DRAFT Not for Distribution
Executive Summary
A key priority of the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) is to maintain
United States leadership in innovation, especially in emerging technologies, including
artificial intelligence (AI). To further this goal, the USPTO has been actively engaging with
the innovation community and experts in AI to promote the understanding and reliability of
intellectual property (IP) rights in relation to AI technology. Additionally, the USPTO is
working to ensure that appropriate IP incentives are in place to encourage further
innovation in and around this critical area. To this end, in January 2019, the USPTO held an
AI IP policy conference, one of the first of its kind. The conference featured IP specialists from
around the world and included panel discussions on patents, trade secrets, copyrights,
trademarks, IP enforcement, global perspectives, and the economics of IP protection of AI.
Building on the momentum of those
discussions, on August 27, 2019, the
USPTO issued a request for comments
(RFC) on patenting AI inventions. The
RFC sought feedback from our
stakeholders on a variety of patent policy
issues, such as AI’s impact on
inventorship and ownership, eligibility,
disclosure, and the level of ordinary skill
in the art. The comment period closed on
November 8, 2019. The USPTO received
99 comments from a wide range of
stakeholders, including individuals,
associations, corporations, and foreign IP
offices. (See Table 1.)
The full recordings of the conference may be viewed at: https://www.uspto.gov/about-us/events/artificial-
Category of Responses to Aug. 27,
2019 RFC (Patents)
No. of
Foreign patent offices
Bar associations
Trade associations/Advocacy groups
Law firms (submitted as firm)
Practitioners (other than firm or
academia submissions)
Individuals (not in other categories)
Table 1
On October 30, 2019, the USPTO issued
a second RFC related to the impact of AI
on other IP policy areas, including
copyrights, trademarks, database
protections, and trade secret law. The
comment period for the second RFC
closed on January 10, 2020. The USPTO
received 98 comments from a wide
range of stakeholders, including
individuals, associations, and
corporations. (See Table 2.)
Report and Public Comment Themes
Following the conclusion of the comment periods, a team of experts assembled from across
the USPTO to examine the responses and generate the following report. The report is divided
into two parts. Part I focuses on the first RFC solicitation dedicated to patenting of artificial
intelligence technologies and provides AI context, legal background, and public comment
synthesis, as appropriate, for each of the patent RFC questions. Part II follows a similar
format for the second IP RFC solicitation dedicated to non-patent intellectual property
protections for artificial intelligence technologies, such as trademark, copyright, and trade
From the synthesis of the public comments, a number of themes emerged:
General Themes
Many comments addressed the fact that AI has no universally recognized definition.
Due to the wide-ranging definitions of the term, often comments urged caution with
respect to specific IP policymaking in relation to AI.
The majority of public commenters, while not offering definitions of AI, agreed that
the current state of the art is limited to “narrow AI. Narrow AI systems are those that
perform individual tasks in well-defined domains (e.g., image recognition, translation,
etc.). The majority viewed the concept of artificial general intelligence (AGI)
intelligence akin to that possessed by humankind and beyondas merely a
theoretical possibility that could arise in a distant future.
Based on the majority view that AGI has not yet arrived, the majority of comments
suggested that current AI could neither invent nor author without human
intervention. The comments suggested that human beings remain integral to the
Category of Responses to Oct. 30, 2019
RFC (other IP)
No. of
Bar associations
Trade associations/Advocacy groups
Individuals (not in other categories)
Table 2
operation of AI, and this is an important consideration in evaluating whether IP law
needs modification in view of the current state of AI technology.
Across all IP topics, a majority of public commenters expressed a general sense that
the existing U.S. intellectual property laws are calibrated correctly to address the
evolution of AI. However, commenters appear split as to whether any new classes of
IP rights would be beneficial to ensure a more robust IP system.
Patent Themes
A majority of commenters agreed that AI is viewed best as a subset of computer-
implemented inventions. Therefore, this majority felt that current USPTO guidance,
especially on patent subject matter eligibility and disclosure of computer-
implemented inventions, is equipped to handle advances in AI. However, some
commenters stressed that it may be difficult to enable (i.e., teach the public to make
and use) certain AI inventions, as required by 35 U.S.C. § 112(a), and offered the topic
for further exploration by the USPTO.
Most public commenters agreed that the growing ubiquity of AI would affect how the
USPTO and courts would assess the legal hypothetical standard of a “person having
ordinary skill in the art, this standard being critical to the determination of whether
a patent right should issue.
While no majority coalesced around AIs impact on prior art (i.e., the body of
knowledge known at the time a patent application is filed), a number of issues were
referred to the USPTO for further consideration, including that AI may generate a
proliferation of prior art amounting to a never before seen volume and the ensuing
difficulty in finding relevant prior art in view of the increased volume.
Other IP Themes
Again, while a majority of commenters stated that current IP laws are calibrated
correctly in the copyright, trademarks, trade secrets, and data fields, many agreed
that existing commercial law principles might adequately fill any gaps left by IP law
in the wake of advances in AI (e.g., contract law).
Specifically on trademarks, most commenters agreed that AI would improve
efficiency of examination of trademark applications. Although this sentiment was also
generally shared in regard to patent examination.
Many comments expressed that the use of copyrighted material to train” AI may
violate the reproduction right of a copyright owner under 17 U.S.C. §106(1), and that
this use may or may not be a non-infringing fair use.
Most commenters found that existing fair use law does not require modification, as
fair use is a flexible doctrine and is capable of adapting to the use of copyrighted
works in the context of AI.
The topics of trade secrets and data issues generated an expansive range of
comments, touching on issues of bias, transparency, privacy, and debates over
whether advances in AI warrant a sui generis IP system for data rights.
The USPTO will use this report to focus issues for continued exploration of other measures
it may take to bolster the understanding and reliability of IP rights for emerging
technologies, such as AI. These steps may include further engagement with the public,
additional guidance for stakeholders, and continued training for examiners on emerging
Corrigendum: As originally published, footnote 29 relied on four public submissions. After
initial report publication, one such submitter requested that their public submission not be
relied on. This subsequent publication reflects that request.
Disclaimer: The USPTO appreciates the public’s feedback and engagement on issues related to
AI technology. The agency has considered all the comments and has included a summary of the
comments in this report. The full comments may be viewed at
. The views, thoughts, and opinions
expressed in the comments do not necessarily state or reflect those of the USPTO, the
administration, or any other federal government entity. Reference herein to a comment made
by any specific entity does not constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or
favoring by the USPTO, the administration, or any other federal government entity.
PART IResponses to the RFC on Patenting Artificial Intelligence Inventions,
issued on August 27, 2019
A summary of the comments received in response to the RFC on Patenting AI Inventions
issued on August 27, 2019, is included below, organized by the question appearing in the
RFC. Commenters included foreign patent offices, bar associations, industry associations,
academia, and various stakeholders, both national and international. Representatives from
electronics, software, automobile, medical, and pharmaceutical industries responded to the
1. What are elements of an AI invention? For example: The problem to be addressed
(e.g., application of AI); the structure of the database on which the AI will be
trained and will act; the training of the algorithm on the data; the algorithm
itself; the results of the AI invention through an automated process; the
policies/weights to be applied to the data that affects the outcome of the results;
and/or other elements.
This question sought to identify broadly the elements of an AI invention that may be subject
to patentability.
Among the responses, four common answers arose:
(1) The various elements disclosed in the question constitute a non-exclusive list of
elements of an AI invention.
(2) AI can be understood as computer functionality that mimics cognitive functions
associated with the human mind (e.g., the ability to learn).
(3) AI inventions can be categorized (in no particular order) as follows:
(a) inventions that embody an advance in the field of AI (e.g., a new neural
network structure of an improved machine learning (ML) model or algorithm)
(b) inventions that apply AI (to a field other than AI)
Response from AIPPI, at 2; Response from EPSON, at 2; Response from IBM (Nov. 8, 2019),
at 2; Response from JEITA, at 2.
Response from IBM (Nov. 8, 2019), at 2; Response from Juniper Networks, at 1; Response
from Schwegman Lundberg & Woessner, P. A., at 1.
Response from CCIA (1st Response), at 1; Response from Ericsson, at 2; Response from
Internet Association, High Tech Inventors Alliance, the Software and Information Industry
Association, and ACT, at 9; Response from IPO (Nov. 11, 2019), at 3; Response from JPAA, at
1-2; Response from Siemens, at 1-2; Response from AIPPI Japan, at 1-2; Response from JPMA,
at 1-2; Response from JPO, at 1; Response from Merck, at 2.
(c) inventions that may be produced by AI itself.
(4) Undue effort should not be expended on defining AI, which is dynamic and will be
subject to fundamental change in the coming years.
2. What are the different ways that a natural person can contribute to conception
of an AI invention and be eligible to be a named inventor? For example: Designing
the algorithm and/or weighting adaptations; structuring the data on which the
algorithm runs; running the AI algorithm on the data and obtaining the results.
As with other fields of technology, the development of AI may present many opportunities
for invention. For example, designing an AI algorithm, implementing particular hardware to
enhance an AI algorithm, or applying methods of preparing inputs to an AI algorithm may
present patent considerations. Many innovators may also be involved in the development of
an AI system. Provided with the potential range of innovation and the possibility that more
than one person may be involved in the development of an AI system, the law requires that
a determination be made as to who has legally contributed to the conception of an AI
invention and can be named as an inventor.
35 U.S.C. § 100 defines “inventoras “the individual or, if a joint invention, the individuals
collectively who invented or discovered the subject matter of the invention.
Moreover, 35
U.S.C. § 116 provides that an invention may be made by two or more persons jointly even
though “(1) they did not physically work together or at the same time, (2) each did not make
the same type or amount of contribution, or (3) each did not make a contribution to the
subject matter of every claim of the patent.”
The Federal Circuit has made clear that “conception” is the touchstone of inventorship.
Conception requires an inventor to have a specific solution to a problem rather than a
general goal for success.
Conception is finished “only when the idea is so clearly defined in
the inventors mind that only ordinary skill would be necessary to reduce the invention to
practice, without extensive research or experimentation.
Similarly, to be a joint inventor,
one must: (1) contribute in some significant manner to the conception or reduction to
practice of the invention, (2) make a contribution to the claimed invention that is not
3a-3c: Response from CCIA (1st Response), at 1; Response from Ericsson, at 2; Response
from FICPI, at 2-3; Response from Internet Association, High Tech Inventors Alliance, the
Software and Information Industry Association, and ACT, at 9-10; Response from IPO (Nov.
11, 2019), at 3; Response from JPAA, at 1-2; Response from Siemens, at 1-2.
Response from Ericsson, at 2; Response from EPSON, at 2; Response from Novartis, at 3;
Response from NSIP Law, at 4; Response from Schwegman Lundberg & Woessner, at 3.
35 U.S.C. § 100 (2018).
Burroughs Wellcome Co. v. Barr Labs., Inc., 40 F.3d 1223, 1227-28 (Fed. Cir.
1994) (citations omitted); see also In re Verhoef, 888 F.3d 1362, 1366 (Fed. Cir. 2018).
insignificant in quality, when that contribution is measured against the dimension of the full
invention, and (3) do more than merely explain to the real inventors well-known concepts
and/or the current state of the art.
The vast majority of public commenters asserted that current inventorship law is equipped
to handle inventorship of AI technologies.
One commenter went as far as to state that
“there is no urgency to revise the law with respect to inventorship.”
Many of these
commenters suggested that assessment of conception should be fact-specific, as in the
analysis done today.
For example, one commenter stressed that there are different ways in
which a natural person may contribute to the conception of an invention and that each
contribution “should be evaluated on a case-by-case basis,” as is the law today.
A related
view was that a data scientist carrying out the task of building and testing a use of an AI
technology invention is doing nothing more than reducing the invention to practice.
In the
words of one commenter, running [an] AI algorithm on the data and obtaining the results is
unlikely to qualify as a contribution [to conception].
3. Do current patent laws and regulations regarding inventorship need to be
revised to take into account inventions where an entity or entities other than a
natural person contributed to the conception of an invention?
AI provides unique policy considerations stemming from its potential for autonomous
creation. Present AI technology appears to be within the realm of narrow, application-
specific objectives, but the notion of artificial general intelligence (AGI)intelligence akin to
In re Verhoef, 888 F.3d at 1366 (Fed. Cir. 2018).
See, e.g., Response from IPO (Nov. 11, 2019), at 4 (“[T]here is nothing unique about how a
natural person contributes to the conception of an AI-related invention versus any other
highly technical field.”); Response from NAPP, at 1 (“an AI invention should be determined
in the same way as for other kinds of inventions …”).
Response from IBM (Nov. 8, 2019), at 5; see also Response from SIIA (Nov. 8, 2019), at 5
(indicating that the USPTO has all the tools it needs under the current statutory framework).
See, e.g., Response from AAIH, at 3 (suggesting that current law is a fact-specific analysis);
Response from BPLA, at 3-4 (noting that the use of AI in the inventive process does not
negate inventorship by a natural person); Response from FICPI, at 3 (noting the fact-specific
nature of the inquiry).
Response from AIPLA (Nov. 8, 2019), at 3; see also Response from IEEE-USA, at 4 (“The
ways that a natural person can contribute to conception of an AI invention are either the
same as or analogous to the ways that a natural person can contribute to conception of an
invention in computer-implemented technology”); Response from Novartis, at 4 (Whether
AI inventions rise to conception depend[s] on the facts of a given case and situation …”).
See, e.g., Response from Maughan, at 2.
Response from ABA IPL (Nov. 8, 2019), at 11; see also Response from Edward Ryan, at 2
(“one should not be able to simply push a button and be named an inventor.”); Response
from RF SUNY, at 1 (“simply running the AI algorithm on data and obtaining results may not
constitute a meaningfully creative or inventive contribution …).
that possessed by humankind and beyondis worthy of consideration. Thus, the instant
question also contemplates a future state in which the capability of AI to invent approaches
or exceeds that of human intelligence.
As previously discussed under question two, conception is the formation in the mind of the
inventor of a definite and permanent idea of the complete and operative invention. As stated
above, an “inventor” is defined in 35 U.S.C. § 100(a) asthe individual or, if a joint invention,
the individuals collectively who invented or discovered the subject matter of the
Title 35 of the United States Code is replete with language indicating that the
inventor of a patent application must be a natural person. For example, 35 U.S.C. § 101 states,
Whoever invents or discovers any new and useful process, machine, manufacture, or
composition of matter may obtain a patent therefore, subject to the conditions and
requirements of this title” (emphasis added). “Whoever denotes whatever person, a person
being a human beinga natural person.
By the use of “whoever,” § 101 limits patent
protection to inventions and discoveries by natural persons.
35 U.S.C. § 115 provides additional clarification that the inventor must be a natural person.
That is, § 115 uses pronouns specific to natural persons“himself” and “herself”when
referring to the “individual who believes himself or herself to be the original inventor or an
original joint inventor of a claimed invention in the application,
and states that the inventor
who executes an oath or declaration must be a “person.
In fact, there are numerous other
patent statutes that refer to the inventor as a “person.
The USPTOs understanding of the
patent statutes and the Federal Circuit case law concerning the concept that inventorship
requires that an inventor must be a natural person is reflected in the numerous references
to the inventor as a person in Title 37 of the Code of Federal Regulations.
