Hybrid Ceramic vs Steel Bearings.
This article to try to assist with this fun little area. On the one hand much of the cycling public
associates bearing upgrades with going “ceramic”, and on the other hand there is a healthy chunk of
cyclists from all demographics who believe ceramic bearings are just marketing hype and a waste of
It doesn’t help that there is not really any independent information out there. Manufacturers and
retailers of Hybrid Ceramic Bearings will put up lots of claims re the lower friction and longevity
advantages of ceramic bearings, and manufacturers and retailers of steel bearings put out claims
and information which shoots down the claims made by ceramic manufacturers / retailers.
So the question is - is there a genuine friction saving with going to ceramic bearings or is the
“ceramic upgrade” just a marketing con? Or even worse as is claimed by some steel proponents -
is it possible that Ceramic hybrid bearings soon become higher friction than steel bearings due to
damage caused to the steel races by the much harder ceramic balls?
This is probably one of the more polarising issues I’ve come across in my hunt for genuine watts
savings and genuine best in class products. It is of particular concern to me due to my goal of
providing genuine best in class products. I do not want to be selling hybrid ceramic bearing upgrades
if they are a waste of money, or worse poorer performing than quality full metal bearings within a
short number of km’s.
This article was prompted after seeing the growth and following of you tube video’s produced by
Hambini. Hambini has been posting some youtube videos which present the case of steel vs
ceramic, and one video in particular is a very powerful presentation with lots of data, graphs and
convincing evidence as to why quality steel is the way to go, and why hybrid ceramic are not worth
the money at all.
Seeing all the comments at the bottom of the video one can see that pretty much all viewers are
convinced that hybrid ceramic “upgrades” are just a marketing con.
As a retailer who’s vision is to find and supply genuine best in class products, and having very
carefully selected my current bearing suppliers after over 2 years of assessment and consideration,
the video and the information presented by Hambini in his steel vs ceramic speed needed
investigation. If what his video presents is factual, then I would either a) stop stocking hybrid
ceramic and start stocking steel, or b) I may hedge my bets and stock both quality steel and hybrid
ceramic and present main points from both sides to customers to choose what they believe is
correct based on information at hand and budget.
But first things first the thorough investigation.
Step 1 was go to through the claims and data presented by Hambini, and attempt to obtain from
Hambini more information re what sits behind the claims and data. Hambini is clearly a very
intelligent guy, and in the video he quite seamlessly presents data that is factual data from major
bearing industry bodies in amongst what are his own “calculations” and data. He also appears to
use a technique you can see a lot of these days in many topics being presented by charismatic
personalities on the web something I can only best describe as “fact baiting” – whether he does
this consciously or not Im not sure.
Fact baiting as I call it is where a presenter will start with some basics about the topic which are not
in dispute. By doing this early in a presentation it sets a tone of “fact” for the entire presentation.
This enables the presenter to move from the initial basics into “data” which proves one point or
another, and one tends not to question how that data was arrived at or calculated. It is simply
accepted as another “fact” just like the points preceding it were clearly factual. This technique is
used a lot to promote various diets and natural medical products and remedies etc - it is amazing
how easily conditioned our thought routines can be sometimes until we stop, think, analyse what is
being presented and have a complete understanding of how the information being presented has
been derived. It is also worth remembering most everybody has an agenda behind the presentation,
and it is good to know / remember what agenda is is it handily altruistic or is it to convince you of
something beneficial to the presenter?
If the data and key points throughout a presentation are indeed factual upon questioning this is
easily established as the presenter is able to provide detail re where the information was obtained,
how it was obtained, how calculations / testing was done etc. Questioning should lead to greater
clarity. If questioning leads to waters being quite muddy it is possible there is an issue with how
the data and information being presented was obtained or calculated.
Step 2 was to discuss Hambini claims with Ceramic Speed, as well as the claims made by Ceramic
Speed re their bearing performance.
Step 3 was to discuss both sides claims and data with an independent person from a major bearing
retailer that sells all types of bearing and so has no bias it was the technical sales persons job to
match the right bearing to the purchasers application. Step 3 was invaluable as it really helped
confirm / not confirm some key points claimed by both sides. At the end of the day we have guy
(Hambini) selling steel bearings presenting why steel is the way to go and hybrid ceramic are a waste
of money and a marketing con, and on the other side we have Ceramic Speed and quite a large
number of other bearing companies selling ceramic bearing “upgrades” who put up some pretty
impressive claims on their products vs steel.
Ok so here we go; apologies for article length - this was no small undertaking the Hambini video is
20 minutes long, I had an hour long skype call with Ceramic Speed, and many pages of
correspondence with technical sales person at a large major independent bearing retailer, and so
have had to tie a lot of information together here.
However I hope this document helps clarify this battleground somewhat to assist you with
purchasing the bearing type you believe is the best choice for you, your cycling goals and your
budget. The time and effort was well worth it for me to know what decisions I should make or not
make re what I stock / recommend.
I am beholden to no brand or company if I find something better than what I am currently
stocking, I drop what I am currently stocking and replace with the product that is better. Sometimes
my “best in class” approach may be tempered slightly by cost. I.e – I have not been stocking Ceramic
Speed bearings due to cost of bearings even though they have some rather convincing data behind
their products performance I have believed there to be other bearing options that have also tested
extremely well and offer a genuine watts savings over many “stock” bearings that come with bikes
and at a price that is not so hard a pill to swallow. I.e I have felt it a great option for many to spend
150 to 280 to upgrade a bb and save an easy approx. 1 watt with a silky fast high quality bb, but
struggled to get to recommend 400 to 600 dollar options to save about 0.05w more than the 150 to
280 option. I will order in whatever the customer requests no problems, I have a dealer account with
Ceramic Speed, my margins on selling Ceramic Speed would be slightly larger than the margins I
have with bearings I currently do stock, however I take my recommendations and what products I
stock and recommend extremely seriously. I believe that no retailer matches ZFC with regards to
time and effort and testing put into product selection and recommendations, full open information
and data to back up recommendations, as well as learning information during testing / investigations
that is of genuine value to cyclists of all demographics.
That is the pillar of my boutique little hobby business model. So that little ramble is to confirm that if
my investigations showed hybrid ceramic not to be what it is cracked up to be or worse to have a
performance issue vs steel, I would simply stop stocking, go steel, and explain what sits behind the
decision simple as that. I am not a manufacturer, I am a very selective retailer and am not
interested in selling products based on brand name or marketing hype, only proof of performance
that is worth your hard earned $.
With that pre amble to set the scene, let’s get to it.
In the steel corner we have Hambini.
Ok so I may have mentioned this may be a little tough to cover concisely it was a 20 minute video,
and there are a number of key points I need to cover with information from other sides of the coin.
But here we go and remember my earlier point mentioned regarding what I term “Fact baiting”.
Once a tone of trust has been established early in a presentation, all key data and points are often
accepted without question. In my younger days, I have been caught out by this many times, until I
figured out it was prudent to fact check and question everything.
