Striving Towards a Holistic Innovation
Policy in European Countries - But
Linearity Still Prevails!
Charles Edquist*
The concept of a holistic innovation policy is dened in this article, with discussions of what it is, why it is
relevant, and how it can be implemented to enhance product innovation. It is shown that the innovation sys-
tems approach has diffused rapidly during the latest decades and has completely replaced the linear view in
the eld of innovation research. The majority of European countries are striving in the direction of develop-
ing a more holistic innovation policy. However, it is concluded that the innovation policies in European coun-
tries are still dominantly linear despite the fact that holistic policy seems to be the driving vision. Innovation
policy is behindhand. Why innovation policy is still linear is also preliminarily discussed. Policymakers at-
tending conferences on innovation are practically always in favor of holistic (systemic, broad-based, compre-
hensive, etc) innovation policies, have abandoned the linear view by learning from innovation research. The
division between “linear” and “holistic” seems to be located within the community where innovation poli-
cies are designed and implemented, a community composed of policymakers (administrators/bureaucrats)
and elected politicians. Perhaps the dividing line is between these two groups in that politicians, who actu-
ally make the decisions, may still reexively believe in the linear view. Nevertheless, there seems to be a fail-
ure in communication between researchers and politicians in the eld of innovation and there is therefore a
strong need to involve innovation researchers in policy design and implementation to a much higher degree.
Another way to increase the degree of holism could be to separate innovation policy from research policy,
since their integration tends to cement the linear character of innovation policy. The empirical results are
based on a questionnaire sent to twenty-three EU Member States, out of which nineteen (83%) responded.
Part of the work for this article was carried out for the European Research and Innovation Area Committee
(ERAC) of the European Commission (DG RTD).
innovation, innovation policy, holistic innovation policy, research policy, the linear view, systems of innovation
* Professor, Centre for Innovation Research and Competence in the Learning Economy (CIRCLE), Lund University, Lund, Sweden, charles.
[email protected], http://charlesedquist.com
STI Policy Review_Vol. 5, No 2
It is widely known and accepted that innovation is a major driver of long-term economic growth
and employment, and that it can also help to meet global challenges. Hence innovations affect a va-
riety of socioeconomic conditions. Just think back 150 years—to a society without cars, telephones,
airplanes, antibiotics, electronics, or the Internet!
The relationship between innovation and employment is especially complicated. It is because cer-
tain types of innovations reduce the number of jobs, while other types increase it. In order to clarify
this, I must rst explain what I mean by different types of innovations.
Innovations are here defined as new creations of economic or societal importance, usually per-
formed by rms.
Innovations can be new or improved products or processes. New products (prod-
uct innovations) may be material goods or intangible services; it is a question of what is produced.
New processes (process innovations) may be technological or organizational; it is a question of
how the products are produced.
It is the difference between process innovations and product innovations that explains innovation’s
“double character” in relation to employment. The introductions of process innovations are neces-
sary, for reasons of competitiveness, and lead to productivity increases. But a smaller amount of
labor is therefore needed to produce the same volume. If there is a problem of high unemployment
(as in Europe in 2014), a partial solution is to compensate for the loss of jobs by producing new
products. Product innovations actually lead to the creation of new jobs, and this compensates for
the jobs lost through process innovations.
If this compensation mechanism does not work spontaneously and automatically in the economic
and innovation system, then public intervention is called for in the form of an innovation policy that
stimulates the development, implementation, and diffusion of product innovations. This is essential
to achieve low unemployment in the medium and long term.
Industrial policy is often associated with support for old and dying sectors. Still, rather than provid-
However, the rms do not develop innovations in isolation from other organizations, but are parts of innovations systems; see section
4 below. Schumpeter talked about innovations as “new combinations,” i.e. two existing knowledge elements can be integrated into an
innovation. Hence, innovations do not need to be based on scientic breakthroughs.
Process innovations have been product innovations in earlier incarnations. This means that product innovations play a more dynamic role
in the renewal of an economy than process innovations. (Edquist, Hommen, & McKelvey, 2002)
There are, of course, many other compensation mechanisms and dimensions involved in such development processes. They are analyzed
in some detail in Edquist et al (2002). To increase the number of jobs, a supplement to product innovations could, in principle, be to
distribute the number of hours worked in the economy among more individuals.
ing public support to old sectors and established rms as a matter of course, policy should focus on
helping the new to emerge, i.e. (product) innovations.
Which are then the reasons for public intervention in the process of innovation? Two conditions
must be fullled for public intervention to be motivated in a market economy:
(1) Private actors must fail to achieve the objectives formulated, i.e. a “problemmust exist.
(2) Public actors must have the ability to solve or mitigate the problem (Edquist, 2011).
Innovation policy is sometimes needed, but must not replace, duplicate, or crowd out what private
actors can do. It shall supplement private action. This is often called additionality and is expressed
by condition (1) above. Public action should only contribute to solving problems that the private
actors cannot handle. Producing and developing old processes and products are the tasks of estab-
lished rms, while helping to develop brand new products can be an important task for innovation
policy. It will obviously be an advantage if these new products help to satisfy human needs, solve
societal problems, and meet global challenges. Innovation policy can be given such an orientation,
if the objectives of the policy are formulated in an appropriate way.
