1 Oracle Contract Checklist for the EU Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA)
Copyright © 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates
Business / Technical Brief
Oracle Contract Checklist for the EU
Digital Operational Resilience Act
April 2023
Copyright © 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates
2 Oracle Contract Checklist for the EU Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA)
Copyright © 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates
The information in this document may not be construed or used as legal
advice about the content, interpretation or application of any law, regulation
or regulatory guideline. Customers and prospective customers must seek their
own legal counsel to understand the applicability of any law or regulation on
their use of Oracle services. Please also note that the relevant contract(s)
between you and Oracle determine(s) the scope of services provided and the
related legal terms and this document is provided for reference purposes only,
and is not part of, and does not otherwise create or amend, any agreement,
warranties, representations or other obligations between you and Oracle.
Oracle disclaims any terms or statements contained herein that seek to
impose legal or operational requirements on Oracle for the delivery of the
services. Customers acknowledge that they remain solely responsible for
meeting their legal and regulatory requirements.
The information in this document was current as of April 2023
3 Oracle Contract Checklist for the EU Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA)
Copyright © 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates
Oracle Advertising SaaS services and NetSuite services are not included in the scope of this document.
Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 December 2022 on digital operational resilience for the financial sector and amending
Regulations (EC) No 1060/2009, (EU) No 648/2012, (EU) No 600/2014, (EU) No 909/2014 and (EU) 2016/1011.
4 Oracle Contract Checklist for the EU Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA)
Copyright © 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates
Form of contract
Article 30(1)
The rights and obligations of the financial entity
and of the ICT third-party service provider shall
be clearly allocated and set out in writing. The
full contract shall include the service level
agreements and be documented in one written
document available to the parties on paper, or in
a document with another downloadable, durable
and accessible format.
Oracle Cloud services
Cloud Hosting and
Delivery Policies
Cloud Services Pillar
Cloud Services Service
The respective rights and obligations of the parties are set out in writing in the
Oracle Cloud services contract. A customer’s full services contract is available as a
single electronic file upon request.
Service level agreements are set out in the Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies and
associated Cloud Services Pillar documentation. Specifically, Section 3 of the
Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies, which form part of the services contract,
references the target service availability level for cloud services, with exceptions,
and any additional service level objectives, as applicable, specified in the relevant
Cloud Service Pillar documentation or Service Descriptions.
Services and service levels
Article 30(2)(a)
The contractual arrangements on the use of ICT
services shall include a clear and complete
description of all functions and ICT services to
be provided by the ICT third-party service
Ordering Document
Cloud Services Service
The contracted services are described in the Ordering Document and in the
relevant Cloud Services Service Descriptions.
Article 30(2)(e)
The contractual arrangements on the use of ICT
services shall include service level descriptions,
including updates and revisions thereof.
Cloud Hosting and
Delivery Policies
Cloud Services Pillar
Cloud Services Service
Service level agreements are set out in the Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies and
associated Cloud Services Pillar documentation. Specifically, Section 3 of the
Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies, which forms part of the services contract,
references the target service availability level for cloud services, with exceptions,
and any additional service level objectives, as applicable, specified in the relevant
Cloud Service Pillar documentation or Service Descriptions.
Article 30(3)(a)
The contractual arrangements on the use of ICT
services supporting critical or important
functions shall include full service level
descriptions, including updates and revisions
thereof with precise quantitative and qualitative
performance targets within the agreed service
levels to allow an effective monitoring by the
Cloud Hosting and
Delivery Policies
Section 3
Cloud Services Pillar
Section 3 of the Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies references the target service
availability level for cloud service as specified in the relevant Cloud Service Pillar
documentation and Oracle’s process for monitoring, measuring and reporting
availability metrics to customers via the customer notifications portal.
