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a product of the Home Health Section of the American Physical Therapy Association
Created by the Home Health Section Student Program Task Force:
Kenneth L Miller, PT, DPT, CEEAA, Leader
Bill Anderson, PT, DPT, GCS, CEEAA
Michele Berman, PT, DPT, MS
Chris Chimenti, PT
Tracey Collins, PT, PhD, MBA, GCS
Shari Mayer, PT, DPT, PCS
The Home Health Section Practice Committee is thankful to the members of the Practice Committee and
Student Program Task Force for the creation of this resource. Additionally, this project could not have
been completed without the support of the Executive Committee of the Home Health Section.
Home Health Section Practice Committee:
Kenneth L Miller, PT, DPT, CEEAA, Chair
Wendy Anemaet, PT, DPT, PhD, GCS
Nikki Gilroy, PT, DPT
Arlynn Hansell, PT
Virginia Harbour, PT
Jonathan Talbot, PT, MS, COS-C
Laurie Page, PT, DPT, COS-C
Executive Committee (at time of project development):
Cindy Krafft, PT, MS, President
Tonya Miller, PT, DPT, Vice-President
Theresa Gates, PT, Secretary
Chris Chimenti, PT, Treasurer
Robin Childers, CAE, Executive Director
Published June 2015.
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Introduction Pages 3-6
Suggested Steps to Starting a Student Program in Home Health Pages 7-13
Model Student Program Policy Pages 14-16
Student Supervision Regulations and Recommendations Pages 17-19
Sample Timeline for Facilitated Clinical Instruction Pages 20-25
Sample Client Consent Form Page 26
Student Program Documentation Checklist Page 27
Comparison of Nursing and Physical Therapy Student Programs Page 28
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The most important resource in the home health practice setting is the licensed professionals charged with
seeing the patients that the home health agency serves. Time and money spent on recruiting and training
the clinical staff is costly. The estimated cost of a “bad hire” someone who is hired and trained and then
leaves the position (whether voluntarily or not) — costs companies upwards of $90,000, considering the
cost of advertising, interviewing, Human Resources (HR) staff involvement, productivity losses, and
Additionally, turnover rates add expenses to agencies as well. Turnover rates vary by region and
by discipline working in home health, however, the national average turnover rates for physical therapists
is 16.55% according to the Hospital & Healthcare Compensation Service.
Onboarding costs for new
hires include: the average Full Time Equivalent (FTE) HR cost per hire is $484, and the overall
onboarding costs are the same whether the new hire works out or not, which is $90,000.
onboarding costs and the incidence of “bad hires” are potentially lessened by the development and
implementation of a student clinical education (internship) program.
Having a student program works to lower the expenses related to recruiting and training whereby the
student physical therapist is being trained in the home health practice setting as a non-paid employee
serving two purposes. First, it exposes the students to the home health practice setting itself and to the
nature of what working in the practice setting. Exposing students to a practice setting while they are in
school expands the recruitment pool to candidates that may otherwise not consider a career in home
health. Additionally, the students exposed to the practice setting have the opportunity to understand what
they are getting into when accepting positions in home health and this should improve retention rates by
orienting them to the inner workings of the position ahead of time. Second, the onboarding process could
be abbreviated once the student comes back as a paid staff member as the student has a working
knowledge of the practice setting and training would include more advanced training rather than
addressing a new hire at entry level ability.
The ability to onboard familiar staff more quickly and improve retention. Agencies will save time and
money, allowing for staffing ability to meet the growing need for home services anticipated from the
aging baby boomer population and implementation of the affordable care act, resulting in increasing
numbers of insured people in the United States.
In order for home health agencies to attract top-level talent, it is necessary to provide a valuable exposure
to our practice setting. This clinical experience is paramount to the development of successful
professionals in our industry. With the proper approach, aspiring professionals can walk away with a
positive impression of home health practice and potentially embark upon a home health career down the
Quality physical therapy services are at the heart of every successful home care agency. Clinician
skills have far reaching implications involving the Outcome and Assessment Information Set
(OASIS), patient experience survey data (HHCAHPS), potentially avoidable events, and episodic
payment. As qualified physical therapists (PT) seek opportunities in the work force, they may
overlook the home health care setting without prior exposure.
Student affiliation partnerships between agencies and local physical therapy programs should lead
to many benefits, including staff recruitment and continuing education opportunities for the
agency, and provide more clinical experience sites for academic programs.Maintaining enough
clinical sites to serve physical therapy students is a challenge for many programs.
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Even if the student does not accept a position in home health care during her career, she will
possess a better understanding and appreciation for the practice setting. A student program has
the potential to create unforeseen benefits as we approach the likelihood of a bundled payment
Barriers and Strategies to Overcome Barriers
Increasing financial and regulatory pressures have forced most health care organizations to
optimize operational efficiencies including organizations in home health. As a result, home care
clinicians are often challenged to reach productivity targets, maintain quality for the visit itself,
meet documentation requirements, and have sufficient time to spend with a student.
This potential barrier of limited time can be addressed by taking non-billable driving time
between patients and making it a valuable time for the clinical instructor (CI) and student
to have timely discussions of the patients between visits in the car. This is a perfect
opportunity to provide education throughout the day between patients.
Additionally, this time alone in the car maintains HIPAA privacy. HIPAA may also be
maintained with privacy screens on the laptops and most home care clinicians spend the
majority of time in the car when outside of a patient’s home. This space is quiet, private
and affords confidentiality to be maintained.
