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Management of Post Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Agitation
I. Definition, Assessment, Diagnosis
A. Agitation Definitions: No consensus
1. Subtype of delirium unique to TBI which occurs during period of Post-
traumatic amnesia (PTAperiod of time in which new memory formation is
impaired), characterized by excess of behavior that includes some combination of
aggression, disinhibition, akathisia, disinhibition, and emotional liability.
[2], [3], [5\
2. State of aggression during the period of post-traumatic amnesia, in the absence
of other physical, medical or psychiatric causes, with a score of 21 on the
Agitated Behavior Scale (ABS)
B. Agitation Assessment:
1. Agitated Behavior Scale: reliable and validated measure that describes level of
a. Helpful for monitoring patient’s recovery progression and assessing
effectiveness of interventions
b. High inter-rater reliability
c. Rating of 1 to 4 (based on severity) for 14 different behaviors
d. Can be completed quickly and via observation
2. Galveston Orientation and Amnesia Test (GOAT):
a. Reliable and valid indicator of PTA in TBI patients
b. Score of 78 or more on three consecutive occasions is considered to
indicate that patient is out of PTA
c. Can be administered daily until patient is out of PTA
3. Rancho Los Amigos (RLA) Scale/ Levels of Cognitive Functioning Scale
Represents the typical sequential progression of recovery in TBI
b. Stage IV: Confused, Agitated Response
c. Barriers: These patients have deficits in attention, memory,
initiation, problem solving, sequencing, information processing
speed, and safety awareness. Anasognosia (lack of awareness of
deficits) is also a challenge.
4. Other scales used: The Overt Agitation Severity Scale and the
Neurobehavioral Rating Scale
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C. Agitation Diagnosis
[3], [4], [5]
1. A diagnosis of exclusion after physical, medical, psychiatric, and neurological
conditions have been ruled out
2. Score of 21 or greater on ABS
3. Can also result from physical, medical, psychiatric, and neurological
a. Physical:
i. Pain (fractures, post-operative, heterotopic ossification,
spasticity, wounds, or other noixious stimuli)
ii. Environmental: Excessive stimulation, Temperature,
-“ICU Syndrome” : acute state of confusion seen even in
patients without primary brain pathology, secondary to
constant stimulation in ICU - vital signs, alarms,
medication administration, constant lighting, and
ambient hallway noise.
iii. Tubes/lines
b. Medical:
i. Metabolic disturbance (electrolytes, thyroid, hypoglycemia)
ii. Infection
iii. Hypoxemia, pulmonary embolism
iv. Urinary retention/incontinence
v. Nausea, Constipation
c. Neurological:
i. Hydrocephalus
ii. Seizures
iii. Intracranial mass lesion/rebleed
iv. Headache
d. Psychiatric:
i. Premorbid or exacerbation of premorbid
Personality/Psychotic/Anxiety/Mood disorders
ii. Sundowning in patients with dementia
e. Substance/medication related:
i. Iatrogenic
ii. Acute intoxication
iii. Withdrawal
-Alcohol: Hypertension, tachycardia, hallucinations,
disorientation, agitation
-Opioid: Restlessness, abdominal pain, yawning,
-Benzodiazepine: Hypertension, tachycardia,
diaphoresis, tremors, hyperthermia, and seizures
4. Work up of Agitated patient: CMP, Thyroid function tests, CBC with
differential, UA, B12/Folate, Urine toxicology screen, CT/MRI of Brain, EEG,
II. Management and Treatment Recommendations
A. FIRST LINE: Environmental Modification
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1. Reduce stimuli:
a. Light, noise, distractions (especially at night) place patient in bed,
draw curtains, turn off television, etc.
b. Limit number of visitors at one time
c. Staff and family should speak in low volume, slowly, one at a time
2. Avoid/minimize restraints: Use non-contact restraints if able (safety net
beds), padded hand mittens, one-to-one staff supervision
3. Minimize tubes and lines: May cover them (abdominal binder, etc)
4. Frequent re-orientation by staff and family
5. Obtain any hearing devices or vision aids from home to improve orientation
6. Consistent schedule and staff
7. Timed toileting
8. Create a familiar environment: Allow family to bring in personal possessions
9. Monitor sleep cycle and sleep quality
a. Consider use of Trazodone, Melatonin
B. Behavioral Modification
1. Allow patient to pace (if safe) or be walked /wheeled around by staff to
address akathisia/restlessness.