Additionality arguments constitute a basis for providing policy support to new and emerging indus-
tries rather than to existing ones. Established industries should care for their own renewal, research,
and innovation on the basis of accumulated profits. Emerging sectors, on the other hand, are char-
acterized by uncertainties and large risks, which sometimes cannot be absorbed by private actors.
Emerging and growing sectors are also often argued to contribute more to growth and employment
than traditional ones. Meanwhile, lobbying forces tend to try to inuence policy in the direction of
securing public support for existing and traditional sectors.
We know that innovations in the early stages of their development are associated with uncertainty
and with such great risks that private actors often shy away. In such cases, there is a problem that
is not solved by private actors; this is where government action, such as risk financing in the early
stages (public seed funding of innovations), is justified. So, instead of talking about industrial
policy, let us talk about innovation policy aimed at enhancing new creations of economic or societal
Innovation policy is defined here as all actions by public organizations that influence innovation
processes. This includes actions that unintentionally inuence innovations. Innovation policy em-
braces all the policies that affect innovation processes, such as parts of research policy, education
This is the question of the content of growth (or of production as a whole), which is discussed and analyzed far too little. A product can
be either a material good or an intangible service. The good can be a car, a pleasure craft, or weaponry. A service may be a ight, a train
ride, a heart operation, or a violin concerto. The effects on society and the environment obviously vary with the content of production and
consumption. I will discuss objectives of innovation policy at the end of section 4.
STI Policy Review_Vol. 5, No 2
policy, regional policy, defense policy, and public innovation procurement. Hence, it is a question
of a large number of actions carried out by, for example, many government ministries and agencies.
Obviously innovation policy is here defined in a very comprehensive and wide way. As a matter
of fact, this broad denition of innovation policy implies (almost automatically) that such policies
should be designed and implemented in a holistic way; it contains the seeds of a holistic innovation
policy, a perspective to be discussed in the next section.
Public action should be coordinated in order to influence innovation processes, i.e. a coherent in-
novation policy needs to be developed. It must take into account the variety of factors that together
influence the development of new products and new processes. Innovation is not just about basic
research as many seem to think. It is also about basic education, demand-side factors (such as inno-
vation procurement and product quality requirements), creation of new organizations (such as the
stimulation of entrepreneurship and the formation of policy organizations), interactive learning be-
tween organizations, the development of new regulations (e.g. for patents or public procurement),
and incubators to support new companies and venture capital for innovation, to name a few of the
most crucial elements.
It is important to note that the state (national, regional, local), in practice, is already investing heav-
ily in all these areas, but the measures are not sufficiently oriented towards supporting innovation
processes. It is therefore a matter of adjusting these activities so that they, to a larger degree, stimu-
late innovation. I will, in Section 5, present innovation-related public procurement as an example of
An innovation policy that integrates all the different factors that inuence innovation processes into
one context is needed to influence the mode of operation of the innovation system. I call this a ho-
listic innovation policy. A holistic innovation policy is dened as a policy that integrates all public
actions that inuence or may inuence innovation processes, for example by addressing all the ten
activities included in Annex 1 in a coordinated manner.
To be worthy of the name, such a policy
must be coordinated with other policy areas and in some cases has to be given higher priority than
other areas.
The development and implementation of a holistic innovation policy demand certain things. For
example, an understanding of the innovation process is required; in other words there are demands
for innovation research. Knowledge and competence are also necessary to formulate a holistic in-
novation policy. It also requires political will and political courage to prioritize innovation policy
over other policy areas, which may be necessary. There are, in addition, demands on governance
and coordination of the policy. I will address these subjects in the rest of this article.
I have previously dealt with holistic innovation policy in Edquist (2013), Edquist (2014a), Edquist (2014b) and Edquist (2014d).
Let me briey touch upon the development of some parts of innovation theory in recent decades.
In the early days of research on innovation and innovation policy, the so-called linear model
dominated the views on how innovations developed (Bush, 1945). The model was based on the as-
sumption that innovations are applied scientic knowledge. It was called “linear” because the pro-
cess was seen as well-dened, consecutive stages that innovations were assumed to go through, e.g.
basic research, applied research, and development work resulting in new products and processes
that ultimately inuence growth and employment. It was a supply-push view.
However, research does not automatically lead to innovations, i.e. to new products and processes.
Scientific knowledge is not sufficient; it has to be transformed into innovations in order to create
growth and employment. Some research results are never transformed into innovations and re-
search is only one of the many determinants of the innovation process. Research is not always nec-
essary, and it is never sufcient to achieve innovation-based growth.