Physical therapists may lack confidence in accepting a student as they do not have prior
experience working in an educational role.
Physical therapists who serve as clinical instructors gain leadership experience in two
primary ways: PTs gain a broader view of time management and scheduling by being
responsible for coordinating the student’s learning schedule and their patient schedules.
PTs learn how to delegate tasks and responsibilities to the student.
Physical therapists compensated on a per visit or contract basis are less likely to consider taking
on a student due to the potential impact on their income.
Additional Strategies to Overcome Barriers
Salaried physical therapists can encourage their employer to provide “forgiveness” for transient
lapses in productivity while onboarding a new student or advocate for merit based pay increases
for successful student mentorship. Employers might consider providing per visit or contract
therapists with enhanced benefits such as providing continuing education and/or professional
association dues reimbursement to those willing to accept students for affiliation. This same
strategy may be used for staff members (details below).
The APTA Credentialed Clinical Instructor Program (CCIP) courses are a great way to equip
physical therapists with the structure necessary to guide developing professionals. This is a
nationwide program with a goal to develop and refine a physical therapist’s ability to teach and
guide the development of the student. To save on expenses, home health agencies can host a
course. These courses also provide continuing education units (CEU). The CCIP website is:
Some states award CEUs for student affiliation. For example, physical therapists working in New
York State can receive .25 hours for each 2-week period of student mentorship.
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Practicing physical therapists should be encouraged to consider the personal gratification that
comes with student mentorship. Many therapists will pursue ongoing mentorship opportunities
following completion of a successful experience.
Home care agencies and physical therapists who are contemplating the initiation of a student
program should consider starting with students who have already completed one or two clinical
experiences. Experienced students can often assist the clinical instructor in a collaborative
manner to ensure optimal efficiency.
Academic physical therapy programs eager to identify quality affiliation opportunities are more
willing and likely to provide continuing education to the therapy staff that could provide
additional continuing education units (CEUs) to the staff.
Home health agencies may recruit staff volunteers as clinical instructors by providing for
professional memberships, journal subscriptions, continuing education and lastly, develop a
clinical ladder and count this experience as points towards moving up the ladder.
The benefits of successful physical therapy affiliation in home health care far outweigh the potential
barriers. Efforts to involve developing professionals in our rewarding practice setting are pivotal to
ensuring the future success of home health physical therapy. Recent comments received by a home health
agency Center Coordinator of Clinical Education (CCCE) from a student summarize this point quite well:
I just wanted to take a moment to thank you and everyone at your agency for an incredible
experience! I have never worked at a more ethical clinic that really and truly put the patient’s needs
first before all else. The quality of care that was provided was simply unparalleled and the patient
outcomes reflected that dedication from the therapists and nurses.”
Student, upon completing a home health student program
The home health student physical therapy program toolkit contains several resources to assist a home
health agency in the development of a new student program or to strengthen and standardize an already
existing program. The intent of the Home Health Student Pogram Roadmap and Toolkit is not intended to
duplicate the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) resources on student clinical education,
but to complement it with material specific to the home health practice setting. The Home Health Section
(HHS) highly recommends use of both the APTA and HHS resources available here.
Although this toolkit is intended to contain all the necessary elements required for a student program in
home health, the user of this material must perform due diligence as federal regulations change and state
regulations vary widely (and are not specifically described here).
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1. ADP. Bad Hire Calculator. Available at: http://www.adp.com/tools-and-resources/calculators-
and-tools/pes-calculators/bad-hire-calc.aspx. Accessed 9/18/14.
2. John R. Zabka Associates, Inc. HOMECARE Salary & Benefits Report 2013-2014. Oakland, NJ:
Hospital & Healthcare Compensation Service. 2013
3. ADP. ROI Onboarding Calculator. Available at: http://www.adp.com/tools-and-
resources/calculators-and-tools/pes-calculators/onboarding-calc.aspx. Accessed 9/18/14.
4. United States. Government Printing Office. Public Law 111-148. Patient Protection and
Affordable Care Act. 2010. Available at: http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/PLAW-
111publ148/pdf/PLAW-111publ148.pdf. Accessed 9/18/2014.
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Suggested Steps Involved With Starting a Student Program in Home Health
Research regulations: federal, state. See resource titled, “Student Supervision Regulations and
Research resources needed specific to your agency and seek administration approval:
o Clinical Instructor (CI) selection and training
Credentialed Clinical Instructor Program (CCIP) is recommended but not
Survey staff for skill set inventory and specialty certifications
Review professional development activities for staff (continuing education, board
certification in a specialty practice such as Geriatrics)
o Time and resources for student training:
Typically educational programs require a certain degree of site-specific training
for students. Some examples may include:
Health Insurance Portability and Accessibility Act (HIPAA)/patient
o Social Media
Corporate compliance
Blood borne pathogens
Infection control
Hand hygiene
Bag technique
Sexual harassment
Safety in the home/workplace
Other agency policies
Additional general agency training that will also be indicated:
Electronic Medical Record (EMR) training
Outcome Assessment and Information Set (OASIS) training, Home
Health Care Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems
Agency preferred methods of communication: email, phone, other
computer software (exercise handouts)
Laptop computer or access to office computer/internet (Article
searching/evidenced-based practice (EBP))
Access to Word Processing and presentation software (internal
References: Articles, textbooks
Equipment (bag contents)
Staff time for instructing
Decreased productivity:
o The typical agency productivity benchmark is the equivalent of 5
visits/day adjusted for geography, but this will need to be
decreased initially, especially at the beginning of the educational
experience, as the student orients to the agency. Admissions and
other OASIS time points will require a greater amount of time to
complete initially and provide student instruction
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Decreased productivity costs can be calculated using an agency’s cost
per visit, which is determined by accounting for a therapist’s salary,
benefits, and cost of the physical space in the office and supplies. This
will vary from agency to agency but in general a 25% reduction in
productivity initially for the clinical instructor would be necessary to
provide an optimal educational experience for the student.
