Professional Staff
The board will attempt to pay its professional staff at a level that will attract and retain individuals who exhibit a strong
commitment to education and who have the skills necessary to effectively implement the district’s educational program.
The compensation of certified staff is based on the state salary schedule with local supplements as approved by the board.
The schedule takes into consideration the levels of professional training and years of service.
Upon recommendation of the superintendent, the board awards contracts to professional staff as required by state law.
Upon recommendation of the superintendent, the board will notify teachers in writing of their employment status before
May 1st of each year. Teachers who are reemployed must give written acceptance of their contracts to the superintendent
before May 11th of each year. Failure to give such notification constitutes contract rejection.
Support Staff
The board will base the salary of all support staff on salary schedules or hourly rates set by the board on the
recommendation of the superintendent. The board will set compensation according to the responsibility of the position,
services rendered, evaluation of performance, years of service, provisions of the district’s operational budget, and any
applicable state and federal laws. The effective date for all salary changes as determined by the salary schedule or by
action of the board is July 1
Experience Credit Procedure
New Hires
The HR Director will make the determination of years of experience credit based on the following
If the applicant has direct experience in the same area for which he or she is being hired, the applicant
should receive credit for all the experience in the area.
Bookkeeper or accountant with prior
bookkeeping or accounting experience as indicated on the application or resume.
All documented one for
one direct experience must be verified prior to completion of the hiring
If the applicant’s experience is indirectly related, the applicant can be given one half credit for
year applicable.
A bookkeeping applicant with secretarial/office experience,
bookkeeping experience.
Written documentation,
which should include position offered, position grade if applicable, years of
experience credited and beginning salary,
should be done for all
new hires, and placed in
the employee’s
The new
this document.
Current Employees Changing Positions
If a current classified employee changes to a new position,
his or her current years of experience
Certified staff years of experience is determined by the state department of
No additional prior years’ experience will
be awarded after the initial employment process has
completed and documented without the prior approval of the superintendent or the superintendent’s
Written documentation,
which should include position offered, position grade, years of experience
credited, and beginning salary should be placed in the employee’s personnel file.
The employee’s
signature is required on this document.
If a current employee transfers or is promoted to a new position for which the employee had
indirect experience prior to coming to the district, the employee can now
be given
this credit
experience credit earned
employee of
The HR
Director is responsible for ensuring that all personnel files are kept confidential,
and the HR staff
staff issues are not to be discussed with other staff members who otherwise would not be
privy to the
HR Director is responsible for ensuring that employee files are updated on a yearly basis and a clear paper trail
has been created.
A paper trail can be maintained with a Personnel
Sheet, Employee Action
Form, or an Employee
Master Sheet.
All employees should receive an updated Personnel Sheet or
Employee Master Sheet annually and a
copy should be placed in their personnel file annually.
NOTE: When determining the years of experience credit, the Recommendation for Giving Years of
Experience Credit form must be used for classified staff only. The years of experience credit for certified
staff will be the same number of years listed on the employee’s South Carolina Certified Teachers License.
How Classified Salaries are Calculated
Classified salaries are calculated by taking the hourly rate by the number of hours worked by the number
of work calendar days.
hourly rate X hours worked X work calendar days = Annual Salary
$5.00/hour X 5 hours/day X 100 work calendar days = $2,500.00 Annual Salary
Paycheck Disbursal
Employees are paid in 24 increments. The annual salary / pay is divided into equal payments to be paid in accordance with
the District's payment schedule. All salaries are set based on the salary schedule approved by the school board for the
employee’s position. Automatic deposit of payroll checks is available for all employees to the bank of their choice. If
automatic deposit is not elected, employees may pick up their paper check at their primary worksite by 3:00pm on the pay
date issued.
For all employees, payday is the fifteenth and thirtieth day of the month unless the aforementioned days fall on the
weekend. In such situations, payday will be the preceding Friday. Paydays are also adjusted in the event the fifteenth and
thirtieth of the month fall on a holiday. In such instances, employees are paid prior to the holiday.