It is also always worth bearing in mind that almost everyone / every company / every presenter will
have an agenda, and will want to present data and information that suits their agenda. It is also
worth remembering that the most convincing information is often a mix of clear absolute fact along
with information that may be somewhere in the vicinity of fact seamlessly merged in amongst it. It is
also worth remembering the saying “there are lies, damn lies, and statistics”.
This isn’t to say it is good to adopt a level of paranoia or conspiracy theory mindset re every piece of
marketing thrown your way just to simply be aware that many presentations on many topics
contain a mix of information that is absolutely true, information that may possibly be true but
perhaps somewhat “enhanced” or tweaked to suit the pitch and it is often backed by data that
proves this key point. Often the key to separate fact from possible fact is to understand what sits
behind the data, where did it come? How was it derived? How was it calculated?
So with that in mind;
Hambini starts with some basics that are not in dispute in this case it is information such as
ceramic bearings are not truly ceramic they are hybrid ceramic where only the balls are ceramic, the
races are still steel, and that the ceramic balls are much harder than the steel races they are running
on etc.
It continues with other correct known facts such as the much lauded “extra roundness” able to be
achieved with ceramic bearings vs steel being almost inconsequential in cycling applications due to
the low rpm in cycling we are not doing 10,000rpm such as in many industrial applications but
instead are often around 100rpm. So bearings being 200 times rounder than already really really
round doesn’t matter much for cycling speeds. Correct mostly. It does make small difference, but
admittedly it is very small.
Also of critical importance is the manufacturing tolerances. Cheap bearings will often be made to a
poor tolerance, and with low quality materials leading to high friction and wear. There is also some
great information re race to ball clearance, and that as cycling bearings will be installed in a way
where they are pressed into a shell or onto an axle which causes pre load that the clearance
tolerance is important.
All good information that is absolutely true and not in dispute.
Then the presentation moves into what makes it very powerful indeed, and that is the use of data
provided by the biggest and most reputable bearing manufacturers in the industry such as NSK and
Schaeffler. Information such as breakdown of bearing friction;
Bearing friction breakdown by schaeffler;
o Seals 60%
o Grease 28%
o Cage friction 7%
o Ball deformation 3%
o Race deformation 2%
In the above data we can see that the balls themselves contribute a very low amount indeed in the
friction equation of the bearing. However we do not know what bearing this industry data pertains
Imagine if you will a bearing designed for heavy duty long life use. Double lip, heavy contact seals
and packed full of heavy duty grease. The % of friction contribution by the balls will be very small,
and it would probably take the resources of CERN to detect an efficiency change using rounder
ceramic balls vs already very round steel balls.
Now imagine a bearing designed to be as ultra low friction as possible for racing use, that has non
contact or single lip very light contact seals and a low fill level of a very fast grease. The percentages
of what components contribute what amount of friction would be markedly different from the
heavy duty bearing.
So without knowing what bearing the above information pertains too, you cannot take those values
as an absolute across all bearings the % breakdown will likely change markedly depending on the
bearing you have seal type, grease type and fill level, cage type etc will all heavily influence the
above breakdown.
It doesn’t take too much online research with Tier 1 bearing manufacturers or major bearing
retailers that sell every type of bearing type hybrid ceramic into their search bar to look up their
information on hybrid ceramic bearings and read the main highlights pertaining to them. Always
covered in the main highlights will be lower friction as well as longer lasting. So on an initial look into
independent manufacturers who sell everything the claims seem to match the same that we see
with hybrid ceramic retailers for cycling bearings.
This leads to the first bit of data that is seamlessly presented by Hambini in amongst industry data;
The graph depicting friction losses that he presents is not industry data it is data “he has
calculated”. There is no information on how these figures were calculated, what measurements
were done to obtain the data he used to calculate etc. If it is purely a calculation based on
assumptive data, it is worth noting there is a distinct difference between a “calculated” number and
a “measured” number. It is not an issue not to include this information in the presentation there is
enough to cover already however this information should be able to be obtained from his website
or at the very least obtained upon writing to him.
Friction Facts data is physically measured friction loss. Remember at the time Friction Facts testing
was done they were the worlds first independent body doing efficiency testing of drive train
components. Yes of course there are calculations involved in arriving at a number from the
information the friction test machine derives during its testing / measuring. First comes measured
data, then comes calculations from that data. It is just worth noting that the equipment used by FF
has torque sensors that are around $6000usd each and accurate to 0.01w, and the testing
equipment all up is circa 25k USD. Torque (turning force) x RPM = power. Precisely MEASURING
what goes in at one end and comes out at the other to 0.01w is a testing result you can in my
personal opinion bank on somewhat more than a “calculated” loss where we have no idea how the
results are calculated.
Also of importance here - On the Friction Facts reports there is full detail on the equipment used and
testing protocols. We do not know what Hambini used to measure input / ouput changes and the
calculations. If one literally had to bet their house on which data report is going to be most accurate,
would you bet your house on the data from 25k usd equipment which at the time was completely
independent for years and with full disclosure on testing equipment and protocol, or the report that
simply says “I calculated the friction losses” and there is no way to obtain further information (I
*It is worth noting that at the time of all the Friction Facts testing the data and reports of which are
still available and have not changed at all were and are completely independent Ceramic Speed
purchased FF much later and Ceramic Speed bearings didn’t win the testing – in fact one Hawk
racing an all steel bearing finished ahead of Ceramic Speed by a tiny bit. In short I have absolute
confidence in the independence of the FF testing and data
Next is where things became a bit of fun indeed…….
Next there is a graph presenting friction losses over 10,000km of cycling. The data presented shows
the friction increases suffered by hybrid ceramic bearings over 10,000km vs the top steel bearings
remaining almost exactly constant after a very slight initial increase.
What test was this?! How was 10,000km of cycling simulated and on what equipment? It most
certainly was not a test or data supplied by the major bearing companies bearings for cycling
applications from Tier one manufacturers such as NTN, SKF etc make up an insignificantly tiny
amount of their product sales. There is no way that NTN or Schaeffler have conducted a 10,000km
simulated test for cycling.
So this data is obviously Hambini’s own data, test or “calculation”. How he has derived / arrived at
this data is simply critical. It is probably THE KEY piece of information presented in the video to
back up his entire main sales point that hybrid ceramics quickly become higher friction than quality
steel bearings due to the harder ceramic balls damaging the comparatively softer steel races. This is
at 10:25 in the video.
When questioned on this Hambini initially advised he does not discuss testing protocols. I obviously
found this extremely concerning. How / where he has obtained the most crucial data of the
presentation is secret?!
