International Society of Feline Medicine
( by Ceva Animal Health
Practical recommendations
on the measurement of
indirect blood pressure
in cats
International Society of Feline Medicine
International Society of Feline Medicine
( by Ceva Animal Health
Procedures: Background, methods, patient and
environment considerations
Blood pressure assessment with the Doppler technique
Blood pressure assessment with the HDO technique
Blood pressure assessment forms
ISFM Panel of Authors
Dr Andrew Sparkes (Veterinary Director)
Caroline Blundell
Martha Cannon
Nikki Gaut
Andrea Harvey
Zuzanna Jacmenikova
Sam Taylor
Audra-Lynne Turner
Aga Zoltowska
ISFM would also like to thank Ceva Animal Health for their help making
the development of these recommendations possible
International Society of Feline Medicine
( by Ceva Animal Health
Hypertension is a common clinical problem in cats, most frequently diagnosed in older cats
(above 7-10 years of age), but still often overlooked. In some studies, hypertension has
been diagnosed in more than 5% of apparently healthy older cats.
The majority of hypertensive cats have an underlying disease that predisposes to the
condition, and chronic kidney disease (CKD) is the single most common of these, with
studies suggesting between 20% and 35% of cats with CKD may have hypertension
A diagnosis of hypertension may be suspected when a cat has a predisposing underlying
disease (such as CKD, hyperaldosteronism, hyperthyroidism) or on the basis of clinical
signs associated with so-called target organ damage (signs present in organs that are
recognised as being susceptible to the effects of systemic hypertension) such as:
Sudden onset blindness (retinal detachment)
Hypertensive retinopathy
Left ventricular hypertrophy
Neurological signs
Ideally, hypertension should be diagnosed and managed before systemic effects occur, so
blood pressure measurement of at-risk cats (including older cats and those with
associated diseases) is strongly recommended on a routine basis.
It is generally considered that if systolic blood pressure is less than 150-160 mmHg, then
the risk of target organ damage is mild to minimal, whereas if systolic pressure is
consistently greater than 180 mmHg the risk becomes severe. However, interpretation of
blood pressure measurements should take into account the individual cat, risk factors for
hypertension, and the circumstances under which blood pressure was measured. It is
important to exclude so-called white-coat hypertension (temporary elevations in blood
pressure due to stress) to avoid treating cats unnecessarily, and this is a common and
important issue in cats.
This booklet provides recommendations from the International Society of Feline Medicine
on the practical measurement of blood pressure in conscious cats in order to make these
measurements as accurate and reproducible as possible. Four short videos are also
available to accompany these recommendations and illustrate the techniques involved.
International Society of Feline Medicine
( by Ceva Animal Health
Procedures: Background, methods,
patient and environment considerations
International Society of Feline Medicine
( by Ceva Animal Health
Recommendations on procedures
for blood presure assessment
Hypertension (both primary and secondary to other diseases such as chronic kidney
disease - CKD) is a common disorder, especially in older cats, but the evaluation of blood
pressure and the diagnosis and
monitoring of hypertension are complex.
Indirect blood pressure measurement is
the only acceptable method of assessing
blood pressure in conscious cats, but
this is as much an art as a science.
The two commonly used techniques for
indirect blood pressure assessment are
the Doppler and oscillometric methods.
In general, the Doppler method has been
regarded as more accurate (more closely
representing true or direct blood
pressure readings) in conscious cats, but
newer generation oscillometric equipment (especially newer high definition oscillometric -
HDO - machines) also appear to have acceptable accuracy for measuring systolic
pressures in conscious cats.
Whether Doppler or oscillometric equipment is used to assess
blood pressure, measurement of systolic blood pressure (SBP)
in cats is considered adequate for clinical assessment, as
isolated diastolic hypertension appears to be rare. However,
because blood pressure assessment can be affected by so
many variables (including the operator, the conditions and
environment the
procedure is
performed in, the
equipment used, the
position of the cat,
and the site of
measurement) it is
important to use
standardised protocols to reduce external
variables as much as possible, but once
mastered, blood pressure measurement can be a
relatively quick procedure in many cats.
