Quick Start
Juniper Apstra Freeform - 4.2.1
Introducon to Apstra Freeform | 1
Reference Designs | 2
Freeform Overview and Design | 3
Freeform Resources | 23
Enable Resource Allocaon | 25
Resources in Jinja | 32
Deploy Modes | 36
Commit Check of Device Conguraons | 38
Jinja Support in Cong Templates | 41
Telemetry and IBA | 47
Pung It All Together | 48
Introducon to Apstra Freeform
This topic introduces you to the following basic constructs
Apstra Freeform uses: Tags, Device Contexts, Property Sets,
and Cong Templates. We'll also create a simple Freeform
blueprint, and explore how to use Freeform with a number of
advanced case studies.
Introducon | 2
Juniper Apstra is a powerful automaon and operaons soluon that manages the enre data center switching fabric’s
life cycle. This life cycle consists of the design, deployment, and operaonal phases of a network's life span. Apstra's
Intent-Based Networking (IBN) approach helps network architects and operators automate data center network design,
build, deployment, and validaon. This is accomplished by translang high-level business requirements (called "intent")
into an operaonal data center network.
The IBN approach provides a framework for managing complex networks using reference designs and stateful
orchestraon. The Apstra architecture and reference designs provide signicant benets, solving some of the most
dicult data center networking issues:
Helps operators deal with change reliably. This is possible through real-me query-able intent and operaonal
Simplies all aspects of the network service life cycle, including Day 0, 1, and 2 operaons, reducing the likelihood of
human error
Reduces operaonal risk through stateful orchestraon, which leverages precondion validaons, post-condion
validaons, automated conguraon rendering, and automated expectaons validaon
Apstra lets you focus on scale and funconality while the system manages the low-level device conguraon and
operaon. Designers input specicaons via the Apstra user interface, where they are applied to the reference design
and retained in a graph database. The specicaons serve as the intended funconality of the network and are the
Single Source of Truth (SSOT) for network expectaons. Apstra provides operaonal assurance by performing a
connuous comparison of this model to the current state of all aspects of the network.
Reference Designs
Apstra Reference Designs | 2
Apstra Reference Designs
Apstra currently provides reference designs for 3 and 5-stage Clos fabrics, along with a collapsed fabric model for
smaller/edge environments. Apstra provides virtualized overlay funconality via support of VXLAN encapsulaon and
an EVPN control plane. The architectural details of these reference designs are based on industry-recognized best
pracces, making them applicable to most data center design scenarios. However, there are situaons where design
exibility is required beyond what is praccal with these models. The Apstra team has introduced Freeform to address
these design situaons.
Being the latest addion to reference designs in the Apstra soluon, it diers from the exisng models in that control of
all design elements is placed enrely into the architect's hands. Networks designed with Freeform are not restricted to
the exisng design frameworks in the Apstra data center reference designs. However, Freeform sll takes advantage of
the Apstra soware architecture, as explained throughout this document. It is important to note that unlimited design
exibility comes with inevitable trade-os, primarily around the abstracted and automated user experience.
Apstra reference designs are purpose-built frameworks for capturing the architect's intent. The reference designs
The roles and responsibilies of physical and logical components (funconality, scale, interconnecvity)
How services are mapped to enforcement mechanisms
The expectaons that need to be met (i.e., situaons to monitor)
This structured approach results in a system that not only assures awless conguraon, but provides unprecedented
control, visibility, and validaon of the infrastructure. Signicant eciencies are gained by this approach, including the
eliminaon of conguraon mistakes.
Freeform Overview and Design
Freeform Reference Design Overview | 4
Blueprints | 4
Blueprint Import/Export | 5
Topology | 7
Colors | 9
Tags | 9
Creang Systems | 9
Creang Links | 11
Link Aggregaons (LAGs) | 11
Device Proles | 14
Execute CLI Commands | 15
Cong Templates | 17
Nesng (Composable) Cong Templates | 17
Rendering Order | 19
Property Sets | 19
Data Structures in Property Sets | 21
Freeform Reference Design Overview
A Freeform reference design diers from the other reference designs in that the network designer is responsible for
creang and validang all device conguraons. Any feature, protocol, or architecture that ts the deployment scenario
can be leveraged. Devices and links are modelled in a topology editor, which creates objects represenng the reference
design in the graph database. As with the other reference designs, Freeform sll leverages the context graph, Intent-
Based Analycs (IBA), conguraon validaon, network operang system (NOS) management, Time Voyager, and
numerous other Apstra soware features. When compared to the more advanced reference designs however, reduced
depth of IBA capabilies is the trade-o for greater design exibility.
Freeform consists of various design and build elements and views that each manage specic network design aspects.
Their funcon and usage are described in the following secons.
When creang a new network with Freeform reference design, you start by creang a Blueprint. As with the other
reference designs, the Blueprint contains all elements associated with an operang network managed by Apstra, but
there are a few key dierences in how Blueprints are structured and used in Freeform.
The Data Center reference designs require design and build elements such as logical devices, interface maps, racks, and
templates. These steps are unnecessary in a Freeform design because you create conguraon details and device links
directly into the Blueprint. When creang a new Blueprint, you simply select the Freeform Reference Design, as shown:
Blueprint Import/Export
You can import and export Freeform Blueprints into and out of Apstra. This allows you to simplify the migraon of
blueprints from one Apstra instance to another. This feature can also be ulized to create a “catalog” of Freeform
reference designs. An engineer might use this catalog to standardize a network design by taking the informaon from
the blueprint and implemenng it as a standardized design for many Apstra implementaons. These implementaons
could funcon as templates or models of a design that is used by an organizaon in mulple geographic locaons,
enabling fast, uniform deployments of custom network designs at scale. Another use case for this feature is the tesng
or evaluang of dierent network designs and systems. Examine various aspects of the imported/exported Blueprint
without the commitment of a full deployment. All of these possibilies exist in Apstra Freeform.
