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Problem-Based Learning (PBL) in Undergraduate Education: Design Thinking
to Redesign Courses
Conference Paper · January 2021
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-16-0119-4_28
10 authors, including:
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Shakuntala Acharya
Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
Apoorv Naresh Bhatt
Indian Institute of Science
Amaresh Chakrabarti
Indian Institute of Science
Venkata Santosh Kumar Delhi
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
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Chapter 28
Problem-Based Learning (PBL)
in Undergraduate Education: Design
Thinking to Redesign Courses
Shakuntala Acharya , Apoorv Naresh Bhatt, Amaresh Chakrabarti,
Venkata S. K. Delhi, Jan Carel Diehl, Ellen van Andel, Andrius Jurelionis,
Laura Stasiuliene, Luis De Jussilainen Costa, and Riina Subra
Abstract Problem-based learning (PBL) has profound implications on the moti-
vations of the student to learn and is known to help develop critical thinking,
complex problem-solving, self-learning, collaboration and communication skills,
thereby enabling fresh graduates to be industry-ready. However, most institutes of
higher education in South Asia offering undergraduate programmes have instruc-
tional and didactic pedagogical systems. The Erasmus + project, Strengthening
S. Acharya (
) · A. N. Bhatt · A. Chakrabarti
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India
A. N. Bhatt
A. Chakrabarti
V. S. K. Delhi
Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, India
J. C. Diehl · E. van Andel
Delft Institute of Technology, Delft, Netherlands
E. van Andel
A. Jurelionis · L. Stasiuliene
Kaunas Institute of Technology, Kaunas, Lithuania
L. Stasiuliene
L. De Jussilainen Costa · R. Subra
Aalto University, Aalto, Finland
R. Subra
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021
A. Chakrabarti et al. (eds.), Design for Tomorrow–Volume 2, Smart Innovation, Systems
and Technologies 222,
350 S. Acharya et al.
Problem-based Learning in South Asian Universities (PBL South Asia) aims to
build capacity of the South Asian partner institutes by collaboratively developing best
practices in PBL for undergraduate education, bringing expertise and experience of
peers from across Europe and India. Therefore, to gain benefits of the PBL approach,
the redesign of existing courses was undertaken and the novel strategy of conducting
a Design Thinking workshop to do so, was engaged. During the five-day workshop,
faculties from the institutes in Nepal and Bhutan, who are most well aware of the
challenges, shortcomings and strengths of their curriculum, were mentored step-by-
step, by their Indian and European peers, who have more experience in delivering
PBL courses. Backed by the strategy of Design Thinking, the complex problem-
solving activity of course design was addressed systematically, and the five institutes
proposed redesigned courses which are currently in the process of implementation.
28.1 Introduction
India, Nepal and Bhutan share a common history with respect to modern education
practices and have a similar institutional and curricular construct for undergrad-
uate, technical programmes. Graduate programmes are offered either on univer-
sity campuses or in affiliated colleges, and a national-level body usually oversees
curriculum development on technical education, such as All India Council for Tech-
nical Education (AICTE) in India and Nepal Engineering Council (NEC) in Nepal.
Though the evaluation schemes may vary, the overall assessment is conducted as a
common examination across all colleges affiliated to a university. A survey across
South Asian universities r evealed that the undergraduate curricula are predominantly
instructional and not adequately hands-on due to several constraints, such as
University-directed lesson plans with heavy syllabi to cover and restricted time
for practical activities;
A fewer number of co-instructors to guide in practical, real-world issues that can
be addressed in courses;
Dearth of motivation in students to self-learn and innovate during the stipulated
practical hours within a course;
Poor critical-thinking ability due to a general lack of awareness on sustainable
development goals and their local implications in the students;
Fewer collaborations in these courses and
Poor communication skills.
Literature corroborates that in traditional engineering education [1]:
Programs are content-driven instead of need-driven and do not provide sufficient
design experiences to students.
Students lack communication skills and teamwork experience, as well as
awareness about social, environmental, economic and legal issues.