Again, if you look at Friction Facts testing all tests go into full detail on the equipment and testing
protocols used so readers are aware of how the results are derived, giving much disclosure and
information for clever engineers of all types to try to pick apart if they wish. Similarly with ZFC
lubricant and chain testing full test brief and protocol for lubricant and chain testing is on website
and I even provide full test running sheets for every interval of tests on request for anyone who is
interested in that level of detail
So not discussing how this testing was done raises a very large red flag with me, of which I advised
Hambini (to which he seemed a bit put out advising he didn’t care what colour my flag was). When I
fully explained (as above) why I found this so concerning he did reply back further stating that the
tests were conducted as per JIS and DIN protocols which I could find on pages “X” on a very big
engineering document, but the maths is pretty heavy etcand recommended two other engineering
books I should read……
I do not understand this type of reply. Watchers of his video should be able to simply find out what
equipment and protocol was used to simulate 10,000km of cycling and how was the friction losses
measured / calculated. To me his answers on this point were purely deflection and nothing more. He
is clearly not going to disclose how the data that sits behind his most key graph was obtained and I
really have to wonder why.
Remember this data is seamlessly integrated in amongst factual data obtained from industry again
leading one to simply accept the next part of the presentation often without question but when
one does question well it was an interesting discussion to say the least.
On top of this there are also two other key points re the data presented that without further
information do not appear to add up.
The first one is intuitive the very linear friction increase of the hybrid ceramic bearing. Hambini
claims the harder ceramic balls damage the comparatively softer seel races in a manner called
“brinelling” which is where the harder ceramic balls will cause micro indentations in the races.
This is a cascading type of damage. I.e it would start as minor increase in friction, but increase more
dramatically as time went on as the initial small damage causes more damage to occur, and once
more damage has occurred this leads to even greater damage occurring at an exponentially
cascading rate. Bearing failures in industry are quite hard to detect due to the cascading nature of
almost all types of bearing failure - leading to costly unpredicted downtime. With bearings, once a
small amount of damage starts things often go from slightly off perfect to really not good quite
quickly. It is less dramatic in cycling due to the lower rpm’s, however it will still be cascading to some
degree and unlikely to be this nicely linear line of increased friction as presented in Hambini’s graph.
The second anomaly is less intuitive but has a good basis of factual data behind it. New bearings do
have a small “break in” period. After a little use under load, the lubricant that is factory applied to
bearing after assembly and prior to seals going on will be properly distributed across all surfaces,
inside bearing cage etc, and bearing seals will break in on their contact point with inner races. So
bearings should show an initial slight decrease in friction from new after a short run in period. In
Hambini’s graph, all bearings – including steel bearings, show an initial slight increase in friction.
Again it is just an anomaly in data presented by Hambini vs what may be expected, and some
internet research backs up that it is expected bearings will hit their lowest friction state after a short
break in period - and we simply do not know how hambini is calculating or arriving at the figures
used in his graphs.
It is worth me stating at this point I am not saying outright that I dispute Hambini’s data, however
the complete shut down re how tests conducted and data obtained is concerning indeed, as are
what appear on the surface to be anomalies in the data vs real world expectations. Hambini could
clear up the questions on these anomalies, but in the absence of this happening I have to list them
as such.
Why do we use hybrid ceramic bearings then?
Whilst not widespread in industry due to cost as hybrid ceramic bearings often cost significantly
more the purported benefits in industry are billed as being quite high in many applications. Here
are the benefits listed from SKF website as just a simple snapshot, and this type of information you
can find fairly easily at most of the major bearing manufacturers of the world.
Main recommended uses for Hybrid Ceramic bearings on SKF website
With a bore diameter d 45 mm, are most suitable for electric motors in the power range
0,15 to 15 kW as well as for power tools and high-speed drives.
Long service life
The lower frictional heat generated in hybrid bearings, especially at high speeds,
contributes to extended bearing service life and extended re-lubrication intervals.
High wear-resistance
Silicon nitride rolling elements have a higher degree of hardness making hybrid bearings
suitable under difficult conditions and contaminated environments.
High bearing stiffness
With a high modulus of elasticity, hybrid bearings offer increased bearing stiffness.
Reduced risk of smearing
Even under inadequate lubrication conditions, such as high speeds and rapid
accelerations, or where there is an insufficient hydrodynamic film, the risk of smearing is
reduced between silicon nitride and steel surfaces. For conditions where κ < 1, it is
common to apply κ = 1 for hybrid bearing life calculations.
Reduced risk of false brinelling
When subjected to vibration, hybrid bearings are significantly less susceptible to false
brinelling (formation of shallow depressions in the raceways) between the silicon nitride
and steel surface
Checking of other independent industry sites one generally finds quotations of bearing lifespan
increases of 4-6 times or 4 to 8 times vs steel bearing’s, and that it is the steel balls in a bearing that
are the first part of a bearing to show wear.
So why the difference for cycling?
Hambini clams the reason for the shorter lifespan of hybrid ceramic for cycling is due to vibration. In
industry the applications tend to be high speed and may be high load however they do not suffer
from the vibration and impact type stresses the bearings are subjected too when rolling down the
road. He advised me to check for myself with an independent bearing retailer and see if they advise
hybrid ceramic for applications that involve vibration. I did this of course and the result of which
Hambini is correct generally hybrid ceramic is not recommended for applications that involve
vibration however there is a bit more to it than that. RPM, load vs bearing load rating and
frequency of vibration all play major factors with regards to the level of impact this may have on a
hybrid ceramic bearing’s lifespan change and if it may cause damage to the “relatively” softer races.
Obviously the quality and hardness of the races used is critical here as well, there is hardened steel
and then there is HARDENED steel.
Rolling down the road is low rpm and low frequency vibration. It is believed the largest determining
factors re bearing life for cycling will be quality of the materials overall and load rating vs load
subjected, running in highly contaminated environments (wet riding etc) especially if have a light or
non contact seal and low fill level of light viscosity grease which will form a poor hydrodynamic
protection barrier behind seal lip etc.
So if you have a bearing where the load rating is many times greater than the load it will be
subjected to, and the races are made of high quality hardened steel, then the proof of whether or
not vibration and shock in cycling is causing damage will be easily detected by feel. If a bearing feels
like pure silk when new, and 10,000km later it feels like pure silk, there is no problem. Trust me you
can detect easily by feel the slightest non perfect running of a bearing for cycling. When turn inner
race of bb bearing with fingers after x thousands of km’s you will instantly feel the slightest “non
silky smooth” feeling. Same with holding wheels by axle out of bike and spinning etc.
And whilst the steel races may be relatively softer than the very hard ceramic balls, this does not
mean they are “soft” per se. Top quality steel races can be hardened to Rockwell hardness ratings of
between 60 to 64. That is practically case hardened armour plate level hardness. So sure, the balls
are still harder, but this level of hardness with steel races is not “soft”, and is not easily damaged by
comparatively harder ball.
I see bearings of all types steel and hybrid ceramic have either great or short lifespans depending
on factors pretty much due to everything else but ball material. Correct size for load? Seal type,
grease type and fill level vs general riding conditions? Hub / BB design? Correctly installed?
Maintenance? I see both hybrid ceramic and steel bearings feeling like pure silk after tens of
thousands of km’s and I see both hybrid ceramic and steel bearings feel pretty darn average in a
short number of km’s as well.
