The Lehigh Valley Association for Independent Colleges is a unique consortium that
consists of the six member colleges and universities in the Lehigh Valley, as well as six
associate member institutions in the eastern Pennsylvania region. Through innovation
in collaboration and community, LVAIC aims to provide academic and business
support to each member. LVAIC’s mission is to promote and facilitate inter-
institutional cooperation between and among the independent colleges and
universities of the Lehigh Valley in order to enrich and increase opportunities for
students, faculty and staff.
This cookbook is a compilation of the applications and tools that will be discussed at
the 2016 LVAIC Digital Tools Workshop to be held on May 25, 2016 at Lafayette
College. These “recipes” are to be used as guidelines to get you started exploring
the technology. Each recipe includes the title of the corresponding presentation, the
digital tool that will be used, a short description of the tool or tools involved, key terms
associated with the tool, directions for downloading and/or beginning to use the
tool, and useful links to help get you started.
Please use #LVAICDigitalTools throughout the conference to connect on Twitter!
Don’t have a Twitter account? Click here to sign up for one (please note Twitter will
be used throughout the workshop on Wednesday, so it is highly recommended you
have one ahead of time). You can also download the Twitter app here.
Table of Contents
By Presentation Title
USING CLICKERS TO MAXIMIZE STUDENT ENGAGEMENT ................................................................................ 5
BRUCE WHITEHOUSE, LEHIGH UNIVERSITY ............................................................................................................. 5
COMPUTER SIMULATIONS FOR CELL BIOLOGY, A COLLABORATION ................................................................ 6
LARA GOUDSOUZIAN, DESALES UNIVERSITY ............................................................................................................ 6
HIGH-QUALITY VIDEOS FOR FLIPPING CIVIL ENGINEERING COURSES .............................................................. 7
GERARD LENNON, LEHIGH UNIVERSITY .................................................................................................................. 7
USING APPLE TV AS AN INSTRUCTIONAL DEVICE ............................................................................................. 8
MARY ROTH, LAFAYETTE COLLEGE ........................................................................................................................ 8
TOOLS FOR CLASSROOM ASSESSMENT TECHNIQUES ....................................................................................... 9
TIM CLARKE, MUHLENBERG COLLEGE .................................................................................................................... 9
BUILD-IT-YOURSELF COMPUTERS FOR CREATIVE PROBLEM-SOLVING ........................................................... 10
JEREMY LITTAU, LEHIGH UNIVERSITY ................................................................................................................... 10
CHRIS PHILLIPS, LAFAYETTE COLLEGE ................................................................................................................... 11
USING VIDEOS FOR CONTENT REINFORCEMENT AND IMMEDIATE FEEDBACK .............................................. 12
PRANSHU GUPTA, DESALES UNIVERSITY .............................................................................................................. 12
GOOGLE DOCS FOR PROCESS-ORIENTED GUIDED INQUIRY LEARNING .......................................................... 13
CLIF KUSSMAUL, MUHLENBERG COLLEGE ............................................................................................................ 13
BUILDING CRITICAL MEDIA LITERACY ON TWO CAMPUSES ........................................................................... 15
SARAH STANLICK, LEHIGH UNIVERSITY ................................................................................................................. 16
INCORPORATING REAL DATA INTO STATISTICS CLASSES ................................................................................ 17
TRENT GAUGLER, LAFAYETTE COLLEGE ................................................................................................................. 17
DOCERI: GENERATE INSTRUCTIONAL VIDEO WITH REAL-TIME ANNOTATION ............................................... 19
KERI COLABROY, MUHLENBERG COLLEGE ............................................................................................................. 19
FARAH L. VALLERA, LVAIC/LAFAYETTE COLLEGE .................................................................................................... 20
Click a title or tool to jump to that section of the cookbook.