Customers can monitor the availability of Oracle cloud services by visiting the
following sites:
5 Oracle Contract Checklist for the EU Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA)
Copyright © 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates
financial entity of ICT services and enable
appropriate corrective actions to be taken,
without undue delay, when agreed service levels
are not met.
o Oracle Cloud Infrastructure: https://ocistatus.oraclecloud.com/
o Oracle Cloud Applications: https://saasstatus.oracle.com/
Information on monitoring the availability of certain other Oracle Cloud
Application services is available upon request.
Monitoring and notification
Article 30(3)(b)
The contractual arrangements for the provision
of critical or important functions shall include
notice periods and reporting obligations of the
ICT third-party service provider to the financial
entity, including notification of any development
that might have a material impact on the ICT
third-party service provider’s ability to
effectively provide the ICT services supporting
critical or important functions in line with agreed
service levels.
FSA Sections 7 and
Cloud Hosting and
Delivery Policies
Sections 1.12, 3.2.2, 4.1
and 5.2.1
DPA Sections 4.3, 5.3
and 9.2
Section 7 of the FSA states that Oracle provides support for cloud services through
a cloud customer support portal. Service notifications and alerts relevant to cloud
services are posted on this portal and include notification of circumstances that
can reasonably be expected to have a material impact on the provision of the
Oracle has other reporting and notification obligations, which are set out in the
Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies (Sections 1.12, 3.2.2, 4.1 and 5.2.1), the FSA
(Section 6.2.2) and the DPA (Sections 4.3, 5.3 and 9.2).
Additionally, as a listed company Oracle is subject to standard disclosure
obligations on matters relevant to the public market.
Article 28(7)
Financial entities shall ensure that contractual
arrangements on the use of ICT services may be
terminated in any of the following
significant breaches by the ICT third-party
service provider of applicable laws,
regulations or contractual terms;
circumstances identified throughout the
monitoring of ICT third-party risk that are
deemed capable of altering the
performance of the functions provided
through the contractual arrangement,
including material changes that affect the
arrangement or the situation of the ICT
third-party service provider;
ICT third-party service provider’s
evidenced weaknesses pertaining to the
overall ICT risk management and in
particular in the way it ensures the
availability, authenticity, integrity and
confidentiality of data, whether personal or
CSA Section 9.4
OMA Schedule C
Section 9.3
FSA Section 3.1
Section 9.4 of the CSA or Section 9.3 of the OMA Schedule C (as applicable) gives
a customer the right to terminate if Oracle breaches a material term of the service
contract and fails to correct the breach within 30 days.
Section 3.1 of the FSA gives a customer the right to terminate cloud services on 30
days’ written notice if:
o there are weaknesses regarding the management and security of the
customer's content or confidential information,
o such termination is based on express instructions from the customer’s
financial services regulator,
o Oracle is in breach of applicable law or regulation in providing the relevant
cloud services,
o impediments affecting Oracle’s ability to perform the cloud services are
identified, or
o there are material changes affecting the cloud services or Oracle which result
in an adverse impact of the provision of the cloud services.
6 Oracle Contract Checklist for the EU Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA)
Copyright © 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates
otherwise sensitive data, or non-personal
where the competent authority can no
longer effectively supervise the financial
entity as a result of the conditions of, or
circumstances related to, the respective
contractual arrangement.
Article 30(2)(h)
The contractual arrangements on the use of ICT
services shall include termination rights and
related minimum notice periods for the
termination of the contractual arrangements, in
accordance with the expectations of competent
authorities and resolution authorities.
CSA Section 9.4
OMA Schedule C
Section 9.3
FSA Section 3
The notice periods applicable to termination of the services are set out in Section
9.4 of the CSA or Section 9.3 of the OMA Schedule C (as applicable) and in Section
3 of the FSA.
Article 30(3)(f)
The contractual arrangements for the provision
of critical or important functions shall include
exit strategies, in particular the establishment of
a mandatory adequate transition period:
during which the ICT third-party service
provider will continue providing the
respective functions or ICT services with a
view to reducing the risk of disruption at
the financial entity or to ensure its
effective resolution and restructuring;
allowing the financial entity to migrate to
another ICT third-party service provider
or change to in-house solutions
consistent with the complexity of the
service provided.
