Version 1.4
July 2024
Cohesity Data Protection for
Microsoft 365Best Practices
and Recommendations
This guide provides the best practices and recommendations for Cohesity Data Protection for Microsoft
365 (Customer-managed DataProtect and Cohesity-managed DataProtect delivered as a Service).
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Cohesity Data Protection for Microsoft 365Best Practices and
Table of Contents
Overview................................................................................................................ 4
Objective and Intended Audience ................................................................................. 4
Scope of this Document ................................................................................................ 5
Protecting Your Microsoft 365 Environment .......................................................... 5
Choose Your Deployment Model .................................................................................. 5
M365 Source Registration ............................................................................................. 6
Azure App ...................................................................................................................... 6
User Account.................................................................................................................. 7
Cluster Setup
.................................................................................................. 8
Windows Connector
....................................................................................... 8
Protection Policy ............................................................................................................ 9
Protection Group
............................................................................................ 9
Backup 10
Recovering Microsoft 365 data............................................................................ 13
Restore Type................................................................................................................ 13
Restore Location .......................................................................................................... 13
Exchange Online.......................................................................................................... 14
OneDrive For Business & SharePoint Online ............................................................. 15
Microsoft Teams .......................................................................................................... 16
Further Reading .................................................................................................. 17
Your Feedback .................................................................................................... 19
About the Author ................................................................................................. 19
Document Version History ................................................................................... 19
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Cohesity Data Protection for Microsoft 365Best Practices and
Table 1: Deployment Model ................................................................................................ 5
Table 2: M365 Source Registration .................................................................................... 6
Table 3: Restore Type ....................................................................................................... 13
Table 4: Restore Location ................................................................................................. 13
Table 5: Additional Info ..................................................................................................... 17
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Cohesity Data Protection for Microsoft 365Best Practices and
Sections without superscripts apply to both DataProtect and DataProtect delivered as a Service.
Sections with superscript
are applicable only to customer managed DataProtect.
M365: Microsoft 365
AD: Active Directory
Cohesity Data Protection for Microsoft 365 provides a simple, fast, and cost-effective data protection
solution to protect mission-critical data hosted on Microsoft 365 (Exchange Online, OneDrive for
Business, SharePoint Online, and Microsoft Teams).
Objective and Intended Audience
This document is intended to be used by IT Admins, M365 Admins, Professional Service Engineers, and
System Engineers who want to use Cohesity DataProtect for M365 to protect their or their customer’s
M365 environment. This document assumes that the reader has a basic understanding of:
Microsoft 365 and its applications
Microsoft Azure
Cohesity DataProtect
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Cohesity Data Protection for Microsoft 365Best Practices and
Scope of this Document
This document provides you with the best practices and recommendations for using Cohesity DataProtect
for M365. This scope of this document does not include giving you expertise on either M365 or Cohesity
DataProtect for M365.
Microsoft 365 Documentation
Microsoft Azure Documentation
Cohesity DataProtect Documentation
Cohesity M365 Protection Documentation
Protecting Your Microsoft 365 Environment
Choose Your Deployment Model
Cohesity provides two flavors of DataProtect.
Table 1: Deployment Model
Cohesity DataProtect
Customer is responsible for:
CapExcompute, storage, and
OpExdata center, power,
cooling, admin, and maintenance.
Choose this option:
If you want absolute control
of your data protection
If you have strict data
sovereignty requirements to
keep your data on private
DataProtect delivered
as a Service
Cohesity is responsible for all the
CapEx and OpEx expenses.
Customer is responsible only for
the subscription fees.
Choose this option:
If you are looking for
simplicity and do not want to
maintain the infrastructure
and require an as-a-service
If you are already a Cohesity
DataProtect user and are
looking for a hybrid model.
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Cohesity Data Protection for Microsoft 365Best Practices and
Cohesity DataProtect for M365
Cohesity DataProtect delivered as a Service
M365 Source Registration
Table 2: M365 Source Registration
Cohesity-assisted Express
Cohesity always recommends choosing this method.
It will automatically create Azure app on your behalf,
thereby saving time and reducing manual errors.
Manual Registration
Choose this method only if:
You want absolute control of the Azure App such as its
You already have created an Azure app or want to
utilize an existing app.
Express Registration
Manual Registration
Express Registration
Manual Registration
Azure App
M365 Global Administrator is the only user in M365 who can create an app in Azure.
The M365 user account with minimum permissions suggested by Cohesity is only used for the
backup/restore workflows and not for the Azure app creation. Even with the express registration, you
must login to Microsoft via M365 Global Admin credentials for Cohesity to successfully create the Azure
apps on your behalf.
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Note: Cohesity does not have access to your M365 Global Admin credentials. Also, Cohesity does not
store or cache your M365 Global Admin credentials.