To Export a Blueprint follow this simple workow:
You can then choose what elements of the Blueprint you would like to Export, as shown below. If all of the toggles are
“o, only the contents of the topology editor (discussed in the next secon) are exported.
Aer the export is complete, the blueprint is saved in JSON format for use.
Imporng a Blueprint is similar; simply create a new Blueprint and click on the import dialog, then select the Blueprint
you want to import.
Aer creang a new Freeform Blueprint, you can begin designing your network topology. As with the DC Reference
Architectures, all design work is done from the Staged Blueprint tab. The Staged topology editor area in Freeform is
where you interact with the elements to create your network design and architecture. The topology editor is a new
capability in Freeform that allows you to create bespoke network designs in an interacve manner. You can select
networking devices and connect them interacvely by dening links between them. These devices can be internal or
Internal devices are managed by Apstra and must be mapped to device proles that model device capabilies and
interact with devices using agents. External devices are not directly under the Apstra management umbrella, but can sll
be modelled in the topology view in order to simulate interacons with internal devices. For example, you can simulate
interface links and speeds. External devices do not ulize device agents or models.
You can create single, mulple, or even aggregated links between devices. You can interact with the topology to re-
arrange the design layout, add links, and edit colors or tags for devices and links. You can perform Create, Read, Update,
and Delete (CRUD) operaons by selecng the system's gear icon. You have the opon to perform CRUD operaons for
both individual objects and objects in bulk.
You can use colors to create quick visual groupings and disncon between Apstra devices. For example, devices
connecng to rewalls can be red while devices doing IP-Forwarding only can be orange.
In Apstra, Tags are a powerful feature. Tags are a way for you to assign metadata to Apstra-managed resources. These
Tags can help you idenfy, organize, search for, and lter Apstra resources. Tags are also useful to help you categorize
resources by purpose, owner, environment, or other criteria. Because Tags are metadata, they are not just used for
visual labeling, but also applied as a property of the node in the Apstra graph database. This node property, or device
property, is then available for you to reference in Jinja for dynamic variables in cong generaon and the Apstra real-
me analycs via Apstra's Live Query technology and Apstra Intent-Based Analycs.
For example, you can use tag `firewall` to output a specic descripon:
{% if has_tag(interface.link.neighbor_system.id, 'firewall') %}
description "this is a firewall facing interface";
{% endif %}
For more examples of how to access and use tags, see the "Accessing Values in The Device Context" on page 41 and
"Jinja Support" on page 41 secons.
Creang Systems
There are two ways to create a new System:
1. Navigate to Staged > Topology > Topology Editor.
Use the rst two icons in the boom menu to create either an internal or an external system. The new system will
appear in the topology view. When creang an internal system, you can oponally specify which Device Prole to use
and assign a System ID. See how to create and import Device Proles into the Blueprint in the Device Proles secon.
2. Navigate to Staged > Systems.
This method automacally adds the new systems in the Topology view.
You can choose to create a new system from an exisng managed device or create a new system with a specic device
prole and assign a managed device later once the equipment is ready and part of the Apstra managed devices.
Creang Links
You can use links to connect objects or devices together. Links are single or aggregate links. These links can have
parameters assigned to them via the topology editor "gear" icon. The links can have IP addresses and tags assigned.
Link Aggregaons (LAGs)
Links can be a Link Aggregaon, or LAG. Access the LAG eding area by selecng the Topology view, then selecng a
device, then selecng the Manage LAGs icon.
The following is a view of the Link aggregaon user interface.
Select two links to form an aggregate. The changes display aer clicking Aggregate.
Click Apply Changes to update the topology editor with the new LAG. The aggregate link is thicker and colored blue.
Link & LAG management simplies the potenally complex process of managing the dierent permutaons of link
Device Proles
Device Proles dene the capabilies of supported hardware devices. Some feature capabilies have dierent
behaviors across NOS versions. Certain capabailes might perform dierently depending on your NOS version.
NOTE: In the inial versions of Freeform, only Device Proles for Juniper Networks devices are supported.
Before you can create a Blueprint, you must import Device Proles into the Blueprint. You can then use those devices in
the topology editor of the Blueprint.
Execute CLI Commands
Users might want to interact with the devices in your network directly via CLI for funcons like stascs display, or to
check device status or interface health. Apstra Freeform simplies CLI access. Considering the range of devices that
might make up a network, this feature is more useful than ever in custom Freeform topologies. To access the CLI
command funconality, navigate to the device and you will see the following dialog:
Click on the
Execute CLI Command eld. A CLI eld displays for CLI commands. Typing part of a command displays a
prompt containing all available related commands within the CLI structure.
NOTE: Only show commands are currently supported.
NOTE: Use the Tab key to auto-complete your command to the next hierarchical level.
The following is an example output from the CLI command. You don't have to open a terminal session and SSH into the
device to view outputs. Aside from the text output in this example, you can also select XML or JSON output formats.
Cong Templates
Since the design of the network elements in Freeform is arbitrary, the device conguraons are not automacally
rendered by the Freeform reference design; rather, you have complete control of the conguraon of your devices.
Beginning in Apstra 4.1.1, we introduce the concept of a Cong Template specically for Freeform to drive device
conguraon. Cong Templates can be very simple and stac to very complex and programmac, depending on the use
case and level of automaon you are comfortable with. Cong Templates support using Jinja2 template language, which
can oponally interact with the device context and property sets.
Nesng (Composable) Cong Templates
As Cong Templates support Jinja templang, a powerful nesng feature is supported that enables you to include a
secon of a cong template from the list inside of another cong template. There are two main benets of nesng
cong templates. The rst is that with nesng, you can separate various services, conguraon secons, etc. out to
common components and create dedicated cong templates for them.
For example, assume that you have a base system stanza conguraon for banners, logins, NTP, etc., for most of your
Juniper devices. Instead of copying and pasng the same conguraon into each of your device templates, you can
create a dedicated cong template for the base system cong. Then, simply reference that template from within another
The second benet is that you only need to link one cong template to a device. That device automacally inherits all
conguraon sengs of any linked templates.
