Leyden 212 E-Learning Day Report for ISBE - February 9, 2018
A) A description of the process and evidence used to verify that a minimum of five clock
hours of instruction or school work was provided for each student participating on the
e-learning day.
Leyden’s E-Learning Day clock hours are based on the attendance data collected through
Google Forms and the workflow captured in our learning management system, Schoology.
Students were required to open a unique Google Form for each of their courses and submit the
form to “check-in” for attendance purposes. Through this process, each teacher was able to
view and sort a spreadsheet of all students who had checked in. Logistically, students were
required to submit their attendance by 1:00 p.m. of the E-Learning Day. Then teachers were
able to take those lists and enter their regular attendance through our online attendance system
(eSchool Plus) between the hours of 2:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. These time guidlelines were
established to provide flexibility to students, staff, and families.
As you can see in the images below, the students’ Total Visits to Schoology on our E-Learning
Day was nearly identical to a normal school day when compared to the prior three weeks.
Additionally, their Page Views or “clicks” in Schoology were 75,000-100,000 higher than the
earlier days in that same week.
The following story was featured in the Chicago Tribune / Franklin Park Herald regarding
Leyden’s first E-Learning Day:
B) A summary of how each of the requirements of Section 10-20.56 of the School Code and
components of the e-learning day program approved under this Section were met, describing
any challenges encountered and/or solutions proposed to remedy the problem identified.
1. To ensure and verify at least 5 clock hours of instruction or school work for each student
participating in an e-learning day.
Each year of this pilot, we have tested out our attendance practices to be used on an
E-Learning Day. With all students and staff at school, we simulated the process of using
Google Forms to take attendance so that students and staff would know how to interact on an
actual E-Learning Day.
Because of that practice,we encountered a problem with Google Forms during the actual
E-Learning Day. Some staff members had not cleared out the practice attendance information.
So students received a message that they had already submitted their attendance. We quickly
rectified the issue during the E-Learning Day and staff now knows how to avoid that issue in the
2. To ensure access from home or other appropriate remote facility for all students
participating, including computers, the internet, and other forms of electronic
communication that must be utilized in the proposed program.
Leyden has been 1:1 with Google Chromebooks and G-Suite (Google Apps for Education) since
2012. In addition to providing computing devices, we have also partnered with Sprint’s
ConnectEd program to provide WiFi hotspots to all students or families who do not have
consistent internet access at home. By utilizing Google Forms, email, and Schoology as our
main modes of electronic communication, all students are already well-versed and comfortable
with those tools.
3. To ensure appropriate learning opportunities for students with special needs.
Students with special needs in our District Special Education and BRIDGE programs received
their assignments through Schoology as did their General Education peers. They were
reminded before leaving for the day on Thursday about check in procedures which required
them to complete a Google Attendance Form.f They also had access to their case managers
and/or facilitators to report any issues they may have had during the eLearning Day.
Students in our Life Skills and Transition Programs either received electronic assignments
through their Gmail or took home hard copy assignments on Thursday depending on their level
of functioning and independence. Some students checked in with their teachers via email or a
Google Attendance form while others called in to their teacher’s voicemail to leave a message
that they were checking in for the day.
4. To monitor and verify each student's electronic participation.
As I shared above, we were able to track the students’ attendance through a series of Google
Forms and our existing attendance processes. We were able to monitor their engagement
during the day through analytics provided by Schoology.
5. To address the extent to which student participation is within the student’s control as to
the time, pace, and means of learning.
We designed our E-Learning Days to be an asynchronous experience for both staff and
students. When working with the collective bargaining unit in our district, we agreed to call an
E-Learning Day by 8:00 p.m. of the previous night. (In this case, the call was made at 12:30
p.m. of the previous afternoon) That timing allows staff members to prepare and post their
lessons either that evening or the following by morning; no later than 9:00 a.m.
For students, they are expected to check in for attendance to each class by 1:00 p.m. on an
E-Learning Day. This gives our faculty the ability to view and submit their official attendance in
a timely fashion. As for work completion, students are able to flexibility complete their work for
each course. We asked staff to give several days of grace time for work completion just in case
any students encountered connectivity issues. To date, we are not aware of any issues in that
6. To provide effective notice to students and their parents or guardians of the use of
particular days for e-learning.
