Basic Karen Language Guide
Created by the Karen Organization of Minnesota
Getting To Know Someone
Good morning = Ghaw luh a ghay
Good afternoon = Nee luh a ghay
Good evening = Ha luh a ghay
Good night = Na luh a ghay
What is your name? = Na mee dee leh?
My name is ______. = Ya mee may _______.
Nice to meet you. = Tee ban a tha khu doh mah.
Thank you very much. = Ta bluh doh mah.
How are you? = Na oh sue oh klay ah?
I’m fine. And you? = Ya oh sue oh klay. Na maw?
Have you eaten yet? = Na aw may wee lee ah?
Yes, I have eaten. = Ya aw may wee lee.
What did you eat? = Na aw may daw ta ma nu leh?
I ate ______. = Ya aw may daw _______.
How was it? = Na aw may wee say ah?
Delicious = Wee doh mah/bay doh mah
Drink water. = Aw htee
What are you doing? = Na mar ma nu leh?
How is your family? = Na hee poe hkaw poe oh sue ah?
How many children do you have? = Na poe oh peh ga
I have ____ children. = Ya poe oh ______.
How old are your children? = Na poe oh pweh nee leh?
Good = Ghay doh mah
Where are you from? = Na heh peh leh?
I am from _____. = Ya heh luh _______.
Where do you work? = Na mar ta peh leh?
I work at ________. = Ya mar ta ________.
I go to school at _____. = Ya leh sue joe _____.
Where are you going? = Na ga leh peh leh?
Do you speak English? = Na ka toh kaw lo wah klo ba
I only know a little Karen. = Ya theh pwa k’nyaw klo ba
What do you call this in Karen? = A weh ee na goh luh
pwa k’nyaw klo dee leh?
Do you understand? = Na na puh ah?
I understand. = Ya na puh.
Can you please repeat that again? = Wee tha sue kay
theh kador teh blaw.
Yes = May
No = Ta may bah
Question Words
Where = hpeh leh
Why = bah mer nu hkoh leh
Who = ma ta leh
When = a kah hpeh leh
What = ta ma nu leh
How = di leh
How many = hsee ah leh
How long/far = hsee yee leh
I = ya
You = na
He/she = a weh poh kwa/poh mu
It = ta a weh ee
We = pa weh thay
They = a weh thay
This = ta a weh ee
That = ta a weh nay
Family Terms
Father = Pa
Mother = Moe
Daughter = Poe mu
Son = Poe kwa
Husband = Wa
Wife = Ma
Friend = Tee tha koh
Days of the Week
Monday = Meu Tu Nee
Tuesday = Meu Kee Nee
Wednesday = Meu Theur Nee
Thursday = Meu Lwee Nee
Friday = Meu Yeh Nee
Saturday = Meu Gheu Nee
Sunday = Aw bui nee
Bus Terms
Are you ready? = Na kathaw na tha lee ah?
Please wait here. = Wee tha sue awkaw peh ee.
I am outside. = Ya oh leur takleur.
Please open the door. = Wee tha sue ataw treh.
Do you have a bus card or cash? =Na bus ka oh ah may
ta may na say oh ah?
I have a bus card. = Ya bus ka oh.
I have cash. =Ya say oh.
Do you have enough warm clothes? = Na sayka keu leur
oh ler pweh lee ah?
Do you need a hat, gloves, scarf, or socks? = Na lo ba
koplaw, sooplaw, kobopa, may ta may kawplaw ah?
I will bring a hat, gloves, scarf or socks for you next time
I see you. Ya ka heh so nay thu koplaw, sooplaw,
kobopa, may ta may kawplaw ler kee ta blaw tee lo tha
luh kee.
The bus arrives at _____. The next bus comes at
______. = Bus ker heh tu weh peh_______. Bus ler kee
ta koh ker heh tu weh peh_______.
Sit down here. = Say naw peh ee.
Watch outside so you know where to stop. = Kwa ler ta
kler daw na ker thay nyaw bus patoo peh leh.
Pull the cord to signal the driver to stop. = Tu plee poe
taper naw, ler bus ker sa ker patoo.
House = Hee
Office = Roe
Tree = Thay
Gas Station = Ka tho law
Park = Paw ker ruh
Restaurant = Ta oh klah
Bridge = Toh
Road = Gleh
Directional Terms
Behind = A law kee
In front of = A meh nyah
Opposite = Ta hga loh tha
Next to = Boo loh tha
Near = Boo daw
Between = A ker tha
Before = Ta klu
After = Wee a law kee
1 ter
2 kee
3 thu
4 lwee
5 yeh
6 hku
7 nwee
8 hkaw
9 kwee
10 ta hsee
11 ta hsee tu
12 ta hsee kee
a.m. = hgaw ka
p.m. = haw ka
Today = Ta nee ee
This morning = Ta hgaw ee
This afternoon = Ta ha ee
Tonight = Ta na ee
Yesterday = Ma ta nee
Yesterday morning = Ma hah ta nee hgaw kaw
Last night = Ma na ger
Last week = Ma hah ta nwee
Tomorrow = Keh ma hsay
Tomorrow morning = Keh ma hsay hgaw kaw
Tomorrow afternoon = Keh ma hsay hah kaw
How Are You Feeling?
How are you feeling? = Na oh hsoo oh klay ah?
Good = oh hsoo
Happy = tha ku
Sad = tha uh
Confused = ta bee beu ba ya doh mah
Angry = tha htaw
Worried = ba yo ta
Sick = oh ta hsoo ba
Tired = low bwee