2024 Halifax Art Festival Call For Artists
The Guild of the Museum of Arts and Sciences in Daytona Beach, Florida welcomes artist applications to
the 2024 Halifax Art Festival! Our 62
The 62nd Halifax Art Festival located in the historic downtown waterfront area of Daytona Beach is the
2nd oldest continual art festival in the state of Florida. The Festival attracts over 35,000 art
lovers annually, continuing its tradition of providing the community a showcase for Fine Arts, Fine
Crafts, Crafts, and Student Art. The Halifax Art Festival is presented entirely by the members of the Guild
of the Museum of Arts and Sciences, a dedicated group of volunteers who work nonstop, yearlong, to
provide artists with an exceptional opportunity to showcase their work.
The two-day festival features the juried works of 200+ artists, with approximately 150 spaces reserved
for Fine Artists competing for cash awards. Both fine arts and craft artisans are selected utilizing a jury
panel scoring process.
International street cuisine and good old-fashioned festival food are available with Beach Street cafes and
restaurants featuring Festival specials. There is live entertainment by musicians playing a variety of
contemporary and easy listening music.
FESTIVAL DATES: Saturday, November 2nd 9 AM to 5 PM
Sunday, November 3rd 10 AM to 4 PM
REGISTRATION and BOOTH SET UP: Friday, November 1
phased times to be announced to
invited artists. Saturday morning set-up is permitted, however access to several areas on
Saturday will require the use of a dolly.
$ 40 Jury Fee, non-refundable
$ 350 Juried: Competitive Fine Art booth space
$ 225 Juried: Non-competing arts and juried craft booth spaces
Branding Image Contest - Tee Shirt and Marketing (Please email HAFimage@gmail.com for info)
Patron and Fine Art Cash Awards
Discounted hotel accommodations
Friday Registration and Set Up
Saturday Morning Set up is available
Booth sitting both days of festival
Morning coffee and bakery goods
Complimentary Parking/ Overnight Parking
Festival Security Friday and Saturday nights
No additional charge for corners/ end booth locations
Winners’ invitation to HAF award ceremony Sunday morning
FESTIVAL ADVERTISING: Extensive multi-media marketing campaign to the Volusia/Flagler area to
reach locals and "snowbirds". Advertising includes newspapers, local magazines, and radio as well social
media platforms.
ARTIST AWARDS and PATRON DOLLARS: Best of Show will be awarded $5000. Listing of prize
awards will be posted on our website. Please check our website frequently for updates. We have an
active and growing HAF Patron Program which provides patrons with HAF Patron Dollars to use for
artwork purchases. Only Competitive Fine Artists are eligible for artist cash award prize monies.
JURY FEE and JURY EXEMPTIONS: Please note that all applicants must pay the $40 Jury Fee.
Exception: (24) Jury fee exemptions are provided to our winners of last year’s Halifax Art Festival.
TWO EXHIBITOR SECTIONS: The Jury Panel will make final determination as to whether the artist will
be placed in the Competitive show area. Note: In addition to an artist’s primary media application (ie
Glass), if an artist plans to have jewelry available for sale, the artist must have submitted a secondary
application for Jewelry and be approved to exhibit jewelry by the Jury Panel.
1) Competitive, Fine Artists Juried selection for this division of the show is made by Jury Panel.
Fine Artists are judged for cash awards. Fine Art booth spaces are located on Beach Street
(asphalt surface). 153 competitive booth spaces are available. Booth Numbers 1 - 153
2) Noncompetitive Artists and Craft Artisans Juried selection process. This section is not
eligible for cash awards. The number of exhibitors selected will be dependent on space
availability (Approx 60 spaces). 154 203, P1- P19
ARTIST MEDIA: Clay/Ceramics, Digital, Glass, Jewelry, Metal, Mixed Media, Painting (includes oils,
acrylic, pastels, watercolor), Photography, Printmaking/Drawing, Sculpture, Textiles, Upcycled Arts,
Wood. No weaponry please.
