Teacher Development and Support Branch
How do you access the student teacher Schoology course?
Was the Schoology student teacher course link sent in an email?
It was shared during Part 1 of this training and via our FAQs.
The code for the Schoology course is HSGX-HZ24-BH6DM
Do both the teacher and the principal need to approve the SSO?
Is the SSO different from the email that starts with cp?
The principal of your school must approve and that includes your access to Schoology.
Remember that we have suggested that your host teacher send an email to the principal to remind them
of the need to look for an approval request from ITD to facilitate your access to Schoology.
How do we get access to our LAUSD email? I am unable to register my LAUSD email through Office 365 and
outlook. Do we have free Office 365 as LAUSD student teachers?
Go to the homepage of lausd.net and put the following into the search bar:
How to log on to Office 365 and follow the directions
How can I receive support with logging onto my LAUSD email account/Schoology?
See above and if you still need assistance, please contact ITD at 213-241-5200
I have not received my LAUSD email address, I requested it through Oneaccess, I was approved, but I have
not received anything back from Denise Busby.
Denise Busby is a member of our team and facilitates support in the submission of the Oneaccess
application. She does not send out email addresses to student teachers. Any SSO or email accounts will
be sent to you by the ITD team.
What if our school provided us with a sub email to use and did not have to do SSO process?
You will still need it to access the student teacher Schoology course and to be given access to Microsoft
teams in order to record lessons.
I am at a charter school that does not use Schoology. They gave me a specific email address associated with
the school. Do I still need to get a SSO?
Your first step is to check with your charter school to see if it is an independent charter or an affiliated
charter. If your school is an independent charter, please contact peggy[email protected] and let her
Student Teacher Orientation Part 3 - March 3, 2021
Teacher Development and Support Branch
know, as your situation is a unique case.
I am at a Charter school. Do I need a SSO?
Check with your school to determine placement if your charter school is an independent or an affiliated
charter. If you are assigned to an affiliated charter, you need to complete the oneaccess application. If
you are at an independent charter school, please contact pegg[email protected]
Can you explain one more time the reason why the kids have to join a separate room while recording?
Per the policy of the Los Angeles Unified School District, students cannot be denied access to learning if
their parents have declined or did not respond to the request for permission to be part of an instructional
setting, which is being recorded. The act of asking the student not to respond or not to be seen is not
sanctioned by our district. The creation of a breakout instructional setting is to be certain that students
may continue to be in a learning environment while other classmates may be part of a learning
environment, which is being recorded.
How do our mentors give us access to the Schoology apps such as Benchmark and Seesaw?
They have the access codes for the content programs they can share with you. You may not have access
to all of them. Ask to see if they can share the content with you.
Do we get access to benchmark materials or My math to help us create lessons or follow along with our
teacher’s schedule?
Your mentor teacher has the access codes needed for the content materials.
Will we get access to Nearpod through the district? Having access through the district allows us so much
more content and functions that we do not get in the free version.
Is it possible to get pro level Nearpod access as a student teacher? I’m using a free account which I find very
As was shared at our last orientation session, we are seeking your lausd.net emails to facilitate our
request for Nearpod access for student teachers. Please submit your name and email to
My mentor teacher does not use Schoology so I can't get the permission to video release form from there.
Teacher Development and Support Branch
Is it possible to access them elsewhere or be sent them through email?
If you are a student teacher assigned to lausd.net school not an independent charter, you can access
Schoology. We have also emailed links for all documents last Friday using a bit.ly link.
Who do we submit the forms to?
Submit the forms to your Administrator and retain a copy for your records.
Does the LA Unified Parent/Guardian Publicity Authorization and Release” qualify for my edTPA recordings?
I already asked my parents to complete this form.
Unfortunately, our Legal Department has only provided approval for the form that we have made
What if families don’t have a printer to print out the permission form?
You may have to ask your host teacher to help you mail it out to the parents or consider hosting your
host teacher an information meeting via Zoom. Create a Google sign in/permission form to secure
Are the requirements for LA Unified recording devices and video release forms in regards to first semester
student teaching as well? And is this in regards to the edTPA?
All recordings must use our student teacher recording approval forms
I think I’m just a little concerned about having to record for a supervisor or for my edTPA and parents don’t
sign the documents soon enough. What can I do then?
We can only suggest planning early and identifying your target dates to meet your timeline.
Do we still need the permission forms if we hide the students on zoom and only record their voices? What if
we only submit a TRANSCRIPT of an audio only recording? What if the students have their cameras off, do
not participate, and only have their first name showing?
By digital signature (parent permission), do they mean just typing their name or scanning signature or using
drawing tool to sign? Can an email also work acknowledging the reading of the LA Unified form and
Yes, an email authorization is acceptable. You are not able to include any students whose parents have
not provided permission as part of a recording audio only , video or no video. Without parental
permission students may not be part of the recording process or final product.
I have created a google form to obtain electronic signatures. The signatures are all placed in a spreadsheet.
Will this be good?
Please review the Student Teacher Recording Guidelines for all the options. For example, parents with a
Teacher Development and Support Branch
smartphone may find it easier to respond using their phone. The Goggle form can be used.
CSUN provided a form with the LA Unified logo. Do I still have to use the form you sent this week?
CSUN provided distance learning specific edTPA video sign off forms which were approved by LA Unified last
semester. CSUN provided those same forms to us again this semester and I have already sent them out to
my classroom parents. Do I also need to send a LA Unified form?