See also 35 U.S.C. § 115(a) (“each individual who is [an] inventor … shall execute an oath
or declaration”); 35 U.S.C. § 100(g) (The terms ‘joint inventor and coinventor mean any 1
of the individuals who invented or discovered the subject matter of a joint invention … ”).
Merriam-Webster.com, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/whoever (last
accessed Apr. 6, 2020).
35 U.S.C. § 115(b)(2) (“An oath or declaration under subsection (a) shall contain
statements that … such individual believes himself or herself to be the original inventor or
an original joint inventor of a claimed invention in the application.”).
35 U.S.C. § 115(h)(1) (“Any person making a statement required under this section may
withdraw, replace, or otherwise correct the statement at any time.).
See, e.g., 35 U.S.C. § 102(a) (“A person shall be entitled to a patent unless … ”); 35 U.S.C. §
116(c) (Whenever through error a person is named in an application for patent as the
inventor … .”); 35 U.S.C. § 185 (Notwithstanding any other provisions of law any person, and
his successors, assigns, or legal representatives, shall not receive a United States patent for
an invention if that person, or his … ”); 35 U.S.C. § 256(a) (Whenever through error a person
is named in an issued patent as the inventor … .).
See, e.g., 37 CFR 1.27(a)(1) (“A person, as used in paragraph (c) of this section, means any
inventor or other individual); 37 CFR 1.41(d) ( . . . the name and residence of each person
The use of an AI system as a tool by a natural person(s) does not generally preclude a natural
person(s) from qualifying as an inventor (or joint inventors) if the natural person(s)
contributed to the conception of the claimed invention. That is, the activities by a natural
person(s) that would ordinarily qualify as a contribution to the conception of an invention
are unaffected by the fact that an AI system is used as a tool in the development of the
invention. For example, depending on the specific facts of each case, activities such as
designing the architecture of the AI system, choosing the specific data to provide to the AI
system, developing the algorithm to permit the AI system to process that data, and other
activities not expressly listed here may be adequate to qualify as a contribution to the
conception of the invention.
The majority of commenters responding to this question reflected the view that there is no
need for revising patent laws and regulations on inventorship to account for inventions in
which an entity or entities other than a natural person contributed to the conception of an
One commenter remarked that “conception is inherently a human activity an
entity or entities other than a natural person cannot contribute to the conception of an
Many comments took issue with the question’s premise that under the state of
the art, a machine could conceive of an invention. As one commenter put it, “the current state
of AI technology is not sufficiently advanced at this time and in the foreseeable future so as
to completely exclude the role of a human inventor in the development of AI inventions.
believed to be an actual inventor should be provided when the application papers pursuant
to § 1.53(b) or § 1.53(c) are filed.); 37 CFR 1.53(d)(4) (“accompanied by a statement
requesting deletion of the name or names of the person or persons who are not inventors of
the invention being claimed in the new application”); 37 CFR 1.63(a)(3) (An oath or
declaration under this section must: Include a statement that the person executing the oath
or declaration believes . . . ."); 37 CFR 1.324(b)(1) (“A statement from each person who is
being added as an inventor and each person who is currently named as an inventor . . . .).
Note, also, the requirement under 7 CFR 1.76(b)(1) that the inventor be identified by their
“legal name.”
Response from Abadi, at 2; Response from ABA IPL (Nov. 8, 2019), at 12; Response from
AIPLA (Nov. 8, 2019), at 4; Response from AIPPI Japan, at 4; Response from the BADC, at 4;
Response from BPLA, at 3-4; Response from Ericsson, at 3; Response from Internet
Association, High Tech Inventors Alliance, the Software and Information Industry
Association, and ACT, at 10-11; Response from IBM, at 5; Response from JEITA, at 3-4;
Response from JPAA, at 3; Response from Juniper Networks, at 3; Response from Gaudry, at
2; Response from Rubin, at 5; Response from Merck, at 3; Response from NAPP, at 2;
Response from NSIP, at 4; Response from Kumar, at 2; Response from Davis, at 4-5; Response
from R Street Institute (Nov. 8, 2019), at 2-3; Response from Zubek, at 1; Response from
Naimpally, at 1; Response from Schwegman Lundberg & Woessner, at 5.
Response from BADC, at 4.
Response from AIPPI, at 5.
Others characterized modern-day AI as a tool to aid natural persons in the inventive
Some commenters suggested that the USPTO should revisit the question when machines
begin achieving AGI (i.e., when science agrees that machines can “think on their own).
minority of commenters suggested that AGI was a present reality that needed to be
addressed today.
Others warned that if such a change was made to recognize non-natural
person inventors, the USPTO should carefully consider the practical effects of such a change:
How would a continuation be treated? How would a machine sign an oath or declaration?
Would a flood of applications ensue? Would certain types of AI dominate technology
development in the future?
4. Should an entity or entities other than a natural person, or company to which a
natural person assigns an invention, be able to own a patent on the AI invention?
For example: Should a company who trains the artificial intelligence process that
creates the invention be able to be an owner?
Ownership of a patent entitles the patent owner the right to exclude others from making,
using, offering for sale, selling, or importing into the United States the invention claimed in
the patent.
For applications filed on or after September 16, 2012, the original applicant is
See, e.g., Response from FICPI, at 3 (“the AI system being used should be considered a ‘tool
in the inventing process.”); Response from Brindisi, at 4 (“AIs of our era are still tools devised,
applied and exploited by humans.”) (emphasis in original); Response from Ford, at 1 (“AI-
created inventions are the product of a tool that facilitates discovery by the true inventor
Response from Davis, at 5 (“Looking far (far!) ahead, programs someday may begin to
learn on their own … Then we may have a deeper quandary.”); Response from Gaudry, at 2
(“general [artificial] intelligence is a very long ways off, such that we need not worry about
adjusting patent law now for this distant and remote possibility.); Response from Michael
Murial and Andrew Noble, at 8 (“Unless and until the scientific community declares that AI
has allowed computers to achieve ‘consciousness’ such that a computer is capable of
‘conceiving’ something, any question about what to do when an AI system invents’
something is purely hypothetical.”).
Response from RF SUNY, at 2-3; Response from Sanker, at 1; Response from Siemens, at 2.
Response from Askeladden, at 4 (questioning the Constitutional authority to recognize AI
as an inventor); Response from JEITA, at 3-4 (explaining an influx of applications may result
from recognizing AI as an inventor); Response from EPSON, at 2-3 (expressing concerns over
an influx of applications, chaos in the business community,” and the broader legal
personality of machine issues); Response from IPO (Nov. 11, 2019), at 6 (raising practical
concerns, such as how one would depose a machine); Response from JIPA (Nov. 6, 2019), at
2-3 (expressing broad practical concerns, such as those about legal rights normally reserved
for natural persons being vested in machines); Response from Tata Consultancy, at 2-3
(raising practical concerns, such as execution of documents by a machine, effects on
continuing applications, and assignment of rights).
35 U.S.C. § 154(a)(1).
presumed to be the owner of an application for an original patent unless there is an
For applications filed before September 16, 2012, the ownership of the patent
(or the application for the patent) initially vests in the named inventors of the invention on
the patent.
A patent or patent application is assignable by an instrument in writing, and the
assignment of the patent, or patent application, transfers to the assignee(s) an alienable
(transferable) ownership interest in the patent or application.
The vast majority of commenters stated that no changes should be necessary to the current
U.S. lawthat only a natural person or a company, via assignment, should be considered the
owner of a patent or an invention.
However, a minority of responses stated that while
inventorship and ownership rights should not be extended to machines, consideration
should be given to expanding ownership to a natural person: (1) who trains an AI process,
or (2) who owns/controls an AI system.
5. Are there any patent eligibility considerations unique to AI inventions?
In assessing the patent eligibility of AI inventions, all judicially created exceptions to the
statutory categories are relevant (i.e., laws of nature, natural phenomena, and abstract
ideas). In January 2019, the USPTO issued the 2019 Revised Patent Subject Matter Eligibility
See 37 C.F.R. § 3.73(a).
See Beech Aircraft Corp. v. Edo Corp., 990 F.2d 1237, 1248 (Fed. Cir. 1993).
35 U.S.C. § 261.
Response from ABA IPL (Nov. 8, 2019), at 12-13; Response from AIPLA (Nov. 8, 2019), at
4 (“Ownership of patent rights should remain reserved for only natural or juridical persons
at this time. Changing the ownership regime to allow an AI entity to own a patent would raise
broad fundamental issues relating to incentives for inventing and ‘AI personhood, which go
far beyond the scope of this discussion.); Response from AIPPI, at 5-6; Response from AIPPI
Japan, at 4-5; Response from Askeladden, at 4; Response from BADC, at 5; Response from
BPLA, at 4; Response from CCIA (1st Response), at 3; Response from EPSON, at 3; Response
from Internet Association, High Tech Inventors Alliance, the Software and Information
Industry Association, and ACT, at 11; Response from IBM (Nov. 8, 2019), at 5; Response from
Wong, at 1; Response from Lori Pressman, at 2; Response from Zubek, at 2; Response from
IEEE-USA, at 6; Response from Juniper Networks, at 3; Response from Merck, at 3; Response
from R Street Institute (Nov. 8, 2019), at 3.
Response from IPO (Nov. 11, 2019), at 6 (“Generally, a natural person who trains the AI
process that creates an AI Generated invention should be able to be an owner.”).
Response from IBM (Nov. 8, 2019), at 4 (Thus, at whatever point we deem machines
capable of invention, their inventions and the corresponding patents should be owned by
those that own them (e.g., those that own the machines).”); Response from Siemens, at 2
(“Attributing inventor or ownership rights to machines doesn’t feel right. Therefore, we
suggest expanding the right of the inventors to legal persons controlling the Al systems.”).
Guidance (PEG), which extracts and synthesizes key concepts identified by the courts as
abstract ideas to offer greater clarity in this area of the law.
Many commenters asserted that there are no patent eligibility considerations unique to AI
That is, AI inventions should not be treated any differently than other
computer-implemented inventions. This is consistent with how the USPTO examines AI
inventions today. AI inventions are treated like all other inventions that come before the
Office. In fact, the USPTO has been examining and issuing patents claiming AI inventions for
years. Claims to an AI invention that fall within one of the four statutory categories and are
patent-eligible under the Alice/Mayo
test will be patent subject matter eligible under 35
U.S.C. § 101.
Some commenters stated that many AI inventions are at risk under the subject matter
eligibility analysis because they can be characterized as certain methods of organizing
human activity, mental processes, or mathematical concepts.
However, as one commenter
noted, the complex algorithms that underpin AI inventions have the ability to yield
technological improvements.
In addition, claims directed to an abstract idea will still be
patent-eligible if the additional claim elements, considered individually or as an ordered
combination, amount to significantly more than the abstract idea so as to transform it into
patent-eligible subject matter.
6. Are there any disclosure-related considerations unique to AI inventions? For
example, under current practice, written description support for computer-
implemented inventions generally require sufficient disclosure of an algorithm
to perform a claimed function, such that a person of ordinary skill in the art can
reasonably conclude that the inventor had possession of the claimed invention.
Does there need to be a change in the level of detail an applicant must provide in
order to comply with the written description requirement, particularly for deep-
learning systems that may have a large number of hidden layers with weights
that evolve during the learning/training process without human intervention or
This guidance was subsequently updated in October 2019; the substantive aspects of the
January 2019 PEG were unchanged. The current guidance documents on subject matter
eligibility, including the 2019 PEG and the examples, are available at
See, e.g., Response from AIPLA (Nov. 8, 2019), at 4; Response from IPO (Nov. 11, 2019), at
7-8; Response from Ford, at 1.
Alice Corp. Pty. Ltd. v. CLS Bank Int’l, 573 U.S. 208, 221 (2014); Mayo Collaborative Servs. v.
Prometheus Labs., Inc., 566 U.S. 66 (2012).
See, e.g., Response from ABA IPL (Nov. 8, 2019), at 13-14; Response from IBM (Nov. 8,
2019), at 5.
Response from ABA IPL (Nov. 8, 2019), at 15.
35 U.S.C. § 112(a)
has three separate and distinct disclosure requirements: written
description, enablement, and best mode.
These requirements apply to all applications
examined before the USPTO, including those directed to AI inventions.
The Manual of Patent Examining Procedure
(MPEP) and examiner training
examination guidance regarding 35 U.S.C. § 112(a) that is consistent with the USPTO’s
understanding of the statute and legal precedent. In addition, in January 2019, the USPTO
issued guidance (January 2019 § 112 Guidance) to assist examiners in the examination of
claims in patent applications that contain functional language, particularly patent
applications in which functional language is used to claim computer-implemented
The January 2019 § 112 Guidance may be especially helpful for evaluating AI
inventions, considering that patent applications related to AI inventions often include
computer-implemented inventions claimed, at least in part, with functional language.
Under current USPTO examination guidance, a determination of whether the disclosure
requirements are satisfied will depend on the facts of each application, including the subject
matter being claimed. To satisfy the written description requirement of 35 U.S.C. § 112(a),
applications for AI inventions that include claims to computer-implemented inventions that
recite functional language should provide sufficient detail in the specification regarding the
hardware, as well as software, to show that the inventor had possession of the full scope of
the claimed invention. In particular, the specification should disclose the computer and the
algorithm (e.g., detailed steps or procedures, formulas, diagrams, and/or flowcharts) that
perform the claimed function in sufficient detail such that one of ordinary skill can
reasonably conclude that the inventor possessed the claimed subject matter.
The majority of commenters shared the sentiment that there are no unique disclosure
considerations for AI inventions. One commenter stated that the principles set forth in the
Section 4 of the Leahy-Smith America Invents Act (AIA) designated pre-AIA 35 U.S.C. § 112,
¶¶ 1 through 6, as 35 U.S.C. § 112(a) through (f), effective as to applications filed on or after
September 16, 2012; see Public Law 112-29, 4(c), 125 Stat. 284, 296 (2011). AIA 35 U.S.C. §
112(a) and pre-AIA 35 U.S.C. § 112, 1 are collectively referred to in this paper as 35 U.S.C.
§ 112(a); AIA 35 U.S.C. § 112(b) and pre-AIA 35 U.S.C. § 112, ¶ 2 are collectively referred to
in this paper as 35 U.S.C. § 112(b).
Although this paper is limited to analyzing AI issues related to 35 U.S.C. § 112(a), issues
related to indefiniteness under 35 U.S.C. § 112(b) may arise for 35 U.S.C. § 112(f) functional
claim limitations where the specification does not provide sufficient corresponding
See MPEP §§ 2161-65, particularly § 2161.01, § 2181(IV), and § 2185.
See https://www.uspto.gov/patent/laws-and-regulations/examination-
policy/examination-guidance-and-training-materials. Note that examiners were recently
trained on examining computer-implemented functional claim limitations for compliance
with 35 U.S.C. § 112 (training completed March 14, 2019).
Examining Computer-Implemented Functional Claim Limitations for Compliance With 35
U.S.C. § 112, 84 Fed. Reg. 57 (Jan. 7, 2019).
USPTOs examiner training materials regarding computer-implemented inventions “are
similarly applicable to AI-related inventions as to conventional algorithmic solutions.”
