732 North Capitol Street, NW, Washington, DC 20401-0001 www.gpo.gov | facebook.com/USGPO | twitter.com/usgpo
Keeping America Informed OFFICIAL | DIGITAL | SECURE
Frequently Asked Invoice Questions for Printing and Related Services Orders
Procured Commercially through the U.S. GOVERNMENT PUBLISHING OFFICE
1. May I include sales tax on my GPO invoice?
2. How should invoices be prepared and submitted for payment?
3. Is facsimile the only way I can submit invoices and supporting documents for payment?
4. How do I submit additional supporting documents or an amended invoice?
5. What is the normal payment cycle for invoices submitted to the GPO?
6. Who should I contact to get the payment status of my invoice?
7. Will someone contact me if there is a problem with my invoice submission?
8. Payment has been received, however I received a different amount than was expected.
Who do I contact for more information?
1. May I include sales tax on my GPO invoice?
No. As a Federal Agency, the Government Publishing Office is exempt from sales tax. For a copy of GPO’s tax
exemption letter and W-9, please click here.
2. How should invoices be prepared and submitted for payment?
Information on how to prepare and submit invoices for payment can be found in GPO’s Getting Paid Quickly
guide. https://www.gpo.gov/vendors/payment.htm
3. Is facsimile the only way I can submit invoices and supporting documents
for payment?
Submitting invoices for payment via the GPO fax gateway (if no samples are required) utilizing the GPO
barcode coversheet program application is the most efficient method of invoicing. Instruction for using this
method can be found at the following web address:
Invoices may also be mailed to: U.S. Government Publishing Office, Office of Financial Management,
Attn: Comptroller, Stop: FMCE, Washington, DC 20401.
For more information about the billing process, refer to Vendors – General Information:
4. How do I submit additional supporting documents or an amended invoice?
Revised invoices including all supporting documents, or additional supporting documentation omitted from a
previously submitted invoice should be re-submitted as a new full and complete invoice package via facsimile
using the original bar code cover sheet as outlined in the GPO Billing Instructions GPO Publication 300.3:
Barcode Instructions document found here:
732 North Capitol Street, NW, Washington, DC 20401-0001 www.gpo.gov | facebook.com/USGPO | twitter.com/usgpo
Keeping America Informed OFFICIAL | DIGITAL | SECURE
5. What is the normal payment cycle for invoices submitted to the GPO?
The normal terms for payments made to Contractors is “Net 30” after receipt of a properly completed invoice.
If a prompt payment discount is offered that exceeds the U.S. Department of Treasury’s borrowing rate
aspx?data=yield), the contractor payment may be expedited. This expedited time frame is at the discretion of
GPO to take advantage of occasional “special” discounts offered by contractors.
6. Who should I contact to get the payment status of my invoice?
Inquiries on the status of payments should be sent to [email protected]. Please allow up to three
business days for a response. Telephone calls on 202.512.0869 may also be received during our normal
business hours of 8:00 am – 4:30 pm Eastern Time.
7. Will someone contact me if there is a problem with my invoice submission?
Every attempt will be made to notify contractors of problems related to invoice submission which could
include illegible, missing, or incorrect information. However, it is the contractor’s responsibility to prepare and
submit complete invoice packages with all required supporting documents according to the GPO Billing
To access the GPO Billing Instructions and Barcode Coversheet please click here:
8. Payment has been received, however I received a different amount than was
expected. Who do I contact for more information?
Inquiries or payment related questions should be sent to [email protected]. Please allow up to three
business days for a response. Telephone calls on 202.512.0869 may also be received during our normal
business hours of 8:00 am – 4:30 pm Eastern Time.