The Guardian style guide
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Saying it in style
"The most valuable of all talents is that of
never using two words when one will do"
Thomas Jefferson
The Guardian style guide is edited by David Marsh and Nikki Marshall
The word and pdf versions of the Guardian style guide are regularly updated so return often
to for the latest additions.
Last updated: July 2004
TheGuardian style guide
© Guardian Newspapers Limited
(Collins English
Millennium Edition)
to which you should
refer for for guidance
on anything that does
not appear in the
style guide
Neither pedantic nor wild …
an introduction by Michael McNay
The Guardian has always been a newspaper for writers, and so a
newspaper for readers. All the other skills, copy editing, design,
typography, illustration, photography, are there to enhance the writing
and to make it more accessible, to make the paper a more desirable
journal to read - though illustration and photography each has its
separate justification as well.
It should not be necessary to add that Guardian writers and
subeditors should all be interested in the language, in its proper use
and its development, and that regular trips to books as wide-ranging
as Gower's The Complete Plain Words, Partridge's Usage and
Abusage, Orwell's brilliant short essay Politics and the English
Language, Fowler's Modern English Usage, or Kingsley Amis's The
King's English, are useful in sharpening professional tools as well as
for entertainment.
One says it should not be necessary, but it is very obvious all round
the Guardian office that uncomfortably many people involved in
producing and shaping text for the paper rely more on the casual
question, "What's the style for x?" and the casual answer, "I think it's
probably y." Journalists who are not sufficiently interested in house
style to check the house style guide are not on the face of it very
likely to be much interested in style at all.
But our approach to style in its broadest sense is, if anything, more
important now than before, first because other newspapers, which
may always have had good writing in specialist areas, have caught
up fast across a whole range of news and features; second because
the Guardian itself employs so many staff on freelance shifts or short
contracts who arrive here with no particular idea of what makes this
paper different from others, and even staff journalists who are never
inducted into what values the Guardian holds particularly close; third,
though more obscurely, because of the arrival of the internet: this
style guide itself is the first to be published on the world wide web.
That makes it accessible in seconds; it cannot get lost or suffer
having coffee spilt on it. But though there is no reason in itself why
new publishing methods should change the language for the worse,
the example of radio and television shows that it can: at the top end,
the best correspondents file spoken reports that could grace this
newspaper; at the broad base, reporters speak a form of unlovely but
infectious journalese destined only for the rubbish bin.
House style is the means by which a newspaper seeks to ensure that
where there are permissible variants in spellings, the use of
acronyms and so forth, a unified approach to these matters is
TheGuardian style guide
© Guardian Newspapers Limited
adopted to help in disseminating a sense of rationality and authority
in the use of language. What it does not mean is imposing a unified
writing style on the newspaper. Many of the reporters, columnists,
critics and at least one former editor who once ran a highly
idiosyncratic gossip column and who have enlivened the pages of
the Guardian and helped to build its international reputation could
hardly have done so had they been edited from the beginning into a
homogenous house style. A subeditor can do no worse disservice to
the text before him and thus to the writer, the reader, and the
newspaper, than to impose his or her own preferences for words, for
the shape of sentences and how they link, for a pedantic insistence
on grammar in all cases as it used to be taught in school; in the
process destroying nuances and possibly even the flow of a piece.
And I write this as a career copy and layout editor with the best part
of 40 years' service on the Guardian and who regards the skills
involved in copy editing not just as desirable but essential.
Editing involves fine judgment, particularly as the paper has so many
sections today serving possibly quite different kinds of readership.
But fine judgments mean good editing, blanket judgments mean bad
editing. A piece written in the vernacular that would be inappropriate
on the analysis page or even (even?) in a sports column might pass
muster in the Guide, where the demotic language of an NME review
would be closer to the mark than the high style of Macaulay or CP
Scott. And dealing sympathetically with quirks of writing style
certainly does not preclude tidying up cliche-ridden journalese,
verbosity, the latest vogue words and phrases, the words and
phrases that flatten out meaning, replace a range of better more
finely tuned words and concepts, and anaesthetise writing.
The introduction to the Guardian stylebook of 1960, which itself was
a revision to the initial guide published in 1928, was headed "Neither
pedantic nor wild".
That much has not changed.
• Michael McNay worked for the Guardian from 1963 to 1999.
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TheGuardian style guide
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a or an before h?
use an only if the h is silent: an hour, an heir, an honourable man, an honest woman; but a
hero, a hotel, a historian (but don’t change a direct quote if the speaker says, for example, “an
cap up, eg Rievaulx Abbey, Westminster Abbey
Do not use full points in abbreviations, or spaces between initials: BBC, US, mph, eg, 4am,
lbw, No 10, PJ O'Rourke, WH Smith, etc.
Spell out less well-known abbreviations on first mention; it is not necessary to spell out well-
known ones, such as EU, UN, US, BBC, CIA, FBI, CD, Aids, Nasa.
Use all caps only if the abbreviation is pronounced as the individual letters; otherwise spell
the word out: the BBC, ICI, VAT, but Isa, Nato.
Beware of overusing less well-known acronyms and abbreviations; they can look clunky and
clutter up text, especially those explained in brackets but then only referred to once or twice
again. It is usually simpler to use another word, or even to write out the name in full a second
See contractions
Aborigines, Aboriginal
cap up when referring to native Australians
aborigines, aboriginal
lc when referring to indigenous populations
a cappella
TheGuardian style guide
© Guardian Newspapers Limited
the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service at first mention, thereafter just Acas
use on French, German, Spanish and Irish Gaelic words (but not anglicised French words
such as cafe, apart from exposé)
formerly Andersen Consulting
has been known as contact since the 1989 Children Act
accommodate, accommodation
achilles heel, achilles tendon
not acknowledgement
take initial cap, eg Aids, Isa, Mori, Nato
uc when using full name, eg Criminal Justice Act 1998, Official Secrets Act; but lc on second
reference, eg “the act”, and when speaking in more general terms, eg “we need a radical
freedom of information act"; bills remain lc until passed into law
always lc:acting prime minister, acting committee chair, etc
male and female, avoid actress except when in name of award, eg Oscar for best actress;
one 27-year-old actor contacted the Guardian to say “actress” has acquired a faintly
pejorative tinge and she wants people to call her actor (except for her agent who should call
her often)
AD goes before the date (AD64), BC goes after (300BC); both go after the century, eg second
century AD, fourth century BC
not adaption
plural addendums
119 Farringdon Road, London EC1R 3ER
TheGuardian style guide
© Guardian Newspapers Limited
initial cap
the Clinton administration, etc
TM; a brand of adrenaline
hormone that increases heart rate and blood pressure, extracted from animals or synthesised
for medical uses
do not use hyphens after adverbs ending in -ly, eg a hotly disputed penalty, a constantly
evolving newspaper, genetically modified food, etc; but hyphens are needed with short and
common adverbs, eg ill-prepared report, hard-bitten hack
not advisor
member of the Scottish bar (not a barrister)
not airplane
exhortations in the style guide had no effect (noun) on the number of mistakes; the level of
mistakes was not affected (verb) by exhortations in the style guide; we hope to effect (verb)a
change in this
with or between, not to or for
people Afghanis currency of Afghanistan
plural aficionados
not Afro-Caribbean
TheGuardian style guide
© Guardian Newspapers Limited
Tony Blair, 52 (not “aged 52”); little Johnny, four; the woman was in her 20s (but
twentysomething, fortysomething)
to make worse, not to annoy
despite the once popular terrace chant “A, G, A-G-R, A-G-R-O:Agro!
ahead of
avoid, use before or in advance of
plural aides-de-camp
plural aide-memoires
acquired immune deficiency syndrome, but normally no need to spell out
airbase, aircrew, airdrop, airlift, airmail
aircraft carrier
air raid, air strike
air vice-marshal
(note lc and hyphen) before an Arabic name means “the” so try to avoid writing “the al- … ”
where possible
Alastair or Alistair?
Alastair Campbell, Alastair Hetherington
Alistair Cooke, Alistair Darling, Alistair Maclean, Alistair McGowan
Aleister Crowley
Albright, Madeleine
former US secretary of state; Mrs Albright, not Ms, after first mention
Alcott, Louisa May
(1832-88) American author of Little Women
Ali, Muhammad
TheGuardian style guide
© Guardian Newspapers Limited
being somewhere else; not synonymous with excuse
alice band
as worn by Alice in Lewis Carroll's Through the Looking-Glass (1871) and David Beckham
Arabic for “the God”. Both words refer to the same concept: there is no major difference
between God in the Old Testament and Allah in Islam. Therefore it makes sense to talk about
“God” in an Islamic context and to use “Allah” in quotations or for literary effect
Allahu Akbar
“God is most great”
all comers
Allende, Isabel
Chilean author, niece of Salvador
Allende, Salvador
Chilean president, overthrown and killed in 1973
lc, second world war allies, etc; but use coalition when referring to the 2003 Iraq war
all mouth and trousers
not “all mouth and no trousers”, as has appeared in the paper
allot, allotted
all right
is right; alright is not all right
All Souls College
Oxford, no apostrophe
Almodóvar, Pedro
Spanish film-maker
strictly, a choice between two courses of action; if there are more than two, option or choice
may be preferred
plural alumni
Alzheimer's disease
TheGuardian style guide
© Guardian Newspapers Limited
AM (assembly member)
member of the Welsh assembly, eg Rhodri Morgan AM
lc, eg the British ambassador to Washington
American Civil Liberties Union
not American Civil Rights Union
American universities
Take care: “University of X" is not the same as “X University"; most states have two large
public universities, eg University of Kentucky and Kentucky State University, University of
Illinois and Illinois State University, etc
Do not call Johns Hopkins University “John Hopkins" or Stanford University “Stamford”
America's Cup
Amhrán na bhFiann
Irish national anthem
trade union formed by a merger between the AEEU and MSF
not amidst
not amuck
not amongst
among or between?
Contrary to popular myth, between is not limited to two parties. It is appropriate when the
relationship is essentially reciprocal: fighting between the many peoples of Yugoslavia,
treaties between European countries. Among belongs to distributive relationships: shared
among, etc
use in company names when the company does: Marks & Spencer, P&O
plural analyses
precede descendants; we frequently manage to get them the wrong way round
TheGuardian style guide
© Guardian Newspapers Limited
anonymous pejorative quotes
See appendix 2: the editor’s guidelines on the identification of sources
TM; use answering machine or answerphone
antenna, antennae, antennas
antenna (insect), plural antennae; antenna (radio), plural antennas
take action in expectation of; not synonymous with expect
anti-semitic, anti-war but antisocial
any more
two words
plural apexes
Some plural nouns have no “s”, eg children. These take an apostrophe and “s” in the
possessive, eg children's games, gentlemen's outfitter, old folk's home.
The possessive in words and names ending in s normally takes an apostrophe followed by a
second s (Jones's, James's), but be guided by pronunciation and use the plural apostrophe
where it helps: Mephistopheles' rather than Mephistopheles's.
TheGuardian style guide
© Guardian Newspapers Limited
Use apostrophes in phrases such as in two days’ time, 12 years' imprisonment and six weeks
holiday, where the time period (two days) modifies a noun (time), but not in nine months
pregnant or three weeks old, where the time period is adverbial (modifying an adjective such
as pregnant or old) — if in doubt, test with a singular such as one day’s time, one month
And if anyone tries to tell you that apostrophes don’t matter and we’d be better off without
them, consider these four phrases (listed in Steven Pinker’s The Language Instinct), each of
which means something completely different: my sister’s friend’s investments, my sisters’
friends investments, my sisters friend’s investments, my sister’s friends investments
appal, appalling
plural appendices
to estimate worth
to inform
plural aquariums
Both a noun and an adjective, and the preferred adjective when referring to Arab things in
general, eg Arab history, Arab traditions. Arabic usually refers to the language and literature:
“the Arabic press” means newspapers written in Arabic, while “the Arab press” would include
newspapers produced by Arabs in other languages.
There is no simple definition of an Arab. At an international level, the 22 members of the Arab
League can safely be described as Arab countries: Algeria, Bahrain, Comoros, Djibouti,
Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar,
Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen. At a human
level, there are substantial groups within those countries – the Berbers of north Africa and the
Kurds, for example – who do not regard themselves as Arabs.
Though Arabic has only three vowels – a, i and u – it has several consonants that have no
equivalent in the Roman alphabet. For instance, there are two kinds of s, d and t. There are
also two kinds of glottal sound. This means there are at least 32 ways of writing the Libyan
leader Muammar Gadafy's name in English, and a reasonable argument can be made for
adopting almost any of them. With no standard approach to transliteration agreed by the
western media, we must try to balance consistency, comprehensibility and familiarity – which
often puts a strain on all three.
Typically, Arabs have at least three names. In some cases the first or second name may be
the one that is most used, and this does not imply familiarity (Arabs often address foreigners
politely as “Mr John” or “Dr David”). Saddam, for example, is used by western and Arab media
alike because it is more unusual than Hussein. And often Arabs also have familiar names
which have no connection with the names on their identity cards; a man might become known
TheGuardian style guide
© Guardian Newspapers Limited
after the birth of his first son as “Abu Ahmad”, the father of Ahmad (eg the Palestinian leader
Ahmed Qureia is commonly known as Abu Ala).
Where a particular spelling has become widely accepted through usage we should retain it.
Where an individual with links to the west has clearly adopted a particular spelling of his or
her own name, we should respect that. For breaking news and stories using names for which
the Guardian has no established style, we take the lead given by Reuters wire copy.
Note also that names in some parts of the Arab world have become gallicised, while others
have become anglicised, eg the leading Egyptian film director Youssef Chahine uses a
French spelling instead of the English transliteration, Shaheen.
Some guidelines (for use particularly where there is no established transliteration):
Means “the”. In names it is not capitalised, eg Ahmad al-Saqqaf, and can be dropped after the
first mention (Mr Saqqaf). For placenames the Guardian drops it altogether. Sometimes it
appears as as- or ash- or ad- or ul-: these should be ignored and can be safely rewritten as
al-. But some Arabs, including Syrians and Egyptians, prefer to use el- in place of al-.
Exceptions: by convention, Allah (al-Lah, literally “the God”) is written as one word and
capitalised; and in Saudi royal names, Al Saud is correct (in this case, “al” is actually “aal”
and does not mean “the”).
abdul, abu and bin
These are not self-contained names, but are connected to the name that follows:
abdul means “slave of … ” and so cannot correctly be used on its own. There are standard
combinations, “slave of the merciful one”, “slave of the generous one”, etc, which all indicate
that the person is a servant of God. In transliteration, “abd” (slave) is lower case, eg Ahmad
abd al-Rahman al-Saqqaf, except when used at the start of a name.
abu (father of) and bin (son of) are similar. When they appear in the middle of a name they
should be lower case and are used in combination with the following part of the name: Faisal
abu Ahmad al-Saqqaf, Faisal bin Ahmad al-Saqqaf.
Despite the above, some people are actually known as “Abdul”. This is more common among
non-Arab Muslims. And some Arabs run “abd” or “abu” into the following word, eg the writer
Abdelrahman Munif.
Our style for the prophet's name and for most Muhammads living in Arab countries, though
where someone’s preferred spelling is known we respect it, eg Mohamed Al Fayed, Mohamed
ElBaradei. The spelling Mohammed (or variants) is considered archaic by most British
Muslims, and disrespectful by many of them.
Muhandis/Mohandes, Qadi
Be wary of names where the first word is Muhandis or Qadi: these are honorary titles,
meaning engineer and judge respectively
Arafat, Yasser
the Archbishop of Canterbury, (the Right Rev) Rowan Williams, at first mention, thereafter Dr
Williams or the archbishop; the Archbishop of Westminster, Cardinal Cormac Murphy-
O’Connor, on first mention, subsequently Cardinal Murphy-O’Connor or the archbishop
TheGuardian style guide
© Guardian Newspapers Limited
the Ven Paul Olive, Archdeacon of Farringdon, at first mention; then Mr Olive (unless he is a
Dr), or the archdeacon
plural archipelagos
(Belfast), not “the Ardoyne”
noun and adjective
unarguably one of the most overused words in the language
armed forces, armed services
the army, the British army, the navy, but Royal Navy, Royal Air Force (RAF is OK)
arms akimbo
hands on hips, elbows out; we have had “legs akimbo” in the paper (uncomfortable as well as
about or approximately are better, eg “about £1m” or “approximately 2,000 people”
arranged marriages
are a traditional and perfectly acceptable form of wedlock across southern Asia and within the
Asian community in Britain; they should not be confused with forced marriages, which are
arranged without the consent of one or both partners, and have been widely criticised
not artiste (except, possibly, in a historical context)
art movements
lc, art deco, art nouveau, cubism, dadaism, gothic, impressionism, pop art, surrealism,
etc, but Bauhaus, Modern (in the sense of Modern British, to distinguish it from “modern art”,
pre-Raphaelite, Romantic (to differentiate between a romantic painting and a Romantic
Arts Council
ascendancy, ascendant
a day of voluntary fasting for Muslims; Shia Muslims also commemorate the martyrdom of
Hussein, a grandson of the prophet. For their community, therefore, it is not a festival but a
day of deep mourning
not astrologist
TheGuardian style guide
© Guardian Newspapers Limited
capital of Paraguay
asylum seeker
Someone seeking refugee status or humanitarian protection; there is no such thing as an
“illegal asylum seeker”. Refugees are people who have fled their home countries in fear for
their lives, and may have been granted asylum under the 1951 refugee convention or qualify
for humanitarian protection or discretionary leave, or have been granted exceptional leave to
remain in Britain. An asylum seeker can only become an illegal immigrant if he or she remains
in Britain after having failed to respond to a removal notice
1500m but 5,000m (the former is the “fifteen hundred” not “one thousand five hundred”
Atlantic Ocean
or just the Atlantic
no accent
Attlee, Clement
(1883-1967) Labour prime minister 1945-51, often misspelt as Atlee
attorney general
lc, no hyphen
used to make holes augur predict or presage
Aum Shinrikyo
means Supreme Truth sect, but note that the “aum” means sect, so to talk about the “Aum
sect” or “Aum cult” is tautologous
au pair
Australian Labor party
not Labour
an incurable neurological disorder, to be used only when referring to the condition, not as a
term of abuse, or in producing such witticisms as “mindless moral autism” and “Star Wars is a
form of male autism”, both of which have appeared in the paper; autistic someone with
autism, not someone with poor social skills
TM; teleprompter is a generic alternative
avant garde
no hyphen
awards, prizes, medals
TheGuardian style guide
© Guardian Newspapers Limited
generally lc, eg Guardian first book award, Nobel peace prize, Fields medal (exceptions: the
Academy Awards, Victoria Cross); note that categories are lc, eg “he took the best actor
Oscar at the awards
plural axes
noun Azerbaijani adjective; note that there are ethnic Azeris living in, for example, Armenia
Aziz, Tariq
former deputy prime minister of Iraq
Aznar, José María
former prime minister of Spain
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do not call it the British Airports Authority, its former name
baby Bells
US regional telephone companies formed after the breakup of AT&T in 1984
newspaper or politics; backbenches, backbenchers
plural of bacterium, so don’t write “the bacteria is”
BAE Systems
formerly British Aerospace
bail out
a prisoner, a company or person in financial difficulty; the noun is bail-out; but bale out a
boat or from an aircraft
bakewell tart
obstruct, pull up, stop short baulk area of a snooker table
ballot, balloted
TM; say plaster or sticking plaster
band names
lc the: the Beatles, the Black Eyed Peas, the The; but uc equivalents in other languages, eg
Les Négresses Vertes, Los Lobos
Bank of England
TheGuardian style guide
© Guardian Newspapers Limited
the Bank (uc) is acceptable on subsequent mentions
bank holiday
(legal) she was called to the bar; (political) of the House of Commons
Barclays Bank
barmitzvah, batmitzvah
children's charity, formerly Dr Barnardo’s; it no longer runs orphanages
barons, baronesses
we call them lords and ladies, even at first mention: Lady Thatcher, Lady Blackstone, Lady
Jay, Lord Callaghan, etc
Barons Court
not Basel
Basque country
(not Battenburg) German family name that became Mountbatten; battenberg cake lc
abbreviation for bed and breakfast
no spaces
TheGuardian style guide
© Guardian Newspapers Limited
but AD1066 see AD
Beaton, Sir Cecil
(1904-80) Society photographer
beau plural beaux
bebop, hard bop, post-bop
Becket, Thomas
(1118-70) murdered Archbishop of Canterbury, not Thomas à Becket
bed blocking
beef wellington
Beeton, Mrs
(Isabella Mary Beeton, 1836-65) author of the Book of Household Management
begs the question
A tricky one, best avoided since it is almost invariably misused: it means assuming a
proposition that, in reality, involves the conclusion. An example would be to say that parallel
lines will never meet because they are parallel, assuming as a fact the thing you are
professing to prove. What it does not mean is “raises the question”
adjective Belarussian
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sheep that leads the herd; customarily misspelt, misused, or both
benefited, benefiting
Benefits Agency
berks and wankers
Kingsley Amis identified two principal groups in debates over use of language: “Berks are
careless, coarse, crass, gross and of what anybody would agree is a lower social class than
one’s own; wankers are prissy, fussy, priggish, prim and of what they would probably
misrepresent as a higher social class than one’s own”
Bernabéu stadium
TM; the generic term for the drug is interferon-beta 1b
bete noire
no accent
betting odds
These are meaningless to many readers, and we frequently get them wrong. But here’s a
brief explanation: Long odds (eg 100-1 against, normally expressed as 100-1) mean
something unlikely; shorter odds (eg 10-1) still mean its unlikely, but less unlikely; odds on
(eg 2-1 on, sometimes expressed as 1-2) means it is likely, so if you were betting £2 you
would win only £1 plus the stake.