In the realm of research on innovation, the linear model has been completely replaced, in the last
couple of decades, by the systems of innovation approach, which stresses interaction and interac-
tive learning between organizations. This new approach, in its different versions, is dened in terms
of determinants of innovation processes, although different determinants are emphasized in differ-
ent versions (Asheim & Isaksen, 2002; Bergek, Jacobsson, Carlsson, & Lindmark, 2008; Braczyk,
1998; Breschi & Malerba, 1997; Carlsson, 1995; Cooke, 2001; Cooke, Gomez Uranga, & Etxe-
barria, 1997; Edquist, 1997; Freeman, 1987; Lundvall, 1992b; Nelson, 1993)
The pioneers in the development of the innovation systems approach were Lundvall (1992b) and
Nelson and Rosenberg (1993). Both define national innovation systems in terms of determinants,
or factors affecting innovation processes. But they point out different determinants as important in
their denitions. Lundvall writes that the “structure of production” and “the set of institutions” to-
gether dene an innovation system (Lundvall, 1992b, p. 10). Nelson and Rosenberg emphasize the
organizations that support R&D—that is, the organizations that support the creation and dissemina-
tion of knowledge—as the main source of innovation (Nelson & Rosenberg
Interactive learning has been central to the concept of a national innovation system already from
scratch (Lundvall, 1992a
1992b). The main components of an innovation system are often said to
be organizations and institutions. Organizations are formal structures that are consciously created
and have an explicit purpose. They are actors or players.” Examples include companies, universi-
ties and policy organizations. Institutions are laws, rules, regulations, routines and habits. It is a
We are dealing with innovation policy for knowledge production and R&D in Borrás and Edquist (2014b).
STI Policy Review_Vol. 5, No 2
matter of “rules of the game” or regulations. Key institutions in innovation systems are patent laws,
laws and rules that govern the relations between companies and universities, the rules governing
the approval of drugs, etc.
Most of the attention in innovation research has long been paid to the components (organizations
and institutions) of innovation systems. Less has been said about what happens in the systems and
how they change.
One way to deal with what is happening in the system is as follows. On a general level, the main
role of the innovation system is to drive or enhance innovation processes, i.e. to develop and dis-
seminate innovations. What we might call the activities of innovation systems are those that af-
fect the development and diffusion of innovations. An example of such an activity is research and
development (R&D) as a means to develop socially relevant knowledge that can form the basis for
innovations. Another is the nancing of the commercialization of such knowledge, i.e. the transfor-
mation of research findings and other kinds of knowledge into innovations and their diffusion. As
we will see, there are other activities.
I believe that an emphasis on activities or determinants within innovation systems will become cru-
cial for the development of both innovation theory and innovation policies in the future. It is also by
influencing these determinants that enterprises and public authorities can influence the innovation
processes through their strategies and policies.
A more general definition of a system of innovation is that they include “all important economic,
social, political, organizational, institutional and other factors that inuence the development, dif-
fusion and use of innovations” (Edquist, 1997, p. 3, p. 11, p. 12
Edquist, 2005, p. 184). Such fac-
tors are discussed below, and a list of ten activities (determinants) is presented in Annex 1. This
definition of an innovation system is much broader than other variants (e.g. Lundvall’s and, espe-
cially, Nelson’s). It includes all determinants of innovation processes (as well as the innovations
themselves) in the denition of an innovation system. A holistic innovation policy requires a broad
definition of innovation policy and a broad and systemic view of the determinants of innovation
processes, which means that it also requires a broad definition of “systems of innovation,” as pro-
posed above.
If all the factors that influence innovation processes cannot be included in the definition, we have
to choose the potential factors that should be excluded, and motivate why. This is difcult, because
we do not know, systematically and in detail, all these determinants today. It seems hazardous to
exclude certain potential determinants, as these may prove to be important when our knowledge
These concepts are discussed in Edquist and Johnson (1997). For Nelson and Rosenberg (1993) “institutions” are the same as different
kinds of “organizations” (“players”), while the term “institution” primarily means “the rules of the game” for (Lundvall, 1992b). Hence,
the term “institution” is used in different senses in the literature.
has increased. Thirty-ve years ago, for example, it was natural to exclude interaction between or-
ganizations as a determinant of innovation processes. Today, we know that these are very important
(Edquist 1997, 2005). Therefore, a broad denition is useful.
Annex 1 presents a list of ten important activities in innovation systems. The activities, which are
also the determinants of innovation processes, are not ranked according to importance, but are clus-
tered as:
I. Provision of knowledge inputs to the innovation process (e.g. research),
II. Demand-side activities (e.g. public procurement for innovation),
III. Support to key elements in innovation systems (e.g. entrepreneurship), and
IV. Support services for innovating rms (e.g. public seed funding of innovations).
The list of activities in Annex 1 (also sometimes called functions) is preliminary, hypothetical and
one among several. It will certainly be revised when our knowledge of the determinants of innova-
tion processes has improved. Nonetheless, this list can still be used as a checklist or signpost to dis-
cuss the factors that probably affect innovation processes. This is important, as innovation process-
es are very complex and inuenced by a variety of factors. Among other things, the list can serve as
a tool to avoid monocausality, i.e. an overly strong emphasis on one single activity (be it research or
seed funding), and a neglect of others, when causally explaining innovation processes and selecting
innovation policy instruments.
