The CV used for the tenure and promotion review is not the same as a public CV. The
CV for tenure and promotion review should include more detailed information, some of
which would not be included in a public CV. Please include the following additional
elements as part of your CV:
1. Summary of career highlights
2. Education and employment summary, with start and end dates
3. Grants and contracts
Sort by pre-NYU versus at-NYU
List PIs, co-PIs, all collaborators
Include start and end dates
Include overall amounts and amounts allocated to you
List both submitted and funded proposals AND submitted but declined proposals
4. Scholarly work (sort by books, book chapters, refereed journal articles, conference
papers, editorial activities, organization of workshops symposia, invited talks, etc.)
Sort papers by pre-NYU and at-NYU
Indicate which co-authors are students from your research group
Citations should be complete and listed as they appear in the journal or
conference proceedings
Include a link such as doi or link to each published article
Clarify the impact of publication venues (e.g. impact factor, h-5 impact,
acceptance rate at conferences etc.)
In publications with a large number of authors, specify your individual
contributions to the publication
Invited talks/keynotes: Specify title, date, institution, location
5. Awards and honors
6. Media coverage: Include information about media coverage of your activities in a
separate category
7. Education Innovation: Projects, courses, labs, etc. developed by you, their highlights
8. Academic activities:
Classes taught (term, number of students, course/instructor rating)
Include a list of mentored PhD students (note if you are advisor or committee
member), MS and undergraduate students, with dates.
9. Service activities: Service to department, school, university, profession. Include
outreach activities