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102 Fisher Street
Halifax, PA 17032
Tuesday, January 2
, 2024, 7:00 P.M.
By unanimous consent, Supervisor Bechtel is serving as temporary Chairman and Sara Glace is serving as
temporary Secretary.
CALL TO ORDER: Meeting was called to order by Temporary Chairman Bechtel at 7:03 pm. followed with the Pledge
of Allegiance.
ROLL CALL: Supervisors Bechtel, Bruner, Paul, Schreffler and McBurney are present along with Secretary Sara Glace
and Roadmaster Matt Roland. Solicitor Bruce Warshawsky and Engineer Alex Greenly were not required to attend.
PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD: No public in attendance.
ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN: A Motion was made by Supervisor Schreffler and second by Supervisor McBurney to
nominate Supervisor Ken Bechtel as Chairman of the Halifax Township Board of Supervisors for 2024. There were no
other nominations. Vote called. Motion carries 5-0.
CLOSE NOMINATIONS: A Motion was made by Supervisor Paul and seconded by Supervisor Schreffler to close the
nominations. Vote called. Motion carries 5-0. Ken Bechtel is the Chairman for Halifax Township Board of Supervisors.
ELECTION OF VICE CHAIRMAN: A Motion was made by Supervisor McBurney and second by Supervisor Bechtel
to nominate Supervisor Brad Bruner as Vice Chairman of the Board of Supervisors for 2024. There were no other
nominations. Vote called. Motion carries 5-0.
CLOSE NOMINATIONS: A Motion was made Supervisor Paul and seconded by Supervisor McBurney to close the
nominations. Vote called. Motion carries 5-0. Brad Bruner is the Vice Chairman of the Halifax Township Board of
APPOINTMENT OF SECRETARY/TREASURER: A Motion was made by Supervisor McBurney and second by
Supervisor Schreffler to reappoint Sara Glace to serve as Halifax Township Secretary/ Treasurer for 2024. There were no
other nominations. Vote called. Motion carries 5-0.
CLOSE NOMINATIONS: A Motion was made by Supervisor Paul and seconded by Supervisor Bruner to close the
nominations. Vote called. Motion carries 5-0. Sara Glace is the Secretary/Treasurer for Halifax Township.
COMPENSATION PACKAGE FOR SECRETARY/TREASURER: A Motion was made by Supervisor Bruner and
second by Supervisor Paul to approve the following compensation for the Secretary/Treasurer for 2024. Vote called.
Motion carries 5-0.
o Hourly Rate of 21.00 an hour.
o Hours: 9:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., Monday, Wednesday, & Friday and 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Tuesday &
Thursday along with an hour floater each day.
o Paid leave as outlined in the Employee Policy Manual
o Permit Officer
o Attend Supervisors’ Meetings/Special Meetings
o Attend Planning Commission Meetings upon request from PC Commission Chair or Vice Chair
o Meet with auditors as needed.
o Attend Budget Meetings
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o Paid Holidays
o Reimbursement for mileage on banking and errands at approved Federal rate.
o $310.00 Stipend per month for Health Benefits
o Retirement Account with up to 3% Match from Halifax Township
AMOUNT OF BONDING FOR SECRETARY-TREASURER: $1,283.00: A Motion was made by Supervisor
McBurney and second by Supervisor Schreffler to approve bonding for the Secretary/Treasurer position in the amount of
$1,000,000. Vote called. Motion carries 5-0.
APPOINTMENT OF OPEN RECORDS OFFICER: A Motion was made by Supervisor McBurney and second by
Supervisor Schreffler to appoint Sara Glace to serve as the Halifax Township Board of Supervisor’s Open Records Officer
for 2024. Vote called. Motion carries 5-0.
APPOINTMENT OF ROADMASTER: A Motion was made by Supervisor McBurney and second by Supervisor
Schreffler to reappoint Matt Roland to serve as Halifax Township Board of Supervisor’s Roadmaster for 2024. No other
nominations were received. Vote called. Motion carries 5-0.