By Digital Tool
APPLE TV .......................................................................................................................................................... 8
ARDUINO ........................................................................................................................................................ 10
AURASMA ...................................................................................................................................................... 20
CLICKERS .......................................................................................................................................................... 5
DOCERI ........................................................................................................................................................... 19
EASTON LIBRARY COMPANY DATABASE ........................................................................................................ 11
FINAL CUT PRO X .............................................................................................................................................. 7
FLOWVELLA .................................................................................................................................................... 14
GOANIMATE .................................................................................................................................................. 14
GOOGLE COMMUNITIES ................................................................................................................................ 14
GOOGLE DOCS ............................................................................................................................................... 13
GOOGLE MYMAPS ......................................................................................................................................... 16
HAPYAK ............................................................................................................................................................ 9
KOBOTOOLBOX ............................................................................................................................................. 18
MOODLE ........................................................................................................................................................ 15
PIKTOCHART .................................................................................................................................................. 16
PLAYPOSIT ................................................................................................................................................. 9, 12
STATISTICAL PACKAGES ................................................................................................................................. 17
TURNINGPOINT SOFTWARE ............................................................................................................................. 5
UNITY DEVELOPMENT SOFTWARE ................................................................................................................... 6
WEB DEVELOPMENT TOOLS ............................................................................................................................. 6
ZAPTION .................................................................................................................................................... 9, 15
Using Clickers to Maximize Student Engagement
Bruce Whitehouse, Lehigh University
For eight years, I have been using Clicker devices in conjunction with TurningPoint software to assess
student learning and participation in a large lecture-based survey course (40 to 100 students). While
this is not a new technology, recent software improvements have expanded the ways instructors can
use it in the classroom. In my presentation I will discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the Clicker
and TurningPoint systems and share lessons learned on productive ways to apply this technology to
maximize students' engagement during class time, gauge how well they have learned information
and concepts both in assigned readings and during lecture, record their participation, and foster
interactive, small-group learning within the larger lecture class.
Clickers are an interactive technology that enables instructors to pose questions to students and
immediately collect and view the responses of the entire class. Students click in their answers using
remote transmitters (or mobile devices) they purchased/rented. The system instantly collects and
tabulates the results, which instructors can view, save, and (if they wish) display anonymously for the
entire class to see.
TurningPoint Software
With options that range from quick polling or committee voting to standardized exams or institutional
evaluations, TurningPoint allows instructors to strengthen teaching practices and administrators to
make data-driven decisions. Prepare your students for real-world experiences with tools that engage,
monitor, and measure the learning process in a simple, versatile, and meaningful way.
Clickers; Student Response; Assessment; Student Engagement
1. Visit the TurningPoint software download webpage and fill in your information. You will receive
a users guide in the e-mail address you supply.
2. Click the “Download” prompt and follow the setup instructions.
3. Students respond either via a mobile device or with a clicker.
Getting Started with TurningPoint: www.turningtechnologies.com
Users Guide: www.turningtechnologies.com/support/turningpoint-5
Computer Simulations for Cell Biology, A Collaboration
Lara Goudsouzian, DeSales University
We have developed and implemented a laboratory exercise appropriate for a sophomore or junior-
level Cell Biology course. Students are assigned two Saccharomyces cerevisiae (yeast) cultures, each
of opposite mating type. Mating pheromone is added to each culture, and the growth and
morphology of the individual mating types is assayed at regular intervals over the course of several
hours. Students become practiced in the use of a spectrophotometer to determine the concentration
of cells in growth medium. Students then prepare graphs of their data, generating a growth curve to
demonstrate that yeast cells will respond only to the presence of the opposite-sex mating factor.
This year, we have entered into collaboration with a Computer Science seminar course on campus.
The students in this course were assigned the task of creating supporting materials for the yeast mating
labs, with the Cell Biology professor as the group’s formal “client”. In accordance with the client’s
requests, the students have generated two different computer simulations of the laboratory. There is a
3-dimensional simulation most appropriate for those who take Cell Biology lecture without enrolling in
the laboratory, and a 2-dimensional simulation most appropriate for students who are performing the
traditional laboratory. The 3-D simulation functions to replace the lab at institutions with limited
teaching laboratory space or other experimental resources. The 2-D simulation supports the learning
of students as they perform the lab. As most of the timepoints are taken outside of the set laboratory
time, and therefore away from the supervision of the professor, this simulation models ideal results for
the student as he or she progresses through the lab alone. We have preliminary assessment data on
student attitudes towards the laboratory and accompanying simulations.
2-D Simulations HTML, CSS, JQuery, Java Script
Web development tools allow web developers to test and debug code. They are different from
website builders in that they do not assist in the direct creation of a webpage, rather they are tools
used for testing the user facing interface of a website or web application.