Hence, the list may be useful in assigning causes to problems. If the main cause of a problem is lack
of research, then R&D should be in focus. If the cause is lack of demand for certain kinds of prod-
uct innovations, then a demand-side instrument such as public procurement for innovation can be
used. All the ten activities in Annex 1 can be related to several innovation policy instruments (Bor-
ras & Edquist, 2013). In fact, several instruments might have to be used for each of the ten activities
in the innovation system, i.e. it can be a matter of choosing among scores of instruments (Borras &
Edquist, 2013).
It is important to point out that public innovation policy is not included as one of the ten activities.
The reason is simply that public innovation policy is a part of all the ten activities. Part of each ac-
tivity is performed by public organizations. The activities are carried out by organizations in inno-
vation systems and these are normally both private and public when it comes to most activities. As
an example, R&D is funded and performed by public organizations (universities, public research
institutes) and by private organizations (enterprises) in all innovation systems. This also applies to
education (although the balance between private and public here varies greatly between different
(national) innovation systems. What is important is the division of labor between private and pub-
lic organizations with regard to the carrying out of each of the activities. The parts of the various
activities carried out by public organizations actually constitute innovation policy (see denition at
the end of section 2).
In the realm of innovation policy, the linear model is still much more dominant than it is in aca-
demic work. However, recent years have seen an increasing interest in “broad-based innovation
STI Policy Review_Vol. 5, No 2
policies,” “systemic innovation policies,” “a demand-pull view,” and “demand-oriented policy
instruments.” This may constitute the beginning of a transformation towards a “holistic innovation
policy.” As mentioned, such a policy approach requires a broad and systemic view on the determi-
nants of innovation processes. It must indeed take into account all the determinants of the whole
innovation system.
Provision of R&D results (including research policy) is only one of the (ten) determinants of the
innovation process and therefore also it is only one of the ten activities forming innovation policy
(see Annex 1). It dominates the linear view. The other extreme in the continuum linear–holistic is
a genuinely holistic innovation policy, which takes into account all the determinants of innovation
A holistic innovation policy is about determinants (of innovations) and about innovation policy in-
struments. As such, it says nothing about the objectives of innovation policy. They have to be speci-
fied separately. Indeed, the ultimate objectives of innovation policy are determined in a political
process. These objectives may be economic (growth, employment, competitiveness, etc.), environ-
mental, social, related to health, defense and security, etc. How different ultimate objectives of in-
novation policy should be balanced is an important political issue. The determination of innovation
policy objectives is typically done in a complex process, which in democratic societies involves
executive government initiatives, parliamentary discussions, public agencies, the civil society, and
so on. When we have specied the objectives of innovation policy, and when we have a general pic-
ture of the policy problems and their causes, we can design policies to mitigate the problems. The
ultimate objectives of innovation policy are concerned with the important consequences that in-
novations have for socioeconomic and political matters such as economic growth and the environ-
ment (mentioned above). Politicians are actually not interested in innovations as such, but in their
consequences (Borras & Edquist, 2013).
A useful way of addressing appropriate instruments, and analyzing their role in the innovation
system, is to relate them to each of the ten activities. In the real world, however, the instruments
of innovation policy are rarely used standing alone. Normally, innovation policy instruments are
combined in specific mixes, using groups of different instruments in a complementary manner.
Instrument mixes are created because the solution of specific problems requires complementary
approaches to the multi-dimensional aspects of innovation-related problems (Borras & Edquist,
Of course, innovation policy instruments are not intended to (and cannot) influence the ultimate
objectives (e.g. growth, the environment or the health system) in a direct and immediate sense,
because these instruments can only inuence innovation processes. Problems to be mitigated by in-
novation policy must be identied and specied in innovation terms. This implies that the ultimate
socio-political objectives must be “translated” into concrete problems related to innovation intensi-
ties—problems that can be influenced directly by innovation policy instruments. For example, we
need to know how the ultimate objectives of economic growth and environmental protection are
related to (certain kinds of) innovations.
The objectives expressed in innovation terms may be called direct objectives, which are to solve
innovation intensity “problems.” Problems to be mitigated by innovation policy must be identied
and specified in innovation terms. The ultimate objectives may (partly) be achieved by means of
fullling the direct objectives, i.e. in a mediated way. Hence, innovation policy instruments are se-
lected to achieve the direct objectives and thereby the ultimate objectives (Borras & Edquist, 2013).
A problem, in our sense—from a policy point of view—is, for example, low performance of the in-
novation system, i.e. low innovation intensity (or a low propensity to innovate) of a certain category
of innovations (product, process, etc). In other words, a “problem” exists if the objectives in terms
of innovation intensities are not achieved by private or public organizations.
As low innovation
intensities are problems to be solved or mitigated by innovation policy, we need to know (be able to
measure) the innovation intensities for specic categories of innovations in the context of the inno-
vation system(Borras & Edquist, 2013; Edquist, 2011).
The innovation systems approach has diffused extremely rapidly and is now widely used in aca-
demic contexts.
It has completely replaced the linear view in the eld of innovation research.
The innovation systems approach is also used in policy contexts by regional organizations, national
governments, public agencies, and international organizations such as the OECD, EU, UNCTAD,
UNIDO, etc. In recent years, innovation policy has also increasingly been discussed in terms of
“broad-based innovation policies” and “a demand-pull view.” This rapid diffusion is due to the
strengths and advantages associated with this approach (Edquist, 2005).
