Employment Agreement
Employer and , M.D./D.O.
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[EMPLOYER] AND ____________________________________________________ , M.D.
This is an Employment Agreement by and between [Employer], a Wyoming [Health
Care Entity] (“Employer”), having its principal place of business at
Wyoming 8 , and ________________, M.D. (“Physician”), effective as of the last date
executed by the parties (the “Effective Date”).
WHEREAS, Employer is a (healthcare provider) in , Wyoming;
WHEREAS, Employer employs physicians to serve the health care needs of the
community served by Employer, including County, Wyoming;
WHEREAS, Physician is a qualified ___________ physician and has experience
providing medical administrative services;
WHEREAS, Employer desires to employ Physician in order to provide medical services
to serve the community; and
WHEREAS, Physician desires to provide such services in the community as an employee
of the Employer.
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements that
follow, Employer and Physician agree as follows:
1) Employer Physician Relationship. Physician is hereby employed by Employer to
provide professional medical services and such other administrative, supervisory and
coverage services as set forth in Exhibit A to this Agreement (collectively the
“Services”). Physician’s employment with Employer will begin on or about
, 20__ (“Physician’s Start Date”). Physician shall provide
all Services pursuant to this Agreement as an employee of Employer. Physician shall be
subject to and abide by all Employer policies, procedures, rules and regulations
applicable to Employer’s employees during the term of this Agreement.
2) Physician Qualifications. Physician must satisfy the qualifications set forth in this
Section 2 throughout the term of this Agreement.
a) Physician must establish and maintain Associate Medical Staff membership at
such acute care hospitals as may be designated by Employer from time to time
during the term of this agreement (each a “Hospital”) for the first year of his/her
Medical Staff membership, and advance to and maintain Active Medical Staff
membership at such Hospitals for the remaining term of this Agreement.
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b) Physician must maintain appropriate clinical privileges at such Hospitals to
provide the Services contemplated hereunder.
c) Physician must maintain a valid, unrestricted license to practice medicine in the
State of Wyoming, and other states as directed by Employer from time to time
during the term of this Agreement.
d) Physician must maintain valid and unrestricted federal and state registrations to
prescribe and dispense controlled substances.
e) Physician must not be excluded, suspended, debarred or otherwise ineligible to
participate in the Medicare, Medicaid or other government payer programs.
f) Physician must maintain participating provider status for all third party payors
and managed care organizations identified by Employer, including, without
limitation, .
g) Physician must not be convicted of or plead guilty to any felony or any
misdemeanor related to patient services, controlled substances, sexual
misconduct, assault, or any action taken from a position of trust.
Physician will immediately notify Employer in writing if he or she becomes aware of any
investigation, proposed or pending legal, administrative or peer review action or other effort
to suspend, restrict, terminate or otherwise adversely affect any of the required qualifications
noted above, and will provide any relevant information requested by Employer regarding the
investigation, action or other effort. The reasonable cost of all application and registration
fees required for Physician to meet these obligations shall be borne by employer.
3) Term. This Agreement shall remain in effect for a period of three (3) years from the
Physician’s Start Date, unless earlier terminated pursuant to Section 4 below.
4) Termination.
a) This Agreement may be terminated by either party without cause upon ninety (90)
days written notice to the other party. If either Employer or Physician terminates
this Agreement pursuant to this Section 4, Employer shall pay the Physician his or
her salary and provide Physician with the benefits set out herein through the
effective date of termination or through the last day Physician provides Services
in accordance with this Agreement, whichever is earlier.
b) Employer may terminate this Agreement immediately upon written notice to
Physician for any of the following reasons, which shall be deemed “cause” and shall be
stated with particularity in the written notice to Physician.