1. 180Day
2. 185Day
3. 190Day
4. 200Day
5. 210Day
6. 220Day
1. 240Day
2. 245Day
1 15Aug 1 14‐Jul
2 29‐Jul
3 15Sep 3 15Aug
4 29Sep 4 30Aug
5 13Oct 5 15Sep
6 30Oct 6 29Sep
7 15Nov 7 13Oct
8 30Nov 8 30Oct
9 15Dec 9 15Nov
10 29Dec 10 30Nov
11 15Jan 11 15Dec
12 30Jan 12 29Dec
13 15Feb 13 15Jan
14 29Feb 14 30Jan
15 15Mar 15 15Feb
16 29Mar 16 29Feb
17 15Apr 17 15Mar
18 30Apr 18 29Mar
19 15May 19 15Apr
20 30May 20 30Apr
21 14Jun 21 15May
22 28Jun 22 30May
23* 15‐Jul 23 14Jun
24* 30‐Jul 24 28Jun
1 07/01/2023 07/09/2023 14Jul 1
2 07/10/2023 07/16/2023 28Jul 2
3 07/17/2023 07/30/2023 15Aug 3 1
4 07/31/2023 08/13/2023 30Aug 4 2
5 08/14/2023 08/27/2023 15Sep 5 3
6 08/28/2023 09/10/2023 29Sep 6 4
7 09/11/2023 09/24/2023 13Oct 7 5
8 09/25/2023 10/08/2023 30Oct 8 6
9 10/09/2023 10/22/2023 15Nov 9 7
10 10/23/2023 11/05/2023 30Nov 10 8
11 11/06/2023 11/19/2023 15Dec 11 9
12 11/20/2023 12/03/2023 29Dec 12 10
13 12/04/2023 12/17/2023 15Jan 13 11
14 12/18/2023 01/14/2024 30Jan 14 12
15 01/15/2024 01/28/2024 15Feb 15 13
16 01/29/2024 02/11/2024 29Feb 16 14
17 02/12/2024 02/25/2024 15Mar 17 15
18 02/26/2024 03/10/2024 29Mar 18 16
19 03/11/2024 03/24/2024 15Apr 19 17
20 03/25/2024 04/14/2024 30Apr 20 18
21 04/15/2024 04/28/2024 15May 21 19
22 04/29/2024 05/12/2024 30May 22 20
23 05/13/2024 06/05/2024 14Jun 23 21
24 06/06/2024 06/30/2024 28Jun 24 22
24.1*06/30/2024 15Jul23
24.2*06/30/2024 30Jul24
START END Timesheets
07/01/2023 07/09/2023 07/10 14Jul 1
07/10/2023 07/16/2023 07/17 28Jul 1
07/17/2023 07/30/2023 07/31 15Aug 2
07/31/2023 08/13/2023 08/14 30Aug 2
08/14/2023 08/27/2023 08/28 15Sep 2
08/28/2023 09/10/2023 09/11 29Sep 2
09/11/2023 09/24/2023 09/25 13Oct 2
09/25/2023 10/08/2023 10/09 30Oct 2
10/09/2023 10/22/2023 10/23 15Nov 2
10/23/2023 11/05/2023 11/06 30Nov 2
11/06/2023 11/19/2023 11/27 15Dec 2
11/20/2023 12/03/2023 12/04 29Dec 2
12/04/2023 12/17/2023 12/18 15Jan 2
12/18/2023 01/14/2024 01/16 30Jan 4
01/15/2024 01/28/2024 01/29 15Feb 2
01/29/2024 02/11/2024 02/12 29Feb 2
02/12/2024 02/25/2024 02/26 15Mar 2
02/26/2024 03/10/2024 03/11 29Mar 2
03/11/2024 03/24/2024 03/25 15Apr 2
03/25/2024 04/14/2024 04/15 30Apr 3
04/15/2024 04/28/2024 04/29 15May 2
04/29/2024 05/12/2024 05/13 30May 2
05/13/2024 06/05/2024 06/06 14Jun 3.5
06/06/2024 06/30/2024 06/18 28Jun 3.5
The Board has authorized the following specific payroll deductions: taxes (state and federal), social security, SC State
Retirement or Optional Retirement, group insurance, tax sheltered annuities, supplemental health, critical illness, and life
insurance companies, court and government authorized wage garnishments and the American Cancer Society.
Tax sheltered annuity payroll deductions may also be available to part time/temporary employees if they meet the criteria
established by the IRS guidelines. The mandatory withholding of income tax is based upon the schedules of the SC Tax
Commission and the IRS. The amount deducted from an employee’s paycheck is based on the withholding certificate (W-
4) completed and signed by the employee. A new withholding certificate should be completed, signed, and sent to
personnel for any changes to withholding allowances.
All employees are covered by Social Security (FICA). International teachers are usually exempt from this deduction and
Benefits paid by Hampton County School District for each permanent hired employee who works 30 hours or more per
week include the following:
State Life Insurance
Social Security
SCRS Retiree Life
Supplemental Long-term Disability
Worker’s Compensation
Other benefits, based on an employee’s total salary,
paid by HCSD
Employees have several health plans from which to choose.
