HPSP Program
Frequently Asked Questions of the
ADT & Reimbursement Section
Objective: Provide basic information about the HPSP Active Duty for Training (ADT) requirements.
This is required by U.S.C. Title 10 and performance is 45 days annually or 14 days if you are a FAP
student. There are Three types of ADT used to meet the 45 days requirement, school orders, Officer
Development School (Mandatory if not a prior Naval officer) and Clerkships/Auditions at military
hospitals in 3
or 4
year. Review our FAQs for more details about this paid training which may or may
not involve some travel and how to complete travel claims.
Table of Contents
Acronyms 2
Duty of ADT & Reimbursement Section 3
HPSP Scholarship Requirements 3
Types of ADT 3
How to Request ADT 4
School Orders 4
Clerkships/Military Hospital Training 6
Travel Claim Information 8
Travel Tips 9
Endorsed Orders Example 10
E-Ticket Example 11
Travel Voucher Example (1351-2) 12
AT Annual Training
ADT Active Duty Training
BAH Basic Allowance for Housing
BAS Basic Allowance for Subsistence (Food)
CNA Certificate of Non-Availability
CTO Commercial Ticket Office (Also called SATO/NAVPTO)
EFT Electronic Funds Transfer/Bank info
E-Ticket Electronic Ticket/Flight receipt/airfare paid for by the Government
FY Fiscal Year
FY-23 Fiscal Year 23
GME Graduate Medical Education
HPSP Health Professionals Scholarship Program
LES Leave and Earnings Statement/Pay Stub
NGIS Navy Gateway Inns and Suites
ODS Officer Development School
Disclaimer: Information is for reference or to be used in the capacity as a guide. Approved information
about the HPSP Program can be found on the official Accessions website. Travel information can be
found in the Joint Travel Regulations (JTR) and Pay and Allowances information can be found in the
DoDFMR Volume 7A.
Primary duty of the ADT & Reimbursement department is to reimburse students for expenses incurred
while assigned to the HPSP Program. To include reimbursement for required educational materials and
annual Active Duty for Training requirements.
If you are on THREE years scholarship with HPSP, you entitled to THREE (45 days) ADT while in the
program. Which means that you will have 45 days ADT per each FY for three years. It is HIGHLY
recommended that you use one of the trainings to attend ODS. The other two 45 days ADT can be used
for Clerkship rotation or auditions. HPSP WILL NOT FUND A FOURTH ADT for a three-scholarship
If you are on FOUR years scholarship with HPSP, you entitled to FOUR (45 days) ADT while in the
program. Which means that you will have 45 days ADT per each FY for four years. It is HIGHLY
recommended that, you use one of those FY to attend ODS in the first or second year in the program. It is
the student responsibility to work with his/her school to adjustment classes to allow enough time to attend
ODS. Dentistry students can attend ODS after graduation from HPSP. At the same time, Dentistry
students can still attend ODS while in HPSP. The request to attend ODS after graduation will have to be
through the detailer. The detailer is the person who will assign follow-on assignments after graduation.
ADT allows the student to have Active duty benefits while on orders for 45 days per Fiscal Year (FY).
Benefits includes Active duty base pay, Basic Allowances for House (BAH), Basic Allowances for
Substances (BAS/Food money), Leave Sell Back, one time Uniform Allowance and TRICARE.
Due to funding and accounting data restrictions, ADT CANNOT CROSS-OVER TWO FISCAL
Navy Fiscal Year starts 01 October and ends on 30 September. Example of FY ADT cross-over: ADT
request at NMCP for 15 September 2022 -13 October 2022. This request will be denied by HPSP because
it crosses two Fiscal Years.
The 45 days ADT Clerkship CANNOT be separated into two different ADT’s/cannot split into two
different rotations during the 45 days requested for ADT. For example, if you request to go to San Diego,
then your orders are for San Diego only, you cannot also request to go Portsmouth, VA during the same
period. ADT clerkship is 28 days, the rest of the 17 days is credited as School orders on the same ADT
To request ADT Clerkship, ODS, and School orders, use the ADT request form, fill completely and you
MUST enter start date of training. School orders must begin on the 1
or 16
of the month, ODS is fiscal
year training and training dates are published on our website. Clerkship requests must also have a
confirmation/acceptance letter from military training hospital.
All ADT Requests must be sent via the ADT and Reimbursement email
The ADT email inbox is ONLY for all
ADT requests.