Take care using the phrase “odds on”: if Labour is quoted by bookmakers at 3-1 to win a
byelection, and the odds are cut to 2-1, it is wrong to say “the odds on Labour to win were cut
last night” — in fact, the odds against Labour to win have been cut (the shorter the price, the
more likely something is expected to happen).
It gets more complicated when something is genuinely odds on, ie bookmakers quote a price
of “2-1 on”: in this case, if the Labour candidate is quoted at 2-1 on and becomes an even
hotter favourite, at 3-1 on, the odds have shortened; if Labour loses popularity, and 2-1 on
becomes, say, 7-4 on or evens, the odds have lengthened
Bevan, Aneurin
Labour health minister (1945-51) and architect of the NHS, also known as Nye Bevan Bevin,
Ernest Labour foreign secretary (1945-51) who helped to create Nato
Beverly Hills
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twice a year, biennial every two years; biannual is almost always misused: to avoid confusion
stick with the alternative twice-yearly; two-yearly is an alternative to biennial
bias, biased
cap up if referring to Old or New Testament; lc in such sentences as “the Guardian style guide
is my bible”; biblical lc
biblical quotations
Use a modern translation, not the Authorised Version. From a reader:“Peradventure the editor
hath no copy of Holy Writ in the office, save the King James Version only. Howbeit the great
multitude of believers knoweth this translation not. And he (or she) who quoteth the words of
Jesus in ancient form, sheweth plainly that he (or she) considereth them to be out of date.
Wherefore let them be quoted in such manner that the people may understand."
biblical references
Genesis 1:1; II Corinthians 2:13; Revelation 3:16 (anyone calling it “Revelations” will burn in
hell for eternity)
a 200th anniversary bicentennial its adjective
singular and plural, there is no such thing as a bicep
use only in a financial sense, eg Manchester United have made a bid for Henry, or auction
usually preferable to major, massive, giant, mammoth, behemoth, etc, particularly in news
bigot, bigoted
lc, even when giving full name; cap up only if it becomes an act
one thousand million, not one million million: in copy use bn for sums of money, quantities or
inanimate objects: £10bn, 1bn litres of water; otherwise billion: 6 billion people, etc; use bn in
Birds Eye
TM; no apostrophe
also known as birders, not “twitchers”; they go birdwatching or birding, not “twitching”
TM; say ballpoint pen
TheGuardian style guide
© Guardian Newspapers Limited
birthplace, birthrate, birthright
Birtwistle, Sir Harrison
British composer
the Right Rev Clifford Richard, Bishop of Wimbledon, at first mention; thereafter the bishop or
Bishop Richard; it is OK to leave out the Right Rev
means “in the name of God” in Arabic
lc noun and adjective when referring to race
Black Country
black economy
prefer hidden or parallel economy
black-on-black violence
is banned, unless in a quote, but even then treat with scepticism (imagine the police saying
they were “investigating an incident of white-on-white violence between Millwall and West
Ham supporters”)
Blair/Booth, Cherie
wishes to be called Mrs Blair when we are referring to her role as the wife of the prime
minister; if she is appearing in court or at a function related to her work as a lawyer, she is
Cherie Booth QC (Ms Booth on second mention)
no accent
not beeper; synonym for pager
blitz, blitzkrieg
adjective and male noun; blonde female noun: the woman is a blonde, because she has
blond hair; the man has blond hair and is, if you insist, a blond
Bloody Sunday
take care when writing about the death toll: 13 died in Derry on January 30 1972, but a 14th
victim died from a brain tumour several months later, so we should use a phrase such as
“which led to 14 deaths”
Bluffer's Guide
TheGuardian style guide
© Guardian Newspapers Limited
TM; beware of using phrases like “a bluffer's guide to crimewriting”, a headline that led to a
complaint from the copyright holder
Boat Race
Oxford v Cambridge
golf, ghost; bogie trolley, truck
capital of Colombia
see Mumbai
bona fide, bona fides
Bonham Carter, Helena
bookcase, bookkeeper, bookseller, bookshelf
book titles
are not italicised, except in the newspaper’s Review section; lc for a, an, and, of, on, the
(unless they are the first word of the title): A Tale of Two Cities, The Pride and the Passion, etc
bon vivant
not bon viveur
bored with, by
not bored of
Boston Strangler
unnecessary in most sentences that contain “and”; “both men and women” says no more than
“men and women”, and takes longer; if you do use it, it is plural: “both women have reached
the tops of their professions”
not Boadicea
Boundary Commission
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© Guardian Newspapers Limited
adjective bourgeoisie noun
Boutros Boutros-Ghali
former UN secretary general; Mr Boutros-Ghali at second mention
bovine somatotrophin
box office
male under 18
boy’s own
If the sentence is logically and grammatically complete without the information contained
within the parentheses (round brackets), the punctuation stays outside the brackets. (A
complete sentence that stands alone in parentheses starts with a capital letter and ends with
a stop.)
“Square brackets,” the grammarian said, “are used in direct quotes when an interpolation [a
note from the writer, not uttered by the speaker] is added to provide essential information.”
avoid tabloidese such as “Howard brands Blair a liar”
Brands Hatch
no apostrophe
capital of Brazil
breastfed, breastfeeding
bush, pipe
cliche, do not use
Britain, UK
TheGuardian style guide
© Guardian Newspapers Limited
These terms are synonymous: Britain is the official short form of United Kingdom of Great
Britain and Northern Ireland. Used as adjectives, therefore, British and UK mean the same.
Great Britain, however, refers only to England, Wales and Scotland.
Take care not to write Britain when you might mean only England and Wales, for example
when referring to the education system. See Scotland
British Council
British Film Institute
BFI on second mention
British Library
British Medical Association
(doctors' trade union), BMA on second mention
British Museum
brownie points
family of Flemish painters
Brum, Brummie
brussels sprouts
render brutal, not treat brutally; so soldiers may be brutalised by the experience of war
bovine spongiform encephalopathy; no need to spell out
British summer time
Buckingham Palace
the palace on second mention
a form of carbon, named after the US engineer Buckminster Fuller (1895-1983)
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© Guardian Newspapers Limited
budget, the
lc noun and adj, eg budget talks, budget measures, mini-budget, pre-budget report, etc
not buffalos
Bulger, James
not Jamie
Buñuel, Luis
(1900-83) Spanish film director
plural bureaus (furniture) or bureaux (organisations)
not burgomeister
not burqa
not Myanmar
burned is the past tense form (he burned the cakes); burnt is the participle, an “adjectival”
form of the verb (“the cakes are burnt”)
buses, bussed, bussing
Bush, George
not George W; his father is George Bush Sr
businesslike, businessman, businesswoman
say business people or the business community if that is what you mean
Bussell, Darcey
British ballet dancer
but, however
often redundant, and increasingly wrongly used to connect two compatible statements; “in
contrast, however, … ” is tautologous
but Pontin’s
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lc, painted lady, red admiral, etc; but note queen of Spain fritillary
but buy-in
byelection, bylaw, bypass, bystander
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cabin attendant, flight attendant, cabin crew, cabin staff
not air hostess, stewardess
cabinet, shadow cabinet
caesarean section
Caesars Palace
no apostrophe
Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service
no accent
a person; the adjective is California, or Brian Wilson would have written about “Californian Girls”
Canary Wharf
the whole development, not the main tower, which is No 1 Canada Square
people smoke cannabis rather than “experiment” with it, despite what politicians and young members of the royal
family might claim
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© Guardian Newspapers Limited
(c994-1035) Danish king of England, Denmark and Norway who commanded the tide to turn back, so the legend
says, to prove to his toadying courtiers that he was not all-powerful
tent, painting canvass solicit votes
Times have changed since the days of medieval manuscripts with elaborate hand-illuminated capital letters, or
Victorian documents in which not just proper names, but virtually all nouns, were given initial caps (a Tradition
valiantly maintained to this day by Estate Agents). A glance at the Guardian of, say, 1990, 1970 and 1950 would
greater use of capitals the further back you went. The tendency towards lower case, which in part reflects a less
formal, less deferential society, has been accelerated by the explosion of the internet: some net companies, and
many email users, have dispensed with capitals altogether.
Our style reflects these developments. We aim for coherence and consistency, but not at the expense of clarity.
As with any aspect of style, it is impossible to be wholly consistent — there are almost always exceptions, so if
you are unsure check for an individual entry in this guide. But here are the main principles:
all lc, eg prime minister, US secretary of state, editor of the Guardian, readers' editor
differentiate between title and job description, eg the Archbishop of Canterbury, (the Right Rev) Rowan Williams,
at first mention, thereafter Dr Williams or the archbishop; President Bush (but the US president, George Bush,
and Mr Bush on subsequent mention); the Duke of Westminster (the duke at second mention); the Pope; the
British government departments of state
initial caps, eg Home Office, Foreign Office, Ministry of Defence (MoD on second mention).
See departments of state for a full list
other countries
lc, eg US state department, Russian foreign ministry
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government agencies, commissions, public bodies, quangos, etc
initial caps, eg Benefits Agency, Crown Prosecution Service, Customs and Excise, Equal Opportunities
Commission, Heritage Lottery Fund, Parole Board
acts of parliament
initial caps (but bills lc), eg Official Secrets Act, Criminal Justice Act 1992
parliamentary committees, reports and inquiries
all lc, eg trade and industry select committee, Lawrence report, royal commission on electoral reform
artistic and cultural
initial caps for names of institutions, etc, eg British Museum, Tate Modern, Royal Court, Leeds Castle, National
Theatre, Blenheim Palace
churches, hospitals and schools
cap up the proper or placename, lc the rest
eg St Peter's church, Pembury, Great Ormond Street children's hospital, Ripon grammar school, Vernon county
primary school
universities and colleges of further and higher education
caps for institution, lc for departments, eg Sheffield University department of medieval and modern history,
Oregon State University, Free University of Berlin, University of Queensland school of journalism, London College
of Printing
geographical features, bridges
lc, eg river Thames, the Wash, Sydney harbour, Golden Gate bridge, Monterey peninsula, Bondi beach, Solsbury
hill (but Mount Everest)
words and phrases based on proper names
that have lost connection with their origins (alsatian, cardigan, champagne, french windows, yorkshire pudding
and numerous others) are usually lc; many are listed individually in this guide, as are the few exceptions (eg Long
Island iced tea)
car bomb
plural carcasses
scratchcard, smartcard, swipecard, but credit card, debit card
to sway or keel over to one side; often confused with career, to rush along
career girl, career woman
these labels are banned
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an unpaid family member, partner or friend who helps a disabled or frail person with the activities of daily living;
not someone who works in a caring job or profession. The term is important because carers are entitled to a
range of benefits and services that depend on them recognising themselves as carers
one word (noun, adjective) cast off two words (verb)
casual (workers)
use freelance
adjective Catalan
lc unless specifically referring to Joseph Heller's novel Catch-22
cap up, eg Canterbury Cathedral
Catholic church
not caviare
CD, CDs, CD-rom
Ceausescu, Nicolae
former president of Romania, deposed and executed in 1989
celibate, celibacy
strictly refer to being unmarried (especially for religious reasons), but it is now acceptable to use them to mean
abstaining from sexual intercourse
TheGuardian style guide
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scale of temperature invented by a man named Celsius; write with fahrenheit equivalent in brackets: 23C (73F), -
3C (27F), etc (avoid “centigrade” because of its possible confusion with the 100th part of a grade, and never try to
convert a temperature change. See numeracy
not Glasgow Celtic
prevent publication censure criticise severely
Center Parcs
on or in; revolve around
sixth century, 21st century, etc
wines are lc, whether named after a place (as in this case) or a grape variety
acceptable in place of chairman or chairwoman, being nowadays widely used in the public sector and by
organisations such as the Labour party and trade unions (though not the Conservative party, which had a
“chairman” in kitten heels); if it seems inappropriate for a particular body, use a different construction (“the
meeting was chaired by Alan” or “Georgina was in the chair”)
chancellor of the duchy of Lancaster
chancellor of the exchequer
Channel 4, Channel Five
but Five at second mention
Channel tunnel
never Chunnel
chaos theory
Not a synonym for chaos. It describes the behaviour of dynamic systems that are sensitively dependent on their
initial conditions. An example is the weather: under the “butterfly effect”, the flap of a butterfly's wing in Brazil can
in principle result in a tornado in Texas
lc, like other wines, whether named after a grape (as in this case) or a region
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chargé d'affaires
Charity Commission
singular and plural
chateau, chateaux
no accent
chatroom, chatshow
inhabited by Chechens
noun, adjective check out verb
normally lc: brie, camembert, cheddar, cheshire, double gloucester, lancashire, stilton, etc, but uc for those
still closely associated with a place, eg Wensleydale
plural of cherub
chicken tikka masala
Britain's favourite dish
(“planning chiefs”, etc): try to use proper titles; officers or officials may be preferable
chief constable
a job, not a title — John Smith, chief constable of Greater Manchester; Mr Smith at second mention
chief secretary to the Treasury
chief whip
childcare, childminder
Chinese names
Mainland China: in two parts, eg Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Jiang Zemin
Hong Kong, Taiwan: in two parts with hyphen, eg Tung Chee-hwa, Chiang Kai-shek (exception: when a building,
park or the like is named after a person it becomes three parts, eg Chiang Kai Shek Cultural Centre); note also
that Korean names are written the same way, eg Kim Il-sung
Singapore, Malaysia: in three parts, eg Lee Kuan Yew
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For people with Chinese names elsewhere in the world, follow their preference — but make sure you know which
is the surname
Chomsky, Noam
US linguist
musical cords vocal
christened, christening
use only when referring to a Christian baptism: don’t talk about a boat being christened or a football club
christening a new stadium. See Christian name
Christian, Christianity but unchristian
Christian name
use first name or forename
Christian Union
an evangelical Christian organisation
Christmas Day, Christmas Eve
means lasting for a long time or constantly recurring, too often misused when acute (short but severe) is meant
not Chumbawumba
lc for the established church, eg “the church is no longer relevant today"; Catholic church, Anglican church, etc,
but Church of England
in Britain a town that has been granted a charter by the crown; it usually has a cathedral
capped when used as shorthand for the City of London
civil servant, civil service
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Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, not normally necessary to spell it out; it is acceptable to refer to variant CJD as the
human form of BSE, but not “the human form of mad cow disease”
classical music
Mozart's 41st Symphony (or Symphony No 41) in C, K551; Rachmaninov's Piano Concerto No 2; Schubert's
Sonata in A minor for Piano, D845
overused words and phrases to be avoided include: back burner, boost (massive or otherwise), bouquets and
brickbats, but hey … , drop-dead gorgeous, insisted, luvvies, major, massive, political correctness, politically
correct, PC, raft of measures, special, to die for, upsurge (surge will do); verbs overused in headlines include: bid,
boost, fuel, hike, signal, target, set to
A survey by the Plain English Campaign in 2004 found that the most irritating phrase in the language was at the
end of the day, followed by (in order of annoyance): at this moment in time, like (as in, like, this), with all due
respect, to be perfectly honest with you, touch base, I hear what you’re saying, going forward, absolutely, and
blue sky thinking; other words and phrases that upset people included 24/7, ballpark figure, bottom line, diamond
geezer, it’s not rocket science, ongoing, prioritise, pushing the envelope, singing from the same hymn sheet, and
thinking outside the box
Cliche finder
noun climb down verb
cloud cuckoo land
coalfield, coalmine, coalminer
Coca-Cola, Coke
cold war
London theatre Colosseum Rome
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collective nouns
Nouns such as committee, family, government, jury, take a singular verb or pronoun when thought of as a single
unit, but a plural verb or pronoun when thought of as a collection of individuals:
The committee gave its unanimous approval to the plans;
The committee enjoyed biscuits with their tea
The family can trace its history back to the middle ages;
The family were sitting down, scratching their heads
College of Arms
take initial caps, eg Fire Service College; but not when college forms part of the name of a school, eg Bash Street
sixth-form college, Eton college
Colombia South American country that we frequently misspell as “Columbia”
Use like this: “to deliver the goods that have been invoiced in the preceding words” (Fowler).
This, from the paper, is a dreadful (but by no means isolated) example of the tendency to use a semi-colon where
only a colon will do: “Being a retired soap ‘treasure’ must be a bit like being in the army reserves; when a ratings
war breaks out, it’s time to dust off your uniform and wait by the phone.”
Colonel Napoleon Bogey, subsequently Col Bogey
as in District of Columbia (Washington DC) and Columbia University (New York)
Columbus Day
October 12, marking the date Christopher Columbus landed in the West Indies in 1492; Columbus is also the
state capital of Ohio
male and female; do not use comedienne
The editor, Alan Rusbridger, is a man of great vision” — correct (commas) if there is only one
“The subeditor David Marsh is all style and no substance” — correct (no commas) if there are more than one
avoid, prefer “she said”
Commons, House of Commons
but the house, not the House
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Commons committees
lc, home affairs select committee, public accounts committee, etc
common sense
noun commonsense adjective: “William Hague's ‘commonsense revolution' showed little common sense”
Commonwealth, the
Commonwealth War Graves Commission
no accent
communism, communist
lc, except in name of party: Communist party
company names
A tricky area, as so many companies these days have adopted unconventional typography and other devices that,
in some cases, turn their names into logos. In general, we use the names that the companies use themselves:
easyJet, eBay, ebookers, iSoft Group, Yahoo! are fine; but Adidas (not adidas), BhS (no italicised h), Toys R Us
(do not attempt to turn the R backwards). Many of these look odd, particularly when used as first word in a
headline, although some are becoming more familiar with time
compare to/with
The former means liken to, the latter means make a comparison: so unless you are specifically likening someone
or something to someone or something else, use compare with.