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i) If Physician fails to become or ceases to be a member of a Hospital’s
Medical Staff (Active or Associate, as applicable), for any reason, unless
with Employer’s explicit permission;
ii) Upon the failure to be granted, or expiration, suspension, revocation,
restriction or termination of Physician’s clinical privileges at a Hospital,
for any reason, unless with Employer’s explicit permission;
iii) Upon the expiration, suspension, revocation, surrender, restriction or
cancellation of Physician’s license to practice medicine in the State of
Wyoming for any reason;
iv) Upon the expiration, suspension, revocation, surrender or cancellation of
Physician’s authority to prescribe medication, including controlled
v) Upon the inability or incapacity of Physician to legally be employed, or
continue to be employed, in the United States to provide the Services as
required hereunder, regardless of reason or cause;
vi) Upon Physician’s material inaccuracy (including a material omission) or
misrepresentation of any warranty or representation made by Physician in
this Agreement or in any written document provided to a Hospital for
purposes of applying for and maintaining employment or for purposes of
applying for and maintaining Medical Staff membership or clinical
vii) If Physician is convicted of or pleads guilty to any felony offense or any
misdemeanor offense related to the delivery of patient care services,
controlled substances, sexual misconduct or any misdemeanor based on
action taken from a position of trust;
viii) If Physician’s participating provider status for any managed care company
or third party payer identified by Employer is rejected, suspended or
terminated for reasons of professional qualifications, quality of care or
professional conduct; or
ix) If Physician fails to report to Employer within ten (10) business days if
Physician becomes aware that he/she is subject to an investigation, action
or effort to affect any of Physician’s qualifications as required under
Section 2 above.
c) If at any time Physician is unable to perform his or her normal duties for a period
of three (3) consecutive months by reason of illness, accident, disability, or
similar causes, Employer may, at its option and after fulfilling its obligations
under the Americans With Disabilities Act, or any other similar law or regulation
requiring EMPLOYER to make reasonable accommodation for Physician’s
disability or other inability to perform the essential functions of his or her job,
terminate this Agreement without further liability, except that EMPLOYER shall
pay all salary and benefits due Physician during the three (3) month period of
disability. Notwithstanding any provision of this Agreement to the contrary,
however, Physician shall be entitled to all benefits of the Federal Family Leave
Act, if Physician is eligible, without Employer terminating this Agreement;
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provided, however, any leave under the Family Leave Act shall be without pay
except as otherwise provided in this Agreement.
d) Employer may terminate this Agreement upon thirty (30) days’ written notice to
Physician and opportunity to cure for any of the following reasons, each of which
is deemed “cause” and will be described with particularity in the written notice to
Physician, provided the cause is capable of cure. Physician shall not, however, be
entitled to any hearing on such termination for cause prior to termination, and
explicitly waives any right to such hearing.
i) Upon Physician’s breach of this Agreement, including any failure to
perform the duties required hereunder or failure or refusal to comply with
the policies, standards and regulations of Employer, as established or
amended from time to time, including, but not limited to compliance with
policies relating to productivity, scheduling and the timely completion of
patient charts, medical records, and other documentation required to bill
for services rendered; or
ii) If Physician’s participating provider status for any managed care company
or third party payer identified by Employer is rejected, suspended or
terminated for reasons of professional qualifications, quality of care or
professional conduct; or
iii) If Physician repeatedly takes any action or engages in any act or omission
that is reasonably materially detrimental to the legitimate business
interests of Employer, after being notified that such act or omission is
unacceptable under this subsection. Employer is not required to provide
such notice if the act or ommission would constitute “cause” under any
other Section of this Agreement.
5) Employment Screenings. At Employer's reasonable request, Physician shall
cooperate in the completion of such screenings as may be necessary to comply with
Employer’s then-current policies and procedures, as well as those set out below.
Physician shall execute all authorizations and releases for the performance of such
screenings reasonably requested by Employer, and shall authorize that the results be
released to Employer. Such screenings may include, but not be limited to, criminal
background checks, credit checks, drug screenings and health screenings. Employer will
reasonably determine whether the results of such screenings are satisfactory. Unless
otherwise agreed to by the parties in advance, Employer will arrange for, conduct and
bear the cost of all such screenings.
a) Physician shall provide EMPLOYER with such background information,
including, but not limited to, references, licensing confirmation including a
verified copy of Physician’s current unrestricted license to practice in Wyoming,
and confirmation of Physician’s unrestricted right to work as a ______________
physician in the United States for the term of this Agreement.