Also “demand-oriented policy instruments” are increasingly discussed and they must certainly be
a part of a holistic innovation policy, although more is required for a policy to warrant the name
“holistic.” Examples of demand-side policy instruments are public procurement of innovation (PPI)
and pre-commercial procurement (PCP) (Edquist & Zabala, 2012; Edquist, Vonortas, & Zabala,
2014). These instruments are being pushed by the European Commission but are still not widely
used in the Member Countries. However, their use has enormous potential as innovation policy in-
struments (Edquist, 2014c).
“Problems” and how they can be identied through empirical analyses comparing innovation systems are issues that are discussed in much
more detail in Sections 3 and 4 in Edquist (2011).
In September 2014, the number of hits at Google was:
• “System of Innovation”: 1,130,000 hits
• “National Innovation system”: 2,060,000 hits.
These gures are very high for a scientic approach. The acronym Vinnova is short for The Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation
Systems (“Verket för innovationssystem” in Swedish). Hence a public agency has taken its name from a scientic approach, which is
Other demand-side innovation policy instruments are, for example, standard-setting, subsidies or tax incentives to support demand, and
enhancing articulation of user needs. Such instruments have been addressed by Edler (2009).
The nineteen responding countries were: AT, BE, CY, CZ, DK, EE, FI, FR, HU, IE, LT, MT, NL, PRT, SE, SI,
STI Policy Review_Vol. 5, No 2
The above are burgeoning changes towards what can become a “holistic innovation policy.” But
the use of the innovation systems approach for actual policy purposes is still often a matter of lip
service; it is mainly used only by name. The content of innovation policies is still dominated by the
linear model. Let me indicate that this is so by summarizing some results from a recent study in this
eld (Edquist, 2014a).
I was asked by the European Research and Innovation Area Committee (ERAC) of the European
Commission to design and organize a mutual learning seminar during the spring of 2014. The topic
was “Efficiency of Research and Innovation Systems for Economic Growth and Employment.”
ERAC is a strategic policy advisory committee whose principal mission is to provide strategic ad-
vice to the European Council, the European Commission, and EU Member States on research and
innovation issues that are relevant for the development of the European Research Area (ERA). The
process, the seminars and the result are reported in (Edquist, 2014a), upon which the following is
As part of that project I designed a questionnaire that was sent out to the twenty-three EU Member
Countries that had indicated an interest in participating in the project. Nineteen of these countries
(83%) responded and the empirics that follow are based on these responses.
Above, I have argued that the linear model is much more dominant in the eld of innovation policy
than in innovation research. This is strongly confirmed by the responses from the participating
When it comes to the design of innovation policy, some countries report that the policy is quite lin-
early oriented, for example Belgium (the regions of Flanders and Brussels). Ireland frankly says,
“To date the linear model has not been replaced by a holistic innovation policy…” The Netherlands
write, “Most governmental instruments are still based on the linear model.” Malta states, “Malta’s
innovation policy instruments are largely focused on supply-side instruments.”
There are also differences in the ambitions with regard to how comprehensive governments want
innovation (and research) policy to be. Switzerland, for example, writes, “The government restrains
itself to foster favorite framework conditions for research and innovation.” It simply gives the state
(national, regional, local) a limited role. At the same time, the response makes it clear that “Switzer-
land never had an innovation policy based on an exclusively linear approach.” Cyprus responds, “A
holistic business innovation policy, instead of the linear model, has started being used only in the
last three years…” France writes, “The linear model is still present in France, regarding the support
to innovation research, but it is progressively complemented by a more holistic approach….”
The last two quotes actually capture the position of most of the nineteen responding countries. The
The nineteen responding countries were: AT, BE, CY, CZ, DK, EE, FI, FR, HU, IE, LT, MT, NL, PRT, SE, SI, UK, CH, and NO
responses indicate, in one way or the other, that the countries are pursuing, or are trying to develop,
a “holistic”
innovation policy. In Norway, the white paper on research from 1993 criticized the
linear model and introduced the “national innovation system” as a more appropriate perspective.
Analytically, a systems perspective has been part of research and innovation policy in Norway since
then. The Norwegian response adds, “To what extent innovation (or research) policy in its design
and implementation is ‘holistic’ could of course be discussed.”
In summary, the responses indicate that at least sixteen of the nineteen countries (84%), in one way
or another, are striving in the direction of developing innovation policy into a more holistic one.
This includes Ireland, Cyprus, Norway, Lithuania, Finland, Estonia, Sweden, Denmark, Austria,
France, Hungary, certain regions in Belgium, the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovenia, and the United
Kingdom. Exceptions may be Switzerland, Czech Republic and Malta.
However, when the countries respond to the questions about which demand-side policies are the
most important, most of them reveal that they are not actually pursuing much innovation policy
that can be considered demand-side oriented. This also applies to the responses to the question of
whether Public Procurement for Innovation (PPI)
is used as an innovation policy instrument.