3-D Simulations Unity Game Development Software
You can create any 2D or 3D game with Unity with ease that is highly-optimized and beautiful, and
you can deploy it with a click to multiple platforms. Using Unity’s integrated services can speed up
your development process, optimize your game, connect with an audience, and achieve success.
Simulations; Collaboration; Empirical Inquiry
Find out what web development package(s) your campus supports or visit the links below.
Getting Started with Unity: https://unity3d.com
Unity Tutorials: https://unity3d.com/learn
Unity Community Network: https://unity3d.com/community
High-Quality Videos for Flipping Civil Engineering Courses
Gerard Lennon, Lehigh University
The development of high-quality professional studio recordings was an effective way to provide key
basic knowledge and comprehension outside of the classroom. The classroom time that was freed up
was replaced by effective active learning techniques using higher achievement levels, e.g. Bloom’s
cognitive domain levels 3 (apply), 4 (analyze) and 5 (evaluate). The videos have been used in three
undergraduate Civil and Environmental Engineering courses at Lehigh University: a required laboratory
course for BS Environmental Engineers, and electives in groundwater and in modeling of
environmental systems that include four different BS majors. Students benefited greatly by being able
to replay difficulty concepts, or skip through parts that overlapped if they took more than one of these
Steve Lichak recorded Dr. Lennon in the Digital Media Studio using a green screen, teleprompter run
by an undergraduate student to coordinate with PowerPoint, displayed on a monitor and later edited
in place of the green screen. The student used Final Cut Pro X editing software to intersperse video
clips of laboratory experiments demonstrating concepts with theory presented on PowerPoint. Final
video files and full transcripts were posted on Google Drive, available to students from smart phones,
tablets, and computers. QR codes and links embedded in slides provide access to all videos created
as part of this project. The topics of the recordings with experiments include open channel flow,
groundwater flow and contaminant transport in a 10-meter long tank, and stability of objects.
Final Cut Pro X
Built to meet the needs of today’s creative editors, Final Cut Pro is a dynamic, Mac-based editing
interface that lets you experiment freely while working with extraordinary speed and precision.
Flipped Classroom; Instructional Videos; Mobile Learning
Visit the Final Cut Pro X website on your Mac device for the free trial or download the software
from the Apple Store.
Getting Started: www.apple.com/final-cut-pro/
Tech Specs: www.apple.com/final-cut-pro/specs/
Users Guide: www.apple.com/final-cut-pro/resources/
Using Apple TV as an Instructional Device
Mary Roth, Lafayette College
By attaching an Apple TV to the standard set up in a smart classroom, I improved the sense of
community in my courses and was able to more smoothly integrate technology in classroom activities.
My primary use of the Apple TV was to connect my iPad to the system and, from my seat among the
students, share whatever was on my iPad screen with the class. This approach meant that I no longer
needed to stand behind the class podium or at the board everything I presented (e.g., videos,
PowerPoint slides, web sites, examples of student writing) and my note-making (e.g., writing on a
virtual “white board”) could all be completed from my seat with the students. The approach also
allowed students with Apple devices to connect to the system directly and students with non-Apple
devices were able share documents with me through Google file options allowing me to easily bring
their files to the screen. The technology has changed the way I teach, allowing me greater flexibility in
the classroom and increasing student interaction and engagement.
Apple TV
Apple TV is a digital media player and a microconsole developed Apple, Inc. It is a small network
appliance and entertainment device that can receive digital data from a number of sources and
stream it to a capable TV for playing on the TV screen.
Collaboration; Student-Centered Learning; Mobile Learning
Find out if your campus supports Apple TV or visit the links below.
Getting Started: www.apple.com/tv/
Tech Specs: www.apple.com/tv/specs/
Experience: www.apple.com/tv/experience/
Tools for Classroom Assessment Techniques
Tim Clarke, Muhlenberg College
While there is genuine benefit to flipped instruction, one pedagogical element that suffers is the use of
CATs (Classroom Assessment Techniques not feline friends). Things like the "one minute paper" and
the "muddiest point" are great mechanisms for assessing your teaching, but these are more difficult to
administer at a distance. The use of video annotation tools like Zaption, PlayPosit (fka eduCanon),
and HapYak allow instructors to utilize a variety of CATs with their flipped or distance instruction. We
will examine and discuss ways these tools can not only provide valuable feedback to instructors, but
also transform video lectures from passive content delivery to active and engaged learning.