The benefits may be accessed online at: https://peba.sc.gov/employees
Please review this policy for more information at https://hcsd.k12.sc.us/policies/.
Professional Staff Leaves and Absences (Policy Code GCC Issued 21)
The continuous presence of staff members promotes excellence in the instructional program by ensuring the
the uninterrupted continuity of education
greater teacher-student contact time
appropriate role-model emulation
consistent classroom discipline
reduced cost
Therefore, the board expects staff members to come to work every day. The board recognizes, however, that
certain absences are unavoidable. At such times, staff members should take leave in accordance with this policy
and its accompanying administrative rule. Absent staff members must comply with procedures set out in the
administrative rule which accompanies this policy.
Support Staff Leaves and Absences (Policy Code GDC Issued 21)
An absent staff member must furnish a signed statement setting forth the specific reason(s) for his/her absence. The
statement must be turned in to the staff member’s supervisor within two (2) days after the staff member returns to work.
A staff member will notify his/her immediate supervisor as early as practicable when it is necessary for him/her to be
absent. When a staff member knows that he/she will be absent for a period longer than five (5) days, he/she should
complete and file a request for leave of absence.
A staff member who anticipates taking an extended leave of absence should submit the request for leave to his/her
supervisor at least thirty (30) calendar days prior to the effective date of the leave. The leave request must include a
statement from a licensed medical doctor stating the anticipated length of convalescence.
Any staff member returning from an extended leave of absence must present a statement from the attending physician
certifying the staff member’s ability to return to a normal work schedule.
When the staff member makes a request in writing, the superintendent may grant the staff member leave without pay for
personal illness following the exhaustion of all accrued sick leave. Leave with and without pay will not exceed ninety-one
(91) workdays in any school year and is not to extend beyond the immediate school year.
Leave Day Accruals
Accrual of sick leave
For the 2021-22 school year only, all full-time staff members of the district will accrue sick leave on the basis of 1.5 days
per month of active service. Beginning July 1, 2022, all fulltime staff members of the district will accrue sick leave on the
basis of one and one-fourth days of sick leave for each month of active service. This will provide 12 days for nine months
(180 days, 185 days, and 190 days), 13 days for 10 months (210 days), 14 days for 11 months (220 days), and 15 days for
12 months (240 and 250 days).
All part-time staff members will accrue one-half the sick leave of their full time counterparts.
The smallest increment of a day is .25.
Accumulation of Sick Leave Days
Beginning with the 2022-23 school year, staff members may accumulate up to 120days of sick leave which is accrued but
not used provided that such staff member does not violate his/her respective contract.
Annual Reimbursement of Unused Leave in Excess of 90 120 Days
Beginning June 30, 2022, staff members will earn an incentive at the end of each school year for any sick leave days
accumulated over 120 days that are not used. The incentive will be determined by multiplying the number of unused leave
days above 120 by $50.00 per day. The incentive will be paid by June 30th of the current school year and the staff member
will begin the next school year with 120 accumulated sick leave days.
Payment for Unused Leave at Separation from the District Effective July 1, 2022, upon separation from the district,
employees may be paid for sick leave days over 90 at their daily rate. If retiring, up to 90 days will be reported to the
retirement system. For the 2021-22 school year, upon separation from the district, employees may be paid for
sick leave days up to 135 days at $50.00 per day.
Please review this policy for more information at https://hcsd.k12.sc.us/policies/.
Professional Staff Vacations and Holidays (Code GCD Issued 22)
School-Year Staff The school calendar, as adopted by the board, establishes the school recess periods and holidays for
instructional staff members employed on a school-year basis.
Administrators and Year-Round Staff
Regular full-time administrators employed on a full-year basis (52 weeks) and year-round instructional staff will receive
vacations and holidays as follows:
Effective July 1, 20222, staff employed on a 240-day basis are entitled to two (2) weeks, ten (10) working days, of
vacation exclusive of school holidays.
Employees will be granted 5 vacation days in July and 5 days in January. This advance anticipates the completion of the
full period of employment by the staff members. If a staff member uses advanced vacation leave and fails to complete the
period of employment covered by the days advanced, the district will make an adjustment in salary at the termination of
his/her employment.
Vacation days may be taken as accumulated, subject to the approval of the immediate supervisor. Vacation days may not
be accumulated beyond twenty-five (25) days. When a staff member wishes to take vacation, he/she must secure the
approval of his/her supervisor. Vacation should be arranged as far in advance as possible so as not to disrupt the continuity
of the educational process.