The lord chancellor compared himself to Cardinal Wolsey because he believed he was like Wolsey; I might
compare him with Wolsey to assess their relative merits
compass points
lc for regions: the north, the south of England, the south-west, north-east England; the same applies to
geopolitical areas: the west, western Europe, the far east, south-east Asia, central America, etc; cap up, however,
when part of the name of a county (West Sussex, East Riding of Yorkshire) or province (East Java, North
Sulawesi, etc); note the following: East End, West End (London), Middle East, Latin America, North America,
South America
Competition Commission
to complement is to make complete: the two strikers complemented each other; to compliment is to praise; a
complimentary copy is free
or finish is better than finalise
to consist of; “comprise of”is wrong
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town in Massachusetts Concorde plane
acceptable on second mention for the Democratic Republic of the Congo (or DRC, formerly Zaire); we call its
neighbour Congo-Brazzaville; never write “the Congo”
uc when referring to the Congregational Union of England and Wales, formed in 1832, which joined the
Presbyterian Church of England in 1972 to form the United Reformed Church
conjoined twins
not Siamese twins
not connexion
Conservative central office
Conservative party
plural consortiums
not Consuela; from a reader: “I really have had enough of show-off ignoramuses messing up my name. Consuelo
is a Spanish abstract noun, masculine, invariable. Pilar and Mercedes are also Spanish female names derived,
like Consuelo, from titles of the Virgin Mary”
not consult with
consumer price index (CPI)
normally no need to spell it out
Consumers' Association
of the same period, though often wrongly used to mean modern; a performance of Shakespeare in contemporary
dress would involve Elizabethan costume, not 21st-century clothes
continent, the
mainland Europe
TheGuardian style guide
© Guardian Newspapers Limited
refers to things that happen repeatedly but not constantly continuous indicates an unbroken sequence
Do not overuse contractions such as aren't, can't, couldn't, hasn't, don't, I'm, it's, there's and what's (even the
horrific “there've” has appeared in the paper); while they might make a piece more colloquial or easier to read,
they can be an irritant and a distraction, and make a serious article sound frivolous. They also look horrible
having convinced someone of the facts, you might persuade them to do something
not convenor
We give metric measures and convert on first mention only to imperial in brackets (exceptions: miles and pints); if
a rough figure is given in metric, do not convert it into an exact figure in imperial, and vice versa, eg if someone
says the towns are about 50km apart, convert to 30 miles, not “31.07 miles”; the same goes for rough amounts of
currencies, though don’t round up £3.6bn to £4bn
cooperate, cooperation, cooperative
no hyphen, but the store is the Co-op
Le Corbusier
(1887-1965) Swiss architect and city planner
vocal chords musical
cornish pasty
corporation of London
corps de ballet
no accent
La Coruña
means sparkling, or emitting flashes of light; people seem to think, wrongly, that it means the same as excoriating,
censuring severely eg “a coruscating attack on Blair’s advisers”
TheGuardian style guide
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lc apart from placename: Lancaster city council, London borough of Southwark, Kent county council
count 'em
Resist the temptation to use this cliche, often seen in parenthesis after a number is mentioned, eg “the seminal
Andrex puppy advent calendar with 25 — count 'em — puppy pictures”
no accent
all lc, court of appeal, high court, supreme court, magistrates court (no apostrophe), European court of human
rights, international criminal court
court martial
plural courts martial
court of St James's
a gradual increase in loudness or intensity; musically or figuratively, it is the build-up to a climax, not the climax
itself (we frequently get this wrong)
leg-side, leg-spinner, off-spin, off-stump, silly mid-on, mid-off, etc, all hyphenated
cripple, crippled
offensive and outdated; do not use
plural criteria
Crowley, Aleister
dead satanist
crown, the
crown estate, crown jewels
crucifixion, the
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cruise missile
Crusades, the
Cruz, Penélope
cubism, cubist
cumberland sausage
Cummings, EE
US poet (1894-1962) who, despite what many people think, used capitals in his signature
see swearwords
Cup, FA
after first mention it is the Cup; but other cups are lc on second mention
restrain kerb pavement
When the whole word is used it is lc: euro, pound, sterling, dong, etc
Abbreviate dollars like this: $50 (US dollars); A$50 (Australian dollars); HK$50 (Hong Kong dollars)
Convert all foreign amounts to sterling in brackets at first mention, but use common sense — there is no need to
put £660,000 in brackets after the phrase “I feel like a million dollars”
now” is usually preferable, if needed at all
a place where two points meet (eg “on the cusp of Manchester and Salford”); sometimes misused to mean on the
brink (“a girl on the cusp of womanhood”)
since the 1989 Children Act the correct term for what used to be known as custody in cases involving care of
children is residence
Customs, Customs and Excise, HM Customs
(all singular) but customs officers
avoid; cuts will suffice
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Czech Republic
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dadaism, dadaist
Dalí, Salvador
(1904-89) Spanish surrealist
dangling participles
Avoid constructions such as “having died, they buried him”; the pitfalls are nicely highlighted in Mark Lawson's
novel Going Out Live, in which a TV critic writes: “Dreary, repetitive and well past the sell-by date, I switched off
the new series of Fleming Faces
dark ages
Beware sentences — such as this one — that dash about all over the place — commas (or even, very
occasionally, brackets) are often better; semi-colons also have their uses
takes a singular verb (like agenda); though strictly a plural, no one ever uses “agendum” or “datum
January 1 2000 (no commas); it is occasionally alleged that putting month before date in this way is an
“Americanisation” — in which case it should be pointed out that this has been our style since the first issue of the
Manchester Guardian on May 5 1821
21st century; fourth century BC; AD2006 but 1000BC; for decades use figures: the swinging 60s or 1960s
daughter of, son of
Think twice before using these terms, often only the person’s father is described and such descriptions can smack
of snobbery as well as sexism. Simplistic labels may also be misleading: we published a clarification after calling
Captain James Cook the son of a Scottish farm labourer. True enough, but Cook's mother was a Yorkshire woman
and he is a famous son of Yorkshire
Davison, Emily
suffragette who died after diving under George V’s horse at the 1913 Derby
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but month-long, year-long
D notices
issued by the defence, press and broadcasting advisory committee “suggesting” that the media do not publish
sensitive information
death row
no accents
use figures if you abbreviate: roaring 20s, swinging 60s, etc
render harmless diffuse spread about
deja vu
no accents
That the sun moves round the Earth was once a delusion, and is still an illusion”(Fowler)
DeMille, Cecil B
(1881-1959) Hollywood producer and director
Democratic party
(US), not “Democrat party”
Dench, Dame Judi
not Judy
De Niro, Robert
no accent
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© Guardian Newspapers Limited
departments of state
British government ministries (but not ministers) take initial caps as follows:
Cabinet Office (but the cabinet)
Department for Constitutional Affairs
Department for Culture, Media and Sport
Department for Education and Skills
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Department of Health
Department for International Development
Department of Trade and Industry (DTI on second mention)
Department of Transport
Department for Work and Pensions
Foreign Office
Home Office
Ministry of Defence (MoD on second mention)
Northern Ireland Office
Office of the Deputy Prime Minister
Scotland Office (not Scottish Office)
Wales Office (not Welsh Office)
lc when departments are abbreviated, eg environment department, transport department
lc for departments and ministries of other countries, eg US state department, Iraqi foreign ministry
noun dependent adjective
person depository place
de rigueur
the two Us are de rigueur
Derry, Co Derry
not Londonderry
come after ancestors; you wouldn't think the Guardian would get this simple thing wrong as often as we do
despoil, despoliation
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pudding, but just deserts
developing countries
use this term in preference to “third world”
devil, the
DeVito, Danny
Diabetes UK
formerly known as the British Diabetic Association
cockney, estuary English, geordie, scouse
DiCaprio, Leonardo
different from
or to, not different than
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dignitary, dignitaries
not delapidated
dim sum
Dinky Toys
diplomatic service
direct speech
People we write about are allowed to speak in their own, not necessarily the Guardian's, style, but be sensitive:
do not, for example, expose someone to ridicule for dialect or grammatical errors. Do not attempt facetious
phonetic renditions such as “oop north”, “fooking” and “booger” when interviewing someone from the north, or
“dahn sarf” when writing about south London
director general
disabled people
not “the disabled”. Use positive language about disability, avoiding outdated terms that stereotype or stigmatise.
Terms to avoid, with acceptable alternatives in brackets, include victim of, crippled by, suffering from, afflicted by
(prefer person who has, person with); wheelchair-bound, in a wheelchair (uses a wheelchair); invalid (disabled
person); mentally handicapped, backward, retarded, slow (person with learning difficulties); the disabled, the
handicapped, the blind, the deaf (disabled people, blind people, deaf people); deaf and dumb (deaf and speech-
impaired, hearing and speech-impaired)
not discernable
but discoloration
thwart; do not confuse with discomfort, make uncomfortable
circumspect discrete separate
not disenfranchise
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free from bias, objective (the negative form of interested as in “interested party”) uninterested not taking an
interest (the negative form of interested as in “interested in football”)
dispatch, dispatch box
(Commons), dispatched; not despatch, despatched
TM, use aspirin
(computers), not disc
Disneyland Paris
formerly Euro Disney
dissociate, dissociation
not disassociate, disassociation
a divorced person, male or female
Use at second mention for medical and scientific doctors and doctors of divinity, not, for example, a politician who
happens to have a PhD in history
Doctor Who
the title of the series; the character’s name is the Doctor, and it should never be abbreviated to Dr Who
lc, alsatian, doberman, rottweiler, yorkshire terrier; but Irish setter, old English sheepdog
as Homer Simpson would say, note the apostrophe
dome, the
Millennium Dome at first mention, thereafter the dome
lies in the Windward Islands, south-west of the Dominican Republic
Dominican Republic
shares an island with Haiti
Donahue, Phil
dos and don'ts
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Dostoevsky, Fyodor Mikhailovich
(1821-81) Russian novelist
double, the
as in Sheffield United may win the double (FA Cup and Premiership)
dover sole
Down's syndrome
precisely, not approximately, 12
of document draughtsman of drawing
not dreamt
dressing room
two words
driving licence
not driver's licence
drug companies, drug dealer, drug raid, drug squad, drug tsar
not drugs raid, etc
drug enforcement administration
(US, not agency), DEA at second mention
avoid tabloidese such as “they have been dubbed the nation’s leading experts on style” (even if true)
due to/owing to
Many people ignore this distinction, but it can be valuable. For example, compare “It was difficult to assess the
changes due to outside factors” with “It was difficult to assess the changes owing to outside factors”. The first
TheGuardian style guide
© Guardian Newspapers Limited
says the changes that were a result of outside factors were difficult to assess, the second says outside factors
made the changes difficult to assess (if in doubt, because of can be substituted for owing to, but not due to)
Duke of Westminster
or wherever, first mention; thereafter the duke
Duke of York
first mention; thereafter Prince Andrew or the prince
do not use; say speech-impaired
du Pré, Jacqueline
(1945-87) English cellist, Du Pré at second mention
Dupré, Marcel
(1886-1971) French organist and composer
not dike
plural dynamos
football teams from the former Soviet Union are Dynamo; teams from Romania are Dinamo
write “Paul has dyslexia” rather than labelling him “a dyslexic” or saying he “suffers from” dyslexia
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often redundant since context will inform the reader:“They met this month” is preferable to “They met earlier this
month” and will save space
Earls Court
no apostrophe
in an astronomical context; but moon, sun
East Anglia
east coast mainline
East End
inner east London north of the river (the equivalent district south of the Thames is south-east London)
TV soap
Easter Day
not Easter Sunday
eastern Europe, western Europe
East Jerusalem
East Riding of Yorkshire council
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eccles cake
E coli
(drug), lc
European currency unit, superseded by the euro
Edinburgh festival, Edinburgh Fringe festival
not educationalist
weird Erie North American lake eyrie of eagles
see affect
Not a synonym for in effect: “the Blair campaign was launched effectively in 1992" means the intended effect was
achieved; “the Blair campaign was in effect launched in 1992" means this was not the official launch, but the event
described did have the effect of launching it, whether intended or not. The word effectively is overused as well as
misused, and can often be omitted
does not mean effeminate or foppish, but “weak, ineffectual or decadent as a result of over-refinement …
exhausted, worn out, spent” (Collins)
(electronic facial identification technique) program used to create police drawings
no full point
Eid al-Adha
(Festival of Sacrifice) Muslim festival laid down in Islamic law, celebrates the end of the hajj. Note that eid means
festival, so it is tautologous to describe it as the “Eid festival”
Eid al-Fitr
Muslim festival of thanksgiving laid down in Islamic law, celebrates the end of Ramadan (al-fitr means the
breaking of the fast)
eid mubarak
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not a festival but a greeting (mubarak means “may it be blessed”)
do not use; say Republic of Ireland or Irish Republic
no accent
ElBaradei, Mohamed
director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Dr ElBaradei after first mention
do not use to describe anyone under 70
El Dorado
fabled city of gold Eldorado fabled flop of a soap
death by electric shock, so don’t say survivors of torture were “electrocuted” during their ordeal — rather that they
were given electric shocks
use spaces before and after ellipses, eg “She didn’t want to go there … ”; there is no need for a full point
is intransitive; use exude if you need a transitive verb
Embankment, the
plural embargos
embarrass, embarrassment
lc, eg British embassy
leave a country immigrate arrive in one
not amir
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employment tribunal
not industrial tribunal
European monetary system
economic and monetary union
enamoured of
not by or with
not inclose
to deprive of strength or vitality
enforce, enforceable
England, English
take care not to offend by saying England or English when you mean Britain or British. See Scotland
English Heritage, English Nature, English Partnerships
en masse
something monstrous or wicked; not synonymous with large
enrol, enrolling, enrolment
en route
not on route
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make certain insure against risk assure life
enthral, enthralling
the point on the earth's surface directly above the focus of an earthquake or underground explosion; frequently
misused to mean the centre or focus itself
we do not define people by their medical condition: seizures are epileptic, people are not; so say (if relevant) “Mr
Smith, who has epilepsy … " not “Mr Smith, an epileptic … "
erythropoietin, a performance-enhancing drug
equator, the
ere long
not e’er long
exchange rate mechanism
electronic random number indicator equipment: the machine that picks winning premium bond numbers
is a language spoken in Greenland, Canada, Alaska and Siberia. Please note that it has no more words for snow
than does English. The people are Inuit (singular Inuk), not “Eskimos”
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not expresso
establishment, the
estuary English
not ETA
never say ethnic when you mean ethnic minority, which leads to such nonsense as “the constituency has a small
ethnic population"
ethnic cleansing
do not use as a euphemism for genocide unless in quote marks
European Union (no need to spell out at first mention); formerly EC (European Community); before that EEC
(European Economic Community)
Euan, Ewan or Ewen?
Euan Blair
Ewan McGregor
Ewen Bremner, Ewen MacAskill
currency; plural euros and cents
do not use as a prefix to everything European, but Euro-MP is an acceptable alternative to MEP
Euro Disney
now called Disneyland Paris
includes Britain, so don’t say, for example, something is common “in Europe” unless it is common in Britain as
well; to distinguish between Britain and the rest of Europe the phrase “continental Europe” may be useful; eastern
Europe, central Europe, western Europe
euroland, eurozone
European commission
the commission after first mention
European convention on human rights
European court of human rights
nothing to do with the EU; it is a Council of Europe body
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one word, capped: they are sceptics about the EU, not just the euro
Eurovision song contest
fundamentalist wing of Christianity evangelist someone who spreads the gospel
every day
noun and adverb: it happens every day everyday adjective: an everyday mistake
every parent’s nightmare
cliche; from a reader: “This seems to crop up for anything to do with children, from abduction, to death, to today's
piece on musical taste. As a parent I can't cope with that many nightmares.
exchequer, the
term used by tabloid newspapers to denote a story that is in all of them
the carrying out of a death sentence by lawful authority, so a terrorist, for example, does not “execute” someone
ex officio
by right of position or office
ex parte
on behalf of one party only
expat, expatriate
not ex-pat or expatriot; this is “ex" meaning “out of" (as in export, extract), not “ex-" meaning “former" (as in ex-
avoid; write “he said” not “he explained”
Export Credits Guarantee Department
ECGD at second mention
extraterrestrial, extraterritorial
not extravert
eye level
no hyphen
one word, but witness is preferable
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no cedilla
not a trivial fact, but a mistaken assumption repeated so often that it is believed to be true (a word coined by
Norman Mailer)
FA Cup
the Cup (the cap C is hallowed by convention); all other cups lc at second mention
68F etc, use in brackets after celsius figure
Fáilte Ireland
Ireland’s tourism authority
far, farther, farthest
of distances, otherwise further, furthest
far east
but Middle East
a hotchpotch or jumbled mixture, not synonymous with fiasco (a humiliating failure)
language spoken by the majority of Iranians (not Persian)
fascism, fascist
fashion weeks
lc, eg London fashion week
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use death
father of two
etc, not father-of-two
an edict, not necessarily a death sentence
Al Fayed, Mohamed
owner of Harrods (Mr Fayed after first mention); the son who died in Paris in 1997 was Dodi Fayed
disconcert phase a stage
Federal Bureau of Investigation, no need to spell out
Arab fighters (the word means those who risk their lives for a cause); can be capped up when referring to a
specific force, eg the Saddam Fedayeen militia which fought coalition forces in the 2003 Iraq war
Federal Reserve Board
first reference, the Fed thereafter
fed up with
not fed up of
feelgood factor
lc, eg a fellow of All Souls, fellow artist, fellow members, etc (and do not hyphenate)
ferris wheel
lc, eg Cannes film festival, Edinburgh Fringe festival
no accent
fewer means smaller in number, eg fewer coins; less means smaller in quantity, eg less money
male fiancee female; but note divorcee is both male and female
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Fianna Fáil
Irish political party
field marshal
spell out from one to nine; integers from 10 to 999,999; thereafter 1m, 3.2bn (except for people and animals, eg 2
million viewers, 8 billion cattle)
TM; use personal organiser unless you are sure
finalise, finalised
avoid, use complete, completed or finish, finished
Financial Services Authority
FSA on second mention
financial years
2004-05, etc
Fine Gael
Irish political party
fine-tooth comb
Finnegans Wake
not fireman
firing line
the people who do the firing; if they are aiming at you, you are in the line of fire not “in the firing line
strictly a partnership without limited liability, such as solicitors or accountants, but may be used in place of
company in headlines
second, third spell out up to ninth, then 10th, 21st, millionth
firstly, secondly
prefer first, second, etc
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first aid
first minister
(Scottish parliament, Welsh assembly, Northern Ireland assembly)
first name, forename
not Christian name
first world war
not flack
means the same as inflammable; the negative is non-flammable
to flaunt is to make a display of something, as in flaunting wealth; to flout is to show disregard for something, as in
flouting the seatbelt law
not fledgeling
to flounder is to perform a task badly, like someone stuck in mud; founder means fail: a business might be
foundering because its bosses are floundering
not flukey
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not flier
abbreviation of forecastle
focus, focused, focusing
not fetid
not fetus
not fogy
prefer after, eg Mansfield Town went to pieces after their Cup exit
foot and mouth disease
abstain forebear ancestor
foreign names
The French (or French origin) le or de, the Italian di and the Dutch van are all lc when the name is full out: eg
Graeme le Saux, Roberto di Matteo, Pierre van Hooijdonk; but Le Saux, Di Matteo, Van Hooijdonk when written
without forenames
foreign placenames
Style for foreign placenames evolves with common usage. Leghorn has become Livorno, and maybe one day
München will supplant Munich, but not yet. Remember that many names have become part of the English
language: Geneva is the English name for the city Switzerland’s French speakers refer to as Genève and its
German speakers call Genf.
Accordingly we opt for locally used names, with these main exceptions (the list is not exhaustive, apply common
sense): Archangel, Basle, Berne, Brittany, Cologne, Dunkirk, Florence, Fribourg, Genoa, Gothenburg, Hanover,
Kiev, Lombardy, Milan, Munich, Naples, Normandy, Nuremberg, Padua, Piedmont, Rome, Sardinia, Seville, Sicily,
Syracuse, Turin, Tuscany, Venice, Zurich
And next time someone says we should call Burma “Myanmar” because that’s what it calls itself, point out that
Colonel Gadafy renamed Libya “The Great Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriyya”
foreign words and phrases
Italicise, with roman translation in brackets, if it really is a foreign word or phrase and not an anglicised one, in
which case it is roman with no accents (exception: exposé).
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Use accents on French, German, Spanish, and Irish Gaelic words.
But remember Orwell: do not use a foreign word where a suitable English equivalent exists
belonging to the courts; does not mean scientific
go before forgo go without
continually: he is forever changing his mind for ever for always: I will love you for ever
former Soviet republics
These are:
Armenia adjective Armenian
Azerbaijan adjective Azerbaijani (though there are ethnic Azeris in, eg, Armenia)
Belarus adjective Belarussian
Estonia adjective Estonian (Estonia did not join the Commonwealth of Independent States)
Georgia adjective Georgian
Kazakhstan adjective Kazakh
Kyrgyzstan adjective Kyrgyz
Latvia adjective Latvian (not in the commonwealth)
Lithuania adjective Lithuanian (not in the commonwealth)
Moldova adjective Moldovan
Russia adjective Russian
Tajikistan adjective Tajik
Turkmenistan adjective Turkmen (its citizens are Turkmen, singular Turkman)
Ukraine adjective Ukrainian (not “the Ukraine”)
Uzbekistan adjective Uzbek
plural formulas, but formulae in scientific context
formula one
motor racing
by chance, accidental; not by good fortune, lucky
fosbury flop
Fourth of July
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fellow of the Royal Academy FRS fellow of the Royal Society
two-thirds, three-quarters, etc, but two and a half
the monster’s creator, not the monster
Frankenstein food
has already become a cliche to describe GM food: do not use
french fries, french kiss, french letter, french polish, french window
plural frescoes
Freud, Lucian
British artist, not Lucien
freudian slip
frontbench, frontline, frontrunner
FTSE 100
do not describe this as “a good, honest old-fashioned Anglo-Saxon word” because, first, there is no such thing as
an Anglo-Saxon word (they spoke Old English) and, more important, its first recorded use dates from 1278
see swearwords
overused as a verb
fulfil, fulfilling, fulfilment
means “cloying, excessive, disgusting by excess” (and is not, as some appear to believe, a clever word for full);
so “fulsome praise” should not be used in a complimentary sense
fundraiser, fundraising
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plural fungi
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Gadafy, Muammar
Libyan president, Col Gadafy on second mention
hook or spar, also slang for house blow the gaff give away a secret gaffe blunder
Gambia, the
not Gambia
an opening strategy that involves some sacrifice or concession; so to talk of an opening gambit is tautologous
an opening ploy might be better
gameplan, gameshow
not Ghandi
García Lorca, Federico
(1898-1936) Spanish writer
García Márquez, Gabriel
Colombian novelist
Irish police force garda (plural gardaí) Irish police officer
not garrotte or garrote
up-and-under (rugby union) Garryowen Irish rugby club
plural of gas, not gasses
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general agreement on tariffs and trade
use as an adjective, eg “gay bishops”, “gay people”, rather than a noun (“gays”) where possible, though “gays and
lesbians” is OK
Gaudí, Antoni
(1852-1926) Catalan architect
Gauguin, Paul
(1848-1903) French painter, often misspelt as Gaugin
Gaza Strip
gigabits GB gigabytes
Our use of language should reflect not only changes in society but the newspaper's values. Phrases such as
career girl or career woman, for example, are outdated (more women have careers than men) and patronising
(there is no male equivalent): never use them. Businessmen, housewives, male nurse, woman pilot, woman (or
lady!) doctor similarly reinforce outdated stereotypes.
Actor and comedian cover men and women; not actress, comedienne (but waiter and waitress are acceptable —
at least for the moment). Firefighter, not fireman; PC, not WPC (most police forces have abandoned the
Use humankind or humanity rather than mankind, a word that, as one of our readers points out, “alienates half the
population from their own history".
