LeBlanc-Straceski Instructions for Authors of Laboratory Reports p. 1
Department of Biology, Merrimack College 8/17/17
L ab oratory*Reports**
*by*Janine*M.*LeBlanc-Straceski,*Ph.D.,*Department*of*Biology,*Merrimack*College,*North*An dover*M A*
All published scientific reports conform to a basic outline. Every report must
include elements of the following seven sections: title and authors, abstract, introduction,
materials and methods, results, discussion, and references. However, different scientific
journals require adherence to their own individual format. In the back of any scientific
journal appears a section called "Instructions for Authors" where the editors spell out the
requirements for submission of a paper. If an author submits a manuscript for review and
it does not conform to the guidelines, he or she runs the risk of having the manuscript
returned for revisions before it will even be considered for publication, or worse, having it
rejected outright.
Consider the instructions which follow as the format for submission of lab reports to
the journal for "MC Biology". Follow them closely. Although your grade for a report
never simply reflects how well you follow a format, it certainly is a valid starting point. A
well organized paper not only helps you think more precisely about your experiment, it
communicates to the editors that you have made a sincere effort to follow their
instructions. Having all the manuscripts submitted in the same format is less distracting
for the editor and allows him/her to focus on the data and its interpretation.
The title should be short and succinct. It can either be a description, such as
"Photosynthesis in Spinach Under at Variable Wavelengths” or it can state a provocative
new finding - "Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is caused by HIV".
In scientific publications, all the authors directly involved in the research described
in the report are listed in the order of their relative contribution. Your report will have
only one author. You are responsible for writing your own lab report. The other
members or your investigation group should be listed separately.
This is really a summary of the report. It should be a single, short paragraph. In a
few short sentences you should: 1) introduce the topic, 2) state the purpose of the
experiment, 3) give a brief statement of the methods employed, 4) concisely state the most
important findings, 5) and finally draw a general conclusion about the results. Abstracts
should be written last, after the rest of the report is completed
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The introduction should provide the scientific background from which you can
explain WHY you performed this particular set of experiments. You should refer to
previous works, citing them properly. Always progress from the general topic to the
specific phenomenon your experiment was designed to investigate. Describe the scientific
basis for procedures and techniques, but do not list all the details of the methods. State
your major findings clearly, giving specific values of significant data. (Do NOT summarize
all the data contained in your report.) Conclude with a sentence or two about what you
believe your results show.
Describe the experimental procedures followed to obtain the data. Describe only
those that could influence the outcome of the data. State the theoretical reasons for
performing each major step. Divide this section into subsections based on the different
types of purifications or assays performed.
The most common errors made in writing this section are either that it is much too
long, or that key numerical values are omitted. Your guide should be that if a colleague (in
this case, someone who has completed the laboratory exercise at least once) reads your
Materials and Methods section, he or she should be able to duplicate the conditions of the
experiment. The materials and methods section of your lab report should be an exact
record of how you carried out the experiment. You should describe what you did in lab.
Do not simply copy what is written in your lab manual because parameters will vary. Even
if you did not make them up yourself and simply used solutions prepared by someone
else, you should list the molar concentrations for all ingredients and pH 's for all buffers.
These should appear ONLY in the body of the text and NOT (that’s NOT) in a big list at the
beginning or end of the materials and methods section. Finally, remember that this section
is not a lab manual. Do not list steps numerically, and keep to passive voice (see below).
It is imperative to be concise. It is very easy to get bogged down in trivial details
when writing the materials and methods section. DO NOT LIST EVERY PIPETTING STEP, but
generally state each major task. Try not to get discouraged. Although writing a materials
and methods section takes practice, once learned it is a skill you will always retain.
This is the most important part of any scientific report. Results often need to be
presented in multiple formats. First, you must always write a text for your results,
describing what you observed under each particular circumstance of an experiment.
Sometimes you will need to enhance the presentation of your results by adding figures,
graphs and tables. If you have a large quantity of numbers to report, you should present
the data in a table. If you put numbers in a table you must still explain the results in a text
format. This does not mean that you simply restate all the numbers that appear in the
table. Rather, you need to describe to the reader which of the data are significant and why.