Most cheap / poor quality hybrid ceramic bearings will be terrible as Hambini states. The steel used
for races will be cheap crap, and the ceramic balls will also be crap. Just because ceramic balls CAN
be made rounder than steel doesn’t mean they are. Cheap ceramic balls can easily have a roundness
grade far worse than quality steel balls. However, quality hybrid ceramics where the steel races are
made of high quality, highly hardened steel, manufactured to great tolerances and with correct
clearance there is no evidence I am aware of re shorter lifespan and friction increases other than
Hambini’s own secret 10,000km testing and calculations.
It is difficult (basically impossible) to get hardness ratings and composition / quality of the steel used
for races from cycling bearing retailers / manufacturers for both steel and hybrid ceramic the
proof really comes down to brand performance (an exception here is enduro who list the Rockwell
hardness rating of their bearing races on some sites and it is very very hard).
I did a facebook post recently regarding it can be wise to check what bearing size is in the hubs you
are buying, as I see a lot of wheels these days where a 6802 bearing is used as main bearings in rear
wheel, and that is a tiny bearing to take rider weight over bumps and impacts down the road. It is in
my view an engineering fail to use such a bearing size for main bearings in a rear wheel, this bearing
size is just barely sufficient for use in free hubs. I have seen many rear wheels with this bearing size
for main bearings have continual short lifespan issues regardless of what bearing the customer tries
best steel or best hybrid ceramic. I have even seen wheels with a 688 bearing in them. I just
replaced a bearing in one of my jockey wheels that got some grit in it after a cx race it was a 688
bearing. Should a bearing size suitable for a jockey wheel also be deemed suitable for use in wheel
hubs taking your body weight as you ride down the road hitting bumps and pot holes? No, it is not. If
you were and engineering student and handed up a hub design as part of your thesis with a 6802
bearing as main bearing for rear wheel or 688 bearing even in a front wheel- you should in my view
get an F. Unsurprisingly, the customer whose wheels had 688 bearings in them was experienced
bearing lifespan issues.
As mentioned before there is of course more to the story hub design, alignment, correctly installed
bearings etc… but overall, putting very small bearings with tiny balls and very thin width, thin depth
races in for wheel bearings taking full body weight, experiencing vibration and the hard shock
impacts that come with riding down the road is simply flirting with load tolerances. Hence I believe it
is something you should check and consider before spending hard earned $ on a set of wheels / hubs
most especially so if you are a heavier rider.
But in summary what Hambini is claiming in essence is that hybrid ceramic bearings need move
from a state of having a 4 to 8 times greater lifespan in industry applications all the way over to
having a shorter lifespan in cycling application falling behind steel bearing performance within just
few hundred km’s due to damage to races from the harder ceramic balls.
Assuming correctly sized bearings for load rating, quality bearings with quality steel races, with
correct clearance, correct seal type and grease for the type of riding (ie non contact seals and light
grease would not be the top choice for an all weather commuter / training bike), correct installation
etc - this is a rather enormous swing in longevity due to the vibration of riding down the road and
seems improbable at best. And the only evidence that exists to support this claim is Hambini’s own
test and data and what sits behind this evidence he will not release.
During my pressing Hambini for more information he advised that he is not trying to convince
anybody of anything, he is simply putting out there his knowledge from 26 years of experience in the
aerospace industry, and that his current bearing and BB business is hobby that got out of control.
However, the time and effort put into producing his youtube video’s to advise why steel and why not
hybrid ceramic, the time and effort into designing and manufacturing his Bottom Brackets etc it is
hard to believe this information could be classed as independent advice. Currently the market is
flooded with hybrid ceramic bearing retailers vying for a piece of the aftermarket bearing “upgrade”
pie. It could be viewed as a very clever move to stand out from the crowd by going steel and
educating customer why steel and vs hybrid ceramic if you have the back ground credentials and the
ability to present a powerful case for people to swing your way. I do not think the success of
Hambini’s business selling steel bearing upgrades in a market conditioned to ceramic being the
default re bearing upgrades is an accident it is a testament to the fact that this is one clever guy
From Ceramic Speed re this section
As a pre amble it is probably worth noting that Ceramic Speed has probably been the driving force
behind “ceramic” being a friction and longevity “upgrade” and the now huge number of players
vying for a piece of the ceramic bearing upgrade market.
During the skype call they agree that whilst the roundness of the balls may only be a smaller part of
the equation overall re the “friction” upgrade side of things – it is important to note that in roller
bearings the balls are usually the first component to wear and therefore cause friction increase.
Again this is backed up by independent research across bearing manufacturer websites, and hence
the quoted vastly greater longevity quoted for hybrid ceramic bearings where the only differential is
the ball material.
And so Ceramic Speed argue that whilst the ball material may be on the smaller side of the equation
re delivering lower friction, it still does in fact deliver lower friction which is important when you are
pitched as the fastest bearing upgrade in the industry, and that the low friction performance will
remain for a very long time as the balls will not wear.
It may be worth having a flick through the testimonials on their industrial section they have quite a
number or real world business and with good data on just how much money they have saved
switching to ceramic speed due to the lower friction and vastly longer lifespan. A lot of the money
saved can be due to the much lower unexpected downtime on machines from bearing failure.
Where once they were replacing the highest quality steel bearings they could buy every 2 or 3
months and still experiencing unexpected failures, with ceramic speed bearings they have been able
to move to an annual bearing replacement with no failures etc.
So again we have to pause and consider to what degree does this proven longevity increase
change by moving from industrial high load, high rpm machines to cycling? Does it swing all the way
from many times greater longevity and performance to poorer performance vs steel within a few
hundred km’s?
The other major factors in why their bearings are so fast of course come down to seal design, cage
design, their grease, ball and race material quality and manufacturing tolerances it is everything as
a whole designed to be the fastest and highest performing bearing for ultra low friction performance
for racing cyclists and to perform as such for a very long time. A part of that is regardless of the fact
that the actual balls themselves at cycling rpm’s are a small % of the friction equation , the fact
remains that high grade ceramic balls simply are lower friction, and will remain so vs steel for a lot
longer it is not a short term friction benefit. With high quality hardened steel races the balls being
harder is simply not an issue or concern the races are so hard they will not be damaged.
At this point it is worth noting here that Ceramic Speed offer a 4 year warranty on non coated
bearings and a 6 year warranty on coated bearings. Hambini offers a 1 year warranty and this is on
his machined bottom bracket bearing body not on the bearings themselves. On Q&A section of this
website he advises he replaces his bearings after about 8000km.
Q. How long will the bearings last?
A. I cannot place a life on the bearings as life is largely dictated by the conditions they are subjected to. Having high loadings will
increase their rate of wear as will riding in wet conditions. The bearings in all Hambini Bottom brackets are branded and meet minimum
ISO standards so they are the best that are commercially available. Typical usage will be somewhere in the region of 2000km to
10,000km. As an example, those who watch my youtube channel will know my fastiduous maintenance schedule which consists of
weekly jet washing - I change the bearings twice a year, ie 8000km between changes. Due to the low speeds involved keeping them
clean is more important than keeping them greased.