JURY PANEL PROCESS: The Jury Panel will convene on July 1 July 5. Artists will be notified of the
panel's decision by email beginning two days following the conclusion of the Jury Panel meetings. The
Jury Panel will select artists based on cumulative scores of each image submitted with application. The
Jury also approves the applicant’s exhibitor section.
There are 2 separate jury panels conducted to score Competitive and Noncompetitive applications. There
are no quotas used for individual categories of media, however the Jury strives for balance in the show.
The announcement of judges participating in our show will be posted to
FESTIVAL PLACEMENT OF ARTISTS: Booth size is 12 x 12 with 2 foot separating between booth
Competitive Fine Artists are placed on Beach Street (Booth # 1-53) These artists will back up
to the central median of palm trees. This location provides two placement options:
o East-facing booths will front to the Esplanade Park (Booths # 1 - 69)
o West-facing booth spaces will front to the shops. (Booths # 70 153)
o Parking is available behind the shops.
Non-competing artists/crafters have 2 location options: (See MAP)
o Esplanade Park grass located to the east-side of N. Beach Street, front facing west (P1
o Magnolia Avenue with north-facing (Booth #154 186) and south facing positions
(Booths #187 203).
Important Dates:
: Application Deadline
July 1
: Jury Panel Selection of Artists
July 7
Artist Invitations will begin to be sent to the email on the application
July 22nd: All payments due to confirm for Halifax Art Festival
August 1
: Last day for artist cancellation with 80% refund of booth fees, less
credit card fees and a $ 25 administration fee. Jury Fees are non-refundable
Show Dates: November 2
and 3rd 2024
Website: www.HalifaxArtFestival.com
, 2024. Applications may be submitted ZAPP or mailed to us.
Application download for PDF printing will be available on our website under the Artist Information tab.
Artists must identify their desired exhibition selection: Competitive or Noncompetitive.
Please know
noncompetitive artists will not be placed on the asphalt of Beach Street.
An application is required for each media category which an artist plans to sell. Collaborating
artists (max of 2) may apply with one application. A maximum of 2 media categories per artist
may be submitted for Jury, however each media requires an application and separate jury fee.
Note: Jewelry is to be exhibited only by those artists approved by the Jury Panel for
jewelry media.
Option for emailing an application: This year an applicant may email their application and 4
images to HalifaxArtFestival@gmail.com The jury fee payment must be received by us for your
application to be filed as a “complete” application.
Three (3) images of artists recent artwork (created within the last 3 years), in the
same medium that the artist is applying.
One (1) Booth display image should be of a quality to accurately demonstrate the
professionalism of the artist. If an artist does not use a tent, then this needs to be stated in the
application under ‘additional comments
This image must display only the artwork medium(s) for which applications have
been submitted
The booth image is NOT to include the face of the artist nor the artist's name or the
application will be denied by the panel.
Hard copy/ email of images: If not using ZAPP for your application, an artist may submit hard
copy glossy photographs by mail or by email. Please note that glossy pictures may be converted
to digital images and placed in a PowerPoint presentation for the jury panel.
If applying to us by a ‘paper’ application, images may be emailed to
HalifaxArtFestival@gmail.com. ONLY 4 images are to be emailed to us. Images submitted as part
of the artist application may be used for advertising/promotion of the Halifax Art Festival.
2) ARTIST SIGNATURE OF AGREEMENT to follow our Halifax Art Festival Policies, Rules, and Legal
Agreement. As an applicant to the Halifax Art Festival your name/address/email address will be
automatically retained on our mailing list. Please notify us of address changes or if you prefer to be
omitted from our listing. We do not share your personal contact information without your approval.
3) FEES: $40 Jury Fee (all applicants pay this fee except the 2023 award winners)
$350 Competitive Fine Arts Booth Space
$225 Noncompetitive Artist Booth Space
$20 Additional Jury Fee after June 30 Deadline
$35 Bank Fees for returned checks
Payment Options:
Credit card payments through the ZAPP application only. Sorry, we can not accept credit
card payments by phone.
If applying through the mail to us, please make your check(s) payable to “Halifax Art
Festival.” Address noted on the application below.