On the E-Learning Day, we communicated with parents/guardians in the same manner we have
used for snow day cancellations. We send automated phone calls in English and Spanish,
posted a message on the website, and informed the school cancellation websites and news
stations. Leyden’s posting on those services uniquely noted that we were on an E-Learning
7. To provide staff and students with adequate training for e-learning days’ participation.
Over the past three years, we have provided a number of professional development
opportunities for students and staff. Staff members received support from the district
instructional coaches regarding strategies for converting a normally planned lesson into an
E-Learning format. We created a video for students in January 2016 to explain the process:
As I’ve mentioned above, we have piloted our attendance practices each year so that both
students and staff would know how to handle that process on a regular E-Learning Day.
8. To ensure an opportunity for any collective bargaining negotiations with representatives
of the school district’s employees that would be legally required.
Our collective bargaining unit was involved in Leyden’s application for the E-Learning pilot from
the very beginning. In collaboration with union leadership, we established the timelines and
process that we have in place.
9. To review and revise the program as implemented to address difficulties confronted.
Following our E-Learning Day, we sent surveys to our students, staff, and parents. Several
clean-up issues emerged from that feedback:
1. We allowed staff to submit attendance up until 9:00 p.m. which conflicted with some of
out automated attendance reports. In the future we will ask for attendance to be
submitted by 4:00 p.m.
2. Over the past two and a half years, we have given different answers in regard to how
long students have to make up missing work from an E-Learning Day. We will clarify
that it is to be treated like a regular absence, meaning that students have one day, plus
one (so two school days) to make up missing work.
3. As I mentioned above, we realized that staff need to clear their attendance sheets on
Google Forms prior to any students checking in for attendance. That is easily fixed.
C) A summary of attendance information of students and teachers for each e-learning day used,
compared to attendance information relative to students and teachers for the three days
previous to the e-learning day.
Attendance Data Comparison
East Leyden
West Leyden
Student attendance on our E-Learning Day exceeded the average attendance data over the
prior three days.
Staff Attendance Data
All staff were “present” for the E-Learning Day except those who are currently on leaves from
the district. The following data represents rates of staff reporting student attendance. You will
notice that staff also submitted their attendance reports at a higher rate than normal on the
E-Learning Day.
East Leyden
West Leyden
D) A summary of feedback about the e-learning experience from a representative sampling of
teachers, students and parents, and how the e-learning program was improved or modified
based on the feedback received.
Students (1,063 responses)
We should have many, many, more.
I thought everything went very well
I think that the time for submitting attendance should be extended to at least 2:30, as it is the same time a
normal school day ends, it makes sense attendance submissions should close at this same time instead of
at 1.
I loved it and hope Leyden uses this feature more!
My only feedback would be to have more - preferably very soon. They are a gift from God.
We need more E-learning days!
I think when we sign for attendance for each period they start to disappear so it is a little bit easier for us to
know what class we signed in for and which we didn't
I personally believe we should have e-learning days when it's really really cold as well as when it snows
no work
Perhaps make attendance a bit simpler. Instead of having multiple forms, have one form. Something along
those lines... I am trying to think of a compromise between the teachers and students... so it is easy on both
of their parts.
Make the time for attendance a bit longer, maybe till 3:00pm
Instead of having to log in on different docs for attendance, filling out one should count towards all your
classes or the attendances for all classes should be on one page instead of the separate pages on
Make sure the teachers are giving work that keeps us moving forward. I felt a lot of teachers just gave “busy
The only thing that I would improve for the next time we have an e learning day it to better inform teachers
of the rules. Some teachers forced students to email teachers pictures of their assignments and or
collected it the next day of school. If I am not mistaken students have 10 days to complete these
assignments but it seems like the teachers did not care about this.
I love E Learning days, because not only were we safe indoors from terrible weather, but we also still
completed lessons and were able to learn on our own. Personally, I find independent learning more worth
my time than the latter. However, I wasn’t (and still am not) really a fan of the fact that we held off having an
E Learning day for so long. (This goes with full respect and appreciation for the one we had, but from my
side of the debate, I heard lots of positive feedback and reactions. Considering the productive outcome, I
would assume it to be beneficial on very cold days as well, as several days have passed with wind making
the temperature feel as though it were near -10 or even below.. most of those days or the days that
followed, many of us got sick (myself as well) and weren’t able to attend.
Maybe not having to many e-learning day lessons or work to do.
I suggest when checking in for attendance to have to do it only once instead of doing it for every class.
We should have them more often because they are lit.
I think that eLearning is a very good way to still teach students at home when bad weather occurs. I have no
feedback to give.