Never say “his" to cover men and women: use his or her, or a different construction; in sentences such as “a
teacher who beats his/her pupils is not fit to do the job", there is usually a way round the problem — in this case,
“teachers who beat their pupils … "
General Tommy Franks at first mention, then Gen Franks
general election
General Medical Council
(GMC), doctors' disciplinary body
Geneva convention
distinct areas are capped up: Black Country, East Anglia, Lake District, Midlands, Peak District, West Country; but
areas defined by compass points are lc: the north, the south-east, the south-west, etc
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german measles
but rubella is preferable
plural ghettoes
George Bernard Shaw’s proposed spelling of the word “fish” (gh as in trough, o as in women, ti as in nation)
overseas territory or dependency, not a British colony
not a verb (unless, perhaps, directly quoting a football manager or player: “We gifted Spurs their second goal")
female under 18
noun (only when quoting someone) girly adjective (eg girly clothes) girlish behaviour
Giscard d'Estaing, Valéry
former French president, Mr Giscard on second mention
Giuliani, Rudolph
or Rudy former New York mayor (not “Rudi”)
regularly misspelt as Guiseppe
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A mistake repeated ad nauseam is the assumption that GLA stands for “Greater London assembly”. There is no
such thing. The Greater London authority constitutes the mayor, who runs it, and the London assembly, which
holds the mayor to account
not glamourous
Glasgow kiss
GM crops, GM food
no need to write genetically modified in full at first mention
Greenwich mean time: the ship ran aground at 8am local time (0700 GMT)
goalline, goalpost
use only when directly quoting someone
godchild, godfather, godmother, godson, goddaughter
Goldsmiths College
no apostrophe
for holes, use numbers: 1st, 2nd, 18th, etc; matchplay: one word, except World Match Play Championship; the
Open not the British Open
Good Friday agreement
goodness, for goodness sake
noun go slow verb
lc in all contexts and all countries; resist the awful trend to say, for eg, “Lord Browne fended off accusations of
being too close to government" — it is the government
government departments
see departments of state
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are plural, graffito is the singular
the set of rules followed by speakers of a language, rather than a set of arbitrary dos and don’ts, or as Ambrose
Bierce put it “a system of pitfalls thoughtfully prepared for the feet of the self-made man”
but granddaughter
Mention this status only when relevant, leave “battling grannies" and similar examples of ageism and sexism to
the tabloids; in particular we should avoid such patronising drivel as “How this 55-year-old granny came to earn
$25m a year" (page 1 blurb, January 3 2003) — just in case anyone still didn't get the message the front of G2
said: “She's five foot two, she's a grandmother and she earns $25m a year"
grand prix
lc, the British grand prix grands prix plural
one word
Great Britain
England, Wales and Scotland; if you want to include Northern Ireland, use Britain or the UK
great-grandfather, great-great-grandmother
a green activist, the green movement, but uc when referring to so-named political parties, eg the German Greens
green belt
designated areas around cities subject to strict planning controls, not open countryside in general
greenfield site
one that has not been built on before; one that has been built on before is a brownfield site
greenhouse effect
Energy from the Earth's surface is trapped in the lower atmosphere by gases that prevent it leaking into space, a
natural phenomenon that makes life possible, whose enhancement by natural or manmade means may make life
impossible. Not the result of the hole in the ozone layer, whose thinning in the upper atmosphere is due to CFCs;
the connection is that CFCs are also greenhouse gases
green paper
gruesome grizzly bear
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Group of Seven leading industrial countries (Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the US), but no
need to spell out
the G7 plus Russia
Guantánamo Bay
Guevara, Che
(1928-67) Argentinian-born revolutionary
(City of London), not “the Guildhall”
Gulf, the
not the Persian or Arabian Gulf
Gulf war
of 1991
gun battle
not gunbattle
not gutteral
uc, recognised as an ethnic group under the Race Relations Act, as are Irish Travellers
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Israeli newspaper
habeas corpus
Hair, Darrell
Australian cricket umpire
The Hague
not “the Hague"
no hyphen when used adverbially: you look half dead; it was half wine, half water; hyphen when used adjectivally:
a half-eaten sandwich, he got it half-price
half a dozen, half past
halfway, halfwit
plural haloes
Hambros Bank
Hamed, Prince Naseem
boxer, Hamed at second mention
Hamilton Academical
not Academicals, nickname the Accies
handbill, handbook, handout
do not use to refer to people with disabilities or learning difficulties
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hanging participles
see dangling participles
derogatory term describing evangelical Christians, do not use
known less vulgarly in Japan as seppuku
harass, harassment
adjective, hardliner noun, take a hard line
not hairbrained
hare lip
never use, say cleft lip or cleft palate
north London borough, one ward of which is Harringay
scientists use hazard to mean a potential for harm and risk to mean the actual probability of harm occurring;
though headline writers may feel more at home with risk than hazard, the distinction is worth bearing in mind
Use active verbs where possible, particularly in news headlines: “Editors publish new style guidelines” is much
better than “New style guidelines published”. Avoid tabloidese such as bid, brand, dub, and slam, and broadsheet
cliches such as insist, signal, and target.
Take care over ambuiguity: “Landmine claims dog UK arms firm”, which appeared in the paper, contains so many
ambiguous words that you have to read it several times to work out what it means.
Also to be avoided are quotation marks, unless essential to signify a quote or for legal reasons. And resist the
temptation to replace “and” with a comma: “Blair and Brown agree euro deal” not “Blair, Brown agree euro deal”.
Be careful when making references to popular culture:“Mrs Culpepper’s lonely hearts club banned” works,
because most people are familiar with Sgt Pepper’s, but allusions to your favourite obscure 70s prog-rock album
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are likely to pass over most readers heads. Long after everyone had forgotten the 60s movie Charlie Bubbles,
tabloid sports subeditors continued to mystify readers by using the headline “Charlie bubbles” whenever Charlie
Nicholas (or any other Charlie) scored a goal.
Puns are fine — “Where there’s muck there’s bras”, about a farmer’s wife who started a lingerie business, was
voted 2003 headline of the year by our staff — but do not overuse, or resort to tired puns such as “flushed with
success” (this story has got a plumber in it!). In the 70s the Guardian suffered from a reputation for excruciating
puns; today, we want to be known for clever, original and witty headlines
can be used as a singular (“a large headquarters") or plural (“our headquarters are in London”); HQ, however,
takes the singular
one word, not headmaster, headmistress; but Association of Head Teachers
Health and Safety Executive
HSE on second mention
Heathrow airport
or simply Heathrow; not “London's Heathrow"
not abbreviated, convert to acres in brackets at first mention
in metres with imperial conversion, eg 1.68metres (5ft 7in)
heir apparent
someone certain to inherit from a deceased unless he or she dies first or is taken out of the will; don’t use to mean
“likely successor”
hell, hades
not hallo (and certainly not “hullo", unless quoting the Rev ARP Blair)
help to decide or help decide; not “help and decide”
generally avoid if what you mean is “in Britain”
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Heritage Lottery Fund
Her Majesty
the Queen is HM, never HRH
not hiccough
high flyer
highland fling
Highlands, the
high street
lc in retail spending stories: “the recession is making an impact in the high street”; capped only in proper name: “I
went shopping in Walthamstow High Street”
Highways Agency
covering for the head and face worn by some Muslim women
of movable objects only, not of schools, embassies, etc
a walk, not a rise in interest rates
plural hippopotamuses
plural hippies
His Master's Voice
TM (picture of Nipper the dog with phonograph)
historian, historic
use a not an, unless in a direct quote
HIV positive
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no hyphen
not Hezbollah
a hoard of treasure; a horde (or hordes) of tourists
Ho Chi Minh City
formerly Saigon
hoi polloi
common people, the masses; “the hoi polloi" is acceptable
do not use when you mean the Netherlands, with the exception of the Dutch football team, who are conventionally
known as Holland
holy grail
Holy Land
homebuyer, homeowner
one word
home counties
but home town
uniform, of the same kind homogenous (biology) having a common descent; the latter is often misused for the
homosexual rape
do not use; say rape (or male rape if necessary)
Hong Kong names
like Taiwanese and Korean names, Hong Kong names are written in two parts with a hyphen, eg Tung Chee-hwa
hon members
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of parliament
plural honorariums
On news and comment pages: Tony Blair or Sir Bobby Charlton at first mention, thereafter Mr Blair, Sir Bobby, etc;
in a big feature or news focus piece on a news page it may be appropriate to drop honorifics.
Use surnames only after first mention for sportsmen and sportswomen; for actors, authors, artists, musicians, etc;
for journalists (but not for editors and television and radio executives); for those convicted of criminal offences;
and for the dead (though use sensitivity: they are not stripped of their honorifics immediately — we would usually
use them until after the funeral).
If people not normally given honorifics (eg footballers)are charged with criminal offences, they are given back their
titles for the duration of the case. Similarly in court stories it sounds heartless and crude to write “Mr Radcliffe is
charged with raping and murdering Jones, an 86-year-old who lived alone in her flat in Kensal Rise”. Restore the
deceased’s honorific in such reports.
Use Dr at second mention for medical and scientific doctors and doctors of divinity, not, for example, a politician
who happens to have a PhD in history.
In other sections: surnames are acceptable after first mention, but again use your judgment: for parents of a child
who has drowned, say, surnames only may be inappropriate
TM; say vacuum cleaner
like many other adverbs, such as frankly, happily, honestly and sadly, hopefully can be used as a “sentence
adverb" indicating the writer's view of events — “hopefully, we will reach the summit" — or as a “manner adverb"
modifying a verb — “we set off hopefully for the summit". Why some people are upset by “hopefully we will win”
and not “sadly we lost” is a mystery
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sounds like a rather ugly combination of horrific and tremendous, but is in fact from the Latin for fearful; horrific is
generally preferable
use a not an
avoid;use taken (never “rushed") to hospital
cap the placename, eg Derby district general hospital, Great Ormond Street children's hospital, Royal London
hospital; but London Clinic
use a not an
houseboat, housebreaker, housebuyer, householder, housekeeper
Housing Corporation
Hudson Bay
but Hudson's Bay Company
humanity, humankind
use instead of mankind See gender
you eat it humus you put it on the garden
humour, humorist, humorous
hunky dory
don’t overegg stories: strive instead for straight and accurate reporting; Guardian readers prefer the unvarnished
truth. See sexing up
TheGuardian style guide
© Guardian Newspapers Limited
Our style is to use one word wherever possible, including some instances where a word might be hyphenated by
other publications. Hyphens tend to clutter up text (particularly when the computer breaks already hyphenated
words at the end of lines).
Inventions, ideas and new concepts often begin life as two words, then become hyphenated, before finally
becoming accepted as one word. Why wait? “Wire-less” and “down-stairs” were once hyphenated. In pursuit of
this it is preferable to go further than Collins does in many cases: eg trenchcoat is two words in Collins but one
under our style; words such as handspring, madhouse and talkshow should all be one word, not two words, and
not hyphenated.
Do use hyphens where not using one would be ambiguous, eg to distinguish “black-cab drivers come under
attack” from “black cab-drivers come under attack”.
Do not use after adverbs ending in -ly, eg politically naive, wholly owned, but hyphens are needed with short and
common adverbs, eg ill-prepared report, hard-bitten hack, much-needed grammar lesson, well-established
principle of style (note though that in the construction “the principle of style is well established” there is no need to
Finally, do use hyphens to form compound adjectives, eg two-tonne vessel, three-year deal, 19th-century artist
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icon, iconic
words in danger of losing all meaning after more than 1,000 appearances in the Guardian during 2003, lazily
employed to describe anything vaguely memorable or well-known — from Weetabix, Dr Martens boots and the
Ferrero Rocher TV ads to Jimi Hendrix's final gigs and the vacant fourth plinth in Trafalgar Square
no full points
if a Dutch word starts with IJ then both letters are always capped (there is a waterway called the IJ so a lot of
places have IJ in their name, eg IJsselmeer, IJmuiden, etc)
do not use to refer to children born outside marriage (unless in a historical context, eg “the illegitimate son of
Charles the Good”)
iMac, iPod
to arrive in a country emigrate to leave one
immune to
not immune from
Imperial College London
no commas
impinge, impinging
not imposter
impossible, it cannot be done impractical possible in theory but not workable at the moment
just beginning or undeveloped, not chaotic or disorderly
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be wary of this word, another — “attack” or “clash”, for example —will often stand better in its place; within a
couple of years of the massacre in Tiananmen Square the Chinese government was referring to it as an “incident”
or even “alleged incident”
income support
income tax
plural indexes, except for scientific and economic indices
music, films, etc Indy short for the Independent, a newspaper
not indispensible
industrial tribunals
have not existed since 1998, when they became employment tribunals; they still appear in the pages of the
paper with embarrassing frequency despite regular entreatries from the readers editor in his corrections and
clarifications column
to infer is to deduce something from evidence; to imply is to hint at something (and wait for someone to infer it)
without limit; does not mean very large
infinitives, split
see split infinitives
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means the same as flammable; the negative is non-flammable
no spaces or points, whether businesses or individuals, eg WH Smith, PCR Tufnell
Inland Revenue
the Revenue on second reference
inner city
noun two words, adjective hyphen: inner-city blues made Marvin Gaye wanna holler
plural innuendoes
not innoculate
not enquiry
means “God willing” in Arabic
are plural
overused, especially in political stories; just use said
install, instalment
instil, instilled, instilling
followed by into
Institute for Fiscal Studies
not Institute of Fiscal Studies
against risk assure life ensure make certain
insurgents, insurgency
see terrorism, terrorists
International Atomic Energy Agency
not “authority”, its director general is Mohamed ElBaradei
international date line
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net, web, world wide web, website, chatroom, homepage all lc
introducing people
Never use the following construction to introduce a speaker or a subject: “School standards minister David
Miliband said … "
Instead, use the definite article and commas to separate the job from the name, like this: “The school standards
minister, David Miliband, said … " (there is only one person with this specific post).
Commas are not used if the description is more general and could apply to more than one person, like this: “The
education minister David Miliband said … " (there are several education ministers); or like this: “The former school
standards minister Estelle Morris said … ” (there have been several).
Another example: “Jonathan Glancey, the Guardian's architecture critic, gave his verdict … " is correct; “The
architecture critic Jonathan Glancey gave his verdict … " is fine as well.
We get this wrong somewhere in the paper every day, and we shouldn’t
but on to
not Eskimos, an individual is an Inuk
means not valid or of no worth; do not use to refer to disabled or ill people
invariable, invariably
unchanging; often used wrongly to mean hardly ever changing
Iraqi placenames
Use these spellings for Iraq's biggest cities and towns: Amara, Baiji, Baghdad, Baquba, Basra, Diwaniya, Dohuk,
Falluja, Haditha, Hilla, Irbil, Kerbala, Kirkuk, Kut, Mosul, Najaf, Nassiriya, Ramadi, Rutba, Samarra, Samawa,
Sulaimaniya, Tikrit (note that these transliterations do away with al- prefixes and the final h)
Ireland, Irish Republic
not Eire
Irish Travellers
uc, recognised as a distinct ethnic group under race relations legislation
ironfounder, ironmonger, ironworks
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iron curtain
Avoid when what you mean is strangely, coincidentally, paradoxically or amusingly (if you mean them say so, or
leave it up to the reader to decide). There are times when ironically is right but too often it is misused. As Kingsley
Amis put it: “The slightest and most banal coincidence or point of resemblance, or even just-perceptible absence
of one, unworthy of a single grunt of interest, gets called ‘ironical’.” The idiotic “post-ironic", which Amis would be
glad he not live to see, is banned
individual savings account, but no need to spell it out
not -ize at end of word, eg maximise, synthesise (exception: capsize)
Islam (means “submission to the will of God”)
Muslims should never be referred to as “Mohammedans”, as 19th-century writers did. It causes serious offence
because they insist that they worship God, not the prophet Muhammad.
“Allah” is simply Arabic for “God”. Both words refer to the same concept: there is no major difference between God
in the Old Testament and Allah in Islam. Therefore it makes sense to talk about “God” in an Islamic context and to
use “Allah” in quotations or for literary effect.
The holy book of Islam is the Quran (not Koran)
an advocate or supporter of Islamic fundamentalism; the likes of Osama bin Laden and his followers should be
described as Islamist terrorists and never as Islamic terrorists
Use roman for titles of books, films etc; the only exception is the Review, which by special dispensation is allowed
to ignore the generally sound advice of George Bernard Shaw: “1 I was reading The Merchant of Venice. 2 I was
reading ‘The Merchant of Venice’. 3 I was reading The Merchant of Venice. The man who cannot see that No 1 is
the best looking, as well as the sufficient and sensible form, should print or write nothing but advertisements for
lost dogs or ironmongers’ catalogues:literature is not for him to meddle with.”
Ivory Coast
not “the Ivory Coast" or Côte D'Ivoire; its nationals are Ivorians
ivy league universities
Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth College, Harvard, Princeton, University of Pennsylvania, Yale
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TM, named after its US inventors, Roy and Candido Jacuzzi; call it a whirlpool bath or spa bath unless you're sure
it really is a Jacuzzi
not gaol
naive, unsophisticated (not necessarily anything to do with being young)
loose cloak with a hood, worn especially in north Africa and the Middle East
triangular sail or arm of a crane; “I don't like the cut of his jib" means you don't like the look or manner of someone
(not gibe)taunt
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used by Muslims to describe three different kinds of struggle: an individual's internal struggle to live out the
Muslim faith as well as possible; the struggle to build a good Muslim society; and the struggle to defend Islam,
with force if necessary (holy war)
Jobcentre Plus
government agency that runs jobcentres
jobseeker's allowance
job titles
are all lc, editor of the Guardian, governor of the Bank of England, prime minister, etc
Joe Public, John Doe
John O’Groats
Johns Hopkins University
not John Hopkins (one of our most frequent errors)
Johnson Matthey plc
metal specialist, not to be confused with Johnson Matthey Bank
not joky
as in “keeping up with the Joneses”; also note “the Joneses’ house” (not the Jones house)
Jonsson, Ulrika
jumbo jet
Boeing 747
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abbreviate to Jr not Jun or Jnr, eg Sammy Davis Jr
just deserts
not just desserts, unless you are saying you only want pudding
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cube-shaped shrine in the centre of the great mosque in Mecca towards which all Muslims face in prayer; the
shrine is not worshipped but used as the focal point of the worship of God
adjective Kashmiri; but cashmere fabric
capital of Nepal
adjective Kazakh
not Cephalonia
a useful headline word cheapened by tedious overuse
Nato peacekeeping force in Kosovo
Khachaturian, Aram
(1903-78) Armenian composer
Khrushchev, Nikita
(1894-1971) Soviet leader
plural kibbutzim
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kilogram/s, kilojoule/s, kilometre/s, kilowatt/s
abbreviate as kg, kJ, km, kW
King Edward potatoes
King’s College, Cambridge
King’s College London
no comma
King's Cross
King's Lynn
King's Road (Chelsea)
not “the King's Road"
not Kirkaldy; a town in Fife, not Fyfe
measure of nautical miles an hour; do not say “knots per hour"
Knowles, Beyoncé
Korean names
like Hong Kong and Taiwanese names, Korean names are written in two parts with a hyphen, eg Kim Jong-il, Kim
Kosovo, Kosovans
adjective Kosovan, not Kosovar
Gurkha knife
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adjective Kyrgyz
Kyrie Eleison
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South African encampment lager beer
bin Laden, Osama
Bin Laden on second reference. Note: Bin Laden has been stripped of his Saudi citizenship, so can be described
as Saudi-born but not as a Saudi. His organisation is known as al-Qaida (“the Base”)
Lady Blackstone, Jay, Thatcher, etc
not Baroness
Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk
Shostakovich opera, traditionally misspelt in the Guardian as Mtensk, with occasional variations such as Mtsenk
Lailat al-Miraj
Islamic holy day
Lailat al-Qadr
Islamic holy day, time for study and prayer
not italicised
Lake District
or the Lakes
lamb's wool
lance corporal
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state of Federal German Republic; use state, eg Hesse, the German state
Land Registry
government department that registers title to land in England and Wales
Land Rover
lang, kd
Canadian singer
La's, the
defunct Liverpool rock band; keep apostrophe (abbreviation for Lads)
plural lassoes
last post
often redundant since context will inform the reader: “They will meet this month” rather than “They will meet later
this month”
Some people object to, say, the use of “decimate” to mean destroy on the grounds that in ancient Rome it meant
to kill every 10th man; some of them are also likely to complain about so-called split infinitives, a prejudice that
goes back to 19th-century Latin teachers who argued that as you can’t split infinitives in Latin (they are one word)
you shouldn’t separate “to” from the verb in English. Others might even get upset about our alleged misuse of
grammatical “case” (including cases such as dative and genitive that no longer exist in English).
As the Guardian is written in English, rather than Latin, do not worry about any of this even slightly
like this: 21 deg 14 min S
law lords
may be female: we don’t say “law ladies”
plural laybys
lay off
does not mean to sack or make redundant, but to send workers home on part pay because of a temporary lack of
demand for their product
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leap year
not learnt, unless you are writing old-fashioned poetry (he learned his tables, a message well learned)
left wing, the left, leftwinger
nouns leftwing adjective; hard left, old left
Legal Aid Board
legal terms
in camera is now known as in secret and in chambers in private; a writ is a claim form and a plaintiff a
claimaint; leave to appeal is permission to appeal
Since the Children Act 1989, access has been known as contact and custody is known as residence; do not use
the older terms
legionnaires' disease
named after an outbreak at a conference of American Legionnaires
do not use: these days the term is regarded as inappropriate and stigmatising; prefer people affected by or people
with leprosy
less means smaller in quantity, eg less money; fewer means smaller in number, eg fewer coins
letdown, let-up
nouns let down, let up verbs
level crossing
plural librettos
noun license verb
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plural lieder
but adjective Liégeois
lieutenant colonel, lieutenant general
abbreviate on second mention to Col or Gen: Lieutenant Colonel Christopher Mackay, subsequently Col Mackay,
light year
a measure of distance, not time
not likeable
like/as if
never use the former to mean the latter: “it looks as if he's finished” not “it looks like he's finished”
like/such as
Like excludes; such as includes: “Cities like Manchester are wonderful” suggests the writer has in mind, say,
Sheffield or Birmingham; she actually means “cities such as Manchester”
Do not just automatically change “like” to “such as” — the following appeared in the paper:“He is not a celebrity,
such as Jesse Ventura, the former wrestler…”
he is likely to win or he will very likely win, not “he will likely win” — if you want to use that form, say “he will
probably win”
not liquify
means clear or transparent, not limp
not lynchpin
lineup, lineout
listed buildings
In England and Wales, Grade I-listed (note cap G, roman numeral I) buildings are of exceptional interest; Grade II*
are particularly important buildings of more than special interest; Grade II are of special interest, warranting every
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effort to preserve them. In Scotland and Northern Ireland these categories are replaced by the more logical Grade
A, Grade B and Grade C
term used, particularly by sports commentators, to denote an event that is not literally true, as in “Manchester City
literally came back from the dead”
of London; names lc
Lloyds TSB
Lord Lloyd-Webber
but Andrew Lloyd Webber
noun; the verb is lend
detest loth unwilling, not loath
lock-in, lockout
nouns lock in, lock out verbs
London assembly
elected body of 25 members whose role is to hold the mayor of London to account. Together, assembly and
mayor constitute the Greater London authority (GLA); note there is no such organisation as the “Greater
London assembly”
use Derry and Co Derry
London Eye
official name of the millennium wheel
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
London Transport Users Committee
Long Island iced tea
like this: 149 deg 18 min E
adjective, as in longtime companion
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lord chancellor
the government announced in 2003 that this post would be abolished and the Lord Chancellor's Department
replaced by the Department for Constitutional Affairs
lord chief justice
lord lieutenant
no hyphen, plural lords lieutenant
Lords, House of Lords
but the house, not the House; their lordships
cricket ground
lottery, national lottery
but Lotto and National Lottery Commission
not loveable
plural, lowlifes, not lowlives (for an explanation, see chapter six of Steven Pinker's Words and Rules)
(Northern Ireland)
a silly cliche; do not use
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the country Luxembourgeois its inhabitants
luxury, luxurious
TM; the briefly fashionable termlycra louts”let to complaints from the Lycra lawyers
lying in state
no hyphens
Lynyrd Skynyrd
US rock band (named after a man called Leonard Skinner)
not Lyons
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Mac or Mc?