DO NOT SEND ANY ADT REQUEST TO USN-OH-Student email inbox: USN OH-Student
usn.ncr.bumedfchva.mbx.usn-oh-[email protected]il
. The USN-OH-Student email is for Personnel
Department and Student Program Department.
*** It is very important you utilize the right email inbox to avoid a delay in processing your request ***
A form of Active Duty for Training(ADT) and when requested using the ADT request form, the student is
on active duty for 45 days at his/her school, which must begin on the 1
or 16
of the month (e.g.., 01
February or 16 February). Request must be received 6-8 weeks before the start date.
This is counted towards annual training requirement in the fiscal year.
Stipend payments are stopped during the 45-day period and will automatically resume upon completion of
school orders. Students cannot receive both Stipend and active duty pay at the same time.
Student is paid 45 days of military pay and allowances (Base pay, BAH, BAS and Leave).
Student is not required to travel and must be requested when school is in session.
School orders are not written when school is on break for spring, summer, winter, if student will be on
vacation. Cannot be on vacation in Prague, Milano, Fiji, Cancun, Miami, Disney World, etc.
No travel is required for school orders. Student remains in school and receive active duty benefits.
Use the Address where you are physically located during school session, and not the address of your
parents, friend etc.
***School orders Request must be received via the ADT and Reimbursement email inbox:
Email the ADT and Reimbursement email inbox if you have submitted School orders request and have
not received your orders TWO weeks before the start date.
You do not need to wear uniform while on School orders. Send email using ADT & Reimbursement
email to cancel school orders.
Officer Development School is a form of active duty training, and when requested, student is on active
duty for 45 days. ODS is located at 2911 Kollmeyer Street, Newport, RI 02841. HPSP does not run ODS
and have no control over ODS quotas. HPSP receives ODS quotas from Officer Training Command,
Newport, RI and publishes the quotas on the Accession website.
It is the students responsibility to apply for ODS class and HPSP will create military orders and arrange
travel/flight to ODS.
Training request is for 45 days, but ODS training may only be 30 to 35 days. Other days are credited to
the student as School orders. School orders portion can be use before ODS or after ODS class. School
orders portion will be on the ODS orders and not two separate orders.
ODS classes are available each fiscal year and summer is the most requested class which fills up quickly.
This is a first come, first serve basis for class requests. Again, HPSP does not control who goes to ODS.
If required to attend ODS, this training counts towards the student annual training requirement for the
Fiscal Year.
This training requires travel to Newport, RI, for instructions of military customs and traditions, uniform
wear and other necessary trainings.
Students must read their orders entirely and verify start and end location is correct before beginning of
travel. Students are not authorized deviations from their orders. If Orders state start travel from Miami,
FL, student cannot start travel from Orlando, FL.
Orders and flight itinerary are processed 30 days in advance, and students should receive copies at least
15 days in advance. An E-Ticket/flight receipt showing ticket number should be received within 72 hours
of travel to confirm airline flight is paid. AT NO POINT SHOULD YOU BUY YOUR OWN
Lodging is provided on base free of charge to the students.
Rental car is not authorized.
Students received per diem (Meals and incidental)
Students received Active duty pay and allowances while on ODS orders
Stipend payments are stopped during this training period. Will restart upon completion of ODS training.
If for any reason, you have to cancel the ODS request, send an email to the ADT & Reimbursement
section to cancel the request 60 days in advance to avoid pay disruptions which can lead to overpayment
of pay and allowances leading to debts owed to the U.S. Government.
***ODS request must be received via the ADT and Reimbursement email inbox:
***Email the ADT and Reimbursement email inbox if you have submitted ODS request and have not
received your orders THREE weeks before the ODS class start date.
It is law to submit a travel claim 5 days after travel has ended. This confirms that orders were executed,
and training was fulfilled. Failure to account for funds, used to send you to train, will lead to those funds
being returned to the U.S. Treasury.
Even if you have not paid for any expenses while on ODS travel, you must submit a travel claim because
again, it tells the U.S. Treasury the orders created by HPSP were used to fund and account for your
Submit required items with your ODS travel claim:
1. Travel voucher-1351-2 (block 6 of travel claim address must match address on orders)
2. EFT Form
3. Travel Checklist
4. Endorsed Orders—Print copy of your orders. Someone at ODS has written/Stamped the date of arrival
to ODS and date of departure from ODS. Submit all pages of your orders. This is a U.S. Navy
5. Zero balance receipts for one day stay at Navy Gateway Inn (NGIS). Lodging reservations does not
show proof of payment. A final receipt upon check out will show form of payment and zero balance.
