Sample Individual Leadership Award Application/Nomination Responses
**sample responses below pulled from a combination of different applications with student and
organization names changed for anonymity**
[specific notes about why an answer is strong marked in bold face type with the notes and feedback in
Application: Please discuss the experience, involvement, or organization that has most impacted your
first year at Ohio State, either on or off campus. Why was this impact significant for you and your
approach to leadership? (500 words max) Nomination: Please discuss an experience, involvement, or
organization that has made an impact on the student during their first year at Ohio State and share
how they grew because of it. (500 words max):
Sample Application Response:
Buckeye Community Clinic - During my first week in the U.S, far from home, like anyone else, I felt the
intense urge to be part of a community. But I was in an unfamiliar land, with unfamiliar people. I
consider myself to be a highly spiritual person, so anytime I felt a little lonely, I visited the Buckeye
Spiritual Center. One day, I met some students at the Spiritual Center from the Ohio State’s Spiritual
Students Association and that was the first club I joined. I began going to their events and ended up
learning about a free clinic whose director was one of the oldest and most established members of our
community. I reached out to them and introduced myself. Out of the kindness of their heart, they
agreed to interview me so that I could volunteer in their clinic. I was raised with a lot of emphasis on
giving freely for the sake of others. What I was taught about Americans before coming to the U.S. was
that most Americans are very opportunistic; doing things that weren't of direct benefit to oneself was
not a common practice here. Dr. Brutus proved those stereotypes to be baseless.
After successful rounds of screening, I went through volunteering training and was able to start
volunteering at the Buckeye Community Clinic. [Response focuses on a specific
experience/organization that had the biggest impact on their Buckeye experience.] I was trained to
check in patients, take their temperatures, create charts, and scan them. Half a year later, Dr. Brutus
said that they wanted to talk to me. My heart pounding, I picked up the phone call. They told me that
they had been observing my work closely and liked the efficiency with which I completed my tasks so
they would like to give me more important responsibilities: those usually given to medical students. I
almost got teary eyed; my intention was not to impress them or anyone else, I simply wanted to make
sure I did what was assigned to me perfectly and to help others if there was anything I could do
contribute. This interaction had significant impacts on my sense of confidence and belonging, as it
empowered me to take on new challenges. [Response includes specifics in the significance of the
experience.] Though I wasn't assigned to 'lead' a certain group of people, I was given responsibilities and
entrusted with the comments and concerns of patients. Most people seem to think that being a leader
implies that something flashy and extraordinary must be done. Yet, I have now learned that that is not
the case. One does not need to be loud and command all the attention in the room to be a leader;
rather, by simply doing well in what is expected of you, you are a leader in your own right. [Response
explains the impact of the experience on their approach leadership.]
Sample Nomination Response:
The Early Leader Ambassador Program (ELAP) seeks to prepare those interested in leadership in
Brutus Buckeye Fan Society (BBFS) for a Chair or Officer position. [Nomination is prefaced with how
Student X's experience relates to their exemplary involvement in the organization.] This program is an
in-depth and highly tailored exploration of personal leadership development. Each year, eight applicants
are selected to participate in biweekly meetings where ambassadors have the opportunity to learn more
about the organization’s inner workings, delve into leadership development topics specific to them
based on their results from BBFS’s Leadership Competency Model, plan a BBFS event as a part of a team,
and give a final program presentation to the executive officers at the end of the year. Ambassadors also
attend an executive meeting each semester, hear presentations from each executive officer, and engage
with officers to learn more about the organization’s election process. Additionally, ambassadors attend
the all-officer Spring Strategic Planning meeting, where they have the opportunity to provide feedback
and suggestions to the organization. BBFS recognizes their leadership through selection into the
program, a prize upon successful completion, and giving ambassadors the freedom to plan an event.
This year, about 50 BBFS members applied for the Early Leader Ambassador Program. Since there are
only eight ambassadors in the program, the competition was very high! However, Student X’s
application stood out as they were well-spoken, enthusiastic about BBFS, and possessed lots of past
leadership experiences. Student X is also involved in other extracurricular activities, making them a
well-rounded applicant. [Nomination discusses student's experience/involvement in the organization
and gives examples of their outstanding work.]