Those countries that report PPI activities at all are just planning to start, have done it only for a few
years, and do it on a small scale. Finland may be an exception here, as well as Estonia and Belgium,
and also the United Kingdom when it comes to the demand-side research policy instrument of PCP
(see footnote). Hence, at most four of the nineteen countries (21%) use demand-side innovation
policy instruments to any considerable degree. However, not even these countries pursue a holistic
innovation policy in the sense the term is used here.
At the same time, many of the responses indicate that “Provision of R&D results” (see Annex 1) is
the most important activity in terms of resources spent for innovation policy purposes. Countries
that clearly indicate this are: Sweden, Switzerland, Cyprus, Ireland, the Czech Republic, Estonia,
Hungary, Belgium (regions of Flanders and Brussels), France and Slovenia, i.e. ten out of nineteen
countries (53%).
This points to the very important question of how to measure or estimate the importance of an in-
novation policy instrument. As just indicated, this is sometimes done by means of looking at how
Alternative terms used are “systemic,” “broad-based,” “comprehensive,” and “demand-oriented.”
Public Procurement for Innovation (PPI) occurs when a public organization places an order for the fulllment of certain functions through
a new product (Edquist & Zabala, 2012). Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP) refers to the procurement of expected research results.
Hence PCP is not a demand-side policy instrument in relation to innovation. However, it is a demand-side policy instrument in relation to
research (Edquist & Zabala, 2014). What seems to be practiced on a large scale in the UK (the SBRI programme) is PCP, but not PPI. In
Ireland, an SBIR programme is being tried; these SBIR kinds of activities are PCP and not PPI. However, PCP might, in today’s world,
have a large potential as a R&D policy instrument operating from the demand side. In addition, “innovation-friendly” regular public
procurement has a much larger potential than both PPI and PCP (Edquist & Zabala, 2012; Edquist & Zabala, 2014; Edquist, 2014, 2014c).
Some countries did not respond at all to this question.
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much money is spent on an instrument such as publicly funded R&D.
There are several problems
associated with this. Firstly, not all the resources spent on public R&D will have an effect on in-
novation. This may be because some kinds of research are irrelevant for innovation processes, or
because the research effort is inefcient or simply failing, which reects the fact that R&D expendi-
ture is an input measure. A better measure (of R&D performance) would be an indicator of research
results of the R&D, such as scientic citations or patents.
The situation with resources spent on education is similar. All education is not intended to inuence
or enhance innovation processes and/or does not do so for other reasons. It is also hard to know ex-
actly what kinds of education have (what kinds of) effects on (what kinds of) innovation and what
kinds do not have any such effects. In addition, education systems vary substantially in terms of
quality between countries.
As a consequence, not all public resources spent on research or on edu-
cation can be called innovation policy.
On the other hand, some actions might be important innovation policy instruments without costing
a lot of money. Examples could be the creation of an effective patent law or a public procurement
law that really enhances innovation. Such institutional initiatives do not need to be very costly in
money terms and can still have important consequences for innovation performance. It may require
a lot of knowledge, however. Thus, things other than economic expenditures are also very impor-
tant, for example creating framework conditions that enhance innovation processes.
Hence, we cannot measure the importance of different innovation policy instruments by the eco-
nomic resources spent on them.
A much better measure of the importance of innovation policy instruments would be to try to sys-
tematically measure the consequences of the instruments for the innovation processes as such.
Ideally, we should be able to estimate the importance of each innovation policy instrument
measuring its effects on (different kinds of) innovations. This would be preferable, but also more
difficult. Nonetheless, it may be achieved by means of considerable efforts aimed at more wide-
spread, profound, and independent evaluations. In the longer term, this is the only reasonable way.
Evaluations are badly needed.
As a conclusion, we should stop talking so much about what instruments cost and concentrate more
Tax credits are equalized with spending public money directly.
Still, scientic knowledge and patents may, or may not, be transformed into innovations and innovations must not necessarily be based on
Again, it would be better to measure the results achieved by the students. As the PISA analyses have clearly shown, quality varies
considerably between countries. For example, Sweden is a big spender on education, but shows very low results in terms of student
performance. In addition, the competencies and abilities of graduates may or may not be useful for innovation processes.
Education and innovation policy has been dealt with in Borrás and Edquist (2014a).
It is also important to measure the effects of combinations of instruments, and even instrument packages, i.e. policies as a whole.
on instruments that have large effects on innovation processes.
Together, the responses to the questionnaire from the nineteen countries clearly indicate that many
of the countries striving in the direction of pursuing a holistic innovation policy have a long way
to go from the linear towards the holistic path. It is a “path,” because it is not necessarily a matter
of reaching an innovation policy that is 100% holistic. It is rather a matter of getting away from a
mono-causal (linear) view towards a broader, systemic, and multi-causal one. A holistic policy is
the vision.
There seem to be three main possibilities regarding the linear/holistic spectrum:
1. There are countries that mainly pursue a linear innovation policy and find no reason to
change this.
2. Most of the countries indicate that they strive towards a “more” holistic (systemic, broad-
based, comprehensive,) innovation policy, but they have not yet achieved very much.
3. The third possibility is that a country could pursue a genuinely holistic innovation policy
in the sense dened above. None of the nineteen countries have yet achieved this.
