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Accessible Medical Examination
Tables and Chairs
This publicaon is intended for health care professionals, hospital/clinic sta who are responsible for
selecng or purchasing diagnosc medical equipment, medical equipment specialists, and all those
who require knowledge of the technical specicaons for accessible examinaon tables and chairs.
The goal is to provide informaon about the physical conguraon and operaonal characteriscs of
accessible examinaon tables and chairs as specied in the latest proposed federal standards so that
medical facilies are properly equipped to serve individuals with disabilies.
Introducon: Best Pracce versus Regulaon
The “Paent Protecon and Aordable Care Act” (ACA) added an amendment to Secon 510 of
the Rehabilitaon Act which authorized the U.S. Access Board to develop accessibility standards for
medical diagnosc equipment (MDE) in consultaon with the Food and Drug Administraon. While
the proposed standards are not yet enforceable as federal regulaons, they provide “best pracce”
guidance for specifying and acquiring accessible MDE.
The proposed standards for MDE apply to equipment that includes examinaon tables, examinaon
chairs (including chairs used for eye examinaons or procedures, and dental examinaons or
procedures), weight scales, mammography equipment, x-ray machines, and other radiological
equipment commonly used for diagnosc purposes by health professionals.
The proposed standards establish minimum technical criteria that will allow paents with disabilies
independent entry to, use of, and exit from medical diagnosc equipment to the maximum extent
possible. For example, secons M301 and M302 of the proposed standards address design and
operaonal features that will allow a paent with a disability to independently transfer onto
examinaon chairs and tables used for diagnosc purposes. For more informaon, refer to the text
of the U.S. Access Board Proposed Standards for Accessible Medical Diagnosc Equipment (see
Note that the proposed standards do not specify the minimum number of types of accessible medical
equipment required in dierent types of health care facilies.
Examinaon Tables and Chairs
Examinaon tables and chairs are used almost universally throughout the health care delivery system
and must support a wide range of diagnosc acvies, clinical indicaons, and paent populaons.
These demands have implicaons for the design, conguraon, and principles of operaon of
examinaon tables and chairs. Manufacturers generally design examinaon tables and chairs based on
the diagnosc needs and convenience of the medical professionals.
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Medical Examination Tables and Chairs
The primary funcon of exam tables is to support paents in prone, supine or side-lying posions.
The exam tables used in most doctors’ oces are typically designed to be used at a xed height of
32 inches. This height makes independent transfer very dicult or impossible for many people with
mobility disabilies, especially those whose use mobility aids such as a wheelchair. The gure below
illustrates the dierence between accessible and inaccessible exam tables.
The primary funcon of exam chairs is to support paents in a seated or “semi-supine” posion.
However, these chairs oen do not allow independent transfer for paents with mobility disabilies.
Equipment Features Needed for Paent Support in Supine, Prone, or Side-Lying (M301) or Seated
(M302) Posion with Examples of Equipment Types
Paent Posions Equipment
Designed to Support
Equipment Features Addressed by
the Technical Criteria M301 or M302
Examples of Types of
M301 - Diagnosc Equipment
Used by Paents in Supine,
Prone, or Side-Lying Posion
Transfer surface, including height, size,
and transfer sides
Transfer supports, srrups, and head
and back support
Li compability
Examinaon tables
Examinaon chairs designed
to recline and be used as
examinaon tables
M302 - Diagnosc Equipment
Used by Paents in a Seated
Transfer surface, including height, size,
and transfer sides
Transfer supports, armrests, and head
and back support
Li compability
Examinaon chairs
Imaging equipment
designed for use with a seat
Weight scales designed for
use with a seat
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Medical Examination Tables and Chairs
Transfer Heights
The proposed standards call for a transfer surface height range of 17 inches minimum to 19 inches
maximum during paent transfer. This distance is measured from the oor level to the top of transfer
surface. This applies to both exam tables and exam chairs. This is not a single, xed height but provides a
two-inch range for compliance with the proposed standards. Addional suggesons (called “Advisories”)
in both M301 and M302 further clarify this requirement with the statement The transfer surface is
permied to be posioned outside of the specied height range when not needed to facilitate transfer.