Shirley MacLaine, Sue MacGregor, Kelvin MacKenzie, Ewen MacAskill, Murdo MacLeod
Sir Trevor McDonald, Malcolm McLaren, David McKie, Gareth McLean
Elle Macpherson
mace, the
(parliament) Mace riot control spray
MacDonald, James Ramsay
(1866-1937) first Labour prime minister, known as Ramsay MacDonald
after Nicolo Machiavelli (1469-1527)
machine gun
noun machine-gun verb; submachine gun
McLuhan, Marshall
(1911-80) Canadian author who coined the phrase “the medium is the message”
Macmillan, Harold
(1894-1986) Tory prime minister
MacMillan, Kenneth
(1929-92) choreographer
MacNeice, Louis
(1907-63) Belfast-born poet
wine and cake
Islamic school
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now spelt thus, though it was Mafeking when it was relieved
magistrates court
no apostrophe
mailbag, mailvan
mail train
do not use to refer to Great Britain in reports about Northern Ireland
mainmast, mainsail
al-Majid, General Ali Hassan
member of Saddam Hussein’s revolutionary command council, nicknamed Chemical Ali for his atrocities against
Iraq’s Kurds (Majid on second reference)
overused; avoid except in military context
Major General
abbreviate on second mention to Gen: Major General Ben Summers, subsequently Gen Summers
makeover, makeup
no hyphens
inhabitant or inhabitants of Madagascar and the name of their language; the adjective for the country is
Malaysian names
generally the surname comes first, so Mahathir Mohamad becomes Mr Mahathir on second ref. Chinese
Malaysian names, like Singaporean names, are in three parts: eg Ling Liong Sik (Mr Ling)
Mall, the
Mamma Mia!
musical show featuring Abba songs
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plural manifestos
avoid: use humankind or humanity
manoeuvre, manoeuvring
singular and plural
Mao Zedong
Mao on second mention
Royal Marines, but US marines
Marks & Spencer
at first mention, then M&S
not marquess, except where it is the correct formal title, eg Marquess of Blandford
not Marseilles
(military rank) not marshall, a frequent error; a reader sent in this mnemonic: “Air Chief Marshal Marshall presided
at the court martial of the martial arts instructor”
Marshall Aid
Martí, José
(1853-95) writer and leader of Cuba’s war of independence against Spain
martial law
Mary Celeste
not Marie Celeste
the savage killing of large numbers of people, not Stockport County beating Mansfield Town 4-0
massively overused; avoid
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imperious masterly skilful
no accent
matt finish, etc
may or might?
The subtle distinctions between these (and between other so-called modal verbs) are gradually disappearing, but
they still matter to many of our readers and can be useful.
implies that the possibility remains open: “The Mies van der Rohe tower may have changed the face of British
architecture forever” (it has been built); might suggests that the possibility remains open no longer: “The Mies
tower might have changed the face of architecture forever”(if only they had built it). Similarly, “they may have
played tennis, or they may have gone boating” suggests I don’t know what they did; “they might have played
tennis if the weather had been dry ”means they didn’t, because it wasn’t.
also has the meaning of “having permission”, so be careful: does “Megawatt Corp may bid for TransElectric Inc”
mean that it is considering a bid, or that the competition authorities have allowed it to bid?
May Day
May 1 Mayday distress signal (from the French “m’aidez!”)
mayor of London
or anywhere else, lc
MCC, the
not “MCC”
almost always misused to mean “here’s a slight change of subject”
Meat and Livestock Commission
Meat Loaf
sings meatloaf doesn't
Médecins sans Frontières
international medical aid charity (don’t describe it as French)
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Medical Research Council
plural of medium: “the media are sex-obsessed”, etc; but a convention of spiritualists would be attended by
not mediaeval
meet, met
not meet with, met with someone
horrible; do not use
plural mementoes
plural memorandums
no accent
mental handicap, mentally handicapped, mentally retarded
do not use: say person with learning difficulties
mental health
Take care using language about mental health issues. In addition to such clearly offensive and unacceptable
expressions as loony, maniac, nutter, psycho and schizo, terms to avoid — because they stereotype and
stigmatise — include victim of, suffering from, and afflicted by; “a person with” is clear, accurate and preferable to
“a person suffering from”. Never use schizophrenic to mean “in two minds". And avoid writing “the mentally ill”—
say mentally ill people, mental health patients or people with mental health problems
Messiaen, Olivier
(1908-92) French composer
traditionally defined as the application to one thing of a name belonging to another, eg bowling blitz, economic
meltdown, “every language is a temple in which the soul of those who speak it is enshrined” (Oliver Wendell
Meteorological Office or Met Office
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write metres out in full, to avoid confusion with million (an obvious exception would be in an article about athletics,
eg she won the 400m)
metric system
The Guardian uses the metric system for weights and measures; exceptions are the mile and the pint. Since
understanding of the two systems is a matter of generations, conversions (in brackets) to imperial units should be
provided wherever this seems useful, though usually one conversion — the first — will suffice. Imperial units in
quoted matter should be retained, and converted to metric [in square brackets] if it doesn’t ruin the flow of the
It is not necessary to convert moderate distances between metres and yards, which are close enough for rough
and ready purposes (though it is preferable to use metres), or small domestic quantities: two litres of wine, a
kilogram of sugar, a couple of pounds of apples, a few inches of string. Small units should be converted when
precision is required: 44mm (1.7in) of rain fell in two hours. Tons and tonnes (metric) are also close enough for
most purposes to do without conversion; again use tonnes.
Body weights and heights should always be converted in brackets: metres to feet and inches, kilograms to
stones/pounds. Geographical heights and depths, of people, buildings, monuments, etc, should be converted,
metres to feet. In square measurement, land is given in sq metres, hectares and sq km, with sq yards, acres or sq
miles in brackets where there is space to provide a conversion. The floor areas of buildings are conventionally
expressed in sq metres (or sq ft). Take great care in conversions of square and cubic measures
Metropolitan police
the Met at second mention; commissioner of the Metropolitan police, Met commissioner is acceptable
mexican wave
Miami Beach
US city
abbreviation for microphone
mid-90s, mid-60s, etc
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mid-Atlantic but transatlantic
middle ages
middle America
Middle East
never Mid, even in headlines
middle England
not Middlesborough
Midlands, east Midlands (but East Midlands airport), West Midlands
no hyphen
midwest (US)
Milad al-Nabi
Islamic festival celebrating the birth of the prophet; many Muslims disapprove of celebrating this event
Militant tendency
For British brigades and divisions use cardinal numbers: 7 Armoured Brigade, 1 UK Armoured Division, 40
Commando, etc; for British battalions and regiments use ordinals, eg 2nd Battalion Royal Regiment of Fusiliers
(for US divisions the style is as follows: 101st Air Assault, 82nd Airborne).
You go aboard a ship and when you are on board you may be welcomed aboard, but you sail or serve or travel
in a ship. Note also that British ships are written “HMS Ark Royal”, not “the HMS Ark Royal”. When HMS is
dropped, mariners shun the definite article, eg he served in Invincible, though inserting one can avoid ambiguities,
eg he served in the Plymouth (the ship not the city).
A brief guide to weapons and equipment, etc:
ballistic missile
has no wings or fins, and follows a ballistic trajectory, eg the Iraqi Scud
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cruise missile
missile with its own engine, best known is the Tomahawk
surface-to-air missiles
high-speed anti-radiation missile, anti-SAM weapon
joint direct attack munition, the satellite-guided smartbomb
massive ordnance air blast, nicknamed mother of all bombs
B-52, F-16
note hyphens
plural is Tornados
stands for low altitude navigation and targeting infrared for night, the equipment allows fighters to fly at low
altitudes, at night, and under the weather
airborne warning and control system, found on board the E-3 Sentry (a modified Boeing); Awacs is singular
stands for intelligence, surveillance, target, acquisition and reconnaissance, a “real-time" intelligence gathering
system that aims to let decision makers respond to events as they occur
suppression of enemy air defences
A jargon-busting guide to the armed forces’ command structure and organisation, ranks, and weapons and
equipment follows:
The head of the armed forces is the chief of the defence staff, who is the chief military adviser to the defence
secretary, equal in status to the permanent secretary of the Ministry of Defence on the civilian side. The rest of the
defence staff comprises the vice-chief and the three service chiefs: chief of the naval staff, chief of the general
staff, chief of the air staff, and their respective assistant chiefs. They and their various aides, advisers and experts
(staff officers) make up the top-level HQ, at the MoD in Whitehall.
The MoD is divided into 11 sections headed by what it calls TLB (top level budget) holders, five of which are
concerned with operations:
1 Chief of Joint Operations, responsible for all military operations, HQ at Northwood, north-west London
2 Navy: Commander in Chief Fleet
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3 Army 1: Land Command
4 Army 2: General Officer Commanding, Northern Ireland
5 RAF: Strike Command
Each force has a personnel TLB, the other three are Central, Defence Procurement Agency and Defence
Logistics Organisation.
Command structures in all three services are complicated by various joint commands and joint operations, either
of two or more services or with other Nato/EU forces.
Royal Navy
The senior service: it was formed first, and its officers are senior to army and RAF officers of equivalent rank. The
army, in turn, is senior to the RAF.
Command structure and organisation
Head: first sea lord and chief of the naval staff
Top body: the Admiralty Board, chaired by the defence secretary
Operational body: Navy Board, headed by first sea lord (1SL) and including commander in chief fleet, and second
sea lord (deals with personnel, etc) and others
Work gets done by Battle Fleet Staff, headed by CinCFleet, who is a full admiral, with HQs in Portsmouth and
Three aircraft carriers: they carry helicopters crewed by the Fleet Air Arm and Harrier jets crewed by a joint FAA
and RAF command, and a Royal Marine commando unit. In a taskforce or other assembly of ships the carrier will
have the admiral (or commodore) commanding on board, and will fly his flag, hence it is the flagship
Amphibious assault ships: land marines, etc, directly on land or by helicopter; like a small aircraft carrier
Destroyers and frigates: armed mainly with missiles and helicopters, for attack and defence against aircraft and
other ships
Mine countermeasure vessels (MCMVs)
Assorted hydrographic survey ships, fisheries protection, patrol boats, etc
Submarine Service:ballistic missile subs (SSBN) are nuclear armed; fleet subs (SSN) are nuclear powered.
Training establishments on shore, including RN Reserve and University Royal Navy Units, are labelled HMS. The
main bases (Portsmouth, Devonport, Clyde) are HMNB; Fleet Air Arm airfields are RNAS (royal naval air station)
but also have a ship name, eg RNAS Yeovilton is also HMS Heron; NROs (naval regional offices/officers) are the
regional flag wavers, each of four headed by a commodore.
Fleet Air Arm:organised in naval air squadrons, flying Merlin, Lynx and Sea King helicopters and Sea Harrier jump
jets; its ranks are navy style.
Royal Fleet Auxiliary:tankers, supply, landing and repair ships; commanding officer is Commodore RFA,
answering to CinCFleet, crews are civilian
ships are RFA (not HMS) Sir Galahad, etc.
Royal Marines
are soldiers in ships (and planes), part of the navy but they have army-style ranks, eg colonel, major, sergeant.
The main operational force is
3 Commando, which comprises three commando units, supported by Royal Engineers and Royal Artillery (army)
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commando units. Their main base and training centre is RM Poole. A branch of the Royal Marines is the SBS
(Special Boat Service) whose fighters are special forces.
Admiral of the Fleet; Admiral (abbreviated to Adm on subsequent mentions); Vice Admiral (Adm); Rear Admiral
(Adm). All four are flag officers, entitled to fly their flag in the ship (flagship) in which they are quartered. The
captain of such a ship is a flag captain. A flag lieutenant is an admiral's aide-de-camp. Confusingly, the navy is
liable to refer to/address any of these as flag for short
Commodore: likely to command, for example, a small force of ships or shore station (the title is also given to the
chief captain of a shipping line)
Captain (abbreviated to Capt); Commander (Cmdr); Lieutenant Commander (Lt Cmdr); Lieutenant (Lt); Sub-
Lieutenant (Sub Lt); Midshipman. The captain of a small ship will not have the rank of captain.
Warrant Officer (WO); Chief Petty Officer (CPO); Petty Officer (PO); leading and able ratings are usually
addressed according to their trade or field of expertise, eg Leading Artificer (a naval term for engineer), Able
Communications Technician, etc.
Spearfish torpedo: wire and sonar-guided, homes on its target
Stringray torpedo: light, aircraft- or ship-borne
Paams: principal anti-air missile system, on destroyers, Aster 15 and Aster 30 (longer range) missiles
Sea Wolf (on frigates) and Sea Dart (destroyers): defensive anti-air missiles
Harpoon (frigate): anti-ship missile
Tomahawk (submarines): land attack cruise missile, 1,000-mile range
Goalkeeper: close range (up to 1,500metres) defensive weapon system with seven-barrel Gatling gun firing at the
rate of 70 rounds a second
Phalanx: last-chance 20mm Gatling gun, 3,000 rpm
114mm/4.5in Mk8 gun: the only real gun left in the navy, 21kg shell, 25 rpm, fitted to all frigates and destroyers
British army
Command structure and organisation
Head: chief of the general staff
Top body: the Army Board, chaired by the defence secretary
Main HQ is Joint Permanent Headquarters, Northwood (joint with the other services)
HQ Land Command, at Erskine barracks, Wilton, near Salisbury, commands fighting soldiers at home and abroad,
and addition there are:
HQ General Officer Commanding, Northern Ireland
plus HQ British Forces Cyprus, HQ British Forces Falkland Islands
The next level of command is the division. There are two operationally ready divisions, 1 (UK) Armoured Division,
which is confusingly based in Germany, attached to Nato Allied Rapid Reaction Corps, and 3 (UK) Division, HQ
Bulford, Wiltshire, part of the Nato Allied Rapid Reaction Corps. Numbers 2, 4 and 5 are administrative
organisations, geographically based Britain, capable of being bumped up if need be.
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The next level is the brigade, historically consisting of three battalions/regiments of infantry or armour or artillery
and support troops, but these days most units at most levels are mixed bunches. Of particular interest is 16 Air
Assault Brigade, the newest and biggest (6,000) with a joint army/RAF HQ at Colchester; it is the primary rapid
reaction force, including two Parachute Regiment battalions, one line infantry battalion, RAF and Army Air Corps
units, artillery, engineers and other support services.
Corps are the professional organisations, both fighting and support. The infantry is technically a corps, though not
often referred to as such, and there are the Royal Armoured Corps, Royal Corps of Logistics, etc.
section: eight to 12 soldiers commanded by an NCO (corporal)
platoon: 25-40 soldiers commanded by a lieutenant, aided by a sergeant
company: three platoons and a HQ, 150 officers and men commanded by a major
battalion/regiment: three companies, a support company and a HQ company, 500-800 soldiers commanded by a
lieutenant-colonel, assisted by an adjutant (usually a major). Some regiments have several battalions, ie 1, 2 and
3 Para. During the first and second world wars each regiment had many battalions. Many regiments have been
disbanded: some amalgamated with others; some historical regimental names are preserved at company level
(see Armoured Division)
The SAS is a regiment and counts as part of the infantry, but it is also designated special forces.
Armoured units
troop: four tanks, 12 troopers, commanded by a first or second lieutenant, a sergeant and two corporals, each of
whom commands a tank
squadron: 14 tanks, commanded by a major (but there are reconnaissance squadrons with light armoured cars,
regiment: 58 tanks, about 550 officers and troopers, commanded by a lieutenant colonel
brigade: three to four battalions/regiments grouped together with added support troops, commanded by a
brigadier (in historical terms a brigade would be three infanty battalions but most of them are now made up of a
wide range of fighting and support units of various sizes)
division: two to four brigades grouped together with added support troops, 16,000-30,000 soldiers commanded by
a major general (30,000 may be theoretical, but the biggest is about 18,000, and others are as low as a couple of
thousand. In addition, regiments are grouped in divisions, viz Guards Division, Scottish Division, Queen's Division,
etc, and the Brigade of Gurkhas (which includes the Royal Irish regiment)
The Armoured Division includes the various remaining mounted units, Life Guards, Blues and Greys, assorted
Hussars, Dragoons, Lancers, etc, retained for ceremonial purposes when the cavalry regiments were turned into
tank regiments and gradually lost their individual identity.
Support troops are drawn from:
The Royal Regiment of Artillery (but it has many regiments, each with its own number, which are historical rather
than an indication of the number currently in being) It is divided into batteries, not companies, privates are called
gunners, corporals are bombardiers
Royal Engineers (a number of regiments, ie 21 Royal Engineers Regiment, plus battalions of the Royal Electrical
and Mechanical Engineers (REME), which also tends to link with Logistics
The various corps, including:
Royal Corps of Logistics (transport and supply of ammunition, equipment, food, etc Formerly Transport Corps,
formerly Royal Army Service Corps)
Royal Signals
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Army Air Corps
Intelligence Corps
Royal Army Medical Corps (plus RA Dental and Veterinary Corps, and Queen Alexandra's Royal Army Nursing
Adjutant General's Corps (lawyers, administrators, teachers, Provost Branch, including Royal Military Police)
Field Marshal; General (abbreviated to Gen); Lieutenant General (Gen); Major General (Gen); Brigadier (Brig);
Colonel (Col); Lieutenant Colonel (Col); Major (Maj); Captain (Capt); Lieutenant (Lt); Second Lieutenant (Lt).
Non-commissioned officers:
Warrant Officer First Class (WOI) – warrant officers hold their warrant, as commissioned officers hold their
commission, from the sovereign; historically they were professional types rather than “gentlemen”; Warrant Officer
Second Class (WOII), includes Regimental Quartermaster Sergeant (RQMS); Sergeant (Sgt) (Colour Sergeant, in
cavalry/armoured regiments); Corporal (Cpl)/Bombardier (Bdr); Lance Corporal (L/Cpl) or Lance Bombardier
(L/Bdr) in the artillery. Some NCOs have regimental/corps titles other than those indicated.
According to the corps or regiment, the rank of Private (Pte) may be gunner, sapper (engineers), trooper (cavalry,
armour), signalman, craftsman, driver, fusilier, ranger, kingsman, rifleman, airtrooper, etc.
Weapons and equipment
Light arms from the SA80 family — L85 individual weapon and L86 light support weapon — replace old-fashioned
rifles and light machine guns; heavy machine gun; general purpose machine gun; light machine gun; Milan anti-
tank weapon; 51mm and 81mm mortars; light anti-armour weapon (sits on the shoulder, looks like a bazooka);
sniper rifles.
Armour: Challenger 2 main battletank; Warrior infantry fighting vehicle; Saxon armoured personnel carrier; Sabre
armoured light recce vehicle; various others, eg Samaritan armoured ambulance, Samson armoured recovery
vehicle (note that tanks, armoured personnel carriers and self-propelled guns look similar but have different roles.
A tank's main role is to attack other tanks and armour. An armoured personnel carrier carries infantry,
commanders, signallers or other support troops. Spata – stands for self-propelled artillery-tracked artillery – are
big guns with their own engines).
Artillery: multiple launch rocket system; AS90 self-propelled gun (looks a bit like a tank, but tanks are primarily
used on the move against other armour); L118 light gun; Starstreak high-velocity missile.
Aircraft: Apache attack; Bell 212; Gazelle and Lynx helicopters; Britten-Norman Islander plane.
Royal Air Force
Command structure and organisation
Head: chief of the air staff, senior to commander in chief strike command and deputy CinC strike command
Strike Command HQ at RAF High Wycombe, with three groups:
1 all strike aircraft
2 all support aircraft
3 Joint Force Harrier, mix of RAF and navy, commanded by a naval officer;
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UK Combined Air Operations Centre at High Wycombe works with RAF, RN and Nato forces to scamble the jets if
the missiles start coming in
The basic units are squadrons, those at the sharp end being strike/attack and offensive support; air defence and
airborne early warning, and reconnaissance. HQs, airfields and other establishments are RAF stations, eg RAF
Officers: Marshal of the Royal Air Force; Air Chief Marshal; Air Marshal; Air
Vice-Marshal; Air Commodore (equivalent to navy commodore and army brigadier); Group Captain (Group Capt,
equivalent to captain, colonel); Wing Commander (Wing Cdr, = commander, lieutenant colonel); Squadron Leader
(Sqn Ldr, = lieutenant commander, major); Flight Lieutenant (Flt Lt, = lieutenant, captain; Flying Officer, (= sub-
lieutenant, lieutenant); Pilot Officer (Plt Off, = midshipman, second lieutenant – except that midshipmen are junior
to their army and air force counterparts).