As an example, the following cong template, junos_configuration.jinja, is a single cong template with several nested
cong templates, such as junos_system.jinja and junos_interfaces.jinja. You only need to link the junos_configuration_jinja
template to device bond-street and all nested cong templates are applied.
In the following image, the junos_system.jinja only renders the system hostname (bond-street) of it's parent template:
Rendering Order
Apstra renders the conguraon according to the order of the cong template.
Property Sets
Property sets are collecons of key-value pairs that you import into Blueprint catalogs to use in Cong Templates and
IBA probes. The use of property sets is oponal, but it provides a valuable capability that allows you to fully
parameterize Cong Templates by separang the persistent sengs of the Cong Template from the actual variables. In
other words, property sets enable a more granular control of the Device Model used to render conguraons arbitrarily
and exibly.
For example, the conguraon of NTP on all devices in the enterprise may be consistent, but with diering me sources
or strata per geography. You can create an NTP cong template using a dierent variable for each geographic locaon.
For example, you can use the property named "ntp".
NOTE: It’s important to use the correct syntax, and remember that key values are case sensive.
In this case you can create the Cong Template with {{ntp}} instead of the IP address of NTP server. This Cong
Template is imported into all Blueprints, but Blueprints running in the East region have the “EAST” property set
imported, and Blueprints running in the West region have the “ WEST” property set imported. Property sets are globally
scoped by default.
Freeform also supports property sets that are assigned to a specic device. This enables you to create specic property
sets and assign them to certain devices. Apstra stores property sets in a graph database where their values can be used
in IBA probes.
The following examples show that you can access property sets via the Device Context tab or the Graph visualizer.
Data Structures in Property Sets
Freeform property sets support advanced data structures that you can use to fulll dierent use cases. Freeform
Property Sets support any of the typical Python data types, including:
Arrays (list of items)
Boolean: True or False
Integers: 1, 2, 3 etc.
Float: 1.2, 3.65, etc.
String: “Hello World”
Diconary: {“asn”: 65432, “lo0”: “”}
You can reference the Property Set globally or assign it to a System in the Blueprint.
In the example above, you can recurse the diconary using the keys and use the keys as values as required:
esxRedTrunk is the link tag name to be used as an interface descripon
99, 100, 101 are the VLAN ID / trunk members & irb.<value> to be assigned
subnet / descripon / gateway are also used to derive meaningful conguraon
Freeform Resources
Understanding Resources in Apstra | 24
Types of Resource Objects | 24
The Importance of Scope, and the Graph | 25
Example Graph Queries | 25
Groups | 25
Group Generators | 25
Understanding Resources in Apstra
Resources are objects/items in Freeform that can be assigned as part of your network design. They can be anything
from IP addresses to a simple integer. Resources can be either stacally dened or allocated from a pool of resources.
You might think of a resource like an object in an IP Address Management (IPAM) system, or a Dynamic Host
Conguraon Protocol (DHCP) scope. In such cases, you dene the scope, and objects are created dynamically within
that scope such that a single object is only used once and then returned to the object pool for re-use. The same
concepts apply to Generated Resources in Apstra Freeform.
Types of Resource Objects
There are several types of resource objects in Freeform:
Allocaon Groups: Dene the type of resource and the pool from which you allocate resources. Resource generators
use these groups to create resources.
Pools: Dened containers of resources that you can allocate. These pools have a specic type associated with them,
such as IP address or ASN.
Local Pools: Objects that are pools but are assigned to a node (system). The pools can only be of type VLAN.
Local Pool Generator: A resource that is generated dynamically from a graph scope but is assigned as a resource to a
system. The pools can only be of type VLAN.
Resource: A single instanaon of an object you want to create and use in your design. An example of a resource
would be a single IPv4 address, such as
Resource Generator: An automaon object consisng of parameters including a graph scope, and a type (IPv4
address, IPv6 address, Integer, ASN). This object generates resources for use in your design. Resource Generators
live in Resource Groups.
Resource Groups: An object that contains resources and resource generators. Resource groups can be used to
organize your environment as it becomes increasingly complex. At least one group must be allocated. Note that
there is a default group called Root, but that group is unusable for resource objects other than Groups.
Group Generators: An object that creates resource groups dynamically based on a dened scope. The group
generator scope is set based on a graph query. This query creates dynamic groups based on the query response.
Every element created under this group inherits this scope.
The Importance of Scope, and the Graph
Resource Generators and Group Generators are both based on a scope. A scope is a query to the graph database that
returns a set of objects. The generator then generates a resource based on the objects that are returned. It’s important
to understand that scopes can use ltering mechanisms - such as idenfying tags and the type of object (link or system)
- to generate resources based on the scope.
Example Graph Queries
All of the internal systems node ('system', system_type='internal', name='target')
All of the links to external systems node ('link', role='external', name='target')
Internal links marked with tag of "fabric" node ('link', role='internal', tag='fabric', name='target')
Apstra uses Groups like folders in order to group together resources and resource generators. A default "Root" is
automacally created. This group is the Group that houses all other groups. You must rst create a Root group in order
to generate resources for other groups. Create a Root group if necessary, create a new group housed within the Root
group, and generate the necessary resources.
Group Generators
Group generators generate groups dynamically in order to assist with the management of resources. These dynamically-
created groups are created based on a graph query scope, as shown previously with the resource generators node
('link', role='internal', name='target'). The upcoming example walks through managing the resources for each system in
your network, including a Loopback IP address and an ASN number for BGP peering. We use a scope graph query to
select all the systems and create a group for each system. This ensures that the Loopback IP and ASN for the specied
system are housed within that system’s group.
Enable Resource Allocaon
This topic outlines the steps required to enable resource allocaon. Follow these steps to allocate resources and their
associated objects. Then, congure these resources in Jinja.
