Service Level Agreements for Communication Networks: A Survey
Department of Computer Architecture, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (BarcelonaTech), Barcelona, Spain.
Telecommunications and Control Engineering Department, School of Engineering, University of Saõ Paulo, Brazil.
Abstract. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is being provided to the variety of end-
users demands, thereby providing a better and improved management of services is crucial. Therefore,
Service Level Agreements (SLAs) are essential and play a key role to manage the provided services
among the network entities. This survey identifies the state of the art covering concepts, approaches and
open problems of the SLAs establishment, deployment and management. This paper is organised in a
way that the reader can access a variety of proposed SLA methods and models addressed and provides an
overview of the SLA actors and elements. It also describes SLAs’ characteristics and objectives. SLAs’
existing methodologies are explained and categorised followed by the Service Quality Categories (SQD)
and Quality-Based Service Descriptions (QSD). SLA modelling and architectures are discussed, and
open research problems and future research directions are introduced. The establishment of a reliable,
safe and QoE-aware computer networking needs a group of services that goes beyond pure networking
services. Therefore, within the paper this broader set of services are taken into consideration and for
each Service Level Objective (SLO) the related services domains will be indicated. The purpose of this
survey is to identify existing research gaps in utilising SLA elements to develop a generic methodology,
considering all quality parameters beyond the Quality of Service (QoS) and what must or can be taken
into account to define, establish and deploy an SLA. This study is still an active research on how to
specify and develop an SLA to achieve the win-win agreements among all actors.
Keywords: Computer networks, Service level agreements, Service level objectives, Quality of experi-
ence, Quality of service
(Received May 19th, 2019 / Accepted June 1st, 2019)
1 Introduction
Over the years, the question of how to specify,
provide and measure service quality for network
end-users has been of utmost interest for service
providers, their clients as well as network infrastruc-
ture providers [88][43][98][114]. Furthermore, during
the last decade the liberalization and deregulation pro-
cess started in the telecommunication’s environment.
Increasing competition, favoured conjointly by client’s
performance needs, imposes huge pressures on service
providers and network. Moreover, for many years,
since having encountered particularly cost decreases,
these days, in order to differentiate their product from
the other competitors, providers try to improve quality
of service (QoS).
arXiv:2309.07272v1 [cs.NI] 13 Sep 2023
Hence, duty of each and every entity that partici-
pate in service provision and their relations need to be
explained. The domain is to elucidate liabilities of ev-
ery supplier and to assure quality of service needed by
client. The Service Level Agreement (SLA) is a benefi-
cial tool in formalising the interrelationships among all
entities, that is the consequence of a negotiation among
all participating actors with the target of achieving a
common comprehension concerning delivery of ser-
vices, their priorities, quality, responsibilities, and other
relevant parameters [113][119]. To measure the agreed
SLA performance among entities, plenty of monitor-
ing tools and protocols have been developed by well-
known companies. As an instance, Cisco’s Service
Level Assurance Protocol (Cisco’s SLA Protocol) is a
protocol for performance evaluation which is deployed
extensively. This is utilised for service level parame-
ters measurement such as network delay variation, la-
tency, as well as frame and packet loss ratio. Further-
more, this protocol characterises the Cisco SLA Pro-
tocol Measurement-Type UDP-Measurement to enable
the interoperability of service providers.[20].
An SLA defines the guaranteed level of a ser-
vice property such as response-time, availability and
consequent actions in case of non-compliance situa-
tions, including liability as well as compensations is-
Based on the topological architecture of the net-
work, an SLA contract can be categorised into horizon-
tal and vertical SLA. Since the classification of SLAs
in terms of horizontal and vertical categories depends
on the network topological architecture, which is out of
this article’s scope, both categories are introduced just
as follows. A horizontal SLA is an agreement between
two service-providers existing at the same architectural
layer (as an instance two Internet Protocol (IP) domains
[75][23] or two domains of Optical Transport Network
(OTN) [79]). On the other hand, a vertical SLA is an
agreement between two individual providers at two var-
ious architectural layers (for instance between an opti-
cal network and the core MPLS network). A network
topology diagram including potential SLA agreements
among different architectural layers is shown in Fig. 1
to illustrate the concept of horizontal and vertical SLAs
in a real scenario [74].
Other than the SLAs’ network topological architec-
ture, an end-to-end solution for management of SLA is
required to define services, parameters of Service Level
Specifications (SLS) and a classification of the services.
The focus on the level of service instead of a network
An example of a paper based and a traditional SLA
contract is available at
Figure 1: A network topology including horizontal and vertical
SLAs, adapted from [74]
level enables the definition of SLA, services and/or
Quality of Service (QoS) independently from the under-
lying network’s technology. A service has to be defined
without ambiguity utilising SLS and three information
types must be described: i) The QoX metrics as well
as their corresponding thresholds; ii) A method of ser-
vice performance measurement; iii) Service schedule.
QoX represents different quality requirements such as
QoS, Quality of Transmission (QoT), Grade of Service
(GoS), Quality of Resilience (QoR), Quality of Energy
(QoEn), Quality of Knowledge (QoK) and Quality of
Information (QoI) [93], and the mentioned quality pa-
rameters will be discussed in Section 3.
1.1 SLA actors and elements
1.1.1 Actors
A typical SLA involves two entities such as a contract
either between End-User (EU) and Service Provider
(SP), or between SP and Infrastructure Provider (InP).
In general terms, the complete scenario includes the
three mentioned actors. The term SP is referring
to corporations that supply data and communication
services to their customers. SPs may manage net-
works by themselves, or they may integrate the other
SPs services to deliver an entire service to their
clients/customers [93][1]. The SP can operate in differ-
ent business forms such as an Internet Service Provider
(ISP), a carrier, Application Service Provider (ASP) or
an operator. The client and/or customer are referring to
the end users that make use of all provided services via
SP. In this survey, we use EU instead of customers on-
wards. InP is another SLA actor which is rarely found
in the literature and mostly EU and SP are the actors
that are the focused point in the literature. The ISP
refers to the InP that provides physical resources, op-
erational infrastructure and the computing services for
development, deployment and management of the ap-
plications in enterprise class. For all involved actors in
an SLA negotiation, a win-win situation can be defined
as quality requirements that are satisfied for all actors,
the EU is charged a fair price and the ISP and SP ade-
quately remunerated.
1.1.2 Elements
Table 1 lists the SLA key elements along with a short
description [72]. An SLA must be Specific and detailed
enough to define expectations for services and eliminate
any confusion. The Comprehensiveness is an essential
element of the agreement and the SLA contract must
cover all provided services by the SP and all possible
contractual obligations for all actors involved. More-
over, the SLA should be directly related to the service to
be offered and it must be Relevant to evaluating perfor-
mance against that goal. In the agreement, unrealistic
goals can demotivate the customers and non-delivery
will only lead to failures on agreed terms. Therefore,
the expectations set must be Realistic. By keeping the
language simple and Non-technical, for reference of
EUs, the contract would be easily understandable. The
responsibility should be clearly defined as a set of Divi-
sion of work in the agreement. The SLA must contain a
Time frame against which the service will be delivered.
The Escalation Metrics must be clearly defined. Once
the actor enters into the agreement, the client must be
aware whom to refer in case the services were not ren-
dered properly. Once all elements are considered in the
agreement, the agreement document must be the Au-
thoritative document binding all actors.
1.2 Literature classification
To write this survey, more than 120 research articles
and technical reports have been reviewed. Based on
collected information on SLA, we defined a compre-
hensive conceptual-map (see Appendix A) that served
as the basis for a structured-classification of the SLA
literature. The literature on SLAs is in very various cat-
egories; organising and structuring the relevant works
in a systematic way is not a trivial task. The proposed
classification scheme for SLA literature is illustrated in
Fig. 2.