Turn passive videos into active learning, which is perfect for flipped classrooms, in-class presentations,
and blended learning. Add annotations and questions to YouTube, Vimeo, and your own videos to
engage your students and deepen their understanding of key concepts.
PlayPosit is an online learning environment to create and share interactive video lessons. Teachers
begin with any online video and transform what is traditionally passive content into an active
experience for students, with time-embedded activities.
With templates, core projects, and robust APIs, you can turn every one of your videos into measurable
tools that turn viewers into leads and leads into customers.
Flipped Classroom; Instructional Videos; Assessment; Annotating
To create videos with Zaption:
1. Visit the Zaption website on your tablet or computer.
2. Click the link to create an account and complete the survey.
To create videos with PlayPosit:
1. Visit the PlayPosit website on your tablet or computer.
2. Click the link to sign up for an account. You will receive a users guide in the e-mail address you
To create videos with HapYak
1. Visit the HapYak website on your tablet or computer.
2. Click the link to “Try it Free” and create an account by completing the survey.
Getting Started with Zaption: www.zaption.com
Zaption Support: https://zaption.zendesk.com/hc/en-us
Getting Started with PlayPosit: www.playposit.com
PlayPosit Users Guide:
Getting Started with HapYak: www.hapyak.com
HapYak Users Guide: https://corp.hapyak.com/learn/
Build-it-Yourself Computers for Creative Problem-Solving
Jeremy Littau, Lehigh University
I used build-it-yourself computers in a class to accomplish two pedagogical goals: to teach empirical
methods of information gathering and analysis, and to spark creative thinking in problem-solving. I am
leading a class of six that built our own temperature sensors using Arduino build-it-yourself kits. We
started with general knowledge of DIY computers and I let them pick the sensor types we’d pursue by
asking what we wanted to know. The students, through conversation and brainstorming, connected
with past research on building temperature and factors such as cognitive processing and memory,
and we decided we would do a “heat map” of Linderman Library, a key study space on campus,
with the end goal of telling the story to the campus. The class had to think through previous research,
then what we wanted to know, then what we’d measure, then what we had to build. This taught
students not inclined to think like scientists (and in truth, a little scared of scientific methods) empirical
approaches in a hands-on way. It also introduced them to the increasingly valuable skill of data
analysis into their learning process. Finally, the hands-on process has allowed me the rare chance to
connect journalism to maker communities, and it has helped them envision ways to creatively answer
societal questions when the professor didn’t have much more prior knowledge than they did. Even
though we had a storytelling focus, the applications in terms of empirical inquiry and data analysis are
applicable across disciplines.
Arduino is an open-source prototyping platform based on easy-to-use hardware and software.
Arduino boards are able to read inputs light on a sensor, a finger on a button, or a Twitter message
and turn it into an output activating a motor, turning on an LED, publishing something online. You
can tell your board what to do by sending a set of instructions to the microcontroller on the board.
Data Collection; Data Analysis; Empirical Inquiry; Creative Thinking/Problem Solving; Storytelling
1. Visit the Arduino website to determine the best-suited kit/purchase a starter kit.
2. Download the Arduino software to your device.
3. Follow the instructions to install the software.
Getting Started: www.arduino.cc
Users Guide: http://www.arduino.cc/en/Guide/HomePage
Tutorials: https://www.arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/HomePage
Language Reference: http://www.arduino.cc/en/Reference/HomePage
Teaching with Online Research: The Easton Library Company Database
Chris Phillips, Lafayette College
Over the past five years, I have directed a team engaged in making a database of the loan records
from the Easton Library Company (1811-1862). As the database has developed, I have used beta
versions with my classes at Lafayette to help students find new ways to design their own research
questions. In my English 206: Literary History course in particular, students design projects starting from
the big questionwhat if we studied literary history from the perspective of demand (readers) rather
than supply (authors/publishers)? The database helps students gain insight into reading patterns of
19c Easton residents, but it also brings them up against the limits of what a digital tool of this can do for
them. Students often comment that you can get facts from a database query but not a thesisat
best, you get new questions that require new methods to answer. This complex relationship to data
and its analysis, much more familiar to students in social and natural sciences, becomes evident to
students of literature even as they look for ways to integrate database queries with more traditional
methods of researchand they begin to look more critically at the design of library databases like
JSTOR, thus enhancing their information literacy. In talking with me and my collaborators about the
process of making the database, the students also gain insight into how knowledge comes to be
created in the digital humanities; this has led some students to pursue further work in DH, either with
me or other faculty and staff.
