O'Scanlon Introduces Bill to Reduce Vehicle Registration
Author : Sivel
Categories : Senator Declan O'Scanlon
Date : 17-07-2023
Senator Declan O'Scanlon introduced legislation that would permit New Jersey drivers to renew
their vehicle’s registration for more than one year to reduce vehicle registration violations.
Sen. Declan O'Scanlon introduced legislation that would permit New Jersey drivers to renew
their vehicle’s registration for more than one year to reduce vehicle registration violations.
"Responsible New Jersey drivers should have the flexibility to renew their vehicle registration for
more than one year if they are driving the same car. Every time a renewal is required it opens
drivers up to complications. If a notice or response get lost in the mail, or if someone simply
forgets to renew their registration, drivers can face costly tickets or even the prospect of having
their vehicle towed," said O'Scanlon (R-13). "Giving drivers the option to extend their renewal
for more than one year will help avoid the financial repercussions of unintentional lapses in
registration as well as alleviate the administrative cost and burden on the MVC of processing
yearly renewals. This legislation would give New Jersey drivers the ability to extend their
vehicle's registration up to ten years."
Currently, after the initial multi-year new car registration period, New Jersey residents must
renew their vehicle's registration yearly with the NJ Motor Vehicle Commission. If someone is
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pulled over for a registration violation they may have to pay a fine to renew their registration and
may even have their car impounded by the police.
Senator O'Scanlon's bill, S-4078, would allow New Jersey drivers to extend their vehicle's
registration for as many years as they like up to ten years. They would pay the then-current
registration fee for all years up front. Drivers could transfer remaining years to another car if
they sell the one registered.
"Registering your car in New Jersey should be convenient. At this point, if you intend to have
your car for multiple years you should be able to pay an outright fee that extends your vehicle's
registration for that amount of time up to ten years," O'Scanlon added. "This bill would protect
drivers by reducing the likelihood that they'll be pulled over and penalized for a registration
violation, which will save New Jerseyans time, hassle and money in the long run, and save the
MVC money as well. It’s a win-win, let’s get this done!”
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