Provide zero balance receipts for all expenses over $75.00. Taxi, Bus, etc.
A form of active duty training, and when requested, student is on active duty for 45 day. All ADT
clerkship request and confirmation letter or email must be received by 6-8 weeks prior to the start date.
Please note that payment of rental car, gas, lodging/hotel, and taxis to and from the airport will be paid
up-front by you the traveler. HPSP will pay for your flight to and from your clerkship site and will book
your rental car with the government rate. You will be reimbursed for all expenses once your travel claim
is submitted with all required and paid in full receipts.
Student is required to request and be accepted by the hospital or Medical Training command to perform
the training and is coordinated through the hospitals GME Office. Requirement for completion of ODS is
specific to each military training facility so ask the GME office. See military hospital points of contact on
page 2.
This training counts towards the student annual training requirement for the Fiscal Year.
Due to funding and accounting data restrictions, ADT CANNOT CROSS-OVER TWO FISCAL
Fiscal Year starts 01 October and ends on 30 September. Example of FY ADT cross-over: ADT request at
NMCP for 15 September 2022 -13 October 2022. This request will be denied by HPSP because it crosses
two Fiscal Years.
The 45 days ADT Clerkship CANNOT be separated into two different ADT’s. Students cannot request to
go to San Diego and Portsmouth, VA during same 45 days ADT. Normally ADT clerkship is 28 days,
the rest of the 17 days is credited as School orders on the same ADT orders.
Orders are issued and flights are arranged and paid for by the HPSP program. Students must read their
orders entirely and verify start and end location is correct before beginning of travel. Students are not
authorized deviations from their orders. If Orders state start travel from Miami, FL, student cannot start
travel from Orlando, FL.
Orders and flight itinerary are processed 30 days in advance, and students should receive copies at least
15 days in advance. An E-Ticket/flight receipt showing ticket number should be received within 72 hours
of travel to confirm airline flight is paid. AT NO POINT SHOULD YOU BUY YOUR OWN
AIRLINE TICKET. Personally bought airfare and personally booked rental cars are not reimbursable
by HPSP.
The Navy mandates that you must use government lodging if you are going to a Navy or other military
installation. If NGIS, Navy Lodge or Inns of the Corps has no room, you must obtain a Certificate-of-
Non-Availability (CNA) statement from the on-base military lodging facility. CNA is required even
when living conditions are not at acceptable standards.
Rental car is authorized on some ADT clerkship location.
Rental car is not authorized at Walter Reed, Bethesda, MD.
Stipend payments are stopped during this training period. Will restart upon completion of clerkship
Students are paid military pay and allowances
Students receive per diem which covers lodging, rental car and meals.
If you have to cancel the ADT request for any reason, send an email to ADT & Reimbursement section to
cancel the request 60 days in advance to avoid pay disruptions which can lead to overpayment of pay and
allowances leading to debts owed to the U.S. Government.
***All ADT request must be received via the ADT and Reimbursement email inbox:
***Email the ADT and Reimbursement email inbox if you have submitted ADT request and have not
received your orders THREE weeks before the ADT start date.
It is law to submit a travel claim 5 days after travel has ended. This confirms that orders were executed,
and training was fulfilled.
Submit required items with your Clerkship travel claim:
1. Travel voucher-1351-2 (Only persons in Bethesda can sign your travel voucher in blk 20c. and blk 21.)
2. EFT Form
3. Travel Checklist
4. Endorsed Orders--Print a copy. Someone at the GME office has written/Stamped the date of arrival to
the hospital and date of departure from the hospital. Submit all pages of your orders. This is a U.S. Navy
5. Zero balance receipts for lodging, rental car, any expenses over $75, gas, taxi, subway, etc. Do not
submit receipts for food.
6. If you drove do not submit gas receipts. Payment is only for official distance traveled at a per mile rate.
For all travel expenses incurred while performing authorized travel, a travel claim is required to be
completed, signed and submitted to the ADT & Reimbursement section.
Submit claims within 5 days after your travel has completed. For example, if travel ended on 01 January,
then submit travel claim by 06 January.