Upon separation from the district, a staff member will be compensated for up to twenty-five (25) days of accrued vacation
at their daily rate.
Regular part-time administrators employed on a full-year basis (52 weeks) and year-round instructional staff will receive
one (1) week, five (5) working days of vacation exclusive of school holidays.
Employees will be granted 2.5 vacation days in July and 2.5 days in January.
Employees who work less than 240 days must use any remaining vacation days by the end of the 2021-22 school year.
This stipulation may be negotiated with the Superintendent if extenuating circumstances exist.
For the 2021-22 school year, employees who separated from the district prior to the implementation of this policy (January
18, 2022) will be paid for vacation days carried over from the 2020-21 school year up to a maximum of twenty (20) days.
Employees who separated from the district after the implementation of this policy (January 18, 2022) will be paid for
vacation days carried over from 2020-21 and days earned in 2021-22.
New Year’s Day (January 1st)
Martin Luther King Day
Independence Day (July 4th)
Labor Day General Election Day (even-numbered years) (first Tuesday in November)
Thanksgiving Day (fourth Thursday in November)
Christmas (two days - December 24th and 25th)
Administrative staff and district-office staff who are 12-month employees will observe the school calendar holidays.
Please review this policy for more information at https://hcsd.k12.sc.us/policies/.
Policy GBEBA DRESS CODE Issued 3/22
Faculty, staff, and administration of Hampton School District desire to maintain an environment of
professionalism that positively impacts students, parents/legal guardians and the community. All staff members
must maintain a standard of appearance that reflects their professional responsibilities and does not distract
attention from the teaching/learning process. Principals will monitor the dress code of all faculty and staff and
will address when necessary.
Accordingly, the following items of clothing are prohibited:
inappropriate jeans such as blue denim, tie dyed, tattered, etc. Appropriateness will be determined by the
supervisor. The district may allow exceptions for occasional special activities such as workdays, field
trips, picnics, spirit days, specific work tasks, etc., at the discretion of the supervisor.
sweat clothes are prohibited (except for PE teachers); seasonal sweatshirts and professional
teacher/school-related sweatshirts are permissible
printed tee shirts are prohibited, with the exception of professional teacher and school-related tee shirts
wind suits (except PE teachers).
shorts are prohibited (with the exception of PE, pre-kindergarten and kindergarten teachers and these are
to be no more than 2.5 inches above the knee); no knit shorts are allowed; skorts will be allowed up to
the elementary level and will be no more than 2.5 inches above the knee. tight clothing (discretion of
revealing clothing (dresses, skirts, shorts, and skorts that are allowed should be no more than 2.5 inches
above the knee)
athletic shoes will be allowed as long as they are clean and in good condition
Business casual attire is expected on parent teacher conference days and staff development days indicated by the
type of staff development being offered.
On staff development days that are focused on classroom cleaning and set-up, staff members may wear apparel
appropriate for the activity. This is at the discretion of the principal or his/her designee.
The district may allow exceptions for occasional special activities such as workdays, field trips, picnics, spirit
days, etc., at the discretion of the school principal.
Policy GBEB STAFF CONDUCT Issued 3/22
The board expects all staff members to maintain the highest professional and ethical standards in their conduct
with students, parents/legal guardians, and coworkers. For the purpose of this policy, staff includes, but is not
limited to, employees, contract service providers, school volunteers, student teachers, and interns.
All staff members are expected to act with integrity and honesty both on-duty and off-duty and be aware of the
policy framework that governs staff behavior and day-to-day work performance. Staff must act in a manner that
is consistent with the district's policies and sets a positive example for all.
To that end, in dress, conduct (including conduct communicated or performed in person, in writing, and/or
electronically), and interpersonal relationships, all staff members should recognize that they are being
continuously observed by students, other staff members, parents/legal guardians, and members of the
community and that their actions and demeanor may impair their effectiveness in their position. When
interacting with students in all curricular and extracurricular activities, whether on or off campus, both online
and off-line, staff members are expected to exercise good judgment and to maintain professional boundaries
appropriate to an educational setting and consistent with the educational mission of the district.
The relationship between staff members and students in the district should be one of cooperation, understanding,
mutual respect, and trust. All staff members will also treat each other with respect.
The personal life of staff member, including personal use of privately-owned electronic equipment outside of
working hours, such as email, text messages, instant messages, or social media, will be the concern of and
warrant the attention of the board only as it may directly prevent the staff member from effectively performing
his/her assigned job duties or disrupts the educational environment or as it violates state or federal law, board
policy, or contractual agreements.
