white bread (Baik and Chinachoti 2000, 2001).
Wheat control bread showed a greater reduction (5.1%) in FW during
7 d of storage than in soy-containing bread (2.0% to 3.8%), suggest-
ing higher stability of the latter. The % UFW content also was calcu-
lated (Table 2) and did not seem to reflect the greater water-hold-
ing capacity of the soy/wheat flour mixtures (Table 2). Additionally,
the UFW content did not change significantly during storage, sug-
gesting that only the more available water (the FW) may have un-
dergone detectable changes during storage. This is consistent with
the measured decrease in moisture content in the bread crumb dur-
ing storage (Figure 1). These results differ from those of Hallberg
and Chinachoti (2002) who found the UFW content of standard
white bread increasing with storage. The discrepancy is probably
due to the lengthy storage time (0 to 17 mo) used in that study.
Amylopectin recrystallization
The endotherm of amylopectin recrystallization (endothermic
peak at approximately 40 to 70 °C in the DSC curve; Figure 4, insert
A) was found to increase in all samples during storage. The en-
thalpy associated to amylopectin recrystallization in the control
wheat bread increased from 0.6 to 3.8 W/g during 7 d of storage, and
it was similar to previous findings (Longton and LeGrys 1981; Rou-
let and others 1988). The increase in amylopectin recrystallization
was significantly decreased by the presence of soy flour in the
bread formulation (Figure 4). The lower amount of amylopectin
initially present in the soy-containing breads cannot alone explain
the significantly lower extent of the amylopectin recrystallization.
For example, a 40% amylopectin reduction is expected in the 40%
soy-containing bread, and it should lead to a 40% reduction in the
enthalpy of recrystallized amylopectin melting. This was not ob-
served in the experimental results (Figure 4). At 2 d of storage, for
example, the enthalpy of the recrystallized amylopectin peak (40%
soy sample) should be 1.5 W/g (40% reduction from 2.5 W/g of the
wheat control), whereas only 0.6 W/g are measured by DSC.
Baik and Chinachoti (2001) had previously suggested a correla-
tion between lower amylopectin recrystallization and lower mois-
ture gradient between bread crumb and crust. Also in the present
study, a lower moisture loss in soy-containing bread crumb was
observed during storage (Figure 2), suggesting a different moisture
redistribution during storage in the soy-containing bread. Zeleznak
and Hoseney (1987) reported that starch crystallinity is controlled
by the water present during retrogradation with maximum crystal
formation at moisture contents of 40% to 50%. It is thus possible
that the high affinity of soy components for water (higher water-
holding capacity; Table 2) resulted in less water available for the
starch component, decreasing the recrystallization rate during stor-
age. Alternately, Ryan and others (2002) proposed that hydrated
soy fractions in bread interacted strongly with starch, thus interfer-
ing with the ability of the soy protein to form complexes with the
gluten fraction. According to these authors, therefore, the soy pro-
tein/starch interactions precluded starch/starch interactions,
thereby hindering amylopectin recrystallization during storage.
Dynamic mechanical analyzer results
A typical DMA curve for wheat bread is show in Figure 5. A major
transition was observed at 0 °C as indicated by the drop in E9 and
E0 values and a peak in the tan d curve. As previously reported, this
transition was attributed mainly to ice melting, but may have con-
tributions from a second-order transition such as glass transition
(Hallberg and Chinachoti 1992; Vodovotz and Chinachoti 1996). At
temperatures above 100 °C, moisture evaporated from the sample,
resulting in cracking and hardening of the sample (jagged lines)
and increase in E9.
Tan d (T) curves observed in this study did not show significant
differences during storage, possibly due to the relatively short stor-
age time. The reported changes in the tan d (T) line shape
Table 3On-set and max peak T of differential scanning
calorimetry (DSC) ice-melting peak in wheat control and
soy-enriched breads
Onset T Peak T
Control –13.5 6 1.2 –4.7 6 1.6
Soy 20% –15.2 6 1.8 –4.6 6 1.5
Soy 30% –14.6 6 2.5 –4.7 6 1.5
Soy 40% –15.2 6 1.0 –5.1 6 1.2
The values are the average of all DSC results over 7 d of storage 6 standard
Figure 4Recrystallized amylopectin melting of bread
crumb containing different amounts of soy flour during
storage at room temperature. Typical differential scanning
calorimetry thermograms emphasizing the endothermic
transition approximately 60 °C for wheat bread (solid line)
and 40% soy bread (dotted line) at day 7 of storage are
shown in insert A
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Food Engineering and Physical Properties
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Soy bread staling by thermal analyses . . .
(Vodovotz and others 2000) in wheat bread were significant and
measurable only after 12 d of storage.
Figure 6 shows the change in stiffness (or E9 [T] values) at 25 °C
for wheat and 40% soy bread during storage. E9 (T) for wheat bread
was found to be slightly higher (stiffer) than in soy-containing
bread during storage. Stiffness in breads as measured by compres-
sion tests has been inversely correlated to an increase in loaf spe-
cific volume (Axford and others 1968) and lower moisture content
(Rogers and others 1988). However, as mentioned previously, the
soy-containing breads had a greater density (lower loaf specific
volume) and similar initial moisture content compared with the
wheat bread, yet resulted in lower initial stiffness detected by
DMA. During storage, the moisture content of the wheat bread
decreased to a greater extent than the soy-containing bread and
therefore may, at least partially, account for the greater stiffness
observed for the wheat bread (Baik and Chinachoti 2001). It is also
important to point out that E9 (T) is measuring segmental mobili-
ty, which is an indication of stiffness on a molecular level and,
therefore, the greater amount of water retained in the soy-contain-
ing bread may act as plasticizer of macromolecules, resulting in a
lower molecular stiffness. Density is a function of the arrangement
of the different components (protein, carbohydrate, air, water, and
so on) in the sample that may not correlate with molecular stiffness
but only with macroscopic stiffness (texture analysis).