International Society of Feline Medicine
( by Ceva Animal Health
Recommended protocols
Systolic blood pressure is labile and will vary considerably both within and between
individuals. Using a standardised protocol (as recommended by the American College of
Veterinary Internal medicine (ACVIM) in their consensus guidelines - JVIM 2007;21:542–
558) will help to reduce the effect of external influences on blood pressure and make
measurements more clinically reproducible and reliable. These recommendations, adapted
from the ACVIM consensus guidelines, are recommended for use in cats:
1. Environment: It is essential to assess blood
pressure in a calm, quiet environment. This should
be away from other animals, with minimal
personnel, with no other procedures occurring at
the same time and with no interruptions. The
choice of room will depend on clinical needs and
circumstances - it
may (for example)
be in a consultation
room, in a procedures room, in a hospital ward or in the
home environment. In some situations it may be
possible to measure blood pressure in a hospitalised
cat while it remains calm and
comfortable in its cage in the
hospitalisation ward. However in
general blood pressure should be assessed while the cat is away
from other animals, never in the same room as a dog, and away
from noise, lighting or smells that may contribute to stress. Try to
have the cat resting on bedding which it is used to and which
contains its own scent. The use of Feliway® in the environment or
on the bedding may be valuable.
2. Acclimatisation: A minimum of 5–10 minutes should
be allowed in the environment (room) for the cat to
acclimatise before blood pressure is measured. The
cat should be free to explore the environment and
interact with people in the room if it chooses to, but
should not be forcibly removed from the carrier. A
carrier with a removable top can allow the cat to stay
in the bottom of the carrier, where some may feel
Recommendations on procedures
for blood presure assessment
International Society of Feline Medicine
( by Ceva Animal Health
3. Personnel: The people present in the room during the acclimatisation period should
be the same people that will be present during measurement of the blood pressure.
Blood pressure should be measured by a trained individual, and using a veterinary
nurse or technician who is empathetic with cats is often desirable. When measuring
blood pressure in cats seen as outpatients, it is often preferable to have the owner
present to reassure the cat in a quiet, gentle way.
4. Restraint: It is vitally important that minimal
and gentle restraint is used in order to keep
the cat in a settled, comfortable position. If
the cat becomes agitated during the
procedure, it is better to stop and take a
break to allow the cat to settle down rather
than persist with more active restraint. Where
appropriate, owners may assist with
reassurance and gentle restraint of the cat
having comfortable and familiar bedding for
the cat to rest on will be helpful.
5. Positioning the cat: Where possible the cat should
be allowed to relax in a comfortable posture lateral or
sternal recumbency, sitting or standing. The cat should
not be restrained in lateral recumbency but if he or she
chooses to lie in this position that is fine. It is best to
attempt to keep the cat in the same position
throughout the procedure and to avoid measuring
blood pressure while the cat is moving.
6. Choice and position of cuff: For cats, the correct cuff width is 30–40% of the
circumference of the site where it is being applied (forelimb, hindlimb or tail). An
incorrect size will lead to false elevation (if too small) or false lowering (if too large) of the
measured blood pressure. Blood pressure can be
measured on any limb or on the tail - the forelimb may be
easier and more reliable for Doppler, and the tail may be
preferable for HDO. Care may also be needed in
manipulating limbs of older arthritic cats in particular. Where
possible, the site of blood pressure measurement should be
roughly on the same horizontal plane as the heart. More
expensive cuffs are generally better and easier to use than
cheaper ones!
Recommendations on procedures
for blood presure assessment
International Society of Feline Medicine
( by Ceva Animal Health
7. Measuring blood pressure: Before measuring blood pressure it may be advisable to
inflate and deflate the cuff a few times to get the cat used to the sensation.
Always discard the first SBP measurement and
then record 5–7 consecutive and consistent
(<20% variability between readings)
measurements. If there is a consistent
downward (or upward) trend in the individual
SBP readings, further measurements should be
undertaken (possibly after giving the cat a break)
until consistent readings are achieved. The mean
of 5-7 consistent recordings can then be
calculated to give the final SBP. If necessary, the
procedure should be repeated to achieve
consistent individual readings, keeping the cat
calm and still, and changing position and
placement of the cuff if necessary. If less than
5-7 readings are available but they all suggest a
consistent blood pressure well within the normal
range, additional measurements may not be
necessary (especially if the cat is becoming agitated). However, if there is any doubt
about the validity of the measured SBP, regardless of the number of measurements,
the procedure should be repeated - either
immediately, after a further period of quiet
acclimatisation, or at a later time point.