Staff training costs:
o Continuing education
Optional staff training costs:
o Fees for CI credentialing
Costs can be minimized or neutralized in various ways:
o Agency recruitment
A senior-level PT can be hired directly by the agency
after his or her successful completion of the clinical
experience. DPT students have training in medical
screening, pharmacology, evidence based practice, and
other topics giving them the ability to enter a more
advanced practice setting than in the past. The agency
can help develop the student’s clinical and
documentation skills in a home health specific manner.
The agency can also assess the student’s compatibility
with the agency and team before hiring. This can help
fill agency openings, but also allows the agency to be
able to train the student/new graduate in a manner
optimal for the home health setting.
Onboarding new staff is costly (recruitment and training)
and introducing students to the home health setting may
allow for students to be hired upon graduation, having
been previously trained during their clinical experience.
Development of a relationship with the local
college/university can be a valuable source of
o Staff Retention
Employee engagement in the form of providing
educational experiences and mentoring others assists
with current staff retention and professional
o Educational experiences
Students can help motivate existing staff to remain
current with practice standards.
Direct infusion of evidence based practice by the student
into the home health setting. This practice by the student
can encourage more experienced therapists to participate
or learn about this process if not formally educated in it.
Students can provide staff education in the form of in-
Continuing education provided by the college/university
Consulting services by the college/university faculty.
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Use of college/university library services.
o Patient referrals
Advocacy for home health in the community
Referrals from therapists from other settings
o Productivity expectations
Utilizing a plan to increase productivity once the student
achieves proficiency in certain areas. This will reduce
the total cost of the experience.
Productivity may improve to above the required visit
count minimum for the latter half of the clinical
experience with the use of time management strategies
like those listed in the bullets below. Improvement in
productivity may also neutralize the budget impacts of
supporting a student:
One clinician can document in the home while
the other performs the session. Documentation is
completed and reviewed prior to traveling to the
next home which will assist with time
management and accuracy of documentation.
Traveling time can be made more productive by:
o Discussing patients during traveling
o Some students may be able to document
in the car while the CI is driving (should
be addressed in the agency policy)
Formal Policy and Procedures and Reporting Structure
o Designation of duties for the Center Coordinator of Clinical Education (CCCE) and CI
and who will they report to.
This will vary depending on agency administrative structure.
Some agencies have a multidisciplinary structure (each discipline
remains within their boundaries) or an interdisciplinary structure
(different disciplines are integrated within a team). It is important to
decide who will be the person overseeing the program as a CCCE and if
he or she requires a managerial level position so that the student and CI
are reporting to a PT rather than another discipline. Another structure is
to have a clinical educator role that functions as the CCCE.
o Policy regarding productivity standards for CIs taking students
This is important to ensure that all departments are in agreement as to patient
workloads for the CI to avoid an unfavorable experience for the CI and the
student. If the scheduling team is unaware of this policy, then the CI may be
scheduled for their typical workload rather than an adjusted one. Having written
documentation with evidence of administration support can be important.
o Policy regarding use of EMR and agency equipment
Will the student have a laptop and personal access to EMR?
Depends on EMR system:
o Ability of the student to document in their own laptop:
Allows the student to spend extra time to write
and review his/her notes without having to have
the preceptor with him/her.
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Cost to the agency for another laptop and EMR
license for the student.
Need to link the student’s notes to the
preceptor’s billing in order for the visit to be
billable. This will depend on the functionality of
the EMR.
o Student using the preceptor’s computer:
Easier to implement as no need to set up a
separate account, issue another computer or
EMR license.
Requires CI to be present as it will require the
CI’s credentials to log into the computer and to
sync data at the end of the day. This is a
potential source of risk as it could be tempting
for a CI to share credentials with the student and
leave him/her unattended with computer access.
Co-signing of notes
A statement of who provided the examination/intervention and who
reviewed the documentation.
Official co-signing of notes depends on EMR system:
o Some systems will allow a digital signature with a stylus.
o Other systems will use the CI’s credentials (password) to serve
as an electronic co-signature as documentation cannot be
synchronized without this. The CI’s credentials should not be
shared with the student to prevent this safeguard/review process
of documentation.
Recruitment of CIs
Should have effective communication and other skills conducive to providing a
quality educational experience.
The student and CI will be in close proximity (potentially together in the
car, patient’s home) and a CI who can work with students with varying
learning styles is essential.
Excellence in clinical skills. Characteristics:
Board certification through the ABPTS is advantageous and evidence of
advanced clinical skills.
Professional association member (APTA).
Record of regular continuing education.
General enthusiasm for the profession and home care.
Time Management skills:
This is an essential skill to prevent the CI and student from becoming
Consider the CI being in a designated position within the organization, such as a
clinical lead.
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CIs should have increased benefits (continuing education, compensation)
as a clinical lead as it will be their responsibility to remain up to date
with current practice throughout the year and not just when there is a
student. Between students, clinical leads can assist with mentoring staff
and work on staff educational projects.