1. Create a resource pool object. To create a resource pool, select the Resources icon on the le side of the page.
You must create a resource pool which acts as a countainer for other resources. The available opons are:
ASN Pools
VNI Pools
Integer Pools
IP Pools
IPv6 Pools
2. Create an Allocaon Group. Allocaon Groups are located within the Blueprint interface under Staged > Resource
Management > Allocaon Groups
An Allocaon Group lets you allocate resources to be used in a resource generator. With Allocaon Groups, you can
group mulple resource pools together in a single enty.
Select one or mulple allocaon groups for detailed informaon like Parameters, and associated Resources and
Resource Generators.
3. Create a Group.
Aer you group resource pools into an allocaon group, you can create a resource Group. Resource Groups contain
resources and resource generators. Note the default "root" group. This group only contains other groups, not pure
4. Create a Stac Resource.
Create a Stac Resource if you want to assign the resource value stacally. Stac Resource values do not change.
Stac Resources enable you to set resources that won't change over me. The following example shows the creaon
of a Stac Resource of type integer, with a value of 190.
5. Create a Resource Generator.
Resource Generators are automaon objects that generate resources like IP addresses and ASN pools for your
network design. Resource Generators reside within Resource Groups. Resource Generators require a graph query
scope that denes how many resources the generator automacally creates.
The following example shows the creaon of a Resource Generator with name asn_generator, of type ASN within the
6. Create a Group Generator.
Group Generators are objects that create Groups based on a dened scope. Groups created by a Group Generator
inherit the scope of the Group Generator. This enables you to create specic Resource Generators within a Group
Generator, which lets you automacally allocate resources and properly group those resources into Groups.
For example, you can create a Group Generator for each internal system in your network. These internal systems
might need a respecve loopback address and an ASN Number. If you create a Group Generator that includes those
Resource Generators, the Group Generator automacally creates the Group for each internal system. The ASN and
loopback addresses are created and organized within those internal Groups.
The following example shows a Group Generator with name system-instance, and a dened scope.
Resources in Jinja
This topic provides informaon about how Jinja uses and
interacts with Apstra Freeform resources. Use Jinja with
Freeform to create, edit, and update custom Cong Templates
in real me.
Examine Resources in Jinja | 32
Use a Resource in Jinja | 33
Use the Built-In Funcon for Resources | 34
Create a Resource Generator | 35
Examine Resources in Jinja
The Cong Template editor features a three-pane interface for interacng with generated resources. Apstra Freeform
utlizes the Jinja code to nd and include designated resources from the resource tree.
Use a Resource in Jinja
Aer you create Resources in the Blueprint, these resources can be accessed via the Device Context.
The following example shows how to use Jinja to include a funcon to get the resource value for a resource called
'ipv4_loopback' inside the resource group structure called 'underlay':
{% set loopback_ipv4 = function.get_resource_value(resources, 'ipv4_loopback', 'underlay') %}
Use the Built-In Funcon for Resources
Apstra includes useful built-in funcons that we recommend you use in Jinja creaon. These funcons are documented
inside the user interface. To access the funcon documentaon, use the built-in editor in Jinja to access the
documentaon page via the UI. The link to the documentaon is the Apstra server UI: hps://<apstra_ip>/stac/
jinja_docs/ for reference.
Create a Resource Generator
Follow these high-level steps to create and use a Resource Generator:
1. Crete a Resourde Pool
2. Create an Allocaon Group
3. Create a Resource Group under the default "root" Group
4. Create a Resource Generator
5. Use Resource in Jinja
Deploy Modes
Freeform Deploy Modes | 36
Freeform Deploy Modes
In typical Data Center Blueprints, you can set the Deploy Mode of systems in Freeform. The available opons are:
However, in Freeform, you can dene the conguraon rendered when a system is in each mode.
You can use the Deploy Mode to condionally render dierent conguraons, such as whether to render roung
protocol sessions or to indicate how parcular route maps would render on a device. For example, if the device was set
to “Drain” it would have specic Jinja to generate a conguraon that removed the dynamic roung protocols.
The Deploy Mode of a system is exposed to the user in the Device Context, referenced in Cong Templates as Jinja
The Deploy Mode of neighboring systems are also available.
Changing the Deploy Mode of a system has no eect on the rendered conguraon if it has not been referenced by the
Cong Template assigned to the system.
An example of how this could be accomplished in a Jinja Cong Template is as follows:
{% if deploy_mode in ['deploy', 'drain'] %}
{% include 'protocols.jinja' %}
{% include 'policy_options.jinja' %}
{% endif %}
In this example, both the protocols.jinja and policy_options.jinja become acve when a given node is in either the ‘deploy’
or ‘drain’ state. The behavior can be modied to suite individual needs.
Commit Check of Device Conguraons
Conguraon Check | 38
Conguraon Check
Apstra provides a funcon to perform a Junos conguraon check for all devices in a Blueprint from a simple user
interface. This cong check funconality is based upon the built-in funconality of Junos; it uses the devices cong
check ulity to check the conguraon before it is commied to see if there are any errors in the conguraon. Cong
check is viewed from the Uncommied area of the Blueprint.
Note that the devices are listed with their Status and Result Validity; you can then perform the “Check All Devices” or
check a single device.
The results are straighorward and can be used before comming the changes to ensure that the cong is properly
Jinja Support in Cong Templates
Using Jinja in Cong Templates | 41
Accessing Values in the Apstra Device Context | 41
Examples of Using Jinja in Cong Templates | 43
Building and Tesng Your Cong Templates with Jinja | 46
Mul-Pane Cong Template Editor | 46
Using Jinja in Cong Templates
As previously menoned, Cong Templates support the use of Jinja template syntax. You can use Jinja2 template
language to interact with the Device Context and Property Sets features. This allows for a high degree of automac
template evaluaon and rendering of the end device conguraon. Using Device Context properes with Jinja syntax
essenally serves to have dynamically-built values for Cong Templates based on the Apstra Single Source of Truth
(SSOT) database.