The same practice applies to figures. Simply drawing a picture and labeling the observable
structures is not enough. It is a good beginning, but you must also describe what you
observed in the text of the results section.
Tables and Figures must be numbered sequentially in the order in which they
appear, and they must all have a TITLE and a LEGEND describing exactly to which
experiment the numbers or figures pertain. When you refer to a figure in the text, write
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"As can be seen in Fig. 1, ..." or " The data in column 3 of Table 2 indicate a trend
toward...". Never include a table or figure without referring to it in the text.
Legends for figures and tables should briefly describe the manner in which the data
was obtained. Do not confuse legends with keys. Legends should resemble a mini-methods
for the particular experiment which generated the data depicted in the figure or listed in
the table. Legends should never describe the data: reserve that task for the text portion of
the results section. Legends are separate from the figure, placed either below them or on a
separate page. Keys simply define symbols used on graphs or charts and are integrated
into the figures. They are sometimes helpful but never sufficient. To reiterate, all figures
and graphs require legends.
Remember, in the results section you are simply describing the data collected. You
should not draw general conclusions. For example, you might observe that the movement
of an unknown cell was similar to a ciliated protozoan, but you would not conclude that
the cell was a ciliate until you had discussed all the data in relation to past observations in
the DISCUSSION section of the report.
The goal of this section is to describe WHY you got the results you did. This is the
part of your report where you must relate your data back to all those other scientific works
you described in the introduction. For each of your key findings (results) you should
indicate how they corroborate or refute the body of scientific data that has been
accumulated up until now. This section should be several paragraphs long because you
trying to convince the reader of a reasonable explanation of why you obtained the results
reported in the previous section. In order to relate your data to the body of scientific work,
references should be cited throughout this section, properly and appropriately.
Incorporate what you learn from your readings into your introduction and
discussion sections to bolster your arguments. At least two references other than your
textbooks and other than the internet should be cited. These should be primary research
articles. This means that you will have to go to the library and find books and journal
articles. Encyclopedias are not acceptable references. Although they do not count as one
of your two references, you may cite information you retrieve from textbooks and from the
internet. However, it must be meticulously referenced (see below for format). The list of
references given at the ends of the chapters in your textbooks are excellent places to begin
looking for primary source material.
Whether material is paraphrased or included as a direct quotation it must be
referenced. Direct quotes must appear bracketed by quotation marks - otherwise it is
considered PLAGIARISM (see below).
Results or claims from other works must be properly referenced when included in
any section of your report. Any work you cite in the text, whether it is a book or a journal
article, is referred to by the authors’ last names and the year of the publication. The full
reference is typed in the list of references at the end of the report. This list should include
only the works which you cited in your report, not all the books and articles you have ever
read on the subject. See instructions in section 5 under the STYLE AND FORMAT below for
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exactly how to punctuate citations in the text and in the list of references at the end of the
Plagiarism is the taking of ideas or direct copying of text or figures without giving credit to
the original authors. Often in lab you will be working in groups, discussing your data with
colleagues, even writing oral presentations as a group. However, when it comes time to
write your reports to hand in, you must do this all on your own. Any infractions that violate
the code of academic conduct will be dealt with severely, according to the policies of the
individual instructors.
1. All reports must be typed and double spaced using a font size of at least 12 point. The
text portion (excluding title page, figures, tables and the list of references) may not exceed 5
2. The following sections should appear in this order and they should be have these labels:
Title and authors (you shouldn't label this section)
3. Use the passive voice, and the third person throughout your manuscript. Write:
"Spinach disks were exposed to different wave lengths of light at a distance of 10 cm. "
NOT "We shone different colors of light onto spinach leaves..." NOR "Shine different
wavelengths of light on spinach...".