28 Problem-Based Learning (PBL) in Undergraduate Education 351
Faculties lack practical experience and are not able to adequately relate theory
to practice or provide design experiences, having outdated teaching and learning
Therefore, to address the above shortcomings and constraints, the introduction of
problem-based learning (PBL) as a pedagogical approach is proposed as it is known
to support the development of specific skills, such as critical thinking; complex
problem solving, self-learning, due to increased motivation and engagement; collab-
oration and people management and communication [2] and can be implemented
without altering the existing course content that is approved by the governing body
or university.
This paper presents the unique proposition of using a ‘Design Thinking’ process
to guide the redesign of existing courses into PBL courses.
28.2 Literature Review
28.2.1 Design Thinking
‘Design Thinking’, as a descriptive model of creative problem-solving, has its roots in
architecture and industrial design practice [3]. It is defined as a cognitive process [4]
of identifying and resolving ‘wicked’ or ill-defined problems through iterative stages
and activities. Literature notes that this approach is viewed through various lenses,
from being a process of reflective practice to being a systematic problem-solving
Stanford’s Design Thinking process [5] and IDEO human-centred
design model [6] are among the most renowned, entailing five nonlinear activi-
ties, namely Empathize—Define—Ideate—Prototype—Test. These two models stem
from human-centred design principles, whereas several other systematic design
approaches, such as Cross [4], Pahl and Bietz [7], Hubka and Eder [8], Dieter and
Schmidt [9], Eppinger and Ulrich [10] are prevalent in engineering practice. The
latter models propose stage-wise progression from problem identification to concept
selection, supported by several methods and tools. While each model has its relevance
depending on the problem at hand, they may be broadly described by the following
four steps [11]:
Step 1: Identification of requirements generated and clarified against needs,
through observations, interviews, role-play, stakeholder analysis and checklists;
Step 2: Ideation of solutions through creative methods such as brainstorming and
Step 3: Consolidation of solutions into feasible solutions through for example
TRIZ and morphological chart method and
352 S. Acharya et al.
Step 4: Selection of the most promising solution as concept from among all other
alternatives, upon evaluation by methods such as weighted objectives and concept
selection methods.
28.2.2 Problem-Based Learning (PBL)
Problem-based learning (PBL) is an ‘instructional (and curricular) learner-centred
approach that empowers learners to conduct research, integrate theory and practice
and apply knowledge and skills to develop a viable s olution to a defined problem’
[12]. This method was developed and implemented in McMaster University around
1965 and is based on the theory that learning is a process in which the learner
actively constructs knowledge [13]. It is defined as a ‘focused, experiential learning
organized around the investigation and resolution of messy, real-world problems’
[14] in which students learn through ‘facilitated problem-solving that centres on a
complex problem that does not have a single correct answer’ [15].
Six core characteristics of PBL [16] are identified as follows:
1. Learning is student-centred: Students take responsibility for their own learning,
identify the knowledge that is required to learn and determine the way/resources
to get information by themselves.
2. Learning occurs in small student groups: A group generally consists of five
to nine students who work together along with a tutor. Students share their
knowledge and learn from others, and learning happens in collaboration.
3. Teachers are facilitators or guides: Tutor asks students typically questions to
better understand and manage the problem.
4. Problems form the organizing focus and stimulus for learning: Problems repre-
sent the challenges students will face in real life and provide t he relevance and
motivation for learning. Students realize what they will need to learn in order
to solve the problem.
5. Problems are a vehicle for the development of problem-solving skills: The
problem format is in the same way that it occurs in the real world (ill-structured,
complex) which allow students to inquire the problem deeper. The students do
not restrict to a single subject; instead, they focus on integrating information
from many disciplines.
6. New information is acquired through self-directed learning: The students are
expected to learn from the world’s knowledge and accumulated expertise by
virtue of their own study and research.
There are many variants of PBL as it can be modified according to domain or
subject, individual course requirements or institute traditions, and can be imple-
mented at a chapter level, course level or even curriculum level. Broadly, every
variant has two phases, namely a collaborative-learning phase and a self-directed
learning phase. A single phase alone has insufficient impact on learning in PBL [17].
An exemplary PBL structure is given below:
28 Problem-Based Learning (PBL) in Undergraduate Education 353
The PBL process starts with an ill-defined, real-life problem formulated by
Students in small groups start analysing the given problem systematically and try
to reach a consensus on the meaning or implication of the problem based on the
terms and concepts of the domain, subject or topic.