COMPENSATION PACKAGE FOR ROADMASTER: A Motion was made by Supervisor Schreffler and second by
Supervisor Bruner to approve the following compensation package for Matt Roland for 2024. Vote called. Motion carries
o Annual Salary: $62,400.00
o Leave as outlined in the Employee Policy Manual
o Township vehicle (to and from work)
o Use of Gas Card for Township Trucks
o Paid Holidays
o Use of Township Credit Card
o Use of Township Cell Phone
o Nuisance Officer
o Attend Supervisor Meetings
o $310.00 Stipend per month for Health Benefits
o Retirement Account with up to 3% Match from Halifax Township will start September 25
, 2024.
APPOINTMENT OF FULL TIME ROAD CREW 1: A Motion was made by Supervisor Bruner and second by
Supervisor McBurney to reappoint Ryan Malone as Fulltime Roadcrew to as the Halifax Township Board of Supervisors
for 2024. No other nominations were received. Vote called. Motion carries 5-0.
COMPENSATION OF FULL TIME ROAD CREW: A Motion was made by Supervisor Bruner and second by
Supervisor Paul to accept the following compensation package for the Fulltime Roadcrew for the Township for 2024.
Vote called. Motion carries 5-0.
o Wage: $25.00 per hour
o Paid leave as outlined in the Employee Policy Manual
o Township Vehicle (to and from work)
o Paid Holidays
o Use of Gas Card for Township Trucks
o $25.00 a month Stipend for use of personal cell phones to conduct business.
o $310.00 Per Month for Health Benefits
o Retirement Account with up to 3% Match from Halifax Township
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APPOINTMENT OF FULL TIME ROAD CREW 2: A Motion was made by Supervisor McBurney and second by
Supervisor Paul to reappoint Colton Warfel as Fulltime Roadcrew to the Halifax Township Board of Supervisors for
2023. No other nominations were received. Vote called. Motion carries 5-0.
COMPENSATION OF FULL TIME ROAD CREW: A Motion was made by Supervisor McBurney and second by
Supervisor Schreffler to accept the following compensation package for the Fulltime Roadcrew for the Township for
2024. Vote called. Motion carries 5-0.
o Wage: $24.00 per hour
o Paid leave as outlined in the Employee Policy Manual
o Paid Holidays
o Use of Gas Card for Township Trucks
o $25.00 a month Stipend for use of personal cell phones to conduct business.
o $310.00 Per Month for Health Benefits
o Retirement Account with up to 3% Match from Halifax Township will start on June 23
, 2024.
APPROVAL OF LABORERS/DRIVERS HOURLY RATE OF PAY: A Motion was made by Supervisor Bruner and
second by Supervisor Paul to pay Raymond Maus an hourly rate of $15.00 as a part-time employee for 2024. Vote called.
Motion carries 5-0. The Motion was made by Supervisor McBurney and second by Supervisor Paul to pay Jay Bechtel
$25.00 per hour as a permanent part time employee and as a CDL plow operator. Vote called. Motion carries 4-0-1.
Chairman Bechtel abstained from the conversation and from voting. A Motion was made by Supervisor McBurney and
second by Supervisor Schreffler to approve the hourly rate of pay for CDL plow operators/CDL drivers at a minimum
starting rate of $19.00/hour, non-CDL plow operators and general laborers’ rate set at a minimum starting rate of
$15.50/hour for the Halifax Township. Vote called. Motion carries 5-0.
APPROVAL OF PAY PERIODS: A Motion was made by Supervisor Schreffler and second by Supervisor Paul to
approve the following pay periods for 2024. Vote called. Motion carries 5-0.
Employees: Bi-weekly periods with payday to occur on the Wednesday immediately
following the end of the pay period.
Supervisors: Monthly pay periods with payday to occur on the last payday of the month.
APROVAL OF EMPLOYEE PAID HOLIDAYS: A Motion was made by Supervisor Paul and second by Supervisor
Bruner to approve the following paid holidays for 2024. Vote called. Motion carries 5-0.