2. Mobile patients may benefit from a closed unit or sensors for safety
3. De-escalation techniques (see prevention and education section below)
4. Structured behavioral programs
a. Limited application depending on patient’s level of cognitive and
communication impairment
C. Pharmacologic Management
1. Agents which slow cognition may prolong/exacerbate agitation.
Dopaminergic agents should be avoided if able as they can prolong PTA and
slow cognitive recovery
2. Antipsychotics:
a. Typical Antipsychotics: Not recommended as first line, rescue only
i. Haldol:
-shown to slow cognitive recovery
-shown to slow motor recovery in rat model
-associated with longer time in PTA
-Easily accessible in the hospital and can be given IM, IV: useful for
patients who are imminently a danger to self or others.
ii. Droperidol
Also available in IM
-Found to be faster and superior to Haldol, Ativan, and Benadryl in
controlling acute agitation
iii. Cognitive improvement seen after discontinuing typical
iv. Associated with extrapyramidal side effects, dystonic reactions,
restlessness, Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome, QTc prolongation
v. Not recommended as long term agents
b. Atypical antipsychotics
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i. Quetiapine:
-Shown to be effective in treating agitation
-Better side effect profile compared to typical agents
ii. Olanzapine:
- Shown to have effect in treating agitation
- Favorable side effect profile when compared to other antipsychotics
- Available orally or IM
iii. Others: Risperidone, Ziprasidone
3. Anxiolytics
a. Benzodiazepines
i. Impair cognition
ii. May cause paradoxical agitation
, anterograde amnesia
disinhibition, respiratory depression, impaired coordination
iii. Useful for rapid resolution of violent agitation (rapid onset of action)
iv. Lorazepam preferred
-Less effect on cardiovascular and respiratory centers than other
[ 23]
-Doses of 0.5-1mg q8h, titrating up to maximum of 8-12mg/day
-Start long-term agents concurrently
-Discontinue as soon as possible to minimize chances of delaying
cognitive recovery
b. Buspirone
i. Preferred anxiolytic in TBI patients
ii. No significant adverse neurological or cognitive effects, non-sedating,
non-addictive, does not interact with other CNS agents, not a respiratory
iii. Side effects: Lowers seizure threshold, light-headedness, headache
iv. Disadvantage: Delay in therapeutic action. Rapid neuropsychiatric
effects, but 2-3 weeks for anxiolytic effects
v. Dosing: 60mg/day is maximum, but as high as 180/day seen
. [14]
. Usual
dose of 5-20mg TID
4. Beta blockers
a. Propranolol
i. Best evidence for efficacy in treating post-traumatic agitation with
minimal side effects per Cochrane review
ii. shown to reduce agitation intensity and need for physical restraints
iii. Also improves restlessness and disinhibition
iii. Also helpful for treating hyperandrenergic/dysautonomic state after
iv. Also used to treat drug-induced akathisia, EtOH withdrawal, mania,
generalized anxiety disorder, lithium induced tremor
iv. Side effects
-Hypotension and bradycardia are limiting side effects
-May also cause depression and lethargy
-No adverse effect on motor recovery
v. Dose:
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-Starting dose: up to 40-60mg/day divided into BID –QID
-Maximum dose of 420 mg/day has been used
vi. Lipophilic properties
-More effective CNS penetration
-Propranolol is the most lipophilic beta blocker
b. Moderately lipophilic beta blockers
i. Metoprolol and pindolol
5. Anticonvulsants
a. Mood-stabilizing AEDs reduce agitation
b. Valproic acid
[30],[32], [33]
i. Initial dose of 250mg BID, may be titrated up 250mg every 2-3
days to maximum of 1000-2500mg/day
ii. Serum levels of 40-100 ug/mL with positive effects
iii. Limited, if any, adverse effects on cognition
iv. Side effect limitations: hepatotoxicity, thrombocytopenia.
-More common side effects of sedation, nausea, and vomiting,
are limited by meal time administration and gradual titration
v. Less likely than carbamazepine to have negative impact on
cognition and has safer side effect profile
vi. Potential for rapid loading
c. Carbamazepine
i. Dose to therapeutic effect with titration up. Aggression-
limiting doses seen starting at 300-400mg/day
. Other studies
with effective doses 400-900 mg/day (BID-TID dosing).
