Implementing Order
Implementing Order No.: 7-33
Ordered: 9/20/22
Effective: 10/1/22
Sections 1.01 and 2.02A of the Miami-Dade County Home Rule Amendment and Charter and
Section 2-56 of the Code of Miami-Dade County.
This Implementing Order supersedes previous Implementing Order 7-33 ordered September 17,
2020 and effective October 1, 2020.
Section 2-56.1 through 2-56.10 of the Miami-Dade County Code allows for the assignment of off-
duty County personnel to provide fire services. It is the policy of Miami-Dade County that the rates
to be charged for such services shall be adequate to compensate off-duty County employees for
their services, and also to enable the County to recover the fringe benefit and administrative costs
associated with these assignments.
Fire Protection and Rescue Watch
The following hourly rates will be paid to employees:
Classification Employee Rate of Pay
Fire Fighter $56/hour
Fire Lieutenant $58/hour
Fire Captain $60/hour
Chief Fire Officer $62/hour
These rates shall be adjusted once every two fiscal years to keep pace with the Consumer Price
Index All (CPIU) for Miami/Fort Lauderdale rate of inflation. Adjustment shall be the sum of the
actual two previous fiscal years’ CPI-U Miami-Fort Lauderdale rates rounded to the nearest Dollar
Should the permittee agree to a higher rate, the off-duty employee who works the off-duty
assignment will receive the higher rate.
All employees who work extra duty services assignments at Hard Rock Stadium and Homestead
Motor Speedway:
(1) with an attendance of 40,000 or more patrons shall be paid at $3.00 per hour above
the normal rate of pay.; and
(2) for the following events:
NFL: AFC Championship, Super Bowl, Pro-Bowl
MLB: NLCS, World Series, All Star Games, Word Baseball Classic
College Football:
National Championship, National Playoff, National Bowl Game,
Orange Bowl
Rolling Loud
Shall be paid $79.00 per hour, and Chief Fire Officers will be compensated at $81.00
The permittee contracting for off-duty services pays the employee rate plus the prevailing rates
for social security (FICA and MICA), special risk retirement, and an administrative surcharge of
10 percent to defray the costs of processing and recording off-duty services. The surcharge may
be waived at the discretion of the County.
Total Charge to Permittee:
The total charge to the permittee consists of the sum of the three charges set forth above
(employee rate of pay, social security and retirement benefits, and surcharge). The total charge
shall be assessed for each quarter hour of services provided.
Minimum Charge:
The minimum charges for off-duty services shall be the amount applicable for three (3) hours of
Time of Service:
Hourly charges for off-duty services will be calculated from the starting time and location agreed
upon by the permittee and the department issuing the permit, through the time of completion of
the required services, exclusive of travel time required for the employee to report for their
assignment, and exclusive of travel time from the location associated with the completion of
services to subsequent personal or other official destination of the employee.
Utilization of Vehicles:
The following rates will be paid by the permittee to cover equipment costs:
Equipment Type Rate
Rescue Cart $45/hour
Rescue Vehicle $100/hour
Engine $145/hour
Quick Response Vehicle/Mini Pumper $105/hour
Ladder $180/hour
Mobile Command $110/hour
Fire Boat $350/hour
Personal Watercraft $35/hour
Additional costs shall be charged for use of equipment or vehicles not listed above, in connection
with off-duty assignments. The charge for (1) such vehicles shall be at the rate of $40.00 per
hour or $0.63 per mile, whichever is greater; and (2) special equipment, such as boats, aircraft or
fire apparatuses is involved, the department may base the charge for use on known operating
costs or upon prevailing private sector rates for usage of such equipment. These rates shall be
charged for each quarter hour the equipment is used. Homestead Miami Speedway, the Miami-
Dade County Fair and Exposition Center, and Hard Rock Stadium will be charged three (3) hours
per piece of equipment used at NASCAR races, the Annual Fair, and Dolphin games, in exchange
for free equipment storage on the premises.
Collection of Fees and Payment to Employees:
The department shall be responsible for providing permittees with information as to the current
applicable fringe benefit rates and other charges, and for collecting all monies due from the
permittee in accordance with departmental procedures. Accounts thirty (30) days in arrears may
be subject to finance charges up to the maximum legal rate. In no instance shall the employee(s)
performing the service be required to receive or required to assist in the collection of any monies
due to the department from the permittee. Employees performing off-duty services shall be fully
compensated in the pay period during which the off-duty services were provided, or in the
immediately following paycheck, or in the case of large events, as soon as payment can be
processed. Permittee may be required to leave a deposit of up to 100 percent of the projected
cost of the service.
This Implementing Order is hereby submitted to the Board of County Commissioners of Miami-
Dade County, Florida.
Approved by the County Attorney as
to form and legal sufficiency_____