4. Tables and Figures must be A) NUMBERED sequentially in the order in which they
appear, and they must all have a B) TITLE and a C) LEGEND describing exactly to which
experiment the numerical data or figures pertain. Labels on data table columns and rows,
or graph lines, should have meaning. If they are labeled numerically or alphabetically, a
key should be provided in the legend. Remember to label the axes of graphs and include
all units of measurements on both graphs and in tables. Legends should describe the
method used to obtain the data. Interpretation of the data should be reserved for the
discussion section only. Figures and tables should include enough information so that they
can be completely understood if read separately from the rest of the manuscript.
5. References must be included in your report in two ways. First, you must CITE the work
in the body of the text, when you refer to an idea stated in that reference. IF YOU COPY
QUOTATION MARKS. A citation in the text should look like this:
(Smith and Jones, 2005)
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where 2005 refers to the year the reference was published.
Second, you must list all of the works cited, and only the works cited at the end of
your report in alphabetical order according to the last name of the first author. If you read
an article, but do not cite it in your report, do not include it in your list of references. The
reference section must be properly punctuated. Follow the examples given below.
For a journal article appearing on pages 10-15 of the 100th volume of the Journal of
Genetics published in the year 2007 write:
Smith, J., Brown, H., Jones, P. 2007. The construction of a plasmid
suitable for teaching the principles of genetic engineering.
Journal of Genetics. 100, 10-15.
Please note that if you access a journal article on line, for example through PubMed, the
reference should follow the format for a journal (see above).
For a chapter entitled “Construction of Plasmids” from a book of 550 pages entitled
“Teaching the Principles of Genetic Engineering”:
Jones, P., Smith, J., Brown, H. 2009. Construction of plasmids. in
Teaching the Principles of Genetic Engineering. A. B. West and C.
D. East, eds. North Andover: Merrimack Press. 550pp.
Finally, internet references must include the name(s) of the author(s) if available, the
date it was retrieved, title of the work, a description of the format, the name of the
organization providing the information and name of the home page, and the complete
URL number.
Chisholm, R. (7/19/1999). Dictyostelium aggregation in myosin light
chain mutants. (video and text). Cellular Slime Mold home
page. http://...(etc.)
Examples are the best teachers. Go to the periodicals room of McQuade Library and
examine a recent copy of the Journal of Cell Biology or the Journal of Biochemistry or the
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (some of these may be on microfiche).
Although you will undoubtedly have some difficulty understanding the scientific concepts
at first, you should be able to pick out the seven sections of a scientific report, get some tips
on how to cite references, and how to present figures and refer to them in the text. The
more articles you read, the more you will pick up. Eventually, you will be able to
understand the science as well as the format.
The best way to improve your writing is to READ what you write! Learn to become
your own editor. If something sounds awkward, or doesn’t make sense fix it. Writing is
re-writing, especially when you are learning. If you are having trouble explaining a
complex thought, move away from the keyboard and pretend you are explaining it to your
mother, or your high school English teacher. Then write it down in simple terms. Working
hard to improve your writing skills in academic field will yield better results in all your
subsequent endeavors, regardless of the academic discipline.
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Peer review (evaluation of experimental data by colleagues) strives to maintain the integrity of all
published scientific data. Editors of scientific journals make certain that the articles published in
their journals conform to the correct style and format. All basic reporting of scientific results
conforms to the format set out in the “Instructions for Authors”. Having all the information from a
individual studies presented in an orderly fashion helps scientists to evaluate the work on the basis
of its scientific merit. The checklist below contains most of the basic points for which your editors
(instructors) look as they read and evaluate your papers. Use this as a guide when you edit your
own work before passing it in.
ABSTRACT A one-paragraph summary
1) Is the entire abstract a single, short paragraph?
2) Are each of the following covered in at least one sentence:
statement of introduction
statement of the problem/objective
brief statement of the method followed (not materials)
conclusions drawn
3) Was past tense, third person and passive voice used throughout?
INTRODUCTIONFollow the inverted pyramid model. Progress from the general scientific issue
to the specific problem being investigated.
1) Did the author clearly define the scientific problem being investigated
2) Was enough scientific background given to allow the reader to interpret the results?
3) Were there references cited? (follow instructors directions)
4) Were the citations given in standard format?