Easton Library Company Database
The project focuses on making available for study the loan records of the Easton Library Company
(ELC), a shareholding library that was the first public library in Pennsylvania's Lehigh Valley. Five folio-
size loan ledgers cover the ELC's entire history making the collection one of the most extensive pre-Civil
War library archives in the nation that shed light on library history, literary history, social history, the
history of Easton and Northampton County, and other fields of study.
Data Collection; Data Analysis; Digital Humanities
1. Visit the Easton Library Company Database website.
2. Select “Browse Records” to see Loans, People, or Items.
3. Select “Analyze Data” to do Basic or Advanced Data Visualization.
Easton Library Company Database: http://elc.lafayette.edu/
Using Videos for Content Reinforcement and Immediate Feedback
Pranshu Gupta, DeSales University
During LVAIC Digital Tools 2015 Workshop, I came across this tool that I considered using in my
classroom. It is sometimes difficult to use a digital tool in computer science or technology courses
because students in these classes learn to create such tools therefore they are also very critical of such
tools (which is a skill that they learn in some courses to become a better designer). There are courses
where understanding and retention of terminology is important but there is also need for reinforcing
logic, syntax and methodologies/technical processes, such as in Programming and Computer
Networking courses. I decided to use the tool called PlayPosit (formerly eduCanon) in fall 2015 in my
courses. It is a web application that allows users to search for videos from various websites, such as
YouTube and add questions at different locations in the video, creating an interactive learning
environment. It is not only watching the video for information but students answering questions to
receive immediate feedback to assess the retention of material. The tool was used in three courses
teaching C/C++ (freshmen), Java (sophomore/junior), and Computer Networking (junior/senior). It was
used by a diversified set of students and majority of the students provided a very positive feedback.
Even if the student did not score high on the question list, they had a very positive learning experience.
Other advantages of this tool are that videos can be shared among faculty and can be edited based
on class needs.
PlayPosit is an online learning environment to create and share interactive video lessons. Teachers
begin with any online video and transform what is traditionally passive content into an active
experience for students, with time-embedded activities.
Instructional Videos; Assessment; Student-Centered Learning; Annotating
1. Visit the PlayPosit website on your tablet or computer.
2. Click the link to sign up for an account. You will receive a users guide in the e-mail address you
Getting Started: www.playposit.com
Users Guide:
Google Docs for Process-Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning
Clif Kussmaul, Muhlenberg College
This presentation will describe and demonstrate the use of Google Docs for classroom-based team
activities, particularly in the context of Process-Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL). POGIL is an
evidence-based instructional strategy in which students work during class on activities that are
specifically scripted to guide them to create their own understanding of key concepts, and to
develop key process skills like communication and problem solving. POGIL has a 20-year history of NSF
support, and numerous studies have shown that it increases student learning and other outcomes.
With Google Docs, students can collaboratively edit their team’s activity, which can increase
engagement, and provides an easy-to-read final version for later reference. Teachers can monitor
and annotate each team’s activities during class, and review them later to assess student
understanding and progress, and to identify ways to improve the activity. Teachers can also use
Google Docs to collaboratively develop and revise activities, using an add-on that can generate
student versions of the activity from a master version with answers and notes on classroom facilitation.
In the future, we hope to extract information from the Google Doc version history to better understand
how teams work and which parts of the activities are most problematic.
Google Docs
Google Docs is an online word processor that lets you create and format text documents and
collaborate with other people in real time either from scratch or previously created and uploaded
Word documents.
Process-Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning; Collaboration; Annotating; Assessment
1. Visit the Google website. If you already have a Google account, sign in. If you do not have a
Google account, you will need to create one.
2. After signing in, click the square of nine boxes in the upper right corner of the page. Select the
“Drive” option (or you can go straight to Google Docs).
3. Once in the Google Drive, select the “New” prompt in the upper left corner. Select the
“Google Docs” option in the drop-down list to create a new Google Doc.