Clearly, it is relevant to analyze the pros and cons of these three possibilities, in the context of the
arguments above and below. Obviously, the “linear” element should be seen as partly integrated or
contained in the “holistic” approach, since (part of) research is obviously relevant for innovation
processes. In addition, the discussion should include what to prioritize in an evolutionary paradigm
change from a linear to a holistic perspective. At the same time, the design of a holistic policy must
always be based on politically determined objectives as well as on the identification of problems
and their causes, as emphasized elsewhere in this article.
Another comment in this context addresses the relations between research policy and innovation
In some countries, these two policy areas are kept apart when it comes to which public organization
(ministry) is the leading one. For example, this applies to the following countries: Norway
, Lithu-
ania, Finland, Estonia, Switzerland, Portugal, the Netherlands, and Slovenia (i.e. eight countries:
42%). In the following countries, the two policy areas are under the same Ministry: Ireland, Cyprus,
United Kingdom, Denmark, Hungary, Sweden, and Malta (i.e. seven countries: 37%). The situa-
tion is unclear in the cases of Belgium, Austria, the Czech Republic, and France (i.e. four countries:
Perhaps this is what the Norwegian response hints at when they write: “A comprehensive innovation policy includes nearly all policy
areas, including competition, taxation, infrastructure, education and research policy, regional, labor market policy and public procurement
policy.” It can also be pointed out here that Norway, in the quote above, expressed some doubts about the extent to which the policy
actually is holistic “in its design and implementation.”
In Norway two different ministries are responsible for research policy and innovation policy, but at the level of public agencies “The
Research Council of Norway” plus “Innovation Norway” deal with much of both.
STI Policy Review_Vol. 5, No 2
According to the Irish response, research policies and innovation policies have traditionally been
considered to be almost the same thing. In practice, however, research policy has taken preference
over innovation policy. It might also be mentioned that, in some countries, there is a separation be-
tween research policy and innovation policy going on. In Malta, traditionally, the design of innova-
tion policies has always been closely linked to the design of research policies. However, over time,
innovation policy design has taken on a more distinct niche for itself.
The OECD thoroughly reviewed Sweden's innovation policy in 2012 (OECD, 2013) and revealed
that innovation issues were not prioritized, even within the Ministry of Enterprise, Energy and
Communications. For example, its website had no mention of “innovation” as one of its nine areas
of responsibility (p. 28, p. 224). The OECD report also stressed that innovation issues should have
higher priority on the agenda of the Ministry of Enterprise, Energy and Communications (p. 29, p.
234). Also notable is how the Ministry of Education and Research has the formal responsibility for
coordination in the government on all matters relating to research and innovation (p. 233). “Inno-
vation” does not constitute a separate policy area in the Ministry of Education, either (p. 224). It is
also said that coordination seems weak between the two ministries (p. 28).
Why then is innovation policy still mainly linear and not holistic, although the linear view has
been completely abandoned in innovation research? In principle, one answer could be that it is as it
should be. But this is not consistent with the results of innovation research or with the fact that the
absolute majority (84%) of the participating countries strive in the direction of pursuing a more ho-
listic innovation policy.
Policymakers that attend research conferences on innovation are more often than not in favor of
holistic (systemic, broad-based, comprehensive, etc) innovation policies. They too have abandoned
the linear view, learning from innovation research. As a result, the division between “linear” and
“holistic” is located within the community where innovation policies are designed and implement-
ed. This community is composed of policymakers (administrators/bureaucrats) and elected politi-
cians. Perhaps the dividing line is between these two groups in that politicians, who actually make
the decisions, may be believers in the linear view in a reflexive way. There may also be disagree-
ments between (the leaderships of) different ministries, e.g. between the Ministry of Finance and
other ministries or between the Ministry of Research and Ministry of Industries.
The discussion above might also lead to reections on whether it would be justied to separate in-
novation policy from research policy in the design and implementation of policies and in terms
of the public organization that is responsible. After all, research policy and innovation policy are
In policy implementation, research and innovation policies are more separated from each other than they are in their design. This is simply
because different policy instruments are (and have to be) used for the two policies.
actually different things, and such a separation might be a way of facilitating the transformation of
innovation policy from linear to holistic. This is because a continued integration of research and
innovation policies might cement the linear character of the policy, partly because research policy
is still considered to be so central. It would be better to deal with “research policy” and “innovation
policy” separated from each other and coordinate them in a later stage (in the same way as many
other policy areas have to be coordinated with each other).
In addition to this, it might also be noted that many countries use the label “science and technology
policies.” Recently, some countries, such as Japan, have added innovation, and hence talk about
“science, technology, and innovation policies.” This is, of course, tautological since all new tech-
nologies are normally included in the concept of innovation (see section 1 above).
Of course, if we use broad definitions of innovation policy and research policy (as I think we
should), there must be overlaps between the two policy areas, actually “intruding” into each others
“territories.” This can be generalized: they also intrude into the territories of additional policy ar-
eas, such as labor market policies, public procurement policies, defense equipment policies, energy
policies, transport policies, health care policies, environmental policies, and regional policies. The
effect of the resulting “intrusion” or “trespassing” makes it clear to everyone that policy areas do
overlap and that they therefore have to be coordinated.