Other ranks:
Master Aircrew (= warrant officer, WOI); Warrant Officer (WO, = warrant officer, WOI); Flight Sergeant (FS, = chief
petty officer, staff corporal, staff sergeant); Chief Technician (Ch Tech, = chief petty officer, staff corporal, staff
sergeant); Sergeant (Sgt, = petty officer, sergeant, corporal of horse); Corporal (Cpl, = leading rate, corporal,
bombardier); Junior Technician (Jr Tech, = able or ordinary rate, private or its equivalents, as are the remaining
ranks); Senior Aircraftman/Aircraftwoman and Leading Aircraftman/Aircraftwoman.
Offensive aircraft:
Harrier single-seat attack, vertical take off and landing, general purpose bomb, cluster bombs, laser-guided
bombs, anti-tank bombs
Jaguar single-seat attack and recce, general purpose bomb, cluster bombs, guided bomb, rockets, cannon,
defensive air-to-air missiles
Tornado GR4 twin seat, swing wing, supersonic, guided bombs, cruise missiles
Typhoon (Eurofighter) upcoming replacement for Jaguar and Tornado F3, bristling with all the above weapons
Defensive aircraft:
Sentry ex-Boeing 707, flying radar station
Tornado F3 twoseater supersonic, air-to-air and anti-radar missiles
Recce/marine patrol:
Canberra 1940s bomber, now high-altitude recce
Nimrod based on Comet, the first jetliner
Globemaster, Hercules, Tristar, VC10
air-to-air missiles: Asraam, Aim-9 Sidewinder, Amraam, Skyflash
anti-shipping: Harpoon, Stingray
short-range air-to-surface (gp bombs): CVR-7 1,000lb bomb, Paveway II and III, Enhanced Paveway (guided gp
bombs), Maverick (missile)
long-range air-launched missiles: Alarm, Brimstone, Storm Shadow
surface-to-air (defensive) missile system: Rapier
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cannon: Aden 30mm/1,200-1,400 rounds a minute (the rate of fire, the ammo box carries only 150 rounds);
Mauser 27mm, 1,000/1,700 rounds a minute rate of fire
Finally, here is our style for US aircraft which played a big part in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan: F-14 Tomcat,
F-15 Eagle, F-16 Fighting Falcon, F/A-18 Hornet/Super Hornet, F-117 Nighthawk stealth fighter, B-52
Stratofortress, B-2 stealth bomber, B-1B Lancer
to militate against something is to influence it (his record militated against his early release); to mitigate means to
lessen an offence (in mitigation, her counsel argued that she came from a broken home)
millenary, millennium, millennia
Millennium Dome
at first mention, then just the dome
millennium wheel
its official name is London Eye
in copy use m for sums of money, units or inanimate objects: £10m, 45m tonnes of coal, 30m doses of vaccine;
but million for people or animals: 1 million people, 23 million rabbits, etc; use m in headlines
mimic, mimicked, mimicking
contraction of minute/minutes, no full point
minibus, minicab, miniskirt, minivan
plural minima
not miniscule
mistakable, unmistakable
misuse, misused
no hyphen
member of the Northern Ireland assembly, eg Bairbre de Brun MLA (stands for member of the legislative
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master of letters, not master of literature
Herman Melville's classic is, believe it or not, hyphenated
in the sense of Modern British, to distinguish it frommodern art”
Moët & Chandon
not monies moneyed, not monied
one of the peoples of Mongolia
Monk, Thelonious
(1920-82) American jazz pianist and composer, generally but erroneously referred to in the Guardian and
elsewhere as “Thelonius”
inhabited by Montenegrins
Moors murders
committed in the 1960s by Ian Brady and Myra Hindley
more than generally preferable to over: there were more than 20,000 people at the game, it will cost more than
£100 to get it fixed; but she is over 18
Morissette, Alanis
morning-after pill
morris dance
for the stores, Wm Morrison Supermarkets is the name of the company
mortgage borrower, lender
the person borrowing the money is the mortgagor, the lender is both the mortgagee and the mortgage holder; to
avoid confusion, call the mortgagor the mortgage borrower and the mortgagee the mortgage lender
plural mosquitoes
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mother of parliaments
the great Liberal politician and Manchester Guardian reader John Bright described England, the country (not
Westminster, the institution), as the mother of parliaments
mother of three etc, not mother-of-three
motorcar, motorcycle
write M1, not M1 motorway
no points
Mr, Ms, Mrs, Miss
use after first mention on news (but not sport) pages and in leading articles, unless you are writing about an artist,
author, journalist, musician, criminal or dead person; defendants keep their honorifics unless they are convicted
Mrs, Miss or Ms?
we use whichever the woman in question prefers: with most women in public life (Mrs May, Miss Widdecombe)
that preference is well known; if you don't know, try to find out; if that proves impossible, use Ms
member of the Scottish parliament, eg Sir David Steel MSP
Muslims consider Muhammad to be the last of God’s prophets, who delivered God’s final message. They
recognise Moses and Jesus as prophets also.
The above transliteration is our style for the prophet's name and for most Muhammads living in Arab countries,
though where someone’s preferred spelling is known we respect it, eg Mohamed Al Fayed, Mohamed ElBaradei.
The spelling Mohammed (or variants) is considered archaic by most British Muslims today, and disrespectful by
many of them
Muhammad Ali
collective noun for people fighting a jihad; the singular is mujahid
Saddam Hussein’s secret police
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multicultural, multimedia, multimillion but multi-ethnic
Mumbai (formerly Bombay)
use this phrase at first mention
Murphy's law
“If there are two or more ways to do something, and one of those ways can result in a catastrophe, then someone
will do it”; also known as sod's law
initial caps, eg British Museum, Natural History Museum, Victoria and Albert Museum (V&A on second reference),
Metropolitan Museum of Art, etc
not Moslem
megawatts mW milliwatts
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Nabokov, Vladimir
(1899-1977) Russian-born author of Lolita; not Nabakov
naive, naively, naivety
Avoid the “chancellor Gordon Brown” syndrome: do not use constructions, beloved of the tabloids, such as
“chancellor Gordon Brown said”. The chancellor refers to his job, not his title. Prominent figures can just be
named, with their function at second mention: “Gordon Brown said last night” (first mention); “the chancellor said”
(subsequent mentions).
Where it is thought necessary to explain who someone is, write “Neil Warnock, the Sheffield United manager,
said” or “the Sheffield United manager, Neil Warnock, said”. In such cases the commas around the name indicate
there is only one person in the position, so write “the Tory leader, Michael Howard, said” (only one person in the
job), but “the former Tory prime minister John Major said” (there have been many)
National Aeronautics and Space Administration, but no need to spell out
Do not use when you mean country or state; reserve nation to describe people united by language, culture and
history so as to form a distinct group within a larger territory. And beware of attributing the actions of a government
or a military force to a national population (eg, “The Israelis have killed 400 children during the intifada"). Official
actions always have opponents within a population; if we don't acknowledge this, we oversimplify the situation
and shortchange the opponents
National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers
(NASUWT); we are stuck with these initials unless the organisation changes its name to something more
sensible; call it “the union” after first mention
National Audit Office
National Grid
owner and operator of the British electricity transmission system since the industry was privatised in 1990
national insurance
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(Northern Ireland)
national lottery
National Offender Management Service
National Savings
the former Post Office Savings Bank, now a government agency (full name National Savings and Investments)
Native Americans
Geronimo was a Native American (not an American Indian or Red Indian); George Bush is a native American
North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, but no need to spell out
nothing nought the figure 0
Navarro-Valls, Dr Joaquín Vatican spokesman
but Royal Navy
but nazism
one word, whether adjective or adverb: the pub nearby; the nearby pub
nearsighted, nearsightedness
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Even if you have always wanted to appear in Private Eye, resist the temptation to write such nonsense as “grey is
the new black”, “billiards is the new snooker”, “Umbria is the new Tuscany”, etc
Netherlands, the
not Holland, which is only part of the country; use Dutch as the adjective. Exception: the Dutch football team is
generally known as Holland
but none the less
new, now
often redundant
hyphens Newcastle upon Tyne no hyphens
New Labour
but old Labour
news agency
newsagent, newsprint, newsreel
newspaper titles
the Guardian, the New York Times, etc, do not write “the Guardian newspaper”
New Testament
new year
lc, but New Year's Day, New Year's Eve
New York City
but New York state
next of kin
national health service, but not necessary to spell out; health service is also OK
National Infection Control and Health Protection Agency
Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm
(1844-1900) German philosopher
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Surnames do not exist in the north of Nigeria: a typical name would be Isa Sani Sokoto (Isa the son of Sani who
comes from the town of Sokoto); so best to write in full
nightcap, nightdress, nightfall, nightgown, nightshade, nightshirt
Nobel prize
Nobel peace prize, Nobel prize for literature, etc
No 1
in the charts, the world tennis No 1, etc — with thin (non-breaking) space before the number
No 10
(Downing Street) — with thin space before the 10
plural noes
means something along the lines of “this is so obvious, you don't need a brain to know it” not “only someone with
no brain would think this”
no campaign, yes campaign
not No campaign, “no” campaign or any of the other variants
no man's land
no hyphens
no one
not no-one
noncommissioned officer
It is a (very persistent) myth that “none” has to take a singular verb, but plural is acceptable and often sounds
more natural, eg “none of the current squad are good enough to play in the Premiership”, “none of the issues
have been resolved”
none the
but nevertheless
north London, north-east England, the north-west, etc
north of the border
avoid this expression: the Guardian is a national newspaper
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northern hemisphere
north pole
North-West Frontier Province
North York Moors
national park; but North Yorkshire Moors railway
not nosey
notebook, notepaper
Nottingham Forest, Notts County
Notting Hill carnival
Spell out from one to nine; integers from 10 to 999,999; thereafter use m or bn for sums of money, quantities or
inanimate objects in copy, eg £10m, 5bn tonnes of coal, 30m doses of vaccine; but million or billion for people or
animals, eg 1 million people, 3 billion rabbits, etc; in headlines use m or bn
Numbers have always contained power, and many a journalist will tremble at the very sight of them. But most
often the only maths we need to make sense of them is simple arithmetic. Far more important are our critical
faculties, all too often switched off at the first sniff of a figure.
It’s easy to be hoodwinked by big numbers in particular. But are they really so big? Compared with what? And
what is being assumed? A government announcement of an extra £X million a year will look far less impressive if
divided by 60million (the British population) and/or 52 (weeks in the year). That’s quite apart from the fact that it
was probably trumpeted last week already, as part of another, bigger number. We have to be aggressive when
interpreting the spin thrown at us.
The legal profession has, in the same way, been forced to put DNA evidence in the dock. If the probability of the
accused and the culprit sharing the same genetic profile is one in 3million, then there are 19 other people in
Britain alone who share the same DNA “match”.
Never invent a big figure when a small one will do. Totting jail sentences together (“the six men were jailed for a
total of 87 years”) is meaningless as well as irritating. Similarly, saying that something has an area the size of 150
football pitches, or is “eight times the size of Wales”, is cliched and may not be helpful.
Here is an easy three-point guide to sidestepping common “mythematics” traps:
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1 Be careful in conversions, don’t muddle metric and imperial, or linear, square and cubic measures. Square miles
and miles square are constantly confused: an area 10 miles square is 10 miles by 10 miles, which equals 100
square miles.
2 Be extremely wary of (or don’t bother) converting changes in temperature; you run the risk of confusing absolute
and relative temperatures, eg while a temperature of 2C is about the same as 36F, a temperature change of 2C
corresponds to a change of about 4F.
3 When calculating percentages, beware the “rose by/fell by X%” construction: an increase from 3% to 5% is a 2
percentage point increase or a 2-point increase, not a 2% increase
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OAPs, old age pensioners
do not use: they are pensioners or old people; note also that we should take care using the word elderly — it
should not be used to describe anyone younger than 70
not obligato
O’Brian, Patrick
author of Master and Commander
see swearwords
“mentally slow or emotionally insensitive” (Collins); often confused with abstruse (hard to understand) or obscure
occupied territories
oceans, seas
uc, eg Atlantic Ocean, Red Sea
Office of Communications, the broadcasting and telecommunications regulator
offhand, offside
but off-licence
Office for National Statistics
Office of Fair Trading
OFT on second mention
Office of the Deputy Prime Minister
avoid the ugly abbreviation ODPM after first mention by calling it Mr Prescott's office, the office, the department,
not O!
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oil painting
oil production platform
for production of oil oil rig for exploration and drilling
is OK; “okay” is not
Old Testament
Olympic games
or just Olympics
prefer continuous or continual
can be ambiguous if not placed next to the word or phrase modified: “I have only one ambition” is clearer than “I
only have one ambition”
on to
but into
Op 58, No 2
music style
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opposition, the
do not use “or” when explaining or amplifying — rather than “the NUT, or National Union of Teachers” say “The
NUT (National Union of Teachers)” or, even better, “The National Union of Teachers” at first mention and then just
“the NUT” or “the union”
direction, decree
Ordnance Survey
Britain's national mapping agency (“ordnance” because such work was originally undertaken by the army)
Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
OECD on second reference
outed, outing
take care with these terms: if we say, for example, that a paedophile was outed, we are equating him with a gay
person being outed; use exposed or revealed instead
outgrow, outgun, outmanoeuvre, outpatient
outward bound
we have been sued twice by the Outward Bound Trust when we have reported that people have died on “outward
bound” courses that were nothing to do with the trust; use a safer term such as outdoor adventure or adventure
not overly; see more than
overestimate, overstate
take care that you don't mean underestimate or understate (we often get this wrong)
Oxford comma
a comma before the final “and” in lists: straightforward ones (he ate ham, eggs and chips) do not need one, but
sometimes it can help the reader (he ate cereal, kippers, bacon, eggs, toast and marmalade, and tea)
does not just vaguely mean self-contradictory; an oxymoron is a figure of speech in which apparently
contradictory terms are used in conjunction, such as bittersweet, living death, “darkness visible” (Paradise Lost),
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“the living dead” (The Waste Land); one of Margaret Atwood's characters thought “interesting Canadian” was an
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Latin tag meaning “by the leave of”, as a courteous nod to the views of a dissenting author, or “even
acknowledging the existence of”, not “such as”
Pacific Ocean
song of praise paeon metrical foot of one long and three short syllables
El País
Palestinian Authority
becomes “the authority” on second reference
Palme d'Or
(Cannes film festival)
Palme, Olof
(1927-86) Swedish prime minister who was assassinated in a Stockholm street (not Olaf)
Palmer-Tomkinson, Tara
Pandora's box
panel, panelled, panelling
plural paparazzi; named after a character in Fellini’s 1960 film La Dolce Vita
see brackets
Parker Bowles, Camilla
no hyphen
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Parkinson's disease
Parkinson's law
“Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion”
parliament, parliamentary
but cap up those parliaments referred to by their name in the relevant language, eg Knesset, Folketing, Duma, etc
Parthenon marbles
official name, recognised by both Britain and Greece, for the Elgin marbles
lc in name of organisation, eg Labour party
make up about 40% of the Afghan population (called Pathans during the British Raj); singular Pashtun; they
speak Pashtu
plural passersby
passive voice
strive for active verbs: compare “the mat was sat upon by the cat” with “the cat sat on the mat”
Passport Agency
Patent Office
are discharged from hospital, not released
payback, payday, payout
peacekeeper, peacetime
Peak District
Pearl Harbor
use American English spellings for US placenames
cyclist peddler drug dealer pedlar hawker
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Avoid writing “Lord Asquith's Liberal government", or “Lady Thatcher took power in 1979”; when talking about
people before they were given peerages use their names/titles at the time (eg Herbert Asquith, Mrs Thatcher).
Also avoid the construction “Lady Helena Kennedy”: in this case we would write Lady Kennedy or Helena
Kennedy, or — if really pushed — Lady (Helena) Kennedy (but never Baroness Kennedy)
peking duck
adjective pendent
adjective peninsular
do not call them “old age pensioners” or “OAPs”; take similar care with the word “elderly”, which should never be
used to describe someone under 70
avoid; use English: “She earns £30,000 a year” is better than “per year”. If you must use it, the Latin preposition is
followed by another Latin word, eg per capita, not per head. Exception: miles per hour, which we write mph
per cent
% in headlines and copy
percentage rises
probably our most common lapse into “mythematics”: an increase from 3% to 5% is a 2 percentage point increase
or a 2-point increase, not a 2% increase; any sentence saying “such and such rose or fell by X%” should be
considered and checked carefully
Pérez de Cuéllar, Javier
Peruvian diplomat and former UN secretary general (Mr Pérez de Cuéllar on second mention)
Performing Right Society
not Rights
supporters of the nationalist/populist ideology of the late Argentinian president Juan Domingo Perón
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© Guardian Newspapers Limited
personal equity plan
No! They are people (can you imagine Barbra Streisand singing “Persons who need persons”?)
Kurdish opposition fighters
plural phenomena
inhabited by Filipinos (male) and Filipinas (female); adjective Filipino for both sexes, but Philippine for, say, a
Philippine island or the Philippine president
electronics company Phillips screwdriver
Phnom Penh
no apostrophe
adjective phosphorus noun
not Photostat or Xerox (trade names)
the ratio of the cirumference of a circle to its diameter, as every schoolgirl knows
picket noun (one who pickets), not picketer;
picketed, picketing
verb or noun
plural pigsties
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pill, the
or pin number not Pin or PIN number
Pissarro, Camille
(1830-1903) French impressionist painter; his son Lucien (1863-1944) was also an artist
Planning Inspectorate
plaster of paris
plural plateaux
playbill, playgoer, playwright
playing the race card
an overused phrase
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© Guardian Newspapers Limited
not PLC
pocketbook, pocketknife
poet laureate
(ballet); on pointe, not on point or en pointe
no accents
A form of language used mostly by gay men and lesbians, derived in part from slang used by sailors, actors and
prostitutes and popularised in the 1960s BBC radio comedy Round the Horne by the characters Julian and Sandy.
Example: “Vada the dolly eke on the bona omee ajax" (Look at the gorgeous face on that nice man over there);
“naff" is an example of Polari that has passed into more general use, as are “butch”, “camp” and “dizzy”
police forces
Metropolitan police (the Met after first mention), West Midlands police, New York police department (NYPD at
second mention), etc
police ranks
PC on all references to police constable (never WPC), other ranks full out and initial cap at first reference;
thereafter abbreviation plus surname: Sgt Campbell, DC, Insp, Ch Insp, Det Supt, Ch Supt, Cmdr, etc (or just Mr,
Ms or Mrs)
political correctness
a term to be avoided on the grounds that it is, in Polly Toynbee's words, “an empty rightwing smear designed only
to elevate its user
political parties
lc for word “party”; abbreviate if necessary (for example in parliamentary reporting) as C, Lab, Lib Dem (two
words), SNP (Scottish National party, not “Scottish Nationalist party”), Plaid Cymru, SDLP (Social Democratic and
Labour party), SF (Sinn Féin), UUP (Ulster Unionist party), DUP (Democratic Unionist party), Ukip
(UKIndependence party)
pop art
Pope, the
but the pontiff; no need to give his name in full
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© Guardian Newspapers Limited
portland cement, portland stone
Port of London authority
PLA on second mention
postmodern, postmodernist
Post Office
cap up the organisation, but you buy stamps in a post office or sub-post office
Potters Bar
no apostrophe
abbreviation for prisoner of war
noun practise verb
practising homosexual
do not use this grotesque expression; where it is necessary to discuss someone’s sex life, for example a story
about gay clergy, it is possible to use other expressions, eg the Anglican church demands celibacy from gay
clergy but permits the laity to have sexually active relationships
singular and plural
prefab, prefabricated
TheGuardian style guide
© Guardian Newspapers Limited
use only when constitutionally correct (eg leaders of Australian states or Canadian provinces), therefore not for
Britain — do not use in headlines for British prime minister; exception: the Chinese traditionally give their head of
government the title of premier, eg Premier Wen Jiabao (Mr Wen on second mention)
no accent
use for English football (FA Premier League is the governing body, not the competition); in Scotland, however, it is
the Premier League
of buildings and logic
appeal against, protest against/over/at, not “appealed the sentence", “protested the verdict", etc
Schoolchildren used to be told (by English teachers unduly influenced by Latin) that it was ungrammatical to end
sentences with a preposition, a fallacy satirised by Churchill's “this is the sort of English up with which I will not
put" and HW Fowler’s “What did you bring me that book to be read to out of for?”
means soon, not at present
lc except in title: President Bush, but George Bush, the US president
press, the
singular: the British press is a shining example to the rest of the world
Press Complaints Commission
PCC on second mention
Press Gazette
formerly UK Press Gazette
use pressured, put pressure on or pressed to mean apply pressure, ie not “they pressurised the Wolves defence”
having prestige: nothing wrong with this, despite what wise old subeditors used to tell us
Pret a Manger
food prêt à porter fashion
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“to speak or act falsely with intent to deceive” (Collins); often confused with procrastinate, to put something off
not preventative
one word
prima donna
plural prima donnas
prima facie
not italicised
primary care trusts
lc, eg Southwark primary care trust
another word for archbishop; Primate of All England: Archbishop of Canterbury; Primate of England: Archbishop of
York; but “the primate” on second reference
higher mammals of the order Primates, essentially apes and humans
prime minister
Prince of Wales
at first mention; thereafter Prince Charles or the prince
first in importance principle standard of conduct
(Wales, Monaco) lc
prison officer
not warder
private finance initiative
PFI on second mention
privy council but privy counsellor
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Booker prize, Nobel prize, Whitbread prize, etc. See awards
a dental implement, not an inquiry or investigation
to delay or defer; often confused with prevaricate
procurator fiscal
wasteful or extravagant, not a returned wanderer; the confusion arises from the biblical parable of the prodigal
a noun, not a verb
(computer); otherwise programme
lc for US prohibition
do not use to mean anti-abortion unless in a direct quote
noun prophesy verb
pros and cons
male and female, no accents
protest against, over or about
not, for example, “protest the election result” which has appeared on our front page
not protestor
beware the creeping “proven”, featuring (mispronounced) in every other TV ad; proven is not the normal past
tense of prove, but a term in Scottish law (“not proven”) and in certain English idioms, eg “proven record”
plural provisos
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© Guardian Newspapers Limited
Ps and Qs
not publically
public-private partnership
PPP on second mention
Public Record Office
merged with the Historical Manuscripts Commission in 2003 to form the National Archives
TM; say padded or quilted jacket not “puffa jacket”
self-appointed expert
as a noun, perhaps, but use buy as a verb
athletics putt golf
plural pygmies, lc except for members of Equatorial African ethnic group
pyrrhic victory
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Osama bin Laden's organisation; it means “the Base”
not khat
use without comma, eg Cherie Booth QC
Qualifications and Curriculum Authority
QCA after first mention
quarterdeck, quartermaster
Queen, the
if it is necessary to say so, she is Her Majesty or HM, never HRH
Queen's College, Oxford
its official name is The Queen’s College (named in honour of Queen Philippa in 1341)
Queens' College, Cambridge
Queen’s speech
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not queuing
quicklime, quicksand, quicksilver
a suspect is questioned, not quizzed (however tempting for headline purposes)
quotation marks
Use double quotes at the start and end of a quoted section, with single quotes for quoted words within that
section. Place full points and commas inside the quotes for a complete quoted sentence; otherwise the point
comes outside: “Mary said, ‘Your style guide needs updating,’ and I said, ‘I agree.’ ”
but: “Mary said updating the guide was ‘a difficult and time-consuming task’.”