This is useful for use cases where you want to apply the Cong Template to many switches or interfaces with
parameterized values, or if you want the Cong Template to include dynamic data (such as the switch's own Hostname)
from the Blueprint.
Accessing Values in the Apstra Device Context
There are several dierent ways for you to view all of the key values Apstra stores for each device.
You can select Device Context in either the Staged or Acve topology view by navigang to an internal node. The
Device view displays by default:
You can also interacvely view Device Context while creang a Cong Template:
Finally, you can also access the Device Context via API:
Use the Blueprint UI to access the required data for the API call. Select the device and note the Blueprint ID and node
ID in the URL:
Examples of Using Jinja in Cong Templates
The following example shows a stac secon of a Junos Cong Template. A single Jinja template references a device's
hostname variable, which is replaced by the value stored in the Apstra graph database. The value is passed in when the
template is rendered. This use of Jinja and variables is helpful when creang dynamic data from Apstra.
BGP ASN From Device Context
Similar to the previous example, the following example shows how you can call a key value of a device property. The key
value is stored in the Apstra graph database in order to build conguraons dynamically. Here, the keys bgpService.asn
and bgpService.router_id are replaced by the values stored by Apstra and are passed in when the template is rendered:
router bgp {{ bgpService.asn }}
{{ bgpService.router_id }}
Resulng Rendered Conguraon:
router bgp 64512
Dening Variables for Use in Loops
In some cases, it might be useful to dene and store variables directly in the Cong Template. Apstra refers to these
variables when rendering your conguraon. The following example shows how you can create an access-list using
dened variables.
{% set bgp_filters = {
'flb': {
'in': ('permit', ''),
'out': ('deny', ''),
} %}
{% for types, entries in bgp_filters.items() %}
{% for direction, entry in entries.items() %}
ip prefix-list BGP-vm-{{ direction }}-filter seq 1000 {{ entry.0 }} {{ entry.1 }}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
Resulng Rendered Conguraon
ip prefix-list BGP-vm-in-filter seq 1000 permit
ip prefix-list BGP-vm-out-filter seq 1000 deny
Property Sets and Jinja Loops
You can also use Jinja to loop over and evaluate a data model from a Property Set containing a list of elements. Consider
the following Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) conguraon example. Note that you can combine values
in a Property Set with a Jinja for loop to render a nal conguraon with mulple dynamic lines of cong.
ip access-list SNMP_RO
{% for server in snmp_servers.split(',') %}
permit ip host {{server}} any
{% if loop.last %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
snmp-server source-interface traps loopback 0
snmp-server community tempPassword group network-operator
snmp-server community tempPassword use-ipv4acl SNMP_RO
{% for server in snmp_servers.split(',') %}
snmp-server host {{server}} traps version 2c mypass
{% endfor %}
Property Set:
Resulng Rendered Conguraon
ip access-list standard SNMP_RO
permit host
permit host
snmp-server source-interface loopback 0
snmp-server community tempPassword view mysystem ro SNMP_RO
snmp-server enable traps snmp authentication
snmp-server host traps version 2c mypass
snmp-server host traps version 2c mypass
Building and Tesng Your Cong Templates with Jinja
Freeform also oers a mul-pane Cong Template editor. This innovave feature funcons similarly to an Integrated
Development Environment (IDE) for building and eding Cong Templates in real me.
Mul-Pane Cong Template Editor
Template Text Pane
As the name suggests, the mul-pane Cong Template Editor features several eding windows. The main window is the
Template Text
area, where you build the Cong Template. This
Template Text
area supports syntax highlighng,
autocomplete, and error nocaon.
Preview Pane
The next window is a
pane which processes any included Jinja syntax and renders the nal Cong Template
compilaon. This allows you to view the nal processed conguraon in real-me. You have a choice of viewing the
complete cong or the incremental cong.
Device Context Pane
Lastly, a
Device Context
pane provides you with all of the graph properes Apstra has available for the selected device.
This lets you quickly see and search for values you can use in your Cong Templates for dynamic variable substuon.
: In order for the preview pane to successfully show the rendered cong from your Jinja template, you
must have the Jinja template loaded and aached to the device you are tesng it against.
Telemetry and IBA
Acve Anomaly Detecon and Reporng | 48
Acve Anomaly Detecon and Reporng
Freeform oers constant, automated monitoring of key aspects of the acvely deployed system in the network.
Freeform monitors aspects - or anomalies - such as trac anomalies, interface anomalies, and deviaons between the
congs and the deployed network. Anomalies are dynamically evaluated as your network runs and operates from day-
Monitored anomalies include the following categories:
Neighbors: The list of neighbors connected to the device via the Graph
Anomalies: Summary of any anomalies found on the device
Cong: Any cong deviaons or problems
Interface: Interface-focused anomalies (up/down etc.)
LLDP: Anomalies focused on LLDP data to make sure it matches intent
LAG: Anomalies in LAG groups and any issues
Hostname: Any issues in the hostname
Counters: List of counters for all interfaces and other informaon
Pung It All Together
Introducon | 49
Use Case 1: Small Version of London Tube (CloudLabs Topology) | 49
Rendered Conguraons for Use Case 1 | 50
Cong Templates | 52
Use Case 2: Tags and Property Sets to Drive Day-2 Conguraon | 56
Use Case 3: Advanced Example Using Centrally Routed Bridging (CloudLabs Topology) | 63
Summary | 67
The following use cases are examples of dierent network designs that ulize dierent methods and techniques of the
Apstra Freeform features we’ve discussed. These examples are meant to help you beer understand how the features
of Apstra and Freeform are used to address various networking use cases.
Use Case 1: Small Version of London Tube (CloudLabs
This use case uses a small version of the London underground system as a map to design a network topology from
arbitrary switches. The concept here is to create a simple network design using Jinja templates, and a Property Set. This
use case demonstrates how you can create a complete network design using straighorward Jinja templang and
Property Sets.