It is important to note that the state in practice allocates very large resources to all the policy areas
mentioned above. If the government wants to emphasize and strengthen innovation policies, they
can also exploit this overlapping of policy areas. Procurement policy can be an example (Edquist,
Public procurement can be adapted so that it stimulates innovation to a much larger degree than is
currently the case. Regular public procurement can, in this way, be transformed into public pro-
curement that triggers innovation. It is important here to note that public procurement accounts for
about 20% of GDP in Europe (2.3 trillion Euros).
Out of the 700 billion Swedish crowns—also 20% of GDP—that are used for public procurement
in Sweden each year, at most 0.05% is used in a way that stimulates innovations (Edquist, 2014c).
This is a significant neglect
but it also constitutes a significant possibility for enhancing innova-
tion through public procurement. The extremely low percentage also supports the previous obser-
vation that demand-side innovation policy instruments are used to an extremely small degree and
that innovation policies are therefore very far from being holistic.
This is in spite of the fact that Sweden has a “great” history of public procurement for innovation compared to other countries. Let me
mention some Swedish examples. One was when the Swedish Telecommunications Authority ordered the world's rst electronic telephone
switch (AXE). A second was when Vattenfall (the electricity agency) ordered a then non-existing system for the transmission of electricity
at 400,000 volts. A third was when the State Railway Company (Statens Järnvägar) ordered a high-speed (X2000) train that leans into
curves to be able to increase speed (Edquist & Zabala, 2012). See Edquist (2014c) for a review of the opportunities and obstacles when it
comes to different types of innovation procurement.
STI Policy Review_Vol. 5, No 2
If ten percent of the regular public procurement in Sweden can be converted into Public Procure-
ment of Innovation, it means that at least 70 billion SEK per year will be used to promote innova-
tion processes. As a comparison, it is noteworthy that the total Swedish public research budget is 35
billion SEK per year.
To coordinate policy areas in this way does not need to increase the combined economic resources
needed for the two coordinated policy areas, in this case public procurement and innovation. It may
even decrease cost and improve efciency of procurement in the medium and long term, thanks to
innovation (Edquist, 2014c).
Innovation policy design is certainly lagging behind innovation research when it comes to being
systemic, broad-based, or holistic. This is clearly an example of a disturbing failure when it comes
to the communication between innovation researchers and politicians/policymakers in the field of
This may be a strong reason to involve innovation researchers in the design and im-
plementation of innovation policy to a much higher degree. There is a lot that policymakers and, in
particular, politicians can learn from innovation research, not only in principle or analytically, but
also regarding policy practice.
Just like in the case of public procurement, regional policy, education policy, infrastructure policy,
research policy, procurement policy, defense policy, and other policy areas could also be used or ad-
justed to support innovations to a greater extent. Such adjustments could have considerable effects
on growth, employment, the environment, and health, without requiring additional public nancial
We have, above, tended to drift into discussions of how a holistic innovation policy should be gov-
erned and coordinated with other policy areas, as well as whether it should be given a higher priori-
ty than some other policy areas. This is also probably the reason that so many countries are creating
“councils” for “science and technology” (and innovation) policies or “innovation” policies. These
issues of governance and organization of innovation policy will have to be dealt with more system-
atically in another article.
This is an example of what I mean by adapting or turning existing public expenditures into also supporting innovation processes to a larger
Such communication seems to work much better in the eld of the environment and climate.
Appendix 1: Key activities in innovation systems
Box 1: Key Activities in Systems of Innovation
I. Provision of knowledge inputs to the innovation process
1. Provision of R&D results and, thus, creation of new knowledge, primarily in engineering, medicine and natural sci-
2. Competence building, e.g. through individual learning (educating and training the labour force for innovation and
R&D activities) and organisational learning. This includes formal learning as well as informal learning.
II. Demand-side activities
3. Formation of new product markets, for example through public procurement of innovation.
4. Articulation of new product quality requirements emanating from the demand side.
III. Provision of constituents for SI
5. Creating and changing organisations needed for developing new fields of innovation. Examples include enhancing
entrepreneurship to create new firms and intrapreneurship to diversify existing firms, and creating new research
organisations, policy agencies, etc.
6. Networking through markets and other mechanisms, including interactive learning among different organisations
(potentially) involved in the innovation processes. This implies integrating new knowledge elements developed in
different spheres of the SI and coming from the outside with elements already available in the innovating firms.
7. Creating and changing institutions—e.g., patent laws, tax laws, environment and safety regulations, R&D invest-
ment routines, cultural norms, etc.—that influence innovating organisations and innovation processes by provid-
ing incentives for and removing obstacles to innovation.
IV. Support services for innovating firms
8. Incubation activities such as providing access to facilities and administrative support for innovating efforts.
9. Financing of innovation processes and other activities that may facilitate commercialisation of knowledge and its
10. Provision of consultancy services relevant for innovation processes, e.g. technology transfer, commercial informa-
tion, and legal advice.
Source: Adapted from (Edquist, 2005) and (Edquist, 2011).
STI Policy Review_Vol. 5, No 2
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