8. Written records: Careful records should be kept of
all important aspects of the blood pressure
measurement (see example) ... these should include
date, time, environment, people involved, position of
the cat, size of the cuff, site of cuff placement,
equipment used, individual SBP measurements, and
calculated mean SBP.
9. Consistency: Where repeat blood pressure
assessments are being performed over time, for the
purposes of meaningful comparison, it is important to
try to replicate the assessment using the same
equipment, personnel and procedures as far as
possible each time.
Recommendations on procedures
for blood presure assessment
International Society of Feline Medicine
( by Ceva Animal Health
Blood pressure assessment with the
Doppler technique
International Society of Feline Medicine
( by Ceva Animal Health
A variety of different Doppler machines are available to measure blood pressure in cats
including the CAT+ Doppler (Thames Medical), Vet-Dop2 (Vmed Technology), and the 811-
B Doppler (Parks Medical). These are all used in a similar way and
have been shown to be reliable in measuring blood pressure in
conscious cats.
As always when measuring blood pressure, it is important to
minimise stress, use a quiet room, keep the cat away from other
animals and noise, and allow at least 5-10 minutes for
acclimatisation to the environment (see previous section).
In some situations and with a relaxed cat, it may be possible to
measure blood pressure single-handed. However, in practice, it is
often preferable to have two people so that one can gently hold
and reassure the cat.
Where to measure blood pressure
Blood pressure measured with the Doppler technique is
usually performed using the forelimb or tail, although a
hindlimb can also be used. There is evidence that the
forelimb is generally tolerated better and is easier and
quicker in most cats.
On the forelimb,
blood flow is
detected (with the
Doppler probe) in the
common digital artery
between the carpal
and metacarpal pads,
the inflatable cuff
being placed below
the elbow. On the tail, blood flow is detected in the
coccygeal artery (on the ventrum of the tail) and the cuff
is placed around the tail base.
Selecting cuff size
The circumference of the limb or the tail at
the site where the cuff is to be placed
should be measured. The ideal width of
the inflatable cuff used should be 30-40%
of the measured circumference. A cuff
width of around 2.5cm is suitable for most
cats, but the tail/limb circumference
should be measured and recorded for
each cat.
Recommendations on the use of
Doppler blood pressure monitors
International Society of Feline Medicine
( by Ceva Animal Health
Should you clip the hair?
To detect blood flow in the artery, it is important there is excellent contact between the
Doppler probe and the skin. This is achieved with the use of alcohol to dampen the hair
and skin and the use of ultrasound coupling gel (see below). Clipping the hair at the site
where the probe is used is not necessary, but some prefer to do this as it can make
detection of blood flow easier. If done, use quiet, gentle, cat-friendly clippers, and allow the
cat time to settle down after the hair has been clipped.
Placing the cuff
The cuff, with the inflatable side towards
the skin, should be placed around the
forelimb or tail and should fit snugly, but not
be too tight. If the cuff has only a short
inflatable section, make sure this part is
positioned over the artery to be occluded.
The cuff is usually secured in place with a
Velcro fastener - if needed a small piece of
adhesive tape may be used in addition, but
this should never be wrapped around the
limb. The tubing from the cuff is attached to
the sphygmomanometer. Before use,
check the cuff for leaks (inflate it, and check
it does not spontaneously deflate).
Prepare the skin and Doppler probe
To ensure good contact between the Doppler probe and the skin,
first dampen the hair and skin (at the site the
probe will be applied) with a cotton wool
swab soaked in alcohol.
A liberal quantity of ultrasound gel should
then be applied to the hair between the
carpal and metacarpal pads, or the ventrum
of the tail, where the probe will be used. The
gel should be massaged in so that the hair
and skin becomes completely saturated with
gel. A small amount of gel should also be
applied to the Doppler probe.
Use headphones!
