Examples of Project Leadership Plans for Multiple PI Grant Applications
For Multiple PI applications, a new section for Leadership Plans (PHS 398, Section I)
must be included, unless the RFA announcement requests the information be provided
in another section. There are no page limitations for Section I. Leadership Plans should
address the following administrative processes and PI responsibilities:
Roles/areas of responsibility of the PIs
Fiscal and management coordination
Process for making decisions on scientific direction and allocation of resources
Data sharing and communication among investigators
Publication and intellectual property (if needed) policies
Procedures for resolving conflicts
Examples of Single Project Leadership Plans
Examples of Leadership Plans for single project applications (i.e., R01, R21, etc) are
provided below. ( Applicants should follow any special instructions in the specific
RFA/PA to ensure the requested information and format is included.)
Example 1
PI#1 and PI#2 will provide oversight of the entire Program and development and
implementation of all policies, procedures and processes. In these roles, PI#1 and PI#2
will be responsible for the implementation of the Scientific Agenda, the Leadership Plan
and the specific aims and ensure that systems are in place to guarantee institutional
compliance with US laws, DHHS and NIH policies including biosafety, human and
animal research, data and facilities. Specifically, PI#1 will oversee aim 1 and be
responsible for all animal research approvals. PI#2 is responsible for aims 2, 3, and 4
including the implementation of all human subjects research and approvals. PI#1 will
serve as contact PI and will assume fiscal and administrative management including
maintaining communication among PI s and key personnel through monthly meetings.
He will be responsible for communication with NIH and submission of annual reports.
The responsibilities of the contact PI will be rotated to PI #2 in even years of the grant
award. Publication authorship will be based on the relative scientific contributions of the
PIs and key personnel.
Example 2
PI#1 at Institution A will be responsible for the oversight and coordination of project
management for aim 1 involving the molecular design and production of vectors
expressing tumor specific antigens. PI#2 at Institution B will be responsible for aims 2
and 3 including the in vivo and in vitro testing of vaccines. Each PI will be responsible
for his own fiscal and research administration.
The PIs will communicate weekly, either by phone, e-mail, or in person, to discuss
experimental design, data analysis, and all administrative responsibilities. All PIs will
share their respective research results with other PIs, key personnel, and consultants.
They will work together to discuss any changes in the direction of the research projects
and the reprogramming of funds, if necessary. A publication policy will be established
based on the relative scientific contributions of the PIs and key personnel.
PI#1 will serve as contact PI and be responsible for submission of progress reports to
NIH and all communication.
Intellectual Property
The Technology Transfer Offices at Institutions A and B will be responsible for preparing
and negotiating an agreement for the conduct of the research, including any intellectual
property. An Intellectual Property Committee composed of representatives from each
institution that is part of the grant award, will be formed to work together to ensure the
intellectually property developed by the PIs is protected according to the policies
established in the agreement.
Conflict Resolution
If a potential conflict develops, the PIs shall meet and attempt to resolve the dispute. If
they fail to resolve the dispute, the disagreement shall be referred to an arbitration
committee consisting of one impartial senior executive from each PI’s institution and a
third impartial senior executive mutually agreed upon by both PIs. No members of the
arbitration committee will be directly involved in the research grant or disagreement.
Change in PI Location
If a PI moves to a new institution, attempts will be made to transfer the relevant portion
of the grant to the new institution. In the event that a PI cannot carry out his/her duties,
a new PI will be recruited as a replacement at one of the participating institutions.
Example 3
PI#1, PI#2, and PI#3 will serve as PIs for the project. PI#1 will be responsible for the
gene expression studies. He will supervise Technician #1 for all microarrays. PI#2 will
be responsible for the endothelial cell studies and flow cytometry studies proposed in the
grant. She will supervise the Technician #2 at 50% effort for the flow cytometry studies
and the post Doc for the endothelial cell studies. PI#3 will oversee all bioinformatics
work in the gene expression and flow cytometry studies and will work with PI#1 and PI#2
on all data analysis. The PIs will form a Steering Committee (membership may include
PIs, key personnel, consultants, etc) that will manage the oversight and coordination of
project management, research administration, publications and data sharing, and
integration of all resources needed for the project. The Institution will subdivide the
award funds and each PI will be responsible for his own budget. The Steering
Committee will oversee decisions on minor changes in research direction and have the
authority to reallocate funds and resources between PIs. PI#1 will serve as Chair of the
Steering Committee and be responsible for communication among PIs, including
meeting schedules and agendas. The position of Chair will rotate among the PIs on a
yearly basis. PI#2 will be designated the contact PI and be responsible for submitting all
necessary documents to NIH, including IRB approvals, and annual progress reports.
Intellectual Property
The PIs will grant necessary access rights to the pre-existing patents and or the patents
potentially generated within the frame of this project for the purpose of this research
project to all the other PIs and key personnel on a non-exclusive royalty-free basis. Each
PI shall take appropriate measures to ensure that he/she can grant these access rights.
Right in any pre-existing intellectual property will remain the property of the party that
created and/or controls it.
Conflict Resolution
If a potential conflict develops, the appropriate Departmental administrators representing
the PIs shall meet and attempt in good faith to settle any dispute, claim or controversy
arising out of or relating to the interpretation, performance or breach of this
disagreement. However, if the Departmental administrators fail to resolve the
disagreement within thirty business days, then such disagreement shall be referred for
resolution to a designated senior executive of the parties who has the authority to settle
the disagreement but who is not directly involved in the disagreement.
Change in PI Location
If one of the PIs moves to a new institution, attempts will be made to transfer the
relevant portion of the grant to the new institution. In the event that a PI cannot carry out
his/her duties, a new PI will be recruited as a replacement, subject to the approval of the
Steering Committee and the Institution.