This use case is available as a hands-on lab using Juniper Apstra Cloudlabs (see the related links secon at the end of
this arcle for more informaon about CloudLabs). A GitHub repository includes the Jinja les and JSON Property Sets
you can reference, contribute to, or even fork.
The following image shows the topology of the environment for this use case.
In the following image, note that all system links show tags and IP addresses assigned via the topology editor/API:
Rendered Conguraons for Use Case 1
The following examples are rendered conguraons for the Bond-Street device in the topology.
The Interfaces Code Block:
interfaces {
replace: xe-0/0/0 {
unit 0 {
interfaces {
replace: xe-0/0/0 {
unit 0 {
description "facing_oxford-circus:xe-0/0/1";
family inet {
replace: xe-0/0/1 {
unit 0 {
description "facing_green-park:xe-0/0/1";
family inet {
replace: lo0 {
unit 0 {
family inet {
The Policy-Opons Code Block:
policy-options {
policy-statement send-direct {
term 1 {
from protocol direct;
then accept;
policy-statement add-med-110 {
from {
route-filter longer;
then {
metric add 110;
then {
policy-statement add-med-177 {
from {
route-filter longer;
then {
metric add 177;
then {
The Protocols Code Block:
protocols {
lldp {
port-id-subtype interface-name;
port-description-type interface-description;
neighbour-port-info-display port-id;
interface all;
replace: rstp {
bridge-priority 0;
bgp {
group external-peers {
type external;
export send-direct;
neighbor {
peer-as 22;
export add-med-110;
neighbor {
peer-as 86;
export add-med-177;
routing-options {
autonomous-system 47;
Cong Templates
The following are example Cong Templates for Use Case 1.
Cong Template system.jinja.
system {
host-name {{hostname}};
This is the main.jinja cong template. This template is the system.jinja template that uses the builn “hostname” variable
from the Device Context to set the system host-name.
Cong Template interfaces.jinja.
{% set this_router=hostname %}
interfaces {
{% for interface_name, iface in interfaces.iteritems() %}
replace: {{ interface_name }} {
unit 0 {
description "{{iface['description']}}";
family inet {
address {{iface['ipv4_address']}}/{{iface['ipv4_prefixlen']}};
{% endfor %}
replace: lo0 {
unit 0 {
family inet {
address {{ property_sets.data[this_router]['loopback'] }}/32;
Note the following:
{% set this_router=hostname %}: Sets the variable this_router=hostname.
{% for interface_name, iface in interfaces.iteritems() %}: A for loop that walks through the interfaces and inserts the
proper interface stanza syntax for Junos. This includes the descripon of the interface and the family inet address
and prex length from the device context. You can populate these values via the Links view in the Topology Editor.
replace: lo0 { unit 0 { family inet { address {{ property_sets.data[this_router]['loopback'] }}/32; } }: This code inserts the
property_set data for this router’s loopback address into the loopback stanza.
Cong Template protocols.jinja.
{% set this_router=hostname %}
policy-options {
policy-statement send-direct {
term 1 {
from protocol direct;
then accept;
{% for interface_name, iface in interfaces.iteritems() %}
{% set link_med = iface.link_tags[0] %}
this may create multiple identical policy-statements, but JunOS is smart enough
to squash them.
policy-statement add-med-{{ link_med }} {
from {
route-filter longer;
then {
metric add {{ link_med }};
then {
{% endfor %}
protocols {
lldp {
port-id-subtype interface-name;
port-description-type interface-description;
neighbour-port-info-display port-id;
interface all;
replace: rstp {
bridge-priority 0;
bgp {
group external-peers {
type external;
export send-direct;
{% for interface_name, iface in interfaces.iteritems() %}
neighbor {{ iface.neighbor_interface.ipv4_address }} {
{% set peer_hostname=iface.neighbor_interface.system_hostname %}
peer-as {{ property_sets.data[peer_hostname]['asn'] }};
export add-med-{{ iface.link_tags[0] }};
{% endfor %}
routing-options {
autonomous-system {{ property_sets.data[this_router]['asn'] }};
Note the following:
{% set this_router=hostname %}: Sets the variable this_router = hostname from the device context.
policy-statement send-direct { term 1 { from protocol direct; then accept; }: Sets a policy-options stanza to send to all
directly-aached routes.
{% set link_med = iface.link_tags[0] %}: Sets the variable link_med to the tag associated with the interface via the
The lldp secon under protocols sets the Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) parameters.
The rstp secon under protocols sets the Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP) parameters.
group external-peers { under bgp: Group external-peers.
type external;: Sets the type (eBGP) of external policy.
export send-direct;: Export policy of send-direct.
{% for interface_name, iface in interfaces.iteritems() %}: Walk the interface tree and insert neighbors for any neighbor
that has an IPv4 address.
neighbor {{ iface.neighbor_interface.ipv4_address }}: Set the peer_hostname variable to the neighbor interfaces hostname.
{% set peer_hostname=iface.neighbor_interface.system_hostname %} : Grab the peer from the property_sets data "asn".
peer-as {{ property_sets.data[peer_hostname]['asn'] }}; export add-med-{{ iface.link_tags[0] }};: Peer-as stanza is set with an
export policy of add-med- tags.
routing-options { autonomous-system {{ property_sets.data[this_router]['asn'] }};}: Set the routing-options stanza with the
autonomous system from the Property Set's "asn" value.
Rendered Property Set
"bond-street": {
"asn": 47,
"loopback": ""
"green-park": {
"asn": 86,
"loopback": ""
"tottenham-court-road": {
"asn": 48,
"loopback": ""
"leicester-square": {
"asn": 137,
"loopback": ""
"piccadilly-circus": {
"asn": 23,
"loopback": ""
"oxford-circus": {
"asn": 22,
"loopback": ""
This straighorward Property Set is represented as a list of diconaries that include the following:
The name of the system (Underground staon) is the key. For example, "bond-street".