Always use headphones - have these plugged in before turning
the unit on to avoid sounds from the Doppler unit disturbing the
Recommendations on the use of
Doppler blood pressure monitors
International Society of Feline Medicine
( by Ceva Animal Health
Measuring blood pressure with
the Doppler
The Doppler probe is positioned between the carpal
and metacarpal pads or over the ventrum of the tail,
and held with gentle pressure. Excessive pressure
(that restricts blood flow) should be avoided, but
gentle pressure is needed to ensure good contact and
a good signal.
The position of the probe is carefully adjusted until
pulsatile blood flow can be heard from the common
digital artery (forelimb) or coccygeal artery (tail). If a
signal is difficult to detect, applying more ultrasound
gel may be helpful.
Measuring systolic blood pressure (SBP)
Once pulsatile blood flow is detected, the Doppler probe should be gently held in place,
avoiding any movement. The sphygmomanometer is then inflated by gently squeezing the
compressible bulb. Watch the pressure on the dial of the
sphygmomanometer, and inflate to around 20-40 mmHg
above the point where blood flow is no longer heard.
Air is then allowed to slowly bleed from the valve at the back
of the sphygmomanometer (usually a trigger- or screw-valve).
The air must be released slowly, and the systolic blood
pressure (SBP) is the reading when return of blood flow is first
detected (first heard).
The first SBP reading is usually discarded, as the cat needs to
become accustomed to the procedure. SBP should be
measured five to seven times subsequently (allowing the cuff
to deflate completely between each and then repeating the
procedure as above).
If the Doppler signal (blood flow) is lost, the probe may need
repositioning. If the cat becomes agitated, stop and allow the
cat to relax before starting again. The aim is to get 5-7
readings that are all consistent (<20% variation) and the SBP is taken as the mean of these
readings. Fewer (3-5) readings can be acceptable, but more readings increase the
accuracy of the data. Sometimes several initial readings may have to be discarded if there
is a consistent drop in SBP (eg. due to initial stress).
All readings, patient and procedure information should be recorded.
Recommendations on the use of
Doppler blood pressure monitors
International Society of Feline Medicine
( by Ceva Animal Health
Blood pressure assessment with the
HDO technique
International Society of Feline Medicine
( by Ceva Animal Health
Recommendations on the use of
HDO blood pressure monitors
High definition oscillometry
While Doppler has been used for many years for the
indirect measurement of blood pressure in cats, and
has been shown to have acceptable accuracy in a
number of studies, traditional oscillometric units were
regarded as generally unreliable in conscious cats
with poor accuracy and sometimes being unable to
generate a valid reading.
The more recent introduction of high definition
oscillometry (such as the VetHDO, S+B medVet) has
overcome many of the problems associated with
traditional oscillometry and in published studies has
been shown to provide an accurate assessment of
systolic blood pressure in conscious cats.
Advantages and disadvantages
In general the HDO equipment is a little easier to use
than the Doppler. HDO will also provide a measure of
diastolic (DBP) and mean arterial pressure (MAP) in addition to systolic pressure (SBP) -
while potentially helpful, DBP and MAP readings may in fact be much less accurate than
SBP with HDO, and isolated diastolic
hypertension is regarded as rare in
Compared with Doppler, HDO is more
expensive to purchase, and also it is
strongly recommended that the HDO
machine is always linked to a PC or
tablet computer while measuring blood
pressure. Connecting the HDO to a
PC allows visualisation of the
recording, which is important as
movement or other artefacts can lead
to false blood pressure readings.
Using the HDO without a PC may give
spurious results without the operator
being aware.
Because patient movement can readily
cause false readings, it is
recommended that the cuff be applied
to the tail when using HDO in cats,
and to keep the cat as still as possible.
However, the cuff can also be used on
the limbs if needed.
International Society of Feline Medicine
( by Ceva Animal Health
Recommendations on the use of
HDO blood pressure monitors
Patient preparation
As with any technique, when measuring blood
pressure it is important to minimise stress. Use a
quiet room, keep the cat away from other
animals and noise, and allow at least 5-10
minutes for acclimatisation to the environment
(see earlier section).
In some situations, it may be possible to
measure blood pressure single-handed.
However, in practice, it is often preferable to
have two people so that one can gently hold and
reassure the cat. The HDO machine should be
linked to a PC or tablet (via a USB cable or via
Bluetooth, depending on the unit).