Next, they construct a tentative theory explaining the phenomena or events
described in the problem-at-hand in terms of its underlying principles or mech-
anisms and identify the facts that they already know and what they require to
know in order to solve the problem. Thus, learning issues for individual study are
formulated. These learning issues usually consist of questions arising from the
Students search and evaluate resources which can be useful to learn problem
domain and pursue these issues through individual, self-directed learning usually
using a variety of resources: books, articles, movies and Internet sites, where tutor
scaffolding takes place.
Students return to their t utorial group, review and share what they have learned,
propose the solution and elaborate on different aspects of it. Together they discuss
and explore the extent to which the students understanding of the problem have
developed and whether misconceptions remain that need to be addressed.
Students self-evaluate and evaluate others in the group (peer evaluation).
Curriculum-wide PBL implementation and single-course PBL implementation
show similar findings according to earlier studies [17, 18]. PBL has been found to
have profound implications on the motivations of the student to learn, stating that
‘the freedom to select their (students) own resources to answer the learning issues
gives them ownership over their learning’, [19] and the onus of ensuring retained
motivation falls on the shoulders of the students as peer–teacher [20]. The role of
the mentor is to assure the students and allow constructive discussion while not
interfering with the process. The teacher or tutor may also be the mentor. However, the
key responsibilities of the tutor are formulating a contextually appropriate problem
and facilitating the learning by helping students manage metacognitive activities by
providing ‘triggers’.
The key element driving PBL is the ‘problem’. It guides self-learning and problem-
solving and, in turn, develops the other critical skills. Subject or topical problems and
learning objectives for a domain maybe considered universal and are well-structured,
less complex and domain-specific. However, ‘real-world’ problems are ill-structured,
more complex and cover knowledge of multiple domains [21], and its context is
subjectively unique to South Asia. Consequently, borrowing of existing courses
and their defined problems from European curricula would not be appropriate. The
revised literature also states that different cognitive skills are required to solve well-
structured or classroom problems versus ill-structured or real-life problems [22],
thereby reflecting that it is inadequate for students to merely be able to solve class-
room problems as it has little to no bearing on their abilities for post-undergraduate
The two critical attributes of a ‘problem’ are as follows [22]:
354 S. Acharya et al.
1. A problem must be an unknown entity in some situation (the difference between
a goal state and a current state) varying from algorithmic math problems to
complex societal problems, such as violence in the schools.
2. Finding or solving for the unknown must have some social, cultural or
intellectual value, i.e. someone believes that it is worth finding the unknown.
Problem complexity is defined by the number of issues, functions or variables
involved in the problem; the degree of connectivity among those properties; the
type of functional relationships among those properties and the stability among the
properties of the problem over time [23]. Problem statement may be formulated
with respect to general guidelines in the form of a checklist [24] or criteria identi-
fied for constructing problem [25]. Therefore, formulating contextually appropriate
problems for South Asian undergraduate students is important.
28.3 Descriptive Study—Redesigning Courses with Design
A five-day workshop was conducted at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Banga-
lore, with the intent to redesign existing courses into PBL courses, to be implemented
in the partnering universities of Nepal and Bhutan for the final year undergraduate
28.3.1 Methodology
The workshop had 24 participants comprising 12 faculties from the five South Asian
partner universities in Nepal and Bhutan as the key course designers, supported by
12 faculty and research associates from the Indian and European Universities.
Four teams were devised (Table 28.1), based on two factors—(1) status of insti-
tute: (S1) autonomous or (S2) affiliated; and (i2) intervention s ought: (i1) process
and PBL methodology focus; (i2) domain and technical focus and (i3) Soft skill
focus. While the status of the institute reflects the ability of the institute to imple-
ment the proposed redesigned PBL course, the three broad areas of focus for course
development were clarified from previous surveys and need assessments. The four
teams were as follows.