FSA Sections 4.2 and
Section 4.2 of the FSA states that Oracle will, upon written request, continue to
make services under the contract available for up to an additional 12 months from
termination subject to certain conditions.
Section 4.3 of the FSA explains that if a customer requires assistance with a
transition, Oracle will enter into good faith negotiations regarding the provision of
transition assistance services.
7 Oracle Contract Checklist for the EU Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA)
Copyright © 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates
Article 30(2)(a)
The contractual arrangements on the use of ICT
services shall indicate whether subcontracting of
an ICT service supporting a critical or important
function, or material parts thereof, is permitted
and, if so, the conditions applying to such
FSA Section 6.1
DPA Sections 5 and 7.2
CSA Section 17.2
OMA Schedule C
Section 14.2
Section 6.1 of the FSA contains a general written authorisation for Oracle to
engage subcontractors that may assist in the performance of the services. If
Oracle subcontracts any of its obligations under the services contract:
o it will enter into a written agreement with the subcontractor reflecting, to the
extent required based on the specific role of the subcontractor, obligations
that are consistent with Oracle’s obligations under the relevant terms of the
services agreement
o any such subcontracting will not diminish Oracle’s responsibility towards the
customer under the Services Agreement, and
o Oracle will provide appropriate governance and oversight of the
subcontractor’s performance.
Section 5 of the DPA contains a general written authorisation for Oracle to engage
Oracle affiliates and third party subprocessors as necessary to assist in the
performance of the services. That same section also confirms that those entities
will be subject to the same level of data protection and security as Oracle under
the terms of the services agreement and Oracle remains responsible for the
performance of their obligations in compliance with the DPA and applicable data
protection law. Section 7.2 of the DPA confirms that third party subprocessors are
subject to appropriate written confidentiality arrangements, including
confidentiality agreements, regular training on information protection, and
compliance with Oracle policies concerning protection of confidential information.
Also refer to Section 17.2 of the CSA or Section 14.2 of the OMA Schedule C (as
Audit, access and information
Article 30(3)(e)
The contractual arrangements for the provision
of critical or important functions shall include
the right to monitor on an ongoing basis the ICT
third-party service provider’s performance,
which entails the following:
unrestricted rights of access, inspection
and audit by the financial entity, or an
appointed third-party, and by the
competent authority, and the right to take
copies of relevant documentation on-site if
they are critical to the operations of the ICT
third-party service provider, the effective
exercise of which is not impeded or limited
FSA Sections 1 and 2
Section 1 of the FSA grants customers and their third-party auditors access to
relevant business premises and data used for providing the cloud services, as well
as rights of inspection and auditing related to the cloud services, in each case as
specified in the FSA. It also sets out Oracle’s commitment to cooperate and
provide reasonable assistance in relation to a customer audit
Section 2 of the FSA grants the same audit and access rights to customers’
financial services regulators and sets out Oracle’s commitment to cooperate and
provide reasonable assistance and information to such regulators in relation to
their audits.
Section 1.6 of the FSA states that if a customer is required by applicable law to take
copies of relevant documentation during an on-site audit, Oracle will provide such
copies provided that doing so does not threaten the security or integrity of Oracle
networks or systems or other Oracle customers’ data.
8 Oracle Contract Checklist for the EU Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA)
Copyright © 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates
by other contractual arrangements or
implementation policies;
the right to agree alternative assurance
levels if other clients’ rights are affected;
the obligation of the ICT third-party service
provider to fully cooperate during the
onsite inspections performed by the
competent authorities, the lead overseer,
financial entity or an appointed third party;
the obligation to provide details on the
scope and procedures to be followed and
frequency of such inspections and audits.