We identify three categories: methodologies, mod-
elling and architectures for service level agreements.
This classification allows grouping the reviewed arti-
cles under common umbrella and enables to review
three perspectives separately. Within the first cate-
gory, methodologies for SLA, two subcategories have
Table 1: The best practices’ elements to draft a comprehensive and
reliable agreement
Element Description
Authoritative The SLA must be an authoritative document
binding both parties.
Comprehensive It should cover all services and all possible
contractual obligations.
Division of work The responsibility should be clearly defined.
Escalation matrix The escalation matrix is a mapping of whom
should be contacted under a particular set of
conditions. For example, SLA must provide
an escalation matrix for handling any issues
of provided services by the SP and it must be
clearly defined.
Measurable There must be a way to track actual perfor-
mance against the promised SLA.
Non-technical The SLA document must keep the language
simple for reference of non-technical people.
Quantified Deliverables should be quantified enabling
to be measured.
Realistic The expectations set by the SLA must be re-
Relevant The SLA must be directly related to the ser-
vice to be offered and delivered.
Specific The SLA must be specific and detailed
enough to define expectations for services.
Time frames The SLA must contain a time frame against
which the service will be delivered.
been proposed: dynamic and static methods as well
as decision-making methodologies for SLAs. In the
second subcategory, two additional subcategories have
been identified: decision-making under uncertainty and
general decision-making methods.
In the second category of the proposed classifica-
tion, we identified three subcategories: dynamic and
static modelling; application specific modelling; deci-
sion models for SLAs. Under the application specific
modelling subcategory, we can extend our discussion in
two different network classes: heterogeneous networks
and homogeneous networks. Using this classification,
it is possible to accommodate different network tech-
nologies under these two groups.
In the architectures category for SLAs, we identi-
fied four subcategories. The first subcategory is SLA-
aware resource management and it has three subcate-
gories: virtual resource management, energy-efficient
resource management and other resource management.
SLA monitoring and SLA management have been also
identified as subcategories for SLA architectures. Simi-
lar to SLA modelling we have application specific ar-
chitecture for service level agreements. This part of
proposed classification focuses on specific architecture
Figure 2: Proposed classification of SLA literature
proposed and/or deployed over heterogeneous networks
or homogeneous networks.
1.3 Paper contribution
This survey identifies the current SLA research status
and provides a better understanding of existing meth-
ods and open problems in this research domain. The
identification of research gaps and future research di-
rections points to how to utilise SLA elements to de-
velop a generic methodology for SLAs establishment,
deployment and management that will lead to a win-
win situation for all involved actors. Although there
are many surveys about SLAs, so far they are mostly
focused on particular services such as SLA in cloud
computing. This paper is organised in a way that the
reader can access a variety of proposed SLA methods
and models addressed to different applications domains
along with a detailed comparison. It needs to be em-
phasised that auction-based kind of SLAs are out of the
scope of this survey.
1.4 Paper organisation and reading-map
The remainder of this survey is organised as follows:
Section 2 introduces SLA characteristics and Service
Level Objectives (SLO). Section 3 discusses service
quality categories and quality-based service descrip-
tion. In that section we discuss four quality categories
namely performance, configuration, data and security
along with their quality parameters. Section 4 reviews
the SLA methodologies proposed so far with focus on
their behaviour and decision-making strategies while
Section 5 reviews them from a modelling and architec-
ture perspective. Section 6 focuses on the open prob-
lems and future research directions. Finally Section 7
concludes the survey.
An “a la carte” approach can be followed to study
this survey and Table 2 provides a reading-guideline.
The readers with main interests in the detailed method-
ology and decision-making may focus their reading on
Sections 1, 4, 6 and 7. When it comes to those mainly
interested in the detailed SLA Modelling aspects, they
may read Sections 1, 2, 3, 5.1, 6 and 7. The readers
interested in SLA Architecture aspects can follow the
Sections 1, 2, 3, 5.2, 6 and 7. Finally, we recommend
Sections 1, 2, 3, 6 and 7 to the group of readers who are
interested in getting a very high-level overview of SLAs
including the characteristics and objectives of SLA as
well as open problems and future research directions in
this domain.
Table 2: A reading-guideline
Readers interested in SLA
Sections Basics Methods Models Architecture
2 X
3 X
4 X X X
5.1 X X X
5.2 X X X
2 SLA Characteristics and Objectives
In this section SLA characteristics and a key element
named Service Level Objective (SLO) are explained.
SLOs are specific and measurable characteristics of
2.1 SLA Characteristics
The characteristics of SLAs can be identified as founda-
tion, change and governance characteristics [40]. Foun-
dation Characteristics (FC) of SLA includes provisions
which specify the key agreements and principles among
actors, the SP and their responsibilities and roles, and
the expected service performance levels [40]. The aim
behind the SLA agreements under FC is to publicise
the normal convictions shared by the two associations
with the goal that their Information and Communication
Technology (ICT) outsourcing relationship could con-
struct shared objectives and a general responsibility to-
ward the outsourcing relationship [21]. By characteris-
ing the goals and aim of the relationship, the objectives
that at first drove the development of the relation can
be at least understood partially and shared by a group
of decision-makers and also individual employees who
inherit the relationship [21][56]. Moreover, clear proce-
dures of conduct can be set by these provisions through
defining the responsibilities and roles of the diverse ac-
tors involved in the SLA.
Legally binding expression relates with SLAs
Change Characteristics (CC) including provisions con-
cerning processes for resolving prospective demands
unpredictable outcomes, processes for developing pre-
dicted contingencies as well as transformations, opera-
tions for recommending new innovations coordinated
with motivating force designs, and processes of effi-
cient adjustments and feedback in the bilateral con-
tract [40]. The mentioned provisions are grouped un-
der the change characteristics of a bilateral agreement.
Moreover, these provisions over-attempt to make the
ground procedures and rules for dealing with prospec-
tive contingencies. These provisions are depend on
favourable outcomes as the environment of ICT devel-
ops quickly and the condition of business frequently
needs quick reaction from the providers to provide new
services or amend the running services [55]. Although
a comprehensive contracting is not a practical option,
because of limited rationality, limited but intentional
rationality is translated into incomplete but farsighted
contract. Indeed, previous studies in Information Tech-
nology (IT) outsourcing have shown the impacts of
evolving specifications and investigation the possibility
for extremely unstructured and/or uncertain tasks [21].
Contractual qualifications connected with Gover-
nance Characteristics (GC) of SLAs characterise the
ways to keep the relationships through clear measure-
ments statement, incentives and penalty, options for
termination and accountabilities, and well-defined pro-
cesses for documented communication as well as pro-
cesses for resolving and recognising of potential dis-
putes [40]. In this way, the contractual bases underlying
governance specifications set administrative procedures
to continuous assess of the value which the correlation
is producing for the diverse stakeholders and to guaran-
tee that the relationship remains on course. Both finan-
cial analysts and authoritative scholars similarly sup-
port the spirit of the GC. For instance, it is proposed that
rewards and results be connected so as to prevail with
regards to overseeing between hierarchical connections
(e.g., [55]).
2.2 Service Level Objectives (SLO)
An SLO is a key element of SLA among its entities.
SLOs are agreed as a means of performance measur-
ing of the provider and simultaneously they are out-
lined as a way to avoid disputes between the two ac-
tors based on misunderstanding. The establishment of
a reliable, safe and QoE-aware computer networking re-
quires a set of services that goes beyond pure network-
ing services. Therefore, in the paper this broader set of
services will be taken into account and for each SLO
the related services domains will be indicated. There
is often times confusion in the use of SLO and SLA.