Cuff positioning
In general the HDO equipment comes with
a single size cuff for cats and so long as it
is well tolerated, this should be used on
the tail, as this is easier and less likely to
result in false readings from movement
artefact. If more than one cuff size is
available, the circumference of the tail at
the point where the cuff is to be placed
should be measured, and a cuff width
selected that is 30-40% of that
The cuff should be positioned so that the
area where the inflation tube enters the cuff
is placed ventrally on the tail (close to the
coccygeal artery) as this maximises the
sensitivity of the HDO. As with Doppler, the
cuff should be checked for leaks before
The cuff should be applied snugly around
the base of the tail and secured with the
Velcro fastener - it should be tight enough
to stay in place but not so tight as to cause
constriction of the tail. In some cats, once
the cuff has been placed, they may be
happy to curl up or lie in a basket or bed
without any further restraint or interference.
International Society of Feline Medicine
( by Ceva Animal Health
Recommendations on the use of
HDO blood pressure monitors
Measuring blood pressure
Once the cuff is in place and the cat is comfortable, the machine can be turned on and
blood pressure recordings can begin. First check the settings on the machine are correct
though (for example, that the correct cuff size
has been entered into the machine).
The PC or tablet should also be connected,
and the software loaded to enable computer
recording and display to take place.
When a blood pressure reading is initiated (by
pressing the ‘Start’ button on the HDO
machine), the cuff will automatically inflate
and then deflate at a constant speed. The
blood pressure (SBP, MAP and DBP) will
subsequently be shown on the display along
with the heart rate. This will also be shown on
the PC along with a visual trace.
The first blood pressure reading should be
discarded as the cat acclimatises to the
inflation and deflation of the cuff.
Subsequently, 5-7 further blood pressure
readings should be taken. Additional
measurements should be made if these are
not consistent (<20% variation) or if there is a
trend for lower measurements over time (suggesting the cat was stressed).
The mean of 5-7 consistent readings is taken for SBP (and for DBP and MAP). If the cat
becomes restless, agitated or starts moving, take a break, allow the cat to settle, and then
start again.
In some cats, if they are very
relaxed and not moving
much, it may also be possible
to use a forelimb to measure
blood pressure, placing the
cuff below the elbow.
With each blood pressure
reading, it is important to take
notice of the PC reading and
the curves displayed to
assess whether the reading
may have been affected by
movement or other artefact
(see below).
International Society of Feline Medicine
( by Ceva Animal Health
Recommendations on the use of
HDO blood pressure monitors
Checking for artefacts with the PC or tablet
When linked to a PC, with
each set of readings from
the HDO monitor, along
with storing the data, a
visual display is shown of
the deflation of the cuff
(top line) and the pulse
waves detected (bottom
The top line should be
checked to ensure it
displays a steady constant
deflation of the cuff, and
the pulse waves should
generate a pattern that
approximates a bell-curve.
If the above criteria
are not met (most
commonly the pulse
waves will show
significant distortion)
the reading should
be discarded as
movement or some
other artefact may
have affected the
accuracy of the
blood pressures
This step should not
be ignored, as the
machine itself will
often not detect
errors associated
with movement.
All readings should be recorded (along with other patient and procedure information).
Note studies suggest that while the SBP is accurate, the DBP and MAP measured by
HDO may be inaccurate in cats.
International Society of Feline Medicine
( by Ceva Animal Health
Blood pressure assessment form
International Society of Feline Medicine
( by Ceva Animal Health
Blood Pressure Assessment Form
Cat's name
Body Condition Score
Owner details
Position of the cat
Other (specify):
Position of the cuff:
Equipment used
Size of cuff
Location (room)
Others present
Performed by
Subjective assessment of stress:
Record of all SBP measurements (mmHg):
Strike through readings that are ignored and take mean of the remaining values
Mean SBP (mmHg)
Sternal recumbency
Lateral recumbency
Right forelimb
Left forelimb
Right hindlimb
Left hindlimb
International Society of Feline Medicine
( by Ceva Animal Health
International Society of Feline Medicine
For videos go to:
and search for 'blood pressure'