In the BBFS program, Student X has consistently been excited to learn, attentive to the content, and
incredibly engaged with their team. They have formed strong relationships with others in the program
and did not hesitate to use ELAP to create a deeper community within BES. They set themselves apart
through their love for BES and passion for the mission of this organization. Since starting ELAP, I have
witnessed Student X’s confidence in their self-growth. They have handled the transition from high
school to college, a small town to the capital of the state, and being a solo leader to working on a
team incredibly well. Student X approaches any new situation with curiosity, passion, and the goal of
connecting with others. [Nomination demonstrates how the experience/involvement has attributed
to Student X's growth.] In past years, ELAP events have all been social based and centered around a
crafting activity. However, Student X has encouraged their team to go outside their comfort zone and
plan a professional development event. Additionally, as part of ELAP, ambassadors are encouraged to
write at least three SMART goals. During each meeting, each attendee shares a goal and any progress
they have made or an actionable step they can take in the next two weeks. Verbalizing one’s goals to
other people incites a sense of accountability and allows others to celebrate your successes. While
nobody is pestering or nagging ambassadors to make progress on these goals, it is a low-pressure
reminder of how far they have come. Student X has set, and met, ambitious goals relating to their GPA,
securing a research position, and maintaining their personal wellness. They seize every opportunity to
grow as a leader. [Nomination gives specific instances of Student X's outstanding achievements as a
result of their leadership experience.]
Application: How do you define "leadership"? Based on your definition, provide an example of what
you consider to be your best example of "leadership" during your first year. In what ways did this
experience teach you to become a better leader? Nomination: Tell us about your personal definition
of "leadership." Based on that definition, provide an example of what you consider to be the best
example of the student's leadership during their first year. Did you find that the student grew from
this experience, and in what ways?:
Sample Application Response:
Throughout my first year at Ohio State, my definition of leadership has evolved from one focused only
on education and introspection to one that includes social and relationship building. I also believe that
learning is a necessity for heightened leadership. [Response details the student's personal definition
of leadership and how it has evolved during their time at Ohio State.] In accordance, leadership
consists of confidence, authentic listening to self, and listening to others. From an internal and
introspective approach, it is to examine and identify natural practices, personal strengths and
weaknesses, and areas and avenues to grow. The introspective element is significant because self-
reflection is a foundation for evolution. Strong leadership is resilient and flexible with changes for
correction. It is authentic, resisting the portrayal of a persona, and denounces comparison. This embrace
of personal strengths, reality, and continual growth allows peers to understand that the greatest
performance, development, and application begins with the authentic self. With maturation, leadership
encompasses responsibility, accountability, integrity, and persistence. Leadership continues amongst
difficult and indistinct situations, learning to find different avenues of solutions through people, ideas,
experienced mentors, and partners.
My experience through Ohio State’s DEI Action Cohort exposed me to the power of passion in
leadership. [Response shares a specific example of exemplary leadership according to their given
definition.] Winning a competition with a team of three driven intellectuals, with devotion
encompassing a shared goal, I learned that practicing communication and discipline within leadership
leads to holistic execution. From applying myself through a competitive selection process, to executing
during the preparation to presenting through my voice, the first step to my leadership was initiative
and self-belief. As I worked with a team of equally dedicated intellectuals of various perspectives to
brainstorm, explain, and present solutions to a diversity-based problem within the workplace, I
experienced first-hand the truth that vocalization of individual thought is necessary within the group
setting. Through communication, I learned how to respectfully advocate for my ideas, ultimately
contributing to my self-confidence and the group's success. [Response details the specific ways how
the student developed their personal leadership from the experience.] Dual responsibility with effects
on myself and team members propelled my dedication to presenting the best version of our solutions.
Furthermore, I gained persistence, discipline, and determination through working under a week-long
time constraint and presenting in a competitive atmosphere. Finally, pursuing active initiative in
speaking through my nerves, taking feedback peacefully and necessarily, and applying correction to
create adjustments built my professional self-assurance, advocation for voicing views and assertions,
and holistic consideration for individual voices within group and individual leadership settings.
Sample Nomination Response:
My personal definition of leadership has grown and evolved during my different leadership
experiences. Currently, I think the most important aspects of being a leader are passion about what
they do, working well on a team, and leading by example. [Nomination explains the nominator's
personal definition of leadership.] Student X has consistently demonstrated all these qualities
throughout their time in the Early Leader Ambassador Program and in Buckeye Engineering Scholars.
This consistency is vital, as it can be hard to do so when you’ve had a stressful week or aren’t feeling
your best. However, being consistent in the way you treat others and conduct yourself as a leader is of
the utmost importance. Conversely, sometimes you can have a good moment or two, but if you do not
usually treat people well, then you are not necessarily a leader. Ever since I met Student X at the Spring
Involvement Fair, they have had a positive, outgoing, and passionate attitude. They extend this to
everyone they are around, and their energy brightens up every room they are in. Even if we are going
over budgeting in ELAP, Student X makes the environment fun without detracting from the seriousness
of a topic. All of the other ambassadors benefit from and appreciate their intentional efforts to make
ELAP an even more positive and fun experience.
They also show their passion for Brutus Buckeye Fan Society through their levels of involvement.