Getting Started with Google Docs: https://docs.google.com
Google Docs Users Guide: https://apps.google.com/learning-center/products/docs/#/list
Google Drive Support: https://support.google.com/docs?hl=en&p=#topic=2811805
Information on POGIL: http://pogil.org or http://cspogil.org
POGIL Classroom Activities: http://cspogil.org/tiki-index.php?page=Classroom+Activity+Utility
Technology for a Community-Based Learning & Research Collaboration
on Two Campuses
Sabrina Terrizzi, Moravian College; Gary Kaskowitz, Moravian College; Chris Ruebeck, Lafayette
Our inter-institutional collaboration features two dimensions: technology bridges and community-
based learning. Our technology-oriented work began with a new quantitative data course during the
Fall 2015 semester and continued in linking two marketing research courses’ community projects
during Spring 2016. Students’ exposure to issues in primary data collection, data cleaning, and a
limited Community-Based Learning and Research (CBLR) project began in the first course. Students in
that class also produced video tutorials on Institutional Review Boards for use in the later two classes.
In the marketing research classes, we incorporated collaboration environments that could bridge the
two institutions’ differing course management systems. The students then collaborated on critiquing
and editing the data collection and analysis experiences of the other class’s CBLR project. We will
discuss what we learned from putting these goals into practice, where we were successful in bridging
gaps, and where feasibility required us to scale back collaboration to more limited and realisticyet
ultimately effectivelevels.
Students used FlowVella slidedecks, PowerPoint, GoAnimate, SnagIt, iMovie, and Windows
MovieMaker to create screencast videos for other classes to view.
Google Communities
Google Communities resemble traditional message boards built around a central theme where
followers interact with others and a community moderator posts content to the Community.
CBLR; Cross-Campus Collaboration; Instructional Videos; Student-Centered Learning; Flipped
To create screencasts:
Find out what package(s) your campus supports or visit the links below.
To create a Google Community:
1. Visit the Google website. If you already have a Google account, sign in. If you do not have a
Google account, you will need to create one.
2. After signing in, click the square of nine boxes in the upper right corner of the page. Select the
“Google+” option.
3. In the left column under Home” select “Communities. Select the “Yours” category, click
“Create a Community,” name it, and set preliminary privacy settings. Select “Done.”
4. Within the Community, select the 3 connected dots in the upper left corner. Click “Invite
Members” to add members to the Community via their Gmail address.
Getting Started with FlowVella: https://flowvella.com
Getting Started with GoAnimate: https://goanimate.com
Getting Started with SnagIT: https://www.techsmith.com/snagit.html
Getting Started with iMovie: http://www.apple.com/mac/imovie/
Getting Started with MovieMaker: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/movie-maker
Google Communities Support: https://support.google.com/plus/answer/2872671?hl=en
Building Critical Media Literacy on Two Campuses
John Sullivan, Muhlenberg College; Elizabeth Ortiz, Cedar Crest College; James Brancato, Cedar Crest
Utilizing a Teagle grant, faculty members at Muhlenberg and Cedar Crest Colleges created two
blended/hybrid courses: Media and Society/Media Literacy, and Media Industries. These courses are
dedicated to helping students explore the political economy of media industries and how it shapes
media content as well as social values and structures. Specifically, we want to help students to better
understand media structures and power, ideological messages in media, and develop awareness of
the centrality of media in a democracy. Additionally, we sought to help students understand the
need to be both critical media consumers and producers in our society.
Using a shared learning management system across the campuses (Moodle), John Sullivan
(Muhlenberg), Elizabeth Ortiz (Cedar Crest), and Jim Brancato (Cedar Crest) created joint classroom
experiences such as interactive lectures, video presentations, and shared research projects, including
course reading responses, discussion forums, and online presentations. These joint projects helped
students become more critical media consumers. We also collaborated in an important cross-campus
event in the Fall 2016 Media Literacy Week held jointly on the two campuses. Based upon our
experiences in developing these hybrid courses, we discovered many exciting new pedagogical
possibilities for our students via the online activities. Based upon semester-end student surveys,
however, we also learned that students felt the need for more involved and consistent instructor
feedback and that they often lacked the self-motivation necessary to stay current with the course.
Moodle is a free, open-source learning management system designed to provide educators,
administrators, and learners with a single robust, secure, and integrated system to create personalized
learning environments.
Turn passive videos into active learning, which is perfect for flipped classrooms, in-class presentations,
and blended learning. Add annotations and questions to YouTube, Vimeo, and your own videos to
engage your students and deepen their understanding of key concepts.
