In the Matter of Bryan Kopsic, Correction Officer Recruit (S 9999K),
Departm ent of Corrections
CSC Docket No. 2011-4314
(Civil Service Commission, decided September 7, 2011)
Bryan Kopsic appeals the attached decision of the Division of State and Local
Operations (SLO), which upheld the removal of his name from the Correction
Officer Recruit (S9999K), Department of Corrections, eligible list due to his
falsification of his employment application.
The appellant appeared on the Correction Officer Recruit (S9999K) eligible
list, which was certified to the appointing authority on J anuary 12, 2009. The
appoin t ing a u t h or ity r equested the r em ova l of the a ppella n t s n a me ba sed on his
falsification of his employment application. Specifically, the appointing authority
asserted that the appellant failed to disclose an arrest for fighting on J uly 6, 1986.
In support, the appointing authority enclosed a charge disposition inquiry which
indicated that the appellant pled guilty to Point Pleasant Beach Fighting and
Assault Ordinance 3-29 and was fined $254 plus costs for a total of $275.
in response t o Qu est ion 43 on h is em ployment application, Have you ever been
arrested, indicted, charged with or convicted of a criminal or disorderly persons
offen se in t h is St at e or any ot h er ju r isdiction?” the a ppella n t a n sw ered No.”
On appeal to SLO, the appellant stated that he did not commit the offense as
he would have been only two years old at the time of the offense. He submitted his
birth certificate showing his birth date in support of his contention. However, SLO
found that the appointing authority had sufficiently supported and documented its
decision t o r em ove t h e a ppella n t s n a m e from t h e eligible list.
On appeal to the Civil Service Commission (Commission), the appellant
alleges that he was improperly removed from the eligible list for an arrest that
never occurred. He reiterates that no such incident occurred when he was two
years old. He also submits the results from a search of the Master Fingerprint File
of the New J ersey State Police, Identification and Information Technology Section,
dated April 19, 2011, which did not reveal any criminal record.
In response, the appointing authority reiterates its position and asserts that
an eligible may be denied appointment for other sufficient reasons. The appointing
authority contends that it is imperative that appointed candidates exhibit respect
A review of the record indicates that the appointing authority sent a corrected letter indicating that
the actual date of arrest was July 6, 2006. While the appointing authority issued the corrected
letter, it does not appear that the appellant received it.
Specifically, th e ordin an ce sta t es Figh tin g is h er eby pr ohibit ed wit hin th e Bor ough of Point
Pleasant Beach, Ocean County. Fighting shall be defin ed as quarreling, brawling or otherwise
misbeh avin g in a disorder ly m an ner a s t o dist ur b t he pu blic pea ce in a public pla ce.
for the law to ensure effective management of the day-to-day operations of a prison
system a n d t h a t the appellant s a ct ions are in cont ra dict ion to t hat expectation .
It is noted tha t a r eview of t h e a ppella n t s a pplica t ion indica t es t h a t he
answer ed Yes in respon se t o Qu est ion 51 wh ich rea ds, Have you ever been
arrested or charged with a violation of the Disorderly Persons Offense Act, City or
Loca l Ordina n ce?” The appellant disclosed that he was arrested in J une 2006 by a
Poin t P lea sant Bea ch Police Officer a nd r eceived a m isbehaving t icket for
reenacting a movie role. He was found guilty and paid a fine and costs totaling
Further, it is noted that the Correction Officer Recruit (S9999K) list expired
on J une 9, 2011.
N.J.A.C. 4A:4-4.7(a)1, in conjunction with N .J .A.C. 4A:4-6.1(a)6, allows the
Commission to r em ove a n eligibles n a m e from a n eligible list when h e or she h a s
made a false statement of any material fact or attempted any deception or fraud in
any part of the selection or appointment process. Moreover, N.J .A.C. 4A:4-4.7(a)1,
in conjunction with N.J.A.C. 4A:4-6.1(a)9, allows the Commission to remove an
eligibles n a me from a n eligible list for other sufficient reasons. Removal for other
sufficient reasons includes, but is not limited to, a consideration that based on a
candidat es ba ckgrou n d a nd r ecognizin g t h e n a t u r e of t h e posit ion a t issu e, a person
should not be eligible for an appointment. In this regard, it is recognized that a
Correction Officer is a law enforcement employee who must help keep order in the
prisons and promote adherence to the law. Correction Officers, like municipal
Police Officers, hold highly visible and sensitive positions within the community
and the standard for an applicant includes good character and an image of utmost
confidence and trust. S ee Moorestown v. Arm strong, 89 N.J . S uper. 560 (App. Div.
1965), cert. denied, 47 N .J . 80 (1966); S ee also, In re Phillips, 117 N.J. 567 (1990).
The public expects Correction Officers to present a background that exhibits respect
for the law and rules. Finally, N.J .A.C. 4A:4-6.3(b), in conjunction with N.J .A.C.
4A:4-4.7(d), provides that the appellant has the burden of proof to show by a
pr epon derance of t he evidence t h a t a n a ppoin t in g a uthorit ys decision t o remove h is
or her name from an eligible list was in error.
In the instant matter, the appellant is alleging that his name should be
restored to the eligible list because he did not falsify his employment application.
Init ia lly, t h e appointin g a u t horit y erroneously list ed t he da t e of t h e appella n t s
arrest for fighting as July 6, 1986 instead of the actual date of J uly 6, 2006. While
it does not appear that the appellant was aware of this error and his arguments on
appeal focus on the date of the offense and his age at that time, he also presents
evidence that he has no criminal record. However, the error would not be clear to
the appellant since he did reveal the 2006 arrest on his employment application.
Specifica lly, t h e appellant a n swered Yes t o Quest ion 51 which a sked if h e ha d
ever been a rrested or ch a r ged with a viola tion of the Disorder ly Person s Offen se
Act, Cit y or Loca l Ordina n ce. In explan ation, he stated that he received a
misbehavin g t icket for reen a ctin g a movie r ole. H e a lso det a iled the dat e, location
and disposition on the offense in the box below the question on his employment
application. The evidence submitted by the appointing authority reveals that the
appellant was arrested for violating Point Pleasant Beach Ordinance 3-29 for
Fightin g, pled guilty and wa s ordered t o pa y a t otal fine of $275, a ll of which
ma t ch the a ppella n t s descr iption on h is em ploymen t applica tion. It is clear that
the appellant did not falsify his employment application with regard to the
disclosure of the 2006 arrest. Accordingly, the appellant has shown by the
preponderance of the evidence that his name should be restored to the Correction
Officer Recruit (S9999K), Department of Corrections, eligible list.
Therefore, it is ordered that this appeal be granted and the list for Correction
Officer Recruit (S9999K), Depa rtment of Cor rect ions be revived a nd the a ppella nts
name certified at the time of the next certification for prospective employment
opportunities only.
This is the final administrative determination in this matter. Any further
review should be pursued in a judicial forum.