ASN which is the autonomous system number BGP peering. For example, "asn": 47.
Loopback which is the loopback address of the system, staon to peer with. For example, "loopback": "".
Use Case 2: Tags and Property Sets to Drive Day-2
The small topology shown below has been constructed in the Freeform topology editor. It has three switches and two
external systems, named ESXi-1 & ESXi-2. The links facing the two hosts are tagged with esxBlueTrunk and esxRedTrunk,
respecvely. This use case demonstrates how you can use Freeform to dynamically build the switch trunk facing the
ESXi hosts, determined by the entries in the Property Set and the tags assigned in the Topology.
The role of the tag in this instance is to indicate where the trunk should be congured/created. In this instance, the
Property Set's role is to hold the relevant data required to congure the trunk members, the VLANs, and the IRBs.
This use case exemplies the benets of ulizing a carefully craed Conguraon Template (Jinja2), Tags, and Property
Sets, to build conguraons without the need to re-cra the Cong Template. As new tags are assigned to the topology
or new VNs are assigned to the Property Set, the associated cong is dynamically built for these trunks.
End-State Conguraon
For the interface tagged with esxBlueTrunk, the nal Junos conguraon will include:
The Interfaces Block
interfaces {
ae2 {
description esxBlueTrunk
unit 0 {
family ethernet-switching {
interface-mode trunk
vlan {
members [
The IRB Block
irb {
unit 99 {
family inet {
mtu 9000;
unit 100 {
family inet {
mtu 9000;
unit 101 {
family inet {
mtu 9000;
The VLAN Block
vlans {
vn99 {
vlan-id 99;
description vMotionVN-99;
l3-interface irb.99;
vn100 {
vlan-id 100;
description storageVN-100;
l3-interface irb.100;
vn101 {
vlan-id 101;
description mgmtVN-101;
l3-interface irb.101;
esx Property Set
The following Property Set includes the necessary details required to build the Junos Trunk cong:
Table 1: esxTrunk Property Set
esxTrunk Property Set Descripon
"esxRedtrunk": {
"200": {
"subnet": "",
"description": "going nowhere",
"gateway": ""
"201": {
"subnet": "",
"description": "going somewhere",
"gateway": ""
"esxBlueTrunk": {
"99": {
"subnet": "",
"description": "vMotionVN",
"gateway": ""
"100": {
"subnet": "",
"description": "storageVN",
"gateway": ""
"101": {
"subnet": "",
"description": "mgmtVN",
"gateway": ""
"esxPinkTrunk": {
"88": {
"subnet": "",
"description": "vMotionVN",
"gateway": ""
"89": {
"subnet": "",
"description": "storageVN",
"gateway": ""
"90": {
"subnet": "",
"description": "mgmtVN",
The esxTrunk Property Set (to the le) has been constructed as a diconary of
diconaries for good reason: to enable recursive lookup. The esxBlueTrunk
diconary has been expanded to show values 99, 100, 101 which in this instance
are used as both VLAN IDs, and as a key to the diconary below it. The diconaries
below provide key : value pairs for the subnet, the gateway, and the descripon. In
this example, the subnet is not required and exists purely for reference.
With the data organized in this way, the Cong Template has been designed to
recurse through two data structures to search for matching tags:
1. The esxTrunk Property Set
2. The topology from the topology editor
When the tag in both data sets match, the Cong Template produces the desired
By cross-referencing the Property Set to the le with the Junos conguraon
outputs in the End-State Conguraons secon, you can see that:
The values esx[Red | Blue | Pink]Trunk, are used as the tags to match, as we
walk through both datasets.
The values 99, 100, 101 are used as the VLAN IDs
The gateway is used as the IRB address
The descripon is used to overwrite the original interface descripon (as
Both the esx(Red / Pink)Trunk, hold similar informaon as the esxBlueTrunk
To enable ecient recursive walking of both the Property Set to the le and the
tags assigned to the links in the topology, the tags have been purposely assigned
the same values
Table 1: esxTrunk Property Set
esxTrunk Property Set Descripon
"gateway": ""
This esxTrunk Property Set has been constructed as a diconary of diconaries for good reason: to enable recursive
lookup. The esxBlueTrunk diconary has been expanded to show values 99, 100, 101 which in this instance, are used as
both VLAN IDs, and as a key to the diconary below it. The diconaries below provide key : value pairs for the subnet,
the gateway, and the descripon. In this example, the subnet is not required and exists purely for reference.
With the data organized in this way, the Cong Template has been designed to recurse through two data structures to
search for matching tags:
The esxTrunk Property Set
The topology from the topology editor
When the tag in both data sets match, the Cong Template produces the desired conguraon.
By cross-referencing the Property Set with the Junos conguraon output above, you can see that:
The values esx[Red | Blue | Pink]Trunk, are used as the tags to match, as we walk through both datasets.
The values 99, 100, 101 are used as the VLAN IDs
The gateway is used as the IRB address
The descripon is used to overwrite the original interface descripon (as required)
Both the esx(Red / Pink)Trunk, hold similar informaon as the esxBlueTrunk.
To enable ecient recursive walking of both the Property Set and the tags assigned to the links in the topology, the tags
have been purposely assigned the same values
Jinja2 Base Cong Template State Machine
The Cong Template esxTunks.jinja ow is described below.