ONLY staff at HPSP Bethesda, MD can sign blk 20c. and blk 21 on your travel voucher. Others may be
authorized but since they are not sending your travel claim for payment, they are NOT authorized to sign
your claim. If travel to Ft. Belvoir do not allow anyone there to sign your travel claim.
You must have approved orders directing you to your ADT/TDY location. If you do not have orders, do
not perform travel. Contact ADT & Reimbursement section 3 weeks before travel to confirm orders have
been approved and travel arrangements are made.
Ensure you have a return flight before travel begins. You may get an itinerary to confirm your
reservation, but you need an E-Ticket/paid receipt for travel. The E-ticket means your flight is paid for.
If you do not have an E-ticket for a flight, do not perform travel.
You may also use your personal car to go to these approve sites, as long as the distance is 400 miles or
less each way. You must be approved prior to the start of your travel and is not retroactively reimbursed.
The Navy pays a flat rate for the miles driven, and gas reimbursement is not authorized/paid. FY-22 rate
for POV use is $0.585.
If you must book flight, lodging, car reservations, ensure it is booked directly with the Vendor. Do not
use Hotwire, Expedia, Orbitz, Travelocity, Kayak, VRBO, and Air-BNB to make travel arrangements for
official travel. They do not provide itemized and/or zero balance receipts. These third-party sites do not
own the rooms/flight/car, and you can end up stranded, due to room, flight or car booked may not exist.
The Navy mandates that you must use government lodging if you are going to a Navy or other military
installation. If NGIS or Navy Lodge or Inns of the Corps has no room, you must obtain a CNA.
If you were issued a CNA, do not book motels, hostels etc. as these have easy walk-up access to your
room door and are not secure. Book only hotels that has an enclosed lobby, with security and no one can
easily walk to your door. Use reputable hotels like Hampton Inn, Holiday Inn, Hilton, Marriott, Hyatt,
Westin, as long as they are within per diem rates. Again, do not use Expedia, Orbitz, Air-BnB to book
The Army bases uses the Holiday Inn as base lodging and is authorized for your stay.
Rental car is authorized for ADT travel and when authorized, ensure it was approved on your orders and
the travel office has booked it for you. You the traveler will pay for all expenses related to rental car
upfront. The government has an agreement with rental car companies which charges you $5.00 daily for
insurance. This relieves military members from having to purchase liability insurance.
The government does not reimburse for accidents due to misconduct, speeding tickets or towing fees for
cars parked illegally.
You are also required to pump your own gas before returning rental cars.
The Car Company will charge you for a full tank of gas even though you only used a quarter tank.
Receipts and required documents for your claim:
1. Endorsed orders-ADT/TDY location stamps your orders to confirm arrival/departure from that
location. A printed copy of your orders is required.
2. Travel voucher- DD 1351-2-block 6 address must match address on your ADT orders.
3. Sato Itinerary E-Ticketif you flew. Not needed if you drove to your ADT/TDY location
4. Lodging Receipt-Must be itemized with daily room charge and have a zero balance
5. Rental car—must have a zero balance
6. Provide all other receipts as applicable. (Gas, Tolls, Taxi)
7. EFT Form—your bank information
8. TDY Travel Checklist-confirms all required documents are submitted for payment.
***Missing items delays payment because we cannot send incomplete claims to the travel processing
***A travel claim is required even if you don’t have additional expenses. Since we created orders for
your travel, we have to account for the funds used to send you to train. A travel claim confirms to the
U.S. Treasury that public funds were used as intended.
Sign up for TSA Pre-Check through Milconnect.
Maintain/retain travel claim and receipts for 3 years or more.
Present your orders to get bag fees waived, when on active duty orders.
To view your reservation and changes to your flight before travel begins, use the locator/confirmation
number, (e.g., FGT9YU), on your E-ticket and log on to the airline’s website to see your reservations.
Download the airline’s App and add your confirmation number to track your flight, and to get alerts for
gate changes or cancellations.
You must check in for your flight 24 hours before take-off. This will confirm you have a flight and if
needed, you can contact HPSP/NROWS Helpdesk CNRF travel for assistance. Contact information on
your E-Ticket.
In the event of flight changes, contact HPSP during working hours or contact the NROWS Helpdesk after
working hours to assist with flight changes. Do not contact airline directly, because we are using a travel
agency (third party) to purchase flights on your behalf. NROWS Helpdesk/CNRF Travel is 1-800-537-
4617 or send email to cnrfc_code_n33.fct@navy.mil
Example of required documents for travel claim presented here: