This Limited Warranty is valid only if the instrument is
purchased from an authorized C. F. Martin & Co., Inc.
dealer located in the United States (excluding U.S.
Territories) or Canada.
C. F. Martin & Co., Inc. (“C. F. Martin”) warrants, on a limited basis,
to the original owner only, this C. F. Martin instrument, factory
installed electronics, and the instrument’s case, against defects
in materials or workmanship only as follows:
1. For as long as the original owner owns this
instrument, C. F. Martin will repair, or at its option,
replace, any defective parts of the instrument subject
to the below limitations and exclusions as defined in
Sections B and D. C. F. Martin reserves the right, at
its sole and absolute discretion, to repair or replace
the various parts of the instrument, rather than to replace
the subject instrument under this Limited Warranty.
2. For a period of one (1) year from the date of
purchase, the following items will be repaired or, at
our option, replaced:
The instrument’s case;
Tuning machines; and
Factory installed electronics.
3. Warrantable repairs will be made using current
technology and components without charge to you.
4. Warrantable repairs performed under this Limited
Warranty will be performed according to C. F. Martin’s
current factory specifications and C. F. Martin
reserves the exclusive right to determine such
5. Warrantable repairs, including parts replacements,
may be visible upon completion.
6. When C. F. Martin completes a warrantable repair
under this Limited Warranty, C. F. Martin considers
that warrantable issue resolved and its Limited
Warranty obligations fully satisfied for that repair.
1. This Limited Warranty is STRICTLY LIMITED to the
terms stated herein, and no other express or implied
warranties or remedies shall be binding on C. F.
Martin. This Limited Warranty and all warranties that
may be implied under state law, including, but not
limited to, warranties of merchantability and
warranties of fitness for any particular purpose,
terminate upon the transfer of the instrument’s
ownership from the original owner.
2. This Limited Warranty is valid only if the instrument is
purchased from an authorized C. F. Martin dealer
located in the United States (excluding U.S.
Territories), and Canada.
3. This Limited Warranty extends to the instrument’s
original owner only and is not transferable.
Repair of the instrument as provided under this Limited
Warranty is the exclusive remedy of the original owner.
In no event shall C. F. Martin be liable for incidental
or consequential damages for breach of this Limited
Warranty or any other warranty, express or implied.
5. Any unauthorized repairs or structural or permanent
cosmetic customizations will render this Limited
Warranty null and void.
6. Warranty service must be performed exclusively at
C. F. Martin authorized warranty service centers
(“Warranty Centers”) in the United States, Canada
or at C. F. Martin’s factory in Nazareth, Pennsylvania,
in accordance with Section G of this Limited Warranty.
Certain warrantable repairs may be visible. C. F. Martin
assumes no responsibility for the eect of any such
warrantable repairs on the resale value of the instrument.
8. The future value of the instrument may be negatively
influenced by many variables and is not covered, in
any way, by this Limited Warranty.
1. All shipping and insurance costs and arrangements
for purposes of seeking and/or obtaining a warrantable
repair under this Limited Warranty shall be borne by
the original owner of the instrument and are the
original owner’s sole responsibility. The original owner
of the instrument is strongly encouraged to take all
necessary actions to procure sucient insurance to
cover damage and/or destruction of and/or theft
and/or misplacement of the instrument before and
after the shipping of the instrument to C. F. Martin’
factory and/or a Warranty Center for a warrantable
repair may be prudent – especially if it is believed
that the instrument has a value in excess of the value
of a similar new replacement model of the instrument.
2. The original owner shall bear any and all risk
associated with under-insuring or choosing not to
insure the instrument against any and all damage
to or loss of the instrument, which may occur during
the shipping of the instrument to C. F. Martin’s factory
and/or to a Warranty Center for the consideration of
and/or the performance of a warrantable repair.
3. C. F. Martin shall have no responsibility and shall be
held harmless for any and all damage to or the loss
of the instrument that occurs during the shipping of
the instrument to C. F. Martin’s factory and/or a
Warranty Center for the consideration of and/or the
performance of a warrantable repair.
4. If any damage to or loss of the instrument should
occur during the shipping of the instrument to the
C. F. Martin’s factory and/or a Warranty Center for
the consideration of or the performance of a
warrantable repair that renders the instrument unable
or unavailable to undergo a warrantable repair or
any other repair, this Limited Warranty shall be
considered null and void and C. F. Martin shall have
no responsibility to perform any warrantable repair.
Furthermore, C. F. Martin shall not be obligated
to pay or reimburse the original owner of the instrument
covered under the terms of this Limited Warranty for
the cost associated with the non-performed warranted
repair and/or for any costs borne by the original
owner during the shipping process.
1. This Limited Warranty does not cover normal wear
and tear to the instrument, including certain components.