SLOs are particular and measurable characteristics of
the SLA like throughput, response time, availability, or
quality [122]. Apart of SLO application domain, we
can categorise the objectives in four categories, namely:
i) performance service level objectives; ii) security ser-
vice level objectives; iii) data management service level
objectives; iv) personal data protection service level ob-
jectives [104][11].
2.2.1 Performance service level objectives
The performance SLOs categories are given in Table 3.
For each category of performance SLO, relevant SLOs
are given with their description. This table covers i)
Availability, ii) Response time, iii) Capacity, iv) Capa-
bility indicators, v) Support and vi) Reversibility SLO
2.2.2 Security service level objectives
Security SLOs can be classified into eight SLO cat-
egories named: i) Reliability, ii) Authentication, iii)
Cryptography, iv) Security, v) Logging, vi) Auditing,
vii) Vulnerability and viii) Service change. For each
security SLO category relevant SLOs are given and ex-
plained briefly in Table 4.
2.2.3 Data management service level objectives
Data management is one set of SLOs categories that
covers data relevant categories. As an instance, data
classification defines two service oriented relevant
SLOs. Table 5 also addresses the other SLO categories:
data mirroring, backup, life-cycle and its portability.
2.2.4 Personal data protection service level objec-
Data protection and especially personal data protection
are specific and measurable categories of SLO. Table 6
addresses eight individual SLO categories along with
their relevant SLOs.
Table 3: Performance service level objectives
SLO Category Relevant SLO Service Domain Description
Uptime level (availability) Connectivity, Cloud Comput-
ing, VPN
Shows the availability of service a certain period of the time,
over the aggregated feasible available time (in percentage).
Successful requests percent-
Connectivity, Cloud Comput-
ing, VPN, SDN, SFC
Indicates the number of error-free requests processed by the
service upon the collected number of submitted requests (in
Timely provisioning service
requests rate
Connectivity, Cloud Comput-
ing, VPN, SDN, SFC
Indicates the number of provisioning service requests accom-
plished in a certain period of time over the total number of
provisioning requests service (in percentage).
Response time
Average/Mean response time Connectivity, Cloud Comput-
ing, VPN, SDN, SFC
The statistical-mean upon a set of observed response time ser-
vice set for a particular type of request.
Maximum response-time Connectivity, Cloud Comput-
ing, VPN, SDN, SFC
The maximum response-time goal for a particular and spe-
cific type of request.
Maximum resource capacity Connectivity, Cloud Comput-
ing, SDN, SFC
The highest and available amount of an allocated resource to
an instance of the service for an special service client. Ex-
ample of resource includes data storage, memory, number of
CPU cores, and etc.
Simultaneous service users
Connectivity, Cloud Comput-
ing, SDN, SFC
The maximum number of individuals that can be utilising the
service at the same time.
Simultaneous connections
Connectivity, Cloud Comput-
ing, SDN, SFC
The maximum number of individual connections to the ser-
vice at one time.
Service throughput Connectivity, Cloud Comput-
ing, VPN, SDN, SFC
The minimum number of specific requests that can be pro-
cessed by the service in an offered period of time like the
number of requests per minute.
Capability indicators
External connectivity Connectivity, Cloud Comput-
ing, VPN, SDN, SFC
Explains the service capabilities to connect to external sys-
tems and/or services.
Support hours Cloud Computing, VPN Indicates the period of time in hours that SP provides an
EU support interface that allows the requests and general in-
quiries from the service client.
Support responsiveness Computer Networking, Cloud
The maximum period of time that the SP will take to acknowl-
edge a service client request or inquiry.
Resolution time Computer Networking, Cloud
The target resolution-time for client requests, in other words,
the time taken to accomplish any essential actions as a result
of the request.
Period of data retrieval Cloud Computing Indicates the period of time that the EU can retrieve a copy of
their service client’s data from the service.
Data retention period Connectivity, Cloud Comput-
Indicates the period of time that the SP will maintain backup
copies of the service client’s data within the process of termi-
Residual data retention Connectivity, Cloud Comput-
Elucidate a description of any data related to the service client
which is maintained since the termination process finished.
Table 4: Security service level objectives
SLO Category Relevant SLO Service Domain Description
Service reliability Connectivity, Cloud Comput-
ing, VPN, SDN, SFC
Explains the service ability to accomplish its tasks accurately
without any failure over some determined period of time.
Redundancy level Connectivity, Cloud Comput-
ing, SFC
Describes the level of service supply chain redundancy.
User authentication and level
of identity assurance
Connectivity, Cloud Comput-
ing, VPN, SDN, SFC
Represents the Level of Assurance (LoA) of the mechanism
that is used to authenticate an EU to get access to a resource.
Authentication Connectivity, Cloud Comput-
ing, VPN, SDN, SFC
Represents the available authentication-mechanisms sup-
ported by the Configuration Service Provider (CSP) on the
offered services.
Revoke user access mean time Connectivity, Cloud Comput-
ing, VPN, SDN, SFC
The average time required to cancel the users’ access to an
specific service on request over a particular duration.
Storage protection Computer Networking, Cloud
Computing, VPN
Refers to the mechanisms utilised to protect a service-user
access credentials.
3rd-party authentication Connectivity, Cloud Comput-
Identifies if 3rd-party authentication is supported by the ser-
vice and also it describes which technology/technologies can
be utilised for 3rd-party authentication.
Continued on next page
Virtual private network
Software-defined networking
Service function chaining, also known as network service chaining
Table 4 continued from previous page
SLO Category Relevant SLO Service Domain Description
Cryptographic brute force re-
Cloud Computing, VPN,
Expresses the cryptographic protection strength applied to a
certain resource based on its key length.
Key Access Control Policy
Cloud Computing, VPN,
Explains how a cryptographic key is protected strongly from
access, when it is utilised to come up with security to a par-
ticular service.
Level of cryptographic hard-
ware module protection
Cloud Computing, VPN,
Refers to the protection level which is given to cryptographic
processes through the use of cryptographic hardware modules
in the service .
Timely incident reports rate Cloud Computing, VPN,
Refers to the outlined incidents to the services that are re-
ported to the clients in a convenient time (in percentage).
Timely incident responses rate Cloud Computing, VPN,
Indicates the outlined incidents which are acknowledged and
assessed by the SP in a convenient time (in percentage).
Timely incident resolutions
Cloud Computing, VPN,
Explains the percentage of defined incidents on the service
which are resolved after discovery and within a predefined
time limit.
Logging parameters Connectivity, Cloud Comput-
ing, VPN, SDN, SFC
Indicates the parameters which are obtained in the log files of
a particular service.
Log access availability Cloud Computing, VPN,
Refers to the level of the service customer access to the log
file entries.
Logs retention period Cloud Computing, VPN,
Indicates the duration that logs are available for further anal-
Auditing Certifications applicable Cloud Computing, VPN,
Indicates a group of certifications maintained for a particular
service by the SP.
Timely vulnerability correc-
tions rate
Cloud Computing, VPN,
Indicates the number of vulnerability corrections performed
by the SP (in percentage).
Timely vulnerability reports
Connectivity, Cloud Comput-
ing, VPN, SDN, SFC
Indicates the number of vulnerability reports generated the
SP to the service user (in percentage).
Vulnerability corrections re-
Cloud Computing, VPN,
Refers to the mechanism that the SP informs the customer of
vulnerability corrections applied to the SP’s systems.
Service change
Service change reporting Cloud Computing, VPN,
Refers to the sort of changes (such as functional changes or
SLA change), mechanisms and a certain duration for SP to
inform service clients of planned changes to the service.
Timely service change notifi-
cations percentage
Cloud Computing, VPN,
The aggregate number of notifications for any change made
during a particular period of the time over the whole number
of notifications of change, in percentage.