However, some commenters indicated that there are significant and unique challenges to
satisfying the disclosure requirements for an AI invention. One commenter noted that “AI
inventions can be difficult to fully disclose because even though the input and output may be
known by the inventor, the logic in between is in some respects unknown.
characteristics of AI learning systems thus may drive further discussion regarding
enablement (see discussion regarding enablement below).
Several commenters noted that proper enforcement of the description requirement is
imperative for patent quality. For example, one commenter explained that it is “critical for
the USPTO to aggressively police the § 112 disclosure standards.”
7. How can patent applications for AI inventions best comply with the enablement
requirement, particularly given the degree of unpredictability of certain AI
According to current USPTO examination guidelines, the enablement requirement of 35
U.S.C. § 112(a) can be satisfied when the specification teaches one of ordinary skill in the art
how to make and use the full scope of the claimed invention without undue
When determining whether the specification satisfies the enablement
requirement and whether any necessary experimentation is undue, examiners are expected
to consider various factors called the “Wands factors.”
The Wands factors include: breadth
of claims, nature of the invention, state of the prior art, level of one of ordinary skill, level of
predictability in the art, amount of direction provided by the inventor, existence of working
examples, and quantity of experimentation necessary to make or use the invention based on
the content of the disclosure.
Generally, the amount of guidance or direction needed in the specification to enable the
invention is inversely related to the amount of knowledge in the state of the art, as well as
the predictability in the art.
The more that is known in the prior art regarding the nature
of the invention and the more predictable the art is, the less information is required to be
explicitly stated in the specification. Conversely, if less is known in the prior art about the
nature of the invention and the art is unpredictable, the specification should include more
Response from IPO (Nov. 11, 2019), at 14.
Response from IBM (Nov. 8, 2019), at 6.
Response from ABA IPL (Nov. 8, 2019), at 17.
See 84 Fed. Reg. 62; see also MPEP § 2164.01.
See 84 Fed. Reg. 62; see also MPEP § 2164.01(a).
See MPEP § 2164.03.
information as to how to make and use the invention in order to be enabling.
Thus, whether
a specification provides enabling support for the claimed invention is intensely fact-specific.
The commenters suggest that there are differing views on the predictability of AI systems.
One commenter stated that “most current AI systems behave in a predictable manner and
that predictability is often the basis for the commercial value of practical applications of
these technologies.”
Similarly, another commenter explained that “AI inventions are
inherently no more unpredictable than the underlying ML algorithm on which they rely.
On the other hand, one commenter noted that some AI inventions may operate in a black box
because there is aninherent randomness in AI algorithms.”
Some commenters suggested
that the principles applied in life sciences technology may be helpful when analyzing the
disclosure requirement for AI inventions. For example, one commenter explained that “the
greater degree of unpredictability associated with AI-based inventions makes it appropriate
to apply the written description requirement and the enablement factors from In re
8. Does AI impact the level of a person of ordinary skill in the art? If so, how? For
example: Should assessment of the level of ordinary skill in the art reflect the
capability possessed by AI?
AI is capable of being applied to various disciplines, from the life sciences and robotic
systems to agriculture and manufacturing processes. The ubiquitous nature of AI requires
an assessment of how it is affecting seemingly disparate fields of innovation. That is, AI may
have the potential to alter the skill level of the hypothetical ordinary skilled artisan,
thereby affecting the bar for nonobviousness.
An invention that would have been obvious to a person of ordinary skill before the effective
filing date of the claimed invention is not patentable.
As reiterated by the Supreme Court
in KSR International Co. v. Teleflex Inc., obviousness is a question of law based on underlying
factual inquiries.
These factual inquiries include the scope and content of the prior art, the
differences between the claimed invention and the prior art, and the level of ordinary skill in
the art.
Response from AIPLA (Nov. 8, 2019), at 8.
Response from Schwegman Lundberg & Woessner, at 9.
Response from IBM (Nov. 8, 2019), at 6.
Response from Genentech (Nov. 8, 2019), at 9.
While the “person of ordinary skill in the art” also has an impact on disclosure
requirements, with the instant question, the USPTO sought to hear from the public as to how
AI is impacting the level of ordinary skill in the art in assessing nonobviousness.
35 U.S.C. § 103 (2018).
550 U.S. 398, 406 (2007).
Graham v. John Deere Co., 383 U.S. 1, 17-18 (1966).
The person of ordinary skill in the art is a legal fiction, a person presumed to know the
relevant prior art.
Factors considered in determining the level of ordinary skill in the art
may include the type of problems encountered in the art, prior art solutions to those
problems, the rapidity with which innovations are made, the sophistication of the
technology, and the educational level of active workers in the field.
Each case may vary, not
every one of the aforementioned factors may be present, and one or more factors may
predominate the analysis.
Many commenters asserted that AI has the potential to affect the level of ordinary skill in an
Furthermore, numerous commenters suggested that the present legal framework for
assessing the person of ordinary skill in the art is “adequate to determine the impact of AI-
based tools in a given field.
Some commenters elaborated that the level of skill in any art
has traditionally grown over time based on the introduction of new technologies and that
“once conventional AI systems become widely available … such accessibility would be
expected to enhance the abilities of a person of ordinary skill in [an] art.
In the words of
one commenter:
Just as the existence of test tubes impacts the level of a person of ordinary skill
in the chemical arts, and just as the existence of general purpose computers
impacts the level of a person of ordinary skill in the software arts (and many
Custom Accessories, Inc. v. Jeffrey-Allan Indus., Inc., 807 F.2d 955, 962 (Fed. Cir. 1986).
In re GPAC Inc., 57 F.3d 1573, 1579 (Fed. Cir. 1995).
Response from Abadi, at 3; Response from AIPPI, at 8; Response from CCIA (1st Response),
at 6; Response from Edward Ryan, at 4; Response from EPO, at 5; Response from Ericsson,
at 4; Response from Genentech (Nov. 8, 2019), at 10; Response from Internet Association,
High Tech Inventors Alliance, the Software and Information Industry Association, and ACT,
at 16; Response from IBM (Nov. 8, 2019), at 7; Response from IEEE-USA, at 8; Response from
Glucoft, at 2; Response from JIPA (Nov. 6, 2019), at 6; Response from JPAA, at 5; Response
from JPO, at 4; Response from KINPA, at 3; Response from NAPP, at 3; Response from R Street
Institute (Nov. 8, 2019), at 5; Response from Abbott, at 11; Response from Siemens, at 3.
Response from Novartis, at 11; see also Response from Juniper Networks, at 5 (“AI
inventions do not require any changes to the current legal requirements of the level of a
person [of] ordinary skill in the art”); Response from Merck, at 4 (“The ‘person of ordinary
skill in the art’ standard should not change …”).
Response from BADC, at 6-7; see also Response from AIPPI Japan, at 8 (“advances in AI
technologies should be reflected in the determination of inventive step in the form of
improvement of level of technology used by a person skilled in the art”); Response from
Novartis, at 10 (“We believe AI must ultimately impact the definition and skill level of a
person of ordinary skill in the art, just as microscopes, calculators, and more conventional
software applications have in the past.”).
others), so [too] would AI affect the level of skill in the arts where it can be
made useful.
However, some commenters cautioned that such wide prevalence of AI systems has not yet
permeated all fields and counseled against declaring that all fields of innovation are now
subject to the application of “conventional AI.”
Others interpreted the question to assume
a future state in which AGI exists and machines have intelligence comparable to humans or
beyond. Those interpreting the question in this manner suggested that such machines are
not persons and, therefore, would not affect the legal standard of a “person” of ordinary skill
in the art.
9. Are there any prior art considerations unique to AI inventions?
The existence of prior art or the lack thereof has fundamental implications for determining
the fate of a filed U.S. patent application. The impact of AI on what can be considered prior
art, the quantity of prior art, and its accessibility are topics well worth considering.
35 U.S.C. § 102(a) states: “a person shall be entitled to a patent unless(1) the claimed
invention was patented, described in a printed publication, or in public use, on sale, or
otherwise available to the public before the effective filing date of the claimed invention; or
(2) the claimed invention was described in a patent issued under section 151, or in an
application for patent published or deemed published under section 122(b)
categories of prior art documents and activities are set forth in AIA 35 U.S.C. 102(a)(1) and
the categories of prior art patent documents are set forth in AIA 35 U.S.C. 102(a)(2). These
documents and activities are used to determine whether a claimed invention is novel or
The majority of commenters stated that there were no prior art considerations unique to AI
inventionsthat current standards were sufficient.
A minority of commenters indicated
Response from Edward Ryan, at 4.
See, e.g., Response from FICPI, at 5 (cautioning that AIs impact on a field is “highly fact-
specific”); Response from Genentech (Nov. 8, 2019), at 10 (“the USPTO must be very cautious
in assessing which uses of [AI] are considered merely the exercise of ordinary skill in the
art”); Response from Internet Association, High Tech Inventors Alliance, the Software and
Information Industry Association, and ACT, at 17 (recognizing that “in some cases, applying
an existing ML model may not be simple, and hurdles overcome in order to achieve that
application may render application claims non-obvious).
35 U.S.C. § 102(a).
MPEP § 2152.
Response from ABA IPL (Nov. 8, 2019), at 18; Response from AIPPI, at 8; Response from
Askeladden, at 6; Response from University of MD Center for Advanced Life Cycle
Engineering, at 3; Response from EPSON, at 5 (“We believe that the same prior art standards
that are applied to computer-implemented inventions should be applied to AI inventions.);
Response from Ericsson, at 5; Response from International Federation of Intellectual
Property Attorneys, at 5-6; Response from Genentech, at 11; Response from Internet
that there were prior art considerations unique to AI inventions,
many of which focused
on the proliferation of prior art, such as the generation of prior art by AI,
and the difficulty
in finding prior art, such as source code related to AI.
A minority of commenters indicated
that while no prior art considerations unique to AI inventions currently existed, depending
on how sophisticated AI becomes in the future, unique AI prior art could become relevant.
Among all the responses, a common theme was the importance of examiner training and
providing examiners with additional resources for identifying and finding AI-related prior
Association, High Tech Inventors Alliance, the Software and Information Industry
Association, and ACT, at 17; Response from IEEE-USA, at 8 (“The rules and procedures
governing prior art considerations for computer-implemented technology inventions and
broadly applicable enabling technology inventions should govern the prior art
considerations for AI inventions.”); Response from IPO (Nov. 11, 2019), at 17; Response from
Juniper Networks, at 5; Response from Rubin, at 10; Response from Lori Pressman, at 4;
Response from NAPP, at 3; Response from NSIP, at 10; Response from Maughan, at 3;
Response from Kumar, at 3; Response from Davis, at 7; Response from Schwegman Lundberg
& Woessner, at 10; Response from Naimpally, at 2; Response from Siemens, at 3; Response
from RF SUNY, at 5; Response from Edward Ryan, at 4.
Response from BADC, at 8; Response from Cardozo Intellectual Property Law Society, at 5
(“Already, some companies have been using AI to generate patents in an attempt to
prevent adjacent patent claims. It is foreseeable that a company could use this technique to
generate massive amounts of prior art for the express purpose of rendering potential future
inventions unpatentable.”); Response from CCIA (1st Response), at 7; Response from IBM
(Nov. 8, 2019), at 8; Response from JEITA, at 7; Response from JIPA (Nov. 6, 2019), at 6;
Response from JPPA, at 5; Response from JPO, at 4; Response from Novartis, at 11; Response
from Prevencio, at 2; Response from Tata Consultancy, at 5.
See, e.g., Response from IBM (Nov. 8, 2019), at 8 (“AI will dramatically expand the scope of
prior art available. First and foremost, AI has the capability of generating a tremendous
amount of prior art.”).
See, e.g., Response from CCIA (1st Response), at 7 (“While standard AI techniques are more
likely to be described in the literature than is the case in software, there is still a significant
proportion of AI technology that is undocumented except in source code. This source code
may or may not be available and is generally considered difficult to search for.”).
Response from AIPLA (Nov. 8, 2019), at 8-9 (“In the event that an AI entity is considered
an inventor, the definition of ‘analogous’ may have to be significantly expanded, depending
on the capabilities of the inventive AI.”); Response from AIPPI Japan, at 9.
Response from BADC, at 8; Response from Internet Association, High Tech Inventors
Alliance, the Software and Information Industry Association, and ACT, at 17 (“Consistent
with the suggestions above that the USPTO provide a more proactive approach to examiner
technical training, the Associations recommend that the USPTO become more proactive
when it comes to providing prior art to examiners.”); Response from IPO (Nov. 11, 2019), at
17; Response from Juniper Networks, at 5 (“While examiners have been examining AI
10. Are there any new forms of intellectual property protections that are needed for
AI inventions, such as data protection?
Data is a foundational component of AI. Access to data for initial development and ongoing
training is necessary for AI development. This means that data and datasets, including their
collection and compiling, have value, particularly big data" (i.e. extremely large data sets
that may be analyzed computationally to reveal patterns, trends, and associations). Data
protection under current U.S. law is limited in scope, and the U.S. does not currently have
intellectual property rights protections solely focused on data for AI algorithms.
Commenters were nearly equally divided between the view that new intellectual property
rights were necessary to address AI inventions and the belief that the current U.S. IP
framework was adequate to address AI inventions. Generally, however, commenters who
did not see the need for new forms of IP rights suggested that developments in AI technology
should be monitored to ensure needs were keeping pace with AI technology developments.
The majority of opinions requesting new IP rights focused on the need to protect the data
associated with AI, particularly ML. For example, one opinion stated that “companies that
collect large amounts of data have a competitive advantage relative to new entrants to the
market. There could be a mechanism to provide access to the repositories of data collected
by large technology companies such that proprietary rights to the data are protected but new
market entrants and others can use such data to train and develop their AI.
Similarly, another commenter stated that “there may be gaps in IP protection for AI, and
specifically gaps in IP protection for the trained model and its associated coefficients.
contrast, another opinion shared that training data is currently “protectable as a trade secret
or, in the event that the training data provides some new and useful outcome, then as a
One commenter’s opinion was that the U.S. should not adopt the “European
database protection” scheme
, largely because it is “compromised by the fact that the
protection is tied to the investment expended to collect and/or verify the data.
inventions for decades, Examiner training to identify relevant prior art would be
beneficial.”); Response from NSIP, at 10.
Response from AIPLA (Nov. 8, 2019), at 9.
Response from IBM (Nov. 8, 2019), at 8.
Response from Edward Ryan, at 4-5; see also Response from Schwegman Lundberg &
Woessner, at 11 (arguing that data used to train an ML algorithm is protectable under trade
secret or copyright law); Response from ABA IPL (Nov. 8, 2019), at 19 (arguing that training
technologies are protected under existing legal frameworks).
The USPTO has interpreted this as a reference to the Directive of the European
Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 1996 on the legal protection of databases.
Council Directive 96/9, 1996 O.J. (L 077) 20-28 (EC) available at https://eur-
Response from Gaudry, at 5.
In addition to data protection rights, one commenter suggested that if the patent system fails
to protect certain types of data, such as bioinformatics, “some alternative, sui generis form of
protection might be required to ensure that bioinformatics and other practical applications
of AI in biotechnology are protected forms of intellectual property.”