Besides being in the Early Leader Ambassador Program, Student X has joined the BBFS Mentorship
Program, is going to the Columbus Engineering Conference, and will be running for an officer position
during elections. Their commitment to BBFS is admirable and very clear. Additionally, Student X
always goes out of her way to include and appreciate others. [Nomination includes how student
meets the nominator's definition of leadership.] Whether through talking to someone sitting by
themselves at a monthly meeting, eliminating awkwardness in a group conversation, or expressing their
gratitude often and without embarrassment, they make those around them feel loved. Student X takes
it upon herself to talk to new members and make everyone in BBFS feel welcome. This trait is highly
important for a leader in BBFS! Lastly, Student X leads by example by putting work into their ELAP team,
instead of simply telling everyone else what to do. They contribute ideas, time, and energy to
communicate and bring their event to life. Since coming to college, they have realized the importance
of being a leader while working on a team, instead of just doing everything yourself. Student X puts
time and effort into getting to know their teammates and understanding their strengths and
weaknesses to best leverage those within the group dynamic. Student X has carried these practices
into their classwork and other student organizations as well. [Nomination states how the student has
grown as a leader from their experiences in the organization.]
Application: What else are you planning to do during your time at Ohio State that will help you
develop as a student and a leader? Nomination: How does the student plan to continue developing as
a student and a leader at OSU in the years to come?:
Sample Application Response:
As I am developing throughout my academic career, I am currently working to pursue a global education
experience this May. Having been accepted to study, learn, and experience international perspectives
and histories in Spain and Morocco as a first-year student, I discovered that I could reach beyond the
unknown regardless of my experience, noting that self-limitations are conceptual and perceptional,
rather than reality. Through global education, I hope to more deeply understand my pursuit to further
my experiences abroad in the future, as I am interested in traveling to other African countries for
international perspective expansion. Moreover, through my experiences learning French and African
culture through family, coupled with my international pursuits, I can complete a French minor, build
my intercultural competency, as well as attain academic, intellectual, and interpersonal enrichment.
[Response explains detailed plans for future student development while at Ohio State] In terms of
academic and social enrichment, I plan to reassess what clubs and organizations will best serve my goals
in my second year. Although I have enjoyed most of my extracurricular activities, I have also learned the
vitality of learning how to pivot and shift when necessary, especially in a leadership scenario. As a
member of Ohio State’s Buckeye International Club, I plan to continue to grow my individual and
interpersonal role by adding to my cultural pursuits and diversifying my perspectives.
Furthermore, as a creative person who has developed and presented artwork throughout my life, I am
passionate and ecstatic about pursuing further academic enrichment through the pursuit of an Art
minor at Ohio State. I will continue being an authentic learner, applying my learning to my life, as well
as building my academic, internal, and professional expression through writing. [Response details not
specific experiences but how those experiences will apply to their student/leadership journey.] To
expand my leadership development, I am working to pursue a position as part of Ohio State’s new
Undergraduate Leadership Cohort. Working to become one of fifty students to receive in-depth,
consistent leadership training, networking opportunities, mental and internal health education,
community, and career possibilities, I will refine, deepen, and enlarge my leadership and further
prepare to lead during and after my undergraduate career. [Response gives detailed information on
student's plan to continue their leadership development.] As a holistic purpose and passion of my life
that encompasses my diverse pursuits is to serve others, ultimately, I will work to do my best, to
continuously contribute to my growth in self-efficacy and holistic service.
Sample Nomination Response:
From what I have seen so far, I truly believe Student X will always strive to grow as a leader, no matter
what stage of life they are in. Within Brutus Buckeye Fan Society (BBFS), Student X will be running for
an officer position in our next elections. It is not uncommon for freshmen to run, but it takes a
confident, inspiring leader to get elected to an officer position: I believe that Student X has a pretty
good chance. Additionally, Student X has expressed interest in running for an executive officer
position in the future. [Nomination describes student's specific aspirations for their leadership
development with the organization.] After they attended their first weekly executive meeting, Student
X messaged me expressing how much they loved the organization and seeing what goes into making
BBFS run! Student X also holds a leadership position in the Brutus Buckeye Engineering Institute and
plans to continue serving with that student organization. As for academics, Student X is a Buckeye
Scholar and is a part of a research lab here on campus, both of which they will continue until they
graduate. Student X has learned a lot about leadership since coming to college, joining student
organizations, and being in the Early Leader Ambassador Program. Student X will continuously,
intentionally learn from her peers, her leaders, and those she leads in turn. [Nomination gives
detailed information as to how student will continue their academic development at Ohio State.]
Please discuss the experience, involvement, or organization that has most impacted you while at Ohio
State, either on or off campus. Why was this impact significant for you and how did it contribute to
your development as a leader and preparation for the future? (500 words max):
Sample Application Response:
Brutus Buckeye Fan Society (BBFS) tremendously impacted my student experience and leadership
growth at Ohio State. This organization was one of the first places on campus that gave me a sense of
community, leading me to some of my closest friends and peers who challenged my ideas and
possessed diverse perspectives. Being surrounded by other passionate and highly motivated students
enabled me to develop strong interpersonal skills and understand how to navigate group dynamics.