Again I find this somewhat interesting considering Hambini’s purported benefits re friction and
longevity of steel over hybrid ceramic. How many of you pre emptively replace your BB / wheel
bearings every 8000km’s ?
For Australian customers a Hambini racing BB costs 165 pounds + 26 pounds shipping = $347 at
time of writing. Replacement NTN 6806 low friction bearings from his website which we cannot buy
in Australia are 25.5 pounds each, x 2 = 51 pounds, + 26pounds shipping = 77 pounds or $140 aud.
Recommended replacement approximately every 8000km. The financial argument of hybrid ceramic
being an overpriced option vs low friction steel is looking a little shaky on these numbers. Of course
you could just source and purchase the low friction steel bearings for your existing BB shell and hubs
and you should come out ahead of the majority of hybrid ceramic options - but you need to decide
which side of the fence you believe is advising the correct information re friction and longevity.
Ceramic speed also advised re the number of warranty returns for North America as those figures
were available I cannot divulge as that is commercially sensitive, but I can advise the number was
EXTREMELY low especially factoring in sales volumes, and that with the price point and
expectations of bearing performance / longevity for that price point any dissatisfaction (ie bearing
not remaining silky smooth perfect) is likely to result in a warranty return. If you shell out $400 to
$600 for a BB you are going to complain if it doesn’t live up to what you were expecting for that
level of coin.
I did ask Ceramic Speed for data on bearings that have been re tested after x thousands of km’s in
the field with pro athletes etc a bunch of pre / post bearing data across both ceramic speed and
some high quality steel bearings could simply shed a lot of light on validity or not of Hambini’s
claims, and this request has been taken under advisement.
I was advised however that whilst this kind of data / testing was not available at time of call overall
the feeling was that it is simply a non issue for them. They do have a machine that pedals cranks like
mad with the whole thing shaking around simulating sinusoidal forces similar to real world riding
and their products have obviously been extensively lab and field tested, as well as some pretty
powerful testimonials and data proven cases in industry. Now we know the claims of cycling being
different from industrial applications but again I refer consideration of the likelihood that cycling
application is such that it reduces such a proven longevity benefit in high speed, high load industry
applications to one of lesser longevity in cycling application.
Proving that their hybrid ceramic bearings have a longer lifespan vs steel is simply not something
that I think they expected to appear on their radar, for quality hybrid ceramic bearings it is assumed
that this just an accepted and proven situation however in light of the Hambini video’s growing in
profile and the rather powerful and convincing presentation style providing this data is a request
they have taken on for review. I will update this document as soon as I receive.
Bearing Cage material
This point is crucial - Hambini makes much of the advantage of steel riveted cage vs polyamide cages
used in most hybrid ceramic bearings, and claims the steel cages to be superior, that cages cause the
majority of friction inside bearing, and that it is expensive to manufacture riveted steel cages to
exacting tolerances which is likely why bearing makers such as enduro do not use them for their
hybrid ceramic bearings. He also claims steel cages act as lubrication reservoir.
However during my discussion with a technical sales person at one of Australia’s largest bearing
retailers, my discussion with ceramic speed, as well as much internet research on major bearing
manufacturer sites, I personally believe Hambini is way off base here.
The independent retailer advised that steel cages are not recommended for applications where
vibration is a factor, ironically the very same argument Hambini uses to advise against hybrid
ceramic bearings.
But crucially, polyamide cages are also most definitely lower friction, it is pretty much like the balls
are turning in teflon, and also of great importance for cycling is the polyamide cages are self
lubricating and so perform much better in situations of low lubrication levels.
This is a condition that presents itself quite frequently in cycling almost all high performance low
friction bearings will have a low fill level of a light viscosity faster grease. This does not last anywhere
near like a bearing packed with a heavier duty grease for bearings where outright longevity or long
service intervals is the key priority for the bearing vs low friction.
So for many of the more expensive and lower friction / faster bearings they will come with a low
amount of a faster grease, and unless user maintains with grease top up by around 10,000km
things will be running dry indeed. The supposed “oil reservoir” of a steel cage will only be of use if
there is any lubrication to fill the reservoir. Once the reservoir runs dry, you have a poorly lubricated
metal cage running on a poorly lubricated metal bearing, and this is not good situation at all the
bearing will be quickly damaged. For bearings in a polyamide cage, they can run in a very low
lubrication condition for a long time and be far less likely to suffer damage. This is even more so for
ceramic balls vs steel balls. So ultra low friction steel bearings with steel cages such as the ones
recommended by Hambini require attention indeed re lubrication levels. If you pack them with a
standard grease, you undo a lot of their low friction performance. If you run them as they come, you
will need to keep a close eye on adding a bit more of a fast grease at regular intervals. It is perhaps a
bit of a match why Hambini advises he replaces his bearings approximately every 8000km, and also
his rather low warranty cover.
So in summary for low friction bearings for cycling use, one most definitely wants a polyamide cage
as it is;
Lower friction
Self Lubricating
Recommended for use in applications where vibration is a factor
Recommended for use where bearing may experience low lubrication levels.
The ultra low friction steel bearings that Hambini recommends all have steel cages. But again cycling
was not necessarily the intended purpose of the bearing from these manufacturers.
What is also interesting is that Tier 1 manufacturers such as NTN do not bring the bearings Hambini
recommends into Australia. Only the heavier sealed, heavier greased bearing models are imported.
Long lasting they may be, but low friction and suitable for your riding not so much. Going back some
years I decked out my commuter with the top NTN bearings I could get from CBC bearings which
are the heavy sealed bearing thinking how clever I was paying $10 a bearing and saving a fortune
vs buying cycling specific brand bearings.
However was literally like riding with your brakes on. Even on my commuter I couldn’t stand it, it
was simply not pleasurable to ride, and I still liked to zip to and from work. So I replaced with quality
steel bearings made for cycling which have a good balance of seal drag, grease viscosity, and come
with a polyamide cage. Of course this meant my clever plan to save money didn’t really pan out.
Many others probably wouldn’t mind those bearings at all on their commuter and so it may be a
good option for others just not me I just have a friction limiter I cannot switch off
Companies such as Enduro that offer 2 grades of steel and two grades of hybrid ceramic simply
make a steel bearing option that is suitable for cycling it has a decent level of a sensible viscosity
grease, the abec 5 level has a polyamide cage, and the seals are proprietary and a good balance of
contact level so as not to be too much drag, but also offer good protection against the elements.
It is also worth noting that by the time you get the recommended ultra low friction steel bearings
Hambini recommends from Europe over to Australia, you are basically back at the same price point
as other great low friction hybrid ceramic options such as HSC, and notably more than the Abec 5
level steel bearings from Enduro which now armed with my new knowledge of polyamide vs steel
cages I personally would choose over the recommended NTN / SKF as proposed by Hambini. How
often have you had your wheel or BB bearings re greased? Never? Want more than 8000km of
recommended service life? Polyamide cages are for you if the answer is yes to those questions.