This survey says it all
i think for elearning days teacher shouldn't leave homework
Some teachers didn't really give specific (or any) directions at all.
I think for our first e-learning day it went good at least for me. No troubles
E-learning days can be hard and frustrating for me.
just to careful about the assignments and make sure the students tell their teachers
Let the student submit more than one response in case they accidentally select the wrong period or if they
aren't sure if they already sent the attendance
It was a different experience than anything I have experienced before.
A majority of us were told that we have 1 week to complete our assignments in all classes but when we got
back to the school we were told it was not true I believe that there was a miscommunication and should be
fixed for prior E-learning days
Less work
I feel like eLearning is just an excuse to give the student a bunch of homework, when the teacher can't even
grade the papers in less than a month. Make the attendance thing easier plzzz.
Why have assignments on an E learning day when reality is most won't do the assignments
push the time to 1:45 pm
I would like for the attendance form to be checked a day after the E-Learning Day so students have more
time to submit it.
Maybe less homework but overall it serves its purpose.
I think my experience with our eLearning day was very positive. I had no problems or issues with anything,
so I think what rules and guidelines we had to follow for eLearning was fine.
I feel like for attendance, you should only have students do it once.
Teachers should include due dates for the assignments because not all teachers did that and it caused
I think that the E-learning was great! I did enjoy sleeping in that day! Also, if the organisation of the materials
and the attendance would be in one spot, then that would be better. But so far, everything was great!
Nothing, it's perfect
too much homework to do and we should have at least a few days to do the assignments
this worked very well and it benefits us all
teachers gave a lot of homework so it was like having two days of no school and it was stressful
I think the eLearning days are beneficial for when there is bad weather since you can do your homework
online and still be marked present for attendance.
Give every teacher specific instructions with how to share their survey. I could access some with my
personal email, but others I had to use a different instance of Chrome that had my school email logged in.
I think it all went great and I can't think of anything to improve.
I believe that this will help all the students to still have a functional day of school while not putting them in
danger concerning the weather. Another plus would be to not have to make up the day at the end of the
I feel like they are a good thing and are very effective.
It should be more E-learning days in vas weather conditions
I honestly think that e-learning days are great; they're very helpful because we can catch up on homework
and really allow us to feel less stressed since we have a whole day to do work.
Nothing much to improve
We shouldn't fill out the attendance form next time while having an e learning day.
I think e Learning days are a great way to not only stay safe, but get to caught up on classwork and maybe
even get ahead as well.
No eLearning days would be nice.
Having multiple tabs open for every teacher was a hassle. It would be easier for students to be able to see
all of the assignments on one page.
For starters, it would be in the best interest for teacher to put up the attendance at midnight, because some
people love to stay up late when there is no school day.
I really think we should only have one attendance form to do for all of our classes. I think this because it
was kind of hard to keep track what teachers and classes I had filled a form out for.
Some feedback to include is being able to make a former e-learning document that each teacher has to do
so things are more organized instead of being in different places, such as one doc containing the
attendance with work etc. to make things work more accessible and organized.
Try not to give out so much work because most of the time when it snows we have to clean it and it makes
it hard to do other things like school work.
I feel that it got very complicated and was very overwhelmed.
All I'd like is that teachers make sure to give us the allotted time to let us finish the work given. That was
really the only issue I had since teachers would only give us until Monday and if people did have trouble with
their internet that may have been hard.
this is an amazing tool to make sure you have all of your work in and we are one of the few schools to be
granted with the privileged of an e-learning day, it was amazing and we were well prepared
Personally, my teachers gave out the most homework on an e-Learning which for me isn't convenient.
We need more of the, Hahaha (Just Kidding)
Less Homework
We need them more often!!!
dont be scared to throw in a few more before the end of the year.
There should just be one large attendance form that all students sign in on, as opposed to checking in for
attendance for each and every one of your classes. It would just make it easier.
I approve.
Some teacher gave lots of work that was not understandable.
I feel that eLearning is something very helpful for when it comes to not making up any extra days in May
and you really get stuff done at home.
Having one form to sign to take care of all of the classes would be nice. If you sign up for one why wouldn't
you sign up for the others?
for some classes they didn't have the link for the E learning survey so i wasn't sure what to do. besides that i
like the format of it.
Maybe have the attendance form ready with all teachers the day before eLearning. So everything is up and
running when students wake up and attempt the forms.