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b) Physician shall obtain and provide documentation of (i) 2 doses MMR vaccine, or
rubeola, rubella and mumps titers showing immunity (ii) record of 3 doses
Hepatitis B vaccine series or Hepatitis B titer showing immunity or a signed
statement of Hepatitis B vaccine refusal, (iii) 2 doses of varicella vaccine or
varicella titer showing immunity or documented history of chickenpox, (iv) PPD
(mantoux) less than twelve months old or chest x-ray in last year if known
6) Physician Covenants. Physician’s duties herein shall in all events be performed by
Physician in accordance with local and customary rules of ethics and conduct in the
medical profession and to the standards set out in this Agreement. The Physician further
agrees to perform the following duties and obligations hereunder:
a) Physician agrees that, as an employee of Employer, any and all professional fees
Physician generates from the practice of medicine while performing his or her
duties pursuant to this Agreement, and while providing the Services, are the sole
property of Employer, and Physician specifically disclaims any right, title or
interest in or to such fees. To the extent necessary to comply with any applicable
Medicare, Medicaid or other third party rules, policies or procedures on
reassignment of such, Physician hereby conveys and assigns any such right to
payment by Medicare, Medicaid or any third party payor to Employer, and agrees
to accept the compensation set out herein as payment in full for the Physician’s
performance of his or her duties and obligations, including the Services, provided
hereunder. Physician shall not bill Medicare, Medicaid or any other third party
payor for services provided by Physician hereunder, except as requested by
Employer. Physician shall execute such documents as may be reasonably
necessary to effect such conveyance and assignment. The parties agree that each
of them is jointly and severally responsible for any Medicare overpayment made
to Employer as the result of Services provided by Physician that are reimbursable
by Medicare. Physician shall have unrestricted access to claims submitted by
Employer for any such Services he or she provides during the term of this
(i) Exceptions. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the following shall not be
considered “professional fees” generated by Physician from the practice of
medicine, and Physician shall be permitted to keep all such fees generated by his
or her efforts:
b) Physician agrees to complete all medical records in a timely manner, as required
by Employer’s applicable policies and procedures, as such are in effect from time
to time. Physician shall promptly provide all information required to complete
and maintain medical records, including diagnosis codes and care plans. All
medical records shall remain the property of Employer. Physician shall be
entitled to access to medical records, as needed, in connection with
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responsibilities under this Agreement or as needed to reasonably conduct
business, before or after the term of this Agreement, or comply with state or
federal law. Upon expiration or termination of this Agreement, all original patient
records and charts shall remain in the possession of Employer.
c) In the event this Agreement is terminated for any reason or expires, Physician
shall promptly complete all outstanding and incomplete medical records and other
similar documentation, including, but not limited to, those necessary for
Employer to bill and collect professional and/or technical fees generated by
Physician’s Services pursuant to this Agreement prior to such termination or
expiration. If this Agreement is terminated pursuant to Section 4.b, all such
medical records and/or documentation shall be completed by Physician within
five (5) days after termination.
d) Physician agrees to comply with and support all requirements and aspects of
Employer’s then-current quality improvement, compliance and similar initiatives,
as adopted and amended from time to time by Employer.
e) Physician hereby represents that Physician’s performance pursuant to this
Agreement does not violate any other agreement, contract or arrangement with a
third party, including, but not limited to, any covenant not-to-compete or similar
f) Physician agrees to act in compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local
laws and regulations in the performance of his or her duties and obligations under
this Agreement.