Table 5: Data management service level objectives
SLO Category Relevant SLO Service Domain Description
Service client data use by SP Cloud Computing, SDN, SFC Indicates the stated policy for any service client data use.
Service derived data-use Cloud Computing Explains what derived data is produced by the SP from ser-
vice client data.
Data mirroring/backup
Data mirroring latency Cloud Computing Indicates the difference between the time data is located on
mirrored-storage and the time which the same data is located
on primary-storage.
Data backup method Computer Networking, Cloud
Indicates a list of methodologies that are used to make a
backup service client’s data.
Frequency of data backup Computer Networking, Cloud
Explains the time interval in between full backups of service
client’s data.
Backup retention time Cloud Computing Indicates how long a designated backup exists to be utilised
for data restoration.
Backup generations Computer Networking, Cloud
Explains the total number of backup generations existing to
be utilised for data restoration..
Maximum data restoration-
Computer Networking, Cloud
Explains the committed time that is taken to restore service
customer data from a backup.
Successful data restorations
Computer Networking, Cloud
Indicates the committed data restorations success rate, ex-
pressed as the total number of error-free data restorations car-
ried out for the clients upon the aggregate number of data
restorations (in percentage).
Data life-cycle
Type of data deletion Cloud Computing Refers to the quality of data elimination, ranging from the
weak elimination that only remove the reference to the data,
to strong sanitisation methods to ensure that removed data
cannot be easily recovered.
Timely effective deletions rate Cloud Computing Describes the total number of the requests for data elimina-
tion by client accomplished during a pre-defined period of
time limit over the whole number of requests for data dele-
tion (in percentage).
Continued on next page
Table 5 continued from previous page
SLO Category Relevant SLO Service Domain Description
Tested storage retrieve-ability
Cloud Computing Indicates the amount of verified clients data to be recoverable
within the measurement period, right after the data has been
Data portability
Data portability format Cloud Computing, SDN, SFC Refers to the e-format(s) that service client data may get ap-
proached by or transferred to the service.
Data portability interface Cloud Computing, SDN, SFC Refers to the methods that can be utilised to transfer cus-
tomers’ data to the service or from the service.
Data transfer rate Cloud Computing, VPN,
Indicates the minimum rate of service customer data that can
be transferred from and/or to the service through using the
method(s) offered in the data interface.
Table 6: Personal data protection service level objectives
SLO Category Relevant SLO Service Domain Description
Conduct codes
Applicable data protection
codes of conduct, certifica-
tions, standards
Cloud Computing, VPN,
Refers to a list of certification mechanisms and methods, stan-
dards and the data protection codes of conduct that the service
agreed with.
Purpose specification
Processing purposes Cloud Computing, SDN, SFC Indicates the list of purposes of processing which are beyond
the requests by the clients acting as a controller.
Data minimisation
Period of temporary data re-
Cloud Computing, SDN, SFC Indicates the utmost duration in which provisional data is
maintained after recognition that the provisional data is un-
Period of service customer
data retention
Cloud Computing, SDN, SFC Describes the utmost duration that a service client data is
maintained right before destruction by SP and after acknowl-
edgement of a request to erase the data or contract termina-
Use limitation
Indicates number of customer
data law enforcement disclo-
Cloud Computing Indicates the number of private data disclosures to law en-
forcement authorities over a predefined period of time.
Personal data disclosure noti-
Cloud Computing Describes the number of personal and private data disclosures
to law enforcement authorities notified to the clients over a
certain period of time.
Contractors and subcontrac-
tors lists
Cloud Computing Indicates the SP’s contractors and subcontractors that partici-
pate in the processing of the client’s private data service.
Special data categories Cloud Computing Indicates the list of the particular categories of personal data
such as financial and health related data or sensitive data.
Documentation Cloud Computing, VPN,
Describes a list of the documents which is made available
by the SP in order to demonstrate the admission to the data
protection obligations and needs.
Personal data breach policy Cloud Computing, VPN,
Refers to the policy of the SP regarding data breach.
Data location
Data geolocation list Cloud Computing Determines the geographical position where the clients’ data
processed and also stored by the SP.
Selection data geolocation Cloud Computing Describes whether clients can choose an specific geographi-
cal site to store the service client data.
Access request response time Cloud Computing, SDN, SFC Describes the period of time in which the SP must communi-
cate the essential information to permit the client to respond
to access-requests via the data subjects.
3 Service Quality Categories & QSD
Although all quality requirement parameters
(QoX) play a significant role in SLA, within an
agreed/standard service life-cycle, Fig. 3 (adapted
from [57]) does not show QoX and QoS is the only
one that is taken into account, what is quite insufficient
nowadays. Quality documents are necessary for each
and every one of the activities of the reference service
life-cycle and their importance is explained below:
Figure 3: Service life-cycle, adapted from [57]
Advertisement: EUs and SPs publish and/or ex-
change the quality requests and offers, respec-
tively. Both quality documents are named as
”Quality-Based Service Descriptions (QSDs)".
Matchmaking: QSDs are matched up in order to
determine if offers are capable to support the re-
quirements of EUs. The consequence is that the
advertised functionally equivalent services are fil-
tered and selected based on their ability to satisfy
the EU quality requirements afterwards.
Negotiation: QSDs or SLA templates are inter-
changed between SP and EU as well as between
InP and SP. The feasible agreement between the
actors involved leads to the definition of an SLA.
Monitoring/Assessment: the SLA is tracked in or-
der to discover EU and/or SPs’ violations of their
quality and functional terms and conditions.
Adaptation: The adaptation/recovery and proac-
tive functions can be taken in case the SLA is un-
fulfilled. A feasible recovery action might need the
matchmaking activity execution or a further SLA
negotiation to discover an alternative service. It
may also occur that an alert is sent to the evaluation
component of the monitoring activity that pursues
to execute.
QSDs are used in the first two and/or three service
life-cycle activities, while SLAs are utilised in the last
three service life-cycle activities. Therefore, there is not
any standard and uniform document for the quality to be
utilised among entire activities mentioned in the service
life-cycle and this is a main drawback which is time
consuming, as transformations of the documents must
take place to another format from an origin template.
Although several different QoS categories and at-
tributes can be found in different research reports, it is
possible to extract few of them that appear most often
and can be considered as essential QoS categories and
attributes, respectively. The other attributes are mostly
context-dependent (i.e., quite particular) or capture sec-
ondary features, as they appear very seldom in the pro-
posed Services Quality Managements (SQMs) so far.
Therefore, the most reported QoS categories and at-
tributes can be considered as the most important ones.
As shown in Table 7, throughput, latency, process-
ing time and response time are the attributes that often
demonstrate the category of performance, that is avail-
able in the majority of SQM proposals. Although it is
not a main focus of this survey, security is the other
significant category that has three foremost attributes
among others, namely; authorization, authentication,
and non-repudiation, which are steadily existent in the
SQMs. Reliability, accuracy as well as availability are
the other three most significant attributes that are not
categorised under a certain service quality category.
Data quality features are seldom considered in
SQMs. The only data quality feature, that is frequently
considered in reported articles, is ”correctness". The ac-
curacy attribute defined by various contributions refers
to the correctness of the service and also of the data
that it provides. Since the output of a service is often
compound of information, data quality may considered
as a part of the QoS, and it can drive thoroughly the
analysis of the provided output as well as necessary in-
put. Data quality is a multidimensional concept that
defines the suitability of the utilised data for the spe-
cific service in which they are involved [57][58]. The
utmost significant and representative attributes of data
quality, which should be part of a SQM are accuracy,
completeness, consistency, and timeliness. Among the
reviewed articles, [90] is a quite old reference but it is
the most cited article in research papers along the US
patent (Pub. No.: WO2001099349) for the QoS spec-
ifications area. These attributes can be utilised by the
service for the data correctness investigation purpose,
the existence of inconsistent or missing values, and the
information updateness.