[Response explicitly mentions the impact that the organization had on the student's experience.] I
aspire to foster a community similar to BBFS in my future endeavors and believe my interpersonal and
leadership capabilities from the organization will help me navigate new environments. Furthermore, I
leave BBFS with a firm belief in the power of people working towards a common goal: through four
years of fundraising and advocating for the kids at Nationwide Children’s Hospital, we have made a
positive change in the lives of others. I have raised over $5,000 during my time in BBFS. By asking for
donations, I discovered how to share my passion with others and get them involved in the cause. My
work in BBFS spread beyond campus and brought many people together to end the fight towards ending
pediatric cancer. I learned the importance of continued commitment and dedication to a cause larger
than yourself. Furthermore, turning my passion into monetary impact added another skill to my
leadership ability. This experience transformed me into an action-oriented leader.
Serving on the BBFS Leadership Team in two different capacities expanded my leadership
development. I learned how to lead my peers and how to resolve conflict. As Vice President of
Programming, I gained invaluable event planning experience and developed meaningful relationships
throughout the university. Furthermore, serving as Executive Vice President illustrated the
significance of support. [Response includes mentions of the leadership experiences within the
organization and the competencies acquired from them.] Outside of ensuring the organization was
running smoothly, I supported ideas that started as a comment in a meeting into full-fledged initiatives.
Supporting people through that process is incredibly rewarding and contributed to my desire to
become an attorney. BBFS also revealed my core values and encouraged me to speak up. During 2020,
I led efforts to address issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion within BBFS. Although that time came
with many difficult conversations, I reaffirmed my belief that philanthropy must be more equitable
and attainable for all students. [Response explains the impact of the organization on the student's
future preparations.] I co-led the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Task Force and ultimately created an
Executive Director of Diversity and Inclusion position. While there is a long way to go, I gained
experience in making a space more inclusive and learning how to turn my frustration into action. I could
not be more grateful for my time in BBFS, as I’ve grown into a passionate and supportive leader ready to
take on the world. I will continue to work in philanthropy and actively champion diversity, equity, and
Discuss your plans and goals for after graduation. How has your time at Ohio State helped you
discover and prepare for these plans? (500 words max):
Sample Application Response:
Upon graduating, I will be starting my desired career as a Systems Engineer at the Brutus Buckeye
Engineering Company (BBEC) here in Columbus, where I have interned for three summers and part-time
during my 5th year at OSU. The opportunity to intern with BBEC came as a result of my involvement
with Buckeye Engineering Scholars, specifically from attending the Columbus Engineering Conference.
Networking at this conference helped me make many professional connections, which led to an
interview with BBEC that eventually landed me an offer for my first internship. [Response
demonstrates how the student's experiences at OSU has helped her discover/prepare for future
career objectives.] I will be working in BBEC’s Mechanical Engineering Sector doing software analysis for
aircraft used by the U.S. Navy. In this role, I will be utilizing what I have learned from the Computer
Science & Engineering program and the soft skills that I have developed from my time with OSU’s
Buckeye Engineering Scholars and Engineering Career Services to find my place within the company. I
will be the only member of my team with a computer science background, so I am excited to bring a
unique perspective to the projects within the program. I particularly aspire to use this knowledge of
computer science to prove myself in this subject matter and to improve the software requirements
produced by my department to benefit other teams on the program. I hope to progress within the
role and move up within the program, hopefully finding myself as an engineering manager or in
another leadership role over time. [Response includes both short- and long-term goals.]
I also plan to move forward academically as I aspire to obtain my Master in Systems Engineering and
allow myself to grow within my field and qualify for future leadership positions. This plan has been
developed largely thanks to the connections I’ve made with Buckeye Engineering Scholars. Alumni
events thrown by BES have enabled me to meet people currently in managerial roles. These connections
have demonstrated the importance of technical leadership roles and that I can pursue a position that
emphasizes both of my passions: leadership and engineering. This is something that has been further
supported by my time working at BBEC. I have learned that strong soft skills are just as important on a
resume as engineering skills, and that furthering development in these areas are crucial for getting to
the roles I want to be in. I also hope to develop professionally by joining multiple professional
organizations. I plan to join OSU’s Alumni Club as well as multiple employee resource groups at the
Brutus Buckeye Engineering Company, such as their Pride in Diversity Alliance (PrIDA). By getting
involved with these organizations, I can make more professional connections, make myself a resource
to future OSU students, further develop my leadership skills, and assist with outreach. [Response
demonstrates an expressed desire to continue utilizing Buckeye resources and experiences for future
professional development.]