No staff member will engage in criminal conduct or commit or attempt to induce students or others to commit an
act or acts of criminal conduct which may be harmful to others or bring discredit to the district. If it appears a
staff member may have violated the law, the district will report the offending conduct to and cooperate with law
enforcement agencies.
Staff, while on duty and in the presence of students, will not use profanity, will not use tobacco in any form, and
will not consume or be under the influence of intoxicating beverages. Staff members will not be involved in
drug abuse or drug trafficking.
The following is a non-exhaustive list of to, actions that are considered misconduct while on duty, on or off
district premises:
possessing, using, selling, manufacturing, distributing, or dispensing any illegal drugs or alcohol while
on duty, on or off district premises
fighting or deliberately harming another individual
being absent without approval
refusing to follow a supervisor's instructions or directions
neglect of duty (including, but not limited to, failure to follow a student's Individualized Education
Program or 504 Plan, leaving students unsupervised, failure to discipline with consistency and/or failure
to maintain proper building or classroom discipline, failure to take appropriate affirmative action when
confronted with or after witnessing a situation in which a student is at risk of abuse or mental or physical
injury, and/or inability or failure to effectively plan and present an organized lesson plan)
failing to adhere to safety and health rules as established by state and federal law and board policy
stealing, destroying, or vandalizing school property intentionally or through negligence; staff will be
responsible for reimbursing the district for the cost of repairing or replacing damaged or stolen property
possessing weapons on school property (unless otherwise authorized by law)
using school property without proper authorization
behaving in an inappropriate manner to the extent of adversely affecting the staff member's ability to
perform his/her work and/or disrupting the educational environment
using obscene language or demeaning or derogatory language which is unsuitable in the school setting
communicating obscene visual material to a student or another staff member
any behavior, overt or covert, of a sexual nature that may constitute professional misconduct and/or is
violation of law or board policy
disclosing personal, sexual, family, employment, or other private concerns to students
disclosing information concerning a student, other than directory information, to any person not
authorized to receive such information
non-counseling or social work staff encouraging students to confide their personal, family problems,
and/or personal relationship problems; staff should refer students to the guidance office if there is a need
for counseling
harassment, intimidation/bullying, or discrimination of, or retaliation against, a student or staff member
asking students to keep secrets
inciting students or other staff members to engage in illegal activity
The board understands that there are circumstances when staff members have personal relationships with the
families of students outside of school. The intent of this policy is not to prohibit all social contact between staff
and families outside of school. However, because of the trust placed in staff by the community, and the district's
responsibility to protect the well-being of students, staff members are expected to avoid the appearance of
impropriety in their conduct with students at all times.
Staff members are encouraged to discuss concerns with their supervisor whenever they are unsure whether
particular conduct or activities may constitute a violation of this policy.
Staff members are required to notify a supervisor immediately if they become aware of a situation or behavior
that may constitute a violation of this policy.
Violations of this policy by staff will be grounds for immediate suspension and possible termination of
employment consistent with state and federal law and board policy. In such cases, a staff member will be
informed of his/her right to any hearing or due process procedure that may be applicable under state or federal
law or board policy.
Violations of this policy by other individuals in the district community including, but not limited to, contract
workers, volunteers, student teachers, and interns will be grounds for the immediate termination of the program,
activity, or job for which the individual is a participant.
Arrest of Staff Member
The board delegates specific authority to the superintendent to take appropriate employment action with regard
to a staff member who has been arrested. Staff members will report or cause to be reported all arrests to
supervisors immediately.
Staff members arrested for a misdemeanor offense which would indicate no danger or appearance of danger to
students, fellow staff, or the district will generally not be subject to any employment action.
Staff members arrested for a misdemeanor offense which would indicate a possible danger or appearance of
danger to the school district, fellow staff, or to students will generally be suspended with pay, pending
Staff members arrested for a misdemeanor offense which would indicate a possible danger or appearance of
danger to students but not to the school district or fellow staff will generally be reassigned to different
responsibilities away from students within the district, if such position is available, pending adjudication.
Staff members arrested for a felony offense will generally be suspended with pay, pending adjudication.
In certain circumstances, other employment action may be taken, up to and including termination.
Adopted 3/15/22
Legal References:
S.C. Code of Laws, 1976 as amended:
Section 16-3-755 - Sexual battery with a student.
Section 16-23-420, et seq. - Concealed weapons; school property exception.
Section 59-25-430 - Teacher dismissal; evident unfitness for teaching.
Section 59-25-450 - Teacher suspension.