Another commenter
similarly stated that while it was currently undecided as to whether new IP rights are
needed for AI inventions,” should current systems prove unable to provide adequate
incentives to sufficiently effectuate the promise of AI, or should important gaps arise in those
systems, we believe it would be appropriate to consider new forms of IP,” including “an IP
right for trained models, and an IP right for nonpublic data where its generation required
substantial effort and investment (similar to the regulatory data protection (RDP) rights
available in [the] industry for proprietary clinical and other data submitted to FDA and other
regulatory authorities).”
Commenters did not provide concrete proposals on how any newly created IP rights should
function, and many, from both sides of the divide, called on the USPTO to further consult the
public on the issue.
11. Are there any other issues pertinent to patenting AI inventions that we should
The USPTO recognizes that the implications of AI-related issues on intellectual property
rights may be far-reaching. The agency has attempted to be comprehensive in posing
questions to the public on all related aspects of IP protection. Despite its best efforts,
however, the USPTO recognizes that there may be other issues that the public might wish to
bring to light. With this question, the USPTO intended to capture any issues not previously
Speaking only to issues not dealt with elsewhere in the August 27, 2019 RFC (e.g., those
pursuant to 35 U.S.C. §§ 101, 103, 112),
a major theme the commenters stressed was the
need for examiner technical training and a call for memorializing guidance specific to AI for
patent examiners.
One commenter advised the USPTO to “invite and request industry trade
groups to adopt formal recommendations for patent applications and patent examination
Response from Genentech (Nov. 8, 2019), at 11.
Response from Novartis, at 11.
Some responses used this question to reiterate the importance of subject matter eligibility,
obviousness, and disclosure requirements relative to AI inventions.
See, e.g., Response from CCIA (1st Response), at 8; Response from Internet Association,
High Tech Inventors Alliance, the Software and Information Industry Association, and ACT,
at 17-18; Response from Baysinger, at 3 (suggesting that the USPTO hire attorneys “versed
in data science with computer science backgrounds to form a think tank as the office
continues to receive AI patents” because “a case by case analysis and approach watching the
examinations would assist in setting standards and clarity for both examiners and
on “questions relating to [the person of ordinary skill] in the art of AI, including training,
reference material, and benchmarks for improved performance.
One commenter stated that “extending legal protection to AI [created] inventions may
require substantial changes in traditional legal approaches and frameworks, including
notions of property, ownership, and other non-IP legal principles akin to the development of
corporate law as we know it today.
Another commenter stressed the importance of an
“open ecosystem of research to U.S. economic and scientific leadership in the field of AI and
stated that the USPTO should consider the economic and scientific risks of granting patents
to AI algorithm inventions and basic research that may have the potential to become
One commenter asked whether, given the dynamic nature of AI systems (i.e.,
“some systems constantly incorporate (i.e., learn from) additional examples/experience
while in operation”), the claims to such inventions need to be constantly updated as well.
Another commenter stated that “unexpected results should be weighed as heavily as they
are in evaluating biotechnology and pharmacological inventions.”
Other commenters called for further consideration of issues outside of patentability, such as
patent infringement and patent enforcement.
12. Are there any relevant policies or practices from other major patent agencies
that may help inform USPTOs policies and practices regarding patenting of AI
The USPTO participates in numerous global activities. On a multilateral level, the USPTO
represents the U.S. government on AI-related activities at the World Intellectual Property
(WIPO) and, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. Additionally the
USPTO engages in cooperation directly with other intellectual property offices, both one-on-
one, for example through bilateral exchanges on the patentability of AI inventions, and
multilaterally in groups like the IP5 Taskforce on New Emerging Technologies and AI
Response from Rubin, at 14-15. Note: POSITA is a reference to “a person of ordinary skill
in the art.
Response from AIPLA (Nov. 8, 2019), at 9; see also Response from EPO, at 5 (“The impact
of the development of AI technology on society, including changes in the right holders’
position, employment market and ethical challenges that AI poses are also areas which may
need to be addressed as the technological development progresses.”); Response from JPO, at
4 (“When a claim is made for a substance (compound, composition, pharmaceutical, etc.)
whose physical properties are predicted by AI, it might be helpful if the details on what is
required to be patentable (i.e., whether only calculation results are sufficient or chemical
experiments are additionally required) are described in Specification.”).
Response from Menart, at 2.
Response from Davis, at 7.
Response from NAPP, at 4.
See, e.g., Response from Genentech (Nov. 8, 2019), at 11-12; Response from IBM (Nov. 8,
2020), at 9.
(NET/AI). Through these channels, the USPTO is able to share its policies and be informed of
relevant policies and practices from other major patent agencies.
Commenters highlighted the respective work at other patent offices, particularly at the
European Patent Office (EPO) and Japan Patent Office (JPO). Commenters cited the reports,
guidelines, and patent examination examples on AI issued by these offices, all of which were
suggested to be informative to the USPTO.
One commenter noted that “the JPO and more
recently, KIPO (Korean Patent Office), have established separate and specific ‘AI examination
groups’ that can focus on only AI matters, so such could be adopted in the USPTO as well.
Commenters also called attention to the Intellectual Property Office of Singapore (IPOS),
which reportedly created an expedited examination path for AI technologies.
generally sought to have the USPTO continue its multilateral engagements on AI through
WIPO and the IP5.
One commenter specifically stated that it is our desire as an
organization of international scope to see that the respective laws and administrative
practices of IP5 are evolving in a common direction.”
On the other hand, one commenter
“caution[ed] against further attempts to harmonize patent laws and procedures, especially
as it relates to patenting AI because “U.S. patent law has long been the gold standard for
patent protection and a major driver in the success of the U.S. innovation economy.
See Response from AIPPI Japan, at 10 (suggesting that the USPTO provide criteria in
guidelines with many examples, like the EPO and JPO); see also Response from BADC, at 9-
10 (noting examination guidelines of other patent offices); Response from BPLA, at 5;
Response from FICIPI, at 6; Response from JPAA, at 6; Response from Abbott, at 11; Response
from Alliance for AI in Healthcare, at 5; Response from JEITA, at 8; Response from JIPA (Nov.
6, 2019), at 8.
Response from KINPA, at 4.
See, e.g., Response from NSIP Law, at 11.
See, e.g., Response from Novartis, at 13 (“consult [with other patent offices] and share
learnings and best practices as appropriate and consistent with the U.S. system’s
Constitutional goals”); Response from Ericsson, at 5; Response from Merck, at 5.
Response from AIPPI, at 10; see also Response from IBM (Nov. 8, 2019), at 9 (IBM asks
the Office to continue to monitor the development of IP policy surrounding AI in other
jurisdictions and ensure that the IP policies in the U.S. do not comparatively disadvantage AI
inventions in the U.S.”).
Response from IEEE-USA, at 10.
PART IIResponses to the RFC on Intellectual Property Protection for Artificial
Intelligence Innovation, issued on October 30, 2019
A summary of the comments received in response to the RFC on the impact of AI on IP policy
areas other than patent law, including copyrights, trademarks, database protections, and
trade secret law, issued on October 30, 2019, is included below, organized by the question
appearing in the RFC. Commenters included bar associations, industry associations,
academia, and various stakeholders, both national and international. Representatives from
electronics, software, media, and pharmaceutical industries responded to the RFC.
1. Should a work produced by an AI algorithm or process, without the involvement
of a natural person contributing expression to the resulting work, qualify as a
work of authorship protectable under U.S. copyright law? Why or why not?
Under current U.S. law, a work created without human involvement would not qualify for
copyright protection. However, a work created by a human with the involvement of
machines would qualify for copyright protection if other conditions are met. The Supreme
Court has long recognized copyright protection for creative works,
even when an author
is assisted by a machine.
The U.S. Copyright Office, in its Compendium of Practices (Third Edition), has addressed the
question of human contribution to creative works. It notes that:
[T]he Copyright Act protects “original works of authorship.” 17 U.S.C. § 102(a). To
qualify as a work of “authorship,a work must be created by a human being. .
Works that do not satisfy this requirement are not copyrightable. . Similarly, the
Office will not register works produced by a machine or mere mechanical process
See Feist Publ’ns, Inc., v. Rural Tel. Serv. Co., 499 U.S. 340 (1991), a case establishing that
information alone, without a minimum of original creativity, cannot be protected by
See Burrow-Giles Lithographic Co. v. Sarony, 111 U.S. 53 (1884), a case that upheld the
power of Congress to extend copyright protection to photography when the photographer
demonstrates creativity by posing a subject; selecting and arranging the costume, draperies,
and other various accessories; and arranging and disposing the light and shade. The court
described copyright as “as the exclusive right of a man to the production of his own genius
or intellect.” Id. at 58 (emphasis added). See also Bleistein v. Donaldson Lithographing Co.,
188 U.S. 239 (1903), a case in which advertisements for a circus were held to be protected
by copyright. The court noted that the “copyi.e., the work that is protected by copyright
“is the personal reaction of an individual upon nature. Personality always contains
something unique. It expresses its singularity even in handwriting, and a very modest grade
of art has in it something irreducible which is one mans alone. That something he may
copyright unless there is a restriction in the words of the act.” Id. at 250.
that operates randomly or automatically without any creative input or intervention
from a human author.
Accordingly, the U.S. Copyright Office will not grant a copyright registration unless the
author is a human being.
A draft update to the Compendium further specifies that works
“produced by a machine or mere mechanical process that operates randomly or
automatically without any creative input or intervention from a human author” will not be
granted copyright registration.
The United States is a member of the Berne Convention, the leading multilateral agreement
establishing the framework for international copyright protection, which has been
incorporated in large part in the TRIPs Agreement and subsequent U.S. free trade
The Berne Convention has been interpreted to require protection only for
works that are original and created with human involvement.
The vast majority of commenters acknowledged that existing law does not permit a non-
human to be an author (outside of the work-for-hire doctrine, which creates a legal fiction
U.S. Copyright Office, Compendium of U.S. Copyright Office Practices, (3d ed. 2017) § 313.2
(“Compendium 3) (emphasis added).
Compendium 3 at § 306.
A draft Compendium proposing updates that reiterated this principle specifically with
respect to machine-generated works was published for public comment on March 15, 2019,
and states:
Similarly, the Office will not register works produced by a machine or mere mechanical
process that operates randomly or automatically without any creative input or
intervention from a human author. The crucial question is “whether the ‘work is
basically one of human authorship, with the computer [or other device] merely being
an assisting instrument, or whether the traditional elements of authorship in the work
(literary, artistic, or musical expression or elements of selection, arrangement, etc.)
were actually conceived and executed not by man but by a machine.”
See U.S. Copyright Office, Public Draft Compendium of U.S. Copyright Office Practices, §
313.2 (March 15, 2019), https://www.copyright.gov/comp3/chap300/chap300-draft-3-
15-19.pdf (quoting U.S. Copyright Office, Report to the Librarian of Congress by the Register
of Copyrights 5 (1966)).
Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works (Paris Act, 1971).
See Sam Ricketson, People, or Machines: The Berne Convention and the Changing Concept
of Authorship, Horace S. Manges Lecture, 16 Colum. -VLA J. L. & Arts 1 (1991-1992). Ricketson
puts forth that although the Berne Convention did not define authorship, there was
nonetheless a basic agreement among the contracting states that the meaning of the term
referenced human beings, and because of this, it was thought unnecessary to define the term.
for non-human employers to be authors under certain circumstances);
they also
responded that this should remain the law. One comment stated: A work produced by an AI
algorithm or process, without intervention of a natural person contributing expression to
the resulting works, does not, and should not qualify as a work of authorship protectable
under U.S. copyright law.
Multiple commenters noted that the rationale for this position
is to support legal incentives for humans to create new works.
Other commenters noted
that AI is a tool, similar to other tools that have been used in the past to create works:
“Artificial intelligence is a tool, just as much as Photoshop, Garage Band, or any other
consumer software in wide use today the current debate over whether a non-human object
or process can be ‘creative’ is not new; the government has long resisted calls to extend
authorship to corporations or entities that are not natural humans .
A minority of commenters suggested that a sufficiently creative work made by AI without
human intervention should be copyrightable and that copyright law should allow authorship
to inhere either in the owner/controller of the AI system or in the person/user who fixes the
work in its final form.
The Copyright Act provides that “[i]n the case of a work made for hire, the employer or
other person for whom the work was prepared is considered the author for purposes of this
title, and, unless the parties have expressly agreed otherwise in a written instrument signed
by them, owns all of the rights comprised in the copyright.” 17 U.S.C. §201(b). The doctrine
applies whether the employer is a human being or a corporation but the actual creator of
any work protected by copyright has always needed to be human.
Response from ABAB IPL (Jan. 9, 2020), at 4 (emphasis added). Other commenters
highlight some of the potentially unforeseen and deleterious consequences of changing the
law: “The result will not just be one more disruption in the work force; we will be a much
poorer society because those AI-created works, no matter their superficial similarity to
works of human provenance, will lack the experience and emotion of the human artist
[Human] experience makes the arts so fundamentally important to every human society. AI
generated works rehash, mash-up, and rework what they are fed; they do not tell or emote.
Response from the Authors Guild, Inc., at 5.
Response from ABA IPL (Jan. 9, 2020), at 4-5; Response from IPO (Jan. 10, 2020), at 2.
Response from Public Knowledge, at 1.
See, e.g., Response from the ITIF, at 4. Another commenter analogized AI to a player piano:
“Someone has created the roll that will tell the player piano which sounds or notes to
produce. This is analogous to choosing which data to use in training the algorithm. . . . The
imperfection in the analogy is that the humans actions in designing and ‘training’ a player
piano are perfectly determinative. . . . This will not necessarily be true for an algorithm. . . .
All of this is to say that an AI algorithm is a machine built through human effort. Any works
that result from that machine should be considered works of authorship attributable to the
humans who constructed that machine, just as they would be for other types of machines.
Response from Feamster, at 2; see also Response from Professor Nina Brown, Syracuse
University, at 7. “My recommendation is not to vest ownership in the algorithm/computer
itself, as it is a piece of chattel rendering it incapable of owning anything. Rather, I
2. Assuming involvement by a natural person is or should be required, what kind of
involvement would or should be sufficient so that the work qualifies for copyright
protection? For example, should it be sufficient if a person (i) designed the AI
algorithm or process that created the work; (ii) contributed to the design of the
algorithm or process; (iii) chose data used by the algorithm for training or
otherwise; (iv) caused the AI algorithm or process to be used to yield the work; or
(v) engaged in some specific combination of the foregoing activities? Are there
other contributions a person could make in a potentially copyrightable AI-
generated work in order to be considered an “author”?
U.S. law requires a minimum threshold of human creativity to qualify for copyright
protection. A works copyrightability depends on whether creative expression, contributed
by someone who can reasonably be described as an author of the work, is evident in the
resultant work.
In Burrow-Giles Lithographic Co. v. Sarony, 111 U.S. 53 (1884), the U.S. Supreme Court
recognized the way in which the photographer posed his subject, selected and arranged the
costume and lighting, and otherwise demonstrated creative authorship in his choices. The
court also recognized the possibility that many photographs would not qualify for copyright
protection in instances when a photographer did not exhibit the requisite level of creativity.
Thus, according to current case law, some level of authorial creativity would be necessary
for copyright protection.