Jinja2 Base Cong Template
The following Jinja2-based Cong Template ulizes both the assigned tag and the Property Set to build the required
Cong Template Descripons
{% set Rendered_VNs = {} %}
{% for ps_tag in property_sets.esxTrunk %}
{% for interface_name, iface in interfaces.iteritems() %}
{% if ((iface.link_tags) and (ps_tag in iface.link_tags)) %}
interfaces {
{{interface_name}} {
description {{ ps_tag }}
unit 0 {
family ethernet-switching {
interface-mode trunk
vlan {
members [
{% for vlan_id in property_sets.esxTrunk[ps_tag] %}
{% set _ = Rendered_VNs.update({vlan_id: ps_tag}) %}
vn{{ vlan_id }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
irb {
{% for vn in Rendered_VNs %}
{% set tag = Rendered_VNs[vn] %}
unit {{ vn }} {
family inet {
mtu 9000;
address {{ property_sets.esxTrunk[tag][vn]['gateway'] }};
{% endfor %}
vlans {
{% for vn in Rendered_VNs|unique %}
A global diconary to store VNs to render
Start by traversing the esxTrunk Property Set
shown above. The rst value retrieved, and
stored in the variable ps_tag (Property Set tag)
is one of the strings:
Now traverse or ‘iterate’ through the interfaces
in the topology
If an interface link_tag exists and the ps_tag is
in the list of interface link tags, the condion
has been met where trunk conguraon will be
Start outpung the interfaces block
Output the interface_name where ps_tag
equals the interface link tag
Oponally assign a descripon, although
Freeform will have already assigned this
descripon from the topology
Set the Unit number and associated cong to
describe the trunk
Set the trunk member
Traverse the esxTrunk Property Set using the
ps_tag to retrieve the VLAN IDs
Enter each VLAN ID in the diconary declared
at line 1for later use
Output the vn VLAN ID detailed in the
esxTrunk Property Set
End the for loop when there are no more
entries in the esxTrunk Property Set
End the if statement above
Cong Template Descripons
{% set tag = Rendered_VNs[vn] %}
vn{{ vn }} {
vlan-id {{ vn }};
description {{ property_sets.esxTrunk[tag][vn]['description'] }}-
{{ vn }};
l3-interface irb.{{ vn }};
{% endfor %}
End the for statement above
End the for statement above
Start outpung the irb block
Traverse the Rendered_VNs diconary
For readability, set the variable tag to the tag
stored in the diconary
Set the unit number using the vlan_id
Set the gateway address stored in the esxTrunk
PropertySet using the tag, vn and the key
‘gateway’ to access the stored string
End the for statement above
Start outpung the vlans block
As per the irb block above, traverse the
Rendered_VNs diconary,
For readability, set the variable tag to the tag
stored in the diconary
Set the vn number
Set the vlan_id ID
Set the descripon as required
Set the layer3 irb number
End the for statement above
Use Case 3: Advanced Example Using Centrally Routed
Bridging (CloudLabs Topology)
This use case is a complete CRB example that was wrien by Apstra Engineering. This example is built completely with
stac Jinja templates, and all of the data is in Property Sets for the network and devices. This allows the users of this
CRB example to operate, expand, and change the network just by eding Property Sets and allowing you not to touch
the underlying Jinja templates. This use case aims to give you an example of the art of the possible and demonstrate the
exibility and power of the Freeform feature. All the conguraon templates, property sets, and Jinja templates and
funcons have embedded documentaon to help you understand the use and funcon.
This use case is available to you as a fully deployed hands-on sandbox using Juniper Apstra Cloudlabs. There is also a
GitHub repository that includes all the same les. You can use this as an example of performing certain funcons to
make your own advanced Cong Templates for your use case.
The Advanced CRB templates are modular in nature and start at a root level and then include others. Below is a diagram
of how the rendered conguraon is developed based on the dierent Jinja templates.
Note that Property Sets are available to any Jinja Cong Templates and act as global variables.
The Advanced CRB example is useful to understand how far you can take using jinja and property sets in your
design.Instead of including all of the Cong Templates and Property Sets here we will just outline a few examples and
discuss them in detail to explain the key takeaways.
First, it is important to understand that the crb_root.jinja includes another whole set of jinja which is called
junos_configuration.jinja and this is included with the Freeform standard distribuon.
In this use case, we use the following Property Set, called routing_instances.json:
Note that there are two diconaries and inside, they have the systems listed that they apply to, so from this we can use
the following Jinja to check if the system name matches the property set.
The Jinja for crb_policy_options.jinja is primarily stac as it is the same for most devices but if the device is a spine we
need to provide external connecvity, so we need to add some more info to that secon of the conguraon. The if
statement below checks if the systems value contains the hostname of the device, and if it does, then it adds the
external policy and route lters.
Next, lets take a look at crb_routing_instances.jinja it uses a complex Jinja “for” loop that looks up values for all IRB
interfaces that are bound to the system selected and renders the interfaces irb.x. The code is documented clearly and
shows the power of the “.” (dot) notaon in Jinja with the 'systems.%s.ipv4_address' use. First, let’s examine the vlan “20” in
the Property Set vlans.json.
The %s syntax is a string represenng selectattr ('systems.%s.ipv4_address' % hostname) where hostname is the name of
the system. So, this line basically returns the key 20 in this example:
The complete set of Cong Templates and Property Sets are available on the GitHub Repository referenced in the
Related Informaon secon. Most of the Cong Templates are self-documented, so you can easily review the code and
learn as you go. Please use these examples of performing certain funcons to make your own advanced Cong
Templates for your desired use case.
Apstra’s Data Center Reference Design is designed to be a plug-and-play soluon, automang what goes on “under the
hood” so that Day-0 through Day-2 operaons are simplied and ecient. Somemes however, our customers need a
customized reference design for their Data Center fabric. Freeform is designed to meet those custom needs, providing
you with the tools to specify your own reference design while sll leveraging many of Apstra’s Intent-Based Analycs
This arcle takes the reader from the basic constructs Freeform uses – Tags, Device Contexts, Property Sets, and Cong
Templates – to creang a straighorward Freeform Blueprint, to a number of advanced case studies.
For documentaon about eding Jinja docs, see hps://<apstra_ip>/stac/jinja_docs/ .
Jinja2 Tutorial with Cisco syntax
Jinja Template Designer Documentaon (current supported version is 2.10.x)
Device Proles documentaon in the Juniper Apstra Guide
Juniper CloudLabs
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