When beginning a quote with a sentence fragment that is followed by a full sentence, punctuate according to the
final part of the quote, eg The minister called the allegations “blatant lies. But in a position such as mine, it is only
to be expected."
Headlines and standfirsts (sparingly), captions and display quotes all take single quote marks.
For parentheses in direct quotes, use square brackets.
Take care with direct speech: our readers should be confident that words appearing in quotation marks accurately
represent the actual words uttered by the speaker, though ums and ahems can be removed and bad grammar
improved. If you aren’t sure of the exact wording, use indirect speech.
Where a lot of material has been left out, start off a new quote with “He added: … ”, or signify this with an ellipsis.
Take particular care when extracting from printed material, for example a minister’s resignation letter.
And introduce the speaker from the beginning, or after the first sentence: it is confusing and frustrating to read
several sentences or even paragraphs of a quote before finding out who is saying it.
From the editor:
If a reader reads something in direct quotation marks in the Guardian he/she is entitled to believe that the reporter
can vouch directly for the accuracy of the quote.
Copying quotes out of other newspapers without any form of attribution is simply bad journalism, never mind
legally risky. If, where there are no libel issues, you’re going to repeat quotes, then always say where they came
TheGuardian style guide
© Guardian Newspapers Limited
from. It won’t be much help in a legal action, but at least the reader can evaluate the reliability of the source. A
quote in the Sunday Sport may, who knows, count for less than one from the Wall Street Journal.
If we’re taking quotes off the radio or television it is our general policy to include an attribution. This matters less if
it is a pooled interview or news conference which happens to be covered by, say, the BBC or Sky. If the quote
comes from an exclusive interview on a radio or TV programme (eg, Today, Channel 4 News or Newsnight) we
should always include an attribution
holy book of Islam (not Koran); regarded as the word of God, having been dictated by the prophet Muhammad, so
in the eyes of Muslims it is wrong to suggest the prophet “wrote” the Quran
Qureia, Ahmed
Palestinian politician, popularly known as Abu Ala (which means “father of Ala” — it is not a nom de guerre)
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racecourse, racehorse
racial terminology
Do not use ethnic to mean black or Asian people. In a British sense, they are an ethnic minority; in a world sense,
of course, white people are an ethnic minority.
Just as in the Balkans or anywhere else, internal African peoples should, where possible, be called ethnic groups
or communities rather than “tribes”.
Avoid the word “immigrant”, which is very offensive to many black and Asian people, not only because it is often
incorrectly used to describe people who were born in Britain, but also because it has been used negatively for so
many years that it carries imagery of “flooding”, “swamping”, “bogus”, “scroungers”, etc.
The words black and Asian should not be used as nouns, but adjectives: black people rather than “blacks”, an
Asian woman rather than “an Asian”, etc.
Say African-Caribbean rather than Afro-Caribbean
rack and ruin
with pain, not wracked
not racquets, except in club titles
Royal Academy of Dramatic Art; normally no need to spell out
Radio 1, Radio 2, Radio 3, Radio 4, 5 Live
takes x-rays radiologist reads them
Radio Telifís Éireann
Irish public broadcasting corporation
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© Guardian Newspapers Limited
plural radii
something you float on; do not say “a raft of measures”, which has very rapidly become a cliche (particularly in
political reporting)
railway, railway station
not the American English versions railroad, train station
raincoat, rainfall, rainproof
month of fasting for Muslims
Range Rover
no hyphen
not Glasgow Rangers
rarefy, rarefied
TM; it’s OK to call them Ray-Bans
Use re- (with hyphen) when followed by the vowels e or u (not pronounced as “yu”): eg re-entry, re-examine, re-
Use re (no hyphen) when followed by the vowels a, i, o or u (pronounced as “yu”), or any consonant: eg rearm,
rearrange, reassemble, reiterate, reorder, reuse, rebuild, reconsider.
Exceptions: re-read; or where confusion with another word would arise:
re-cover/recover, re-form/reform, re-creation/recreation, re-sign/resign
lc, no italics
rear admiral
Rear Admiral Horatio Hornblower at first mention, thereafter Adm Hornblower
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not reforestation
received pronunciation (RP)
a traditionally prestigious accent, associated with public schools and used by an estimated 3% of the population
of England, also known as BBC English, Oxford English or the Queen’s English; nothing to do with Standard
English, which includes written as well as spoken language and can be (indeed, normally is) spoken with a
regional accent
avoid: if the date is relevant, use it
Red Cross, Red Crescent
plural referendums
to form again reform to change for the better; we should not take initiators' use of the word at its face value,
particularly in cases where the paper believes no improvement is likely
use this much-abused word only when an argument is disproved; otherwise contest, deny, rebut
plural, of royalty; “royal regalia” is tautologous
Regent’s Park
no accent
register office
not registry office
registrar general
religious right
noun repellent adjective: you fight repellent insects with an insect repellant
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© Guardian Newspapers Limited
an individual's range of skills or roles repertory a selection of works that a theatre or dance company might
the Lawrence report, etc; use report on or inquiry into but not report into, ie not “a report into health problems”
reported speech
When a comment in the present tense is reported, use past tense: “She said:‘I like chocolate’ ” (present tense)
becomes in reported speech “she said she liked chocolate” (not “she said she likes chocolate”).
When a comment in the past tense is reported, use “had” (past perfect tense): “She said: ‘I ate too much
chocolate’ ” (past tense) becomes in reported speech “she said she had eaten too much chocolate” (not “she said
she ate too much chocolate”).
Once it has been established who is speaking, there is no need to keep attributing, so long as you stick to the
past tense: “Anne said she would vote Labour. There was no alternative. It was the only truly progressive party”,
republicans lc (except for US political party)
resistance, resistance fighters See terrorism, terrorists
restaurateur not restauranteur
retail price index (RPI) normally no need to spell it out
the Rev at first mention, thereafter use courtesy title: eg the Rev Joan Smith, subsequently Ms Smith; never say
“Reverend Smith”, “the Reverend Smith” or “Rev Smith”
TheGuardian style guide
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last book in the New Testament: not Revelations, a very common error; its full name is The Revelation of St John
the Divine
ricochet, ricocheted, ricocheting
to flick through a book, newspaper or magazine; often confused with rifle, to search or ransack and steal from, eg
rifle goods from a shop
right wing, the right, rightwinger nouns rightwing adjective
lc, eg river Thames, Amazon river
riveted, riveting
you rob a person or a bank, using force or the threat of violence; but you steal a car or a bag of money
cap if referring to Gibraltar
one word
no accent
TM; say inline skates
one word
plural Roma
Rorschach test
psychological test based on the interpretation of inkblots
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Rovers Return, the
(no apostrophe) Coronation Street’s pub
Royal Academy of Arts
usually known as the Royal Academy
Royal Air Force or RAF
Royal Ballet
Royal Botanic Garden
(Edinburgh); Royal Botanic Gardens (London), also known as Kew Gardens or simply Kew
Royal College of Surgeons
the college or the royal college is preferable to the RCS on subsequent mention
royal commission
Royal Courts of Justice
royal family
Royal London hospital
Royal Mail
Royal Marines
marines after first mention
Royal Navy
or the navy
Royal Opera, Royal Opera House
royal parks
do not normally need to be spelt out
rugby league, rugby union
Rule, Britannia!
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Indian currency rupiah Indonesian currency
russian roulette
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not sacreligious
Sadler's Wells
for the stores; the company's name is J Sainsbury plc
in running text should be spelt in full: Saint John, Saint Paul. For names of towns, churches, etc, abbreviate St (no
point) eg St Mirren, St Stephen's church. In French placenames a hyphen is needed, eg St-Nazaire, Ste-Suzanne,
St Andrews University
no apostrophe
St James Park
home of Exeter City St James' Park home of Newcastle United St James's Park royal park in London
St John Ambulance
not St John's and no need for Brigade
St Paul's Cathedral
St Thomas' hospital
in London; not St Thomas's
not Thessaloniki
Salvation Army
never the Sally Army
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plural salvoes
capital of Yemen
not sanitorium, plural sanatoriums
San Sebastián
San Siro stadium
Sao Paulo
Brazilian city, not Sao Paolo
standard assessment tasks SATs scholastic aptitude tests (in the US, where they are pronounced as individual
Saumarez Smith, Charles
director of the National Gallery
Savile Row
plural scherzos
schizophrenia, schizophrenic
use only in a medical context, never to mean “in two minds”, which is wrong, as well as offensive to people
diagnosed with this illness
schoolboy, schoolgirl, schoolchildren, schoolroom, schoolteacher
Alfred Salter primary school, Rotherhithe; King's school, Macclesfield; Eton college, etc
school years
year 2, year 10, key stage 1, etc
Schröder, Gerhard
German politician
Schwarzenegger, Arnold
Arnie acceptable in headlines
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© Guardian Newspapers Limited
scientific measurements
Take care:“m” in scientific terms stands for “milli” (1mW is 1,000th of a watt), while “M” denotes “mega” (1MW is a
million watts); in such circumstances it is wise not to bung in another “m” when you mean million, so write out, for
example, 10million C.
amps A, volts V, watts W, megawatts MW, milliwatts mW, joules J, kilojoules kJ
scientific names No need to italicise — E coli (Escherichia coli) etc. The first name (the genus) is capped, the
second (the species) is lc — eg Quercus robur (oak tree)
scientific terms
Some silly cliches you might wish to avoid: you would find it difficult to hesitate for a nanosecond (the shortest
measurable human hesitation is probably about 250 million nanoseconds, or a quarter of a second); “astronomical
sums" when talking about large sums of money is rather dated (the national debt surpassed the standard
astronomical unit of 93 million [miles] 100 years ago)
TM; say sticky tape
scotch whisky, scotch mist
The following was written by a Scot who works for the Guardian and lives in London. Letters expressing similar
sentiments come from across Britain (and, indeed, from around the world):
We don't carry much coverage of events in Scotland and to be honest, even as an expat, that suits me fine. But I
do care very much that we acknowledge that Scotland is a separate nation and in many ways a separate country.
It has different laws, education system (primary, higher and further), local government, national government,
sport, school terms, weather, property market and selling system, bank holidays, right to roam, banks and money,
churches, etc.
If we really want to be a national newspaper then we need to consider whether our stories apply only to England
(and Wales) or Britain, or Scotland only. When we write about teachers' pay deals, we should point out that we
mean teachers in England and Wales; Scottish teachers have separate pay and management structures and
union. When we write about it being half term, we should remember that there's no such thing in Scotland. When
we write about bank holiday sunshine/rain, we should remember that in Scotland the weather was probably
different and it possibly wasn't even a bank holiday. When we write a back-page special on why the English
cricket team is crap, we should be careful not to refer to it as “we" and “us". When the Scottish Cup final is played,
we should perhaps consider devoting more than a few paragraphs at the foot of a page to Rangers winning their
100th major trophy (if it had been Manchester United we'd have had pages and pages with Bobby Charlton's all-
time fantasy first XI and a dissertation on why English clubs are the best in Europe).
These daily oversights come across to a Scot as arrogance. They also undermine confidence in what the paper is
telling the reader.
Scotland Office
not Scottish Office
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Scott, Sir George Gilbert
(1811-78) architect who designed the Albert Memorial and Midland Grand Hotel at St Pancras station
Scott, Sir Giles Gilbert (1880-1960), grandson of the above, responsible for red telephone boxes, Bankside
power station (now Tate Modern), Waterloo bridge and the Anglican cathedral in Liverpool
Scottish Enterprise
Scottish parliament
members are MSPs
scottish terrier
not scotch; once known as Aberdeen terrier
scouse, scouser
seacoast, seaplane, seaport, seashore, seaside, seaweed
sea change, sea level, sea serpent, sea sickness
Séamus, Seán
note accents in Irish Gaelic; sean without a fada means old
seas, oceans
uc, eg Black Sea, Caspian Sea, Pacific Ocean
spring, summer, autumn, winter, all lc
section 28
not sieze
self-control, self-defence, self-esteem, self-respect
TM; say sticky tape
The following sentence, from a column by David McKie, illustrates perfectly how to use the semicolon: “Some
reporters were brilliant; others were less so”
abbreviate to Sr not Sen or Snr, eg George Bush Sr
TheGuardian style guide
© Guardian Newspapers Limited
September 11 (9/11 is acceptable)
The official death toll (revised January 2004) of the victims of the Islamist terrorists who hijacked four aircraft on
September 11 2001 is 2,973. The figure includes aircraft passengers and crews, but not the 19 hijackers. Of this
total, 2,749 died in the attacks on the twin towers of the World Trade Centre (1,541 have been identified from
remains at Ground Zero), 184 were killed in the attack on the Pentagon, and 40 died when their plane crashed
into a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania.
The hijackers were: Fayez Ahmed, Mohamed Atta, Ahmed al-Ghamdi, Hamza al-Ghamdi, Saeed al-Ghamdi, Hani
Hanjour, Nawaf al-Hazmi, Salem al-Hazmi, Ahmed al-Haznawi, Khalid al-Mihdhar, Majed Moqed, Ahmed al-Nami,
Abdulaziz al-Omari, Marwan al-Shehhi, Mohannad al-Shehri, Wael al-Shehri, Waleed al-Shehri, Satam al-Suqami
and Ziad Jarrah (though dozens of permutations of their names have appeared in the paper, we follow Reuters
style as for most Arabic transliterations)
noun Serbian adjective: the Serbs ousted the Serbian dictator Slobodan Milosevic
sergeant major
Sergeant Major Trevor Prescott, subsequently Sgt Maj (not RSM or CSM) Prescott
Serious Fraud Office
SFO on second mention
serjeant at arms
services, the
armed forces
Sex and the City
not Sex in the City
sexing up
From the editor:
Guardian readers would rather we did give them the unvarnished truth — or our best stab at it. It seems obvious
enough. But inside many journalists — this goes for desk editors as much as reporters — there is a little demon
prompting us to make the story as strong and interesting as possible, if not more so. We drop a few excitable
adjectives around the place. We overegg. We may even sex it up.
Strong stories are good. So are interesting stories. But straight, accurate stories are even better. Readers who
stick with us over any length of time would far rather judge what we write by our own Richter scale of news
judgments and values than feel that we’re measuring ourselves against the competition. Every time we flam a
story up we disappoint somebody — usually a reader who thought the Guardian was different.
We should be different. Of course we compete fiercely in the most competitive newspaper market in the world. Of
course we want to sell as many copies as possible. We’ve all experienced peer pressure to write something as
strongly as possible, if not more so. But our Scott Trust ownership relieves us of the necessity to drive
remorselessly for circulation to the exclusion of all else. In other words, we don’t need to sex things up, and we
TheGuardian style guide
© Guardian Newspapers Limited
From a reader:
“Can I suggest your style guide should state that homosexual, gay, bisexual and heterosexual are primarily
adjectives and that use of them as nouns should be avoided. It seems to me that this is both grammatically and
politically preferable (politically because using them as nouns really does seem to define people by their
sexuality). I would like to read that someone is ‘homosexual', not ‘a homosexual', or about ‘gay people', not ‘gays'.
Lesbian is different as it is a noun which later began to be used adjectivally, not the other way round. As an
example from Wednesday, the opening line ‘Documents which showed that Lord Byron … was a bisexual rather
than ‘was bisexual’ sounds both Daily Mail-esque and stylistically poor.”
shakeout, shakeup
Shankill Road
sharia law
Shepherd Market
Mayfair Shepherd’s Bush west London
or the Shetland Isles but never “the Shetlands”
Shia, Sunni
two branches of Islam (note: not Shi’ite); plural Shia Muslims and Sunni Muslims, though Shias and Sunnis are
fine if you are pushed for space
not feminine: it ran aground, not she ran aground
shipbuilder, shipbuilding, shipmate, shipowner, shipyard
not shoe-in
not Shoreham on Sea
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© Guardian Newspapers Limited
Short money
payment to opposition parties to help them carry out their parliamentary functions, named after Ted Short, the
Labour leader of the house who introduced it in 1975
Siamese twins
do not use: they are conjoined twins
not seige
Tuscan city sienna pigment
computer chips silicone breast implants
Singaporean names
in three parts, eg Lee Kuan Yew
Singin' in the Rain
not Singing
single quotes
in headlines (but sparingly), standfirsts and captions
past tense sank, past participle sunk: he sinks, he sank, he has sunk
Sinn Féin
siphon not syphon
ski, skis, skier, skied, skiing
usually only of a trawler
Smith & Wesson
Smithsonian Institution
not Institute
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© Guardian Newspapers Limited
socialism, socialist
c unless name of a party, eg Socialist Workers party
social security benefits
all lc, income support, working tax credit, etc
sod's law
queen of Spain
means self-styled, not so-called
Guardian journalists should use anonymous sources sparingly. We should — except in exceptional circumstances
— avoid anonymous pejorative quotes. We should avoid misrepresenting the nature and number of sources, and
we should do our best to give readers some clue as to the authority with which they speak. We should never,
ever, betray a source. See appendix: the editors guidelines on the identification of sources
South Bank
south south London, south-west England, the south-east, etc
southern hemisphere
south pole
Southport Visiter
a newspaper, not to be confused with the Visitor, Morecambe
spaghetti western
Spanish names and accents
Be aware that the surname is normally the second last name, not the last, which is the mother's maiden name, eg
the writer Federico García Lorca – known as García in Spain rather than Lorca – should be García Lorca on
second mention. Note also that the female name Consuelo ends with an “o” not an “a”.
A guide to accents follows. If in doubt do an internet search (try the word with and without an accent) and look for
reputable Spanish language sites, eg big newspapers:
Surnames ending -ez
TheGuardian style guide
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take an accent over the penultimate vowel, eg Benítez, Fernández, Giménez, Gómez, González, Gutiérrez,
Hernández, Jiménez, López, Márquez, Martínez, Núñez, Ordóñez, Pérez, Quiñónez, Ramírez, Rodríguez, Sáez,
Vásquez, Vázquez, Velázquez. Exception: Alvarez; note also that names ending -es do not take the accent, eg
Martines, Rodrigues.
Other surnames
Aristízabal, Beltrán, Cáceres, Calderón, Cañizares, Chevantón, Couñago, Cúper, Dalí, De la Peña, Díaz, Forlán,
García, Gaudí, Miró, Muñoz, Olazábal, Pavón, Sáenz, Sáinz, Valdés, Valerón, Verón.
Adán, Alán, Andrés, César, Darío, Elías, Fabián, Ginés, Héctor, Hernán, Iñaki, Iñés, Iván, Jesús, Joaquín, José,
Lucía, María, Martín, Matías, Máximo, Míchel, Raúl, Ramón, Róger, Rubén, Sebastián, Víctor
The forenames Ana, Angel, Alfredo, Alvaro, Cristina, Diego, Domingo, Emilio, Ernesto, Federico, Fernando,
Ignacio, Jorge, Juan, Julio, Luis, Marta, Mario, Miguel, Pablo and Pedro do not usually take accents.
Asunción, Bogotá, Cádiz, Catalonia, Córdoba, La Coruña, Guantánamo Bay, Guipúzcoa, Jaén, Jérez, León,
Medellín, Potosí, San Sebastián, Valparaíso.