Cross-Campus Collaboration; Instructional Videos; Student-Centered Learning; Flipped Classrooms
To collaborate through an LMS:
Find out what LMS your campus supports and how you can collaborate.
To create videos with Zaption:
1. Visit the Zaption website on your tablet or computer.
2. Click the link to create an account and complete the survey.
Getting Started with Zaption: www.zaption.com
Zaption Support: https://zaption.zendesk.com/hc/en-us
Leveraging Technology for Critical Reflection and Service-Learning
Sarah Stanlick, Lehigh University
Service learning is a high-impact experience that explores issues of citizenship, social justice, and
community engagement. To have maximum transformative impact, critical reflection is essential to
processing and making meaning for the learner. As technology progresses and new tools emerge, the
ease and depth by which reflection can be conducted is enhanced. This presentation delves into
technological reflection tools and provides context/examples to support implementation in service-
learning and community engagement endeavors.
Piktochart is a web-based infographic application which allows users without intensive experience as
graphic designers to easily create professional-grade infographics using themed templates.
Google My Maps
Create custom maps to share and publish online with Google My Maps. You can make maps that
show different kinds of information.
Infographics; Geospatial Tools; Critical Reflection; Service-Learning
To access Piktochart:
1. Visit the Piktochart website.
2. Select “Start for Free” and create an account.
3. Click the activation link in your email.
To access Google MyMaps:
1. Visit the Google MyMaps website.
2. Click the link to create a new map.
3. Sign in with your Google account to save your map.
Getting Started with Piktochart: https://piktochart.com
Piktochart Support: http://support.piktochart.com/hc/en-us
Getting Started with Google MyMaps: https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/home
MyMaps Users Guide: https://support.google.com/mymaps/answer/3024396?hl=en
Incorporating Real Data into Statistics Classes
Trent Gaugler, Lafayette College
Incorporating real data into statistics classes would be impossible without the students having
capabilities with at least one statistical software package or programming language. The ability for
students to see concepts in action in a meaningful way is powerful, and is often the aspect of the
course that students say has the biggest impact on their learning experience. I use software (R, SAS,
SPSS, Excel, etc.) in varying ways across different courses, but I never limit the use to one setting (e.g. a
lab) the fact that students see it as an integral part of the course underscores that it is an integral
part of being a statistician. In addition to daily doses of the technology, I incorporate larger data
analysis projects in every class I teach, and in order for this to have maximum meaning to the students,
as often as possible the data comes from a client who has a vested interest in the outcome. This past
year, Ive had students analyze a congregant satisfaction survey from a local church, and analyze
sales data from Crayola. When the students are able to explore large, complex, real world data and
then must communicate their findings to real clients, they gain invaluable experience.
R is a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics. It compiles and runs on a wide
variety of UNIX platforms, Windows, and MacOS.
SAS transforms data into insights that give a fresh perspective on business. You can identify what’s
working. Fix what isn’t. And discover new opportunities. Turn large amounts of data into knowledge
you can use.
IBM SPSS Statistics is an integrated family of products that addresses the entire analytical process, from
planning to data collection to analysis, reporting and deployment. With more than a dozen fully
integrated modules to choose from, you can find the specialized capabilities you need to increase
revenue, outperform competitors, conduct research, and make better decisions.
Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet developed by Microsoft for Windows, Mac OS X, Android, and iOS. It
features calculation, graphing tools, pivot tables, and statistical functioning.
Data Collection; Data Analysis; Empirical Inquiry
Find out what package(s) your campus supports or visit the links below.