More broadly speaking, commenters’ response to this question either referred back to their
response to the first question without comment (stating that human involvement is
necessary for copyright protection) or referred back and made some further observations or
clarifications, often pointing out that each scenario will require fact-specific, case-by-case
consideration. Several commenters raised or reiterated their view that natural persons, for
the foreseeable future, will be heavily involved in the use of AI, such as when designing
models and algorithms, identifying useful training data and standards, determining how
technology will be used, guiding or overriding choices made by algorithms, and selecting
which outputs are useful or desirable in some way. The commenters thus predicted that the
outputs of AI will be heavily reliant on human creativity.
recommend that ownership is vested with the person/entity responsible for fixing the work
…” Id.
3. To the extent an AI algorithm or process learns its function(s) by ingesting large
volumes of copyrighted material, does the existing statutory language (e.g., the
fair use doctrine) and related case law adequately address the legality of making
such use? Should authors be recognized for this type of use of their works? If so,
Existing statutory and case law should adequately address the legality of machine “ingestion
in AI scenarios. Mass digitization and text and data mining (TDM), as relevant examples of
other activities with copyright implications, may be considered copyright infringement or
fair use, depending on the facts and circumstances at issue. Copyright law in its current form
appears to be adaptable to new technologies and circumstances, including those raised by
Copying substantial portions of expressive (copyrighted) works, even for non-expressive
purposes implicates the reproduction right and, absent an applicable exception, is an act of
copyright infringement.
Depending on the copyrighted work and the activity taking place,
it may or may not be eligible for an exception to the reproduction right.
Regardless of whether aningestion” use is determined to be an infringement or not in a
given situation, there is a separate issue of whether authors of ingested works should be
remunerated for these types of uses. Many publishers now include TDM terms in their
contracts and expressly set a licensing fee for for-profit entities or permit licensing at no
additional cost for researchers and public research organizations, while ensuring that the
licensed content is machine-readable and searchable.
Advocates for authors have
suggested that when copyrighted works are used as inputs into AI systems to train the AI to
create works of authorship or engage in other activities that result in remuneration, the
Copyright infringement is a strict liability offense. 17 U.S.C. § 106; see, e.g., Brammer v.
Violent Hues Prods., LLC, 922 F.3d 255, 265 (4th Cir. 2019) (As a basic matter, copyright
infringement is a strict liability offense, in which a violation does not require a culpable state
of mind”); EMI Christian Music Grp., Inc. v. MP3tunes, LLC, 844 F.3d 79, 89 (2d Cir. 2016)
(“Copyright infringement is a strict liability offense in the sense that a plaintiff is not required
to prove unlawful intent or culpability, and a user does not have to share copyrighted works
in order to infringe a copyright”)(internal citations omitted).
One scenario is TDM, which is commonly understood to mean an automated process of
selecting and analyzing large amounts of text or data resources for purposes such as
identifying patterns or finding relationships. Another scenario is mass digitization of a
certain body of work or a certain medium of work (e.g., Google Books digitizing the world’s
non-digitized books to make them searchable).
STM, Text and Data Mining: Building a healthy and sustainable knowledge ecosystem for
Europe, Dec. 2017, https://www.stm-
authors should be entitled to a share of the revenues generated by the AI. The recognition
sought is not attribution but rather remuneration.
The ingestion of copyrighted works for purposes of machine learning will almost by
definition involve the reproduction of entire works or substantial portions thereof.
Accordingly, whether this constitutes copyright infringement will generally be determined
by considering the applicability of the fair use doctrine, an exception set forth in section 107
of the Copyright Act, 17 U.S.C. § 107. Fair use is applied on a case-by-case basis, requiring
courts to weigh several statutory factors, and is highly fact-dependent.
See USPTO AI: Intellectual Property Policy Considerations event (Jan. 31, 2019), at minute
43, available at
9f387a2da4b2, highlighting the views of Mary Rasenberger, Executive Director of the
Authors Guild. Rasenberger asserts that companies should not get a pass at paying royalties
to use copyrighted works en masse to train their computers. She highlights that computers
read and consume expressive works and, indeed, are changing the ways in which people are
consuming creative works. She concludes that we want AI to be able to use existing works
and learn from them, but it doesn’t have to be free. AI reading involves copying; it extracts
huge value from copying … . The solution, I think, is fairly simplewe’ve done it before in
copyrightis to create a collective licensing system, which copyright has done when the
transaction costs are too high … . We have to figure out a way to pay for computer reading.
“Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted
work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phonorecords or by any other means
specified by that section, for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching
(including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an
infringement of copyright.
In determining whether the use made of a work in any particular case is a fair use the
factors to be considered shall include:
(1) the purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a
commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes;
(2) the nature of the copyrighted work;
(3) the amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted
work as a whole; and
(4) the effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted
The fact that a work is unpublished shall not itself bar a finding of fair use if such finding
is made upon consideration of all the above factors. 17 U.S.C. § 107.
Fair use is a legal doctrine that promotes freedom of expression by permitting the
unlicensed use of copyright-protected works in certain circumstances. Section 107 provides
the statutory framework for determining whether something is a fair use and identifies
certain types of usessuch as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship,
and researchas examples of activities that may qualify as fair use. Section 107 calls for
When AI algorithms or processes “learn” their functions by ingesting copyrighted works,
reproductions of those works are made in the process as the works are digitized and/or
“read by the AI algorithms or processes. Some mass digitization scenarios may be a fair
whereas others may be infringements.
Although mass digitization for purposes of
machine learning (ML) ingestion” processes and large-scale ingestion of already-digitized
workshas not yet been tested by the courts, some rights holders argue that AI trainers
should be required to compensate the authors and rights holders whose copyrighted works
their machines are ingesting as a simple matter of doing business.
consideration of four factors in evaluating a question of fair use. Courts evaluate fair use
claims on a case-by-case basis, and the outcome of any given case depends on a fact-specific
inquiry. This means there is no formula to ensure that a predetermined percentage or
amount of a workor a specific number of words, lines, pages, or copiesmay be used
without permission.
See Authors Guild, Inc. v. HathiTrust, 755 F.3d 87 (2d Cir. 2014) (search and accessibility
uses of digitized books were found to be fair use); see also Authors Guild v. Google, Inc., 804
F.3d 202 (2d Cir. 2015) (Google’s unauthorized digitizing of tens of millions of copyright-
protected books, Google’s creation of a search functionality, and Google’s display of snippets
from those books were found to be non-infringing fair uses); A.V. ex rel. Vanderhye v.
iParadigms, L.L.C., 562 F.3d 630 (4th Cir. 2009)(unauthorized digital archiving of student
papers for purposes of preventing plagiarism constituted fair use because the activity was
unrelated to the works expressive content).
See Fox News Network, LLC v. TVEyes, Inc., 883 F.3d 169 (2d Cir. 2018), involving a
comprehensive database of television programs downloaded without authorization by a
monitoring service that was found to infringe the distribution right in those programs by
making them available for downloading by subscribers who conducted searches for videos
of interest. The court rejected the defendant’s fair use defense, but the defendant’s initial
copying of the programs was not an issue before the court.
See, e.g., Response from the AAP, at 2; Response from the Authors Guild, at 10; Response
from STM, at 4. STM further explained that the deployment of AI tools and mining tools is
becoming more commonplace and that publishers make works and datasets available in
ways that facilitate machine reading and learning. Id. Another commenter made a more
granular suggestion about establishing collecting societies to ensure that micropayments be
made to individual copyright owners. See Response from Getty Images, at 3. Also note that,
to address the challenge of mass digitization generally, including whether and how to
compensate the authors whose works are being digitized, some countries provide for
collective rights management under which the exercise of copyright for individual works by
collective rights management organizations (CMOs) facilitates the dissemination of works,
at lower transaction costs than with individual licensing, by administering the remuneration
collected from the users and distributing it to the appropriate rights holders. Under this
approach, known as extended collective licensing, after determining that rights holders and
users want to participate in a collective licensing arrangement, the government authorizes a
CMO to negotiate licenses for a particular class of works (e.g., textbooks, newspapers, or
magazines) or a particular class of uses (e.g., reproduction of published works for
Most commenters referred to the existing statute and its interpretation by the courts and
noted that the use of copyrighted material to “train” AI processes (constituting ML) may
violate the reproduction right of a copyright owner under 17 U.S.C. §106(1), and that this use
may or may not be a non-infringing fair use. Most commenters found that existing law does
not require modification, as fair use is a flexible doctrine and is capable of adapting to the
use of copyrighted works in an AI context. Many commenters included hypotheticals or
specifically walked through the fair use factors, citing well-known fair use cases, including
Authors Guild v. Google, Inc., (the “Google Books” case) (finding that Google’s digitizing of
copyright-protected works were non-infringing fair uses) and Fox News Network, LLC v.
TVEyes, Inc., (finding that TVEyes’ use of Fox’s copyrighted content in order to allow a
customer to find material of interest to them was not fair use).
Some commenters were explicit in their view that the use of copyrighted works for ML
should be permissible and compensated;
one commenter suggested an opt-in or opt-out
mechanism for rights holders in the event some form of blanket licensing was
Another commenter noted that any perception that the Google Books case
educational or scientific purposes). When the CMO negotiates a license with a particular
user, that license is automatically extendedby operation of lawto works in the specified
class owned by all the rights owners, regardless of whether they belong to the collective
organization or not. All copyright owners are entitled to receive a share of the royalties that
the collective receives for that work from its licensees. In some countries, copyright owners
may be allowed to opt out of some uses of their works or demand individual remuneration
if they believe they are entitled to a larger share of the royalties for the use of their works.
As mentioned above, this model is potentially relevant for those who believe that “mass
ingestion” should provide remuneration to authors whose works are digitized. There has not
yet been a sustained conversation among experts as to whether this model would be
practical or desirable in the United States.
See, e.g., Response from the AAP, at 2; Response from the Authors Guild, at 10; Response
from STM, at 4. STM further explained that the deployment of AI tools and mining tools is
becoming more commonplace and that STM publishers “increasingly publish copyright
works and associated datasets with AI ingestion technologies in mind. In other words,
copyright content oflook-up type information will increasingly be published in ways that
facilitate machine reading, learning, etc. It follows that licensing…should in most instances
be the method of choice for enabling access to copyright works.” Id. Another commenter
made a more granular suggestion about establishing collecting societies to ensure that
micropayments be made to individual copyright owners: “New statutory guardrails are
needed to ensure existing law is sensibly and fairly adapted to consider unique attributes
associated with the use of large volumes of copyright work. In this regard, it is essential that
the ingestion of any volume of copyrighted material in connection with AI learning is not
considered a ‘transformative’ fair use by default.” See Response from Getty Images, at 3.
Response of Lori Pressman, at 2. Rather than have to have an argument that the mass
use of copyrighted works is ‘fair’ because of the character of the output, it would be better to
allow creators to opt in, or out of such use. Thus, I advocate using technology, such as an
electronic watermark, to accord copyright holders control over the use of their copyrighted
provides “carte blanche for copying entire works into databases misapprehends the limits of
that decision.
Another commenter considered unlicensed use of copyrighted material by
search engines as copyright infringement and stated: “Tech platforms that appropriate vast
quantities of news content for this purpose should pay for the privilege of doing so, no less
than they should pay for the electricity that powers their computers or motorists for the fuel
that powers their cars.”
Commenters did not specifically take up the question of
recognition of the source materials, although several noted, as mentioned above, that
compensation would be necessary or appropriate.
Another, smaller subset of commenters expressed their view that using content to train,
tune, and/or test an AI system should automatically be presumed a fair use. But among most
of these comments, there were some qualifiers and an acknowledgment that “the legality of
these kinds of uses will be a fact-specific decision that augurs against the development of
bright-line rules.”
A subtheme of this set of comments suggested that allowing AI systems
to ingest content and be trained free from copyrightability will promote innovation.
4. Are current laws for assigning liability for copyright infringement adequate to
address a situation in which an AI process creates a work that infringes a
copyrighted work?
While an AI machine cannot currently own intellectual property rights, it may be able to
infringe others rights. Federal copyright law sets forth a straightforward standard for
copyright infringement:Anyone who violates any of the exclusive rights of the copyright
owner” is liable for copyright infringement.
If the AI’s owner takes sufficient action to
cause the AI’s infringementthrough programming, data inputs, or otherwisethe owner
could directly or contributorily infringe. Alternatively, if AI becomes more autonomous, it is
conceivable that an AI owner might be vicariously liable for the AIs copyright infringement
works. The watermark would allow copyright holders to place restrictions on how their
work is used. Id.
Response from Kernochan Center, Columbia Law School, at 5.
Response from the News Media Alliance, at 5.
Response from SIIA (Jan. 10, 2020), at 7; see also Response from BSA, at 4-5 (It is
impossible to draw a generalized conclusion that all applications of AI involving the
reproduction of copyrighted works will be a fair use. But the case law suggests strongly that
the use of copyrighted works for the training of AI systems will be a fair use when the
reproductions are used to generate new insights whose value is unrelated to the expression
in the underlying works.). See also Response from the Berkman Klein Center for Internet
and Society, at 1. (“This section of my comments divides relevant AI applications into two
categories: ‘non-expressive’ uses andmarket-encroaching’ uses. It then explains why the
former are clearly fair use and the latter are not.).
17 U.S.C. § 501(a).
when the owner possesses the right and ability to supervise the infringing conduct and a
financial interest in the infringement.
Most commenters noted that existing laws are sufficient and can be applied to situations
involving AI,
while also acknowledging that a natural or legal person will need to be held
Some commenters took a more skeptical approach:Current laws may rely
on certain general law doctrines. Existing laws governing liability for copyright infringement
and the fair use defense are probably not clear with respect to AI generated works.”
Another commenter noted that “enforcement under theories of contributory and vicarious
infringement will require the courts to consider novel issues regarding, among other things,
agent[sic], control, and foreseeability of the AI device’s acts. And, as AI becomes increasingly
autonomous, changes to the law may prove necessary.”
Another commenter noted that
current rules on damages are not appropriate, since “knowing” infringement will be harder
to define.
5. Should an entity or entities other than a natural person, or company to which a
natural person assigns a copyrighted work, be able to own the copyright on the
AI work? For example: Should a company who trains the artificial intelligence
process that creates the work be able to be an owner?
Copyright law does not preclude ownership by entities other than natural persons, and it
outlines a finite set of scenarios giving rise to copyright ownership. Under the copyright law,
one can own a copyright by: (1) being the author or a joint author, (2) being deemed to be
the author under the work-made-for-hire doctrine, or (3) obtaining an assignment of the
See A&M Records, Inc. v. Napster, Inc., 239 F.3d 1004 (9th Cir. 2001).
See, e.g., Response from IPO (Jan. 10, 2020), at 4 (citing Sony Corp. of Am. v. Universal City
Studios, Inc., 464 U.S. 417 (1984) as guidance concerning how the courts should assess the
potential liability of creators and users of technology that might be used to infringe
Response from the Copyright Clearance Center, at 4.
Response from AIPLA (Jan. 10, 2020), at 7.
Response from NYIPLA, at 7; see also Response from RIAA, at 7. (“There will be a
continuum of human contribution associated with various AI outputs, and the difficult issue
will be determining where on that continuum of human involvement is sufficient to justify
copyright protection or liability … [T]his will necessarily be a highly fact-dependent inquiry
that can only be resolved on a case-by-case basis.).