Some of the proposed SQMs take into consideration
specific network aspects. Usually, there is a network
quality category in these SQMs that comprises the four
most frequent attributes of network, namely: packet
loss ratio, jitter, network delay and bandwidth. Table 7
lists the attributes in service quality categories along the
list of references for published approaches. However,
most of the attributes are addressed in [57] comprehen-
4 SLA Methodologies
The preparation and deployment of a robust method
that combines both economical and technical aspects in
order to offer a contract to satisfy all actors in an SLA
scenario is an important task to be done. Hereafter,
in this article, a contract that can satisfy EU, SP and
SP requirements is named a win-win contract and
it may not be the purpose of all service providers.
However the analysis and conclusions of this work can
be applied to all contexts. Although some methods
have been reported and published for SLAs, yet a lack
of a comprehensive model makes this research domain
open for further research. In this section we review
available methods proposed so far and we categorise
them in dynamic and static methods and also on
decision-making based methods.
4.1 Dynamic & Static Methodologies
There are significant differences between behaviours of
run-time service as well as the expectations of quality
stated in the contract with the clients due to the informal
SLAs’ nature. Managing SLAs in ICT service indus-
tries could be handled through either Static or Dynamic
methods [48][25][12]. Although there are challenges
in developing methods for static SLAs to consider all
QoX parameters rather than choosing the only QoS, the
development of dynamic methods is an even more criti-
cal issue for SPs. This is because of the emerging tech-
nologies as well as the continuous and frequent changes
in service needs and techniques over the time. Any
SLA updating to meet any desired change in a service
requires re-mapping and reformulation of all criteria.
Recently, dynamic solutions are becoming increasingly
commonplace as SLA methods and most of the research
articles focus on recent technologies such as cloud com-
puting. As an instance, W. Halboob et al., published 23
contributed research articles in this context [44][45].
Table 7: Service quality categories and attributes in service quality
categories’ approaches (Adapted from [57])
Category Attributes SQM approaches refer-
Response time [57][58][73][87][22][2][84]
Processing time [57][58][73][84][66][17][68]
Latency [57][58][73][87][22][84][17]
Timeliness [57][22][84][90]
Precision [57][58][90]
Throughput [57][73][87][22][2][84][17]
Authentication [57][58][87][2][84][66][17]
Authorization [57][58][87][2][66][17][36]
Security Level [57][58][66][90]
Integrity [57][58][73][87][2][66][17]
Confidentiality [57][58][73][87][2][84][66]
Accountability [57][58][87][66][17][36][69]
Traceability [57][58][87][2][17][36][69]
Non repudiation [57][58][87][2][17][36][69]
Data encryption [57][58][87][2][84][17][36]
Isolation [57]
Maturity/age [57][66][17]
Timeliness [57][58][66][17]
Reliability [57][66][17]
Completeness [57][58][66][17]
Virtual organisa-
Location [57][66]
Level of service [57][17][90]
Service version [57][66]
Supported stan-
Cost [57][58][87][84][66][17][36]
Availability [57][58][73][87][22][2][84]
Accessibility [57][58][73][2][84][66][17]
Accuracy [57][58][73][22][84][66][17]
Reliability [57][58][73][87][22][84][66]
Capacity [57][58][73][87][66][17][36]
Believability [57][66]
Maintainability [57][58][22][66]
Relative impor-
Complexity [57][22]
Customer service [57][22]
Dependability [57][58][73][22][84][17]
Stability [57][58][73][87][22][2][17]
Trust [57][22][68]
Understandability [57][22][17]
Integrability [57]
Interoperability [57][73][84]
Resource effi-
Re-usability [57]
Scalability [57][73][87][84][17]
4.2 Decision-Making
The services industry in an ICT domain has been ar-
rived to be a dominating activity in most advanced in-
dustrialized economies. Generally, beyond 75% of the
labour force is engaged in the domain of services indus-
try in the United States alone, with an overall produc-
tion demonstrating about 70% of whole industry out-
put [59][31] and, simultaneously, ICT service indus-
tries/providers are growing significantly fast nowadays.
The effective and efficient management of ser-
vice providing processes of decision-making within the
bounds of ICT industry is absolutely important to any
SP in practice. However, an efficient decision-making
is even difficult and very complex to achieve due to the
various quality requirements from EUs point of view.
Particularly this is the case for the processes of complex
decision-making, involved in the ICT services delivery,
extremely uncertain and potentially volatile client re-
quirements, complex models of SLA, and also the ne-
cessity to capture diverse feasible aspects of ICT ser-
vices delivery such as QoX. We can divide decision-
making processes into two: i) General decision-making
and ii) Decision-making under uncertainty categories.
Furthermore, the decision-making under uncertainty
has two subcategories that are defined as: i) Gen-
eral decision-making under uncertainty and ii) Spe-
cific decision-making under uncertainty, and most of
SLA decision-making among SP, EU and InP could
be utilised and accommodate under these two subcat-
4.2.1 General Decision-Making
Recently research about SLA and its management has
been soared because of the importance of the SLAs
in ICT industries. A lot of the work deals with au-
tomated and also technically oriented runtime intelli-
gent SLA negotiation [128][99][34]. Although most
of the recent works did not emphasised and concen-
trate on QoX, they highlighted a key challenge in this
area as the prediction of cost and QoS, as to be able
to make an optimal decision already in the negotiation
phase [34][116][26].
Once negotiations are accomplished and the SLA is
deployed, the SP should be able to implement provision
according to different policies, and finding such policies
so as to achieve a win-win deal is another important area
of research. As an instance, SPs can allocate resources
to guarantee SLA fulfilment (guaranteed enforcement),
or exclusively allocate some resources per need (lazy
enforcement) [34][3]. Moreover, the risk and its man-
agement are important phases on SLAs and it signifi-
cantly effects on business due to service downtime. For
example T. Setzer et al. [95], proposed a model for op-
timal service-window scheduling to minimize the busi-
ness impact, but unplanned outages are not considered
in this research and it might not be able to achieve a
win-win deal and negotiation.
Another significant research domain in SLA risk-
management is evaluation of the probability that SLOs
specified in the SLA will not be met as reported in
[105][106]. Moreover, to develop such models, knowl-
edge of the involved statistical distributions is crucial
4.2.2 General Decision-Making Under Uncertainty
The general decision-making approaches under uncer-
tainty concern various fields such as cognitive sci-
ence, engineering, artificial intelligence, economics and
many others. However, it is out of the scope of this
paper to review the vast literature on decision-making
theories under uncertainty, but in general, most of the
proposed solutions are based on either decision-making
under risk [52] or strict-penalty [51]. There are some
reviews about this topic such as [112] and however be-
ing a bit old, it covers most of the fundamental required
knowledge. In this area, a study of how the formulation
of decision-making under uncertainty can induce devia-
tions from maximizing expected monetary value found
that even with small expected values differences, sub-
jects on average did maximize expected value in their
choices [51]. Another study reported that maximiza-
tion of expected value to be the best explanation of sub-
ject behaviour in so called duplex gambles in the losing
form (where the subject can lose but not win money),
but not in the winning form (where the subject can win
but not lose money) [24].
However, it must be noted that the purpose of this
survey is not to contribute to the general descriptive
question of decision-making under risk/strict-penalty
and the purpose of this section is just to introduce SLA
decision-making to be considered to use in the SLA
methodology development.
4.2.3 Specific/Particular Decision-Making Under
Beyond the general studies of decision-making under
uncertainty, also a number of more specific studies have
been conducted to describe particular contexts or par-
ticular stakeholders such as entrepreneurs. One study
addresses the decision-making of CEOs [67]. Their
behaviour seems to deviate a lot from expected util-
ity maximization. Another research, looking at en-
trepreneurs in China, concludes that even though the
entrepreneurs are more willing to accept strategic un-
certainty (related to competition and trust), they do not
differ from the control group when it comes to non-
strategic uncertainty, such as risk [50].