Table 28.1 Team composition
(i1) Process and
Methodology focus
(i2) Domain and Technical
(i3) Soft skill focus
(S1) Autonomous Team 1 Team 3
(S2) Affiliated Team 2 Team 4
28 Problem-Based Learning (PBL) in Undergraduate Education 355
The workshop was planned, such that each day would emulate a stage of the design
process, as elucidated by the Design Thinking steps discussed above and, in turn, had
(1) tutoring sessions, where the specific design stage and its methods were taught to
support the course redesigning task, as well as for further dissemination during the
course; (2) collaborative-learning sessions, where each team consisting of the ‘course
designers’ and mentors co-created the solution. Apart from this, expert practitioners
of PBL presented cases and examples of PBL course or curricula implementation in
India and Europe. At the same time, self-learning sessions were encouraged prior to
or during the off hours of the workshop.
The program for the workshop was as follows:
Day 1—Team building
Day 2—Identification/exploration
Day 3—Conceptualisation/ideation
Day 4—Consolidation/discussion
Day 5—Selection/reflection and presentation.
The teams were provided with a template for ‘proposal of a new course/PBL
course adaptation’. It provided an overall guideline for development and implemen-
tation of each proposed course and highlighted the essential elements that need to be
addressed, apart from the individual requirement of each course and syllabus.
28.3.2 Results
On the final day of the workshop, the teams presented their proposed ‘solutions’ for
each of the focus areas and drew discussions, reflections and insights to conceptualize
institute-specific, redesign of their course with adoption of the PBL approach. An
example of such a proposal, detailed with respect to the provided template, is given
below. Current Course Description and Justification for Change
This course will teach additional practical skills related to integrated circuit building
(including the prototyping of the printed circuit board and integrated circuit) and
knowledge of scale integration that are currently missing in the existing course.
These missing skills, along with the recent course, will be taught by using PBL
356 S. Acharya et al. Problem Identification
Overview of the Intervention needed is as Follows
Aim: To change the conventional passive learning into active, problem-based
1. Course to be redesigned: Integrated Digital Electronics (Credits: 3) Level:
B.Eng., 3rd Year, 1st Sem
2. Course Objective: To impart knowledge different types of Logic Gates, Memory
and Switching Systems and apply the same through PBL approach.
3. Duration: One Semester, 15 weeks
4. Learning Outcomes: On course completion, students should be able to:
(a) Develop different digital logic gates using semi-conductor components.
(b) Analyse, design, simulate and implement digital logic circuits.
(c) Classify and compare different gates in terms of operation and perfor-
(d) Classify different semiconductor memories.
(e) Acquire the knowledge to address real-life applications of digital logic
5. Learning Objectives: Students must be capable of:
(a) Independently managing a project;
(b) Solving real-life problems using digital logic gates/electronics;
(c) Critically thinking to identify and assess complex problems;
(d) Working in teams collaboratively, manage projects and people, show
leadership; and
(e) Communicating one’s ideas and concepts with clarity.
The Formulated List of Requirements Are Below
1. Course must have the following PBL course elements and ensure that the time
is adequately planned:
(a) Lecture ( L) delivery time
(b) Tutorial (T ) time for mentoring/facilitating time
(c) Students’ group/self-learning time
(d) Students’ collaboration time
(e) Communication time—presentations (Pr)
2. Course must imbibe PBL through several ‘triggers’ and ‘methods’ that aid the
3. Course Plan must have the stipulated minimum number of hours per week, as
per University:
(a) 3 h/week—Lectures (L) or Tutorials (T )
28 Problem-Based Learning (PBL) in Undergraduate Education 357
(b) 1 h/week—Presentation (Pr)
(c) 1 h/week—Lab for prototyping (P), or Field visit (F)
4. Internal Evaluation Scheme is required, with the consultation of the department,
as final exam will be conducted as per University.
5. Availability and access to dedicated Team workspace/prototyping space. Ideation and Solution Consolidation
Teams used several ideation techniques to generate various sub-solutions with respect
to the requirements identified earlier and consolidated the same into solution variants
(Tables 28.2 and 28.3).