4) BIO: Please provide us with your background and a description of your art work including the
techniques used in creation of your art. Our Artist Contact may request additional images and
information from the artist prior to the submission of an artist’s application to the Jury Panel.
REFUNDS Artist cancellations must be communicated to us
in writing (email) from the artist
by August 1
to receive an 80% booth fee refund less the credit card fee and a $25 admin fee. Jury
Fee is non-refundable (Text messages are not to be used for cancellations.) No refunds of booth
fee will be made after this date.
1. All artwork must be the original work of the accepted artist only. No agents, proxies, or
commercial dealers are permitted.
2. No Buy/ Sell exhibitors are permitted. This is a very challenging issue for all of us and is a violation of
our rules. We appreciate the efforts of all our exhibiting artists to help us to identify buy/sell violators.
Offenders will be asked to remove items and/or leave. No refunds will be made.
3. Juried exhibitors (including collaborators) MUST BE PRESENT during the entire 2 days of festival
4. Collaborative Artists Collaborative artists working as a team to create artwork are permitted. No
more than 2 artists are permitted as collaborators. Please provide one application with both names
listed. Both must be present during 2 days of festival.
5. Exhibitors who dismantle their booths early- before 4PM Sunday- will likely not be invited to return to
the festival.
6. Artists will be provided with Booth Cards that must be on display throughout the festival. The cards
will identify artist name, hometown, category, and space number. The Booth Cards must be on display by
9AM for fine artists to be judged on Saturday morning.
7. Exhibitors are responsible for paying the Florida sales tax (tax reporting forms will be provided in the
artist registration packet)
8. Jury Fee of $40 is required of all applicants. Jury Fee exemptions are awarded to the last year's
winning fine artists.
9. Each artist must enter individually unless the art is a collaborative effort by 2 artists.
10. Artists may only exhibit the artwork media which had been accepted by the jury panel.
11. Artists submitting applications to be juried for additional media (a maximum 2 media) to exhibit
within one booth space, will pay one space fee. A separate application with jury fee payment is required
for each artistic media.
12. Artwork eligible for FINE ART judging must be original work created since 2020. No artwork that has
been previously awarded in this festival will be eligible for judging. This rule will be enforced.
13. Prints must be signed and numbered and limited to 350. No laser prints.
14. Ceramics that are hydraulic pressed are not permitted.
15. Only original works are to be displayed. Prints may be placed in bins to front or back of booth
16. All displays will be viewed at intervals throughout the Festival to assure that all rules are being
followed. Violation will result in the artist being asked to remove his/her unacceptable material from the
17. One juried artist exhibitor per space, unless juried into the Festival as collaborative team
18. The judging process of the Competitive Fine Arts begins on Saturday at 9 AM. Please remember that
having the artist booth card posted is a requirement to be eligible for judging
19. Vehicles will not be permitted in the exhibit area until 4:30PM Sunday. Decision when to permit
vehicles is dependent on the safety of pedestrians inside the Festival. Artists must breakdown booth
prior to bringing vehicles into show area.
20. No affiliation, ribbons or publications about the artist may be displayed prior to judging.
21. Unacceptable to show: Decoupage, commercial photographs, mass produced jewelry, manufactured
bags and/or belts, non-original or kit work, or commercially produced products
22. Only artists accepted by Jury Panel in the jewelry category may display and sell jewelry
23. Exhibitors who fail to show and/or leave the Festival without notifying us risk not being invited back.
Booth Assignments: Please indicate on your application your desired view of direction (North, south, east,
west). Booth assignments and additional festival information will be sent by email in late August.
Information will also be posted on our website at www.HalifaxArtFestival.com
24. When an artist receives an acceptance to this year’s show, and has exhibited in the prior year’s
show, we will make every effort to position the artist at or near the location of the previous year’s booth
location with Jury Panel approval.
25. Previous year’s winners have first opportunity to choose booth locations prior to the application
deadline. We cannot guarantee a ‘previous booth location’ to former winning artists whose application
arrives to us past original our deadline.