Approaching an academic institution
o This is an excellent opportunity to educate the academic institution about the value of a
clinical experience in the home health setting. Some suggested topics include:
Discussion of how a home care clinical experience can be a beneficial and unique
learning experience for a student:
More 1:1 time than with almost any other setting in PT practice with the
patient in their environment.
1:1 time with CI to thoroughly review and discuss patient cases between
patients and during traveling.
Wide variety of patient impairments and functional limitations to
Training for independent practice suited for the DPT level that other
settings may not provide.
Incorporates an advanced degree of complex physical therapy
management skills and provides an additional opportunity for schools to
challenge an exceptional student.
As health care continues to strive to increase utilization of more cost
efficient and high quality settings, home health is expected to grow,
becoming more of a provider of choice. A clinical experience in this
practice setting could be an invaluable preparatory experience in a
therapist’s future career.
A student program may also lead to a new graduate program, benefitting
both the agency in terms of staffing and job placement for the graduate.
Contract with an academic institution
o There will be a formal contract that will need to be agreed upon by the agency and the
academic institution.
o This contract may need to be reviewed by the agency’s legal counsel.
o This contract will include items such as the academic and agency’s mutually agreed upon
expectations. It may include items such as that the academic institution will furnish
professional liability insurance for the student and the agency will provide site specific
training in areas such as blood borne pathogen exposure. The contents may vary by
academic institution and address unique state regulatory issues.
o Allow time for the contract to be reviewed and approved by the academic institution and
home health agency.
o Once the contract is approved, a checklist of the required items included in the contract
may be helpful for the CCCE to ensure the necessary documents are received.
Recruitment of students
o The Academic Coordinator of Clinical Education (ACCE)/Director of Clinical Education
(DCE) will contact the agency CCCE at particular time points during the course of the
academic institution’s calendar year. This can be somewhat predictable if the professional
academic program remains consistent. Having an approximation will help with agency
and CI planning and preparedness for the student.
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o It is advised that the school refer a student that is a good fit for home health:
A second or third year student with enough course work to be able to succeed in
the complex home health setting.
Due to the proximity of the student and CI throughout the day (in the car and
patients’ homes) maturity, communication, and clinical skills should be strong to
optimize the experience for all parties.
Consider arranging with the academic institution to have them decide on a couple
of candidates and then have the CCCE and CI interview the candidates to decide
on the best fit for the clinical experience.
Preparation for the student to begin at the agency
o CI assignments should be assigned well in advance, and ideally the CI assigned should be
the same one in the interview with the student.
o It is advantageous to have a primary and a secondary CI to provide coverage when the
primary CI is on leave (vacation, illness).
o Both primary and secondary CIs can work together to provide a shared experience which
can provide a greater depth to the student’s clinical experience, especially if each CI has
an area of specialty.
o Orientation materials:
Face sheet
Clearly listing all contacts the student needs including:
o Preceptor (Primary and secondary) name, email, cell phone
o CCCE contacts
o Clinical Director contacts
o Agency and clinician phone list
This can be sent to the student in advance once the student has been
accepted into the program so lines of communication can be clearly
Binder materials:
This can include general agency information such as:
o Agency Mission
o Management structure
o Agency policies on topics such as blood borne pathogen
exposure, corporate compliance, etc.
Note: typically if a student is exposed some
organizations may have a policy requiring the student to
report to employee health. However, since the student
may not have employee status, h/she may be required to
go to the ER and utilize their own health plan. His/her
health plan may require use of an emergency room that
is not part of your health system, so investigation of this
process is important.
o Forms requiring signature:
Such as acknowledgment that h/she received educational
materials as required by the agency-academic institution
contract, acknowledgment that h/she received training in
areas such as corporate compliance, and quizzes on any
materials requiring reading.
Note: Some agencies utilize online services to
provide education and post-tests on these topics,
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but some charge a fee per participant. Utilizing a
paper tool (reading and taking the quiz) can help
reduce costs of the educational experience.
o Other materials
This can include a list of student resources, staff and
managerial contact numbers, and other documents
important to the agency.
Information specific to the student experience
o Student objectives by week
o Weekly CI and student communication log
Student’s first day
o Tour of the agency/physical building
o Meeting with CCCE and CI to review plan for the day/week
o Orientation binder introduction
Emphasize the weekly communication logs and the agency expectations by week
Provide essential phone numbers/contact information of team members and
agency management.
Provide regular meeting dates and times.
o Completing essential confidentiality forms and other requirements in the binder
Outline of the student experience/expectations by week. See document: “Sample Timeline for
Facilitating Clinical Instruction”
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Model Student Policy
This model policy contains elements to be considered when creating or revising agency policy on student
programs. Specific policy elements need to be in alignment with federal, state, and local law and in
agreement with other agency policies and academic program/clinical education site contract agreement.
To delineate the scope of responsibility/activity of physical therapy students in the home care setting.
[Name of home health agency (HHA)] may enter into a contract agreement with academic institutions
with physical therapy programs to provide students with appropriate home care experience.
General Procedure
1) A written agreement is required with the school of physical therapy’s professional educational
institution and must be reviewed by the agency’s legal services prior to the acceptance of students for
the home care experience. All requirements stated in the contract must be met prior to
commencement of the student’s clinical practicum experience and should be reviewed annually to
ensure it reflects current requirements.