7) Employer Covenants. As consideration for the Physician's performance of his or her
obligations, duties, responsibilities and other terms and conditions of this Agreement,
Employer shall, during the term of this Agreement:
a) Compensate Physician as set out on Exhibit B, attached hereto, subject to tax
withholding pursuant to state and federal tax laws, including federal income tax
and taxes under the Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) and Federal
Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA). Both parties shall make a good faith effort to
keep the salary information confidential.
b) Provide professional liability insurance coverage for Physician during the term of
this Agreement, with coverage limits of Dollars ($
,000.00) per incident and Dollars ($ ,000.00) in the
annual aggregate. Employer will provide such insurance by naming Physician as
an additional insured on Employer's professional liability insurance, pursuant to
the professional liability carrier’s acceptance and endorsement of physician onto
Employer’s existing policy.
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c) Provide appropriate and reasonable office space, equipment, utilities, staff, and all
other services necessary for Physician to perform his or her duties under this
Agreement. Employer shall coordinate selection of facilities, equipment, and staff
with Physician.
d) Perform all necessary billing and collection services for all Employer patients
seen or treated by Physician as provided for herein.
8) Patient Care. Nothing in this Agreement shall be interpreted to dictate Physician’s
practice of medicine, Physician's delivery of direct patient care or independent judgment
in the practice of medicine. Physician shall have complete control over the diagnosis and
treatment of patients, and neither Employer, nor any employee of Employer, shall
exercise any direct supervision or control over the individual treatment of the patient.
9) Fair Market Value and No Requirement of Referrals. Employer and Physician agree
that no term of this Agreement is conditioned upon the admission, recommendation,
referral or any other form of arrangement by Physician for utilization by patients or
others of any item or service offered by Employer. Employer and Physician agree that the
consideration exchanged hereunder is fair market value for the Services provided
hereunder and is not determined in a manner that directly or indirectly takes into account
the volume or value of any referrals by the Physician to any entity.
10) Waiver of Breach. The waiver by Employer or by Physician of any breach of any
provision of this Agreement shall not operate or be construed as a waiver of any
subsequent breach by either Employer or Physician.
11) Non-assignability. This Agreement shall be binding and shall inure to the benefit of
Employer and Physician and their respective successors, heirs and legal representatives.
Neither this Agreement, nor any rights hereunder, may be assigned by Physician without
the written consent of Employer. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Employer may assign
all or part of this Agreement, including all or any part of its duties, obligations and
benefits, only to a Employer -affiliated entity, including, but not limited to, a wholly
owned subsidiary of Employer, without Physician’s consent, but upon no less than thirty
(30) days’ written notice to Physician. This Agreement may be terminated at the election
of the Physician if a Change in Control of Employer occurs. For purposes of this
Agreement, a “Change of Control” shall mean any change in the ownership of more than
50% of the ownership interests in Employer by any entity, except an entity that is
affiliated with Employer as of the Effective Date of this Agreement.
12) Entire Agreement/Amendments. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement
between the parties on the subject matter of this Agreement, superseding all prior
communications, oral or written. No statements, promises or inducements made by either
party or agent of either party, express or implied, shall be valid or binding if not
contained in this Agreement. No amendment or modification of the terms and conditions
of this Agreement shall be valid unless in writing signed by both parties hereto.
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13) Wyoming Law and Forum. This Agreement shall be construed according to the laws of
the State of Wyoming, its place of execution, and the parties agree that the District Court
for the Judicial District of Wyoming shall have exclusive jurisdiction to resolve
disputes hereunder.
14) Covenant Not-to-Compete. Except to the extent described on Exhibit B (if any),
during the term of Physician's employment by Employer and for a period of one (1) year
thereafter, Physician shall not be employed by, or render services of any kind provided
pursuant to this Agreement to Employer, or on Employer’s behalf, to or on behalf of: a)
any corporation, partnership, limited liability company, proprietorship or other business
enterprise that provides, contracts for the provision of, or holds itself out to the public as
a provider of, professional medical services at any location within .