Section 1.5 of the FSA states that if the exercise of a customer’s audit rights creates
a threat or risk to Oracle networks or systems or other Oracle customers’ service
environments so that an audit request or right of access is denied, Oracle will use
commercially reasonable efforts to provide an alternative way to deliver a similar
level of assurance regarding the topic of the audit request or right of access that
does not create such a threat or risk.
Section 1.3 of the FSA explains that the audit plan for a requested audit will
describe the proposed scope, duration, and start date of the audit. Other
procedures applicable to audits are set out in Sections 1 and 2 of the FSA.
Article 30(2)(b)
The contractual arrangements on the use of ICT
services shall include the locations, namely the
regions or countries, where the contracted or
subcontracted functions and ICT services are to
be provided and where data is to be processed,
including the storage location, and the
requirement for the ICT third-party service
provider to notify the financial entity if it
envisages changing such locations.
Ordering Document
Cloud Hosting and
Delivery Policies
Overview and Section
The Ordering Document or cloud customer support portal sets out the data
center region applicable to the ordered Cloud services.
The overview of the Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies confirms that a
customer’s content will be stored in the data center region applicable to the
services and that Oracle may replicate customer content to other locations within
the applicable data center region in support of data redundancy.
Section 4.1.3 of the Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies states that Oracle may
migrate services deployed in data centers retained by Oracle between production
data centers in the same data center region as deemed necessary by Oracle or in
the case of disaster recovery. For data center migrations for purposes other than
disaster recovery, Oracle will provide a minimum of 30 days’ notice to the
The locations of Oracle affiliates that may process personal information in
connection with ordered cloud services are set out in the following list:
The locations of Oracle’s strategic sub-contractors and third-party sub-
processors are available upon request.
Data and security
Article 30(2)(c)
The contractual arrangements on the use of ICT
services shall include provisions on availability,
authenticity, integrity and confidentiality in
relation to the protection of data, including
personal data.
DPA Sections 7 and 9
OMA Schedule C
Sections 4 and 5
CSA Sections 4 and 5
The Oracle Cloud services contract addresses the availability, integrity, and
confidentiality of customer content as follows:
Technical and organisational security measures:
o Section 7 (Security and Confidentiality) of the DPA
9 Oracle Contract Checklist for the EU Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA)
Copyright © 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates
Cloud Hosting and
Delivery Policies
Sections 1, 3.1 and 3.2
SaaS Public Cloud
Services Pillar
PaaS and IaaS Public
Cloud Services Pillar
Oracle Global Business
Unit Cloud Services
Pillar Document
o Section 1 (Oracle Cloud Security Policy) of the Cloud Hosting and
Delivery Policies:
o Relevant Pillar documentation
o A summary of Oracle’s Corporate Security Practices is set out in
the following document:
Confidentiality and protection of customer content:
o Section 4 of the CSA or Section 4 of the OMA Schedule C (as
applicable) specifically, Oracle’s obligation to protect the
confidentiality of “Your Content” for as long as it resides in the
o Section 5 of the CSA or Section 5 of the OMA Schedule C (as
o Section 9 (Incident Management and Breach Notification) of the
Service Availability and Service Level Agreements:
o Sections 3.1 and 3.2 of the Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies
o Relevant Pillar documentation
Article 30(2)(d)
The contractual arrangements on the use of ICT
services shall include provisions on ensuring
access, recovery and return in an easily
accessible format of personal and non-personal
data processed by the financial entity in the case
of insolvency, resolution or discontinuation of
the business operations of the ICT third-party
service provider, or in the case of termination of
the contractual arrangements.
CSA Section 9.5
Cloud Hosting and
Delivery Policies
Section 6.1
FSA Section 4.1
DPA Section 10.1
Section 9.5 of the CSA or Section 9.4 of the OMA Schedule C (as applicable) states
that at the end of the services period, Oracle will make customer content available
for retrieval by the customer during a retrieval period.