2) Therapy students in training may be provided opportunity only when accompanied by and under the
direct supervision at all times of a licensed physical therapist for the experience of the delivery of care
in the client’s place of residence.
Responsibilities of the Academic Institution
1) The educational institution must provide (name of HHA) with the following information regarding
each student and / or faculty member (if he/she will be on the premises of the HHA and/or clients’
a) Name and contact information of the student to be assigned
b) The timeframe for the program (dates, days, hours per week)
c) Current level of training/Description of coursework completed
d) Prior observational and clinical practicum experiences
e) Student letter of written objectives and preferred learning style
f) Contact information for Academic Coordinator and/or any other supervising faculty members
g) Evidence that each student/faculty member has completed general training regarding
confidentiality of client medical records and personal health information, as required under
the Health Insurance Portability Act (HIPAA) and similar state confidentiality laws relating
to the client’s medical information
h) Documentation that the student has been trained in OSHA guidelines
i) Evidence of criminal background check
j) Evidence of health screening
k) Verification of immunization/declination as required by state Department of Health (DOH)
and the HHA policy ( e.g. Flu and Hepatitis, PPD and Varicella)
l) Evidence of medical insurance for students
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2) The academic institution must provide a current copy of proof of professional liability insurance
which the agency maintains on file.
3) The contracted school is responsible for ensuring competence of any academic instructors on the
Home Health Agency Responsibilities
1) A Clinical Educator or designee will provide home care orientation and student assignments.
Orientation will include:
a) Relevant introductory company and mission statement
b) Overview of all services provided
c) Pertinent Federal and state guidelines (Conditions of Participation (COPs) for HHAs
d) Student role in the home care setting (refer to federal and state regulatory guidelines)
e) Overview of policies and procedures including infection control, patient safety, HIPAA,
compliance, ethical considerations , reporting guidelines, dress code, communication and in
abidance with other agency specific requirements indicated for student completion (list)
f) Tour of facility, introduction to home care staff and clinical team members.
g) Provide access to the Electronic Medical Record (EMR) as per agency policy
h) Agency’s policy regarding CI’s and students driving together between visits
2) PT and PTA students will participate in the care of home care clients under the direct supervision of a
licensed physical therapist at all times in the presence of the client. The supervising therapist
determines the amount and level of care provided by the student, according to the supervising
therapist’s assessment of the students’ knowledge, experience and competence.
3) All clients should be made aware of a student PT and in agreement with student participation. A
signed client consent form for student experience is not required but may be used if warranted by a
HHA (refer to sample) from each client who will be seen or whose chart will be reviewed by a
student/faculty member.
4) The Medical Record: Therapy students will be permitted to access patient records and provide
documentation for assessments and interventions provided under the direct supervision of a licensed
physical therapist.
a) The supervising therapist is responsible for the review of student documentation for all data entry
by students in EMR and maintains final oversight for accuracy and completion of the medical
b) Co-signatures are required for all data entry by students in the EMR.
c) Where software system application does not accommodate co-signature of the student, the
supervising therapist must ensure that a statement such as “(Name of student), SPT participated in
client’s care in this visit under direct supervision of the PT.” (Supervising PT provides electronic
d) When it is not feasible for the student to document in the agency EMR device and instead more
practical to document in a paper format for the purposes of the educational experience, the EMR
documentation is submitted and the duplicate paper documentation should not be retained as part
of the official medical record. This “practice” documentation should be properly shredded and
discarded as per agency protocol.
5) The HH agency will provide student’s school with verbal/written assessment of student’s
performance at typical minimum requirements of midterm and final evaluation time periods.
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American Physical Therapy Association. Supervision of Students under Medicare. 2013. Available at:
http://www.apta.org/Payment/Medicare/Supervision/UseofStudents/. Accessed 4/30/14.
American Physical Therapy Association. Guidelines and Self Assessment for Clinical Education. 2004.
Available at:
Accessed 4/30/14.
3CMS.Gov.Download: Student Supervision Guidelines. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Website.
Recommended Skilled Nursing Facility Therapy Student Supervision Guidelines
Submitted to CMS by the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA)
during the comment period for the FY 2012 SNF PPS Final Rule . Accessed July 2014
American Occupational Therapy Association. COE Guidelines for an Occupational Therapy Fieldwork
Experience - Level II. 2013. Available at: COE Guidelines for an Occupational Therapy Fieldwork
Experience - Level II. Accessed 4/30/14.
Office of the Professions. New York State Education Department. Practice Guidelines/Supervision. 2009.
Available at: http://www.op.nysed.gov/prof/ot/otsup.htm. Accessed 4/30/14.
Office of the Professions. New York State Education Department. GUIDELINES FOR PHYSICAL
http://www.op.nysed.gov/prof/pt/pt-guidelines-2010.pdf. Accessed 4/30/14.
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Student Supervision Regulations and Recommendations
The following regulations and recommendations are intended for physical therapists only. Physical
therapist assistants (PTA) have additional requirements outside the scope of this document.
Physical therapy (PT) students have participated in the delivery of physical therapy services
under the supervision of physical therapy personnel in a variety of practice settings.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has published specific criteria (based on
practice setting) relating to how and when the program will pay for services provided by students.
Federal Regulations
Regulations (§484.115) specifically cite definitions for "qualified personnel", which does not
include students.
CMS has not issued specific restrictions regarding students providing services in conjunction
with a qualified PT.