New Year’s Day
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
3 Hours Thanksgiving Eve
Thanksgiving Day
Day after Thanksgiving
3 hours Christmas Eve
Christmas Day
Floater Day
and second by Supervisor Schreffler to reappoint Bruce Warshawsky as Solicitor for 2024. Vote called. Motion carries 5-
0. A Motion was made by Supervisor Paul and second by Supervisor Schreffler to approve the compensation package of
$600 per month retainer and $200 thereafter as outlined in the fee schedule. Vote called. Motion carries 5-0.
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McBurney and seconded by Supervisor Schreffler to reappoint Herbert, Rowland, & Grubic, Inc. to serve as the Township
Engineer firm and to accept proposed hourly and meeting fee schedule for 2024. Vote called. Motion carries 5-0.
APPOINTMENT OF UCC & APPROVAL OF FEE SCHEDULE: A Motion was made by Supervisor McBurney and
second by Supervisor Schreffler to appoint Building Inspection Underwriters of PA as primary UCC Inspectors and to
accept the fee schedule for 2024. Vote called. Motion carries 5-0. There is no alternate UCC appointed at this time.
APPOINTMENT OF SEO & APPROVAL OF FEE SCHEDULE: A Motion was made by Supervisor Bruner and
second by Supervisor Schreffler to appoint Brian McFeaters and his daughter Carrie McFeaters as Halifax Township’s
primary SEO for 2024 with his 2024 fee schedule. Vote called. Motion carries 5-0.
APPOINTMENT OF ALTERNATE SEO: There is no alternate SEO appointed at this time.
APPOINTMENT OF AUDITORS: There are two elected auditors, Charnell Etzweiler and Gwen Corsnitz. No action
needs to be taken.
APPOINTMENT OF VACANCY BOARD CHAIRMAN: A Motion was made by Supervisor Bruner and second by
Supervisor Schreffler to appoint Gary Shultz to serve as Vacancy Board Chairman for 2024. Vote called. Motion carries
DEPOSITORIES: A Motion was made by Supervisor McBurney and second by Supervisor Paul to retain the following
depository for the Township for 2024. Vote called. Motion carries 5-0.
Mid Penn Bank:
General Fund
Liquid Fuels Fund
Plan Escrow Account
Dirt & Gravel Account
Credit Card Account
CD 2
PSATS ANNUAL STATE CONVENTION: A Motion was made by Supervisor Bruner and seconded by Supervisor
McBurney to nominate Supervisor Schreffler as voting delegate at the 2024 PSATS Annual Convention. Vote called.
Motion carries 5-0.
Board of Supervisors Members (6 YR Term) Term Expiration:
Kenneth Bechtel, II 12/31/2027
Brad Bruner 12/31/2029
Randy Paul 12/31/2029
Steve Schreffler 12/31/2025
Scott McBurney 12/31/2025
Planning Commission Members (4 YR Term) Term Expiration:
Jake Gruver 12/31/2027
Randy Paul 12/31/2024
Don Hentz 12/31/2024
Dwight Hoffman 12/31/2027
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Chad Lebo 12/31/2024
A Motion was made by Supervisor Bruner and seconded by Supervisor Paul to reappoint Jake Gruver and Dwight
Hoffman to the Planning Commission Board as members for another four years, December 31, 2027. Vote called. Motion
carries 5-0.
Halifax Area Water and Sewer Authority (5 YR Term) Term Expiration:
Jon Miller 12/31/2023
Tim Neiter 12/31/2026
Ken Hoover 12/31/2024
A Motion was made by Supervisor McBurney and seconded by Supervisor Schreffler to reappoint Jon Miller to the
Halifax Area Water and Sewer Authority as a member for another five years, December 31, 2028. Vote called. Motion
carries 5-0.
Halifax Area Recreation Authority:
Emily Hoffman
Scott Corsnitz
DAUPHIN COUNTY EIT COMMITTEE: A Motion was made by Supervisor Schreffler and seconded by Supervisor
Paul to reappoint Tyler James as representative on the Dauphin County EIT Committee for 2024. Vote called. Motion
carries 5-0.
UDCOG: Chairman Bechtel volunteered to be the delegate for UDCOG for 2024.
EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COORDINATOR: A Motion was made by Supervisor Schreffler and seconded by
Supervisor Paul to reappoint Tim Neiter as the Halifax Township EMC for 2024 with a stipend set at $600 annually to be
paid in equal quarterly payments for 2024 and $15 monthly for compensation of his data package. Vote called. Motion
carries 5-0.
DEPUTY EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COORDINATOR: A Motion was made by Supervisor Schreffler and
seconded by Supervisor Paul to reappoint Supervisor Bruner, as Deputy EMC representing Halifax Township along with
Jeff Tracey and Bob Stout for 2024. Vote called. Motion carries 5-0.
FIREWORKS COMMITTEE: A Motion was made by Chairman Bechtel and seconded by Supervisor Paul to reappoint
Supervisor Bruner and Supervisor Schreffler to serve on the Fireworks Committee for 2024. Vote called. Motion carries 5-
HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEE: A Motion was made by Supervisor Bruner and seconded by Supervisor Paul to
have Supervisor McBurney and Supervisor Schreffler serve on the HR Committee for 2024. Vote called. Motion carries 5-
WEBMASTER: A Motion was made by Supervisor McBurney and seconded by Supervisor Paul to reappoint Cloud 5
Solutions as webmaster for 2024 with the cost of $748.00 a year. Vote called. Motion carries 5-0.
STANDARD MILEAGE RATE FOR 2024: A Motion was made by Supervisor Schreffler and seconded by Supervisor
Paul to approve reimbursement of whatever the Federal Mileage Rate for 2024 is at that given time. Vote called. Motion
carries 5-0.
BID THRESHOLD FOR 2024: The bid threshold for 2024 is $23,200.00.
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INTER-MUNICIPAL EQUIPMENT RATES: A Motion was made by Supervisor Bruner and seconded by Supervisor
Paul approve the 2024 Inter-Municipal Equipment Rates. Vote called. Motion carries 5-0.
Equipment: Rate Per Hour:
Pick-up Truck $65.00
Small Dump Truck $75.00
Large Dump Truck $80.00
Pay Loader $90.00
Grader $80.00
Sweeper & Tractor $100.00
Road Mower & Tractor $100.00
Zero Turn Mower $45.00
Backhoe $90.00
4X4 Tractor (J.D. 6400 Loader included) $75.00
JCB $150.00
2 Ton Asphalt Roller $50.00
Trailer (10,000 lbs.) $35.00 per day
Weed Spraying $95.00
and second by Supervisor Schreffler to approve the published meeting dates for the Board of Supervisors and the Planning
Commission for 2024. The Board of Supervisors Meetings are to occur on the 2
Monday of each month at 7:00 pm
except for the Re-Org Meeting which is being held this evening at the Halifax Township Municipal Building. The
Planning Commission Meetings are held on the 1
Monday of each month except for September 4
, 2023, which will be
held on the Wednesday following the observed holidays. Vote called. Motion carries 5-0.
January 8
, 2024
February 12
, 2024
March 11
, 2024
April 8
, 2024
May 13
, 2024
June 10
, 2024
July 8
, 2024
August 12
, 2024
September 9
, 2024
October 14
, 2024
November 11
, 2024
December 9
, 2024
January 3
, 2024Re-Org/Regular Meeting (Wednesday)
February 5
, 2024
March 4
, 2024
April 1
, 2024
May 6
, 2024
June 3
, 2024
July 1
, 2024
August 5
, 2024
September 4
, 2024 (Wednesday)
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October 7
, 2024
November 4
, 2024
December 2
, 2024
Auditors’ Reorganization Meeting:
January 3
, 2024, at 6:30 p.m.
Planning Commission Reorganization/Regular Meeting:
January 3
, 2024, at 7:00 p.m.
Board of Supervisors Monthly Meeting;
January 8
, 2024, at 7:00 p.m.
Planning Commission Meeting:
February 5
, 2024, at 7:00 p.m.
Board of Supervisors Monthly Meeting:
February 12
, 2024, at 7:00 p.m.
ADJOURNMENT: A Motion was made by Supervisor Bruner and second by Supervisor Paul to adjourn the meeting at
9:00 p.m. Vote called. Motion carries 5-0.
Respectfully Submitted,
Sara M. Glace