9.3 & 9.4 Notes
Solving & Graphing Quadratic Functions
Homework: 9.3/9.4 Worksheet Day 1
A1.8.1 Graph quadratic, cubic, and radical equations.
A1.8.7 Use quadratic equations to solve word problems.
9.3 Vocabulary
1. A quadratic function is a function that can be written in the standard form:
y = ax² + bx + c, where a ≠ 0
2. Every quadratic function has a U-shaped graph called a __________________________.
3. If the leading coefficient a is positive, the parabola ______________________________.
4. If the leading coefficient a is negative, the parabola _____________________________.
5. The _______________ is the lowest point of a parabola that opens up and the highest
point of a parabola that opens down.
6. The line passing through the vertex that divides the parabola into two symmetric parts is
called the ____________________________________________.
7. Solutions of quadratic functions can also be called the ______________________,
_______________________, or _______________________.
To find the Vertex and Axis of Symmetry
1. Put the quadratic function in standard form: y = ax² + bx + c
2. Identify the numeric values of a, b, and c.
3. The vertex has an x-coordinate of x =
. Plug in the values for a and b.
4. Substitute whatever you get for x in step 3 into the quadratic function to find
the y-coordinate of the vertex.
5. The axis of symmetry is the vertical line x =
9.3 & 9.4 Notes
Solving & Graphing Quadratic Functions
Homework: 9.3/9.4 Worksheet Day 1
Example 1 Find the vertex and Axis of Symmetry for these quadratic functions:
a.) y = -2x² + 4x 9
a = ___ b = ___ c = ___
Vertex: __________
Axis of Symmetry: __________
b.) y = x² - 10
a = ___ b = ___ c = ___
Vertex: __________
Axis of Symmetry: __________
c.) y = x² + 4x 1
a = ___ b = ___ c = ___
Vertex: __________
Axis of Symmetry: __________
d.) y = -2x² + 8x 8
a = ___ b = ___ c = ___
Vertex: __________
Axis of Symmetry: __________
Steps for Graphing a Quadratic Function
1. Follow the above steps to find the vertex and axis of symmetry.
2. Plot the vertex and the axis of symmetry on a coordinate plane.
3. Make a table of values, using x-values to the left and right of the vertex.
4. Plot the points and connect them with a smooth curve to form a parabola.
9.3 & 9.4 Notes
Solving & Graphing Quadratic Functions
Homework: 9.3/9.4 Worksheet Day 1
Example 2 Graphing a Quadratic Function with a Positive a-value
a.) Sketch the graph of y = x² 1 a = _____ b = _____ c = _____
Vertex: __________
AOS: __________
Roots: __________
Opens: __________
b.) Sketch the graph of y = -x² + 4x - 4 a = _____ b = _____ c = _____
Vertex: __________
AOS: __________
Roots: __________
Opens: __________
9.3 & 9.4 Notes
Solving & Graphing Quadratic Functions
Homework: 9.3/9.4 Worksheet Day 1
c.) Sketch the graph of y = x² + 3 a = _____ b = _____ c = _____
Vertex: __________
AOS: __________
Roots: __________
Opens: __________
d.) Sketch the graph of y = 2x² + 8x a = _____ b = _____ c = _____
Vertex: __________
AOS: __________
Roots: __________
Opens: __________