Just compare the language. If it matches you are good. If there are differences, use the one provided by
our office.
Can we record our lesson on Zoom?
The record feature within Zoom is not permitted. However, you may record your Zoom lesson using a
handheld device or TEAMS. Please see the LAUSD guidelines for more information.
Do the same recording rules apply to Intern Student Teachers that are the teacher of record? (regarding
video permission slips and using only Microsoft teams/handheld device)
Yes, the same recording protocols apply
Has LA Unified/CTC explored the option of changing the video component of the edTPA to something else?
Thank you for reading
Los Angeles Unified does not have authority over edTPA requirements. We are trying to help you meet
the requirements that have been developed.
Is it more important to record the students (our laptop screen) or our own faces while we teach? I would
like clarification on the recordings. If I use a handheld device, is it only of my face? Do I place my device
behind me so my screen can be viewed?
Last semester, I only recorded my face and only the students' voices were heard.
Please consult your university supervisor for guidance on recording for edTPA and university observation
How do we access Microsoft Teams through LAUSD?
As was shared as part of our last orientation session, we need your lausd.net email and name to submit
to ITD. Upon verification, you will be issued access to TEAMS.
Will our SSO work with recording a meeting in Teams since the emails we were given start with cp- ? I
attempted to use Teams by signing on with my LAUSD CP email. It says to ask Admin to enable Teams for
Los Angeles Unified School District.
Teacher Development and Support Branch
See the response above.
So when making a recording with TEAMs, I will need students to sign in to TEAMS as well? Since we meet
through Zoom, will they have to not sign in to Zoom but instead to TEAMS for recording?
If you record via TEAMS, your students will need to be given access to TEAMS-only those with parental
permission. Other students will need to access via Zoom and to have instructional support during the
What happens if the teacher returns to the classroom, but she doesn’t want her student teacher to go back
in the classroom with her (for safety reasons)?
We await guidance from the District regarding student teacher placements.
The teachers at my school will have the option to return to campus to teach from their classrooms (students
will still be virtual) starting in March. Will I as a student teacher be able to go on campus?
Watch for an update once the Return to Campus plans are finalized.
Will LAUSD choose one model for the whole district, or will each school within LAUSD pick one of the three?
We await the decision regarding the model to be utilized.
How exactly would Hybrid learning work? Would some kids stay home and others come to class? Or would
all kids stay home on some days and all kids go to school another? (for a particular class)
By definition, hybrid is a blended approach. In person learning and online virtual instruction will be the
two components.
Will Student Teachers be able to get a vaccine?
We await an update regarding vaccinations for student teachers. We will share any news as it is received.
Can we get a summarized written format of important information after this webinar?
We rely on your ability to take note of those items of need and interest. Based on the questions and
follow up emails that we receive, you are a very diverse group with a wide range of learning styles. We
defer to you to accommodate your specific needs. We suggest that you do review all emails which come
from our office to capture alerts, key points and reminders.
Can someone consolidate all of the links provided in this presentation and send it out to attendees via
email? Taking photos of web addresses and re-keying said addresses into a web browser isn't exactly
efficient. Thanks much
Please see below. However, we are relying on you to take charge of your learning and determining what
Teacher Development and Support Branch
information is needed by you.
Student Teacher FAQs http://bit.ly/sp2021-student-teacher-faq
TSU Resource Guide http://bit.ly/tsu-resource-guide
Teams Job Aid http://bit.ly/teams-job-aid
Scanning and Signing a PDF http://bit.ly/Scan-SignPDF
Student Teacher Videotape Guidelines & Release Forms http://bit.ly/video-release-forms
Where are those FAQ reports sent? I did not receive one after the first session.
We have sent FAQS to the email addresses provided to our office by each University/College contact. If
no roster was provided (this was the case for some universities after the first session), we emailed the
documents and asked that the university student teacher contact forward them.
Can you quickly explain the Salary Table and Salary Increments?
You may investigate and review the salary tables on the L.A. Unified website. We are planning to
schedule a voluntary meeting with members of the L.A. Unified Certificated Personnel team. We will
defer to them the review of the Salary Table and Salary Increments.
When applying for a L.A. Unified job this upcoming school year, would we apply as a credentialed teacher
even though we might not have passed RICA and CALTPA?
Currently, the CTC via an Executive Order issued by the Governor has moved the requirement of the RICA
to now a requirement for the clear. So as long has you have met all other credentialing requirements,
including your CALTPA, you will be issued a credential but may not earn your clear until you meet the
Induction and RICA requirements.
Those of us that do not yet have a L. A. Unified account are not receiving these volume 1, 2, and 3 packages
as well as other resources. They should be sent to our university email as well until all student teachers have
a L. A. Unified email. If not, some of us will be missing out on resources and that is not fair.
Unfortunately, you are mistaken. We are currently sending all communications to the university email
not the personal that has been provided to us. Please note that we are working with 20 different
institutions and while most are providing an email linked to their university, some do not. We are
attempting to secure your L.A. Unified emails as they are given to younot to us.
Is there a makeup session for part 1?
A makeup session was already held on February 16th. There will be no further makeup sessions for Part I.
However, you may use this link to access a recording of part one and the second link for part two.
The link to access the recording has been provided.
Teacher Development and Support Branch