Medicare Part A regulations are silent on the provision of services by a PT student in the home
Medicare Part B regulations for services provided in the home are as follows:
o In general only the services of the therapist can be billed and paid under Medicare Part B.
o A student may participate in the delivery of the services if the therapist is directing the
service, making the judgment, responsible for the treatment and present in the room
guiding the student in service delivery.
o “that the qualified practitioner is present and in the room and has direct contact with the
patient for the entire session”
o “The student participates in the delivery of services when the qualified practitioner is
directing the service, making the skilled judgment, and is responsible for the assessment
and treatment.”
o “The qualified practitioner is present in the room guiding the student in service delivery
when the physical therapy student is participating in the provision of services. In the case
where a patient lives in a congregant setting, it is also recommended that the practitioner
provides direct supervision for the entire session and is not engaged in treating another
patient or doing other tasks at the same time.”
State Regulations
Rules vary by state and regulations may be liberal or prohibitive regarding services provided by
students. State law should be reviewed for guidance on supervision for the provision of services
to be considered.
Some state practice acts are silent on the subject of student supervision and it is recommended
that you contact your state licensing board before beginning your program where needed.
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Where state law is silent, agencies need to establish policies to ensure that patient safety is
maintained at all times.
Student PTs are able to provide care in the home health practice setting (as allowed by state law)
when the student is supervised by a PT in the home.
The following best practice minimum standards for student physical therapy supervision in home care are
recommended and should be the responsibility of the supervising licensed physical therapist:
Physical therapists, when participating in a student program, shall assure that the programs are
approved or pending approval by the appropriate accrediting agency recognized by the Council
on Postsecondary Accreditation.
Insure student is from an accredited school.
Clinical Instructors should assure an appropriate level of supervision, whether or not a specific
CMS rule regarding students has been issued.
Know the requirements of each payer source: Medicare, Medicaid, and third party insurers. Using
students to provide treatment may be allowed by state law, rule, regulation and policy guidelines,
however, may not be reimbursable depending on the insurer’s specific requirements.
Provision of Direct Personal Supervision
The level of supervision recommended is direct personal supervision.
Direct Personal Supervision is defined as: The physical therapist is physically present and immediately
available to direct and supervise tasks that are related to patient/client management. The direction and
supervision is continuous throughout the time these tasks are performed. Tele-communications do not
meet the requirement of direct supervision. (State statues using terms of direct supervision and Onsite
supervision should be interpreted as direct personal supervision in home care unless clarified otherwise
by state law).
PT students and Clinical Instructors must follow state laws governing supervision in a physical therapy
setting as outlined in state practice act where the clinical experience is taking place.
The supervising physical therapist is accountable and responsible at all times for the direction of the
actions of the person supervised when services are performed by the physical therapist student.
Students, as unlicensed personnel, may document tasks and activities of patient care during the patient
The supervising therapist is required to review and co-sign all students’ patient/client documentation for
all levels of clinical experience and retains full responsibility for the care of the patient/client.
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Other federal and state acts and regulations
Federal Law/Act Website Resource
Family Educational Rights and
Privacy Act (FERPA) aka Buckley
Individuals with Disability Act
Americans with Disabilities Act
Title VI of the civil rights act of 1964 http://www2.ed.gov/policy/rights/guid/ocr/raceoverview.html
1. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Available at:
http://www.cms.hhs.gov/manuals/pm_trans/R1753B3.pdf. Accessed 8/27/14.
2. American Occupational Therapy Association. Student supervision and Medicare requirements.
Available at:
013.pdf Accessed 8/27/14.
3. American Physical Therapy Association. Levels of Supervision. HOD p 06-00-15-26. Available
n.pdf Accessed 8/27/14.
4. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. Student Supervision Guidelines. Available at:
Payment/SNFPPS/Downloads/student_supervision_guidelines.zip. Accessed 8/27/14.
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Sample Timeline for Facilitating Clinical Instruction (8-12 week rotation)
Pre-Student Arrival
Clinical Instructor Training
Assign Clinical Instructor (s) to student (s)
Clinical Instructor reviews school-provided student documentation (prior
rotations/experience/student goals)
Prepare for Student Orientation
Prepare and send Student Welcome Letter (dress code, necessary supplies to bring, where to
report, who to report to, hours of operation, contact information, etc.)
Review and update Student Program Policy and Procedure Manual and Student handbook, as
Complete the orientation process
Review site orientation checklist.
Introduction to the office.
Review policy and procedure manuals specific to student policy and state practice act
governing therapist practice.
Complete agency mandatory education specified in student policy.
Discuss objectives of the student clinical education program.
Review information from student questionnaire with student: personal goals, preferred learning
style, feedback preferences, and observation opportunities (this information should optimally be
available to the CI prior to the commencement of the practicum for CI review).
Discuss communication methods and provide necessary contact information.
Practice Guidelines
Discuss accountability and productivity goals/expectations.
Discuss impact of managed care and Medicare PPS (utilization review models) on service
delivery and procedures.
Perform chart reviews, participate in history taking of patient, and conduct components of the
objective data of patient evaluation.
Discuss and practice documentation and goal setting.
Observe and assist CI in treatment planning and delivery of direct patient care.
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WEEKS 2 - 3
Selects and extracts information and pertinent data, i.e. PLOF, PMH, labs, tests/procedures,
relevant to the delivery of the therapy patient.
Student demonstrates evidence of progression with documentation; following guidelines and
format required.
Writes legibly or enters appropriate data electronically.