5) Were the references cited properly (Avoid direct quotations. Lack of proper citation results in
plagiarism, even if it was the result of neglect or laziness.)
6) Were the references cited appropriately (They should bolster the theoretical claims made by the
author. Were they unrelated to the topic?)
7) Was the specific, scientific problem being addressed outlined?
8) Was the hypothesis clearly stated?
9) Was there a brief outline of the experimental approach?
10) Was the theory supporting the techniques briefly described?
11) Were the final results clearly summarized, giving pertinent data values?
MATERIALS AND METHODSA record of how the experiment was carried out. List all things that
could influence the data. Eliminate extraneous details. Be concise.
1) Do NOT include a list of reagents used.
2) Were reagents listed properly when a particular technique was mentioned?
3) Did the authors keep to past tense, third person and passive voice throughout?
4) Were important details omitted? (e. g. calculations or specific formulas, concentrations of
solutions, incubation times and temperatures, etc.)
5) Omit trivial details! (e. g. how tubes or plates were labeled, which pipette was used)
6) Was this section as concise at it should be or was it too long?
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RESULTS A description of the data. Describe in appropriate detail the data collected in the
experiment. Be careful not to include raw data. Refer to figures and tables in a meaningful way.
Direct the reader to notice specific significant results.
Text State the hypothesis or purpose of the experiment. DO NOT FOR GET THE TEXT!
1) Are the data presented in clear and ordered fashion? (This does not have to be in the order in
which they were obtained, but rather the order in which they make sense scientifically.)
2) Do lists of numbers appear in the text when they should be in a table? (Never repeat a list of
numbers in the text that is and should be in a table. Only some of those numbers will be important
to take note of.)
3) Are figures and graphs referred to in the text properly?
4) Is the significance of key data points explained in the text,?
5) Is the significance of high and low values explained specifically?
6) Is the significance of trends and correlations explained in the text?
7) Did authors comment on statistical significance correctly? Did they define “standard error” or
“standard deviation”. What does overlap of “error bars” mean?
8) Did the writer avoid drawing conclusions (to be saved for the discussion section)?
Tables & Figures Should be able to stand alone. The information in the legend should
describe the details of the experiment, not evaluate the data.
1) Does each figure and table have a NUMBER?
2) Does the number assigned to a figure or table correspond to the order of its first mention in the
text (i.e. is the first figure discussed in the text Fig. 1)?
3) Does each figure and table have a TITLE?
4) Does each figure and table have a LEGEND?
5) Do the legends describe HOW (by what method) the data was obtained? That is, do the legends
resemble a "mini methods"? Legends should not describe the data.
6) Do tables contain only processed and not raw data? (unless otherwise instructed)
7) Do tables include statistical data when appropriate?
8) Are sample calculations given?
9) Are rows and columns of tables and data points and lines on graphs given meaningful labels (not
“Tube #1”, but “550 nm”, for example)?
8) Are the axes of graphs labeled? Are the units of measurement given?
9) Are figures appropriately labeled, pointing out special features as appropriate? (Base pairs of
DNA, contents of a lane on a gel, where the nucleus is in a cell, etc.)
10) By reading just the information provided with the figure or graph, can you understand the data
that is presented without referring back to the text (i.e. can each figure “stand alone”)?
DISCUSSION Why is the data important or significant? What is the scientific explanation for
these results? (This section should NOT be a list of what you think went wrong with the
1) Was the objective of the experimental study re-stated in the first few sentences?
2) Was all of the data adequately discussed in light of the theory described in the introduction?
3) Were specific data points, trends and correlations mentioned to support a hypothesis?
4) Was the significance of the data related to the scientific theory outlined in the introduction?
5) Were references quoted?
6) Were they quoted appropriately and correctly?
7) Remember that results can never prove a hypothesis, they can only support a hypothesis.
REFERENCES - List of Works Cited Make sure you understand what a primary source is!
1) Are all the references cited in the text listed in this section? (Follow instructor’s directions for
type of reference required.)
2) Are the references actually cited in the report?
3) Is the format listed in Instructions for Authors...” carefully followed?