By default, express registration creates one Azure application. If one is not sufficient to meet your SLAs,
Cohesity can help you configure a higher number of Azure applications. Contact Cohesity support to
learn about adding more Azure apps.
Note: Microsoft does not recommend adding more than one Azure app. So be mindful when choosing
multiple Azure apps, and do not increase it without contacting Cohesity Support.
Azure app should be dedicated only to Cohesity.
Do not use an Azure App which is already used for other purposes.
Azure App permissions required by Cohesity
SharePoint Online permissions required by Cohesity
User Account
The user account needed to register your M365 source in Cohesity does not require an M365 license
unless you want to protect the Public Folders.
Ensure that multifactor authentication is disabled for the user account.
Do not use your Global Admin account for M365 source registration in Cohesity. Use a user with
minimum permissions specified by Cohesity for registering your M365 source.
Use a dedicated user account with minimum specified permissions only for Cohesity and do not use this
user account for any other operations or to use any other product.
User permissions required by Cohesity
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Cohesity Data Protection for Microsoft 365Best Practices and
Cluster Setup
For optimal performance in a large-scale environment the following best practices should be considered:
Have a dedicated cluster for M365 workload. i.e., avoid having other workloads (such as VMs,
Database, NAS, SAN etc.) on the cluster which is being used for M365 protection.
Get your cluster sized for M365 workload by the Cohesity team for optimum results.
Windows Connector
Configure Windows Connector only if you want to use the PST export feature for Exchange Online.
For Cohesity versions below 6.8.1, Windows Connector is required for SharePoint protection as well.
A Windows Connector must be registered as a physical source on your Cohesity cluster.
A single Windows Connector can serve a maximum of five M365 sources.
Windows Connector should be dedicated to M365 data protection and should not be a part of any other
workflows provided by the Cohesity Data Cloud.
If your Cohesity cluster is part of an AD, then make sure the Windows Connector is also a part of the
same AD.
Firewall and Port requirements
Setting up Windows Connector
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Protection Policy
There are four predefined policies available by default. In addition to these, you can create your own
customized policies.
If you have enabled archival, then you can reduce the retention of the primary backup for space
Always use daily incremental backups for space savings and increased performance.
For compliance and regulatory requirements enable the data lock. Data lock ensures your backup
data cannot be tampered (modified/deleted) by any user.
Note: Only a user with Data Security role can add, modify, or remove a data lock.
Set Retry Options to 0, as M365 protection in Cohesity already has the retry mechanism to handle
failed requests. You need not increase the value for this setting in the Cohesity Protection Policy.
Do not schedule multiple backup jobs to run at the same time. Schedule different backup jobs at
different time of the day for increased efficiency.
For better performance avoid having backup frequency less than 24 hours.
Note: Workload here means data protection source which you add in Cohesity cluster, such as VMs,
Database, NAS, SAN, M365, etc.
Creating Policies
Managing Policies
Predefined Policies
Extended Retention
Protection Group
For backup schedule, Cohesity allows you to set the day for weekly backup and any day of the week
for monthly backup.
If you specify multiple extended retention rules for the same set of snapshots with different retention
periods, the snapshots are retained for the longest specified time period.
Example: If you define two extended retention rules that retain the same set of snapshots, but one
rule specifies a retention period of 90 days, and another specifies a retention period of 180 days, the
set of snapshots are retained for 180 days.
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When you have a large number of objects, make sure to create multiple jobs with a maximum of up to
8000 objects per job, instead of creating 1 job with all in one. Contact Cohesity Support to get help
with the job splitting tool, which can assist you in splitting the jobs efficiently.
Schedule the backup time during the non-working hours of your organization, when your M365 is not
Stagger the job times for different jobs. i.e., schedule different backup time for each job, so that all the
jobs won't begin at the same time. This can prevent the SLA violations during the incremental runs.
Always use the default QoS PolicyBackup HDD, which writes data directly to HDD. Use the policy
Backup SSD if you need fast ingest speed for a small number of Protection Groups. Use policy
Backup Auto if you want to reduce SSD wear out (in comparison to policy Backup SSD).
Do not add the same objects to multiple Protection Groups.
Use Exclusion List to exclude unwanted folders from the backup. For example, in Exchange Online, if
you do not want to back up folders such as junk emails or any custom created folder where you have
saved unwanted emails, then you can add that folder/s under Exclusion List to exclude them from the
Note: Exclusion list is not supported for Public Folders.
Exclude unwanted folders from indexing for faster indexing, resulting in faster search results.
Note: If you exclude any folder from indexing, then you cannot search the contents within these
folders for granular recovery.
Ensure to add alerts on failures for the Protection Group, so that you receive notifications if any
backups fail.
QoS Policies, Exclusion List, Indexing, Index Exclusion, Alerts
The initial backup will be a full backup and would take a significant amount of time compared to
subsequent incremental backups. The initial backup will also be throttled more by Microsoft due to
the significant amount of data in the backup. Due to these reasons, the backup SLA can be
violated for this first full backup.
Note: For Exchange Online workload, consider raising a Microsoft ticket for temporary relaxation
of throttling.
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Cohesity Data Protection for Microsoft 365Best Practices and
Optional practices during initial full backup:
o Perform stage-wise protection of the services. Do not protect all the services together. Finish
the protection of one service completely before starting it for another service.
Example: Begin the protection of Exchange Online for all the mailboxes. Once it completes,
then begin the protection of other services (OneDrive, SharePoint, Teams) sequentially one
after the other (after each service finishes the protection completely).
This is because if you protect all the services in one go, then they will wait in a queue and
might give the impression that the backup is taking too long, whereas the backup has not even
started for that service as it is waiting for its turn in the queue. If you are not concerned about
it, then you can choose to protect all the services together.
o While performing stage-wise protection of the services as described above, consider pausing
the incremental runs for the finished jobs until all other jobs are completed.
This is just to make sure that the full backup jobs get priority and completes quickly.
o For Exchange Online, exclude the “In-place archive” mailboxes from the Protection Job, as
access to data in in-place archives is much slower than the regular mailboxes. Once the
backups of regular mailboxes are completed successfully, you can remove the exclusion and
include the “In-place archive” mailbox on the Protection Job, so that they will be protected in
the next run.
o You can follow the same process as mentioned above for Shared Mailboxes during the initial
full backup.
o Consider excluding SharePoint templates. Enable templates after initial full backup is
Initial full backups are likely to be slow due to throttling from Microsoft end. Do not cancel the jobs
as it will start from scratch when you restart.
Complete any M365 migrations before running backups. i.e., If you are migrating your data from
On-prem Exchange Server to M365 Exchange Online, then start the backups after the migration is
complete. Running backups during migration can lead to increased throttling from Microsoft, which
in-turn can lead to slower backups and violated SLAs.
Do not run two backup software (e.g., Cohesity and a competitor) in parallel for the same M365
There are no egress charges in M365. So, any backups done to your on-prem environment or to
Cohesity managed service does not cost any egress charge.
If a backup job completes partially with certain objects skipped, then the skipped objects will be
backed up in the next backup job.
Always follow the 3-2-1 backup rule. Configure your replication and archival
Use auto-protect objects to avoid manual intervention. Auto-protect will make sure to protect all
your future objects added to your M365 automatically.
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Cohesity Data Protection for Microsoft 365Best Practices and
Protect Exchange Online Mailboxes
Protect Public Folders
Protect OneDrives
Protect SharePoint Online Sites
Protect Microsoft 365 Teams
Protect Microsoft 365 Groups
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Recovering Microsoft 365 data
Restore Type
Table 3: Restore Type
Complete restoreRestore entire
application data (Restore Mailbox,
OneDrive, SharePoint Site, or Team).
If the size of the application data (such as mailbox) is
large, then restoring takes a longer duration.
Granular restoreRestore individual
items within an application.
Emails, folders, or subfolders in
Exchange Online
Files, folders, or subfolders in
OneDrive, SharePoint Online,
and Teams
If the item already exists at the destination, then
the item will be overwritten in case of OneDrive,
SharePoint, and Teams.
If the item already exists at the destination, then
the item will be skipped in case of Exchange
Download offline data of backup (pst
for Exchange Online, zip for
OneDrive, and SharePoint Online).
If the size of the mailbox is large, then exporting
the mailbox to pst format takes longer duration.
The pst export process might take a few minutes
or hours depending on the size of the mailbox.
The exported pst of the mailbox or the email is
valid for 72 hours. Ensure that you download the
pst file within 72 hours of the recovery task
pst export can be protected with password for
more secure access.
Restore Location
Table 4: Restore Location
Restore Location
Things to note
Restore to the original location on the
same M365 tenant
If the item already exists at the destination, then
the item will be overwritten in case of OneDrive,
SharePoint, and Teams
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Restore Location
Things to note
If the item already exists at the destination, then
the item will be skipped in case of Exchange
Restore to an alternate location on
the same M365 tenant
If a folder with the specified name does not exist
at the destination, Cohesity creates the folder
and recovers the data to it.
Permission and metadata attributes are not
Restore to a different M365 tenant
Both the source and destination M365 tenants
must be registered as sources in Cohesity Data
If a folder with the specified name does not exist
at the destination, Cohesity creates the folder
and recovers the data to it.
Permission and metadata attributes are not
Exchange Online
A Windows Connector is required to export mailboxes to pst. See section Windows Connector for
more information.
Restoration at the Protection Group level is not supported for M365.