These results are consistent with a study of en-
trepreneurs in Denmark, who do not seem to be more
or less risk-averse than the total population, nonethe-
less they are rather optimistic regarding the chance of
occurrence for the best consequence in lotteries with
real money [5]. In [62], M. Lefebvre et al, report that
the risk taking of executives under different incentive
contracts and the impact of different incentive contracts
(stock options vs. stock shares) for executives was
investigated using students. The results indicate lots
of excessive risk-taking, in particular risk-seeking be-
haviour in the face of small probability gains and large
probability losses.
The comprehensive literature on decision-making
under uncertainty in specific/particular contexts, some
of which has been cited above, indicates that such con-
textual investigations are considered worthwhile. There
is no simple and/or straightforward ways to generalise
across contexts, instead, a piecemeal approach is obvi-
ous in the literature. It requires to be emphasised that
the ICT SLA decision-making context has, so far, not
been investigated.
5 Modelling and Architecture
A successful SLA requires a comprehensive modelling
and a robust architecture. The SLA model develops a
sincere functional service description to permit for the
expression of service quality guarantees as well as non-
functional service properties. Furthermore, SLA comes
up with the architecture along with an specification of
the quality characteristics that the service will provide.
This specification allows the architecture to pick out
the service that best supports the system’s quality at-
tribute requirements. This section presents the research
findings and reports on SLA modelling and architecture
along with the monitoring which is one of the important
objectives for SLA.
5.1 SLA Modelling
Yixin Diao et al., proposed a modelling framework that
uses queueing-model-based approaches for estimation
of the impact of SLAs on the delivery cost. Further-
more, they proposed a set of approximation techniques
to address the complexity of service delivery and an
optimization model to predict the delivery cost subject
to service-level constraints and service stability condi-
tions [26]. Another recent work on this context intro-
duced new SLA scenarios and considered new quality
parameters in SLA modelling. Moreover, the use of
SDN paradigm has been proposed and discussed to im-
plement the fulfilment of the SLAs established among
the actors [93].
The SLA negotiation is an essential mechanism to
guarantee the performance of supplied service and to
enhance the trust between EUs and SPs. In this area
there are studies published that focus on the negotia-
tion part of SLA. As an instance, in [39] an outline for
the definition of a Service Level Specifications (SLSs)
format, the semantics, and some early ideas on the re-
quirements of negotiation of SLSs have been discussed.
A mutual negotiation protocol applying an alternative
offers model for resource allocation and scheduling in
Grid-Federation as well as a multi-steps SLA negotia-
tion, that includes the cloud SP selection and the ne-
gotiation with the chosen SP are addressed in [53] and
[7] respectively. To develop a general framework for
strategic negotiation of service level values under time
limitations, the latest developments in agent research
are studied in [99]. Another study proposed a method-
ology which aims to appraise the service performance
at early stages of the development process using simu-
lation. The simulation data may be utilised first to ne-
gotiate the SLA preliminary performance of the service
between SPs and EUs looking for a given service, and
later to monitor it [92]. In [100] a framework has been
proposed for strategic negotiation of service level val-
ues under time limitations and exemplify the usage of
the framework through extending the ”Bayesian learn-
ing agent" to cope with the limited duration of a ne-
gotiation session. G. C. Silaghi et al., claimed that
opponent learning strategies are worth to be consid-
ered in open competitive computational grids, leading
to the fair satisfaction of actors and an optimal allo-
cation of resources. On the other hand, for intra- and
inter-domain service level negotiation, an extension of
the COPS protocol has been proposed and named as
COPS-SLS [80].
Among the reviewed studies in SLA domain, there
are articles concentrated on SDN based approaches
[93][70][109][111] and few of them contributed with
new concepts in the area [93]. On the other hand,
with the fast growth of some other technologies such
as cloud computing, researchers became interested in
making more investigation on SLA negotiation, devel-
opment and deployment on the cloud. As an instance, in
[34] authors tried to answer a research question whether
enterprise ICT professionals could maximize expected
value when procuring availability SLAs, and they tried
to explore an optimal solution for it, from the business
point of view.
In general, SLAs are important in cloud comput-
ing as they establish agreements between the cloud cus-
tomers and their service suppliers, concerning the stan-
dard of the provided service. Many research articles re-
ported their findings on SLA domains over cloud com-
puting and we can categorise these articles in eight cat-
egories: i) SLA negotiation and monitoring; ii) Re-
views on QoS aware SLA; iii) SLA decision-making;
iv) Security in SLA; v) Specific theories based SLA;
vi) Energy-efficient SLA solutions; vii) Cloud based ar-
chitecture and modelling and viii) SLA aware resource
In the first category, multi-step negotiation of SLA,
that includes the selection of cloud providers and
the negotiation with the selected SP is introduced
in [7]. However, [61] tried to come out with an opti-
mal solution for infrastructure service under the Euro-
pean project called OPTIMIS. Furthermore, negotiating
frameworks for SLA of cloud-based services are pro-
posed by [128][99][111][27]. In fact, SPs hesitate to
negotiate and instead providers prefer to offer strictly
binding SLAs. It is because of the economic risk assess-
ment exposure which is a significant challenge. There-
fore it requires some specific models to bring the risk-
aware SLA solutions such as [49][76][71]. Although
most of the articles considered QoS parameter to val-
idate their findings, there are significantly small num-
bers of articles that rely on QoE instead [121][33][91].
One of the main challenges in the monitor-
ing is monitoring violations. This is because
the existing computer networking platforms allow
users to build distributed, large, and complex ap-
plications. Thus, it is quite critical to develop
SLA monitoring solutions prediction and preven-
tion of SLA violations. Here are some examples:
In the review process we found few review articles
and an SLA handbook containing SLA research find-
ings for cloud environment and they are worth read-
ing [18][77][10]. Moreover, some research focuses
on decision-making process in SLA for cloud comput-
ing such as [34][6]. The paradigm of cloud comput-
ing guarantees trustworthy services, which is available
through any place within the world, in associate degree
on-demand manner. To adopt cloud services, insuffi-
cient security has been already known as a significant
obstacle. To accommodate the risks related to outsourc-
ing knowledge and applications to the cloud, new ways
for security assurance are much required. Therefore,
some research has been done on SLA security in the
cloud. For instance they propose authentication inter-
face to access a cloud service [13][9][8][15]. In some
published research reports, specific theories have been
utilised for SLA design and development. In [116], the
authors utilised Bayesian Model to propose an approach
for predicting SLA violations, which uses measured
datasets (QoS of used services) as input for a predic-
tion model. Another research used the advantages of the
Game Theory to model an SLA negotiation and frame-
work for the QoS assurance purpose within the clouds
federation [32][29]. Furthermore, in [97] data-driven
probabilistic has been considered for modelling appli-
cation resource demand for resource allocation and they
claimed that more than 50% savings are demonstrated
using the proposed approach for resource allocation in
the Yahoo’s data centres.
Renewable energy plays a crucial role for assistance
of meeting basic energy needs through the use of mod-
ern technologies known as GreenTech. Therefore, with
the large-scale deployment of either virtualised or phys-
ical data centres, energy consumption and SLA have
become the immediate issue to be solved. That is why
some researchers aimed to find energy-efficient SLA
solutions. However, yet there are small number of pub-
lished articles in this area and this research domain
is trending in recent years [109][37][47][4] [41][16].
Generally, in terms of SLA architecture there is not suf-
ficient resources and this constraint goes to the SLA ar-
chitecture for cloud computing as well. In [101], the
authors outlined a value model followed by an SLA
with a partial utility-driven scheduling architecture, that
comes with the partial utility the consumer offers to a
specific level of depreciation.