In another of hambini’s video’s he states that polyamide cages do not last as long as metal cages,
and this is true in a number industrial applications however that is usually because the type of
lubricant or exposure to chemicals may over time degrade a polyamide cage, or operating
temperature, high rpm and load can be an issue. I do not believe anyone has been able to discern
polyamide cage wear as factor in bearing performance drop / failure for cycling application all
indications point to Polyamide being superior re friction, low lubrication levels and vibration all
very important points for cycling application.
So - noting the difficulty in obtaining low friction steel bearings from Tier one manufacturers such as
NTN and SKF ie they cannot be obtained in Australia, you have to buy them from Europe or
elsewhere overseas, and even then Hambini admits they are difficult to obtain. The bearings with
low friction seals made by NTN and SKF have simply have riveted metal cages is this a factor
behind Hambini’s endorsement of this type of cage vs polyamide?
I have doubts that he biggest players in the cycling industry such as Enduro, Ceramic Speed etc, at
the price points they are charging for their bearings (Enduro XD15 are similar price to Ceramic
Speed) that the cost difference in going with a riveted steel cage vs a polyamide cage would be of
concern if a riveted steel cage was indeed superior.
Ceramic Speed advised they believed polyamide to be genuinely clearly superior to metal cage for
the reasons outline above by the independent bearing retailer, and all online research re cage
materials concurs.
Images for riveted steel vs Polyamide cages below.
Bearing clearance tolerance
So far in this document I have simply referred to bearings requiring the correct race tolerance. This
tolerance is referring to how tight the races are to the balls. CN is classed as normal tolerance. C2 is
one grade less than normal tolerance meaning that the races will be sightly tighter to the balls. C3
is one grade higher than normal tolerance meaning the races will have slightly more gap to the balls
than CN.
In another of Hambini’s videos re which bearings should one buy he refers to the C3 clearance of
Enduro bearings in a negative way, and recommends CN. I didn’t get to cover this particular point off
with any parties during all the other information I needed to cover, so this one is purely based on my
own experience.
It is the amount of preload Ie how tight bearing is pressed into bb shell, or hub shell, and then how
tight is the axle going into the inner race that will determine whether CN is ok or is C3 a safer bet.
From my experience CN clearance runs a high risk for many bb’s and hubs / axles that a bearing
which feels silky smooth out of the box will run too tight and notchy once installed. C3 clearance
allows for the generally fairly high pre load on races experienced in most BB’s and hubs.
Enduro, who focus on making bearings for cycling and are I believe the largest cycling bearing
manufacturer - make their bearings specifically with c3 clearance for a reason, and I wholeheartedly
agree with c3 clearance. As a general rule I would steer clear of CN clearance unless you know that
the bearing is going to be installed into a shell with very low preload, and that inserting the axle will
also exert very low pre load.
Bearings that are installed in cups are generally under a low amount of preload and CN will be fine
quite possibly preferred as Hambini states. Bearings that are pressed into a shell ie. BB30 or
similar, and most hub shells I would most definitely be going with c3.
The clearance is not stated on most other brands but I would bet my bottom dollar that pretty much
every cycling specific bearing manufacturer / retailer will be selling bearings with c3 clearance for a
good reason. Hambini eludes in his video that c3 clearance will soon lead to issues, however my
experience is the opposite and that CN clearance will be more likely to lead to very premature wear.
You can feel straight away a bearing that was smooth as silk out of the box, carefully pressed in dead
straight to correct point in BB / Hub, is now notchy and rough from compression on outer race from
hub / bb shell etc. So in short CN will be ok sometimes, but other times it will not be, and why take
the risk? C3 clearance I have never seen have this issue on install, and never seen an issue re c3
clearance impacting on bearing longevity.
Hambini advises in his video that whilst the Enduro bearing he was holding felt fine, it probably
wouldn’t in short while due to having c3 clearance. Yet Enduro manufacture bearings for cycling
application, and deliberately manufacture them with c3 clearance, and put c3 clearance as feature
listed in bearing performance. They obviously believe c3 clearance is the suitable clearance
tolerance for cycling applications, and with most bb’s and hub shells requiring a level of race
compression fit I most definitely agree. Here’s a snapshot of one of Enduro’s Abec 5 level Steel
ENDURO 61803 17X26X5 ABEC 5
Stock Code:
- Grade 5 Chromium Steel Balls
- High precision balls are within 5/1,000,000? round. These are military level specification, used for
precision equipment. R-64 hardness, of the highest grade.
- 52100 High Carbon Chromium Alloy Races
- Vacuum de-gassing process for the purest chromium alloy steel, hardened to R-62, extremely tough and
very durable. Polished to a mirror finish for ABEC-5 precision and noiseless movement.
- Graphite/Nylon Ball Retainers
- Nylon with graphite retainers are virtually frictionless while providing constant lubrication.
The ABEC 5 Standard
To meet the ABEC-5 standard, bearing design must pass all tests, which include noise testing at high
RPM, extremely close tolerances for I.D. and O.D., roundness of ball, trueness of the races and micro
surface finishes of balls and races.
C-3 Clearance
This specification describes the internal clearance between the bearing and its race. For example, in a 10-
18 I.D. bearing, our standard is 11-21 micrometers where as others use 11-25 micrometers.
Enduro LLB Type Seals
Our most popular seal type, this is a Nitrile material rubber with a steel insert. Rather than the standard
2RS type seal, we go a step further by machining a groove into the inner race where the seal can rotate
with better efficiency and less rolling resistance. Rather than one thick seal lip rubbing on a blunt surface,
LLB type utilizes two razor thin sealing lips riding in the groove with light contact. The outside lip keeps
the water and contaminates out, while the inner seal retains the grease for smooth function and long
intervals between servicing
Just at this point it is the LLB type seal that NTN do not bring into Australia, only the heavy contact
LLU which also comes with a heavier grease. It is the NTN LLB that Hambini lists as Ultra Low
friction on his website, and is the only low friction type bearing of that type without going to a ZZ
seal which is not actually a seal but a complete non contact metal shield for very low friction. The
NTN LLB and equivalent SKF only come with metal cages and CN. Other variations can be obtained
for the sizes we need to a point it takes a very large bulk order to make possible. Very large.
I do not have Hambini’s 26 years aerospace engineering experience, but I have some years
experience in the actual topic at hand cycling application. I have upgraded bearings in new hubs
where the stock bearings installed were just that stock steel. They felt rough on turning axle with
fingers and had high turning resistance. Upon pressing bearings out, bearings turn light and perfectly
smooth. Installing upgraded bearings from a variety of manufacturers depending on customers
choice often it is just enduro abec 5 steel bearings have been perfectly smooth and axles easily
and smoothly turned by fingers. I would bet large sums the bearings from cycling specific retailers /
manufacturers all have c3 clearance, the stock steel in some of the hubs I have seen would be CN or
normal clearance, and as such bearing has suffered from compression of the race onto balls when
installed into a press fit hub shell or BB.