Response from KEI, at 2. We take this terminology to be responsive to theknowing
standard described in the Nimmer treatise:Basically, there are three levels of awards: a
basic award, an increased measure, and a decreased measure. In brief, willfulness warrants
the increase, innocence the decrease, and all other cases are computed according to the
standard measure. For ease of terminology, intermediate between willful and innocent
conduct lies the domain of ‘knowing infringement. ’ 4 Nimmer on Copyright § 14. 04 (2019).
See 17 U.S.C. §§ 201-205.
Commenters generally felt ownership of copyrights in the AI context can be dealt with by
commercial negotiations.
However, answers to this question demonstrated a mixed
understanding of what was being asked.
One response, for example, said, “No. Ownership
should vest in the author (or employer of the author, in the case of works made for hire) and
may then be assigned to another natural or juridical person.
A similar response did not
answer in the negative but noted:
There is nothing under U.S. law to prevent an entity from being an owner of
copyrightable works that are part of AI systems or are created by persons
using AI as a tool. Copyrights in AI related works are assignable to entities just
as any other copyrights are under Section 201(d) of the Copyright Act.
In general, responses to this question referred back to the commenters’ answers from
questions 1 and 2, which acknowledged that a non-human cannot be an author and noted
that the use of AI is reliant on human creativity.
6. Are there other copyright issues that need to be addressed to promote the goals
of copyright law in connection with the use of AI?
As referenced above, the term “AI can comprise a range of meanings. For example,
generative algorithms (i.e., algorithms that possess the ability to create data) are responsible
for producing unique works of varying complexity. These works can result from
collaborative efforts between a human creator and an AI program, or they can result from an
independent AI process or algorithm. Therefore, no bright-line rule about “AI and
authorship orAI and copyrightability can be made; rather, it depends on a human being’s
role in tandem with AI in generating a creative output that is potentially copyrightable.
A frequent response was that it is too soon to answer this question. “Generally, AI
technologies are still in their infancy and there is no known instance of a machine-generated
creative output without some human intervention and/or direction, and so it is difficult to
answer, in a useful way, some of the ... inquiries, which contemplate circumstances that have
not yet come to pass.”
And: “[T]he scenario envisioned by [question 1] assumes a degree
of autonomy by a ‘general AI system’ that is more of an aspiration than a present reality in
Response from ITIF, at 11; Response from Boomy Corp., at 13 (“These relationships are
governed by contracts, and it’s working.). Boomy is a music and artificial intelligence
business. It uses a variety of algorithms, some assisted by machine learning, to generate
musical compositions with user input.
See, e.g., Response from SIIA (Jan. 10, 2020), at 8 (“SIIA finds the question a little
Response from AIPLA, at 7.
Response from ABA IPL (Jan. 9, 2020), at 10.
Response from the Entertainment Software Association, at 3. One outlier response is from
Getty Images, which supports taking action now as opposed to a wait-and-see approach.
Response from Getty Images, at 1.
our field.”
There were both general statements and detailed examples of how “AI as we
know it today cannot produce copyrightable works without human input in the following
areas: the level of design, identification of useful training data and standards, determination
of how technologies will be used in commerce and research, guidance or override of choices
made by algorithms, and selection of outputs that are useful or desirable.
Relatedly, many commenters noted that there is no standard working definition of AI that
would allow them to make pointed, consistent responses to the questions. One commenter
noted that AI is mostly a colloquial stand-in for ‘algorithms’ andautomation, or perhaps
more specifically ‘algorithms created with ML,’ however, there is no static definition of ML
Another theme identified by some commenters is the issue of bias. These commenters found
that the ambiguous state of copyright enforcement with respect to ML drives developers to
uselow-quality data that exists in the public domain,” thereby inadvertently biasing the
many AI applications that are built on that data.
Finally, a handful of commenters raised
the issue of “deep fakes” (in which a person in an existing image or video is replaced with
someone else’s likeness) and the legitimate uses of AI-based technology for creative
purposes, suggesting that rights of publicity and other related laws may need to be tweaked
to take into account cases in which a deep fake” is derived from copyright-protected
7. Would the use of AI in trademark searching impact the registrability of
trademarks? If so, how?
To search for confusingly similar designs, global trademark offices index all incoming mark
drawings through human-assigned design codes. But different humans may perceive the
same design element differently, and some may not identify hidden elements in certain
design marks because of optical illusions, such as hidden designs created by letters or other
visual phenomena, even though others might. Properly trained AI software could be used to
supplement the human process of assigning design codes by identifying all perceptible
design elements in a mark. If the design codes assigned to images are more comprehensive,
any image search results will be likewise more comprehensive.
Response from Genentech (Jan. 10, 2020), at 6.
See, e.g., Response from the Copyright Clearance Center, at 4; see also Response from IPO,
at 3.
Response from Boomy, at 3.
Response from the R Street Institute (Jan. 10, 2020), at 1; see also Response from Adobe,
at 6; Response from Wikimedia Foundation, at 7 (“When selecting training data, developers
of AI/ML systems will often select public domain or freely licensed works, both for ease of
access and to avoid potential infringement liability exposure.”).
See, e.g., Response from ITIF, at 14-15; see also Response from the Authors Guild, at 12.
However, assembling the data sets that would serve as the raw materials to train the AI
software for image search or design coding raises potential impacts on registrability.
Globally, trademark law focuses on consumer perception, but different populations and
cultures may perceive the same stimuli differently. If the data is shared amongst national
offices, AI image searching could produce results that, while accurately reflecting an
aggregate global perception, may not accurately reflect consumer perception in the relevant
territory as to what could be a confusing element. Relatedly, one commenter noted that the
sharing of likelihood of confusion determination data between national offices is potentially
problematic due to the fact that many countries’ likelihood of confusion tests are
“perceptibly different” from others’.
Use of AI software by the USPTO
Most commenters agreed that AI software will improve USPTO examination searching
efficiency. A few commenters predicted that customers may face more likelihood of
confusion refusals as a result. One commenter noted that “AI would not itself change the legal
standard for registrability. However, the AI software may change the way the legal standard
is applied to analyze the availability of a particular mark.”
A majority of commenters insisted that AI software should be used only to supplement
human examiners’ searches, not to replace their searches or make registrability decisions.
The examination and infringement test of likelihood of confusion is based on human
perception. Humans are necessary for evaluating search results because “humans inherently
incorporate practical considerations into their arguments and decisions.
The use of AI
without human involvement to “determine the outcome of an evaluation of a likelihood of
confusion may be too rigid and not allow for the subjective relative weights of different
factors that play a role in the outcome,” observed another commenter.
Additionally, humans remain necessary to evaluate trademark distinctiveness and
determine whether confusion is likely because, as a few commenters noted, existing AI
software is not good enough to accurately assess confusion. One commenter noted that “AI
at its current level of accuracy does not always make suitable decisions, and there is also the
risk of an AI malfunction resulting in an incorrect conclusion.”
A few commenters raised concerns that AI algorithms can be unintentionally biased, leading
to less accurate search results. One commenter noted that “the inherent biases of the
algorithm(s) should be well known and accounted for, and addressed prior to the trademark
granting decision-making process.
One commenter went on to note that human feedback
See, e.g., Response from Dr. Dev S. Gangjee (Nov. 8, 2019), at 1.
Response from Intel, at 9-10.
Response from AIPLA (Jan. 10, 2020), at 8.
Response from ABA IPL (Jan. 9, 2020), at 12.
Response from JIPA (Jan. 8, 2020), at 1-2.
Response from David Branca, at 2.
in developing the AI algorithm(s) is necessary to improve accuracy and avoid bias and that
“human feedback remains important in the implementation phase to ensure that AI search
tools continue to be effective, consistent and accurate.
Moving beyond the USPTO’s use of AI software in searching, one commenter suggested that
the USPTO could use AI software as a training tool to improve consistency in examination by
identifying how similar cases were handled by different examining attorneys.
noted that AI software could be useful for assisting USPTO examining attorneys in identifying
altered or fraudulent specimen images submitted to the USPTO in trademark applications.
One commenter observed that there is already positive engagement among global trademark
offices in discussions about the use of AI software for examination and administration.
Another commenter believed that AI tools (including search tools) should be shared among
global trademark offices to promote consistency and defray costs of the tools for smaller
national offices.
That commenter urged that national trademark offices should be
transparent with their customers when they use specific AI tools in trademark examination
and other official proceedings.
Use of AI software by trademark owners
A few commenters believed that AI software would improve the accuracy of trademark
clearance and searching when used by trademark owners and would improve business
decisions by better predicting the risk of registration refusals and third-party objections. One
commenter noted that “AI could be used to more objectively evaluate the risks of adoption
of a mark and in particular the risks of refusal by the USPTO” and that the impact of this risk
assessment could be fewer applications filed.
However, one commenter observed that the use of AI trademark tools by large, multinational
companies could diminish the ability of small and medium-sized businesses to protect their
IP, presumably because small and medium-sized businesses do not have the same access to
these predictive tools for making business decisions.
Another commenter expressed
concern about small and medium-sized businesses relying on AI software to create a
trademark or to “recommend a certain market to them based on certain parameters that may
not be in there [sic] best interest or not fully informing them of a risk in that market.”
Response from INTA, at 2.
Response from ABA IPL (Jan. 9, 2020), at 12.
Response from INTA, at 1-2.
Response from IPO (Jan. 10, 2020), at 6.
Response from ABA IPL (Jan. 9, 2020), at 11.
Response from Alève Mine, at 2.
Response from A-CAPP at Michigan State University, at 1.
8. How, if at all, does AI impact trademark law? Is the existing statutory language
in the Lanham Act adequate to address the use of AI in the marketplace?
Section 32 of the Lanham Act, 15 U.S.C. § 1114, provides a civil action for trademark
infringement against “any person” who uses an infringing registered mark without the
consent of the registrant. AI software used in connection with trademark infringement
cannot itself be held liable for an infringing act, as it is not a “person.” But the people who
create or employ AI software in commercial transactions are “persons,” and as such, they can
be indirectly liable for infringement perpetuated through the use of AI software. Over the
last 30 years, courts have demonstrated flexibility in interpreting the U.S. trademark statutes
that assign liability to various actors and intermediaries as the context for infringement has
expanded beyond brick-and-mortar operations to online infringement and counterfeiting,
including, e.g., the use of such tactics as unauthorized use of others’ trademarks, both in
software coding and more visible ways, in efforts to manipulate web search results to
influence human consumer behavior in commercial transactions. The use of AI in
commercial transactions is yet another of those evolving business models.
Most commenters addressing this question noted that either the use of AI software would
have no impact on trademark law or, alternatively, that the existing statutory and common
law framework for trademarks in the United States is sufficiently flexible to address any such
impact. One commenter noted that the focus on voice-activated AI assistants that provide
product suggestions to consumers or order goods for consumers could put more emphasis
on phonetic similarities between marks and correspondingly less emphasis on visual or
connotative similarities.
The commenter noted that no change to the statute would be
needed to accommodate this shift toward phonetics; however, this [shift] could affect the
fact finders’ balancing scale when assessing likelihood of confusion.
Human involvement
In responding to question 8, commenters also noted the need for continued human
involvement in the use of AI software in connection with trademark issues. One commenter
suggested that the Lanham Act should be amended to require that a trademark be
“distinctive to natural people” to be eligible for protection.
Another commenter noted that
if an owner used AI software to select a mark, the Lanham Act should expressly require that
the applicant who is using the mark in commerce be a natural or juridical person.
In the criminal and civil enforcement arena, one commenter noted that AI software is
currently being used to identify online counterfeit goods and issue automated takedown
This commenter urged that, in these circumstances, the human brand owner be
Response from Intel, at 11.
Response from Lori Pressman, at 3.
Response from IPO (Jan. 10, 2020), at 7.
Response from A-CAPP, at 2.
required to review and verify the AI recommendations before sending any AI-recommended
takedown notices.
Transparency as to the use of AI
As to the roles and responsibilities of those creating and using AI software in commercial
transactions, one commenter insisted that online platforms using AI software to assist
consumers should have a responsibility to avoid deceiving consumers.
This commenter
cautioned that the use of AI can add complication through its shift of the retail experience,
making it more predictive, meaning that consumers are shown a preselected grouping of
products based on a variety of set factors, but that the consumer may be unaware of that
preselection, resulting in potential deception.
To alleviate this deception and create
transparency about the use of AI, this commenter suggested that platforms should cobrand
with the AI creator to encourage a relationship between the AI creator and the end
consumer, who is experiencing the results from an AI algorithm.
Liability under trademark law
Several commenters noted that the use of AI software in consumer transactions raises
questions about who will be legally liable for infringement facilitated by the AI software. One
commenter noted that if AI acts on its own and infringes anothers trademark, it may be
difficult to identify who is the infringing or violating entity or what the infringement or
violation is.
One commenter believes that it should be incumbent on the creator of the AI
to ensure that it is not violating anothers trademark or other intellectual property.
One commenter noted directly importing liability standards developed for internet service
providers may not provide a perfect fit because the creation and use of AI algorithms to offer
consumer products raises a number of novel issues.
Some commenters thought it
currently unclear how AI could affect the likelihood of confusion test for infringement and
the role of the average consumerin that test. If the test of the average consumer loses
relevance for evaluating likelihood of confusion as consumers rely more on AI to make their
purchases, one commenter noted that “brand owners and trademark practitioners may need
to re-evaluate the strength of infringement theories that rely principally on initial interest
and point of sale confusion and instead explore theories of infringement that place greater
emphasis on the harm caused by post purchase confusion.”
Other commenters opined that while the AI technology is not a legal person for purposes of
infringement liability, the creator or platform could be liable for purchases of counterfeit
goods facilitated by the AI. One commenter observed that “‘intent’ of the defendant is an
Id. at 2-3.
Response from A-CAPP, at 2.
Response from JIPA (Jan. 8, 2020), at 2.
Response from A-CAPP, at 2.
Response from INTA, at 2-3.
Id. at 3.
important element in question when looking at the Lanham Act” and queried how AI could
affect the intent element of a counterfeiting claim.
The commenter asks, “Can AI intend for
something to happen? Is the onus on the user of the AI or the creator of the AI to not ‘intend
for a counterfeit mark to be used?
To address this uncertainty, this commenter suggested
that the law should impose a rebuttable presumption of willful intent if a person knowingly
provides or feeds false or infringing data into an AI consumer purchasing recommendation
algorithm or withholds information that would preclude the AI from recommending
infringing goods.
Another commenter suggested that platforms using AI to recommend consumer purchasing
choices may have a corresponding responsibility to inform consumers of potentially
suspicious (e.g., counterfeit) goods reflected in such recommendations.
This commenter
also raised the question as to whether there should be some responsibility for the AI creator
or the platform to achieve some level of “appropriate” accuracy of the predictions that the AI
algorithm makes, either via legal regulation or industry standard(s).
AI-generated works
One commenter identified an issue at the intersection of copyright and trademark law that
exists in the non-AI context but that could also arise in the AI environment. Namely, if a
person instructs or uses AI to create works in the style of” a well-known copyright creator,
and that copyright creators name has been used as a source identifier for the copyrighted
works but is now being used to identify the new work, would the Lanham Act, general unfair
competition laws, or right of publicity laws adequately address potential misappropriation
of the source identifier in that situation?