SLA-aware resource allocation in cloud environ-
ment has gained more interest to pursue research on
its open challenges and many research articles have
been published in this domain. In [53], as an exam-
ple, a mutual negotiation protocol that is using the al-
ternate offers model has been proposed for resource al-
location and scheduling in Grid Federation and rele-
vant issues and challenges of SLA-aware resource al-
location are discussed in [18]. In [37], the authors pro-
posed a dynamic resource management based on queu-
ing theory through integer programming, control the-
ory techniques and integrating the timing-analysis to
schedule Virtual Machines (VMs) which is driven by
range-based non-linear reductions of utility, different
for classes of clients and among different ranges of
resource allocations [102] and another approach com-
putes the resource allocation ratio based on the histori-
cal monitoring data from the online analysis of the host
and network utilisation but any pre-knowledge of work-
loads [109]. Furthermore, there are existing works pub-
lished with virtualised and proactive approaches such
as [123][78] and also research challenges and pub-
lished solutions so far are discussed in [15]. An SLA
based cloud computing that facilitates resource alloca-
tion which takes into account geographical location and
the workload of distributed data centres is proposed in
[110]. An efficient heuristic algorithm based on dy-
namic programming and convex optimization is intro-
duced to solve the mentioned resource allocation prob-
lem by H. Goudarzi et al. [41] and yet there are several
articles published in this domain for cloud computing
such as [103][120][42][38][117][129], for further read-
5.2 SLA Architecture
Typical SLAs are only characterised at a single layer
and do not provide insight into parameters or metrics
at the various service stack lower-layers. Therefore,
they do not permit providers to manage their service
stack optimally. In [46], a reference architecture is pro-
posed for a multilevel SLA management framework.
All fundamental concepts of the proposed framework
have been discussed in this study and its main architec-
tural interactions and components explained in detail.
Many challenges of SLA-oriented resource alloca-
tion have been addressed in data centres to satisfy com-
peting applications requests for computing services. In
this study, the authors proposed an SLA-oriented archi-
tecture to overcome resource allocation challenges in
data centres. They claimed that the proposed frame-
work can be effectively implemented using the pro-
posed ”Aneka platform".
It requires to be emphasised that the SLA architec-
ture context has, so far, not been investigated well and
there are not enough articles in this topic. Therefore, we
expect that, it would be one of potential future research
directions in this context.
5.3 SLA Monitoring
One of the SLA objectives is SLA monitoring. An
SLA monitoring must be accomplished right after the
contractual agreement and SLA deployment to meet
the EUs expectations. The service monitoring is sig-
nificantly important to follow the progress of its per-
formance and to ensure that the service complies with
the agreed SLA. The SLA monitoring is accomplished
by applying several statistics like monitoring data,
analysing, a systematic process of collecting and other
factors that derive the higher value from the business.
Once done with the monitoring, it proceeds with the re-
porting of SLA where the SP is capable to clearly see
the dashboard breakdowns with time, policy and status
where it can recognise the areas of the problem. Both
SLA monitoring and reporting always assist to meet
the agreement for business applications and provide the
highest possible performance.
In [19], it is shown that the dynamic, diverse and
unforeseeable nature of both application workloads
and cloud services make quality-assured provision of
such cloud service-based applications (CSBAs) a main
challenge. The authors propose a cross-layer frame-
work for SLA monitoring and its main aspects con-
tain: (a) realtime, fine-grained visibility into CSBA per-
formance, (b) visual descriptive analytics to identify
correlations and interdependencies between cross-layer
performance metrics, (c) temporal profiling of CSBA
performance, (d) proactive monitoring, detection and
root-cause analysis of SLA violation, and (e) support
for both reactive and proactive adaptation in support
of quality-assured CSBA provision. The proposed ap-
proach for SLA monitoring is validated by a prototype
Joel Sommers et al., in [108], active measure-
ments for the SLA performance metrics are unified in
a discrete time-based tool called SLAM (SLA Moni-
tor). The SLAM tool implemented to carry out multi-
objective probing with two different topologies. SLAM
transmits UDP packets in a one-way manner between
a transmitter and receiver. SLA monitoring is of sig-
nificant interest to both EUs and SPs to ensure that the
network is operating within the acceptable bounds. As
discussed in the article, the obtained results illustrate
that standard techniques for measuring loss rate, delay
variation and end-to-end delay cannot provide an accu-
rate approximation of the state of the network, thereby
preventing an accurate assessment of SLA compliance.
Among event based SLA monitoring, [64] proposed a
monitoring approach called prevention and prediction
based on an event monitoring (PREVENT) system, a
framework for prediction of run-time and further pre-
vention of violations. PREVENT is based on the idea
of monitoring as well as analysing run-time data to trig-
ger adaptation actions in endangered composition in-
The ”Web Service Level Agreement (WSLA)"
framework is targeted at describing and monitoring
SLAs for Web services. Although, WSLA has been de-
veloped for an environment of Web services, it is also
enforceable to any other inter-domain management sce-
nario, like service management and business process, or
the management of systems, applications and networks
in general. Upon the receipt of an specification of SLA,
automatically the WSLA monitoring services are con-
figured to enforce the SLA. An implementation of the
WSLA framework termed SLA Compliance Monitor,
is publicly available as part of the IBM Web Services
Tool-kit [54].
The SLA monitoring is playing a key role to ensure
compliance with the stated terms of the contract. In
order to make an appropriate system for service levels
measurement, it is very important to realise what is re-
alistically feasible as far as service is concerned. The
technical metrics do have a role to play in consideration
of service levels. The needs to be considered in this
stage soonest response time, scalability, delay and jit-
ter for QoS and other aspects required to be taken into
account for QoX in future.
6 Open Problems and Future Research Direc-
To make reading the SLA-related open problems easy,
we proposed five categories to cover existing chal-
lenges: a) Negotiation procedures, b) Methodology and
modelling, c) Implementation and deployment, d) SLA
monitoring and e) Security.
6.1 The SLA Negotiation Procedures
Five specific open challenges are identified for the SLA
negotiation protocols and processes. First and fore-
most, SLA negotiation processes and protocols diver-
sity constrain the negotiation for establishing new SLAs
as it was initially proposed by [125][124][127]. More-
over, as the SLA is the pre-set agreement among the
actors, the implemented SLA modification, and SLA
negotiation between separated administrative domains
are not an easy process and most likely it is impossi-
ble [125][124].
Often SLAs are technical documents regarding to
terminology and concepts which may only be under-
stood by a minor class of technology oriented special-
ists. Therefore evaluation and improvement do not take
place on a regular basis. Such "dead-end” documents
have a very restricted meaning for EUs and their man-
agement as it was initially proposed by [118]. On the
other hand, unclear service specifications can be con-
sidered as an open challenge and yet there is a need of
protocol to develop a comprehensive SLA. For instance,
agreements on "the availability of a network” are gen-
erally determined using a metric called the percentage
of availability. It is extremely tough to specify what the
accurate meaning of such a metric is in the context of a
specific business location [118]. Although some recent
articles proposed frameworks considering SLA with ac-
curacy such as [86], yet further research is required to
be done. By providing such accuracy in the agreement,
could the provider answer what is the difference and/or
differences between an availability percentage of 98%
and 99%? The agreement can also define well whether
this 98% is on a yearly basis or not. If it is not clearly
defined in the SLA, it means that the network is allowed
to go "Down” for a whole week, after being "Up” for
the last 51 weeks!
6.2 Methodology & Modelling
SLA is a bilateral agreement between two actors and
each involved party must have a level of satisfaction
achieved in this negotiation (the win-win scenario).