Sports teams, etc
América, Atlético, El Barça (FC Barcelona), Bernabéu, Bolívar, Cerro Porteño, Deportivo La Coruña, Huracán,
Málaga, Peñarol,
Note:Spanish is an official language in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican
Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama,
Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, Spain, Uruguay and Venezuela,
Spanish practices, Spanish customs
old Fleet Street expressions to be avoided
span of years
1995-99; but between 1995 and 1999, not between 1995-99
spare-part surgery
avoid this term
do not use
Speaker, the (Commons) but deputy speaker (of whom there are several)
usually redundant
Special Immigration Appeals Commission
Siac or “the commission” on second mention
she spelled it out for him:“the word is spelt like this
TheGuardian style guide
© Guardian Newspapers Limited
Spice Girls
Victoria Beckham was Posh Spice; Melanie Brown was Scary Spice; Emma Bunton was Baby Spice; Melanie
Chisholm was Sporty Spice; Geri Halliwell was Ginger Spice
not spicey
prices (and other things) can spiral down as well as up; try a less cliched word that doesn’t suggest a circular
split infinitives
The English-speaking world may be divided into (1) those who neither know nor care what a split infinitive is; (2)
those who do not know, but care very much; (3) those who know and condemn; (4) those who know and
distinguish. Those who neither know nor care are the vast majority, and are happy folk, to be envied.”
HW Fowler, Modern English Usage, 1926
It is perfectly acceptable to sensibly split infinitives, and stubbornly to resist doing so can sound awkward and
make for ambiguity: “the workers are declared strongly to favour a strike” raises the question of whether the
declaration, or the favouring, is strong.
George Bernard Shaw got it about right after an editor tinkered with his infinitives: “I don't care if he is made to go
quickly, or to quickly go — but go he must!”
she spoiled her son: in fact he was a spoilt brat
spokesman, spokeswoman
are preferable to “spokesperson”, but if possible attribute a quote to the organisation, eg “The AA said … ”
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© Guardian Newspapers Limited
Try to avoid: we are under no obligation to carry sponsors' names. So London Marathon, not Flora London
Marathon, etc. When a competition is named after a sponsor, it is unavoidable: Nationwide League, AXA League
plural spoonfuls
square brackets
use for interpolated words in quotations, eg Mr Howard said: “Iain [Duncan Smith] has my full support”
square metres
not the same as metres squared: eg 300m squared is 90,000 sq m which is very different to 300 sq m; we often
get this wrong
offensive, do not use
plural stadiums
cling from the ceiling stalagmites grow from the ground
do not use to mean deadlock or impasse; a stalemate is the end of the game, and cannot be broken or resolved
not stomp
state of the union address
not moving stationery writing materials
steamboat, steamhammer, steamship
steam engine
sten gun
step change
avoid; change is usually adequate
stepfather, stepmother
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(the pound)
sticky-back plastic
plural stilettos
still life
plural still lifes
plural stimuli
stock in trade
stock market, stock exchange
plural storeys (buildings)
strait of Dover, strait of Hormuz, etc
Strategic Rail Authority
SRA on second mention
plural strata
Street-Porter, Janet
stretchered off
do not use; say carried off on a stretcher
stumbling block
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but style guide
subcommittee, subcontinent, subeditor, sublet, sublieutenant, subplot, subsection
The author Somerset Maugham noted more than 50 years ago: “The subjunctive mood is in its death throes, and
the best thing to do is put it out of its misery as soon as possible.” Would that that were so. Most commonly, it is a
third person singular form of the verb expressing hypothesis, typically something demanded, proposed, imagined:
he demanded that she resign at once, I propose that she be sacked, she insisted Jane sit down. The subjunctive
is particularly common in American English and in formal or poetic contexts: If I were a rich man, etc. It can sound
hyper-correct or pretentious, so use common sense; Fowler notes that is is “seldom obligatory”
submachine gun
are boats, not ships
subpoena, subpoenaed
Guardian journalists should exercise particular care in reporting suicide or issues involving suicide, bearing in
mind the risk of encouraging others. This applies to presentation, including the use of pictures, and to describing
the method of suicide. Any substances should be referred to in general rather than specific terms. When
appropriate a helpline number (eg the Samaritans) should be given. The feelings of relatives should also be
carefully considered
Super Bowl
Marks & Spencer or M&S, Morrisons, Safeway, Sainsbury’s, Tesco (no wonder people get confused about
every new face who makes a name for herself these days is labelled a supermodel; model is sufficient
not supercede
supply, supply days
Sure Start
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prefer rise or increase, if that is the meaning; but surge is preferable to “upsurge”
not swop
swath, swaths
broad strip, eg cut a wide swath swathe, swathes baby clothes, bandage, wrappings
We are more liberal than any other newspaper, using words such as cunt and fuck that most of our competitors
would not use.
The editor's guidelines:
First, remember the reader, and respect demands that we should not casually use words that are likely to offend.
Second, use such words only when absolutely necessary to the facts of a piece, or to portray a character in an
article; there is almost never a case in which we need to use a swearword outside direct quotes.
Third, the stronger the swearword, the harder we ought to think about using it.
Finally, never use asterisks, which are just a copout
plural synopses
beware of ambiguous or incongruous sentence structure: “a man was charged with exposing himself in court
synthesis, synthesise, synthesiser
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plural tableaux
table d'hote
singular and plural
Taiwanese names
like Hong Kong and Korean names, these are in two parts with a hyphen, eg Lee Teng-hui
adjective Tajik
noun take off verb
Takeover Panel
plural (means “students of Islamic knowledge”)
talk to
not talk with
tam o'shanter
woollen cap
TM; say tampon
the Transport and General Workers’ Union rebranded
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not Tangiers
Irish prime minister (prime minister is also acceptable)
targeted, targeting
tarot cards
The original London gallery in Millbank, now known as Tate Britain, houses British art from the 16th century; Tate
Modern, at Southwark, south London, Tate Liverpool and Tate St Ives, in Cornwall, all house modern art
tax avoidance
is legal tax evasion is illegal
taxi, taxiing
of aircraft
capital of Georgia
teabag, teacup, teapot, teaspoon
Sports teams take plural verbs: Australia won by an innings, Wednesday were relegated again, etc; but note that
in a business context they are singular like other companies, eg Leeds United posted its biggest loss to date
TM; say teamaker
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© Guardian Newspapers Limited
TM; say non-stick pan
telephone numbers
hyphenate after three or four-figure area codes, but not five-figure area codes: 020-7278 2332, 0161-832 7200;
01892 456789, 01227 123456; treat mobile phone numbers as having five-figure area codes: 07911 654321
they are: Tinky Winky (purple); Laa-Laa (yellow); Dipsy (green); and Po (red)
television shows
chatshow, gameshow, quizshow, talkshow
thus: 30C (85F) — ie celsius, with fahrenheit in brackets on first mention; but be extremely wary (or don’t bother)
converting temperature changes, eg an average temperature change of 2C was wrongly converted to 36F in an
article about a heatwave (although a temperature of 2C is about the same as 36F, a temperature change of 2C
corresponds to a change of about 4F)
Ten Commandments
not tendonitis
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© Guardian Newspapers Limited
We’ve Only Just Begun was playing on the radio. He began to drink; in fact he drank so much, he was drunk in
no time at all. He sank into depression, knowing that all his hopes had been sunk. Finally, he sneaked away. Or
perhaps snuck away (according to Pinker, the most recent irregular verb to enter the language).
See burned, dreamed, learned, spelled, spoiled
terrace houses
not terraced
Terrence Higgins Trust
A terrorist act is directed against victims chosen either randomly or as symbols of what is being opposed (eg
workers in the World Trade Centre, tourists in Bali, Spanish commuters). It is designed to create a state of terror in
the minds of a particular group of people or the public as a whole for political or social ends. Although most
terrorist acts are violent, you can be a terrorist without being overtly violent (eg poisoning a water supply or
gassing people on the underground).
Does having a good cause make a difference? The UN says no: “Criminal acts calculated to provoke a state of
terror in the general public are in any circumstances unjustifiable, whatever the considerations of a political,
philosophical, ideological, racial, ethnic, religious or other nature that may be invoked to justify them."
Whatever one's political sympathies, Palestinian suicide bombers, al-Qaida, most paramilitary groups in Northern
Ireland, and Eta can all reasonably be regarded as terrorists (or at least groups some of whose members
perpetrate terrorist acts).
This doesn't mean that we don't have to be very careful about using the term: it is still a subjective judgment (one
person’s terrorist may be another person’s freedom fighter). Often, alternatives such as militants, radicals,
separatists, etc, may be more appropriate and less controversial, but this is a difficult area: references to the
“resistance”, for example, imply more sympathy to a cause than calling such fighters “insurgents”. The most
important thing is that, in news reporting, we are not seen — because of the language we use — to be taking
not Tesco's
tax-exempt special savings account, replaced by Isas
(cricket) the third Test, etc
a person; the adjective is Texas: Texas Ranger, Texas oilwells, Texas tea, etc
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© Guardian Newspapers Limited
do not use automatically after the word “said”, but it can be useful: you tend to read a sentence such as “he said
nothing by way of an explanation would be forthcoming” as “he said nothing by way of an explanation” and then
realise that it does not say that at all; “he said that nothing by way of an explanation would be forthcoming” is
much clearer
that or which?
that defines, which informs: this is the house that Jack built, but this house, which Jack built, is now falling down
Leaving “the” out often reads like jargon: say the conference agreed to do something, not “conference agreed”;
the government has to do, not “government has to”; the Super League (rugby), not “Super League”.
Avoid the “chancellor Gordon Brown” syndrome: do not use constructions such as “chancellor Gordon Brown
said”. Prominent figures can just be named, with their function at second mention: “Gordon Brown said last night”
(first mention); “the chancellor said” (subsequent mentions). Where it is thought necessary to explain who
someone is, write “Neil Warnock, the Sheffield United manager, said” or “the Sheffield United manager, Neil
Warnock, said”. In such cases the commas around the name indicate there is only one person in the position, so
write “the Tory leader, Michael Howard, said” (only one person in the job), but “the former Tory prime minister John
Major said” (there have been many).
lc for newspapers (the Guardian), magazines (the New Statesman), pubs (the Coach and Horses), bands (the
Beatles, the Black Eyed Peas, the The), sports grounds (the Oval); uc for books (The Lord of the Rings), films
(The Matrix), poems (The Waste Land), television shows (The West Wing), and placenames (The Hague)
no apostrophe
TM; say vacuum flask
one word
Third Reich
third way
third world
lc, but developing countries is preferable
thoroughbred, thoroughgoing
threefold, threescore
three-line whip
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Tiananmen Square
not Tientsin
tidal wave
just what it says it is
huge wave caused by an underwater earthquake
tikka masala
1am, 6.30pm, etc; 10 o'clock last night but 10pm yesterday; half past two, a quarter to three, etc; for 24-hour
clock, 00.47, 23.59
not tidbit
Do not italicise or put in quotes titles of books, films, TV programmes, paintings, songs, albums or anything else.
Words in titles take initial caps except for a, and, for, from, in, of, the, to (except in initial position): A Tale of Two
Cities, Happy End of the World, Shakespeare in Love, The God of Small Things, War and Peace, Who Wants to
Be a Millionaire?, etc. Exception:the Review. See italics
as in “what a to-do!
Tolkien, JRR
(1892-1973) British author and philologist, notable for writing The Lord of the Rings and not spelling his name
plural tomatoes
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© Guardian Newspapers Limited
not ton: the metric tonne is 1,000kg (2,204.62lb), the British ton is 2,240lb, and the US ton is 2,000lb; usually
there is no need to convert
top 10, top 40, etc
top hat
plural tornadoes (storm) Tornado plural Tornados (aircraft)
a tortuous road — one that winds or twists torturous a torturous experience — one that involves pain or suffering
Tory party
totalisator, the tote
Toussaint, Allen
US blues musician
Toussaint, Jean
US jazz musician
Toussaint L’Ouverture, Pierre Dominique
(1743-1803) leader of Haiti’s slave revolt of 1791 and subsequent fight for independence, which was granted in
town councillor, town hall
Townshend, Pete
member of the Who who didn't die before he got old
(TM) Take care: use a generic alternative unless there is a very good reason not to, eg ballpoint pen, not biro
(unless it really is a Biro, in which case it takes a cap B); say photocopy rather than Xerox, etc
trade union, trade unionist, trades union council, Trades Union Congress (TUC)
use with care, especially avoiding cliches such as “tragic accident”
Transport for London
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TfL on second mention
Trans-Siberian railway
uc: they are recognised as an ethnic group under the Race Relations Act
Treasury, the
lc, eg Geneva convention, treaty of Nice
how to refer to Star Trek fans unless you want to make fun of them, in which case they are Trekkies
French and Irish
trade-related intellectual property rights
soldier in a cavalry regiment
member of a troupe, or dependable worker
trooping the colour
tropic of cancer, tropic of capricorn
the Troubles
(Northern Ireland)
try to
never “try and”, eg “I will try to do something about this misuse of language”
not czar
tsetse fly
not tee-shirt
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wave caused by an undersea earthquake; not a tidal wave
tube, the
lc (London Underground is the name of the company); individual lines thus: Jubilee line, Northern line, etc; the
Trades Union Congress, so TUC Congress is tautological; the reference should be to the TUC conference
does not mean apathetic or sluggish — that's torpid — but swollen, congested, or (when used of language)
pompous or bombastic
turkish delight
adjective Turkmen; its citizens are Turkmen, singular Turkman
(singular noun and adjective is Turkoman) are a formerly nomadic central Asian people who now form a minority
in Iraq; they speak Turkmen
noun turn over verb
21st century
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Uighur, Uighurs
the Uighur people, particularly of the Xinjiang region in China
no “the”; adjective Ukrainian
acceptable in headlines to mean Northern Ireland, which in fact comprises six of the nine counties of the province
of Ulster
formerly known as Ayers Rock, though Ayers Rock can be used in headlines
University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology, due to merge with the University of Manchester and
Manchester Metropolitan University
In German placenames, ae, oe and ue should almost always be rendered ä, ö, ü. Family names, however, for the
most part became petrified many years ago and there is no way of working out whether the e form or the umlaut
should be used; you just have to find out for each individual
no need to spell out United Nations, even at first mention
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation; no need to spell it out
UN general assembly
United Nations high commissioner for refugees; not commission (although the name stands for both the high
commissioner and the refugee agency s/he fronts)
Unicef United Nations Children's Fund; no need to spell it out
UN secretary general
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UN security council
UN world food programme
underestimate, understate
take care that you don’t mean overestimate or overstate (we often get this wrong)
underground, the
but London Underground for name of company
under way
not underway
means not taking an interest; not synonymous with disinterested, which means unbiased, objective
union flag
not union jack
(Northern Ireland), lc except in the name of a party, eg Ulster Unionist party
United Kingdom
England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland; no need to write in full, say Britain or the UK
cap up, eg Sheffield University, Johns Hopkins University, Free University of Berlin
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University College London
no comma; UCL after first mention
Unknown Soldier
tomb of the
up to date
but in an up-to-date fashion
for United States, not USA; no need to spell out, even at first mention; America is also acceptable
adjective Uzbek
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(roman) for versus, not vs: England v Australia, Rushden &Diamonds v Sheffield Wednesday, etc
abbreviation for Victoria and Albert Museum
Val d’Isère
Valuation Office Agency
VOA after first mention
formerly New Hebrides
Vargas Llosa, Mario
Peruvian writer and politician
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value added tax; no need to spell it out
VE Day
May 8 1945
VJ Day
August 15 1945
Vehicle Inspectorate
Velázquez, Diego
(1599-1660) Spanish painter
not veldt
open to bribery
easily forgiven
venetian blind
not verandah
recorded by coroners; returned by inquest juries
usually very redundant
veto, vetoes, vetoed, vetoing
a cleric of the Anglican church (which also has rectors and curates, etc), not of any other denomination
vice-chairman, vice-president
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vie, vying
Villa-Lobos, Heitor
(1887-1959) Brazilian composer
plural virtuosos
vocal cords
not chords
plural volcanos
plural vortexes
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wah-wah pedal
Wales Office
not Welsh Office
walking stick
ice-cream, sausages
(wireless application protocol) phones
do not say “before/after the war” when you mean the second world war
first world war, second world war
Gulf war
Iraq war
Crimean, Boer, Korean, Vietnam wars
hundred years war
War of Jenkins' Ear
Was (Not Was)
defunct US rock band
Waste Land, The
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poem by TS Eliot (not The Wasteland)
watercolour, watercourse, watermark, waterproof, waterworks
Watford Gap
a service area on the M1 in Northamptonshire, named after a nearby village 80 miles north of London; nothing to
do with the Hertfordshire town of Watford, with which it is sometimes confused by lazy writers who think such
phrases as “anyone north of the Watford Gap” a witty way to depict the unwashed northern hordes
web, webpage, website, world wide web
in kilograms with imperial conversion, eg 65kg (10st 2lb)
Weight Watchers
to fail to honour an obligation, not welsh
Welch Regiment, Royal Welch Fusiliers
Welsh assembly
members are AMs
welfare state
Welsh, Irvine
Scottish author
welsh rarebit
west, western, the west, western Europe
(cowboy film)
West Bank
west coast mainline
West Country
Westminster Abbey
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US pulp and paper company
say (if relevant) that someone uses a wheelchair, not that they are “in a wheelchair” or “wheelchair-bound” —
stigmatising and offensive, as well as inaccurate
means where from, so don’t write “from whence”
singular: her whereabouts is not known
plural whiskies; but Irish and US whiskey
lc in racial context
white paper
not Whitsun
who or whom?
From a Guardian report: “The US kept up the pressure by naming nine Yugoslav military leaders operating in
Kosovo whom it said were committing war crimes.” The “whom” should have been “who”. That one was caught by
the sub, but it is a common mistake.
If in doubt, ask yourself how the clause beginning who/whom would read in the form of a sentence giving he, him,
she, her, they or them instead: if the who/whom person turns into he/she/they, then “who” is right; if it becomes
him/her/them, then it should be “whom”.
In the story above, “they” were allegedly committing the crimes, so it should be “who”.
In this example: “Blair was attacked for criticising Howard, whom he despised” — “whom” is correct because he
despised “him”.
But in “Blair criticised Howard, who he thought was wrong” — “who” is correct, because it is “he” not “him” who is
considered wrong.
Use of “whom” has all but disappeared from spoken English, and seems to be going the same way in most forms
of written English too. If you are not sure, it is much better to use “who” when “whom” would traditionally have
been required than to use “whom incorrectly for “who”, which will make you look not just wrong but wrong and
TheGuardian style guide
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Widdecombe, Ann
Tory cabinet minister turned Guardian agony aunt
wide awake
TM; the generic term is wireless computer network
houses Wimpy burgers
not Lake Windermere; note that Windermere is also the name of the town
lc, whether taking their name from a region (eg beaujolais, bordeaux, burgundy, chablis, champagne) or a grape
variety (eg cabernet sauvignon, chardonnay, merlot, muscadet).
The regions themselves of course are capped up: so one might drink a burgundy from Burgundy, or a muscadet
from the Loire valley; as are wines of individual chateaux, eg I enjoyed a glass of Cos d'Estournel 1970
wing commander
abbreviate on second mention to Wing Co; Wing Commander Barry Johnson, subsequently Wing Co Johnson
noun wipe out verb
wits' end
as in “she’s a total wiz at maths”, not whiz or whizz
working tax credit
replaced the working families tax credit
World Bank
world championship
World Cup
(football, cricket, rugby)
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World Health Organisation
WHO (caps) on second mention
world heritage site
World Series
It is a baseball myth that this event got its name from the New York World: originally known as the World's
Championship Series, it had nothing to do with the newspaper. However, it has become tedious every time the
World Series comes round to see its name cited as an example of American arrogance so please don't do it
World Trade Centre, Ground Zero
but the twin towers
but world wide web
with guilt, not wracked; rack and ruin
World Wrestling Entertainment, formerly the World Wrestling Federation
the organisation that used to be known as the World Wide Fund for Nature (or, in the US, World Wildlife Fund)
wishes to be known simply by its initials
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xenophobe, xenophobia, xenophobic
TM; say photocopy
South African ethnic group and language
city in China where the Terracotta Warriors are located
avoid; use Christmas unless writing a headline, up against a deadline, and desperate
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(the company)
say 2004, not “the year 2004”; for a span of years use hyphen, thus: 2004-05 not 2004/5
Yellow Pages
not “the Yemen”
yes campaign, no campaign
not Yes or “yes” campaign
Yo-Yo Ma
North Yorkshire, South Yorkshire, West Yorkshire but east Yorkshire
Yorkshire dales
but North York Moors national park
yorkshire pudding, yorkshire terrier
Yorkshire Ripper
Young, Lady
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full title Lady Young of Old Scone (Labour): chairman of English Nature; Lady Young of Farnworth (Tory), a former
leader of the Lords and staunch defender of section 28, died in 2002
no apostrophe
Chinese currency; we don’t call it renminbi
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Zapatero, José Luis Rodríguez
Spanish politician; Mr Zapatero on second mention
Zellweger, Renée
Zephaniah, Benjamin
plural zeros
Zeta-Jones, Catherine
“The queen takes counsel and tea" (Alexander Pope)
an example of gay slang (see Polari), used in the fashion industry and on US television shows such as Will and
Grace and Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, it has various shades of meaning: (noun) clothing, ornamentation;
(verb) zhoosh your hair, zhoosh yourself up; zhooshy (adjective) showy
no hyphen
Polish unit of currency
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