Able to document treatment on visit note demonstrating medical necessity and evidence of
skilled care.
Integrates and practices all components of initial examination skills (History, Systems Review,
Tests and Measures, Evaluation, Diagnosis, Prognosis, Plan of Care).
CCCE and CI provide classroom training for OASIS and Reassessment Requirements.
Practice Guidelines
Level I and II: Treat one to two patients per day (revisits) or one evaluation and one revisit.
Level III and IV: Treat two to three revisits per day or one eval and one to two revisits.
Observes health and safety regulations to promote a safe working environment.
Demonstrates confidence in all patient interactions.
Maintains patient confidentiality.
Effectively identifies additional need for support for safety of both clinician and patient during
treatment intervention.
Attends team meetings.
Participates in interdisciplinary team conferencing.
Demonstrates ability to communicate with interdisciplinary team members when necessary
regarding patients’ needs.
Follows department guidelines for the delivery of therapy services, e.g. critical/clinical pathways
or protocols.
Interacts with case management, social services, or home health services to understand each
entity’s role for discharge planning (i.e. arranging observation to better understand their roles).
Introduces ideas for professional development/in-service project.
Introduces ideas for writing a case study to prepare for publication (optional for exceptional
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WEEKS 4 - 6 (by mid-term)
Produces documentation that follows guidelines and format required by the home health practice
Produces documentation that is accurate, concise, timely, and legible.
Documents pertinent information related to impairments and restrictions in activity
limitations/participation consistent with regulatory agencies and third-party payers.
Monitors and documents functional outcomes at appropriate time points based on CMS regulation
and third party payer rules.
Incorporates response to treatment, discharge planning, family conference and communication
with others involved with the delivery of patient care.
Demonstrates effective communication and collaboration amongst team members and patient.
Practice Guidelines
Treat three to four clients for re-visits/day and two to three new evaluations per week and observe
CI in a Start of Care admission.
Safely conducts organized examinations and interventions.
Documentation reflects knowledge of pathology, co morbidities, pharmacology.
Synthesizes examination data and interprets clinical findings to establish a therapy diagnosis.
Progresses interventions appropriately.
Establishes and maintains productive working relationships.
Establishes effective communication for caregiver training.
Begins to provide feedback to paraprofessionals.
Accepts criticism without defensiveness.
Listens actively and attentively to what is being communicated by others and attends and
contributes to Interdisciplinary team meetings, reviewing new and current cases.
Verbalizes need for other disciplines (OT, SLP, SN, WOCN, RD, MSW) based on clinical and
psychosocial findings.
Continues to develop basic documentation skills with more complexity and sophistication to
reflect skilled care in all notes.
Practice Guidelines
Continues to increase caseload size in accordance with student level up to 50% of CI caseload
with ability to incorporate time management skills to complete visits in expected treatment time
allotted and with appropriate supervision for clinical level (greater expectation for level III and IV
to achieve).
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Introduce variable case mix including more complicated patients at appropriate level with
mentoring to promote critical thinking.
Makes recommendations for referral to other health care professionals when indicated.
Performs therapy examinations in a technically competent manner.
Uses clinical findings, medical knowledge to establish realistic client-centered meaningful
goals and optimal functional outcomes that specify expected time duration.
Establishes a plan of care consistent with the examination and evaluation.
Performs reassessments and monitors effectiveness of the plan of care based on comparative
data and changes in patient status.
Incorporates evidenced-based practice in plan of care.
Continues to initiate discharge planning and coordinates /recommends services of other
health care providers.
Evaluates effectiveness of communication and modifies behavior or strategy as appropriate.
Performs self-assessment of professional behavior objectives and asks for assistance as
Identifies and establishes priorities for educational needs in collaboration with the learner(s).
Conducts educational activities with patients and family members using a variety of
instructional strategies as needed.
Evaluates effectiveness of educational activities.
Able to initiate discharge plan that includes referrals for community resources and services.
Other: Complete review of midterm Clinical Performance Instrument (CPI) with CI/student
WEEKS 8-12 (near completion)
Completes all documentation correctly, and efficiently.
Practice Guidelines
Performs therapy examinations in a technically competent manner.
Adjusts examination according to patient response.
Optimal and timely use of selected procedures, tests and measures for establishing therapy
diagnosis and progressing plan of care.
Identifies competing diagnoses that must be ruled out to establish a diagnosis.
Incorporates evidenced-based practice into plan of care and assessment of ongoing care.
Uses intervention time efficiently and effectively.
Modifies educational activities considering learner’s needs, characteristics and capabilities.
Manages variable case-mix including complicated patients.
Makes recommendations for referral to other health care professionals when indicated.
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Maximizes time with patients and maintains productivity while providing quality care.
Continues to manage full caseload approaching productivity standard (75% of CI caseload
for Level IV). Able to participate in a PT ONLY (OPEN) with assistance.
Manages complicated patients, families, home and community re-entry with some
Maintains productive pace.
Demonstrates innovation in plan of care, specifically intervention and discharge strategies.
Continue to refer to other health care professionals when indicated.
Consistently incorporates evidenced-based practice into plan of care and documentation.
Able to complete discharge plan that includes community referrals and/ or equipment to
promote safety, independence, health maintenance, and wellness.
Advocates for patient interventions or services with case manager, physician, or fiscal
Demonstrates commitment to an interdisciplinary team approach.