Resulting services provided by AI
One commenter observed that AI cannot qualify as an applicant” for trademark registration
because the Lanham Act contemplates that only legal entities may qualify as applicants.
Nonetheless, one commenter noted the AI may provide services in connection with a
Other commenters, however, expressed uncertainty about contemplating AI as a
good or a service and expressed a desire for clarification on how, for purposes of Nice
Classification (the international classification of goods and services applied in the
registration of marks by WIPO), the USPTO would classify the underlying service performed
by AIwould it be classified as the underlying service itself or as computer software?
Response from A-CAPP, at 3.
Id. at 4.
Id. at 3.
Response from RIAA, at 7.
Response from IPO (Jan. 10, 2020), at 7.
Another commenter noted that this question implicates the Federal Circuit’s holding in In re
JobDiva, Inc., which held that even though a service may be performed by a companys
software, the company itself may well be rendering the service.
A few commenters
observed that mark owners that use AI to provide services could encounter unreliable
examination results from examiners, who may encounter difficulty when determining
whether the mark was actually in use in commerce by the owner for the underlying services.
9. How, if at all, does AI impact the need to protect databases and data sets? Are
existing laws adequate to protect such data?
As noted above, data is the foundation for AI.
It is in this context that the question of
whether data or datasets should have protection, or already do have protection, is important
to consider. However, it should also be considered that access to datasets, or the lack thereof,
could impact the development of AI.
Databases and datasets are afforded some protection under copyright law, although
copyright law requires originality to exist in the works it protects, and”rawdata is not
. That said, the databases or datasets containing the data may be protected
as compilations to the extent their selection and arrangement demonstrate the requisite
level of originality.
Of course, databases and datasets used to train an algorithm can be protected as trade
secrets with criminal remedies under the Economic Espionage Act and civil remedies under
the Defend Trade Secrets Act. To be a protectable trade secret, the dataset must derive
independent economic value from not being generally known or readily ascertainable
through proper means. Unlike copyright protection, trade secret protection can extend to
the underlying facts in a dataset.
See discussion regarding Question 10 in Part I.
Raw” data is used here in its traditional sense to refer to “individual facts, statistics, or
items of information, see Random House Websters College Dictionary 346 (1991), in
which in which copyright does not subsist. Feist Publ'ns, 499 U.S. at 345. (defining ‘raw
data” as “wholly factual information not accompanied by any original written expression “)
The term “data” can be ambiguous and can sometimes refer more broadly to “electronic
information” or recorded information,” potentially encompassing material protected by
copyright. See, e.g. 44 U.S.C. § 3502(16) (defining data as recorded information,
regardless of form or the media on which the data is recorded” for purposes of the Open
Government Data Act). “Data” is not defined in the copyright statute. See also responses
from AAP, at 6; and Adobe, at 2.
See Feist Publ’ns, 499 U.S. at 349; 17 U.S.C. § 101 (definition of “compilation”). This is
recognized internationally under WTO TRIPS Article 10(2) (“compilations of data or other
material, whether in machine readable or other form, which by reason of the selection or
arrangement of their contents constitute intellectual creations shall be protected as such.”)
Contract law also can be used to protect collected data and restrict access to the dataset
unless the user agrees not to copy or exploit the data commercially. Technical measures,
such as password protection on the website housing the database, can be used, and if the
database has any protection by copyright, the Digital Millennium Copyright Act
available for unauthorized uses. There are also state causes of action in tort. Lastly, some
commenters proposed that open data licenses may be an appropriate vehicle to facilitate the
sharing of certain data,
while other data may be more appropriately controlled by its
owners by traditional licensing methods.
These stakeholders can improve the quality of
the datasets before they are used to train the algorithm.
Commenters who answered this question mostly found that existing laws are adequate to
continue to protect AI-related databases and datasets and that there is no need for
reconsidering a sui generis database protection law, such as exists in Europe. Furthermore,
one commenter cautioned “that AI technology is developing rapidly and that any laws
proposed now could be obsolete by the time they are enacted.
One commenter noted that “because databases and data sets may enjoy copyright
protections as compilations, it is likely that existing laws adequately protect them.”
Another commenter noted that “ingestion of the database to train the AI must be
permissioned and/or compensated, or otherwise compliant with copyright law.”
Many commenters felt that contractual arrangements and trade secrets offer appropriate
protection for databases and datasets under current law. One commenter noted that, as to
data, its members were “satisfied with reliance on licenses and other comparable
mechanisms for authorized access to such contents and data, with emphasis on contractual
freedom to design the terms of access that work best for the parties.”
However, another
commenter stated that a contract is only binding as to the two parties “and cannot be
enforceable against a third party, who has improperly acquired the data outside of the
As for trade secret protection for datasets, one commenter observed that “trade
secret protection could be impractical or impossible for many business models, for example
where the AI-based data is distributed in a product, or where the results produced by the AI
will be made public.
Another commenter noted similarly that with the use and
See 17 U.S.C. § 1201 (providing legal protection against circumvention of technological
protection measures).
35 U.S.C. § 512.
Response from CDT at 5; IBM at 8; ITIF at 9-10.
Response from AAP at 6; Response from STM at 1, 4, 6.
Response from IPO (Jan. 10, 2020), at 7.
Response from ACT, at 6.
Response from Association of American Publishers, at 5.
Response from the Entertainment Software Association, at 3.
Response from JIPA (Jan. 8, 2020), at 3.
Response from IPO (Jan. 10, 2020), at 7.
development of AI, a lot of data will [be] shared between multiple business operators, where
such data will fall outside the category of trade secrets.”
Because copyright protection will not cover the data values in a compilation and a
rearrangement of the data would not necessarily be considered a derivative work,
commenter believed this might drive the need for consideration of sui generis IP rights.
However, this commenter advised caution in creating new IP rights noted that “providing sui
generis database rights similar to those that exist in Europe might not necessarily promote
Other commenters remembered past debates in the United States on the
issue of database protection, one noting that “Congress considered, and rejected, adoption
of a sui generis form of protection for nonoriginal databases modeled on the EU Database
Another commenter noted that since that debate in 1996, it “is not aware of
any significant reason for movement toward a general database protection provision on a
sui generis basis.”
A smaller number of commenters did suggest a reconsideration of whether additional
protection of datasets and databases could be useful to spur investment in high-quality data
of vetted/assured provenance. One commenter noted an interest in exploring the possible
creationof sui generis property rights to curated datasets in view of the: 1) reported
increasing efforts toward data curation, 2) fact that curation may not, in some circumstances,
meet the criteria required for copyright protection, 3) benefits of sharing, improving, and
incentivizing the creation of such datasets, including in the context of public-private
partnerships, 4) disadvantages of trade secrets, particularly in an academic environment,
and 5) different infringement protections needed for proprietary data sets that are used in a
once and donemanner to train AI algorithms.
Another commenter suggested that the
United States consider the Japanese model regarding Protected Data” in the Unfair
Competition Prevention Act, May 2018, which promotes protection for data used for
Some commenters went outside the IP framework entirely, noting that privacy, product
safety, and anti-discrimination laws could be implicated, and it may be that access must be
Response from JIPA (Jan. 8, 2020), at 3.
A compilation is copyrightable only if the preexisting material that is compiled exhibits
originality in its selection, coordination, or arrangement. A derivative work consists of
revisions, annotations, elaborations or other modifications which, as a whole, represent an
original work of authorship. 17 U.S.C. § 101 (definitions of “compilation” and “derivative
work). A rearrangement of data will not necessarily exhibit sufficient originality to qualify.
Response from IPO (Jan. 10, 2020), at 7. The reference to “the EU’s type of protection
was an allusion to the European Union’s Directive 96/9/EC on the legal protection of
databases, which is also addressed below in the discussion of Question 13.
Response from CCIA (Jan. 10, 2020), at 11.
Response from CTA, at 5.
Response from AUTM (Jan. 10, 2020), at 5-6.
Response from JIPA (Jan. 8, 2020), at 3.
given to the public (or a proxy) for review and possible testing (for example of training data
that is suspected of wrongful bias).”
10. How, if at all, does AI impact trade secret law? Is the Defend Trade Secrets Act
(DTSA) 18 U.S.C. 1836 et seq., adequate to address the use of AI in the
Businesses and innovators have long used trade secret law as a means of protecting their
valuable IP. Trade secret law is often chosen for protection for IP for a variety of reasons. For
example, trade secrets do not require that the innovator pay what can be considerable up-
front expenses (e.g., filing and legal fees for obtaining patent grants) that might be too
burdensome for small business and individuals. Trade secrets can also be used for
information that would qualify for a patent, but the innovator does not want to disclose the
information. Trade secret law can also protect information that does not qualify for patent
protection at all, such as customer lists. Additionally, trade secrets have no expiration date
so long as the qualifying factors continue to be in force, which has resulted in many iconic
and long-term trade secrets seen in daily life.
Civil trade secret protection and enforcement have three sources in the United States. First,
trade secret law, which developed from our common law tradition of torts. Second, trade
secret protection is available in 49 states (except New York), the District of Columbia, Puerto
Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands, through enactment of variations on the Uniform Trade
Secrets Act (UTSA). The UTSA is essentially a statutory enactment of the common law
principles that preceded it and is supported by a considerable body of case law. The third
avenue of protection is fairly recent: the Defend Trade Secrets Act of 2016 (DTSA). The DTSA
codifies additional provisions, at the core of which is the establishment of the first federal
private civil cause of action for trade secret misappropriation. The DTSA does not supersede
the state statutes but rather provides a victim of misappropriation the choice of its venue
state or federal.
One core principle of trade secret law, as codified in the DTSA, states that:
The termowner, with respect to a trade secret
, means the person or entity
in whom or in which rightful legal or equitable title to, or license in, the trade
secret is reposed.
Trade secret law does not address how the trade secret is created or by whom, instead
providing for the rights of the owner.
Commenters acknowledged the importance of trade secret law for the protection of IP, with
one stating that “trade secret law may be the only viable protection available to ensure that
bioinformatics and other practical applications of AI in biotechnology are protected forms of
Response from ABA IPL (Jan. 9, 2020), at 13-14.
18 U.S.C. § 1839(4).
intellectual property.”
Another succinctly stated: “Use of AI in the marketplace presents a
variety of considerations for application of trade secret law as other information
technologies but does not by itself warrant change to trade secret law.”
Some commenters
were concerned that application of current trade secret protections would have a negative
effect on human due process rights where AI is making decisions that have a legal or
significant effect on an individual.
Other commenters addressed issues that might arise in
the future. For example, one commenter observed that “trade secret protection over AI
systems may be imperfect if and/or when transparency is too robustly required to secure
regulatory approval in the life sciences.”
Commenting on the risk of forced data sharing,
another reflected:While any IP system for data should probably tilt toward encouraging
data sharingthis does not mean a data-related IP system should default to no IP rights or
even forced sharing.”
Commenters suggested that, in the future, a sui generis form of
protection might be required.
Commenters also raised the issue that in the future, AI might make it easier to ascertain a
trade secret without breaking security measures. Specifically, one observed that a practical
effect of using AI technology may be that information (including know-how and insights)
may be more readily discoverable without defeating secrecy measures.
There was no
Response from Genentech (Jan. 10, 2020), at 8; see also Response from Intel, at 12 (“Trade
secret law is very important for AI technologies, particularly for protecting certain aspects
of AI that are difficult to protect using patents, such as training datasets and computational
architectures of AI systems. Trade secret law may also be important to protect the
implementations of AI technologies ….); Response from ACT, at 6 (“Should changes to the
DTSA be considered, it is important that trade secret protections are not weakened.).
Response from ABA IPL (Jan. 9, 2020), at 14; see also Response from IPO (Jan. 10, 2020),
at 8 (“An important means for protecting AI innovation will be trade secrets. If properly
enforced, the current trade secret laws in the U.S. (DTSA and various state statutes) suffice
to protect AI-related trade secrets.”); Response from CCIA (Jan. 10, 2020), at 11 (The
existing framework of trade secrecy laws, consisting of the federal Defend Trade Secrets Act,
the Economic Espionage Act, and state trade secret law, is adequate to address the use of AI
in the marketplace.”).
See, e.g., Response from Wikimedia Foundation, at 8 (“concern about the application of IP
laws to prevent oversight into algorithmic decision-making, particularly where that decision
making will have a substantial effect on people’s lives …”).
Response from Genentech (Jan. 10, 2020), at 8-9.
Response from ITIF, at 13.
See, e.g., Response from Genentech (Jan. 10, 2020), at 9 (“If trade secret protection is too
difficult to maintain over AI systems for our industry, the Defend Trade Secrets Act would,
of course, be inadequate to address the use of AI in the marketplace. If trade secret protection
is insufficient, some alternative, sui generis form of protection might be required …).
Response from IBM (Jan. 10, 2019), at 6.
consensus on whether a change to the law would be required to address this issue in the
11. Do any laws, policies, or practices need to change in order to ensure an
appropriate balance between maintaining trade secrets on the one hand and
obtaining patents, copyrights, or other forms of intellectual property protection
related to AI on the other?
Very few commenters responded directly to this question. The consensus of the responses
was that the current balance is correct and that no changes are necessary.
One urged the
USPTO to proceed cautiously and deliberately.
Another questioned whether a sui generis
form of data protection might be needed in the future if the balance tipped “too much” in the
direction of trade secrets.
One commenter argued against trade secret protection for AI
because such protection does not align with the university culture of collaboration and
scientific publication.
12. Are there any other AI-related issues pertinent to intellectual property rights
(other than those related to patent rights) that the USPTO should examine?
As was the case with Question 11 in Part I, this question was intended to capture any issues
not previously addressed. A prevalent theme in the responses to this question centered on
See, e.g., Response from ABA IPL (Jan. 9, 2020), at 14 (“Application of AI to deconstruct a
public-facing (or other legitimately accessed) model or output data would not be actionable
under the DTSA or UTSA.”); Response from Intel, at 12 (There is …. . . a non-negligible risk
that, in the future, AI itself would weaken the protection of trade secret law because AI may
be used to reverse engineer, or make public, what would have been traditionally protected
by trade secret law.).
See, e.g., Response from CCIA (Jan. 10, 2020), at 11 (“No changes to laws, policies, or
practices are needed in order to maintain the balance between these different forms of
protection. AI does not present unique challenges to the IP system.”); Response from Intel,
at 12 (“Intel is not aware of any laws, policies, or practices that warrant change at this time
in order to ensure an appropriate balance between trade secret protection and other forms
of IP protection.”); Response from ABA IPL (Jan. 9, 2020), at 15 (“The Section has not
identified changes necessary foran appropriate balance’ between maintaining trade secrets
and other intellectual property protection related to AI.”).
Response from Genentech (Jan. 10, 2020), at 9 (“We urge the USPTO and the Copyright
Office to proceed cautiously and deliberately so that innovation in AI, including exploration
of AI in the life sciences field is incentivized, and not inadvertently left unprotected.”).
Response from AIPLA (Jan. 10, 2020), at 16 (Relying solely on trade secret protection
could tip the balance too far away from disclosure and thereby stifle innovation. The
increasing importance of AI technology highlights the need to further analyze whether and
how to protect data, including a sui generis form of data protection is warranted.).