15) Change of Law. The terms of this Agreement are intended to be in compliance with all
federal, state and local statutes, regulations and ordinances applicable on the date this
Agreement takes effect including but not limited to HIPAA and, in the event of conflict,
the state and/or the federal law will supersede the terms of this Agreement. The parties
agree to execute such amendments as may be necessary for HIPAA compliance as
additional regulations are promulgated or become final and effective. In the event that
any federal or state legislative or regulatory authority adopts any law or regulation which
(a) renders this Agreement illegal or prohibited by applicable law or regulation; (b)
establishes a material adverse change in the method or amount of reimbursement or
payment for Services under this Agreement; (c) imposes requirements which require a
material adverse change in the manner of either party’s operations under this Agreement;
or (d) legal counsel for either party advises that any of the terms or conditions of this
Agreement poses an unreasonable risk of violating any law or regulation, then, upon the
request of either party, the parties will enter into good faith negotiations for the purpose
of establishing such amendments or modifications as may be appropriate in order to
accommodate the change in law or regulations while preserving the original intent of this
Agreement to the greatest extent possible. If, after thirty (30) days of such good faith
negotiations, the parties are unable to reach an agreement as to how this Agreement will
continue, then either party may terminate this Agreement upon one (1) day prior written
notice. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the change in law requires the immediate
termination of this Agreement, this Agreement will be deemed to be so terminated.
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, M.D./D.O. Date
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DESCRIPTION (the “Services”)
The Physician will provide professional medical services to patients in Employer’s community
pursuant to Section 1 of the Agreement. Such professional services shall encompass, but not be
limited to, the following, and shall be performed as directed by Employer and as appropriate:
1. Unless otherwise agreed by Employer in writing in advance, Physician
shall devote a sufficient amount of time to the performance of Services and
obligations under this Agreement to the standards set forth herein, and to
adequately serve the _______________ needs of the community in conjunction
with other such physicians in Employer’s employ.
2. Physician will conduct an active practice in Physician’s specialty and provide
professional ____________ medical services to patients in such practice, including but
not limited to acceptance of new _____________ patients to Physician’s practice and
admission and treatment of inpatient and outpatient hospital patients, as medically
3. Call coverage. Physician will provide a reasonable amount of physician
coverage, including, but not limited to, after-hours, for Employer’s
patients on an on-call basis, when scheduled to do so by Employer. Such on-call
coverage shall be provided (to the extent possible) on a rotating basis with Employer’s
other physicians.
4. Physician will coordinate all ancillary services related to the episode of care
inclusive of all necessary items and services, including, but not limited to, durable
medical equipment, and home health services, as applicable. Physician shall not,
however select, or attempt to influence patients to select providers of ancillary outpatient
services affiliated with Employer over unaffiliated providers. Physician will advise and
assist EMPLOYER staff regarding efficient and effective use of appropriate ancillary
services, and will assist in identifying resource shortages, areas for improvement, barriers
to better disposition planning and any areas that impede high quality patient care.
5. Physician will cooperate with EMPLOYER in scheduling its _______________
physicians, including Physician, to allow for timely and competent care, and for the early
and timely rounding on ______________ patients to facilitate the arrangement of
discharge planning and care continuation by Employer staff, including arrangement of
SNF and Home Health services.
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6. Physician will use his or her reasonable efforts to coordinate appropriate patient
care for specialist physician services (e.g., surgeons, orthopedists, neurosurgeons) to
ensure timely and efficient patient care.
Physician will perform administrative services pursuant to the Agreement, including, but not
limited to, the following:
1. Meet with Employer’s designated representative on a periodic basis to discuss
Employer’s performance and operations. Physician’s compliance with his or her duties
and obligations under, and the terms and conditions of, this Agreement shall be subject to
periodic evaluation by Employer using such evaluation tools as Employer shall, in its sole
discretion, see fit.
2. Assist as reasonably requested in the marketing and promotion of Employer
program services.
3. Assist the Employer in the recruitment and management of Employer program
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1. Salary.
2. Production Based Incentives.
3. Regional Development Activities.
4. Benefits.
5. Payment of Special Incentives.
a. Taxation and Reporting of Special Incentives.
b. Repayment of Special Incentives.