The admission control policy is another open problem
in SLA methodology and modelling development that
needs more investigation and research because, from
the SP point of view, a decision on which client de-
mand to accept affects the reputation of the SP, profit
and performance [125][124].
Most of proposed methods developed are based on
either arbitrary assumptions and parameters or very
general parameters such as 99.99% availability percent-
age! These would be fine for overall evaluation and/or
documentation purpose, but the problem reveals when
it goes for a real-time implementation. Therefore, defi-
nition of more realistic SLAs should be researched be-
cause it may lead to a better use of the network assets
and resources.
With the variety of services provided by SPs, be-
sides the QoS, other quality requirements, named QoX,
such as Quality of Experience (QoE), Quality of Infor-
mation (QoI), discussed in Section 3, must be taken
into the account in new SLA modelling and establish-
ment [93].
6.3 Implementation and Deployment
There are both practical and theoretical constraints to
SD-SLA (Software-Defined SLA) [93][70][111][109].
Beyond the cost and physical limitations that are al-
ways system-level parameters that need to be managed,
poorly designed SD-SLAs may not be able to be imple-
mented on software-defined networks to support pro-
vided services such as cloud services. As an instance, if
essential operations are serialised, afterwards, they can-
not be programmatically scaled out and up to satisfy
an SD-SLA. By developing and implementing appro-
priate SD-SLAs, there are chances to step into a contin-
uous model for many significant background-processes,
that are previously required to be scheduled due to the
limitations of fixed resources [60]. Furthermore, yet
there are further opportunities to develop a program-
matic SD-SLA validation through automated test ana-
lytic and infrastructure [60][14].
The performance forecast management enables the
recommendation for performance improvement and op-
timisation, therefore it can be considered as an open
question in utility computing environments. Moreover,
dynamic management of resource allocation has to be
considered in the implementation of SLAs, because it
addresses which resource is the best and appropriate
for a current admitted request from the point of view
of both actors [125][124].
6.4 SLA Monitoring
SLA monitoring measures an SLA compliance and
monitors true uptime for provided services which is es-
sential for better service delivery and network monitor-
ing is utilised to ensure the hosts and nodes connec-
tions with the specified bandwidth as well as monitor-
ing the proper packet delivery. The SLA should be es-
tablished between providers and end-users from a dif-
ferent end-to-end point of view. As an instance, if the
service of system has been outsourced, not only from
SP to a EU but also from one SP to another SP, there
must be an SLA agreement between them and this re-
quires a dynamic SLA monitoring solution as well to
help in managing the network and to maintain the SLA
requirements [74][125][107].
6.5 Security
Security capabilities measurement which can be guar-
anteed and quantified for SLA contexts is one of im-
portant challenges in expressing security properties.
Capability of security is a combination of mutually-
reinforcing security controls to mitigate risks as well as
demonstrate compliance with the EUs security require-
ments [83][82][89].
The lack of trust established in SLA agreement
about particular security capabilities offered and guar-
anteed by the SPs is an important challenge faced
by SLA actors. Several certifications have been pro-
posed in cloud-computing and outsourcing environ-
ments. Nonetheless, these certification schemes are
largely inappropriate in the service provisioning context
and they do not ensure better security [83][82][85].
In the context of SLAs, metrics can be defined
and utilised to measure and track the compliance
of security-related SLAs. However, security-related
SLAs’ metrics are not well-established so far, and avail-
able SLA metrics are typically measured and defined
based on implemented and statistics with appropriate
provisions and capabilities related to EUs and SPs.
Therefore, effective security metrics development for
SLAs has proven to be very challenging [83][94][115].
Table 8 highlights and classifies the identified open
problems in SLA research domain and five categories
are addressed in the table as SLA Negotiation, Method-
ology & Modelling, Implementation & Deployment,
SLA Management & Monitoring and Security.
Table 8: SLA open problems
Cat. Open Problems References
SLA Negotiation
- The negotiation constrains for es-
tablishing SLA
- An implemented SLA modifica-
- SLA negotiation among different
administrative domains
- ”Dead-end” SLA documents [118]
- Unclear service specifications [118]
- Lack of other quality requirements
(QoX) consideration
- Lack of a win-win deal commit-
ment for all network actors
- Admission control policies [125][124]
- Definition of more realistic SLAs [125][124]
- Implementation in software-
defined network architecture
- Performance forecast manage-
ment in utility computing environ-
- The efficient resource allocation
- SLA has to be established among
the providers and clients from vari-
ous end-to-end point of view.
- Quantifying security properties in
SLA contexts
- Specifying capabilities of security
in SLA contexts
- Evaluating security capabilities
specified in SLA contexts
7 Conclusions
The increasing use of ICT services makes the estab-
lishment of efficient SLA vital for InP, SP and EU to
maintain ongoing contracts. In this survey a large num-
ber of research studies, models and methods were de-
scribed with the aim of revealing the importance of re-
search activities in the SLA domain and it shows that
there is a large research effort to propose fair SLA meth-
ods. Based on the reviewed articles the current SLA re-
search state of art has been identified in the domain and
a comprehensive SLA conceptual-map was developed
to identify SLAs related concepts. The SLA elements
and actors were introduced and the importance of their
key roles on achieving a successful SLA have been dis-
cussed followed by SLA characteristics and SLO. This
survey was organised in a way to provide a better under-
standing of existing methods, models and architectures
for readers with different research interests related to
SLA and a reading-map is provided in Section 1. Fur-
thermore, SLA relevant application domains are iden-
tified and discussed to show their applicable scopes in
ICT industries.
Although the proposed methods and architectures
claimed that they were successful in satisfying an ac-
tor with a focus on particular service, yet the lack
of a generic SLA method requires further research to
achieve win-win SLA deployment among all involved
actors. This survey pointed out existing research gaps in
utilising SLA elements to develop a generic methodol-
ogy for SLAs establishment, deployment, management
and particularly that will lead to a win-win situation for
all involved actors.
Finally, various open research problems and future
research directions were discussed and classified in five
categories in order to encourage researchers in further
research on developing generic SLA models and archi-
tectures. This study is part of an ongoing SLA project
and is an active research on how to specify and develop
SLAs to achieve win-win agreements among all actors.
A SLA Conceptual-Map
A concept map or conceptual-map could be a diagram
that depicts prompt relationships between ideas. It is a
graphical tool that is utilised to organise and to struc-
ture knowledge. A conceptual map usually represents
concepts and information. The connection between
ideas are often articulated by means of predicates. The
conceptual maps are developed to guide specific re-
searches. Therefore, for a same topic, SLA for example,
different conceptual maps may be developed to achieve
different research objectives.
Figure 4 illustrates the proposed conceptual-map to
achieve a comprehensive and a generic SLA methodol-
ogy for computer and communication networks, and to
take all quality requirements into account in SLA de-
ployment. The map starts in the top centre box iden-
tified as Data Communication Networks and it is com-
posed by network entities that can get benefits of SLA
to provide promised level of service for EU and/or SP.
To achieve a desirable SLA, the model must be de-
fined based on SLOs and contains QSDs. In this pro-
posed conceptual-map, all relevant concepts such as
SLA monitoring and requirements engineering are con-
sidered to provide necessary feedbacks and to supply
required information as entries for an SLA methodol-
ogy development.
In the proposed map, all relevant concepts are or-
ganised in a way to achieve A generic SLA methodol-
ogy (shown in yellow box in the middle of the map)
that can provide a win-win agreement among all actors
by considering their QoX requirements. A generic SLA
methodology requires suitable resource management
and decision-making algorithms. Based on a generic
SLA methodology, an SLA model and architecture can
be proposed. Eventually, a model and architecture of
SLA can be evaluated and validated before getting de-
Figure 4: SLA conceptual-map created using CMap [81]
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