To make it easier to sign in through all classes instead of making it more difficult and clicking onto each
class. Just a suggestion
Making attendance more convenient for students, as I've heard of many people who forgot to sign into only
one class because there's just so many similar forms to fill out.
Nice being able to sleep
I would prefer if there was one doc for attendance because it was annoying have to go back to each class
go check in.
Don't make it separate, so that I have 10 tabs open for all my different classes. Make it so I have one doc
and can choose my classes on like different questions, so that I don't confuse myself with what I'm doing.
This did not seem very organized.
We should have more elearning days on not so critical weather but weather that's bad enough to have one.
Make sure teacher actually gives us time to do all the assignments. One my teachers made it due all on
Monday. Which wasn't fair because I had other assignments to do.
Leaving early to catch up the 6:00 pm bus
It would be nice to have on attendance sheet instead of having to go through multiple tabs of your classes
attendance forum because you can easily lose track of what classes you checkin in for and which you
I'd much rather make up a day of school at the end of the year than have an e-learning day
Teachers should inform students when the assignments are due.
Fix all errors that have occurred regarding the attendance. Make sure all teachers know a fixed due date for
their assignments.
Take into consideration that many students get 2 meals from the school before call off next time
I think that as our first eLearning day, it was pretty helpful and there is not much to improve.
That we only have to check in once and do not have to do it for each class it would things a lot easier for
Streamline attendance so a new form doesn't need to be filled out for every class... Otherwise, everything
else is good.
eLearning is a significantly better alternative to going to school on days of bad weather. Frankly, Leyden has
been very sparing with its use of them. In the 3 years they've been here we have finally used only one.
I think that we should practice at least one E-learning day a month.
It would be nice if I only had to fill out one attendance form.
Maybe have our teachers email us specifying the due date on ththe assignment. Some wrote due at the end
of the period but that wasn’t entirely feasible if we were out shoveling or helping someone in need as part of
our secondary e-learning assignment.
I did not have any problems with eLearning day just that I just want to say that its not fair for students who
do not have internet access whom are marked absent. There should be a system that applies for those
students who do not have internet access and those who do have internet access. I don't like the 1pm
deadline policy. Some people might be busy and do not have the time to do it. Deadline should be extended.
Atleast 2 more hours to mimic school hours.
Staff (181 Responses)
I thought the day went well. It was helpful that the students knew about the e-Learning day in advance so
we could coach them one more time about the e-Learning process. All of my students completed
attendance on time. Now that we have gone through the process "for real" one time, I think it will be
seamless if we have another one.
I thought it was great. All the difficulties were as a result of stuff I screwed up.
Day was great!
I feel the preparation and assistance we received during our institute days was instrumental in making the
process seamless. I had no issues with students signing in and even received e-mails from students while
completing their work. Overall, I feel the day was a great success.
Students told us that they were informed they did not need to complete the assignment for a week. I don't
remember if that was actually stated this time around, but it made my e-lesson pointless since only half
worked along with the instruction. I made a video that would "move the course along" and I had to reteach it
on Monday anyway since they needed that information to do the next lesson. If we keep our lesson and
homework time under 35-40 minutes, then they should be able to be done with everything by noon, but
many kids told us they did nothing. So, maybe make those expectations clearer I guess?
Keep them coming....
It was cumbersome to check attendance in the spreadsheet against each class period roster and then enter
the absences into eschool. Can the attendance portion be handled in a different way? Can it somehow be
Everything was easy and ran smoothly.
Students should not have 10 days to complete the assignment. If you want the lesson to move the
curriculum along, it’s very hard to do that if you can’t discuss the assignment when you return to school the
day after the eLearning day.
It would be helpful to reinforce the message that assignments are due. Some students didn't think of the
e-learning day as a school day, but a snow day. Others believed they had a week to complete the
assignment. There needs to be consistency in the message about due dates.
I thought it went smooth, but I will offer additional incentives to students that complete assigned work in
the future.
I don't think it's terribly high priority, but after a year or two, I'd like us to revisit what we do for content.
Honestly, my delivery was simply "do the next stage of your homework," so participation was about as good
as homework is. I'd like to hear what others did. I used EdPuzzle, but like I said it was part of what I was
doing already.
I thought it was a great success for my classes. I was curious as to how it would go and I was very pleased.
I can’t wait to do it again!
The above answer depended on the level of the class. Most of my Honors students completed the
assignment. Most of my Academy students did not complete the assignment.
But they still have time to complete it. I was under the impression that they had a week to finish the work.