Example Applicaons of the Technical Criteria for Accessible Diagnosc Equipment
The two following two examples provide a representave list of features and corresponding secon
of Proposed Standards (e.g., M301.3.3) for accessible diagnosc equipment required by the technical
criteria established by the U.S. Access Board (See Text of the Proposed Standards for Accessible Medical
Diagnosc Equipment under Resources).
Diagnosc Equipment for Use by a Paent in a Supine, Prone, or Side-Lying Posion: Examinaon
1. When adjustable, head and back support provided throughout the enre range of the incline (M301.3.3)
2. Transfer support resists vercal and horizontal forces of 250 lbs. at all points and does not rotate within
its ngs (M305.2.2 and M305.2.3)
Rail serves as transfer support within reach of transfer surface (M301.3.1 and M305.2.1)
3. When provided, srrups provide a method of supporng, posioning, and securing the paents leg
4. Support rail removable / reposioned to permit unobstructed transfer (M301.2.3 EXCEPTION)
5. Transfer surface 30 inches wide minimum and 15 inches deep minimum (M301.2.2)
6. One short side (depth) and one long side (width) of the transfer surface permit unobstructed transfer
from a mobility device (M301.2.3)
7. 6 inches high minimum clearance above nished oor where equipment overhangs clearance
8. Base permits clearance around base for a paent portable oor li, see Figure M2 (M301.4 and
9. Transfer surface 17 inches minimum and 19 inches maximum above oor level (M301.2.1), when not
needed to facilitate transfer, the transfer surface may be posioned above or below the height range
(Advisory M301.2.1)
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Medical Examination Tables and Chairs
Diagnosc Equipment for Use by a Paent in a Seated Posion: Examinaon Chairs
1. When adjustable, head and back support provided throughout the enre range of the incline
2. Transfer surface 21 inches wide minimum and 15 inches deep minimum (M302.2.2)
3. Armrest folds up to permit unobstructed transfer (M302.2.3 EXCEPTION)
4. Transfer surface 17 inches minimum and 19 inches maximum. Above oor (M302.2.1), when not
needed to facilitate transfer, the transfer surface may be posioned above or below the height range
(Advisory M302.2.1)
5. Required armrest serves as transfer support within reach of transfer surface (M302.3.1, M302.3.2, and
6. Transfer support resists vercal and horizontal forces of 250 lbs. at all points and does not rotate within
its ngs (M305.2.2 and M305.2.3)
7. One short side (depth) and one long side (width) of the transfer surface permit unobstructed transfer
from a mobility device (M302.2.3)
8. Base permits clearance around base for a paent portable oor li (M302.4 and M302.4.2)
1. U.S. Access Board – Health Care: hp://www.access-board.gov/guidelines-and-standards/health-care
2. Text of the Proposed Standards for Accessible Medical Diagnosc Equipment:
3. Example Applicaons of Proposed Standards: hp://www.access-board.gov/guidelines-and-standards/
4. The Barrier Free Healthcare Iniave: hps://www.ada.gov/usao-agreements.htm
Content was developed by the Northwest ADA Center, and is based on professional consensus of ADA experts and the ADA Naonal
The contents of this factsheet were developed under grants from the Naonal
Instute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitaon Research
(NIDILRR grant numbers 90DP0095 and 90DP0086). NIDILRR is a Center
within the Administraon for Community Living (ACL), Department of Health
and Human Services (HHS). The contents of this factsheet do not necessarily
represent the policy of NIDILRR, ACL, HHS, and you should not assume
endorsement by the Federal Government.
© Copyright 2017 ADA Naonal Network. All Rights Reserved.
May be reproduced and distributed freely with aribuon to ADA Naonal Network (www.adata.org).