Table 28.2 Activities and skills for each PBL course elements
Course elements
L: Lecture T: Tutorial P: Practical F: Fieldwork Pr: Presentation
Assignment mentorship Simulation Industry visit Presentation/communication
Analytical thinking and
Testing Survey Data
Report writing/collaboration
Problem finding/
Prototyping Problem
Evaluation (by instructor)
problem-solving/ideation Solution
Feedback (from instructor,
mentor, peer)
Table 28.3 Mapping of PBL course elements to each chapter/unit of course
Chapter/Unit Topic/Course details L T P F Pr
1 Review of BJT and MOS
2 Resistor–transistor logic (RTL) and
integrated–injection logic (IIL)
3 Diode–transistor logic (DTL)
4 Transistor–transistor l ogic (TTL)
5 Emitter–couple logic (ECL)
6 NMOS and CMOS logic
7 Comparison of logic families
8 Memories
9 Switches
L stands for ‘lecture’, for T stands for ‘tutorial’, P stands for ‘practical’, F stands for ‘fieldwork’,
and Pr stands for ‘presentation’
358 S. Acharya et al.
Table 28.4 Proposal for internal evaluation scheme
Attendance Scheduled test Laboratory test Presentation Report Prototyping/ Total
5 10 5 10 5 + 5 10 50 Concept: Selection of the Most Promising Solution
Teams evaluated the solution variants and selected the most promising as ‘concept’
to further detail, as described in Tables 28.4 and 28.5.
Table 28.5 Week-wise course plan
Week PBL tasks Roles and responsibility Notes
1 Course introduction,
orientation of teaching
methodology, timeline,
evaluation criteria
Instructor Introducing PBL
2–4 Lecture delivery,
laboratory work,
problem identification
and analysis
Instructor and supporting
laboratory staff
Classroom and laboratory
5–6 Case preparation/field
visit followed by
presentation and
preliminary report
Instructor, mentor and
supporting staff
Group formation, literature
review, domain
identification, field visit
7–9 Problem-solving
assignments, group
discussion, lectures,
laboratory works and
Instructor, mentor and
supporting laboratory staff
Brainstorming, classroom
and laboratory activities
9 Mid-term presentation
/assignment evaluation
Instructor, mentor Group discussion, feedback
10 Incorporating the
feedback and
generating final
Students Modification, prototyping
11 Deliverables Students Prototyping, assignment
12 Deliverables Students Final presentation and report
13–14 Preparation week Student
15 Final assessment,
university examination
28 Problem-Based Learning (PBL) in Undergraduate Education 359
28.3.3 Discussions
The proposed courses were conceptualized through a systematic approach and miti-
gated the conflicts between current practice, university demands and the unorthodox
approach of PBL. The resulting course plans and evaluation schemes mapped onto
the PBL methodology elements were selected upon extensive discussion and evalu-
ation with the mentors/ course co-creators from the other partner universities, from
India and Europe, with expertise and experience in PBL.
28.4 Summary, Conclusions and Discussions
Problem-based learning is a pedagogical approach where students pursue self-
learning of a subject or domain, driven by real-world problems. This approach is
reported to be effective in inculcating hard and soft skills needed to be industry-
ready. However, present undergraduate programs in South Asia are instructional and
content-heavy, thereby requiring redesign to incorporate PBL methodology. Design
Thinking, a creative approach towards problem finding and solving, is employed
during a five-day workshop to guide the redesign process and develop a course
proposal for each of the participating institutes of Nepal and Bhutan, mentored by
Indian and European partner universities. The use of Design Thinking allowed the
faculty course designers to identify several issues from different perspectives, ideate
large number of solutions, consolidate them into viable solutions and select the most
promising one to further detail. At present, these proposals are being implemented
at the home institutes and gathering feedback is in progress.
Acknowledgements and Disclaimer This publication is part of the Strengthening Problem-
based Learning in South Asian Universities (PBL South Asia) project, co-funded by the Erasmus
+ programme of the European Union*. Acknowledgements to the faculty participants from across
five countries and ten partner universities, namely Aalto University, Finland; Indian Institute of
Science (IISc) and Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IITB), India; Kaunas University of Tech-
nology (KTU), Lithuania; TU Delft, The Netherlands; JNEC, Royal University of Bhutan, Bhutan;
and Kathmandu University, Asian Institute of Technology and Management (AITM), Sagarmatha
Engineering College and Nepal Engineering College, Nepal.
*The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute
an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the commission
cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
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