My answer will (I hope) be higher by the end of the week.
really great support that morning! They were very helpful!
Went well!
I thought it went very well. We should have one or two every winter!
we have a week to have them do it, teachers do not know how to assess this yet
tech people need to be available by phone or email at least 8 hours that day
This is a great opportunity - I just worry about the attendance issue I had. Thanks.
maybe a little more training on HOW to get to attend. issues. I was trying to get there thru schoology, but
could not.. Didn't realize, that duh, that is the student side, so I shouldn't get there thru schoology....?
There need to be clearly written expectations for the day.
What are the expectations of the students?
What are the expectations of the teachers?
Is there a time frame teachers must adhere to regarding a due date?
Once these expectations are determined, they MUST be conveyed to students and faculty.
I think over all the concept was great - giving students a week to do the assignment results in less students
actually doing the assignment. If they knew it was due the next day, I may have had more submissions of
the assignment. I am hopeful that more student will turn it in today as I have been reminding them all week.
Attendance was very high and I think the planning and preparation of e-learning days in class was very
one attendance form for all kids, not have teachers take individual attendance for each class
make staff aware of what resources work outside of Leyden...example OLA does not
allow teachers to open up elearning day work the night before so students can have more time to complete
There was good advance communication from administration before and during the e-learning day.
Make clearer the rules for when assignments are due. I thought we had to give the students 3 days to finish
the assignment, but some students said their assignments for other classes were due the following school
For this being the first time, I thought things went very well. I attribute this to many things, not the least of
which was the preparation you guys helped us with. Thank you.
Overall, I thought it was very successful and went off without any major issues
Everything went extremely well and I commend the District on offering this opportunity as an effective way
of dealing with inclement weather.
Is the "10-day rule" state mandated or mandated by Leyden? That feels like a long time for them to be able
to complete the assignment especially if we're supposed to be "advancing curriculum". If they get 10 full
days, by the time they turn-it in we're likely past that topic and it didn't help at all.
Either we need to do a better job of communicating with students about attendance or they need to
understand the "severity" of not submitting their attendance by the agreed upon time.
In Schoology, each OCR course gets its own entry in Schoology. On the end of the first week, I create a
generic course that the students will access in case of an emergency or I need to communicate with them
so I would not have to do it 17 times for 12 different courses. On the practice run, all of the students
submitted the attendance because I was in the room and telling them where to go. Either I need to do a
better job at installing a way for them to complete this or they need to understand the "severity" of not
submitting their attendance on time.
It was the right decision. Was impressed with the process.
There probably isn't a good answer for this, but I would be curious to see how other schools around the
country handle the policy. I know the idea is to assign something that moves the curriculum forward, and be
as similar to a day in class as possible. We realistically know that an E day is NEVER going to be the same
as a classroom day. The idea of having something that moves the class forward, but the fact that we can't
enforce them completing the assignment that day is paradoxical. If a teacher plans something for the
following day that depends on the students having completed the E assignment, that lesson will not work.
However, if you assign something different that is not necessarily related to what you are doing the
following day in class, then the lesson is not moving the curriculum forward.
I think having some time for teachers to discuss what they had students do, how successful was it, would
be beneficial.
I thought the e-learning day ran really smoothly. There's nothing I would change.
There needs to be a clear message to students regarding how much time they have to complete the
eLearning assignment. I had clear expectations that they finish the short assignment that day, but many
thought they had a week to get it done. eLearning days should still allow us to move forward with our
content so we don't lose time. If I have to wait 1 week for students to catch up, it hinders my lesson
planning. (As a side-note, my lesson should not have taken students more than 10 minutes to complete).
Our students' parents from transition did not receive a call from the school notifying them of the eLearning
I would say kids were not as aware about doing the work, as they were about checking in. Maybe as a
school emphasize the importance of completing the assignments.
It worked well.
I'd like to have a brainstorm session on how to have students complete the assignment on the e-Learning
day. How could we allow ALL classes to have mandatory assignments without them interfering with one
another? For example, do we take on an online forum and have Google hangouts? Do we have students
participate in an online discussion where they have to log in?
Everything went really well...however, I feel like my students didn't complete the assignment because
technically it's not due until tomorrow (2/16). I think that giving students a week to complete an assignment
(one that is supposed to advance the curriculum) is too much time.
Suggest that ONE email is sent to the students from each building principal reminding students to follow
E-Learning day procedure : Check in on Schoology for attendance and Lesson plan and then also follow up
on Twitter or other social media platforms used by the school as reminder.
