Revised August, 2021
The CV used for the third-year review and the tenure and promotion review is not the same as a
public CV. The CV for such review should include more detailed information, some of which
would not be included in a public CV. Please include the following elements as part of your CV.
1. Education summary. Include your Ph.D. advisor and post-doctoral advisor information.
Include start and end dates for each degree.
2. Employment summary, with start and end dates.
3. Awards and honors.
4. Scholarly work (sort by books, book chapters, refereed journal articles, refereed conference
papers, and contributed conference papers, or other categories of scholarly work typical of
the field)
For each category, sort papers by pre-NYU and at-NYU if applicable. For promotion from
Associate to Full Professor, please also separate pre- and post-tenure review.
For each publication, include title, names of all authors in the order appearing in the
paper, journal or venue name, volume, beginning and end pages, and date (month and
year), the DOI, and a link to the published paper, and the number of citations (indicate
the reporting source and date in the beginning of the publication section). Journal names
and conference names should be spelled out completely.
Refereed journal papers must be listed separately from refereed conference papers and
other publications. No publications in conference or workshop proceedings should be
listed under refereed journal publications, irrespective of the quality of the conference
Indicate which co-authors are students from your research group. Indicate postdocs
under your supervision with separate marks.
Clarify the impact of publication venues when possible (e.g. impact factor, h-5 impact,
acceptance rate at conferences etc.)
You may list significant works under review (optional).
For multi-year projects such as books, you may describe ongoing progress.
In publications with authors who are not your students or postdocs, specify your
individual contributions to the publication.
5. [If appropriate] Other products of your work including patents, software, datasets, artworks,
6. Invited talks/keynotes: Specify title, date, institution or venue, location. Separately list
keynotes and plenary talks from other invited talks. Indicate if it is a distinguished lecture
series or departmental colloquium.
7. [If appropriate] Media coverage: Include information about media coverage of your
activities in a separate category
8. Funded Grants and contracts
Sort by pre-NYU versus at-NYU. For promotion from Associate to Full Professor, please
also separate pre- and post-tenure review.
List your role (PI, Co-PI, Co-I or senior personnel) and other collaborators (indicating
their affiliations and role).
Include funding agency, project title, start and end dates for each grant.
Include overall amounts and your share of the award. For grants with multiple
institutions, list the total amount across multiple institutions, the total amount to Tandon,
and your share. Your share is typically based on the percent of allocation of credits
indicated during proposal submission. If there is a separate budget for your portion, you
could use that amount.
For grants with multiple PIs and Co-PIs, clarify your role both for proposal
preparation and for post-award efforts.
Only those proposals that have been approved for funding with official
notification to NYU should be listed under “funded” proposal.
Listing of “under-review” and/or declined proposals is optional, and should be listed
separately from funded proposals. You could add explanations for those “under review”
proposals if you have evidence that the proposal is likely to be funded.
9. Education Innovation: Projects, courses, labs, etc. developed by you, their highlights.
10. Classes taught (For each class taught, list term, number of students, # of students
responding to course evaluation, overall course evaluation, and overall instructor
evaluation). For promotion from Associate to Full Professor, list only those post tenure
11. Include a list of mentored postdocs, PhD students, MS, undergraduate students and other
students, with dates of completion and the current positions of graduated/completed
mentees if known. When co-advised, indicate the co-advisor. Listing of visiting students is
optional and should be noted as visiting. Indicate if the students were/are funded by your
12. List Ph.D. students for whom you served/serve on the guidance committee.
13. Entrepreneurship activities: Describe the activities pre-NYU and at-NYU separately. For
promotion from Associate to Full Professor, please also separate pre- and post-tenure
review. In activities with participants who are not your students or postdocs, specify
your individual contributions.
14. Internal services and broader impacts: Service to the department, school, and university, K-
12 outreach, and efforts in promoting inclusion, diversity, belonging and equity with the
school and the university.
15. External/ professional services: Conference organizations, proposal review panels, service
in government task forces, etc..