Restoring items in the same mailbox from different recovery points is not supported in the same
recovery task. You need to create different restore tasks for different recovery points.
Schedule the restores during non-working hours of your organization, when your M365 is not
Restore Considerations
Restore Mailboxes
Restore Emails and Folders
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OneDrive For Business & SharePoint Online
Use search and restore if you know the filename or other attributes. This would save time in
recovery compared to browsing and restoring.
If you are not sure about the search attributes for the file or folder, use browse and restore, where
you can browse the backup contents and locate the file/folder manually.
Empty folders cannot be downloaded.
If the file is being restored to original location and if it already exists in the folder, then the file is
restored as the latest version.
The contents of SharePoint Document Library should not be in checked out state.
Restore OneDrive
Restore OneDrive Files and Folders
Restore SharePoint Online Sites
Restore SharePoint Online Files and Folders
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Microsoft Teams
If a source team is deleted from the M365 tenant after its backup, then during recovery, Cohesity
creates a team with the same name and recovers the team's data to the newly created team.
The Restore Original Owner Members option is not applicable if you are restoring the Team’s
data to a different Microsoft 365 tenant.
If you are restoring to a different team, the channels are restored with
suffix: <_coh><some_int_value>. Where _coh is appended to the channel name
and some_int_value is a random integer value.
Only public channels can be restored, not private channels.
Restore a Team
Restore Teams Files
Teams Metadata Restore Scenarios
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Further Reading
Table 5: Additional Info
Cohesity enables you to replicate M365 data to
another Cohesity cluster for disaster recovery use
cases. For more details, see:
Replicate M365 data
Replication and remote access setup
Cohesity enables you to archive the M365 data to a
designated external target, such as tape or cloud
storage. For more details, see:
Archive Exchange Online data
Archive OneDrive for Business data
Manage External Targets
Cohesity cluster supports the multitenancy feature.
The multitenancy feature enables you to configure
the multitenant environment on your Cohesity Data
Cloud platform and securely isolate each tenant in
your environment. For more details, see Multitenancy
on Cohesity Cluster
Security and Privacy
Cohesity is secure by design and employs industry
leading security and privacy features to secure your
data. For more details, see:
Cohesity Security Features
Cohesity Security Practices
Cohesity Trust Centre
Access Management
For more details on access management, RBAC
users, groups, and roles see:
Access management in Cohesity DataProtect.
Access Management in Cohesity DataProtect
delivered as a Service.
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For more details on monitoring, reporting, and audit
logs, see:
Monitoring in Cohesity DataProtect.
Monitoring in Cohesity DataProtect delivered as a
For information on networking, see Cohesity
How to videos
See How-to-videos for detailed product videos.
See Cohesity Support for more details on support.
Cohesity REST APIs
See Cohesity Developer Portal to get more details on
Cohesity REST APIs and supported integrations.
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About the Author
Shashanka SR is a Technical Solution Engineer at Cohesity. In his role, Shashanka focuses on Microsoft
365 and Salesforce Protection.
Other major contributors include:
Aditya Vasudevan, VP Customer Success
Karthick Radhakrishnan, Director, Technical Solution Engineering
Ravi Luhadiya, Director Engineering
Kunal Bose, Product Solution Engineer
Prajakta Ayachit, Staff 2 Engineer
Document Version History
July 2024
Apr 2024
Content updates
Apr 2023
Minor updates
Mar 2023
Content updates
Dec 2022
First version
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Cohesity Data Protection for Microsoft 365Best Practices and
Cohesity is a leader in AI-powered data security and management. Aided by an extensive ecosystem of
partners, Cohesity makes it easier to protect, manage, and get value from data across the data center,
edge, and cloud. Cohesity helps organizations defend against cybersecurity threats with comprehensive
data security and management capabilities, including immutable backup snapshots, AI-based threat
detection, monitoring for malicious behavior, and rapid recovery at scale. Cohesity solutions are delivered
as a service, self-managed, or provided by a Cohesity-powered partner. Cohesity is headquartered in
San Jose, CA, and is trusted by the world’s largest enterprises, including six of the Fortune 10 and 42 of
the Fortune 100.
Visit our website and blog, follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn and like us on Facebook.
© 2024 Cohesity, Inc. All rights reserved.
Cohesity, the Cohesity logo, SnapTree, SpanFS, DataPlatform, DataProtect, Helios, the Helios logo, DataGovern, SiteContinuity,
DataHawk, and other Cohesity marks are trademarks or registered trademarks of Cohesity, Inc. in the US and/or internationally.
Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated. This
material (a) is intended to provide you information about Cohesity and our business and products; (b) was believed to be true
and accurate at the time it was written, but is subject to change without notice; and (c) is provided on an “AS IS” basis. Cohesity
disclaims all express or implied conditions, representations, warranties of any kind.