Response from AUTM (Jan. 10, 2020), at 2 (“Protecting AI innovations using trade secret
strategies does not align with the ethos of university culture.”).
data-related issues.
One commenter encouraged the continuation of the USPTO’s long-
standing support for sharing government data with the public.
Relatedly, another
highlighted a desire that the “USPTO should examine how data’ is defined in various
government instruments, including trade agreements.”
That commenter believed that
doing so could ensure consistent data policies across the U.S. government.
expanded the idea of data governance to the global level, pointing to the security of personal
data and the accountability of controllers of such data around the world as an area for future
Others raised a concern about the potential for AI to rapidly generate huge volumes of
The USPTO should examine whether the Lanham Act … [is] adequate to guard
against” AI producingsound alike” works.
A separate commenter strongly encourage[d]
USPTO to provide mandatory training to staff on AI and its capabilities.”
Others raised
ethical issues that the USPTO should explore, such as the impact of deep fakes
and of bias
on AI systems
and the ramifications should AI be granted personhood.
13. Are there any relevant policies or practices from intellectual property IP
agencies or legal systems in other countries that may help inform USPTOs
policies and practices regarding intellectual property rights (other than those
related to patent rights)?
Commenters pointed to work being done with respect to IP protection for AI technologies in
the European Commission of the EU, at WIPO, in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation
and Development (OECD), at international IP stakeholder associations, and by foreign
governments. Commenters encouraged coordination with foreign government agencies that
are assessing the impact of AI on IP, and with multilateral organizations. One noted that
there is a need for countries to enact broadly similar (or at least not conflicting) rules and
See, e.g., Response from Starrett, at 17 (raising issues of data collection in military
operations that later become available for public use).
Response from IBM (Jan. 10, 2019), at 8.
Response from AAP, at 6.
Response from AIPLA (Jan. 10, 2020), at 16; see also Response from IPO (Jan. 10, 2020),
at 9 (“it would be worth paying careful attention to data privacy as it relates to AI.”);
Response from Pressman, at 4 (advocating for the federal government ensuring data
Response from Obeebo, at 4; Response from KEI, at 3 (“The potential volume of AI-
generated IP claims is something that should be evaluated very carefully …”).
Response from RIAA, at 7.
Response from ACT, at 6.
Response from ITIF, at 13-15.
Response from Aimonetti, at 3.
Response from Shore, at 2.
criteria around many IP issues raised by AI and its use of data.
However, another advised
that engagement “should prioritize alignment with U.S. law and precedent to the maximum
extent possible.”
One commenter pointed to the “AI Copyright Primer,” created by the commenter’s
organization, the Association Internationale pour la Protection de la Propriété Intellectuelle
(AIPPI) and the International Federation of Intellectual Property Attorneys (FICPI).
Another commenter called attention to the Toronto Declaration, which outlines a human
rights framework to be applied to the use of AI/ML systems.”
Another commenter noted
the five OECD AI Principles.
With respect to the EU, commenters noted the 2019 Directive on Copyright in the Digital
Single Market. Under article 3 of the directive, non-commercial scientific research using
licensed content for text and data mining is a permitted exception. Other lawfully accessible
online content is also available for short-term mining or extraction under article 4 of the
directive, if the rights holder has not reserved its rights. One commenter observed that “these
provisions provide for a copyright exception’-based approach to the use of content ingested
for AI purposes, and contemplate a viable market for licensing content for commercial AI use
Commenters were mixed as to whether this was a wise approach. One commenter
cautioned generally about text and data mining carve outs because “frameworks that provide
too broad a carve out for un-permissioned and uncompensated uses, even where such use is
of a commercial nature, may result in an eroding of rights accorded to rights holders that
curate and own copyrighted works or compilations of copyrighted works.”
Commenters also pointed to the EU Directive 96/9/EC of the European Parliament and the
council of March 11, 1996 on the legal protection of databases.
Other commenters noted
problems with that model and its rejection by the U.S. Congress in the mid-1990s.
commenter observed that the Database Directive “has had no tangible impact on the
production of databases or the competitiveness of the industry.
Another commenter pointed out the European approach to trade secret protection, which
“provides a broad enough definition of trade secrets such that artificial intelligence
Response from ITIF, at 15.
Response from ACT, at 7.
Response from AIPLA (Jan. 10, 2020), at 17.
Response from Wikimedia, at 9 (citing the Toronto Declaration at
Response from KEI, at 4 (citing https://www.oecd.org/going-digital/ai/principles/).
Response from Copyright Clearance Center, at 7.
Response from AAP, at 7.
Response from IBM (Jan. 10, 2019), at 8.
See, e.g., Response from IPO (Jan. 10, 2020), at 7.
Response from AUTM (Jan. 10, 2020), at 4.
algorithms and processes can be protected.
This approach, according to this commenter,
shouldserve as informing future USPTO’s policies and practices regarding Intellectual
Property Rights specific to AI innovation where at the present time employee job hopping is
One commenter also “recommend[ed] the EU’s Report on Liability for Artificial Intelligence
which provides a deep analysis of the liability issues of AI.”
Commenters also referenced existing legislation in the United Kingdom, Singapore,
Australia, China, Thailand, Mexico, South Korea, and Japan.
Specifically in the United Kingdom, the Copyrights, Designs and Patents Act of 1988, section
9(3), addresses computer-generated works. Similar provisions exist in Ireland and New
Zealand, according to one commenter.
Another noted similar provisions in Hong Kong
(SAR) and India.
Similar to specific references to the recent EU directive, commenters
views were mixed as to whether any of these laws are a useful template for the United States.
Multiple commenters noted the “2018 amendment to the Japanese copyright statute
provides an example of a well-considered legislative definition of a TDM exception under the
copyright laws.”
A few commenters suggested that the United States consider the
Japanese model regardingProtected Data” in the Unfair Competition Prevention Act, May
2018, which promotes protection for data used for exchange.
South Korea’s relaxation of its definition of trade secret law in the Unfair Competition
Prevention and Trade Secret Protection Act, which made it no longer necessary to take
reasonable efforts to maintain the secrecy of the information, was acknowledged. However,
one commenter noted that “this approach is unlikely to be implemented in the US.
same commenter pointed to South Korea as providing “protection of databases defined as
Response from AIPLA (Jan. 10, 2020), at 24.
Response from Kernochan Center, at 7 (citing Rep. of the Expert Group on Liability and
New TechnologiesNew Technologies Formation, Liability for Artificial Intelligence and
Other Emerging Digital Technologies (2019)).
Response from IBM (Jan. 10, 2019), at 8, noting Copyright, Designs and Patents Act,
1988, c. 48, § 9(3) (U.K.);
Copyright Act of 1994, § 5 (N.Z.); Copyright and Related Rights Act 2000, part I, § 2 (Act. No.
28/2000) (Ire.).
Response from KEI, at 5.
See, e.g., Response from IBM (Jan. 10, 2019), at 8. The database directive covers databases
in which there has been a substantial investment, qualitatively or quantitatively, in
obtaining, verifying, or presenting the contents and makes it unlawful to extract or reutilize
the whole or a substantial part of those contents. Directive 96/9/EC, Art. 7(1).
Response from AIPLA (Jan. 10, 2020), at 24-25; Response from JIPA (Jan. 8, 2020), at 3.
Response from AIPLA (Jan. 10, 2020), at 25.
compiled matters whose subject matters are systematically arranged or composed, so that
they may be individually approached or retrieved.”
One commenter noted that certain aspects of U.S. copyright law are unique to the United
States, and references to other countries’ laws may not be appropriate at this time. For
example, with respect to sound recordings, there are differences in the basic requirements
for copyrightability that could lead to differences in how AI-generated sound recordings are
Overall, the majority of the commenters expressed that the existing copyright,
trademark, and trade secret law framework is sufficiently robust and flexible to adequately
address issues raised by AI.
Id. at 20.
Therefore, RIAA, for example, believes it is “premature to consider incorporation of
foreign practices at this time, especially with respect to exceptions or limitations to
copyright.” Response from RIAA, at 8.
Appendix I
Patenting Artificial Intelligence Inventions RFC Response Summary
No. of
Foreign patent offices
Bar associations
Trade associations/Advocacy groups
Law firms (submitted as firm)
Practitioners (other than firm or
academia submissions)
Individuals (not in other categories)
Foreign patent offices:
EPO (Qs 1-12)
JPO (Qs 1-12)
Bar associations:
American Bar Association Intellectual Property Law Section (ABA IPL) (Qs 1-12)
American Intellectual Property Law Association (AIPLA) (Qs 1-12)
Boston Patent Law Association (BPLA) (Qs 1-7, 12)
Intellectual Property Committee of the Bar Association of the District of Columbia
(BADC) (Qs 1-12)
International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AIPPI) (Qs 1-
International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property Japan (AIPPI
Japan) (Qs 1-12)
International Federation of Intellectual Property Attorneys (FICPI) (Qs 1-12)
Japan Patent Attorneys Association (JPAA) (Qs 1-12)
National Association of Patent Practitioners (NAPP) (Qs 1-12)
Trade associations/Advocacy groups:
Alliance for AI in Healthcare (AAIH) (Qs 1, 2, 4-8, 10, 12)
Askeladden (Qs 1-10)
Individuals are not listed by name in the appendix; however, all comments are available
at https://www.uspto.gov/initiatives/artificial-intelligence/notices-artificial-intelligence.
Computer and Communications Industry Association (CCIA) (Qs 1-11)
Engine Advocacy and the Electronic Frontier Foundation (joint submission) (Qs 5-7,
IEEE USA (Qs 1-12)
Intellectual Property Owners Association (IPO) (Qs 1-12)
Internet Association, High Tech Inventors Alliance, the Software and Information
Industry Association, and ACT | The APP Association (joint submission) (Qs 1-12)
Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association (JEITA) (Qs 1-
Japan Intellectual Property Association (JIPA) (Qs 1-12)
Japan Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association (JPMA) (Qs 1-12)
Korea Intellectual Property Association (KINPA) (Qs 1-12)
R Street Institute (Qs 2-9)
Software and Information Industry Association (SIIA) (Q 2)
Ericsson (Qs 1-12)
Ford Motor Company (Qs 3, 4, 5, 7)
Genentech (Qs 1-12)
IBM (Qs 1-12)
Juniper Networks (Qs 1-9)
Merck (Qs 1-8, 10, 12)
Novartis (Qs 1-12)
Prevencio (Qs 1-9)
Protofect (Qs 1-4, 6-8, 11, 12)
Roche Diabetes Care (Qs 1-12)
Seiko Epson (Qs 1-12)
Siemens (Qs 1-12)
Tata Consultancy Services (Qs 1-12)
TruMedicines (Qs 1-12)
o Cardozo School of Laws Intellectual Property Law Society (Qs 2, 9)
o SUNY Research Foundation (Qs 1-12)
o University of Maryland Center for Advanced Life Cycle Engineering (Qs 1-9)
o Association of University Technology Managers Inc. (AUTM) (Qs 5-7, 10, 11)
Professors from:
o Baylor University
o Colorado State University
o Florida State University
o Technische Universität Berlin (Germany)
o Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Qs 1-9, 11)
o North Carolina State University (Qs 2, 4-7)
o University of Surrey (Qs 1-8, 12)
Individual from:
University of Beira Interior
Law firms:
NSIP Law (Qs 1-12)
Schwegman Lundberg & Woessner (Qs 1-12)
Appendix IIIntellectual Property Protection for Artificial Intelligence Innovation
RFC Response Summary
No. of
Bar associations
Trade associations/Advocacy groups
Individuals (not in other
Bar associations:
American Bar Association Section of Intellectual Property Law (ABA IPL) (Qs 1-13)
American Intellectual Property Law Association (AIPLA) (Qs 1-13)
New York Intellectual Property Law Association (NYIPLA) (Qs 1-5)
Trade associations/Advocacy groups:
American Association of Law Libraries (AALL) (Qs 1-3)
Association of American Publishers (AAP) (Qs 1-6, 9, 12, 13)
Association of University Technology Managers Inc. (AUTM) (Qs 4, 9-11)
Center for Democracy and Technology (Qs 3, 9)
Computer and Communications Industry Association (CCIA) (Qs 1-13)
Consumer Technology Association (CTA) (Qs 3, 9)
Copyright Alliance (CA) (Qs 1-5, 13)
Electronic Frontier Foundation (Qs 1-4)
Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) (Q 9)
Entertainment Software Association (Q 6)
Engine Advocacy (Q 3)
Information Technology and Innovation Foundation (ITIF) (Qs 1-3, 5, 9, 10, 12, 13)
Initiative for Net Freedom (Qs 1-5, 9)
Internet Association (IA) (Qs 1-13)
Individuals are not listed by name in the appendix; however, all comments are available
at https://www.uspto.gov/initiatives/artificial-intelligence/notices-artificial-intelligence-
ntellectual Property Owners Association (IPO) (Qs 1-13)
International Association of Scientific, Technical, and Medical Publishers (STM) (Qs
1-6, 9, 11, 12)
International Trademark Association (INTA) (Qs 7, 8)
Japan Intellectual Property Association (JIPA) (Qs 7-9)
Knowledge Ecology International (KEI) (Qs 1-5, 9-13)
Library Copyright Alliance (Q 3)
Motion Picture Association Inc. (Qs 1-4)
National Music Publishers Association (NMPA) (Qs 1-6, 8, 12, 13)
News Media Alliance (Q 3)
Public Knowledge (Qs 1-3, 5)
R Street Institute (Q 3)
Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) (Qs 1-6, 8, 12, 13)
Software and Information Industry Association (SIIA) (Qs 1-5)
The App Association (ACT) (Qs 1-13)
The Authors Guild (Qs 1-6)
The Software Alliance (BSA) (Qs 2, 3)
Adobe (Qs 3, 9)
Boomy Corp. (Qs 1-5)
CLAIMS IP (Qs 1, 2)
Copyright Clearance Center (Qs 1-4, 13)
Council Exchange Board of Trade (Q 5)
Genentech (Qs 1-6, 9-11)
Getty Images (Qs 1-6, 9, 13)
IBM (Qs 1-13)
Intel Corp. (Qs 1-13)
OpenAI LP (Q 3)
Obeebo Inc. (Qs 1-13)
Parsound (Qs 1, 2)
Roche Diabetes Care (Qs 1-6, 9-11)
Roche Molecular Diagnostics (Qs 1-6, 9-11)
SO REAL (Qs 1, 5, 7)
Wikimedia Foundation (Qs 1-4, 6, 10, 13)
o Center for Anti-Counterfeiting and Product Protection (A-CAPP) at Michigan
State University (Qs 7-9)
Professors from:
o Brooklyn Law School (Qs 1-3, 5)
o Columbia Law School (Qs 1-6, 12, 13)Syracuse University (Qs 1, 2, 4, 5)
o University of Oxford (Qs 7-8)
o University of Surrey (Qs 1, 5, 13)
o Universidad de las Américas Puebla (UDLAP) (Mexico) (Qs 1, 2, 6)
o University of Chicago (Kernochan Center) (Qs 1-3, 10, 11)
o Vanderbilt University (Qs 1, 2)
Individuals from:
Columbia Law School (Qs 1, 2)
Harvard University Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society (Qs 3, 13)