It is quite difficult to make a weather call at 8 PM. I know it is a Union thing but I think it would be good if
the e-Learning call could be made early in the morning as well.
Since the students have multiple days to complete the assignment, I can accurately assess how many will
complete the assignment by the due date.
Went very smooth. Students did a excellent job checking in for attendance and completing assignments.
Overall I felt that Schoology does a nice job for allowing us to deliver content to students and notifying them
of any announcements
Please note, my assignment is due on Friday the 16th per Dr. Manderino's email attachment - a week, so I
am expecting a higher return rate than what I marked.
I think there was a lot of confusion about the due date with teachers. Also, some students indicated that
some teachers opened up attendance on Thursday as soon as the announcement was made. Not sure if
that is an issue...
Incredibly smooth delivery of information and the kids did an excellent job of completing the form in a
timely fashion. One suggestion that I would make to help teachers that may have had issues with their
students completing the form on time is to create email groups for all of their classes at the beginning of
the year. Communication becomes very easy. This e-learning day was quite smooth, but it was also called
very early. I think kids may need reminders on procedure if an e-learning day is called after school hours. I
would also say that admin should have until at least 10PM to make the call for an e-learning day. Since
there is flexibility in the timeframe for this school day, teachers should be able to produce an appropriate,
quality lesson before 9:00 AM even if the robocall alerts faculty and staff to a school closing at 6AM the
morning of the event.
Thought it went well! Student just stated that logging into all the forms was a lot. Just not sure how it can
be done any other way!
Also...my students had the following issues: Some thought attendance was the only thing they had to do;
Some thought the teachers were supposed to email them and did not check Schoology.
The assignment is due tomorrow (Friday).
I communicated with students anyone having issues with attendance should email me directly to verify their
attendance for the day.
Stress the importance of students completed their e-learning work so that they see the distinction between
an e-learning day from a snow day.
I appreciated being informed as early as possible.
If you are going to have teachers do a practice e-learning attendance day, afterward in the department
meeting we should have had some time dedicated to checking that attendance.
Also, attendance is a bit cumbersome to take since the e-learning form is delivered from the student side,
but our e-school is on the teacher side.
Went well I thought
Thought it was great, students felt the same!
Tell students to walk through their schedule and sign in for attendance in order.
Given that the idea is to provide lessons that are progressively moving instruction forward, I think it's
probably not best to make a blanket statement that all e-learning assignments have a 1 week due date. A
teacher should have the autonomy to decide the due date based on the assignment.
I believe directions have to be delivered via Schoology and the process should be more streamlined by
teachers. The assignment should be fair and should be able to be completed in a reasonable amount of
time so that it can be submitted upon return to school. At the least two days after the return.
I gave my students 1 week and therefore, less students completed it.
On one hand, I do like that we are not extending the school year, however I really do feel that when there is
so much snow on the ground we should be encouraging kids to GET OUTSIDE!!! I had only 2 snow days as a
kid and I will never forget either one. They were an awesome gift. I'm on the side of just give them a day off.
It just makes everyone happier.
Parents (153 Responses)
Thank you for offering this option to the students
No feedback. I thought it the communications were clear and very easy to understand for both parent and
El que nuestros hijos tengan el dia ocupado como si estuvieran en la escuela
I'm extremely grateful I received plenty of communication regarding E- learning from the school.
Can you provide information if children followed through on expectations/requirements that day?
The communication process was great!
great communication
I was surprised that he had to do work for his classes on snow day, which I loved! He was able to do his
work, on his own pace, and ask me for help when he needed it.
would like to know the engagement of students and results of school work assignments by instructors
It was a good way of kids can’t make school
It was very helpful
I like the detail of the first message and email but appreciated the reminder of what needed to be done on
that day.
It was great. No issues at all.
That the communication be more rapid and sooner.
Was fine.
Very clear instructions for both me and my student.
It’s a good idea so the students won’t loose a day when the weather is bad or other reasons that may come
I find it to be beneficial
We don’t need several emails and phone calls to get the information. It was a bit of an overload.
It was great. Students understand it was not a day off and knew exactly what assignment need to be
You did a great job in communicating to both parent and student what was to be expected.
All information about was very clearly explained thanks
It was effective and we had plenty of communication
This is a great idea and I think more on line (independent study) classes would be helpful in preparing them
for College
all right
Nice idea so the kids don’t come back to extra work