ii. Side effects: Hyponatremia, renal impairment, imbalance,
sedation. Rarely, aplastic anemia, and Steven-Johnson
iv. Monitor serum levels for toxicity
iii. Rapid onset of action makes it useful in trauma critical care
d. Others
i. Gabapentin, Lamotrigine
-Not as well studied
-Reports of negative effects, such as anxiety and
ii. Phenytoin, Topiramate
-Negative cognitive impact
6. Neurostimulants
a. Amantadine
i. Can be effective for both acute
and chronic
TBI agitation
ii. Shown to improve cognition: Attention, concentration,
processing time, initiation, orientation, sequencing,
verbalization, and participation
[40], [41], [32]
Tele-Rehabilitation Interventions through University-based Medicine for Prevention and Health
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iii. Dosing from 50-400 mg/day, in divided doses
iv. Therapeutic effects typically seen within several days
v. Side effects:
-Overstimulation, irritability, hypomania, agitation
- Increased HR and BP, use with caution in patients with
dysautonomia and cardiovascular complications
-Lowers seizure threshold, so use with caution in seizure
history patients and early stage TBI when increased
intracranial pressure also lowers the threshold
-Some side effects potentiated when combined with anti-
cholinergic agents: hallucinations, confusion, nightmares
-Side effects are generally mild, dose dependent, and
b. Methylphenidate
i. Useful in both acute and chronic TBI agitation
[32], [34], [35]
ii. Improves cognition similarly to Amantadine
iii. Quick onset of action
iv. Relatively benign side effect profile
v. Dosing: 10-60 mg/day in divided doses, usually at 8AM and
c. Bromocriptine: Dopaminergic neurostimulator similar to Amantadine
d. Dextroamphetamine: Sympathomimetic neurostimulator similar to
7. Antidepressants
a. Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs)
i. Useful for behavioral syndromes in TBI
ii. Trazodone
-Helpful for sleep-wake cycle regulation
-Starting dose: 50-100 mg.
-Side effects: Anticholinergic, Rare priapism
ii. Others: Sertraline
, Fluoxetine, Paroxetine, Citalopram
iv. Side effects: Serotonin syndrome, QTc prolongation, anxiety,
sexual dysfunction, excessive weight loss
b. Tricyclic Antidepressants (TCAs)
i. Amitriptyline
[14], [54]
-Dosing: 10-75 mg/day
ii. Side effects: Anticholinergic, QTc prolongation, potential
seizure threshold lowering
c. Bupropion
i. Useful for restlessness at 150mg daily
8. Lithium
i. Has been suggested to reserve its use in patients with mania and cyclic
mood disorders
ii. Dosing: Start at 300mg BID and titrate by serum levels (0.6-1.2
mEq/L is therapeutic and >1.4 mEq/L is toxic level) and side effects
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iii. Side effects: sedation, movement disorders, hypothyroid, seizures,
bradycardia, vomiting, QTc prolongation, renal impairment.
[6], [58]
9. Summary:
a. Choose agent based on clinical presentation. Every TBI is different.
i. Restlessness/Akathisia: Frequent ambulation, Beta-blocker
ii. Hyperadrenergic state: Beta-blocker
iii. Episodic Behavior Dyscontrol / Mood Labiality:
Anticonvulsants/Mood stabilizers; possibly Atypical
antipsychotics, SSRI, Neurostimulator
iv. Anxious/fearful: Buspar, SSRI/TCA, Trazodone
v. Paranoid: Atypical antipsychotic
b. Start low, go slow
c. Ideal agent is non-sedating, not affecting cognitive recovery, low side
effect profile
d. May need to discontinue drugs which may amplify agitation:
i. Narcotics
ii. Benzodiazepines
iii. Dopamine agonists (e.g. metoclopramide)
iv. H2-receptor antagonists (e.g. famotidine)
v. Anticholinergic medications (e.g. oxybutynin)
III. Prevention and Education
A. Educate staff and family on how to approach TBI pt
-Use social greetings: these are cues to relax
-Speak calmly, slowly, briefly, clearly, and directly
-Do not need to correct confused statements. Instead of disagreeing, make a neutral
statement or re-direct attention to another topic
-Explain what you are going to do before you do it (e.g. vitals, procedures, physical
exam, etc)
-Avoid sudden grabbing or touching of the patient. Approach from the front.
-Do not crowd patient
-Formally end the interaction as patient may not be aware of normal social cues
-Provide patient with choice instead of command.
-Therapies in quiet area, at bedside
-Positive reinforcement
-Give patient ample time to process information and formulate responses
-Break down difficult tasks into small steps
B. Patient Resources
-PM&R inpatient consult services and outpatient TBI clinic
-Brain Injury support groups (e.g. Baptist Rehabilitation Institute)
-Online Resources, such as
-Arkansas Trauma Rehabilitation Program:
Tele-Rehabilitation Interventions through University-based Medicine for Prevention and Health
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This guideline was developed to improve health care access in Arkansas and to aid health care providers in
making decisions about appropriate patient care. The needs of the individual patient, resources available,
and limitations unique to the institution or type of practice may warrant variations.
Guideline Developers
Guideline updated by Rani Lindberg, MD, in collaboration with the TRIUMPH team led
by Rani H Lindberg, MD, and Thomas S. Kiser, MD.
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