26. No changes of booth assignments will be made unless directed by Festival Chairperson or Artist
Contact. (Please know that during Festival Set Up security is not to direct booth changes!)
27. The show layout is designed to ensure a balance in the show, with available corners and ‘ends’
locations assigned as based on the artist's total points scored in the jury panel selection process.
28. Any breach of the rules/regulations, and policies, forfeits all rights of the artist, and will result in
immediate dismissal from the show without a refund.
Tents must be professional, 10 x 10 foot with white top canopies and have side curtains for
securing tent. The minimum tent weight is 45 lbs. Booth space is 12 ft by 12 ft
1. No camping tents allowed
2. Weights are required: Minimum weight (professional) is 40 lbs. each on all tent legs. (Highly suggest
60lbs). Please ensure that your displays are strong enough to withstand crowds, wind, and possible poor
weather conditions. Please have weights not distract from the presentation of the booth appearance.
·Not permitted: visible concrete blocks or bricks, grid only or stabilizer only without weights,
· Permitted: Tube weights, sand bag weights, concrete filled buckets, stabilizer bars with
sandbags, weight plates, water weights.
3. The booth spaces will be marked using tape or flags. Please refer to festival map for booth layout
and numbering.
4. Tent set up begins on Friday. Time for Registration and Set-up will be announced. Saturday
morning set up is permitted.
5. Exhibitors should be prepared with rain covers, tie-downs, and weights. Each exhibitor is responsible
for his/her own display in case of loss or damage. We recommend that artists carry insurance. Not all
booth locations are totally level so levelling devices for displays may be needed. Sorry, but we cannot aid
with booth setup.
6. Power is generally not available to artists. The use of generators is prohibited by exhibiting artists
due to disturbance to guests and other exhibitors.
7. We do not provide tents but we will be happy to assist artists in locating a tent.
Artist Agreement:
As a condition of my participating in the 2024 Halifax Art Festival, I agree to bear all risk and expense
and do hereby release, and forever discharge and hold harmless the Halifax Art Festival (HAF), The
Museum of Arts and Sciences (MOAS) and its MOAS Guild, The Downtown Development Authority, and
the City of Daytona Beach, FL, and their agents, employees, volunteers, artist exhibitors, and all co-
sponsors from any and all manner of and from personal liability, injury incurred in my display location,
claims, theft, damage or loss to my artwork or other personal property, or injury to my person or helpers
regardless of cause in conjunction with any and all involvement/participation with the MOAS, MOAS Guild
and co-sponsors and the Halifax Art Festival.
By applying to the Halifax Art Festival I understand that I am agreeing to abide by the all rules and
regulations, and their interpretation by the organizing members of the MOAS Guild. I agree to abide by
the instructions, as set out in all letters of announcements and guidelines of the Halifax Art Festival. The
MOAS Guild committee organizers have the right to expel me as a participant for any inappropriate
conduct/behavior which adversely and/or negatively impacts the HAF show experience for other HAF
artists, participants, volunteers, and of violation of any stipulations, and that my fees will be non-
refundable. Please note that as an applicant to our festival your name and contact information will
automatically be retained in our records. Please notify us of changes to your contact info. Images
submitted as part of the artist application may be used for advertising/promotion of the Halifax Art
Furthermore, I certify that all artwork displayed is my original handcrafted artwork (with collaborator as
identified on this application). I understand that the exhibitor tent must meet standards as noted, and I
understand that the inclusion of buy/sell or mass-produced items in my display can cause my removal at
any time from the Halifax Art Festival without refund. I understand that there will be no refunds if a show
is cancelled due to rain, or other adverse weather, or other conditions which affect the safety of the
event attendees or vendors. The Application jury fee is nonrefundable. Booth Fee(s) is to be paid at time
of acceptance to the show. ZAPP acceptance is a commitment to pay booth fee(s) for show participation.
I understand that 80% refund of paid booth fees, less credit card fee and $25 administrative fee, may
be obtained prior to August 1
with written cancellation notification
from the artist
. I understand
that absolutely no refunds to exhibitors will be made after August 1st 2024.