Section 6.1 of the Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies states that for a period of 60
days following termination of the services contract, Oracle will make available, via
secure protocols and in a structured, machine-readable format, customer content
residing in the production environment, or keep the service system accessible, for
the purpose of data retrieval by customers.
Section 4.1 of the FSA states that Oracle will provide reasonable assistance during
the retrieval period to enable a customer to retrieve its content from the
production environment, including assistance with understanding the structure
and format of the export file. Any additional assistance may be agreed between
the parties under a separate order.
Section 10.1 of the DPA states that upon termination of the services, Oracle will
promptly return, including by providing available data retrieval functionality, or
delete any remaining copies of personal information on Oracle systems or
services environments, except as otherwise stated in the services contract.
10 Oracle Contract Checklist for the EU Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA)
Copyright © 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates
Article 30(3)(d)
The contractual arrangements for the provision
of critical or important functions shall include
the obligation of the ICT-third party service
provider to participate and fully cooperate in the
financial entity’s threat led penetration testing.
Cloud Hosting and
Delivery Policies
Section 3.4.2
Section 3.4.2 of the Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies allows customers to
conduct certain functional testing for Oracle cloud services in their test
Oracle conducts penetration tests of the Oracle OCI and SaaS systems annually.
Oracle uses a commercial vulnerability scanning tool to scan external IP
addresses and internal nodes monthly. Identified exploitable threats and
vulnerabilities are investigated and tracked. In addition, Oracle completes third-
party vulnerability scans/penetration tests annually for applicable services. The
summary reports for third-party penetration tests are available upon request for
entities that have signed a non-disclosure agreement with Oracle.
In addition, customers are allowed to conduct penetration test of Oracle OCI
cloud services as specified in the Oracle Cloud Security Testing Policies.
Business continuity and operational resilience
Article 30(3)(c)
The contractual arrangements for the provision
of critical or important functions shall include
requirements for the ICT third-party service
provider to implement and test business
contingency plans and to have in place ICT
security measures, tools and policies that
provide an appropriate level of security for the
provision of services by the financial entity in
line with its regulatory framework.
FSA Section 5.1
Cloud Hosting and
Delivery Policies
Sections 1 and 2
Section 5.1 of the FSA confirms that Oracle will maintain a business continuity
program with the objective of maintaining Oracle’s internal operations used in the
provision of cloud services and will monitor, test, and review the implementation
and adequacy of the program annually.
Section 2 of the Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies describes Oracle’s service
continuity strategy and data back-up strategy.
Section 1 of the Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies describes Oracle’s information
security practices including physical security safeguards, system and data access
controls, encryption and training.
Article 30(2)(f)
The contractual arrangements on the use of ICT
services shall include the obligation of the ICT
third-party service provider to provide
assistance to the financial entity at no additional
cost, or at a cost that is determined ex-ante,
when an ICT incident that is related to the ICT
service provided to the financial entity occurs.
Cloud Hosting and
Delivery Policies
Section 5
DPA Section 9
Section 5 of the Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies describes the support that
Oracle provides to a customer in relation to ordered cloud services at no additional
cost, which includes support in responding to ICT incidents.
Section 9 of the DPA reflects Oracle’s commitment to notify customers of a
security breach involving customer content transmitted, stored or otherwise
processed on Oracle systems or the cloud services environments and confirms
that Oracle will take reasonable measures designed to identify the root cause(s).
Article 30(2)(h)
The contractual arrangements on the use of ICT
services shall include the conditions for the
participation of ICT third-party service providers
in the financial entities' ICT security awareness
programs and digital operational resilience
FSA Section 5.2
Section 5.2 of the FSA states that in respect of any ICT security awareness
programmes or digital operational resilience training a customer is required by
applicable law and regulation to deliver to its staff or management, Oracle will
participate by providing Oracle subject matter expertise for inclusion in the related
programme or training materials, subject to additional fees at Oracle’s then-
current rates and as agreed in a professional services order executed by the