E9 (T) DMA data were further characterized by fitting the storage
modulus curves in the transition region with a modified Fermi
equation, as previously reported (Peleg 1993; Vodovotz and others
2000). This equation describes the change in stiffness (E9) with
temperature within a range of storage times. In all cases, the fitting
gave an r
$ 0.98. Fitting results of wheat and soy-containing bread
during storage are shown in Table 4. The fitted parameters Tc and
a did not significantly change over time (Table 4), and their aver-
aged values over 7 d of storage will be used in this discussion. Tc,
the temperature at the inflection point in the curve, decreased with
the addition of soy to the bread formulation, indicating a shift of
the transition region to lower temperatures, as also suggested by
DSC results. This lower transition temperature may reflect the
greater ability of water to plasticize soy-containing bread compo-
nents. The steepness or the slope of the curve, a, was found to be
greatest for the wheat bread reflecting a more gradual drop in E9
(T) that may be due to greater heterogeneity of this sample as com-
pared with the soy added formulations. The presence of glycerol, a
plasticizer, decreased the slope of the transition region of E9 (T) in
Meal Ready to Eat (MRE) bread (a = 26) compared with white bread
(a = 73) (Vodovotz and others 2000), indicating a more homoge-
neous transition in the MRE bread. Such an effect may have been
caused by the incorporation of glycerol as a plasticizer in this ex-
tended shelf life bread. Further work (such as the use of nuclear
magnetic resonance) is required to determine the origin of these
Table 4—Results of fitting of E9 (T) of wheat and soy (20%,
30%, and 40%) bread with Fermi equation during storage
Storage time (d) Slope
a Tc
Control 0 10.8 6 0.7 –28.7 6 1.0
1 11.2 6 0.5 –28.9 6 1.2
2 11.0 6 0.3 –27.4 6 0.9
4 11.3 6 0.2 –26.6 6 2.8
7 11.5 6 1.1 –24.8 6 3.2
Average 11.1
6 0.6 –27.5
6 2.2
Soy 20% 0 7.1 6 0.8 –28.2 6 3.0
1 9.5 6 0.5 31.2 6 0.7
2 9.4 6 0.6 –30.35 6 0.8
4 9.9 6 1.0 29.7 6 2.8
7 9.8 6 1.1 31.5 6 2.9
Average 8.9
6 1.4 –30.1
6 2.6
Soy 30% 0 9.0 6 1.1 –32.7 6 1.9
1 9.3 6 0.6 33.3 6 1.5
2 9.3 6 0.6 33.2 6 1.7
4 9.1 6 0.2 30.8 6 2.0
7 9.4 6 0.1 31.6 6 0.4
Average 9.2
6 0.7 –32.5
6 1.7
Soy 40% 0 8.2 6 0.4 –32.7 6 1.4
1 8.6 6 0.4 33.6 6 0.4
2 8.7 6 0.1 33.3 6 1.1
4 8.6 6 0.1 32.7 6 0.4
7 8.8 6 0.7 31.4 6 3.0
Average 8.5
6 0.4 –32.7
6 1.5
The average represents the average of all individual fitting for all samples
during storage 6 standard deviation.
Figure 6—E9 (T) Dynamic Mechanical Analysis at 25 °C for
wheat bread (circles, solid line) and 40% soy bread (tri-
angles, dashed line) during storage at room temperature
Figure 5—Typical differential scanning calorimetry thermo-
gram for fresh wheat bread
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Vol. 68, Nr. 6, 2003
Food Engineering and Physical Properties
is available in searchable form at
Soy bread staling by thermal analyses . . .
mixed impact on the physicochemical properties of the final
product. An increase in the density of the bread was observed in
proportion to the amount of soy flour substitution. This negative
outcome may be offset by various factors. Addition of soy flour
helped retain moisture in the final product during storage as seen
by smaller changes in FW and moisture content than in the wheat
control. Furthermore, the addition of soy significantly decreased
the amylopectin crystallization during storage. Finally, soy ap-
peared to increase the homogeneity of the bread components as
demonstrated by the DMA storage modulus. Collectively, the
changes in water distribution and amylopectin recrystallization
indicate that soy may play a role in modulating the staling mecha-
nism of bread.
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method of the AACC. 8th ed. St. Paul, Minn.: AACC.
[AOAC] Assn. of Official Analytical Chemists. 2002. Method 925.09. In: Official
methods of analysis. 17th ed. Volume II. Washington D. C.: AOAC.
Appelt LC, Reicks MM. 1999. Soy induces phase II enzymes but does not inhibit
dimethylbenz[a]anthracene-induced carcinogenesis in female rats. J Nutr 129:
Axford DWE, Colwell KH, Cornford SJ, Elton GA. 1968. Effect of loaf-specific vol-
ume on the rate and extent of staling in bread. J Sci Fd Agric 19:95-101.
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MS 20030042 Submitted 1/22/03, Revised 3/24/03, Accepted 5/8/03, Received
The authors would like to thanks Abdulah Sinan Colakoglu for his help with the thermal
analysis experiments. Additionally, the DSC press used in these experiments was obtained
through a grant awarded by the NASA Food Technology Commercial Space Center.
Author Vittadini is with Univ. degli Studi di Parma, Dept, di Chimica
Organica e Industriale, Parma Italy. Author Vodovotz is with the Food Sci-
ence and Technology Dept. The Ohio State Univ., 110 Parker Food Science
and Technology Bldg., 2015 Fyffe Court, Columbus, Ohio 43210. Direct in-
quiries to author Vodovotz (E-mail: vodovotz.1@osu.edu).
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