The Halifax Art Festival is a fundraiser held by the volunteers of the Guild, Museum of Arts
and Science to benefit the Museum of Arts and Sciences, Daytona Beach, FL
HAF Director: Maureen Mahoney 914-954-8814 MahoneyMaureen4@gmail.com
Guild, Museum of Arts and Sciences
Daytona Beach, Fl
2024 Halifax Art Festival Artist Application
ARTIST NAME (S) Print Please ________________________________
PHONE # :_____________________EMAIL ADDRESS: _____________________________
ARTISTIC MEDIA (painting, sculpture, etc) : ___________________________
Booth Preferences:
[ ] Single or [ ] Double (MUST BE REQUESTED NOW)
[ ] Beach Street East Facing
[ ] Beach Street West Facing Shops
[ ] Near Previous Year’s Booth Location
[ ] CRAFTS & Noncompeting Artists
Booth Preferences:
[ ] Single or [ ] Double (MUST BE REQUESTED NOW)
[ ] Magnolia Ave North Facing
[ ] Magnolia Ave South Facing
[ ] Esplanade Park Grass
[ ] Near Previous Year’s Booth Location
ARTIST BIO: We would like to get to know you as an artist. Please provide additional
page(s) as needed.
Four (4) photos (3 of art and one booth photo with art set up) Please ensure that your
booth image does not display picture of artist nor the name of artist
$40 Jury Fee required from all applicants.
Artist Agreement:
As a condition of my participating in the 2024 Halifax Art Festival, I agree to bear all risk and expense
and do hereby release, and forever discharge and hold harmless the Halifax Art Festival (HAF), The
Museum of Arts and Sciences (MOAS) and its MOAS Guild, The Downtown Development Authority, and
the City of Daytona Beach, FL, and their agents, employees, volunteers, artist exhibitors, and all co-
sponsors from any and all manner of and from personal liability, injury incurred in my display location,
claims, theft, damage or loss to my artwork or other personal property, or injury to my person or helpers
regardless of cause in conjunction with any and all involvement/participation with the MOAS, MOAS Guild
and co-sponsors and the Halifax Art Festival.
By applying to the Halifax Art Festival I understand that I am agreeing to abide by the all rules and
regulations, and their interpretation by the organizing members of the MOAS Guild. I agree to abide by
the instructions, as set out in all letters of announcements and guidelines of the Halifax Art Festival. The
MOAS Guild committee organizers have the right to expel me as a participant for any inappropriate
conduct/behavior which adversely and/or negatively impacts the HAF show experience for other HAF
artists, participants, volunteers, and of violation of any stipulations, and that my fees will be non-
refundable. Please note that as an applicant to our festival your name and contact information will
automatically be retained in our records. Please notify us of changes to your contact info. Images
submitted as part of the artist application may be used for advertising/promotion of the Halifax Art
Furthermore, I certify that all artwork displayed is my original handcrafted artwork (with collaborator as
identified on this application). I understand that the exhibitor tent must meet standards as noted, and I
understand that the inclusion of buy/sell or mass-produced items in my display can cause my removal at
any time from the Halifax Art Festival without refund. I understand that there will be no refunds if a show
is cancelled due to rain, or other adverse weather, or other conditions which affect the safety of the
event attendees or vendors. The Application jury fee is nonrefundable. Booth Fee(s) is to be paid at time
of acceptance to the show. ZAPP acceptance is a commitment to pay booth fee(s) for show participation.
I understand that 80% refund of paid booth fees, less credit card fee and $25 administrative fee, may
be obtained prior to August 1
with written cancellation notification
from the artist
. I understand
that absolutely no refunds to exhibitors will be made after August 1st 2024.
The Halifax Art Festival is a fundraiser held by the volunteers of the Guild, Museum of Arts
and Science to benefit the Museum of Arts and Sciences, Daytona Beach, FL
Applicant Signature(s): _________________________DATE: ____________________
Please mail paper applications to the address below. Checks are to be made payable to the
“Halifax Art Festival”
Pam Fieldus, HAF Artist Contact
PO Box 731616
Ormond Beach, FL 32173