Again is it possible that due to the difficulty of obtaining low friction steel by tier 1 manufacturers
such as NTN and SKF etc and the ones that can be obtained only come as CN, that this plays a part
behind Hambini’s endorsement of CN, and against C3, when the largest cycling specific bearing
manufacturer Enduro specifically manufactures its bearings to C3 tolerance for a reason.
Hambini’s bottom brackets do look to be designed and engineered extremely well, and so no doubt
CN is perfectly fine for his BB’s. It would be interesting to know if any users have had any longevity
issues with CN NTN or SKF in wheel hubs, or 6806 (bb30) bearings pressed directly into BB30 shell
bikes etc but this information will be rather hard to get objectively. If tolerances are correct
compression may hopefully not trouble CN, and the larger and stronger the bearing the more safety
margin one has - but again c3 is a safer bet indeed. I haven’t seen evidence this causes a shorter
lifespan enduro Abec 5 with c3 are installed as standard in a lot of high end wheelsets that go for a
very long time with no issues.
What is ZFC position after all this?
Across this journey I have learnt some new information indeed, and the aim of this research was for
me to see if based on Hambini’s presentation do I need to either drop selling hybrid ceramic and
stock low friction steel, or add low friction steel to my range to hedge my bets and let customer
decide based on if they personally believe ceramic bearing upgrades to be a costly marketing con or
I have also looked into stocking the low friction steel bearings by NTN, SKF etc as per Hambini’s
recommendations however in Australia this is tricky they are hard to get (even half of options
listed on Hambini’s site are often out of stock), they are expensive to get here bringing them
almost to same cost as some very good hybrid ceramic options; and at the end of all this my
summary information after working my way through;
The hambini video in detail, badgering hambini to the limit with questions,
Skyping ceramic speed for their input (note I do not stock ceramic speed bearings)
Badgering technical sales person at a major independent bearing retailer
Many many hours of internet research
Years of detail focus on parts longevity including testing many bearings on my own bikes as
well as seeing longevity and performance or not on customer’s bikes
And at the end of all that my personal conclusions are that;
Quality hardened steel races are not troubled by harder ceramic balls in cycling application
due to vibration. Longevity is determined by overall bearing quality, load rating vs
application, seal type vs application, hub / bb design, correct install & maintenance.
For Hambini’s claims to be true, quality hybrid ceramic needs to move from a state of many
times greater longevity vs steel to lesser longevity within just a few hundred km’s
The evidence / test for this data presented as fact cannot be obtained. Despite full design
drawings for his Bottom brackets being open source, his 10,000km cycling test, his
calculations, what data was used to make calculations and how was it obtained he will not
All evidence shows polyamide (and its variants) to be the superior cage for cycling both from
friction and low lubrication levels perspective, not steel cages.
All evidence shows c3 clearance not CN is the more applicable clearance tolerance for most
cycling bearing applications, and there is no evidence c3 leads to a shorter lifespan even in
the instances when CN clearance would have been fine.
The only evidence to the contrary I have found comes from Hambini, and how he has obtained that
evidence is known only to Hambini, and he isn’t sharing.
So ZFC take at this stage is that despite his most excellent youtube video’s and graphs I cannot
accept at face value the information behind Hambini’s claims re hybrid ceramic bearings low friction
performance lasting for only a few hundred km’s in cycling application before degrading, and the
conflicting information re metal cages and CN clearance which just happens to be what comes with
the only low friction steel bearings that he can obtain outside of sourcing from cycling specific
industry manufacturer. I believe Hambini’s aim is to be a retailer with a clear point of difference so
as to carve his own piece of the bearing upgrade market. If he was to source quality steel from say
Enduro, he would be just another of hundreds of retailers who sell Enduro bearings.
The lack of openness regarding his 10,000km test currently puts Hambini in the same basket as how
things went questioning Muc Off and Wend Wax re their products performance and testing claims. I
found in lubricant testing there were companies who could not wait to talk about their testing and
proof behind claims, one sharing so much I was required to sign a non disclosure agreement.
However it demonstrated that if genuine testing that will pass any level of scrutiny is being done,
and the results of the testing are a match for the claims the companies are eager to share and talk
about. Why wouldn’t a company be? If one has invested a lot of time and hard work into something
and been successful in an outcome, the best thing ever is people showing an interest in your work.
Invariably I found in the lubricant testing that companies who were bursting at the seems to talk
about the testing and proof to back up marketing claims had great products. Companies who refuse,
deflect, run away from questions and scrutiny it makes no logical sense unless there is something
going on they do not want you to see / things will not pass proper scrutiny.
My personal opinion at this stage until further information shows otherwise and I highlight this is
just my personal opinion at this stage until new information proves otherwise, is that Hambini uses
his credentials of 26 years as an Aerospace Engineer, and his clearly very high intelligence to
present the case he wants to present which suits his business and commercial aims. It is very clever
to go steel in the manner he has as a point of difference in a crowded bearing upgrade market, and
he has the abilities to easily convince almost everyone who see’s his video’s.
Cost per Watt saved breakdown
Hambini’s cost per watt saved breakdown is also interesting it does show a much greater cost per
watt saved for ceramic options but again this is just looking at bearing cost. A lot of the NTN wheel
hub size bearings are granted much cheaper than the hybrid ceramic offerings by enduro or ceramic
speed however, for most bikes when looking at doing the entire bike drivetrain bearing change as
a whole as is the point of this graph it is not taking into account if you were to purchase say a
Hambini Racing BB for 165 pounds vs just some 6806 bearings this changes the cost per watt for
his steel options quite significantly, and of course for Australian customers it does not take into
account 26 pounds postage to obtain.
For Australian customers, re- running the numbers based on buying a Hambini racing PF30 BB,
Australian prices and postage vs Australian prices and postage for Ceramic Speed PF30 the ratio
changes quite a lot. On hambini’s calculations the ratio of his recommended steel vs ceramic speed =
ceramic speed is basically 4 x the cost per watt saved. On the above the ratio changes dramatically
to ceramic speed being only 1.7 times the cost per watt saved.
And personally, having now researched this from all angles at great depth, if I was to go with steel I
would be going Enduro Abec 5 steel which has;
Polyamide Cages
C3 clearance vs CN
Grade 5 chromium steel balls and R62 to R64 hardness rated bearing races.
A good balance re the low friction low contact seal and viscosity / speed of the grease.
In short the higher quality Abec 5 Enduro steel bearings are made specifically for cycling and have
the features most applicable for cycling. The low friction steel bearings recommended by Hambini
are manufactured by major industry players for industrial / commercial application not cycling. We
cannot easily obtain those bearings in Australia, even Hambini in UK needs to sources from multiple
manufacturers to cover just some of the main bearing sizes and as at the time of writing I very
much believe that steel cages and CN clearance are clearly inferior vs Polyamide and C3 for cycling
And again lastly as a wrap we need to consider;
How accurate are Hambini’s “calculations”. How were they calculated? What measures were
taken? How were they taken and with what equipment? The raw data that is input for
“calculations” is rather important. I understand them not being covered on a video, however
full detail should be on website, or at the least available on a document to send to any who
request this detail. Most especially his 10,000km longevity test.