Additional content to be reviewed with the exceptional student on a level IV rotation
Demonstrates ability to verbalize purpose and recognition of need for use for:
Outcome and Assessment Information Set (OASIS)
Notice of Medicare Non-Coverage (NOMNC)
Advanced Beneficiary Notice (ABN)
Home Health Change of Care Notice (HHCCN)
Administration (optional opportunity for Level IV provided meeting entry level
Develops understanding of staffing needs based on caseload and productivity.
Develop understanding of any of the following through participation and learning:
Quality Improvement
Compliance and Risk Management
Human Resources
Operational management and Planning
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Finalizes with CI professional development/in-service project for presentation or hand in
case report in anticipation of submission for publication.
Other: Complete review of CPI and student evaluation with CI discussion.
Glossary of terms:
Level I – Student’s first clinical experience
Level II – Student’s second clinical experience
Level III – Student’s clinical experiences in final year of academic program
Level IV – Student’s final clinical experience during or after completion of academic coursework
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Sample Client Consent for Student Experience
(optional as per individual home health agency policy guidelines)
Client Name:
Student Training Institution:
Category: Nursing Physical Therapy Occupational Therapy Speech Therapy
[Name of Agency] is working with a student from the above named training institution in order to provide
an opportunity to learn about home health care.
Any medical record review or home visit will be done in concert with and under the direction of a
Registered Nurse/Therapist employed by [NameofAgency].
Confidential personal information may be learned during these visits or from information in your chart.
All students and faculty have been trained in state and federal law governing confidentiality of medical
records and your personal health information will not be used by the Student other than for training
The student is not an employee of [Name of Agency] and is under the ultimate supervision and direction
of the training institution.
By signing this consent I specifically and voluntarily authorize [Name of Agency] to release and share
personal health information with the student and faculty. I understand that this consent may be revoked at
any time by notifying [Specific Agency Employee] in writing.
You are not required to allow the student in your home and refusal will not jeopardize your care provided
through [Name of Agency].
I understand that my signature below is voluntary consent to allow students/faculty, as appropriate, from
the above named institution to:
observe the care rendered to me by [Agency Staff] in my place of residence.
have access to my Personal Health Information, assist the [Name of Agency] employee in the
performance of specified and approved procedures, related to my care.
Client/Representative Signature: ______________________________Date: ________________
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Sample Student Program Checklist
The purpose of the student program checklist is:
1. Identify necessary documentation to be provided to the Home Health Agency (HHA) prior to a
student beginning a home health rotation.
2. Assist Center Coordinator for Clinical Education (CCCE) with organizing and maintaining
necessary documentation in student HR folders.
A Home Health Agency’s documentation checklist should match the School/HHA contract requirements.
The following sample list is not all inclusive and not meant to be a mandatory list for all jurisdictions.
Student Name:____________________________________ Date of Affiliation:_________________
Academic Program:________________________________
Items to be furnished to [Home Health Agency] one month prior to the start of a clinical rotation:
Signed HHA Acceptable Use Policy Acknowledgment Form.
Student(s) name(s) and addresses, specific dates and hours, proof of student health insurance and
student’s learning objectives.
School’s faculty liaison name and contact information.
Proof of infection control training (including OSHA Blood Borne Pathogen).
Proof of current and compliant with all immunizations and Tb screening requirements.
o Negative PPD (Mantoux) within one (1) year, and a chest x-ray, if PPD positive.
o Td (Tetanus-diphtheria) booster within ten (10) years;
o Proof of immunity against measles (Rubella), Mumps, and German Measles (Rubeola);
o Varicella titer or disease, where such proof is documentation of adequate immunization
or serologic confirmation;
o Hepatitis B immunization or signed declination; and
o Influenza vaccination or signed declination.
o Physician Statement (NP or PA is acceptable) that student is free of impairments that
pose a risk of injury/illness to Agency’s patients or interfere with the performance of
his/her assigned duties
Proof of HIPAA Training.
Proof of Student Liability Insurance with HHA as additionally named insured.
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Comparison of Nursing and Physical Therapy Student Programs in Home
Health Practice Setting
Nursing Physical Therapy
Rotations (exclusive of
specialty rotations)
Medical-Surgical (1 and 2);
Pediatrics; Obstetrics; Behavioral
Health, Community.
Acute Care; Rehabilitation (acute
and/or sub-acute); Outpatient.
Clinical Affiliation Class Size
Class size – 30-60 students with
clinical groups of 8-10 students
per site. One instructor (academic
faculty) per clinical group.
Typically 1:1 or 2:1 model with
one or two students assigned to a
clinical instructor (PT staff
member of practice setting).
Center Coordinator of Clinical
Education (staff member of
clinical site) and Director of
Clinical Education (academic
faculty member) are resources to
CI and student PT during rotation.
Clinical class component
Academic instruction included.
Academic instruction at clinical
site is not included.
Preconference and post
conference –clinical group
Students meet as clinical group
together prior to and following
observation and participation with
staff nurse for clinical discussion.
Not included in group setting. One
on one or two on one discussion is
ongoing throughout rotation.
May or may not include patient
Includes hands on assessment and
treatment, establishment of care
plan and documentation of same
CMS Chapter 7 Benefit
Policy Manual Student Nurse Visits.
Not addressed.
Student Assessment Tool
Not standardized nationally.
Student assessments are varied
and completed by academic
American Physical Therapy
Association Standardized Student
assessment tool called the Clinical
Performance Instrument (CPI)
completed ideally on website.
Mandatory In-service or
Case Report
Not required. Must check with school and
agency policy.