The following components are subject to wear and
tear as a result of normal use, and therefore, are
excluded from this Limited Warranty, unless C. F. Martin
determines that damage to such aforementioned
components resulted from defective materials or
tuning hardware;
bridge plates;
bridge pins;
end pins;
nuts; and
2. This Limited Warranty does not cover certain
adjustments that may be required because of normal
use and resulting wear and tear including, but not
limited to:
Action adjustments;
Neck resets for action adjustment due to normal use;
This exclusion does not apply if a neck
reset is required because of a
manufacturing defect.
3. In addition to the above enumerated exclusions, this
Limited Warranty also excludes all of the following:
Cracks in wood and other damage caused by
exposure to humidity or temperature beyond the
recommended ranges as specified in C. F. Martin’s
instructions in its user manual publication, “The
Care & Feeding of Your Martin Instrument;”
Finish cracks, also referred to as “lacquer
checks, which are caused by exposure to a
rapid change in temperature, cold and/or hot
temperatures beyond the recommended ranges
as specified in C. F. Martin’s instructions in its user
manual publication, “The Care & Feeding of Your
Martin Instrument;”
Tone or sound complaints;
Shipping damage;
Natural disasters;
Accident, including damage caused by impact;
Misuse or abuse;
Failure to properly use, maintain and/or care for
the instrument, including any act or omission that
is contrary to the instructions published in C. F.
user manual publication, “The Care
& Feeding of Your Martin Instrument;”
Damage resulting from end pins inserted with
force or impact causing the sides, rear block or
endpiece to crack;
Damage resulting from loose end pins;
Damage caused through the use of any accessories
in conjunction with the instrument including, but
not limited to, any strap, humidifier, cable, capo,
hanger, soundhole, stick-on pickup, pick, stand or
clip-on tuner; and
Damage to the finish resulting from exposure to
various substances including, but not limited to,
cleaning solvents, alcohol, perfumes, hand or
body lotions, cosmetics, insect repellent, silicone
products, perspiration and other external substances.
The foregoing enumerated and referenced exclusions
do not create or represent an exhaustive or complete list of
exclusions from this Limited Warranty. C. F. Martin reserves
the exclusive right to investigate and determine whether
or not any request for a warrantable repair of an instrument
is excluded under this Limited Warranty.
In case of loss by fire, theft or irreparable damage
of any instrument while in the possession of or under
the control of
C. F. Martin and/or a Warranty Center for
an approved warrantable repair under this Limited
Warranty, C. F. Martin’s
liability, solely in the case of
irreparable damage to the instrument, shall be limited to
replacement of the instrument with a new instrument of
the same or most similar available current style. In case
of repairable damage of any instrument that occurs
while in the possession of or under the control of
C. F. Martin and/or a Warranty Center for an
approved warrantable repair under this Limited Warranty
C. F. Martin’s liability shall be limited to repair, including
parts replacements, of the instrument. This Limited
Warranty shall not cover any value attributable beyond
the value of the new instrument designated for replacemen
including, but not limited to, any value the original
owner might have ascribed as the value of the instrument
that was submitted for a warrantable repair. This
Limitation on Liability shall include such situations where
C. F. Martin determines that the warrantable repair
should be performed at a dierent location than it
originally assigned in accordance with Section G,
Paragraphs 2 and 3.
The accompanying warranty registration form should
be promptly completed and returned to C. F. Martin.
C. F. Martin strongly encourages the original owner to
return the warranty registration form within thirty (30)
days of purchase. Although return of the warranty
registration form is not a condition precedent to warranty
coverage or service, it is for the purpose of determining
the identity of the original owner and the location and
date of purchase. Failure to return the warranty
registration form at the time of purchase will not aect
the original owner’s rights under this Limited Warranty
so long as such original owner can establish in a manner
acceptable to C. F. Martin that the person seeking the
warrantable repair is, in fact, the original owner, the
date of purchase, and that the instrument was purchased
from an authorized C. F. Martin dealer within the United
States or Canada.
1. If it is believed that a warrantable repair, including
parts replacements, is owed under this Limited
Warranty, please contact C. F. Martin’s Customer
Service Department at P.O. Box 329, Nazareth,
Pennsylvania 18064, or call 1(888) 433-9177
weekdays between 8:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Eastern
time, or have your dealer do so on your behalf.
A list of current Warranty Centers can be found on
C. F. Martin’s website at
2. If C. F. Martin determines that the work should be
performed at a Warranty Center, it will provide you
with the name and address of the Warranty Centers
nearest to you. Repair work will be performed only at
C. F. Martin’s factory or at a Warranty Center located
in the United States and/or Canada. In order to take
advantage of your warranty coverage, you must
take the instrument, or deliver it prepaid, to C. F. Martin’s
factory (if C. F. Martin determines that repairs should
be made there) or to a Warranty Center
(if C. F. Martin determines that repairs should be
made at a Warranty Center). In certain situations, the
Warranty Center, after receiving and examining your
instrument, may determine that the required repairs
should be made at C. F. Martin’s factory and will
then deliver the instrument to the factory for the
warrantable repairs. In the event the Warranty Center
determines the repairs must be made at the factory,
you are still responsible for the cost of shipping and
insurance (if elected) to transport the instrument to the
3. If C. F. Martin determines that the work should be
performed at its factory, C. F. Martin will issue a
return authorization number, which must
accompany the instrument and be prominently
displayed on the package containing the instrument
as part of the original owner’s delivering and/or
shipping responsibilities regarding the instrument
to the designated location of repair.