Whom do you believe re harder ceramic balls causing brinelling damage to the relatively soft
races. Whilst the ceramic balls will still be harder, is armour plate level hardness for steel
races hard enough to avoid being damaged by ceramic balls for cycling loads and cycling
level vibration assuming the load rating of bearing is sufficient for the application?
Whom do you believe re steel vs polyamide cages for cycling application?
Whom do you believe re CN or C3 clearance for cycling application?
Are you happy with recommendation of replacing the recommended steel bearings every
approx. 8000km? Does this match his claims of the steel bearings he recommends having a
low friction longevity advantage over hybrid ceramic? If you have hybrid ceramic bearings in
your BB / wheels and have done many more km’s than this – how are they feeling? Still
perfectly silky smooth? If yes do you believe there is brinelling damage to bearing races?
Is all the information Hambini is presenting in a rather powerful manner unbiased and
independent based on his experience and knowledge from 26 years in aerospace industry,
or is it a very clever way of standing out in the bearing upgrade market from a sea of hybrid
ceramic offerings?
It is clear that Hambini is a super smart guy, his bottom brackets look beautifully designed and
crafted. I can see why he has all positive reviews on his products, why his business looks to be very
successful in Europe, and also a pretty much 100% success rate on convincing those who watch his
video’s on why they should go steel and avoid hybrid ceramic. If his customers are happy, and
experiencing no issues with his recommended bearings then at the end of the day if customers are
happy and giving 5 star reviews there are no real issues to worry about, and I assume if any
Australian customers go down the path he recommends It looks like good odds you will be happy.
However I personally simply cannot agree with his recommendations at this time. There is too much
completely contradictory information from genuinely independent sources, and the lack of
transparency is a big red flag. Just because someone is very smart it doesn’t always make them
right. It may simply make them very shrewd and very convincing.
It is of course entirely possibly Hambini is correct on every front and he is as honest as St Peter
himself, and that after my investigations my small amount of underpowered neurons have
everything incorrect but until Hambini provides the full detail of his 10,000km test, measures and
calculations behind his friction figures the above is where my best information and
recommendations sit at the time of writing this document. I am always open to being convinced
What is ZFC agenda? My goal is to build a small boutique hobby business with a business vision of
selecting the genuine best products based on real evidence and testing not just who has the best
marketing department / skills. As part of the journey re finding what products are best fit for ZFC, I
aim to provide and share better information about products, friction, maintenance etc in general so
that cyclists of all demographics are better armed to make purchasing decisions that best suit them.
This way the product they select will save them both friction and money over what they were using
previously. A true win win.
I invest a substantial % of my revenue back into testing projects, not to mention the amount of time
involved - as this builds the pillars of the business model which will carry forwards for years into the
future. I simply NEED to know what products I should stock and why. By using actual facts and test
data to sit behind product selection all of which is completely open to scrutiny this is already
proving a very successful model for a small hobby business- with growth rate exceeding
Why was there no independent testing pre Friction Facts and then post Friction Facts?
Friction Facts was very very clever you needed to pay a small amount for the reports which is fair
enough considering the costs of obtaining the data, however again the winning lubricant formula
was used to start a side business for the worlds fastest chains at the time Ultra Fast Optimisation.
This side business proved successful, so much so that it was soon purchased by Ceramic Speed, and
not long after Jason Smith himself was brought on as staff at CS.
But the business models in general to recoup the large $ and time invested in obtaining data are
rather tenuous. My business model is the only other one I could think of. I felt very strongly that the
testing needed to be done, as with the absence of independent testing there can often be a gaping
hole between manufacturers claims and real world performance. Manufacturers can claim anything
they like. Sometimes what they claim is true, sometimes it is complete hogwash and the
manufacturer is fully aware the product performs nothing like their claims, sometimes it is in
I was in a fortunate position that when my wife and I had our little guy, it was always going to be me
to take a career break to stay home and play with the little guy (I don’t know why more guys don’t
take up the opportunity if you can who doesn’t want to stay home and play silly games all day vs
going to work?! ). So after sending the lovely wife went back to work, I had the time to play with
setting up ZFC and the testing project, and without any weekly revenue pressure a normal business
faces to pay rent, bills, be able to eat etc we had the wifey’s good steady income to cover
everything - and I could take my time to focus on a much longer break even / recoup cost business
strategy that is a genuine win win for ZFC and customers. And so here we are, finally the right set of
circumstances allowing a business model to be put in place to bring back independent testing. And
there is much to be done!
So that is back ground on ZFC (overshare? ) & my agenda.
If Hambini is correct (and only he can prove it to me) I am ready to drop my hybrid ceramic
offerings and set about importing the bearings he recommends if that is genuinely what is the best
option for my customers. At this time however, I feel very secure in the information and
recommendations contained in this document. I will edit and re upload should new information
come in that changes any of the above.
I hope to have given you some information to ponder / balance, and if you have been wondering
about the entire steel vs hybrid ceramic if you are unsure after seeing Hambini’s rather convincing
video’s and my document here – then I heartily encourage thee to simply do your own internet
research / contact major independent bearing retailer in Aus and do your own digging and see
where you end up. Feel free to contact me and let me know of any interesting information.
Thanks for taking the time to read, and I hope this has helped clear up the conflicting information
you may have seen over time from the camps sitting on opposite sides of the fence. Any questions
on any fronts please email me at info@zerofrictioncycling.com.au
Steel vs ceramic (speed) video prompting this article -
What do seal codes mean?
This is very tricky as different manufacturers use different codes for the same type of seal.
What is LLB for NTN is denoted VV by SKF or DD by another brand etc. So understanding
what the seal code means for what bearing means you need to look up that specific brands
seal codes.
What is fairly universal is that ZZ means a completely non contact metal shield, and the
grease inside the bearing forms a hydrodynamic seal between the inner race and the shield.
This type of bearing is what you will find inside computer hard drives etc where
contamination levels are low.
A very common code used by many manufacturers is 2RS this simply means both sides of
the bearing are sealed by 2 rubber seals. But whether or not the seal is light contact or
heavy contact, dual lip or single lip etc you have no idea. So a bearing with 2RS code may
have a low friction seal, or it may have a very high drag seal.
Generally speaking bearing manufacturers who make bearings for cycling only, shields
coded 2RS are likely to be light contact and low friction. If it is just a generic brand it could
be anything.
Some bike specific brands may have no seal code just the bearing size code number, and
that is because the seal is proprietary and specific to them ie I don’t believe any of
Ceramic Speeds bearing seals have a seal code on them as theirs seals and the inner race
have been designed to be as low friction as possible whilst still actual seal, and is an
important factor in their bearings low friction performance. They do not have a range of
seals need to delineate from one another they just make one type of seal their own.