Getting Started with R: www.r-project.org
R Users Guide: https://cran.r-project.org/manuals.html
Getting Started with SAS: www.sas.com
SAS Training: http://support.sas.com/training/
Getting Started with SPSS: http://www-01.ibm.com/software/analytics/spss/products/statistics/
SPSS Tutorials (not affiliated with SPSS): http://www.spss-tutorials.com
Getting Started with Excel: https://products.office.com/en-us/excel
Excel Users Guide: https://support.office.com/en-us/excel
Students Collect Geolocated Field Data Quickly and Easily with
Benjamin Carter, Muhlenberg College; Kimberly Heiman, Muhlenberg College
KoBoToolBox is an easily deployable data collection system ideal for student-centered fieldwork. Data
is collected via a web browser on any device, mobile, or otherwise. It even works off-line no Wi-Fi or
cellular data connection needed! Deployed during Fall 2015 within the clustered courses,
Degradation and Restoration (Heiman) and Historical Ecology (Carter) at Muhlenberg College, the
initial pedagogical goal was to provide students with geospatial data collected by their own hands,
and with which they had an personal connection so that they could analyze geospatial patterns of
human impact on the local environment. Students were able to successfully recognize, assess, and
incorporate these data. However, the ease of use of the tool also allowed students to both reflect
deeply and critically on the process of data collection; resulting in additional pedagogical “bang-for-
KoBoToolbox is a suite of tools (available on any device) for field data collection for use in challenging
environments. Easily create survey forms through the intuitive and powerful tool. Quickly and reliably
collect survey data any device, online or offline, in any language and with complex skip logic. Inspect
data moments after it was collected - or download it for advanced analysis in other software in Excel,
CSV, KML, and other formats.
Data Collection; Data Analysis; Geospatial Tools; Student-Centered Learning
1. Visit the KoBoToolbox website on your tablet or computer.
2. Click the link to create an account.
3. Click the activation link in your email.
Getting Started: www.kobotoolbox.org
Support: http://support.kobotoolbox.org
Doceri: Generate Instructional Video with Real-Time Annotation
Keri Colabroy, Muhlenberg College
Doceri is a tablet app that allows the instructor to pre-record content or screencast live (while
projecting, if desired), while also annotating the content in a variety of ways - including freehand
drawing. Doceri can mirror a computer screen and allow users to annotate (live or pre-recorded)
over PowerPoint slides or other media. Doceri also enables the instructor to freely create content on
an empty "whiteboard" space for on-the-spot illustration or pre-recorded "flips". I have implemented
this tool in a variety of chemistry classrooms to both record my live lectures and flip content for online
learning. A tablet and wifi connection are required, and the Doceri desktop application is
recommended. Doceri has improved student learning by allowing classes to review complex content
over and over again, by video. It has also allowed me to "flip" instruction of instrumentation theory
and data analysis - allowing more time in class for actually doing the data analysis itself.
Doceri is a professional interactive whiteboard tablet app (available on any device) with
sophisticated tools for hand-drawn graphics and built-in remote desktop control. Originally designed
for teachers, Doceri is used by creative individuals in myriad roles and professions from education to
Flipped Classroom; Instructional Videos; Annotating; Mobile Learning
1. Visit the Doceri website on your tablet or iPad.
2. Click the link to download the app in the Apple Store. Once downloaded, open the app.
Getting Started: www.doceri.com
Users Guide: http://doceri.com/support/knowledgebase.php
Frequently Asked Questions: http://doceri.com/support/knowledgebase.php?article=26
Using Augmented Reality to Build Interactive Instructional Materials
Farah L. Vallera, LVAIC/Lafayette College
Providing an innovative way to connect abstract ideas with real world examples can make learning
more successful, and students have a higher likelihood of learning if they are engaged with their
content and materials. Using augmented reality and mobile devices, combined with videos that offer
authentic, real world examples that illustrate complex, abstract concepts can increase student
understanding and success - particularly with digital learners. Using Aurasma, an augmented reality
program, students activate supplemental instructional videos by scanning images in their course
textbooks with mobile devices to explore concepts further. Connecting those videos to the course
textbooks can also encourage students to interact with the materials and read their texts more often.
Augmented reality is a media platform that provides overlays of virtual information atop of real-world
objects. Aurasma is a free augmented reality (AR) application (available on any device) where
videos, audio, websites, or 3D content are activated by scanning static images or quick response (QR)
Augmented Reality; Mobile Learning; Instructional Videos; Animated Photographs
To create “auras” on computers:
1. Visit the Aurasma Studio website on your tablet or computer.
2. Click the link to sign up for an account.
To access videos on mobile devices:
1. From your “App Store” or “Google Play”, search for and download Aurasma.
2. Share your location and access to the camera.
3. Log in with the account information you just created.
Getting Started: www.aurasma.com
Building Auras: https://studio.aurasma.com
Community Network: https://aurasma.zendesk.com
Animating Photos: www.blabberize.com
Animating Photos: www.ifunface.com