4. If shipping costs have not been prepaid and an
instrument arrives at C. F. Martin’s factory or a
Warranty Center on a COD basis and/or if a shipping
box is delivered without a C. F. Martin return
authorization displayed on the packaging containing
the instrument, the delivery will not be accepted.
5. C. F. Martin will then determine whether or not the
instrument qualifies for a warrantable repair, including
parts replacements, under this Limited Warranty.
6. C. F. Martin will provide a repair quotation, which
lists all warrantable repairs and recommended
non-warranty repairs for the instrument as well as an
invoiced cost for completion. It is not necessary to
purchase non-warranty work to avail yourself of
warranty service. C. F. Martin requires that within 30
days of the date of the repair quotation, you sign
and return the quote to us in order to begin any
warranty or non-warranty work. An estimated
timeframe for completion will also be stated on the
quote. Your prompt reply will allow work to proceed
at the earliest possible time. If C. F. Martin does not
receive the signed repair quotation or any other
instructions within the 30-day quotation return time
period, C. F. Martin will use its best eorts to contact
you via telephone, email or other written communication.
If C. F. Martin has not received the signed repair
quotation or any other instructions within 60 days
of the date of the repair quotation, the instrument will
be returned to the customer or dealer, freight collect.
7. Current technology and components will be used on
both warranty and non-warranty repairs.
8. C. F. Martin seeks to safely ship its instruments.
Therefore, if in C. F. Martin’s judgment, weather
conditions are inappropriate for shipment upon
completion of any repair work, the instrument may
be held until a time determined by C. F. Martin as
safe for shipping.
1. Negotiations. Before any dispute, controversy
or claim arising out of or in connection with this
Limited Warranty is submitted to arbitration, as set
forth below, C. F. Martin and the original owner,
and/or their appointed representative will attempt to
reach an amicable resolution through negotiations.
If the negotiations do not result in amicable resolution
within thirty (30) days after notice of the dispute,
controversy or claim, then arbitration shall be
commenced pursuant to Section H, Paragraph 2.
2. Arbitration. Any dispute, controversy or claim
(collectively, “the dispute”) arising out of, or relating
to this Limited Warranty that is not resolved through
the negotiation process set forth in Section H,
Paragraph 1, will be determined by arbitration as set
forth in this Paragraph. Any arbitration pursuant to
this Section will be held in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.
The Dispute will be exclusively and finally settled,
adjudicated and determined by arbitration pursuant
to the JAMS Comprehensive Arbitration Rules and
Procedures before an arbitrator selected by the
parties applicable to such dispute and JAMS from the
JAMS Panel of Neutrals. The Choice of Law Clause
for this Limited Warranty, as defined in Section I,
Paragraph 1, shall be controlling with respect to the
Arbitration’s application of controlling law. The
parties waive any right of appeal except for manifest
disregard of the law or otherwise as permitted under
9 U.S.C. Sections 10 and 11; provided, however, that
in the event any appeal is taken and fails the party
taking such appeal, the applicable court shall award
all reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs and expenses
to the other party in defending against such appeal.
Judgment upon the written Award (as defined below)
rendered by the arbitrator may be enforced,
confirmed, rendered and entered in any court of
competent jurisdiction having jurisdiction thereof.
The Award will have the full force and eect of a
judgment of that court. All hearings will be closed to
all persons except the arbitrator, the parties, their
attorneys and witnesses. The arbitrator’s written award
(the Award”) will include specific findings of fact and
conclusions of law with citations to applicable decisional
and statutory law and will be issued as soon as
practicable after the arbitration, and in no event more
than ninety (90) days after the conclusion of the
This Limited Warranty shall be governed in all
respects according to the laws of the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania, without giving eect the principles of
conflict of law thereof.
This Limited Warranty gives you specific legal rights, and
you may have other rights which vary from state to state.
This Limited Warranty does not apply to and specifically
excludes any and all instruments from the following series:
Little Martin
• Backpacker
1 Series Ukulele
This Limited Warranty is issued by C. F. Martin & Co., Inc.
with main oces at 510 Sycamore Street, Nazareth,
Pennsylvania 18064.
“The Care & Feeding of Your Martin Instrument” booklet is
available on and at authorized C. F.
Martin dealers and authorized C. F. Martin Service Centers.
Please fill in the information on this form and keep it in
a safe place separate from the instrument and case.
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We recommend you fill in and immediately return the warranty
registration form which accompanies this booklet. You should also
retain your copy of the sales receipt or invoice. There is always a future
possibility that you will need it to prove that you are the original owner.
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© 2020 C. F. Martin & Co., Inc. All rights reserved. Martin takes pride in its
product innovations and protects many of them with
U.S. patents. “Martin”
is a trademark used by C. F. Martin & Co., Inc.
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