Permission for Hunting, Fishing or Trapping
on Private Land
Permission is hereby granted to the undersigned sportsperson for hunting/fishing/trap-
ping on land owned by the undersigned landowner or their agent for the date(s) listed
and according to the conditions stated on the reverse side of this permit.
In accepting this permit, I agree to assume and release the landowner from any or
all liability for personal injuries, property damage, or for the loss of life or property
resulting from, or in any way connected with the issuance of this permit.
Hunting/Fishing/Trapping Permission Period: (check one)
Seasonal - Through February 28, 20 _______
Daily - Valid From Date(s) ____/_____/____ to ____/_____/____
________________________________________ ______/______/______
Sportsperson’s Signature Today’s Date
Hunting/Fishing License No. _________________________________________
Sportsperson’s Address: ___________________________________________
(city, state, zip code)
Sportsperson’s Telephone (________) _________________________________
Vehicle License No., Make, and Model: _________________________________
Landowner or Agent’s Signature
Ohio Revised Code 1533.181: Exemption from liability to recreational users
(A) No owner, or lessee, or occupant of premises:
(1) Owes any duty to a recreational user to keep the premises safe for entry
or use;
(2) Extends any assurance to a recreational user, through the act of giving
permission, that the premises are safe for entry or use;
(3) Assumes responsibility for or incurs liability for any injury to
person or property caused by any act of a recreational user.
1-Landowner or Agent - 2-Hunter/Angler
DNR 8924 (R1106)
1. To respect the rights of the property owner
2. To be careful in the handling of firearms
3. Not to damage fences, buildings, or other property
4. Not to litter the area or dump any rubbish
5. To obey all hunting laws and regulations of the Division of Wildlife
6. This free permit is only valid on the lands of the issuing landowner and
only for the days specified.
7. ____________________________________________________